Book picks similar to
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation by Naresh K. Malhotra
Consumer Behavior
Leon G. Schiffman - 1978
The Thirty-two mini-cases help readers learn by applying the theory, drawing on current business news to demonstrate specific consumer behavior concepts. This edition now includes thirty-two Active Learning mini-cases. A clear consumer decision making model is set out in each chapter to facilitate learning-- presented in the first chapter, this model serves as a structural framework for the concepts-- the building blocks-- examined in the following chapters. The book's final chapter ties all of these concepts together so readers see the interrelationships and relevance of individual concepts to consumer decision-making. For those studying consumer behavior and/or marketing.
Marketing Management
Philip Kotler - 1967
This is the 12th edition of 'Marketing Management' which preserves the strengths of previous editions while introducing new material and structure to further enhance learning.
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy
Christopher Lovelock - 1991
Organized around a strategic marketing framework"Services Marketing" guides readers into the consumer and competitive environments in services marketing. The marketing framework has been restructured for this edition to reflect what is happening in services marketing today.
Business Research Methods
Alan Bryman - 2004
The strengths and weaknesses of each research method are examined to help students choose an appropriate methodology, and the wider philosophical issues and ethical controversies that affect business research are discussed to help students make informed research decisions.The book examines in depth the distinction between quantitative and qualitative research techniques and how and when they should be used, and marries theoretical issues with topical case examples from a number of work-related fields (such as management, strategy, and marketing). It has also been comprehensively updated to reflect the growing use of the internet as a source of data and medium for conducting research, and places new emphasis on the student experience of research by relating the activities of real student researchers back to the research process.New to this Edition - Brand new chapter on reviewing the literature that introduces the steps involved in undertaking a critical review to help students get the most out of their reading and build a strong platform for further research. - Themed boxes that focus on examples of real, published research, key concepts, and practical tips and skills to help students grasp core principles sooner and apply their learning to new research situations. - Expanded online research guide that takes students step-by-step through their research project and provides essential research advice, checklists, templates, and case exercises to help students become more engaged and organized researchers.
Marketing: An Introduction
Gary M. Armstrong - 1984
Its coverage balances upon three essential pillars: (1) theory and concepts; (2) practices and applications; and (3) effective learning tools. A four-part organization details topics under the headings of: understanding marketing and the marketing management process, assessing opportunities in a dynamic marketing environment, developing marketing strategy and the marketing mix, and extending marketing. For individuals interested in taking an intriguing, discovery-filled journey to the business of marketing--in sales forces, retailing, advertising, research, or any other areas.
Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach
Uma Sekaran - 2001
* The issues in cross-national research in sampling and data collection are thoroughly discussed. * The qualitative-quantitative aspects of research are brought together through a case study on the final chapter.
Strategic Market Management
David A. Aaker - 2007
I found this book unique in its capacity to benefit executives, planning staff, and students of strategy alike." -- Robert L. Joss, Dean of the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University Create successful strategies for today's dynamic business environment It isn't your Dad's (or Mom's) marketplace any more. Business environments once seemed quite stable and simple. Today, every market can be described as dynamic, and you need to adapt your strategies in order to counter the threats and maximize your opportunities. The Eighth Edition of Strategic Market Management is designed to give you the strategic management tools you need to meet the challenges created by the dynamic nature of markets. Using a variety of concepts and methods such as strategic questions, portfolio models, and scenario analysis, the book outlines the five competencies that spark successful, ongoing strategizing: Strategic analysis--With an emphasis on external market analysis, this new edition illustrates a structured approach to understanding the customer, the competitor, and important trends that you can apply to your strategic decision making Stimulating and managing innovation--Understand different types of innovation and deal with the organizational challenges involved in bringing innovations to market Managing multiple businesses--Know how to allocate resources towards businesses of the future and away from businesses that lack growth potential Creating advantage--Take a long-term perspective to develop truly sustainable competitive advantages (SCAs) Developing growth strategies--Gain the skills to energize, leverage, globalize the business, or create new businesses Significantly revised, with a wealth of new and updated material, Strategic Market Management, 8th Edition remains the most authoritative guide to creating business strategies that will be relevant and compelling to customers, sustainable even in face of competitive attack, and maximize the assets and competencies of your organization.
Introduction to Management Accounting
Charles T. Horngren - 1981
'Introduction to Management Accounting' describes both theory and common practices so students understand how to produce information that's useful in day-to-day decision making.
Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being
Michael R. Solomon - 1992
In this textbook on consumer behaviour the author looks at how the field of marketing is influenced by the actions of consumers and also how we, as consumers, are influenced by marketers.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Financial Times Series)
Martin Christopher - 1994
This is a sustainable source of advantage in todays turbulent global marketplace, where demand is difficult to predict and supply chains need to be more flexible as a result. In fact, the real competition today is not between companies, but between supply chains. The winning approach to supply chains is an integrated perspective that takes account of networks of relationships, sustainability and product design, as well as the logistics of procurement, distribution, and fulfilment. Logistics and Supply Chain Management examines the tools, core processes and initiatives that ensure businesses gain and maintain their competitive advantage. The fourth edition has been completely updated and now contains four new chapters covering:· managing supply chain relationships· product design in the supply chain· matching supply and demand · creating a sustainable supply chain
Front Flap
The updated 4th edition of the bestselling Logistics and Supply Chain Management is the practical guide to all the key topics in an integrated approach to supply chains, including:
The link between logistics and customer value
Logistics and the bottom line measuring costs and performance
Creating a responsive supply chain
Managing the global pipeline
Managing supply chain relationships
Managing risk in the supply chain
Matching supply and demand
Creating a sustainable supply chain
Product design in the supply chain
Back Flap
About the author
Martin Christopher is Chairman of the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He has written numerous books and articles and is on the editorial advisory board of a several professional journals. Until recently he was co-editor of The International Journal of Logistics Management and his latest books have focused upon relationship marketing, logistics and supply chain management. He has held appointments as Visiting Professor at the Universities of British Columbia, Canada, New South Wales, Australia and South Florida, USA. Professor Christopher is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport and the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. In 1987 he was awarded the Sir Robert Lawrence medal of the Institute of Logistics and Transport for his contribution to the development of logistics education in Britain. In 2005 he was awarded the Distinguished Service Award of the USA Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals. In 2007 he was designated as Foundation Professor by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. Martin has also worked as a consultant for major international companies in North America, Europe, the Far East and Australasia.
Group Dynamics
Donelson R. Forsyth - 1990
Forsyth builds each chapter around a real-life case and draws on examples from a range of disciplines including psychology, law, education, sociology, and political science. Because he tightly weaves concepts and familiar ideas together, the text takes students beyond simple exposure to basic principles and research findings to a deeper understanding of each topic.
Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
George E. Belch - 1997
It includes very comprehensive coverage of Agency issues and creative work and how it is related to the IMC mix. The authors understand that marketers must look beyond traditional media in order to achieve success. In order to best communicate with consumers, advertisers must utilize a myriad of tools (advertising, public relations, direct marketing, interactive/Internet marketing, sales promotion, and personal selling); Belch/Belch is the first book to reflect the shift from the conventional methods of advertising to the more widely recognized approach of implementing an integrated marketing communications strategy. The text underscores the importance of recognizing that a firm must use all promotional tools available to convey a unified message to the consumer. The integrated marketing communications perspective (the theme of the text) catapults the reader into the business practices of the 21st century.
Organisasi dan Manajemen: Perilaku, Struktur, Proses
James L. Gibson - 1900
Given this theme, Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, and Konopaske, present and interpret organizational behavior theory and research so that students can comprehend the three characteristics common to all organizations-behavior, structure, and processes-as affected by actions of managers. The text is organized and presented in a sequence based on behavior, structure, and process. Each part has been presented as a self-contained unit and can therefore be presented in whatever sequence the instructor prefers. The text is easily adaptable to these individual preferences. This edition emphasizes that the most successful managers in the global economy will be those who can anticipate, adapt, and manage change.
Operations Management: Processes & Supply Chains
Lee J. Krajewski - 1987
"Operations Management" provides readers with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues. This text uses a systemized approach while focusing on issues of current interest. The latest edition of this text has been revised to integrate a supply chain orientation.
Principles of Managerial Finance
Lawrence J. Gitman - 1976
point-by-point at the end of the chapters and noted in the assignment material. More logically, the chapter on the analysis of financial statements is now placed immediately after the chapter on financial statements, enabling students to use rational analysis to interpret material while it is still fresh in their minds. An instructor's manual is also available.