Best of
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction
Trevor Hastie - 2001
With it has come vast amounts of data in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing. The challenge of understanding these data has led to the development of new tools in the field of statistics, and spawned new areas such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Many of these tools have common underpinnings but are often expressed with different terminology. This book describes the important ideas in these areas in a common conceptual framework. While the approach is statistical, the emphasis is on concepts rather than mathematics. Many examples are given, with a liberal use of color graphics. It should be a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry. The book's coverage is broad, from supervised learning (prediction) to unsupervised learning. The many topics include neural networks, support vector machines, classification trees and boosting—the first comprehensive treatment of this topic in any book. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman are professors of statistics at Stanford University. They are prominent researchers in this area: Hastie and Tibshirani developed generalized additive models and wrote a popular book of that title. Hastie wrote much of the statistical modeling software in S-PLUS and invented principal curves and surfaces. Tibshirani proposed the Lasso and is co-author of the very successful An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Friedman is the co-inventor of many data-mining tools including CART, MARS, and projection pursuit.
The Anatomy Coloring Book
Wynn Kapit - 2001
Organized according to body systems, each of the 170 plates featured in this book includes an ingenious color-key system where anatomical terminology is linked to detailed illustrations of the structures of the body. Often imitated, never duplicated. New! Lay-flat binding makes coloring easier. New! 8 plates have been added: Accessory Structures of the Skin, Temporomandibular Joint, Upper Limb: Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint, Upper Limb: Elbow Joints, Lower Limb: Male and female Pelves, Lower Limb: Sacroiliac and Hip Joints, Lower Limb: Knee Joints, Somatic Visceral Receptors. New! 7 additional sections: Skeletal and Articular Systems, Skeletal Muscular System, Central Nervous System, Central Nervous System: Cavities and Coverings, Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Human Development.
Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible
J. Scott Duvall - 2001
This book equips readers with principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to specific genres and contexts. This second edition now contains an updated bibliography, a new chapter on inspiration and canon, and new exercises.
Engineering Mathematics
K.A. Stroud - 2001
Fully revised to meet the needs of the wide range of students beginning engineering courses, this edition has an extended Foundation section including new chapters on graphs, trigonometry, binomial series and functions and a CD-ROM
Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition
H.W. Janson - 2001
This seventh edition has been revised and expanded and six new authors have been selected. Every image from the previous edition has been enhanced/refreshed using modern imaging technology.
The Necessary Shakespeare
William Shakespeare - 2001
This anthology provides extensive introductions to the plays and poems-offering discussion topics, sources for each play, and the stage history of performances.
Netter's Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy
Jon C. Thompson - 2001
Jon C. Thompson presents the latest data in thoroughly updated diagnostic and treatment algorithms for all conditions while preserving the popular at-a-glance table format from the previous edition. You'll get even more art from the Netter Collection as well as new radiologic images that visually demonstrate the key clinical correlations and applications of anatomical imaging. For a fast, memorable review of orthopaedic anatomy, this is a must-have.Maintains the popular at-a-glance table format that makes finding essential information quick and convenient.Contains useful clinical information on disorders, trauma, history, physical exam, radiology, surgical approaches, and minor procedures in every chapter.Lists key information on bones, joints, muscles, and nerves in tables correlate to each Netter image.Highlights key material in different colors-pearls in green and warnings in red-for easy reference. Features both plain film and advanced radiographic (CT and MRI) images, along with cross-sectional anatomic plates for an even more thorough visual representation of the material.Includes additional common surgical approaches to give you a broader understanding of techniques.Incorporates reorganized Complicated Arthology tables for large joints, such as the shoulder, knee, and hip, for increased clarity and to incorporate new artwork and additional clinical correlations.Reflects new data and current diagnostic and treatment techniques through updates to the Disorders and Fractures sections and the Physical Exam and Anatomic tables in each chapter.Presents the very latest developments in the field through thoroughly updated diagnostic and treatment algorithms for all clinical conditions.
Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems
Peter Dayan - 2001
This text introduces the basic mathematical and computational methods of theoretical neuroscience and presents applications in a variety of areas including vision, sensory-motor integration, development, learning, and memory.The book is divided into three parts. Part I discusses the relationship between sensory stimuli and neural responses, focusing on the representation of information by the spiking activity of neurons. Part II discusses the modeling of neurons and neural circuits on the basis of cellular and synaptic biophysics. Part III analyzes the role of plasticity in development and learning. An appendix covers the mathematical methods used, and exercises are available on the book's Web site.
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge - 2001
The book makes clear that applied microeconometrics is about the estimation of marginal and treatment effects, and that parametric estimation is simply a means to this end. It also clarifies the distinction between causality and statistical association. The book focuses specifically on cross section and panel data methods. Population assumptions are stated separately from sampling assumptions, leading to simple statements as well as to important insights. The unified approach to linear and nonlinear models and to cross section and panel data enables straightforward coverage of more advanced methods. The numerous end-of-chapter problems are an important component of the book. Some problems contain important points not fully described in the text, and others cover new ideas that can be analyzed using tools presented in the current and previous chapters. Several problems require the use of the data sets located at the author's website.
Israel M. Gelfand - 2001
It originates in the study of geometry when we investigate the ratios of sides in similar right triangles, or when we look at the relationship between a chord of a circle and its arc. It leads to a much deeper study of periodic functions, and of the so-called transcendental functions, which cannot be described using finite algebraic processes. It also has many applications to physics, astronomy, and other branches of science. It is a very old subject. Many of the geometric results that we now state in trigonometric terms were given a purely geometric exposition by Euclid. Ptolemy, an early astronomer, began to go beyond Euclid, using the geometry of the time to construct what we now call tables of values of trigonometric functions. Trigonometry is an important introduction to calculus, where one stud- ies what mathematicians call analytic properties of functions. One of the goals of this book is to prepare you for a course in calculus by directing your attention away from particular values of a function to a study of the function as an object in itself. This way of thinking is useful not just in calculus, but in many mathematical situations. So trigonometry is a part of pre-calculus, and is related to other pre-calculus topics, such as exponential and logarithmic functions, and complex numbers.
Pocket Primary Care
Meghan M. Kiefer - 2001
This easy-to-use, loose-leaf resource contains current evidence-based practices, accepted best practices, and expert guidance from physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, including appropriate workups and when to refer. From counseling patients on insomnia to diagnosing STIs, from interpreting PFTs to treating osteoporosis, this revised second edition supports your clinical decision making and helps you meet everyday challenges in your practice.
The Handbook of Japanese Verbs
Taeko Kamiya - 2001
It is no wonder that they should feel the need for a solid reference book, one they can continually turn to throughout their studying careers. The Handbook of Japanese Verbs is just that book.The Introduction takes the first step toward comprehension by pointing out the features of Japanese verbs that stand in contrast to their English counterparts, such as tense, politeness level, auxiliaries, and transitive and intransitive forms.Part 1 shows through tables and concise commentary how Japanese verbs are categorized, conjugated, and combined with auxiliaries. Each form is followed by a short exercise, reinforcing the points just made.Part 2 takes up the forms described in the first part and shows how they function in full-fledged sentences. Each discussion is followed by examples and exercises, ensuring that the student has understood the forms under discussion.In the appendices, the student is offered a number of look-up methods, including an English-Japanese verb dictionary. This completes the apparatus necessary for a solid handbook on Japanese verbs, a book students can rely on for many years to come
The Gazer Within
Larry Levis - 2001
Refreshingly candid, laugh-out-loud funny, and, at the same time, intimate, the pieces trace Larry Levis's early years growing up on his father's farm, his decision at sixteen to become a poet, and his undergraduate experience in the days of the Vietnam War. In addition to memoir, there are critical reviews, including his seminal essay on the poet Philip Levine, and reviews of poets as diverse as W. D. Snodgrass and Zbigniew Herbert.David St. John's foreword speaks eloquently of Levis's enduring legacy: "Of the poets of his generation, Larry Levis spoke most powerfully of what it means to be a poet at this historical moment. With the same majesty he brought to his poetry, Larry Levis engaged his readers with the most subtle and disturbing questions of the self to be found in the prose--essays, reviews or interviews--of any contemporary American poet. Broadly international in his scope and deeply personal in his reflections, Levis addressed poetic concerns that are both immediate and timeless. For many of us who struggle with these issues, Larry Levis's prose on poetry stands as some of the most capacious to be found since Randell Jarrell's."The late Larry Levis was the author of six volumes of poetry. He was Director of the Creative Writing Program, University of Utah; Professor of English, Virginia Commonwealth University; and also taught at the Iowa Writers Workshop.
Harrisons Manual of Medicine
Dan L. Longo - 2001
Turn to any page, and you'll find essential point-of-care guidance on all the major conditions seen in clinical medicine. Completely updated to reflect all the major advances and new clinical developments, the new edition of the Manual is the most indispensable yet. It continues to focus on diagnosis and therapy with an emphasis on patient care and offers authoritative, high-yield coverage of: Etiology and epidemiology Clinically relevant pathophysiology Signs & Symptoms o Differential Diagnosis Physical and Laboratory Findings Therapeutics o Practice GuidelinesNEW FEATURESFull-color presentation for the first time!Full-color images of clinical conditions encountered in dermatology, cardiology, and eye diseases New chapters on end-of-life care, congenital heart disease in the adult patient, non-invasive cardiac examination, and metabolic syndromeLook for these other great Harrison's titles:Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17eHarrison's Online available through
Statistical Inference
George Casella - 2001
Starting from the basics of probability, the authors develop the theory of statistical inference using techniques, definitions, and concepts that are statistical and are natural extensions and consequences of previous concepts. This book can be used for readers who have a solid mathematics background. It can also be used in a way that stresses the more practical uses of statistical theory, being more concerned with understanding basic statistical concepts and deriving reasonable statistical procedures for a variety of situations, and less concerned with formal optimality investigations.
Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Etiology and Assessment of Behavior Problems
Steven R. Lindsay - 2001
Coupled with Volume one, this text provides theoretical and practical framework for understanding the development and treatment of dog behaviour problems. Topics covered include Fear, anxiety and phobias, Separation-related problems, Hyperactivity, and Dominance, territorial, and fear-related aggression.The focus is to present and evaluate the relevant applied and scientific literature, and to highlight what remains to be learned, while the author introduces alternative ways for analysing and understanding the etiology of dog behaviour problems.
Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience
Eric J. Nestler - 2001
Anyone who wants to keep abreast of this rapidly emerging science needs to learn the fundamentals which this book would help facilitate. I highly recommend it."--"Doody's Review Service""Molecular Neuropharmacology" offers a clear, thorough explanation of the molecular functioning of the nervous system in normal and disease states. More than three hundred concept-clarifying full-color illustrations along with didactic text boxes provide an in-depth understanding of nerve cell receptors, their effectors and second messenger targets, and the molecular genetics that are often impacted by these systems. You will also learn how malfunction of these molecular systems relates to human disease and the corresponding medical treatment."Molecular Neuropharmacology" is the most relevant, well-written resource available to help you make the connection between neuropharmacology and clinical neuroscience.Numerous figures and didactic boxes help you understand and remember complex subject matter for efficient, on-the-spot review. The book's all-inclusive, high-yield coverage includes: The fundamentals of neuropharmacology Neural substrates of drug action The neuropharmacology of specific functions and disorders--encompassing control of movement, mood and emotion, memory and dementia, and other vital areas NEW! A streamlined redesign that makes the book even more practical and accessible than ever NEW! More illustrations--all 300 now in full color!
Aeneid: Selections from Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12
Virgil - 2001
Book by Barbara Weiden Boyd
Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications
Nouredine Zettili - 2001
It combines the essential elements of the theory with the practical applications. Containing many examples and problems with step-by-step solutions, this cleverly structured text assists the reader in mastering the machinery of quantum mechanics. * A comprehensive introduction to the subject * Includes over 65 solved examples integrated throughout the text * Includes over 154 fully solved multipart problems * Offers an indepth treatment of the practical mathematical tools of quantum mechanics * Accessible to teachers as well as students
Natural Curiosity 2nd Edition: A Resource for Educators: Considering Indigenous Perspectives in Children's Environmental Inquiry
Doug Anderson - 2001
The driving motivation for a second edition was the burning need, in the wake of strong and unequivocal recommendations by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to situate Indigenous perspectives into the heart of Canadian educational settings and curricula, most notably in connection with environmental issThe second edition of Natural Curiosity supports a stronger basic awareness of Indigenous perspectives and their importance to environmental education. The driving motivation for a second edition was the burning need, in the wake of strong and unequivocal recommendations by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to situate Indigenous perspectives into the heart of Canadian educational settings and curricula, most notably in connection with environmental issues.The Indigenous lens in this edition represents a cross-cultural encounter supporting what can become an ongoing dialogue and evolution of practice in environmental inquiry. Some important questions are raised that challenge us to think in very different ways about things as fundamental as the meaning of knowledge.New in the Second Edition: Revision of the four branches of environmental inquiry (Lorraine Chiarotto), by Julie Comay; Indigenous lenses on each of the branches by Doug Anderson; 16 new educator stories; ues.
Dogs: The Ultimate Guide to Over 1,000 Dog Breeds
Desmond Morris - 2001
The entries are accompanied by over 500 line drawings, which express the character of the dogs represented in a way that photographs often fail to capture. Divided into four m
Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Number Sense, Addition, and Subtraction
Catherine Twomey Fosnot - 2001
The Dutch do. So, funded by the NSF and Exxon, Mathematics in the City was begun, a collaborative inservice project that pooled the best thinking from both countries. In Young Mathematicians at Work, Catherine Fosnot and Maarten Dolk reveal what they learned after several years of intensive study in numerous urban classrooms. The first in a three-volume set, Young Mathematicians at Work focuses on young children between the ages of four and eight as they construct a deep understanding of number and the operations of addition and subtraction. Rather than offer unrelated activities, Fosnot and Dolk provide a concerted, unified description of development, with a focus on big ideas, progressive strategies, and emerging models. Drawing from the work of the Dutch mathematician Hans Freudenthal, they define mathematics as mathematizingthe activity of structuring, modeling, and interpreting one's lived world mathematically. And they describe teachers who use rich problematic situations to promote inquiry, problem solving, and construction, and children who raise and pursue their own mathematical ideas.In contrast to other books on math reform, Young Mathematicians at Work provides a new look at the teaching of computation. It moves beyond the current debate about algorithms to argue for deep number sense and the development of a repertoire of strategies based on landmark numbers and operations. Sample minilessons on the use of the open number line model are provided to show you how to support the development of efficient computation.
Medical Terminology:The Basics
BarCharts, Inc. - 2001
This 6-page chart covers every aspect of the structure of medical terminology and its use in the field.Chart includes detailed information on:· foundation of medical words· the human body· terminology sets· five senses· synonyms· glossary
Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes
Shirley Sahrmann - 2001
The diagnostic categories, associated muscle and movement imbalances, recommendations for treatment, examination, exercise principles, specific corrective exercises, and modification of functional activities for case management are described in detail. This book is designed to give practitioners an organized and structured method of analyzing the mechanical cause of movement impairment syndrome, the contributing factors, and a strategy for management.* Provides the tools for the physical therapist to identify movement imbalances, establish the relevant diagnosis, develop the corrective exercise prescription and carefully instruct the patient about how to carry out the exercise program. * Authored by the acknowledged expert on movement system imbalances. * Covers both the evaluation process and therapeutic treatment. * Detailed descriptions of exercises for the student or practitioner. * Includes handouts to be photocopied and given to the patient for future reference.
Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction
Heidi McHugh Pendleton - 2001
The text focuses on occupation-based practice in the context of working with physical disabilities, and takes a client-centered approach. New chapters and expert contributors bring a fresh approach to the text. New content on motor control and learning, prevention, and cultural diversity is integrated throughout.Information on motor control and learning, and prevention Cultural diversity/sensitivityEvidence-based contentCase examplesClient-centered perspectiveOT practice frameworkThreaded Case Study boxes lOccupational Therapy Practice Notes boxesEthical Considerations boxesGlossaryNew chapters include:Occupational Therapy Practice Framework and the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and HealthInstructional Methods in Occupational TherapyPerformance Skills: Definitions and Evaluation in the Context of the Occupational Therapy Practice FrameworkMotor RelearningCompletely revised chapters include:Health Promotion and Wellness for People with Physical DisabilitiesDocumentation of Occupational Therapy ServicesLeisure OccupationsEvaluation of Sensation and Intervention for Sensory DysfunctionPersonal and Social Contexts of Disability: Implications for Occupational Therapists
Biology for the IB Diploma: Standard and Higher Level
Andrew Allott - 2001
It is highly illustrated and concepts are precisely and clearly described. Higher level material is clearly indicated. All option material is covered. Students can use this book not only as a revision and practice guide for the exam but for learning and reinforcing concepts throughout the course.
Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series)
Paul Wilmott - 2001
Adapted from the comprehensive, even epic, works Derivatives and Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, Second Edition, it includes carefully selected chapters to give the student a thorough understanding of futures, options and numerical methods. Software is included to help visualize the most important ideas and to show how techniques are implemented in practice. There are comprehensive end-of-chapter exercises to test students on their understanding.
How to Ace the Rest of Calculus: The Streetwise Guide, Including MultiVariable Calculus
Colin Conrad Adams - 2001
The sequel to How to Ace Calculus, How to Ace the Rest of Calculus provides humorous and highly readable explanations of the key topics of second and third semester calculus—such as sequences and series, polor coordinates, and multivariable calculus—without the technical details and fine print that would be found in a formal text.
Available Means: An Anthology Of Women'S Rhetoric(s)
Joy S. Ritchie - 2001
But not without peril. Sappho’s writing remains only in fragments, partly due to the passage of time, but mostly as a result of systematic efforts to silence women’s voices. Sappho’s hopeful boast captures the mission of this anthology: to gather together women engaged in the art of persuasion—across differences of race, class, sexual orientation, historical and physical locations—in order to remember that the rhetorical tradition indeed includes them.Available Means offers seventy women rhetoricians—from ancient Greece to the twenty-first century—a room of their own for the first time. Editors Joy Ritchie and Kate Ronald do so in the feminist tradition of recovering a previously unarticulated canon of women’s rhetoric. Women whose voices are central to such scholarship are included here, such as Aspasia (a contemporary of Plato’s), Margery Kempe, Margaret Fuller, and Ida B. Wells. Added are influential works on what it means to write as a woman—by Virginia Woolf, Adrienne Rich, Nancy Mairs, Alice Walker, and Hélène Cixous. Public “manifestos” on the rights of women by Hortensia, Mary Astell, Maria Stewart, Sarah and Angelina Grimké, Anna Julia Cooper, Margaret Sanger, and Audre Lorde also join the discourse. But Available Means searches for rhetorical tradition in less obvious places, too. Letters, journals, speeches, newspaper columns, diaries, meditations, and a fable (Rachel Carson’s introduction to Silent Spring) also find places in this room. Such unconventional documents challenge traditional notions of invention, arrangement, style, and delivery, and blur the boundaries between public and private discourse. Included, too, are writers whose voices have not been heard in any tradition. Ritchie and Ronald seek to “unsettle” as they expand the women’s rhetorical canon. Arranged chronologically, Available Means is designed as a classroom text that will allow students to hear women speaking to each other across centuries, and to see how women have added new places from which arguments can be made. Each selection is accompanied by an extensive headnote, which sets the reading in context. The breadth of material will allow students to ask such questions as “How might we define women’s rhetoric? How have women used and subverted traditional rhetoric?” A topical index at the end of the book provides teachers a guide through the rhetorical riches. Available Means will be an invaluable text for rhetoric courses of all levels, as well as for women’s studies courses.
Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics
Gerald Jay Sussman - 2001
The development is organized around a progressively more sophisticated analysis of particular natural systems and weaves examples throughout the presentation. Explorations of phenomena such as transitions to chaos, nonlinear resonances, and resonance overlaps to help the student to develop appropriate analytic tools for understanding. Computational algorithms communicate methods used in the analysis of dynamical phenomena. Expressing the methods of mechanics in a computer language forces them to be unambiguous and computationally effective. Once formalized as a procedure, a mathematical idea also becomes a tool that can be used directly to compute results.The student actively explores the motion of systems through computer simulation and experiment. This active exploration is extended to the mathematics. The requirement that the computer be able to interpret any expression provides strict and immediate feedback as to whether an expression is correctly formulated. The interaction with the computer uncovers and corrects many deficiencies in understanding.
Forensic DNA Typing: Biology, Technology, and Genetics of STR Markers
John M. Butler - 2001
The advent of modern DNA technology has resulted in the increased ability to perform human identity testing-desirable in a number of situations including the determination of perpetrators of violent crime such as murder and rape, resolving unestablished paternity, and identifying remains of missing persons or victims of mass disasters. The technology has been utilized in identifying remains from victims of the World Trade Center twin towers collapse following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the President Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal, and the identification of the remains in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Indeed, our perceptions of history have been changed with DNA evidence that revealed Thomas Jefferson fathered a child by one of his slaves. This book examines the science of current forensic DNA typing methods by focusing on the biology, technology, and genetic interpretation of short tandem repeat (STR) markers, which encompass the most common forensic DNA analysis methods used today. Ten new chapters have been added to accommodate the explosion of new information since the turn of the century.
The only book available that specifically covers detailed information on mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome
Chapters cover the topic from introductory level right up to "cutting edge" research
High-profile cases are addressed throughout the book, near the sections dealing with the science or issues behind these cases
NEW TO THIS EDITION: D.N.A. Boxes--boxed "Data, Notes & Applications" sections throughout the book offer higher levels of detail on specific questions
The Visual Story: Seeing the Structure of Film, TV and New Media
Bruce Block - 2001
An understanding of the visual components will serve as the guide in the selection of locations, set dressing, props, wardrobe, lenses, camera positions, lighting, actor staging, and editorial choices. The Visual Story divides what is seen on screen into tangible sections: contrast and affinity, space, line and shape, tone, color, movement, and rhythm. The vocabulary as well as the insight is provided to purposefully control the given components to create the ultimate visual story. For example: know that a saturated yellow will always attract a viewer's eye first; decide to avoid abrupt editing by mastering continuum of movement; and benefit from the suggested list of films to study rhythmic control. The Visual Story shatters the wall between theory and practice, bringing these two aspects of the craft together in an essential connection for all those creating visual stories.
Q&A Review of Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science
Anna P. Ciulla - 2001
A leader in the field, this text prepares candidates for the certification examinations by presenting them with the latest technology and methodology, as well as current test taking formats. Its large number of practice questions, variety of practice modes, and explanations for clarification prepare students for success on the Clinical Laboratory Science examinations (Medical Technology).
200 Puzzling Physics Problems: With Hints and Solutions
Peter Gnädig - 2001
These problems, chosen almost exclusively from classical (non-quantum) physics, are posed in accessible nontechnical language and require the student to select the right framework in which to analyze the situation. The book will be invaluable to undergraduates preparing for general physics papers. Some physics professors will even find the more difficult questions challenging. The mathematical prerequisites are minimal and do not go beyond elementary calculus. This intriguing book of physics problems will prove instructive, challenging and fun.
A Guide to Living in the Truth: St. Benedicts's Teaching on Humility
Michael Casey - 2001
Casey translates the ancient wisdom of Saint Benedict into the modern arena of capitalistic competition. He also demonstrates how people must stop regarding others as rivals and be content with what we have because it is a waste of time to envy those who possess qualities different than our own. Humble individuals are content with both the gifts and limitations inherent in who they are. Paperback
The Human Body: Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!
Jay L. Wile - 2001
It is important that your student finish a first year biology course and a first year chemistry course before attempting The Human Body. Your student will study 11 organ systems in detail. This includes frank illustrations and descriptions.
Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System [with Student Consult Online Access]
Abul K. Abbas - 2001
The format makes learning easy with short, easy-to-read chapters, color tables, key point summaries, and review questions in every chapter. You'll get the latest coverage on regulatory T cells, biology of the Th17 subset of CD4+ T cells, and more. The full-color artwork, comprehensive glossary, and clinical cases are just some of the features that reinforce and test your understanding of how the immune system functions. Student Consult online access lets you search the full text online and pursue further study through integration links.
Covers the most up-to-date immunology information including regulatory T cells, and biology of the Th17 subset of CD4+ T cells to keep you completely current.
Features integration links through included STUDENT CONSULT access for more in-depth study.
Relates basic science to clinical disorders through clinical cases for better application in a real-world setting.
Provides a full Glossary to keep you on the cutting edge of immunologic terminology.
Includes appendices summarizing the features of CD Molecules, a handy Glossary, and Clinical Cases that test your understanding of how the immune system functions in health and disease.
Presents beautiful full-color artwork for enhanced visual learning.
Essential Entomology: An Order-By-Order Introduction
George C. McGavin - 2001
Covers all the important groups on a worldwide basis and explains what makes insects successful. The book is in three sections: first is a straightforward introduction to insect biology; followed by a section on field work; lastly an order-by-order catalog of the insects giving essential facts and details of life-histories, highlighting what makes each order distinct. To make the material as accessible as possible, the information for each order is presented in a standard manner and is written in a straighforward style with as little technical language as possible. Essential terms are fully explained in context with marginal notes. A pictoral guide, specially commissioned by Richard Lewington, is included to aid in the identification of the orders.
Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems
Theodore Wildi - 2001
The scope of the book reflects the changes that have occurred in power technology, allowing the entrance of power electronics into every facet of industrial drives, and expanding the field to open more career opportunities.
Basic Vocabulary in Use
Michael McCarthy - 2001
The book contains 60 units that cover approximately 1,200 new vocabulary items. It also offers an index with phonetic transcriptions, a complete answer key, and an Audio CD. An edition without answers, suitable for classroom use, is also available.
Jesus, M.D.: A Doctor Examines the Great Physician
David Stevens - 2001
His touch extended grace to the sick and sinful of ancient Palestine and left a miracle in its wake. And his ministry hasn't ceased. Today, he looks for willing hearts and hands through which he can heal a needy world.Dr. David Stevens knows. His eleven years at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya have shown him more than the drama and sacrifice of missionary medicine. In Jesus, M.D. Dr. Stevens shares the insights he has gained into the character, power, and purposes of the Great Physician and what it means for you to follow in his footsteps.This is more than a book of dramatic, true-life stories. It is an inspiring and challenging invitation to partner with Jesus in his "practice," accompanying him on his rounds to people whose lives he wants to make whole. Discover how to participate with him in bringing his healing touch to your corner of the world. You don't need a medical education--just determination to trust God as your "attending physician," your mentor, your source of guidance, discipline, and encouragement.Dr. Stevens takes you inside stories from the Bible to obtain challenging perspectives and life-changing truths. You'll also get an inside look at life-or-death surgeries; the tense, powerful relationship between resident and attending physicians; the overcrowded patient quarters of a missionary hospital; what it's like to improvise an emergency facial reconstruction; and much more. Best of all, you'll gain surprising insights from the life and methods of Jesus, the ultimate doctor, in his ministry to desperately needy people two thousand years ago . . . and today.Electrifying, moving, and thought-provoking, Jesus, M.D. will help you see your relationship with God and your world in a brand-new light. Your life is filled with incredible possibilities waiting to unfold one by one as you walk in the presence and provision of Dr. Jesus.
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing
Betty R. Ferrell - 2001
Edited by renowned nursing experts Betty Ferrell and Nessa Coyle and written by a dynamic team of internationally known authorities in nursing and palliative medicine, the book contains 78 chapters which cover the gamut of the palliative nursing world. The volume's scope is broad to incorporate principles of care from the time of the initial diagnosis of a terminal disease to the end of a patient's life and beyond. This text is distinctively developed to highlight the nurse's vital role as part of an integrated palliative care team. Various care settings are discussed including the hospital, ICU, home care, and hospice settings. While the book does provide some information on disease and pathophysiology when appropriate, the chapters focus on the practical aspects of nursing care, including symptom assessment, patient teaching, family support, psychosocial aspects of palliation, and spiritual care. All of the chapters have been completely updated and reorganized to incorporate new research and emerging models of care. This updated volume includes over 10 new chapters, including an extensively update section on international models of palliative care. In addition, there are many new ethics discussions covering a range of topics from pediatric palliative care to the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment. The text is authoritative and fully evidence-based, without ever losing sight of the humanity and sensitivity necessary in palliative nursing.
Anatomy & Physiology for Midwives
Jane Coad - 2001
This edition ties theory to practice more closely, and updates all research-based information and references for further reading. From first principles to current research, it utilizes case studies for reflection. This comprehensive and well-illustrated textbook is an essential resource for all students of midwifery.A comprehensive review of anatomy and physiology applicable to midwifery - from first principles through to current researchLearning outcomes and key points facilitate studyExtensively illustrated with line diagrams for maximum clarityCase studies and boxes illustrate application of principles to clinical practiceOne continuous case study illustrating various aspects of anatomy and physiology at different stages of pregnancyCutting edge information on reproduction and sexual developmentExpansion of 'Application to Practice' content
User's Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Gordon Guyatt - 2001
The new second edition of this landmark resource is now completely revised and refreshed throughout, with expanded coverage of both basic and advanced issues in using evidence-based medicine in clinical practice.FEATURES: Completely revised and updated to reflect the enormous expansion in medical research and evidence-based resources since the first edition Innovative organization guides you from the fundamentals of using the medical literature to the more advanced strategies and skills for use in every day patient care situations Abundant and current real-world examples drawn from the medical literature are woven throughout, and include important related principles and pitfalls in using medical literature in patient care decisions Practical focus on the key issues in evidence-based practice: What are the results? Are the results valid? How to I apply to results to the care of my patients? More than 60 internationally recognized editors and contributors from the U.S., Canada, South America, Europe, and Asia -- the best of the best in the discipline NEW coverage on how to: --Avoid being misled by biased presentations of research findings --Interpret the significance of clinical trials that are discontinued early --Influence clinician behavior to improve patient care --Apply key strategies for teaching evidence-based medicine Also look for, a new interactive database for the best practice of evidence based medicine.
McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy
Peter H. Abrahams - 2001
The 6th Edition offers new endoscopic images, 250 new dissection photos (including eight pages of new dissections on lymphatics), and 300 new clinical thumbnails. A bonus DVD - new to this edition - includes 1,000 additional photos not found in the text, as well as questions and answers that accompany each section from the book.
Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
Steven N. Byers - 2001
This one-of-a-kind text offers comprehensive coverage of all of the major topics in the field of forensics with accuracy, intensity, and clarity. Extensive illustrations and photos ensure that the text is accessible for students. As one reviewer says, There is no other source available that is so comprehensive in its coverage of the methods and issues in the current practice of forensic anthropology. Another raves, The first edition has been a big hit with my students, and I have been very pleased with the ease with which this text has corresponded to my class lecture structure...I am anxiously awaiting the next edition!
Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary with CD-ROM, 27e (Dorland's Medical Dictionary)
W.A. Newman Dorland - 2001
It provides the accurate, clear, up-to-date definitions people expect from Dorland' a highly compact, easy-to-use format. Now it's better than ever!
Delivers 2,500 new entries - 37,000 in all -encompassing all of the most important new medical terms and definitions, including new drug names.
Presents the most complementary and alternative medicine coverage available in any small medical dictionary.
Offers an expanded full-color insert illustrating the structure and function of the human body.
Includes a CD-ROM with Dorland's Electronic Medical Speller, Version 4.0 at no added cost, allowing you to quickly and easily add 400,000 medical terms to your computer's spell checker.
Uses a new two-color design to make reference easier.
Features content based on Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 30th Edition - today's most comprehensive, state-of-the-art medical terminology source.
With all of these enhancements, plus the traditional excellence that users have come to trust, this best-selling resource continues to deliver far greater reference.
Goodman and Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Randa Hilal-Dandan - 2001
Derived from "Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics," Twelfth Edition and further updated, this streamlined text focuses on the principles of medical pharmacology and drug therapy and delivers coverage of all major drug classes.More than a pocket drug guide, this powerful resource covers: General Principles Neuropharmacology Modulation of Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, and Renal Function Inflammation, Immunomodulation, and Hematopoiesis Hormones and Hormone Antagonists Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Function Chemotherapy of Microbial Diseases Chemotherapy of Neoplastic Diseases Special Systems Pharmacology, including Environmental ToxicologyThe text explains the physiology and pathophysiology of major organ systems and pathogens with respect to pharmacotherapy and the mechanisms of drug action. With a new full color design and numerous tables, charts, and illustrations that highlight, explain, and summarize important information, "Goodman & Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics" is essential wherever knowledge of drug actions and interactions is required. Nursing, pharmacy, and medical students will find the Manual to be a concise and authoritative textbook.
Mars: A New View of the Red Planet
Giles Sparrow - 2001
This giant volume, filled with the latest and most magnificent images to be sent back from Curiosity, will walk you in the footsteps of the NASA probes and rovers that have been surveying the planet from 1964 until the present day. Experience its other-worldly beauty as you hover over sinister dust devils, immense icecaps and textured rock formations. Mars charts an incredible course across this unfamiliar planet, depicting all sides, seasons, channels and chasms, from the North Pole to the Southern Highlands. Witness the soaring heights of Olympus Mons - the tallest volcano in the Solar System - watch a giant dust storm tear through the canyons of the Valles Marineris, and explore the broad valleys of Chryse Planitia, scarred from catastrophic floods. Detailed and accessible essays explain how Mars was formed, shedding light on its internal and external structure, weather systems and unique geographical features, as well as on the compelling evidence of water and microscopic life. Each image is accompanied by a caption that explains in unparalleled detail the abstract patterns and peculiar geology that form this majestic planet. Featuring over 200 spectacular photographs and informative colour diagrams, an atlas of the surface and details of the most recent scientific discoveries, Mars is the perfect introduction to the Red Planet. Ideal for: Perfect book for all astronomy enthusiasts. This hardback book has 224 pages and measures: 43 x 36 x 3cm
Algebraic Topology
Allen Hatcher - 2001
This introductory text is suitable for use in a course on the subject or for self-study, featuring broad coverage and a readable exposition, with many examples and exercises. The four main chapters present the basics: fundamental group and covering spaces, homology and cohomology, higher homotopy groups, and homotopy theory generally. The author emphasizes the geometric aspects of the subject, which helps students gain intuition. A unique feature is the inclusion of many optional topics not usually part of a first course due to time constraints: Bockstein and transfer homomorphisms, direct and inverse limits, H-spaces and Hopf algebras, the Brown representability theorem, the James reduced product, the Dold-Thom theorem, and Steenrod squares and powers.
Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design
Dava Newman - 2001
This work includes coverage of space flight, the design process, with integrated multimedia that provides animations and QuickTime movies, and Matlab based simulations.
All the Mathematics You Missed
Thomas A. Garrity - 2001
This book will offer students a broad outline of essential mathematics and will help to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. The author explains the basic points and a few key results of all the most important undergraduate topics in mathematics, emphasizing the intuitions behind the subject. The topics include linear algebra, vector calculus, differential and analytical geometry, real analysis, point-set topology, probability, complex analysis, set theory, algorithms, and more. An annotated bibliography offers a guide to further reading and to more rigorous foundations.
Mathematical Biology: I. An Introduction (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics) (Pt. 1)
James Dickson Murray - 2001
Providing an in-depth look at the practical use of math modeling, it features exercises throughout that are drawn from a variety of bioscientific disciplines - population biology, developmental biology, physiology, epidemiology, and evolution, among others. It maintains a consistent level throughout so that graduate students can use it to gain a foothold into this dynamic research area.
Steck-Vaughn GED: Mathematics
Steck-Vaughn - 2001
Single-subject titles give your learners as much focused instruction and authentic practice as they need. And no preparatory program matches Steck-Vaughn GED for depth and breadth of coverage of the skills and content tested by the GED.An easy-to-find tip in every lesson teaches a new study strategy or test-taking strategy to combat anxiety, increase confidence, and improve performance.Includes instruction in the use of the Casio fx-260, the official calculator of the GED Test.
Language Arts, Writing reflects the increased emphasis on business documents and introduces the newest GED content: organization questions.
Language Arts, Reading presentspassages from both literary and nonliterary texts, while developing skills in the newest GED cognitive level: synthesis.
The Essay prepares learners for thefour-point scoring rubric.
Social Studies features practical documents, graphics, and world history passages while teaching the higher-order thinking skills of application, evaluation, and analysis.
Steck-Vaughn GED comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. Your learners pass the GED, or we'll refund your money. Just send us your learner's completed workbook and evidence of the test score to get a full refund.
Science, with an increased emphasis on graphics, addresses higher-order thinking skills while introducing a new content area: Earth and space science.
Mathematics introduces alternative answer formats and statistics andprobability.
Timed-test practice and evaluation charts help track learners progress.
The instructional series developed specifically for the GED Tests!
When Children Grieve: For Adults to Help Children Deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving, and Other Losses
John W. James - 2001
Encouraging a child to bypass grief without completion can cause unseen long-term damage. When Children Grieve helps parents break through the misinformation that surrounds the topic of grief. It pinpoints the six major myths that hamper children in adapting to life’s inevitable losses. Practical and compassionate, it guides parents in creating emotional safety and spells out specific actions to help children move forward successfully.
In All Likelihood: Statistical Modelling and Inference Using Likelihood
Yudi Pawitan - 2001
The book emphasizes that the likelihood is not simply a device to produce an estimate, but more importantly it is a tool for modeling.The book generally takes an informal approach, where most important results are established using heuristic arguments and motivated with realistic examples. With currently available computing power, examples are not contrived to allow a closed analytical solution, and the book concentrates on the statistical aspects of the data modelling. In addition to classical likelihood theory, the book covers many modern topics such as generalized linear models, generalized linear mixed models, nonparametric smoothing, robustness, EM algorithm and empirical likelihood.--back cover
The Time Machines
Mike Ashley - 2001
This first volume looks at the exuberant years of the pulp magazines. It traces the growth and development of the science fiction magazines from when Hugo Gernsback launched the very first, Amazing Stories, in 1926 through to the birth of the atomic age and the death of the pulps in the early 1950s. These were the days of the youth of science fiction, when it was brash, raw and exciting: the days of the first great space operas by Edward Elmer Smith and Edmond Hamilton, through the cosmic thought variants by Murray Leinster, Jack Williamson and others to the early 1940s when John W. Campbell at Astounding did his best to nurture the infant genre into adulthood. Under him such major names as Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, A. E. van Vogt and Theodore Sturgeon emerged who, along with other such new talents as Ray Bradbury and Arthur C. Clarke, helped create modern science fiction. For over forty years magazines were at the heart of science fiction and this book considers how the magazines, and their publishers, editors and authors influenced the growth and perception of this fascinating genre.
Probability Theory
S.R.S. Varadhan - 2001
The necessary background material in measure theory is developed, including the standard topics, such as extension theorem, construction of measures, integration, product spaces, Radon-Nikodym theorem, and conditional expectation.
All Things Considered: Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese
Chih-p'ing Chou - 2001
It is ideal for students who have completed intermediate courses but need more language practice to prepare them for the complexity of advanced Chinese.The text is divided into two parts. The first section consists of twelve dialogues; the second is a selection of recent newspaper articles about contemporary Chinese society. A novel feature of All Things Considered is that several topics appear in both dialogue and essay forms. This repetition is designed to improve students' retention of grammar and vocabulary as well as to highlight differences between spoken and written Chinese.All of the articles and dialogues center on everyday issues in contemporary China. Several of the topics featured are controversial in the hope that they will spark students' interest and promote participation in class discussions.
Teaching Problems and the Problems of Teaching
Magdalene Lampert - 2001
Magdalene Lampert offers an original model of teaching practice that casts new light on the ways teachers can successfully deal with teaching problems.“Although the setting is mathematics, the value of Lampert’s book is broad, addressing the core issues that face anyone in education. This is one of the most important books about education to appear in the past decade. What Lampert writes is deep and compelling. The story is engaging, even gripping; I couldn’t put it down.”—Jim Stigler, author of The Learning Gap “Marvellous insight into the teacher’s craft. . . . A well-crafted, modest, richly pleasurable, even gripping, book, that says more about the challenges and pleasures of teaching (and learning) than a host of manuals could. You don’t need to be a mathematics teacher to enjoy it, although once you have read it, you may wish you were. Excellent.”—Michael Duffy, Times Educational Supplement“This book should be required reading for researchers of mathematics teaching, for teacher educators, and for teachers who wish to develop into reflective practitioners.”—Erna Yackel, Journal of Research in Mathematics Education“This very readable book is invaluable for teacher preparation colleges.”—Choice
Langenscheidt's Pocket Dictionary Japanese/English
Mayuko Akiyama - 2001
The Japanese-English section is arranged alphabetically according to pronunciation for ease of reference, and the Japanese characters are romanized. There are over 40,000 references, with careful distinction of all translation variants and thousands of phrases and idioms to illustrate typical usage.
Mosby's Medical, Nursing & Allied Health Dictionary
Douglas M. Anderson - 2001
Features over 3,000 new entries, more than 1,100 new illustrations, and a wealth of new appendices making this the most current, user-friendly dictionary available. With its large, easy-to-read typeface; strict alphabetical organization with no subentries; comprehensive definitions; detailed drug entries; and a Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, this dictionary offers easy access to comprehensive information.Meticulously revised and updated to reflect current health care practice, this bestselling dictionary gives students:Over 3,000 new entries and a wealth of new appendices detailing the most complete, current information.Thousands of illustrations and full-color photographs that bring terminology to life.Large, user-friendly type that makes each entry easy to read and understand.Strict alphabetical organization with no subentries that enables students to quickly look up any medical word.Comprehensive definitions written in clear, understandable language.Detailed drug entries that spell out key facts on commonly prescribed medications.A Color Atlas of Human Anatomy that serves as a convenient, visual review of body structure.A FREE companion website with updates and weblinks.- Approximately 3,000 new definitions have been added, representing all areas of nursing, medicine, and allied health, with special emphasis on definitions related to alternative therapies, new drugs, allied health professions, and changing developments in health care delivery. The selection of new entries was made based on the recommendations of our consultant board of more than 100 experts representing all disciplines and specialties- Existing entries have been reviewed for revision, and obsolete definitions have been deleted based on the recommendations of our consultant board. More than 10,000 definitions have been revised- All nursing diagnosis entries have been updated to reflect changes in terminology and the new taxonomy approved for 2001-2002, and subheadings for defining characteristics and related factors have been added to these definitions- Definitions have been added for all current NIC (Nursing Interventions Classifications) interventions and NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classifications) interventions- All tables have been updated and More than 1,200 illustrations have been replaced and updated, with more than 100 new illustrations being created specially for the dictionary- New appendixes have been added covering alternative therapies; new nutritional information; completely new or updated drug information; the manual alphabet; poison centers; key organization contact information, including Internet resources; Nursing Outcomes Classification; Nursing Interventions Classification; NANDA; and the Omaha Systems Classification- Appendixes have been thoroughly revised, updated, and streamlined based on market research to focus on the resources of greatest value to readersIncludes a FREE Website at version of 5th edition also available, ISBN: 84-8174-380-1
Planetary Sciences
Imke de Pater - 2001
The book explains the wide variety of physical, chemical and geological processes that govern the motions and properties of planets. Observations of the planets, moons, asteroids, comets and planetary rings in our Solar System, as well as extrasolar planets, are described, and the process of planetary formation is discussed.
Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems
Michael Negnevitsky - 2001
The principles behind these techniques are explained without resorting to complex mathematics.
Space Odyssey: Voyaging Through the Cosmos
William Harwood - 2001
With Space Odyssey, National Geographic presents the most comprehensive and far-reaching book on the subject to date, encompassing the origins of the universe, the space program in the new century, and everything in between. Written with his trademark humor and expertise, astronomer and space program insider Stephen P. Maran presents the mind-boggling complexities of the cosmos and space science in a straightforward way.In rich, fascinating detail, Maran describes what's out there, where the universe came from and where it's going, and examines how we might actually get to places that so far have only been navigated in science fiction. In addition, Maran lays out the truths and myths about solar sails, beanstalks, inertial drives, antigravity catapults, and other alternative technologies. Throughout, Space Odyssey is elegantly designed and lavishly illustrated with the most up-to-date, full-color photographs of the cosmos, from sources including the Hubble and Chandra telescopes.
Glencoe Literature: British Literature: The Reader's Choice
Beverly Ann Chin - 2001
- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Glencoe Literature for 2002 also makes new things familiar and familiar things new. Designed to meet the needs of today's classroom, Glencoe Literature has been developed with careful attention to instructional planning for teachers, strategic reading support, and universal access that meets the learning needs of all students.
Optical Properties of Solids
Mark Fox - 2001
The basic principles of absorption, reflection, luminescence, and light scattering are covered for a wide range of materials, including insulators, semiconductors and metals. The text starts with a review of classical optics, and then moves on to the treatment of optical transition rates by quantum theory. In addition to the traditional discussion of crystalline materials, glasses and molecular solids are also covered. The first edition included a number of subjects that are not normally covered in standard texts, notably semiconductor quantum wells, molecular materials, vibronic solid state lasers, and nonlinear optics. The basic structure of the second edition is unchanged, but all of the chapters have been updated and improved. Futhermore, a number of important new topics have been added, including: DT Optical control of spin DT Quantum dots DT Plasmonics DT Negative refraction DT Carbon nanostructures (graphene, nanotubes and fullerenes) DT NV centres in diamond The text is aimed at final year undergraduates, masters students and researchers. It is mainly written for physicists, but might also be useful for electrical engineers, materials scientists and physical chemists. The topics are written in a clear tutorial style with worked examples, chapter summaries and exercises. A solutions manual is available on request for instructors. Features * Up-to-date coverage of modern topics in solid state physics * Wide range of materials covered * Inclusion of important new topics compared to the first edition * Clear tutorial style with worked examples, exercises, and solutions * Well illustrated with recent experimental data * Important new topics have been added, including: DT Optical control of spin DT Quantum dots DT Plasmonics DT Negative refraction DT Carbon nanostructures (graphene, nanotubes and fullere
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Robert Zwanzig - 2001
It is the perfect introduction for anyone in chemistry or physics who needs an update or background in this time-dependent field. Topics covered include fluctuation-dissipation theorem; linear response theory; time correlation functions, and projection operators. Theoretical models are illustrated by real-world examples and numerous applications such as chemical reaction rates and spectral line shapes are covered. The mathematical treatments are detailed and easily understandable and the appendices include useful mathematical methods like the Laplace transforms, Gaussian random variables and phenomenological transport equations.
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide
Michael Poteet - 2001
Easy-to-use, reproducible lessons on literary terms, comprehension and analysis, critical thinking, related scriptural principles, vocabulary, activities, plus a complete answer key.
Pathology Secrets [with Student Consult Online Access]
Ivan Damjanov - 2001
Questions in this work discuss each condition in terms of pathology, etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical significance. It is useful for course work, exam preparation, or as a clinical refresher.
A Nation for All: Race, Inequality, and Politics in Twentieth-Century Cuba
Alejandro de la Fuente - 2001
The nationalist coalition that fought for Cuba's freedom, a movement in which blacks and mulattoes were well represented, had envisioned an egalitarian and inclusive country--a nation for all, as Jose Marti described it. But did the Cuban republic, and later the Cuban revolution, live up to these expectations?Tracing the formation and reformulation of nationalist ideologies, government policies, and different forms of social and political mobilization in republican and postrevolutionary Cuba, Alejandro de la Fuente explores the opportunities and limitations that Afro-Cubans experienced in such areas as job access, education, and political representation. Challenging assumptions of both underlying racism and racial democracy, he contends that racism and antiracism coexisted within Cuban nationalism and, in turn, Cuban society. This coexistence has persisted to this day, despite significant efforts by the revolutionary government to improve the lot of the poor and build a nation that was truly for all.
Green and Mathieson's the Voice and Its Disorders
Lesley Mathieson - 2001
The seventeen chapters are divided into three sections: normal voice, descriptions of the various types of voice disorders, and the methods of treating abnormal voice.
Weighing the Odds: A Course in Probability and Statistics
David Williams - 2001
He helps students build the intuition needed, in a presentation enriched with examples drawn from all manner of applications. Statistics chapters present both the Frequentist and Bayesian approaches, emphasizing Confidence Intervals rather than Hypothesis Test, and include Gibbs-sampling techniques for the practical implementation of Bayesian methods. A central chapter gives the theory of Linear Regression and ANOVA, and explains how MCMC methods allow greater flexibility in modeling. C or WinBUGS code is provided for computational examples and simulations.
Applied Optimization with MATLAB Programming
P. Venkataraman - 2001
By breaking down complex mathematical concepts into simple ideas and offering plenty of easy-to-follow examples, this text is an ideal introduction to the field. Examples come from all engineering disciplines as well as science, economics, operations research, and mathematics, helping readers understand how to apply optimization techniques to solve actual problems.This Second Edition has been thoroughly revised, incorporating current optimization techniques as well as the improved MATLAB(R) tools. Two important new features of the text are:Introduction to the scan and zoom method, providing a simple, effective technique that works for unconstrained, constrained, and global optimization problemsNew chapter, Hybrid Mathematics: An Application, using examples to illustrate how optimization can develop analytical or explicit solutions to differential systems and data-fitting problemsEach chapter ends with a set of problems that give readers an opportunity to put their new skills into practice. Almost all of the numerical techniques covered in the text are supported by MATLAB(R) code, which readers can download on the text's companion Web site and use to begin solving problems on their own.This text is recommended for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in all areas of engineering as well as other disciplines that use optimization techniques to solve design problems.
Mosby's Massage Therapy Review
Sandy Fritz - 2001
It gives you the practice and study tools you need for the NCE and MPLEx certification exams, state exams, and even mid-term or final exams. With complete coverage of the information you need to know to study more effectively and take tests more successfully, it helps you memorize terms, definitions, and key facts, all with an emphasis on critical thinking skills - a key part of any licensure or certification exam.The companion CD, packaged with the text, features two practice tests that match the electronic format of actual certification exams, mirror the content of the NCE and MPLEx exams (offered by NCBTMB and FSMTB), and offer immediate remediation for any areas of weakness.More than 1,300 review questions include the two types of questions on the NCE - factual recall and comprehension.Content review includes a detailed review of body systems and their applications to massage.A companion Evolve website helps you review with study tips plus games and activities.A new five-step review process lets you identify areas that need more attention as you study and prepare. Tips for studying and test taking; what to memorize; how to apply concepts and think critically help you hone test-taking skills better than ever before.A full-color design features 100 new illustrations showing massage techniques and Anatomy & Physiology.
Introduction to Statistical Physics
Silvio R. A. Salinas - 2001
It also treats some topics of more recent interest such as phase transitions and non-equilibrium phenomena. The presentation introducesmodern concepts, such as the thermodynamic limit and equivalence of Gibbs ensembles, and uses simple models (ideal gas, Einstein solid, simple paramagnet) and many examples to make the mathematical ideas clear. Frequently used mathematical methods are discussed in detail and reviews in an appendix. The book begins with a review of statistical methods and classical thermodynamics, making it suitable for students from a variety of backgrounds. Statistical mechanics is formulated in the microcanonical ensemble; some simple arguments and many examples are used to construct th canonical and grand-canonical ensembles. The discussion of quantum statistical mechanics includes Bose and Fermi ideal gases, the Bose-Einstein condensation, blackbody radiation, phonons and magnons. The van der Waals and Curoe-Weiss phenomenological models are used to illustrate the classical theories of phase transitions and critical phenomena; modern developments are intorducted with discussions of the Ising model, scaling theory, and renormalization-group ideas. The book concludes withy two chapters on nonequilibrium phenomena: one using Boltzmann's kinetic approach, and the other based on stochastic methods. Exercises at the end of each chapter are an integral part of the course, clarifying and extending topics discussed in the text. Hints and solutions can be found on the author's web site.
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual
David H. Barlow - 2001
Each chapter summarizes the clinical presentation, etiology, and diagnosis of the each of the most commonly enountered disorders; reviews the models or theories that guide intervention; and delineates step-by-step protocols for assessment and treatment, illustrated with transcripts and vignettes.
Cognitive Rehabilitation: An Integrative Neuropsychological Approach
McKay Moore Sohlberg - 2001
Now, more than a decade later, the discipline has come of age. This new volume provides a comprehensive overview of this fast-evolving field. More than a revised edition, the text reflects the dramatic impact of recent advances in neuroscience and computer technology, coupled with changes in service delivery models. The authors describe a broad range of clinical interventions for assisting persons with acquired cognitive impairments--including deficits in attention, memory, executive functions, and communication--and for managing associated emotional and behavioral issues. For each approach, theoretical underpinnings are reviewed in depth and clinical protocols delineated. Difficult concepts are explained in a clear, straightforward fashion, with realistic case examples bringing the material to life. Also included are samples of relevant assessment instruments, rating scales, and patient handouts. Throughout, the new volume emphasizes the need to work from a community perspective, providing a framework for forming collaborative partnerships with families and caregivers. It is an essential resource for professionals across a wide variety of rehabilitation specialties, and will serve as a text in courses on rehabilitation methods and neurogenic disorders.
Interactions 1 Listening/Speaking Student Book + e-Course Code: Silver Edition
Judith Tanka - 2001
Lanugage proficiencies are articulated across five ability levels (beginning through advanced) within each of the four language skill strands. Chapter themes articulate across the four skill strands to systematically recycle content, vocabulary, and grammar.New to the Silver Edition Teacher-approved, contemporary, full-color design - for Interactions Access and Interactions 1 and 2 reading and Listening/Speaking - showcases compelling instructional photos to strengthen the educational experience. Up-to-date, engaging global content appeals to the sophisticated, academic audience for "Interactions/Mosaic." Enhanced focus on vocabulary building, test takingm and critical thinking skills promotes academic achievement. Self-Assessment Logs encourage students to evaluate their learning. "Focus on Testing" stratgegies and activities for TOEFL iBT preparations build invaluable test-taking strategies. Skills index for each student book helps instructors match textbook content with curricular standards and objectives. Guided practice using a variety of graphic organizers provides students with organization tools for academic skill building. Best Practices approach in the "Teacher's Edition" promotes excellence in language teaching and learning.This high beginning to low intermediate level Listening/Speaking student book is accompanied by a key code for e-Course access.
The Great Conversation: Volume I: Pre-Socratics Through Descartes
Norman Melchert - 2001
Now in its sixth edition, this historically organized introductory text treats philosophy as a dramatic and continuous story--a conversation about humankind's deepest and most persistent concerns. Tracing the exchange of ideas among history's key philosophers, the book demonstrates that while constructing an argument or making a claim, one philosopher almost always has others in mind. It addresses the fundamental questions of human life: Who are we? What can we know? How should we live? and What sort of reality do we inhabit? The sixth edition retains the distinctive feature of previous editions: author Norman Melchert provides a generous selection of excerpts from major philosophical works and makes them more easily understandable to students with his lucid and engaging explanations. Ranging from the Pre-Socratics to Descartes, the selections are organized historically and include four complete works: Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito, and Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy. The author's commentary offers a rich intellectual and cultural context for the philosophical ideas conveyed in the excerpts. Extensive cross-referencing shows students how philosophers respond appreciatively or critically to the thoughts of other philosophers. The text is enhanced by two types of exercises--"Basic Questions" and "For Further Thought"--and more than twenty-five illustrations. NEW TO THE SIXTH EDITION: * Coverage of Taoism* Key terms, boldfaced throughout and listed at chapter ends* Brief and provocative quotations that stimulate thought and provoke questions* A new section on how to read philosophy* A new appendix: Writing a Philosophy Paper* A Companion Website at featuring resources for students including key points, flashcards, multiple-choice questions, and Internet resources* A revised Instructor's Manual and Test Bank containing key points, teaching suggestions, and multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay exam questions (available on the companion website and on CD) Also available to suit your course needs: The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy, Sixth Edition (combined volume covering the Pre-Socratics through Derrida, Quine, and Dennett) and The Great Conversation: Volume II: Descartes through Derrida and Quine (includes chapters 12-25 of the combined volume).
Shakespeare and the Arts of Language
Russ McDonald - 2001
Subsequent chapters define Shakespeare's main artistic tools and illustrate their poetic and theatrical contributions: Renaissance rhetoric, imagery and metaphor, blank verse, prose speech, and wordplay. The conclusion surveys Shakespeare's multiple and often conflicting ideas about language, encompassing both his enthusiasm at what words can do for us and his suspicion of what words can do to us.
Christianity and the Making of the Modern Family
Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2001
How did a religion whose founding proponents advocated a shocking disregard of earthly ties come to extol the virtues of the "traditional" family? In this richly textured history of the relationship between Christianity and the family, Rosemary Radford Ruether traces the development of these centerpieces of modern life to reveal the misconceptions at the heart of the "family values" debate.
Fundamentals of Convex Analysis
Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty - 2001
Its pedagogical qualities were particularly appreciated, in the combination with a rather advanced technical material. Now [18] hasa dual but clearly defined nature: - an introduction to the basic concepts in convex analysis, - a study of convex minimization problems (with an emphasis on numerical al- rithms), and insists on their mutual interpenetration. It is our feeling that the above basic introduction is much needed in the scientific community. This is the motivation for the present edition, our intention being to create a tool useful to teach convex anal ysis. We have thus extracted from [18] its "backbone" devoted to convex analysis, namely ChapsIII-VI and X. Apart from some local improvements, the present text is mostly a copy of the corresponding chapters. The main difference is that we have deleted material deemed too advanced for an introduction, or too closely attached to numerical algorithms. Further, we have included exercises, whose degree of difficulty is suggested by 0, I or 2 stars *. Finally, the index has been considerably enriched. Just as in [18], each chapter is presented as a "lesson," in the sense of our old masters, treating of a given subject in its entirety."
A Mathematical Approach To Economic Analysis
Peter Toumanoff - 2001
Toumanoff and Nourzad's ability to assist student comprehension by using a building-block approach and including several instructional aids in the text, makes this book perfect for in and out of classroom use.
Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany
Andrew Zimmerman - 2001
Nowhere was this more true than in nineteenth-century Germany. It was there, Andrew Zimmerman argues, that the battle lines of today's "culture wars" were first drawn when anthropology challenged humanism as a basis for human scientific knowledge.Drawing on sources ranging from scientific papers and government correspondence to photographs, pamphlets, and police reports of "freak shows," Zimmerman demonstrates how German imperialism opened the door to antihumanism. As Germans interacted more frequently with peoples and objects from far-flung cultures, they were forced to reevaluate not just those peoples, but also the construction of German identity itself. Anthropologists successfully argued that their discipline addressed these issues more productively—and more accessibly—than humanistic studies.Scholars of anthropology, European and intellectual history, museum studies, the history of science, popular culture, and colonial studies will welcome this book.
A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics
Ian D. Lawrie - 2001
The profound unifying influence of geometrical ideas, the powerful formal similarities between statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, and the ubiquitous role of symmetries in determining the essential structure of physical theories are emphasized throughout.This second edition conducts a grand tour of the fundamental theories that shape our modern understanding of the physical world. The book covers the central themes of space-time geometry and the general relativistic account of gravity, quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, gauge theories and the fundamental forces of nature, statistical mechanics, and the theory of phase transitions. The basic structure of each theory is explained in explicit mathematical detail with emphasis on conceptual understanding rather than on the technical details of specialized applications. The book gives straightforward accounts of the standard models of particle physics and cosmology.
Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology
Daniel Liebler - 2001
Liebler masterfully introduces the science of proteomics by spelling out the basics of how one analyzes proteins and proteomes, and just how these approaches are then employed to investigate their roles in living systems. He explains the key concepts of proteomics, how the analytical instrumentation works, what data mining and other software tools do, and how these tools can be integrated to study proteomes. Also discussed are how protein and peptide separation techniques are applied in proteomics, how mass spectrometry is used to identify proteins, and how data analysis software enables protein identification and the mapping of modifications. In addition, there are proteomic approaches for analyzing differential protein expression, characterizing proteomic diversity, and dissecting protein-protein interactions and networks.
Anatomy of the Moving Body: A Basic Course in Bones, Muscles, and Joints
Theodore Dimon Jr. - 2001
Anatomy of the Moving Body addresses that need with a simple yet complete study of the body's complex system of bones, muscles, and joints and how they function. Beautifully illustrated with more than 100 3D images, the book contains 31 lectures that guide readers through this challenging interior landscape. Each part of the body is explained in brief, manageable sections, with components described singly or in small groups. The author doesn’t just name the muscles and bones but explains the terminology in lay language. Topics include the etymology of anatomical terms; origins and attachments of muscles and their related actions; discussion of major functional systems such as the pelvis, ankle, shoulder girdle, and hand; major landmarks and human topography; and structures relating to breathing and vocalization. This second edition features all-new illustrations that use a 3D digital model of the human anatomical form. The book's thoroughness, visual interest, and clear style make it ideal for students and teachers of the Alexander and Feldenkrais techniques as well as for practitioners of yoga, Pilates, martial arts, and dance.
Foundations of Mathematical Economics
Michael Carter - 2001
Rather than simply offer a collection of problem-solving techniques, the book emphasizes the unifying mathematical principles that underlie economics. Features include an extended presentation of separation theorems and their applications, an account of constraint qualification in constrained optimization, and an introduction to monotone comparative statics. These topics are developed by way of more than 800 exercises. The book is designed to be used as a graduate text, a resource for self-study, and a reference for the professional economist.
Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics
Walter Greiner - 2001
Intended for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students, the volumes in the series provide not only a complete survey of classical theoretical physics but also a large number of worked examples and problems to show students clearly how to apply the abstract principles to realistic problems.
Reason to Change: A Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) Workbook
Windy Dryden - 2001
However, no book before has taught the skills needed to use this therapeutic approach in practice in a thorough and accessible way.Reason to Change is the first workbook which teaches the practical skills of REBT. Each skill is explained in detail, and examples are given of how each skill can be put into practice. These skills include:* developing a problem list and setting goals* choosing a target problem and assessing a specific example* questioning beliefs* dealing with your doubts, reservations and objections * taking action.By using these skills in an active way, it can be possible to overcome emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, shame, guilt, hurt, unhealthy anger, unhealthy jealousy and unhealthy envy. This book can be used by people on their own, and by those who are consulting an REBT therapist. It will also be of interest to therapists and counsellors.
Modal Logic
Patrick Blackburn - 2001
The development is mathematical; prior acquaintance with first-order logic and its semantics is assumed, and familiarity with the basic mathematical notions of set theory is required. The authors focus on the use of modal languages as tools to analyze the properties of relational structures, including their algorithmic and algebraic aspects. Applications to issues in logic and computer science such as completeness, computability and complexity are considered.
Spelling Workout, Level E
Phillip K. Trocki - 2001
This curriculum for homeschooling spans from Grade 1 to Grade 8, helping your child become a skilled speller. In Grade 5, you will find the materials you need to craft more advanced lessons that simultaneously solidify foundational concepts and progress your child's understanding of written English.MCP Spelling Workout: Grade 5 was designed to be a step-by-step process that's easy to implement into the whole of your child's homeschool program. The material is incredibly flexible, allowing you to spring ahead or revisit topics when necessary. Because the curriculum in MCP Spelling Workout: Grade 5 is so dynamic, crafting lesson plans should be both a joy and a cinch.Additionally, the program will provide your child with an engaging Spelling journey. He or she will get to read cross-curricular stories, complete riddles and puzzles, and write fun passages. All of these activities are designed to improve your child's Spelling abilities while enjoying his or her academic progression through MCP Spelling Workout.You can further enhance your child's understanding of the English language structure by pairing MCP Spelling Workout with the corresponding MCP Plaid Phonics program. MCP Plaid Phonics can work in conjunction with the Spelling program to give your child a multidimensional look at the subject. Of course, MCP Spelling Workout: Grade 5 is a complete curriculum all on its own.The program comes with numerous components that make your job as a homeschool parent easier. For more information on the specific materials included in MCP Spelling Workout: Grade 5, visit the Features and Benefits page.With Spelling Workout, every child can become a successful speller in no time. This high-interest program offers an easy-to-implement step-by-step approach to spelling success. Spelling Workout has all the components you need to go from simple sound-letter relationships to more complex spelling patterns. Your child will learn spelling skills based on phonics through unique, cross-curricular reading passages, practice, and high-interest writing activities. Packed with flexible lessons, motivating activities, including fun riddles and puzzles, this dynamic program promotes spelling success!You can use Spelling Workout together with MCP "Plaid" Phonics to provide your child with a complete phonics and spelling curriculum.Looking for other grade levels?1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
Language Learning in Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Multiple Pathways
Susan R. Easterbrooks - 2001
Recent advances in the education of students who are deaf and hard of hearing have brought new insights into imparting the ability to communicate to this population. This book addresses the language development process from multiple perspectives, drawing on the latest research in bilingual biculturalism, cochlear implant technology and neuroscience. The book presents a unique view of language development, proposing that there are multiple pathways to the acquisition of a system of communication. For parents and educators working with deaf and hard of hearing children.
Chevrolet GMC Pick-ups (88-98) C/K (99-00) Haynes Repair Manual
John Harold Haynes - 2001
Each Haynes manual is written for the do-it-yourselfer and provides step-by-step instructions based on a complete disassembly of the vehicle. This hands-on experience provides the reader with specific and detailed instructions for performing everything from basic maintenance and troubleshooting to a complete engine overhaul. The models and model years covered in this title are as follows: Chevrolet Blazer, 1992-1994 Chevrolet C/K 1500 Classic, 1999-2000 Chevrolet C/K 1500, 1988-1998 Chevrolet C/K 2500, 1988-1998 Chevrolet C/K 2500 Classic, 1999-2000 Chevrolet C/K 3500, 1988-1998 Chevrolet C/K 3500 Classic, 1999-2000 Chevrolet Tahoe, 1995-1999 GMC C/K 1500, 1988-1998 GMC C/K 1500 Classic, 1999-2000 GMC C/K 2500, 1988-1998 GMC C/K 2500 Classic, 1999-2000 GMC C/K 3500, 1988-1998 GMC C/K 3500 Classic, 1999-2000 GMC C/K 1500 Suburban, 1992-1999 GMC C/K 2500 Suburban, 1992-1999 GMC Yukon, 1992-2000 GMC Yukon Denali, 2000 Exclusions: Does not include 1999 and 2000 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra or information on diesel engines or heavy-duty (C3HD) models This Haynes automotive repair manual includes 700+ photos and the following chapters: Introduction Chapter 1: Tune-up and routine maintenance Chapter 2: Part A: Engines Chapter 2: Part B: General engine overhaul procedures Chapter 3: Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems Chapter 4: Fuel and exhaust systems Chapter 5: Engine electrical systems Chapter 6: Emissions control systems Chapter 7: Part A: Manual transmission Chapter 7: Part B: Automatic transmission Chapter 7: Part C: Transfer case Chapter 8: Clutch and driveline Chapter 9: Brakes Chapter 10: Suspension and steering systems Chapter 11: Body Chapter 12: Chassis electrical system Wiring diagrams
Bold Words: A Century of Asian American Writing
Rajini Srikanth - 2001
Some sixty authors of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, South Asian, and Southeast Asian American origin are represented, with an equal split between male and female writers. The collection is divided into four sections-memoir, fiction, poetry, and drama-prefaced by an introductory essay from a well-known practitioner of that genre: Meena Alexander on memoir, Gary Pak on fiction, Eileen Tabios on poetry, and Roberta Uno on drama. The selections depict the complex realities and wide range of experiences of Asians in the United States. They illuminate the writers' creative responses to issues as diverse as resistance, aesthetics, biculturalism, sexuality, gender relations, racism, war, diaspora, and family. Rajini Srikanth teaches at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She is the coeditor of the award-winning anthology Contours of the Heart: South Asians Map North America and the collection A Part, Yet Apart: South Asians in Asian America. Esther Y. Iwanaga teaches Asian American literature and literature-based writing courses at Wellesley College and the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook
Neil Sclater - 2001
This complete sourcebook contains 2501 drawings in descriptive articles and extensive pictorial directories. This reference explains how various components work in machine tools, production and process plants, aircraft, automotive and construction equipment, instruments and consumer goods. This new edition also features more information on electromechanical devices.
African Americans and the Bible: Sacred Texts and Social Structures
Vincent Wimbush - 2001
From literature and the arts to popular culture and everyday life, the Bible courses through Black society and culture, like the Mississippi through the American heartland.