Best of
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Gilbert Strang - 1976
While the mathematics is there, the effort is not all concentrated on proofs. Strang's emphasis is on understanding. He explains concepts, rather than deduces. This book is written in an informal and personal style and teaches real mathematics. The gears change in Chapter 2 as students reach the introduction of vector spaces. Throughout the book, the theory is motivated and reinforced by genuine applications, allowing pure mathematicians to teach applied mathematics.
Elementary Number Theory
David M. Burton - 1976
It reveals the attraction that has drawn leading mathematicians and amateurs alike to number theory over the course of history.
Neuropsychological Assessment
Muriel Deutsch Lezak - 1976
Drawing on their diverse interests, they provide authoritative, broad-based, and in-depth coverage of current research and clinical practice in neuropsychology. They have not, however, changed the book's overall organization. The first eight chapters present the knowledge base for understanding the principles and practice of patient-oriented, hypothesis-testing neuropsychological assessment. The last 12 chapters review nearly all tests and assessment techniques discussed in previous editions plus many new ones and recent revisions of older tests. The extent of the updating is apparent from the fact that approximately half of the more than 7,000 references cited appeared since the last edition was published.Many new topics relevant to current assessment practices have been added to the 4th edition. The chapter on examination procedures, for example, now contains sections on cognitive functioning in pain and PTSD patients. The chapter on brain disorders includes new material on electrical/lighting injuries, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementing disorders, and both medical and psychological treatments. The discussion of assessment procedures has been updated throughout to cover recently published test batteries used in general neuropsychological assessment (e.g., mental abilities, memory), newly developed batteries for specific issues (e.g., frontal lobe evaluation), and recent research on older neuropsychological assessment batteries. The fully revised chapter on assessing response bias describes and evaluates more than 60 tests, test combinations, and other measures for detecting questionable effort within the context of forensic neuropsychological assessment.
Econometric Models And Economic Forecasts
Robert S. Pindyck - 1976
Refer to 0079132928, which is this main text plus the disk). First course in Econometrics in Economics Departments at better schools, also Economic/Business Forecasting. Statistics prerequisite but no calculus. Slightly higher level and more comprehensive than Gujarati Basic Econometrics (M-H, 1996) . P-R covers more time series and forecasting. P-R coverage is a notch below Johnston-DiNardo (M-H, 97) and requires no matrix algebra.
Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities
Stanley Hoppenfeld - 1976
Useful to students and clinicians, this text covers the process of physical examination of the spine and extremities.
Piano Servicing, Tuning, and Rebuilding: For the Professional, the Student, and the Hobbyist
Arthur A. Reblitz - 1976
The second edition of this world famous book puts into clear pictures and language how anyone handy with tools can repair, regulate, maintain, and even completely rebuild a piano.
Peter Francis - 1976
Featuring excellent illustrations, the text includes a new chapter on volcanic hazards, which looks at complexscientific and sociological issues surrounding risk mitigation. In addition, it provides updated information on new eruptions, research findings, and planetary studies while preserving the strengths of the first edition-accessibility, clarity, and wit. Volcanoes, 2/e is ideal for undergraduatecourses in geology, earth science, geography, environmental science and planetary science.
A History of Modern Poetry, Volume I: From the 1890s to the High Modernist Mode
David Perkins - 1976
By the end of the period covered, Eliot's The Waste Land, Lawrence's Birds, Beasts and Flowers, Stevens's Harmonium, and Pound's Draft of XVI Cantos had been published, and the first post-Eliot generation of poets was beginning to emerge.More than a hundred poets are treated in this volume, and many more are noticed in passing. David Perkins discusses each poet and type of poetry with keen critical appreciation. He traces opposed and evolving assumptions about poetry, and considers the effects on poetry of its changing audiences, of premises and procedures in literary criticism, of the publishing outlets poets could hope to use, and the interrelations of poetry with developments in the other arts--the novel, painting, film, music--as well as in social, political, and intellectual life. The poetry of the United States and that of the British Isles are seen in interplay rather than separately.This book is an important contribution to the understanding of modern literature. At the same time, it throws new light on the cultural history of both America and Britain in the twentieth century.
Nuclear Reactor Analysis
James J. Duderstadt - 1976
This text introduces the student to the fundamental principles governing nuclear fission chain reactions in a manner that renders the transition to practical nuclear reactor design methods most natural. The authors stress throughout the very close interplay between the nuclear analysis of a reactor core and those nonnuclear aspects of core analysis, such as thermalhydrolics or materials studies, which play a major role in determining a reactor design.
Fourier Series
Georgi P. Tolstov - 1976
Over 100 problems at ends of chapters. Answers in back of book. 1962 edition.
Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs
Warren T. Johnson - 1976
This comprehensive handbook, acclaimed when it was first published in 1976 as one of the most useful reference manuals on diagnostic entomology yet produced, has now been completely revised and expanded to reflect recent advances in technology and the wealth of new information affecting the Green Industry.Augmented by 241 full-color plates, it gives the essential facts about more than 900 species of insects, mites, and other animals that injure woody ornamental plants in the United States and Canada, and provides means of quick visual identification of both the pests and the damage they cause.
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Manfredo P. Do Carmo - 1976
This volume covers local as well as global differential geometry of curves and surfaces.
The Elements of Real Analysis
Robert G. Bartle - 1976
The algebraic and order properties of the real number system are presented in a simpler fashion than in the previous edition.
Single Case Experimental Designs
David H. Barlow - 1976
Single case experiments are a flexible and efficient type of research design that can be easily learned and used in both scientific and practical settings to make causal inferences about the relations between an intervention or manipulation and change in the individual. The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive sourcebook on single case experimental designs with practical guidelines for their use in a range of research and clinical settings. It is suitable for use as a textbook for a course on research methodology or clinical assessment and treatment, or as a desk reference for seasoned researchers and practicing clinicians. Written in a non-technical style, this book is designed to be accessible to individuals from a range of backgrounds including advanced undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, and mental health practitioners-and to those working from a wide range of perspectives, including clinical psychology, educational or school psychology, social work, psychiatry, nursing, and other fields focused on human behavior change.
University Physics
Mark W. Zemansky - 1976
There is some damage to the cover and some pages.
Architectural Drawing and Light Construction
Edward J. Muller - 1976
This text serves as an excellent introduction to the fields of architectural drawing and construction. It covers drafting and drawing principles, light frame construction principles, and the building design documentation process. The text covers both manual drawing techniques and the use of computer-aided design and drafting software to create drawings. The text presents the concepts with easy-to-follow text and numerous illustrations to highlight and provide examples of key concepts. Other features of this text include: *Review questions and exercises that allow students to apply both the theory and the skills presented in the text. *CADD boxes that highlight the use of design and drafting software to create drawings. *Updates of examples, standards, and methods that reflect current industry standards and practices. *Examples and drawings from the field to reinforce the application of the concepts to real-world situations.
A Guide to Drawing
Daniel M. Mendelowitz - 1976
The text provides a systematic and sound course of instruction, beginning with an introduction to the nature of drawing, an invitation into the initial experiences of drawing, both underscored by an emphasis on the importance of learning how to see and see deeply. The text moves through chapters on art elements, drawing media and subject matter, concluding with more advanced topics that can be used in subsequent courses, encouraging students to keep this text as a reference through their program and on into their careers as artists.
Vector Calculus
Jerrold E. Marsden - 1976
The book's careful account is a contemporary balance between theory, application, and historical development, providing it's readers with an insight into how mathematics progresses and is in turn influenced by the natural world.
Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation
Michael V. Berry - 1976
Moreover, general relativity has important applications in astrophysics and high-energy particle physics. Covering the fundamentals of the subject, Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation describes the universe as revealed by observations and presents a theoretical framework to enable important cosmological formulae to be derived and numerical calculations performed. Avoiding elaborate formal discussions, the book presents a practical approach that focuses on the general theory of relativity. It examines different evolutionary models and the gravitational effects of massive bodies. The book also includes a large number of worked examples and problems, half with solutions.
Character Text for Beginning Chinese
John DeFrancis - 1976
In this parallel character version of Beginning Chinese, dialogues, pronunciation drills, sentence-building exercises, substitution drills and memorization exercises correspond to the same lessons Beginning Chinese offers in English and in pinyin romanization of Mandarin.
Theories of Vision from Al-kindi to Kepler
David C. Lindberg - 1976
Yet the full import of Kepler's arguments can be grasped only when they are viewed against the background of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance visual theory. David C. Lindberg provides this background, and in doing so he fills the gap in historical scholarship and constructs a model for tracing the development of scientific ideas. David C. Lindberg is professor and chairman of the department of the history of science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Design and Analysis of Experiments
Douglas C. Montgomery - 1976
Douglas Montgomery arms readers with the most effective approach for learning how to design, conduct, and analyze experiments that optimize performance in products and processes. He shows how to use statistically designed experiments to obtain information for characterization and optimization of systems, improve manufacturing processes, and design and develop new processes and products. You will also learn how to evaluate material alternatives in product design, improve the field performance, reliability, and manufacturing aspects of products, and conduct experiments effectively and efficiently. Discover how to improve the quality and efficiency of working systems with this highly-acclaimed book. This 6th Edition: Places a strong focus on the use of the computer, providing output from two software products: Minitab and DesignExpert. Presents timely, new examples as well as expanded coverage on adding runs to a fractional factorial to de-alias effects. Includes detailed discussions on how computers are currently used in the analysis and design of experiments. Offers new material on a number of important topics, including follow-up experimentation and split-plot design. Focuses even more sharply on factorial and fractional factorial design.
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Student's Solutions Manual
Clayton H. Heathcock - 1976
This text presents a treatment of aromatic chemistry allowing for continuity in the coverage of the aromatic ring and aliphatic and aromatic amines; covers spectroscopy and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance; provides a review of basic chemistry and an organic reactivity review which covers acids and bases and coverage of DNA, catalytic antibodies and environmental issues.
Mathematics: The Man-Made Universe
Sherman K. Stein - 1976
Readers with little mathematical background are exposed to a broad range of subjects chosen from number theory, topology, set theory, geometry, algebra, and analysis. Starting with a survey of questions on weight, the text discusses the primes, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, rationals and irrationals, tiling, tiling and electricity, probability, infinite sets, and many other topics. Each subject illustrates a significant idea and lends itself easily to experiments and problems. Useful appendices offer an overview of the basic ideas of arithmetic, the rudiments of algebra, suggestions on teaching mathematics, and much more, including answers and comments for selected exercises.
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
F. Albert Cotton - 1976
New to this updated edition: improved treatment of atomic orbitals and properties such as electronegativity, novel approaches to the depiction of ionic structures, nomenclature for transition metal compounds, quantitative approaches to acid-base chemistry, Wade's rules for boranes and carboranes, the chemistry of major new classes of substances including fullerenes and silenes plus a chapter on the inorganic solid state.
Human Development
Grace J. Craig - 1976
Drawing from many disciplines to provide a contemporary presentation of the key questions, topics and controversies in life span development, this text takes a chronological approach to human development. It focuses on context and culture while illustrating that the status of human development is inextricably embedded in a study of complex and changing cultures. Maintaining an open-ended perspective throughout, the text encompasses many different and opposing views and aims to encourage students through their study to develop an informed point of view.
Political Change in the Metropolis
John J. Harrigan - 1976
Political Change in the Metropolis, Eighth Edition, continues to focus on the political changes that have taken place in American cities and the reactions of urban scholars to them. In addition to offering scholarly perspectives, the text offers students a theoretical framework for interpreting these changing events for themselves. This framework analyzes the patterns of bias inherent in the organization and operation of urban politics, giving students an in-depth look at the fascinating and constantly changing face of urban politics.FeaturesAccessible writing style engages students in the material. Provides excellent coverage of the impact of immigrants and ethnic groups in the making of the American city. An abundance of historical material helps students better understand the origins and development of urban politics and structures. Case studies throughout the text give students an opportunity to apply important material. The text exposes students to first-rate discussions of political phenomena and empirical literature on those phenomena.
Quanta: A Handbook Of Concepts
Peter Atkins - 1976
Alphabetically organized entries describe the physical significance of each topic precisely and simply. Each entry isextensively cross-referenced and ends with a guide to sources of further information. Richly illustrated with drawings and tables, this exciting work is completely rewritten. All topics have been brought up to date, and there are many more illustrations and numerous new entries, along with arevised bibliography. The work continues the tradition of the first edition, which quickly established itself among students and teachers alike as a rich source of clear, concise explanations of quantum concepts. In addition to its value for students and instructors in physical and theoreticalchemistry, practicing scientists will find the succinct overviews very useful. The book is also accessible to interested general readers.
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
Peter Gabriel Bergmann - 1976
Comprehensive coverage of the special theory (frames of reference, Lorentz transformation, relativistic mechanics of mass points, more), the general theory (principle of equivalence, Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor, more) and the unified theory (Weyl's gauge-invariant geometry, Kaluza's five-dimensional theory and projective field theories, more.) Foreword by Albert Einstein.
Fourier Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction
Peter Bloomfield - 1976
He provides an invaluable reference for statisticians seeking to expand their understanding of frequency domain methods and easy access to sophisticated statistical tools for scientists and professionals in areas utilizing time series data, including atmospheric science, oceanography, climatology, and biology.
Elementary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
Ross L. Finney - 1976
Introduction to Logic: Predicate Logic
Howard Pospesel - 1976
It covers symbolization, proofs, counterexamples, and truth trees. These topics are presented in graded steps, beginning with the symbolization of categorical propositions and concluding with the properties of relations. Logic is applied to materials with which readers will be familiar; both examples and exercises are drawn from newspapers, television, and other popular sources. For individuals intrigued by the formal study of logic.
Frontiers of Astrophysics
Eugene H. Avrett - 1976
In chapters written especially for this volume, twelve distinguished scientists actively pursuing astrophysical research offer up-to-date reviews and commentary on new developments in their fields. With a little grounding in astronomy or physics, the reader will find this book an invaluable source of basic information on the most recent work in this field. Frontiers of Astrophysics can be used as classroom reading, either as a main text or as supplementary reading in astronomy or physics courses, and it can be read with profit by anyone who wants current knowledge presented without complex mathematical arguments. Published within months after the contributions were written, this book is the most convenient and contemporary source on these topics: formation of the solar system (W.R. Ward); new developments in solar research (R. W. Noyes); early phases of stellar evolution (S.E. Storm); endpoints of stellar evolution (A.G.W. Cameron); neutron stars, black holes and supernocvae (H. Gursky); infrared astronomy (G.G. Fazio); gaseous nebulae and their interstellar environment (E.K. Chaisson); chemistry of the interstellar medium (A. Dalgarno); radio observations of galactic masers (J.M. Moran): active galaxies (K. Brecher); galaxies and cosmology (M. Davis); the mass of the universe and intergalactic matter (G.B. Field).
Astronomy: The Evolving Universe
Michael Zeilik - 1976
Other new material covers image processing, solar activity and seismic studies, and high-energy astrophysics. Chapters have been carefully revised and there is much new artwork. Style is informal and non-mathematical, and development of the material progresses smoothly from the concrete to the abstract. The main theme of cosmic evolution and the sub-theme of scientific model-building are carried through the book's four parts: a history of cosmology, the solar system, stars and steller systems, and current speculations. Chapters include new lists of key terms, new problems incorporating algebra, and multiple-choice questions keyed to learning-objectives. A seasonal star chart has also been added.