Best of
Denationalisation of Money
Friedrich A. Hayek - 1976
Abolition is also the cure for the more deep-seated disease of the recurring waves of depression and unemployment attributed to ‘capitalism’.
My Years With Ludwig von Mises
Margit von Mises - 1976
My Years with Ludwig von Mises (second enlarged edition), tells of life in old Vienna and Geneva, and describes the Mises' escape through France, Spain, and Portugal to the United States. It portrays the master in Vienna, Geneva, and New York, and follows him to Mexico City, Buenos Aires, and many other places where he lectured. The book provides fascinating glimpses of the many distinguished people who were touched by this man.
Econometric Models And Economic Forecasts
Robert S. Pindyck - 1976
Refer to 0079132928, which is this main text plus the disk). First course in Econometrics in Economics Departments at better schools, also Economic/Business Forecasting. Statistics prerequisite but no calculus. Slightly higher level and more comprehensive than Gujarati Basic Econometrics (M-H, 1996) . P-R covers more time series and forecasting. P-R coverage is a notch below Johnston-DiNardo (M-H, 97) and requires no matrix algebra.
The Joyless Economy: The Psychology of Human Satisfaction
Tibor Scitovsky - 1976
Within a few years, however, this apparently paradoxical claim was gaining wide acceptance. Scitovsky's ground-breaking book was the first to apply theories of behaviorist psychology to questions of consumer behavior and to do so in clear, non-technical language. Setting out to analyze the failures of our consumerist lifestyle, Scitovsky concluded that people's need for stimulation is so vital that it can lead to violence if not satisfied by novelty--whether in challenging work, art, fashion, gadgets, late-model cars, or scandal. Though much of the book stands as a record of American post-war prosperity and its accompanying problems, the revised edition also takes into account recent social and economic changes. A new preface and a foreword by economist Robert Frank introduce some of the issues created by those changes and two revised chapters develop them, discussing among others the assimilation of counter-cultural ideas throughout American society, especially ideas concerning quality of life. Scitovsky draws fascinating connections between the new elite of college-educated consumers and the emergence of a growing underclass plagued by drugs and violence, perceptively tracing the reactions of these disparate groups to the problems of leisure and boredom. In the wake of the so-called decade of greed and amidst calls for a kindler, gentler society, The Joyless Economy seems more timely than ever.
Yugoslav Economic System: The First Labour-Managed Economy in the Making: The First Labour-Managed Economy in the Making
Branko Horvat - 1976
This autobiography of Bennett, which includes her experiences in the Chinese revolution and the Spanish Civil War, contributes details of a period of great instability, while exploring the sensitive topic of the involvement of foreigners in the internal politics of China
The Poverty Curtain: Choices For The Third World
Mahbub ul Haq - 1976
The Control of Oil
John Malcolm Blair - 1976
A documented chronicle of the conniveries of the world's oil barons--most of whom always have resided and continue to reside in America.
The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics
Edwin G. Dolan - 1976
Energy and Economic Myths: Institutional and Analytical Economic Essays
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen - 1976
The Limits to Satisfaction: An Essay on the Problem of Needs and Commodities
William Leiss - 1976
A unique culture has been created in which marketing is the main social bond. Values no longer shape and condition needs, wants, desires, or preferences. Leiss draws on economics, psychology, sociology, and anthropology to show the vagueness of our thought on the relation between nature and culture, desire and reason, needs and commodities. This book raises serious, vital questions for all those concerned about the future of our present society.
Antitrust Law
Richard A. Posner - 1976
As other perspectives on antitrust law have fallen away, Posner's book has played a major role in transforming the field of antitrust law into a body of economically rational principles largely in accord with the ideas set forth in the first edition. Today's antitrust professionals may disagree on specific practices and rules, but most litigators, prosecutors, judges, and scholars agree that the primary goal of antitrust laws should be to promote economic welfare, and that economic theory should be used to determine how well business practices conform to that goal.In this thoroughly revised edition, Posner explains the economic approach to new generations of lawyers and students. He updates and amplifies his approach as it applies to the developments, both legal and economic, in the antitrust field since 1976. The "new economy," for example, has presented a host of difficult antitrust questions, and in an entirely new chapter, Posner explains how the economic approach can be applied to new industries such as software manufacturers, Internet service providers, and those that provide communications equipment and services. "The antitrust laws are here to stay," Posner writes, "and the practical question is how to administer them better-more rationally, more accurately, more expeditiously, more efficiently." This fully revised classic will continue to be the standard work in the field.
South Indian Factory Workers: Their Life and Their World
Mark Holmström - 1976
It is based on case studies of Bangalore workers and their families, on statistical material from management files on workers and from other sources, and on interviews with managers and union officials. Among the principal questions considered are: who are the factory workers and what are their origins, career prospects and living conditions? Are they a privileged elite in a dual economy and what relations are there between them and people outside steady factory employment? How do the workers see their own situation, as individuals and as a class? And how do they think of a 'job' as part of a 'career' and a career as part of their lifetime, in relation to other things that matter to them?
Essays on Ethics, Social Behaviour, and Scientific Explanation
John C. Harsanyi - 1976
He was already a known scho lar; in addition to some papers in economics, the first two papers in this vol ume had already been published and had dazzled me by their originality and their combination of philosophical insight and technical competence. However, I am very glad I did not discourage him; whether he learned any thing worthwhile I don't know, but we all learned much from him on the foundations of the theory of games and specifically on the outcome of bar gaining. The central focus of Harsanyi's work has continued to be in the theory of games, but especially on the foundations and conceptual problems. The theory of games, properly understood, is a very broad approach to social interaction based on individually rational behavior, and it connects closely with fundamental methodological and substantive issues in social science and in ethics. An indication of the range of Harsanyi's interest in game the ory can be found in the first paper of Part B -though in fact his owncontri butions are much broader-and in the second paper the applications to the methodology of social science. The remaining papers in that section show more specifically the richness of game theory in specific applications."
The third way: Marxist-Leninist theory and modern industrial society
Ota Šik - 1976
Perspectives on Technology
Nathan Rosenberg - 1976
Their origin was in Professor Rosenberg's interest in long-term economic growth processes and, especially, in the behaviour of industrializing societies. The form and direction which this book has taken reflect two basic influences: (1) a growing awareness of the centrality of technological phenomena in generating economic growth, and (2) a growing sense that, in spite of the basic and genuine insights into technological phenomena provided by the neo-classical economics, a deeper and richer understanding of the phenomena can only be achieved by a willingness to step outside the limited intellectual boundaries of this mode of reasoning.
The End of French Predominance in Europe: The Financial Crisis of 1924 and the Adoption of the Dawes Plan
Stephen A. Schuker - 1976
Book by Schuker, Stephen A.
Essays on Hayek Essays on Hayek
William F. Buckley Jr. - 1976
Varying according to the scope of Hayek's contributions, the papers in this volume include among others:* An affirmation of the "relevance" of Hayek's work* A survey of his contribution to knowledge* An appraisal of Hayek's innovative work on the methodology of the social sciences* A discussion of Hayek's achievements as scholar and mentorThe contributors are: Fritz Machlup, Geroge Roche, Arthur Shenfield, Max Hartwell, William Buckley, Gottfried Dietze, Shirley Letwin.
The Future of the Multinational Enterprise
Peter J. Buckley - 1976
As a book that revolutionized the field, it includes a critical examination of empirical observations about FDI, offers a long-run theory and other alternative theories of the multinational enterprise, as well as looking at the world's largest firms and offering predictions and policy implications. This resulted in the internalization theory that has influenced much research on FDI since it was first published in 1976. To mark the 25th Anniversary, the authors have included a new introduction, which reflects on the enduring impact of the book.