Best of
The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Jack Canfield - 2004
The Success Principlesâ„¢ will teach you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Not merely a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history. Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will transform your life beyond your wildest dreams! Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of CEOs, world-class athletes, celebrities, and everyday people, The Success Principlesâ„¢ will give you the proven blueprint you need to achieve any goal you desire.
The Way of the Shepherd: Seven Secrets to Managing Productive People
Kevin Leman - 2004
Kevin Leman's story about a young reporter who lands the meeting of a lifetime and walks away with the keys to exceptional leadership. The Way of the Shepherd points you beyond dated trends and out-of-touch management techniques to the strategies that will make you a truly outstanding leader.When William Pentak had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interview Ted McBride, one of the most respected CEOs in America, he was shocked by what McBride was willing to share. McBride taught him the seven secrets he inherited long ago from his mentor--an eccentric but brilliant professor who passed on these time-tested management principles that, while ancient in their origin, are still applicable in today's fast-paced, high-tech world.Throughout The Way of the Shepherd, you'll learn how to infuse your work with meaning, no matter your role, title, industry, or the size of your team. Uncover the tried-and-true best practices for how to engage, energize, and ignite your workforce by:Getting to know your team, one person at a timeRelentlessly communicating your values and your missionDefining the cause for your people and showing them where they fit inHaving a heart for the people that you're leadingUnderstanding that great leadership isn't just professional, it's personalIf you're ready to transform your team, create a culture of belonging, and truly learn to lead by example, it's time to discover The Way of the Shepherd.
The Ant and the Elephant: Leadership for the Self: A Parable and 5-Step Action Plan to Transform Workplace Performance
Vince Poscente - 2004
Poscente likens the dynamic between the conscious and subconscious minds to an ant and an elephant: "Our minds are separated into two distinct functions the conscious and subconscious elements. Our ant is the intentional part of the brain, but our elephant is the instinctual, impulsive part of the brain that houses emotions and memories and even guides the body to perform vital functions. While we tend to know our conscious minds our ants rather well, we often overlook the power of our elephantine subconscious minds. When we do, unfortunately, we squander a wellspring of human potential." Having seen too many books focused on what a problem or solution is and too few focused on how to solve the problem, Poscente, with his trademark wit, wisdom and steely resolve, created The Ant and the Elephant Leadership for the Self: A Parable and Five-Step Action Plan to Transform Workplace Performance.
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People And The 8th Habit
Stephen R. Covey - 2004
The Ideal Executive
Ichak Kalderon Adizes - 2004
Adizes' premise, developed in this book, is that the ideal leader, manager, or executive-ideal in the sense that he can fulfill by himself all the roles necessary for the long-and short-term effectiveness and efficiency of an organization-does not and cannot exist. And that is the problem with contemporary management literature: it presents what the executive should do, (because that is what the organization needs) even though no one can do it. All the books and textbooks that try to teach us to be perfect managers, leaders, or executives are based on the erroneous assumption that such a goal is possible. This book explains why it is not. We are all barking up the wrong tree, spending millions of dollars to train and develop executives based on faulty logic. This book is the first in a series of three. In this volume, Dr. Adizes presents a paradigm shift in management thinking: If no one can be the ideal executive that organizations need, what should be done to avoid mismanagement? How do we compose a complementary team? How do we structure the company correctly? How do we harness conflict that necessarily will emerge within a team composed of diverse styles? This book is a must for all managers and leaders of industry or not-for-profit organizations. It is based on 30 years of successful application of principles presented in this book in 48 countries, in companies from start-ups to the largest on the earth.
Commerce Through Community
Chris Brady - 2004
Learn the process of community building from two of the top leaders, and duplicate the process for results.
The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant: Principles for Successful Living
Terry Felber - 2004
Readers will meet and join young Julio, who is taken on a quest into adulthood - as his grandfather reveals mysterious family secrets. Woven through the story are 12 principles of success including: Work Hard and God will Prosper You Be Meek Before God, but Bold Before Men Live Debt-Free and Below Your Means Set Aside the First 10% to Honor God The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant will change the way you think about your career, wealth, and success.
Make Today Count: The Secret of Your Success Is Determined by Your Daily Agenda
John C. Maxwell - 2004
Maxwell's 12 daily practices to their very essence, giving maximum impact in minimal time. Presented in a quick-read format, this version is designed to be read cover to cover in one sitting or taken in as brief lessons in a few spare minutes each day. It covers such topics as:-- Priorities -- Health -- Family -- Finances -- Values-- GrowthReaders will learn how to make decisions on important matters and apply those decisions daily to put them on a path to more successful, productive, and fulfilling lives.
The ABC's of Real Estate Investing: The Secrets of Finding Hidden Profits Most Investors Miss
Ken McElroy - 2004
This title enables readers to learn how the cash flow generated from property investment appreciates in value and ensures financial freedom, as well as the freedom to be your own boss.
A Compass to Fulfillment: Passion and Spirituality in Life and Business
Kazuo Inamori - 2004
Inamori credits his and his companies' extraordinary success to the daily practice of this timeless truth.In A Compass to Fulfillment, the author helps you develop your own personal philosophy for success by:Recognizing your deepest desires and using them to create a better realityInforming all decisions with simple truths and principlesElevating your mind and practicing humilityLiving your life steered by an attitude of selfless serviceControlling the trajectory of your life by accepting the "will of the universe"A Compass to Fulfillment is about strategic thinking, but not in the sense of business and management technicalities. It is about, first, understanding yourself, and then using that knowledge to get to the point you want to be-- in your career, in your business, and in your life.
Crucial Confrontations: Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations, and Bad Behavior
Kerry Patterson - 2004
Others have broken rules, missed deadlines, failed to live up to commitments, or just plain behaved badly—and nobody steps up to the issue. Or they do, but do a lousy job and create a whole new set of problems. Accountability suffers and new problems spring up. New research demonstrates that these disappointments aren't just irritating, they're costly—sapping organizational performance by twenty to fifty percent and accounting for up to ninety percent of divorces.Crucial Confrontations teaches skills drawn from 10,000 hours of real-life observations to increase confidence in facing issues like:- An employee speaks to you in an insulting tone that crosses the line between sarcasm and insubordination. Now what?- Your boss just committed you to a deadline you know you can't meet—and not-so-subtly hinted he doesn't want to hear complaints about it.- Your son walks through the door sporting colorful new body art that raises your blood pressure by forty points. Speak now, pay later.- An accountant wonders how to step up to a client who is violating the law. Can you spell unemployment?- Family members fret over how to tell granddad that he should no longer drive his car. This is going to get ugly.- A nurse worries about what to say to an abusive physician. She quickly remembers "how things work around here" and decides not to say anything.Everyone knows how to run for cover, or if adequately provoked, step up to these confrontations in a way that causes a real ruckus. That we have down pat. Crucial Confrontations teaches you how to deal with violated expectations in a way that solves the problem at hand, and doesn't harm the relationship—and in fact, even strengthens it.Crucial Confrontations borrows from twenty years of research involving two groups. More than 25,000 people helped the authors identify those who were most influential during crucial confrontations. They spent 10,000 hours watching these people, documented what they saw, and then trained and tested with more than 300,000 people. Second, they measured the impact of crucial confrontations improvements on organizational and team performance—the results were immediate and sustainable: twenty to fifty percent improvements in measurable performance.
How to Get What You Want
Zig Ziglar - 2004
One of the biggest excuses people don't set goals is they're not sold on the idea. Zig will sell you -- fast! And convince you that goal-setting is the single most important step you can take on your new road to success. He offers a precise formula for doing just that. Complete with the inspiration to welcome the risks involved, his strategies for boosting your self-image will carry you to the top. Filled with hilarious anecdotes, encouragement and wisdom, Zig Ziglar is the man everyone would want to invite for dinner. That is precisely the personal style he conveys in How to Get What You Want. You will find a dramatic change in your attitude and achievement once you have encountered the inimitable Mr. Ziglar.
The Business of LIFE: How You Can Prosper In The Information Age
Chris Brady - 2004
Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age
Paul Graham - 2004
Who are these people, what motivates them, and why should you care?Consider these facts: Everything around us is turning into computers. Your typewriter is gone, replaced by a computer. Your phone has turned into a computer. So has your camera. Soon your TV will. Your car was not only designed on computers, but has more processing power in it than a room-sized mainframe did in 1970. Letters, encyclopedias, newspapers, and even your local store are being replaced by the Internet.Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham, explains this world and the motivations of the people who occupy it. In clear, thoughtful prose that draws on illuminating historical examples, Graham takes readers on an unflinching exploration into what he calls “an intellectual Wild West.”The ideas discussed in this book will have a powerful and lasting impact on how we think, how we work, how we develop technology, and how we live. Topics include the importance of beauty in software design, how to make wealth, heresy and free speech, the programming language renaissance, the open-source movement, digital design, internet startups, and more.
Certain to Win: The Strategy of John Boyd, Applied to Business
Chet Richards - 2004
Boyd for the world of business.The success of Robert Coram's monumental biography, Boyd, the Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War, rekindled interest in this obscure pilot and documented his influence on military matters ranging from his early work on fighter tactics to the USMC's maneuver warfare doctrine to the planning for Operation Desert Storm. Unfortunately Boyd's written legacy, consisting of a single paper and a four-set cycle of briefings, addresses strategy only in war. Boyd and BusinessBoyd did study business. He read everything he could find on the Toyota Production System and came to consider it as an implementation of ideas similar to his own. He took business into account when he formulated the final version of his OODA loop and in his last major briefing, Conceptual Spiral, on science and technology. He read and commented on early versions of this manuscript, but he never wrote on how business could operate more profitably by using his ideas.Other writers and business strategists have taken up the challenge, introducing Boyd's concepts and suggesting applications to business. Keith Hammonds, in the magazine Fast Company, George Stalk and Tom Hout in Competing Against Time, and Tom Peters most recently in Re-imagine! have described the OODA loop and its effects on competitors.They made significant contributions. Successful businesses, though, don t concentrate on affecting competitors but on enticing customers. You could apply Boyd all you wanted to competitors, but unless this somehow caused customers to buy your products and services, you ve wasted time and money. If this were all there were to Boyd, he would rate at most a sidebar in business strategy.Business is not WarPart of the problem has been Boyd's focus on war, where affecting competitors is the whole idea. Armed conflict was Boyd's life for nearly 50 years, first as a fighter pilot, then as a tactician and an instructor of fighter pilots, and after his retirement, as a military philosopher. Coram describes (and I know from personal experience) how his quest consumed Boyd virtually every waking hour.It was not a monastic existence, though, since John was above everything else a competitor and loved to argue over beer and cigars far into the night. During most of the 1970s and 80s he worked at the Pentagon, where he could share ideas and debate with other strategists and practitioners of the art of war. The result was the remarkable synthesis we know as Patterns of Conflict. Discussions about generals and campaigns, however, did not give Boyd much insight into competition in other areas, like businessNow you might expect, at first glance, that business is so much like war that lifting concepts from one and applying them to the other would be straightforward. But think about that for a minute. Even in its simplest description, business doesn't really look much like war. For one thing, there are always three sides to business competition: you, customers, and competitors. Often it is vastly more complex, with a multitude of competitors who are customers of each other as well. In business, unlike war, it may even be desirable to be conquered by a competitor in a lucrative merger or acquisition. Finally, and most important, it is rarely possible to defeat the other player in the triangle, that is, to compel an unwilling customer to buy. Attempts to pressure customers into paying too much or into buying more than they need often open a window for competitors (as the US airline industry is belatedly discovering.) Generally all we can do is attract offer products and services to potential customers, whose decisions determine who wins and who loses.What this means is that the strategies and tactics of war, Boyd's included, are destructive in nature and so never apply to business. Expressions like Attack enemy weaknesses have no meaning, except as metaphors and analogies. Across different domains, such literary devices are as likely to be misleading as helpful.Boyd's Strategy Still AppliesBusiness is not war, but it is a form of conflict, a situation where one group can win only if another group loses. If you dig beneath Boyd's war-centered tactics you find a general strategy for ensuring that in most any type of conflict your group will be the one that wins.Although Boyd made a number of new and fundamental contributions, his is an ancient school, extending back in written form 2,500 years. It is built around two primary themes:A focus on time (not speed) and specifically, using dislocations in time to shape the competitive situation. These effects, by the way, are quite different in business than they are in war.A culture with attributes that enable even impel organizations to exploit time for competitive advantage. Within Boyd's culture, members will seek out or invent specific practices that will work for it.Why You Should Read this BookThis book will give you a firm foundation in Boyd's strategy, starting with its military roots, but it is not a how-to manual. There could never be such a manual for strategy since all sides could use it and so would derive no strategic benefit. Anything you can write a how-to manual for is tactics or even technique. Strategy begins where these leave off.You should read this book if you ve found other books on business strategy lacking something. You should read it if you appreciate that Sun Tzu seems to be revealing fundamental truths, but it's not clear what they have to do with business. You should read it if you intend to run your own show without the decision making by committee, shunning of responsibility, and breakdown of ethics and trust that you see around you every day.
Presence: An Exploration of Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society
Peter M. Senge - 2004
In wide-ranging conversations held over a year and a half, organizational learning pioneers Peter Senge, C. Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski, and Betty Sue Flowers explored the nature of transformational change--how it arises, and the fresh possibilities it offers a world dangerously out of balance. The book introduces the idea of "presence"--a concept borrowed from the natural world that the whole is entirely present in any of its parts--to the worlds of business, education, government, and leadership. Too often, the authors found, we remain stuck in old patterns of seeing and acting. By encouraging deeper levels of learning, we create an awareness of the larger whole, leading to actions that can help to shape its evolution and our future.Drawing on the wisdom and experience of 150 scientists, social leaders, and entrepreneurs, including Brian Arthur, Rupert Sheldrake, Buckminster Fuller, Lao Tzu, and Carl Jung, Presence is both revolutionary in its exploration and hopeful in its message. This astonishing and completely original work goes on to define the capabilities that underlie our ability to see, sense, and realize new possibilities--in ourselves, in our institutions and organizations, and in society itself.
OPM: Other People's Money: How to Attract Other People's Money for Your Investments -- The Ultimate Leverage
Michael A. Lechter - 2004
1 ASSET comes a guide to making profits by understanding intellectual property.
Building Wealth One House at a Time
John W. Schaub - 2004
Over three decades, he learned to bank consistent profits as he built an impressive real estate mini-empire. "Building Wealth One House at a Time "reveals how virtually anyone can accumulate one million dollars worth of houses debtfree and earn a steady cash flow for life.Unique in that it focuses on buying houses in good-quality neighborhoods, Schaub's nine-step program includes: Renting to long-term tenants, with financial incentives to pay on time Avoiding the temptation of bigger deals, which invariably include bigger problems A 10-year plan to pay off debt and own houses free and clear
E-Myth Mastery: The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World-Class Company
Michael E. Gerber - 2004
Gerber begins by explaining why the entrepreneur is so critical to the success of any enterprise, no matter how small or large it may be, and why the mindset of an entrepreneur is so integral to the operating reality of the organization. He then covers seven essential skills: leadership, marketing, money, management, lead conversion, lead generation, and client fulfillment.E-Myth Mastery shows readers the difference between being an entrepreneur and doing a job, and teaches them how to get money when banks won’t help, how to expand their customer bases when big business moves in down the street, and how to make sure their businesses keep their promises every single time.
How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven
John F. Demartini - 2004
Assists you in making your financial dreams come true while shedding light on an entirely new way of looking at, understanding, and appreciating the true nature of Earthly profits and heavenly wealth.
Wealth Within Your Reach: Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo!
Francisco J. Colayco - 2004
People need to be aware that they have to prepare for their personal and their family’s financial future. Achieving financial well-being is not an option. It is an obligation. I hope that in some way, this book will help to fulfill that obligation.”—Francisco Colayco, in the foreword
Bank Management & Financial Services
Peter S. Rose - 2004
It explores the services that banks and their principal competitors (including savings and loans, credit unions, security and investment firms) offer in an increasingly competitive financial-services marketplace. The ninth edition discusses the major changes and events that are remaking banking and financial services today. Among the key events and unfolding trends covered in the text are: Newest Reforms in the Financial System, including the new Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Law and the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009. Global Financial Sector coverage of the causes and impact of the latest "great recession." Systemic Risk and the presentation of the challenges posed in the financial system. Exploration of changing views on the "too big to fail" (TBTF) doctrine and how regulators may be forced to deal with TBTF in the future. Controlling Risk Exposure presentation of methods in an increasingly volatile economy
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
Stephen R. Covey - 2004
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to GreatnessFind your voice and help others find theirs.
Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable… about Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business
Patrick Lencioni - 2004
Casey had every reason to believe that his performance over the next two hours would determine the fate of his career, his financial future, and the company he had built from scratch."""How could my life have unraveled so quickly?" he wondered."In his latest page-turning work of business fiction, best-selling author Patrick Lencioni provides readers with another powerful and thought-provoking book, this one centered around a cure for the most painful yet underestimated problem of modern business: bad meetings. And what he suggests is both simple and revolutionary.Casey McDaniel, the founder and CEO of Yip Software, is in the midst of a problem he created, but one he doesn't know how to solve. And he doesn't know where or who to turn to for advice. His staff can't help him; they're as dumbfounded as he is by their tortuous meetings.Then an unlikely advisor, Will Peterson, enters Casey's world. When he proposes an unconventional, even radical, approach to solving the meeting problem, Casey is just desperate enough to listen.As in his other books, Lencioni provides a framework for his groundbreaking model, and makes it applicable to the real world. "Death by Meeting" is nothing short of a blueprint for leaders who want to eliminate waste and frustration among their teams, and create environments of engagement and passion.
If Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9 1/2 Things You Would Do Differently
Fred Lee - 2004
It takes profound knowledge, not usually taught in business schools, to create and maintain an environment where people feel they are working with friends who share a common dream of making patients and communitites their loyal fans - a place where: Employees say, "I love to work here." Managers say, "I love the people I work with." Caregivers say, "I love our patients." Patients and families say, "We love this hospital." Loyalty is an organization's best source of long-term strategic advantage. But unlike traditional service organizations, Disney does not provide a service. Neither does your hospital. They both provide an "experience". Disney is the premier example of this newly evolved economic category, and hospitals would do well to emulate the most vital things that earn Disney the love of their guests and employees. Like his popular seminars, in these pages Fred Lee addresses the vexing reality that most of our approaches to patient satisfaction will not lead to patient loyalty. He takes aim at service excellence initiatives, quality and performance improvement efforts, and patient satisfaction surveys, dispelling some of our most cherished beliefs about loyalty and leadership. This captivating book, filled with stories and examples, will leave its readers inspired with fresh insights and energized with hope. It needs to be in every hospital manager's library and required reading in every health care leadership curriculum. If you have wondered why so much of what is done in the name of service excellence in health care has not lived up to its promise, this book is for you.
Management/Mismanagement Styles
Ichak Kalderon Adizes - 2004
The first is titled The Ideal Executive: Why You Cannot Be One and What to Do About It. The third is Leading the Leaders: How to Enrich Your Style of Management and Handle People Whose Style is Different From Yours. Each book in this series can be read independently, but all together they provide a methodology on how to lead organizations as a team.The capabilities that textbooks and trade journals demand from a leader do not and cannot exist in any single individual because the task of leading an organization is far too complicated for any one individual to perform well. These books and journals describe what a leader should be because that is what the organization needs. They ignore, however, that being human, people have strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect. Management / Mismanagement Styles analyzes why the ideal executive or leader cannot exist and thus does not exist. Attempts to train and develop the ideal leader, by definition, cannot produce expected results.This book helps managers identify the style of real people, not imaginary templates, and provides tools to build a team of people with complementary strengths and weaknesses, based on their different management styles.This book provides a methodology to classify styles identify their strengths and weaknesses, and predict how each style will make decisions, staff, motivate, and communicate; in a word, manage.Management / Mismanagement Styles is based on Dr. Adizes 30 years of consulting experience worldwide, from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. Dr. Adizes has also used the methodology described in this book in working with prime ministers, presidents and cabinets of governments around the world. His previous books have been translated into 26 languages and are best sellers in several countries.
50 Success Classics: Winning Wisdom For Work & Life From 50 Landmark Books
Tom Butler-Bowdon - 2004
50 Success Classics is the first and only ‘bite-sized’ guide to the most important and inspiring works that have already demonstrated their power to change lives.
The Four Disciplines of Execution
Stephen R. Covey - 2004
Most failures in organizations today are not the result of a lack of smarts, they are caused by a lack of execution -- things just don't get done. Defining a clear strategy and setting goals is one thing, sticking to strategy and meeting those goals is quite another. The 4 Disciplines of Execution teaches how to focus on your top priorities and get the critical things accomplished. Whether you are a member of a team, lead a team, or lead an entire organization, this workshop will equip you to deliver on your top priorities consistently. What You'll Learn Four universal business disciplines that deliver results again and again: a. Focus on the Wildly Important b. Create a Compelling Scoreboard c. Translate Lofty Goals into Specific Actions d. Hold Each Other Accountable -- All of the Time Each discipline includes a business principle, old thinking, new thinking, and a metaphor that further clarifies the learning. A bonus section, "Implementing the Disciplines," supported by a special resource CD, gives critical information about activating the power of the 4 Disciplines in your organization.
Law of Leverage
Rane A. Panaligan - 2004
The result of following enclosed principles and concepts will greatly increase your income. With increased income comes the elimination of debts and worries of how to properly invest your excess money. The author of this book assumes no responsibility for any nervous breakdown caused by over abundant wealth.
One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way
Robert Maurer - 2004
Rooted in the two thousand-year-old wisdom of the Tao Te Ching--"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"--Kaizen is the art of making great and lasting change through small, steady increments. Kaizen is the tortoise versus the hare. Kaizen is the eleven Fortune 500 companies that significantly outperformed the market through moderate, step-by-step actions. Kaizen is losing weight not by a crash diet (which more often than not crashes) but by eating one bite less at each meal--then, a month later, eating two bites less. Kaizen is starting a life-changing exercise program by standing--just standing--on a treadmill for one minute a day. Written by an expert on Kaizen--Dr. Robert Maurer, a psychologist on the staff at the UCLA medical school who speaks and consults nationally--"One Small Step" is the gentle but potent way to effect change. Beginning by outlining the all-important role that fear plays in all types of change--and Kaizen's ability to circumvent it--Dr. Maurer then explains the 7 Small Steps: how to Think Small Thoughts, Take Small Actions, Solve Small Problems, and more. He shows how to perform mind sculpture--visualizing virtual change so that real change comes more naturally. Why small rewards motivate better than big rewards. How great discoveries are made by paying attention to the little details most of us overlook. Hundreds of examples of Kaizen at work grace the book, as well as quotes from W. Edwards Deming (who brought Kaizen to Japanese industry), Peter Drucker, coach John Wooden, and others.
How to Be Like Rich Devos: Succeeding with Integrity in Business and Life
Pat Williams - 2004
This book in the How to Be Like . . . series focuses on one facet of DeVos's character in each chapter, exploring how that one special quality has helped him to overcome huge obstacles and achieve the highest level of success and fulfillment and how you can benefit from this example in your own life. Author Pat Williams knows how to deliver a real page-turner by liberally sprinkling the text with quotes about DeVos from his friends, colleagues, NBA players, world leaders and others, and including sidebars that summarize DeVos's easy to follow success secrets.
Action!: Nothing Happens Until Something Moves
Robert J. Ringer - 2004
Filled with humorous and enriching anecdotes Action!, exhorts the reader when you close the book, get up out of your chair and take action now. Action is life, and life is meant to be lived.
According to Kotler: The World's Foremost Authority on Marketing Answers Your Questions
Philip Kotler - 2004
Now in one quick reference, Kotler provides answers to some of the toughest ones, revealing his philosophies on marketing topics including strategy, product, price, place, promotion, marketing research and planning, direct marketing, small business marketing, and more. According to Kotler offers his insightful, thought-provoking answers to questions such as: - What effects are dynamics like globalization, hyper competition, and the Internet having on marketing? - What skills do marketing managers need to be successful? - What marketing strategies make sense during a recession? - What are holistic marketing and reverse marketing? - How can a local brand be turned into a global brand? - What signs might indicate a need for a change in strategy? - What does the marketing department of the future look like? Kotler expounds on these and many other questions in this fascinating, landmark book no marketing professional should be without.
Rules of the Red Rubber Ball: Find and Sustain Your Life's Work
Kevin Carroll - 2004
Drawing wisdom from the playgrounds of his youth, where he spent hour upon hour sharpening his body and his mind, Carroll shares with readers his Rules of the Red Rubber Ball - how to achieve maximum human potential through the power of passion and creativity. Finding your own -red rubber ball+ and chasing it to your heart+s content, he argues, is the surest route to peace, prosperity, and happiness. Over the years as an athletic trainer and public speaker, Carroll has transformed his philosophy into seven simple rules that any successful leader will endorse: 1) Commit to it2) Seek out encouragers 3) Work out your creative muscle4) Prepare to shine5) Speak up6) Expect the unexpected7) Maximize the day With an award-winning design and color photos throughout, Rules of the Red Rubber Ball will inspire the child in everyone for generations to come.
William B. McCloskey - 2004
The third book-after Highliners and Breakers-in McCloskey's thrilling saga of life in America's most dangerous profession-commercial fishing.
Time Power: A Proven System for Getting More Done in Less Time Than You Ever Thought Possible
Brian Tracy - 2004
Now, in Time Power, Brian reveals his comprehensive system designed to help readers increase their productivity and income exponentially -- in just weeks!Filled with hundreds of powerful, proven tools and techniques, this book shows readers how to:* gain two more productive hours each day* make better decisions, faster!* set clear goals and focus on higher-value activities* manage multitask jobs more efficiently* overcome the people problems that can sap their time* use the five tools and techniques that will make them more productive for the rest of their lives* and much more!Overflowing with quick and effective time-saving strategies, Brian Tracy's Time Power lets readers in on the secrets to being more productive, earning more money, and getting more satisfaction from life.
Think Rich, Pinoy! An expose on why most Pinoys are poor while others are rich.
Larry Gamboa - 2004
They set the ball rolling and wealth simply accumulates. They let their money work for them. For the author, the combination of a book, a game, a woman and an opportunity helped him get out of the rat race onto the fast track. Discover why most Pinoys are poor and the secrets of the rich Tsinoys.
The Feiner Points of Leadership: The 50 Basic Laws That Will Make People Want to Perform Better for You
Michael Feiner - 2004
Feiner's candid leadership guide cuts through rhetoric and theory and gives managers and executives a "hands-on" approach to dealing with problems in business.
Zingerman's Guide to Giving Great Service
Ari Weinzweig - 2004
Zingerman's in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a beloved deli with some of the most loyal clientele around. It has been praised for its products and service in media outlets far and wide, including the New York Times, Men's Journal, Inc. Magazine, Esquire, Atlantic Monthly, USA Today, and Fast Company. And what started out as a small deli has grown to a flourishing restaurant, catering service, bakery, mail-order operation, creamery, and training business. Booming business and loyal customers are proof enough that the Zingerman's team knows a thing or two about customer service. Now in Zingerman's Guide to Giving Great Service, co-founder Ari Weinzweig shares the unique Zingerman method of treating customers, giving the reader step-by-step instructions on what to teach staff, how to train them, how to implement the training, how to measure their success, and finally, how to reward performance. Some of Zingerman's time-tested principles:Customers who get a great product but poor service won't be as loyal as those who are disappointed with a product but get great service. You'll get more complaints if people believe you care enough to listen to them. And that's a good thing. Employees who are rewarded, respected, and well cared for treat customers the same way.
Creating Level Pull: A Lean Production System Improvement Guide For Production Control, Operations, And Engineering Professionals
Art Smalley - 2004
The workbook gives a step-by-step case study on how to implement a level, pull-based production control system.
The World's Most Powerful Leadership Principle: How to Become a Servant Leader
James C. Hunter - 2004
By "hard," Hunter means that servant leaders can be hard-nosed, even autocratic, when it comes to the basics of running the business: determining the mission (where the company is headed) and values (what the rules are that govern the journey) and setting standards and accountability. Servant leaders don't commission a poll or take a vote when it comes to these critical fundamentals. After all, that's what a leader's job is, and people look to the leader to set the course and establish standards.But once that direction is provided, servant leaders turn the organizational structure upside down. They focus on giving employees everything they need to win, be it resources, time, guidance, or inspiration. Servant leaders know that providing for people and engaging hearts and minds foster a workforce that understands the benefits of striving for the greater good. The emphasis is on building authority, not power; on exerting influence, not intimidation.While many believe that servant leadership is a wonderful, inspiring idea, what's been missing is the how-to, the specifics of implementation. Jim Hunter shows how to do the right thing for the people you lead. A servant leader or a self-serving leader: Which one are you? With Jim Hunter's guidance, everyone has the potential to develop into a leader with character who leads with authority.
Become a Personal Shopper [With CD-ROM] (FabJob Guides)
Laura Harrison McBride - 2004
Some personal shoppers are employed by boutiques or department stores to assist the stores customers. Others are hired to shop for individuals or corporate clients. As a personal shopper your work may range from buying birthday presents to finding the perfect promotional item for a company to give to important clients. The book offers advice on how to learn the skills needed to get hired as a personal shopper, including identifying what clients want, finding the best products, and arranging for purchases. You will also learn how to get discounts on merchandise and prevent purchasing disasters. The guide explains how to get hired as a personal shopper by a boutique, department store, or shopping center. You will learn how to find job openings, prepare a resume, and do well in an interview. The guide also gives step-by-step information on how to start a personal shopping business, including how to get clients and how much to charge. The CD-ROM that comes with the book includes many helpful samples that can be used in a personal shopping business.
Mustang Sallies: Success Secrets of Women Who Refuse to Run With the Herd
Fawn Germer - 2004
Mustang Sallies offers words of wisdom from extraordinary women who succeeded on their own terms, by their own rules, and in their own way. Based on interviews with more than 50 world-famous trailblazers-such as Eve Ensler, Carly Fiorina, Susan Sarandon, Erin Brockovich, Hillary Clinton, Mary Higgins Clark, Ann Richards, and Martina Navratilova-Mustang Sallies shows every spirited woman how to compromise without selling out and succeed by being her true self.
Zen Entrepreneurship: Walking the Path of the Career Warrior
Rizwan Virk - 2004
in Silicon Valley! It's entertaining, humble, insightful and valuable - not just to entrepreneurs, but to anyone looking to manifest their dreams and make a difference in the world." -Foster Gamble, Creator and Host, Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take"You will come away with insight about yourself, guidance ... and knowledge that you may not be able to acquire anywhere else save the mountaintops of the Himalayas." -Bookreview.comRead Zen Entrepreneurship, the book that has inspired entrepreneurs and spiritual seekers worldwide!Based on a true story, this book is about succeeding in life while walking a spiritual path. Follow the travels of a young entrepreneur as he starts and grows a multi-million dollar business, only to discover that real success is tied to the hidden worlds and learn the secrets of being a Career Warrior.This book is not just for entrepreneurs, but for anyone who wants to find their work and place in life, who want to bring more integrity into their work and be more successful personally and financially. "Riz Virk brings the wisdom of ancient Eastern traditions into a purely Western setting. The result is an often hilarious but always insightful book that will change how you view career success and help you discover and walk your own unique path." -Marc Allen, author of Visionary Business, CEO and co-founder of New World LibraryZen Entrepreneurship will teach you the 14 hidden keys for success, including:how to use your work for spiritual growth how to achieve success using the Four Keys to Manifestation how to discover and transcend your Energetic Pattern, rather than letting it run you how to bring the magic and mystery of a treasure hunt into your career. how to find the 7 Clues that are pointing you to the person you were meant to be! How to utilize your dreams and synchronicity to serve as your guide How to find and utilize Places of Power, and Times of Power to be more successful How to manifest appropriately to propel you to financial and business success How to find and walk your own Warrior's Path, the unique combination of lesson and contributions you are here for "Zen Entrepreneurship changed my life, it confirmed for me that 'clues' exist in the world around us and are powerful. I shared this book with every one of my clients from that point forward. Powerful. A must read... it reinforces that there is a bigger guide within us if we choose to listen" -Lorin Beller, author of From Entrepreneur to Big Fish: 7 Principles of Wild Success
The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual
U.S. Department of the Army - 2004
Army Leadership Field Manual has provided leadership training for every officer training program in the U.S. Army. This trade edition brings the manual's value-based leadership principles and practices to today's business world. The result is a compelling examination of how to be an effective leader when the survival of your team literally hangs on your decisions. More than 60 gripping vignettes and stories illustrate historical and contemporary examples of army leaders who made a difference.The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual also provides:A leadership approach based on the army's core principles of "Be, Know, Do"Hands-on lessons to enhance training, mentoring, and decision-making skillsChapters that focus on the different roles and requirements for leadership
Mentored by a Millionaire: Master Strategies of Super Achievers
Steven K. Scott - 2004
You will be mentored in these sessions by Steve Scott, a man who has not only made millions himself, but has helped dozens of others make millions as well.
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions Workbook
Robert F. Bruner - 2004
Useful review questions as well as problems and answers are provided for both professionals and students. Readers will further their knowledge, build practical intuition, and learn the art and science of M&A by using this comprehensive self-study workbook in conjunction with the main text.
A Beautiful Constraint: How to Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It's Everyone's Business
Adam Morgan - 2004
It describes how to take the kinds of issues that all of us face today--lack of time, money, resources, attention, know-how--and see in them the opportunity for transformation of oneself and one's organization's fortunes. The ideas in the book are based on the authors' extensive work as business consultants, and are brought to life in 35 personal interviews from such varied sources as Nike, IKEA, Unilever, the U.S. Navy, Formula One racecar engineers, public school teachers in California, and barley farmers in South Africa. Underpinned by scientific research into the psychology of breakthrough, the book is a practical handbook full of tools and tips for how to make more from less. Beautifully designed and accessible, A Beautiful Constraint will appeal beyond its core business audience to anyone who needs to find the opportunity in constraint.The book takes the reader on a journey through the mindset, method and motivation required to move from the initial victim stage into the transformation stage. It challenges us to:Examine how we've become path dependent--stuck with routines that blind us from seeing opportunity along new paths Ask Propelling Questions to help us break free of those paths and put the most pressing and valuable constraints at the heart of our process Adopt a Can If mentality to answer these questions--focused on how, not if Access the abundance to be found all around us to help transform constraints Activate the high-octane mix of emotions necessary to fuel the tenacity required for success We live in a world of seemingly ever-increasing constraints, driven as much by an overabundance of choices and connections as by a scarcity of time and resources. How we respond to these constraints is one of the most important issues of our time and will be a large determinant of our progress as people, businesses and planet, in the future. A Beautiful Constraint calls for a more widespread capability for constraint-driven problem solving and provides the framework to achieve that.
Sales Force Design for Strategic Advantage
Andris A. Zoltners - 2004
It includes sections on how to assess the current sales force design and how to implement change and covers customer segmentation, market strategy, structuring and sizing, alignment, metrics and managing change.
Managing with Aloha: Bringing Hawaii's Universal Values to the Art of Business
Rosa Say - 2004
Yet Rosa Say, founder of Say Leadership Coaching and former Vice President of Hualalai at historic Kaûpûlehu, boldly proposes that Hawaii is optimally suited to lead the world in the pursuit of values-centered business, because we all live with something good and right by its very nature: Aloha and all it embraces. Managing with Aloha explores nineteen different Hawaiian values, and in the tradition of Dr. George Kanahele this book demonstrates how managers can bring these universal values into every kind of business practice today. Say draws on many examples of how she put these values into profitable practice in her own successful career as a manager, and she eloquently shares her common-sense approaches to blending the social and economic goals of business enterprise in ways that define a Hawaiian sensibility for the way we work and live.
Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End
Rosabeth Moss Kanter - 2004
. . and stay that way. Is success simply a matter of money and talent? Or is there another reason why some people and organizations always land on their feet, while others, equally talented, stumble again and again? There’s a fundamental principle at work–confidence–that makes the difference between winning and losing in any competition, be it a high school basketball game or a high-stakes business situation. In Confidence, Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter shows why organizations of all types may be brimming with talent but not be winners. Based on her extraordinary investigation of success and failure in companies such as Continental Airlines and Verizon and sports teams such as the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles, as well as the arenas of education, health care, and politics, Kanter explores a new theory and practice of success and provides people in leadership positions with a prescriptive program for maintaining a winning streak or turning around a downward spiral. Packed with brilliant, practical ideas, Confidence provides fresh thinking about success in all facets of life—from the factors that can make or break corporations and governments to the keys for successful relationships in the workplace or at home.
The Game of Negotiating
Herb Cohen - 2004
HERB COHEN LIVE - talking to people and answering their concerns HERB COHEN LIVE - UNPRECEDENTED FROM NEW MILLENNIUM AUDIO.
Overachievement: The New Science of Working Less to Accomplish More
John Eliot - 2004
Set goals. Focus on the outcome. Lose yourself to the Zone. All reasonable, sensible advice when you are facing a big presentation at work, a crucial point in the game, or any kind of career-launching performance. And all utterly, hopelessly, wrong. According to John Eliot, Ph.D., “Such self-improvement balderdash will do nothing but relegate you to a career in mediocrity.” As Dr. Eliot has discovered through his cutting-edge research and real-world coaching, techniques such as goal-setting, relaxation, visualization, stress management, and flow just don’t work for most people. Relaxing when the pressure is on is the wrong way to go. Instead, to really ratchet up your performance, you’ll need to change the way you think about pressure—and learn how to welcome it, enjoy it, and make it work to your advantage. Mixing scientific insights with entertaining and inspiring stories, Overachievement will help you achieve spectacular success in any situation that demands you rise above and beyond what you ever thought possible. BACKCOVER: “The antithesis of every self-improvement guru.” —Jim Pawlak, Chicago Tribune “[Eliot’s] upfront conversational tone makes his advice not just palatable but convincing. Even if they don’t achieve superstar results right away, readers from all walks of life should find it easier to hone their concentration and work a little harder.” —Publishers Weekly
Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures
Bruce R. Barringer - 2004
Entrepreneurship: Launching New Ventures introduces readers to the process of entrepreneurial success and shows them how to be effective every step of the way.
Dolf De Roos' Real Estate Investor's College: Real Estate Investing for Everyone (Audio Success) (Audio Success)
Dolf de Roos - 2004
The Property Investor's School on 10 CD's provides a dynamic audio record of Dolf's mentoring sessions previously available only in-person. Real Estate Riches on 3 CD's abridges the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller to create a portable audio compendium of how-to tips for creating property income. Finally, sit in on Discussions with Dolf, a DVD bonus comprising of an international question-and-answer session featuring specific real estate queries from program participants. Covering everything from lenders to leases; trades people to tenants; Dolf de Roos' Real Estate Investor's College is your graduate course in financial security
Quality Management: Creating and Sustaining Organizational Effectiveness
Donna C.S. Summers - 2004
New or updated chapters on lean, Six Sigma, ISO 9000, and supply chain management cover the latest areas that are critical to companies competing in today's global environment. Designed to enable students to recognize the cornerstones of creating and sustaining organizational effectiveness, this text is based on key quality initiatives, including Six Sigma, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, ISO 9000, lean manufacturing, and value creation.
Checklist For Life For Leaders: Timeless Wisdom & Foolproof Strategies For Making The Most Of Life's Challenges & Opportunities (Ultimate Handbooks)
Checklist for Life - 2004
It contains principles for living a successful, joy-filled life. In addition to a brief narrative, each chapter of this interactive handbook contains: An "I Will" checklist of heart and attitude reinforcements A "Things to Do" checklist of action points A "Things to Remember" section of Scripture verses and applicable quotes from famous and not-so-famous peopleIn all, there are insightful narratives, Scriptures, quotations, and checklists on sixty-six important topics. The practical, inspirational content plus the attractive two-color text design and unique cover make this a book leaders will want to own and give as a gift.
A.C. Ping - 2004
C. Ping's Do is packed full with big ideas, straight-talking wit and wisdom, and illuminating advice. But whereas Be is about contemplation, Do encourages action. It is another small book with a big, bold agenda that invites us to ask—and answer. Read it and find the courage and commitment to stop searching for the meaning of life—and start living it.
Shifting Sands: A Guidebook for Crossing the Deserts of Change
Steve Donahue - 2004
Shifting Sands exposes the mountain-climbing myth and its goal-setting metaphor as ineffective, and suggests that the desert is the perfect metaphor to describe the journey of life, especially in times of transition. Deserts require us to pay attention to the journey rather than the destination. Strategic planning and maps don't work in a desert. Instead, travelers must follow their internal compass. Steve Donahue presents the "Six Rules of Desert Travel" to aid all those facing change, whether starting a new career, coping with illness or a midlife crisis, getting married or divorced, or having the kids move out of the house. He helps life travelers face their fears and overcome other obstacles (being too busy, feeling overwhelmed) so they can commit to the journey in front of them.
Real Prosperity: Using the Power of Intuition to Create Financial and Spiritual Abundance
Lynn A. Robinson - 2004
Robinson lights the path to prosperity by showing her readers how to access their true dreams and passions and how to tap into their personal wells of abundance.Refreshingly down to earth and rich with humor, compassion, and compelling tales of success, Real Prosperity points its readers to financial and spiritual prosperity with sage advice, true stories, inspirational quotes, and quick, practical exercises that add a valuable how to factor not often found in this genre.A glance at a few of the chapter titles provides an idea of the book's appeal for readers of all ages and circumstances: * Listen to Your Inner Millionaire * Prosperity Is an Inside Job * How to Grow a Life You Love * Abundance Is Your Birthright * Dear God: Send Money * Create a Divine Investment Plan * Thriving through Life Transitions* I Thought I'd Be Rich by NowAt a time when Americans are sinking into a quagmire of debt and the deeper meaning of life seems to elude even the well off, this wonderful new book offers relief and promises to help its readers chart a course to a richer, more abundant life.This is not a get-rich-quick or pray-your-way-to-wealth book. Nor is it a book about financial planning and debt reduction. It is, instead, an inspiring and uplifting guide that delivers hope, not hype; workable lessons, not foolish philosophy. In other words, it's a book that can work magic in your life. Read it and you'll agree.
Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications: Essentials of Practical Management Science
Wayne L. Winston - 2004
Renowned for their other successful texts in operations research/management science, Winston and Albright successfully show how spreadsheets are used in real life to model and analyze real business problems. By modeling problems using spreadsheets from the outset, SPREADSHEET MODELING AND APPLICATIONS prepares future managers for the types of problems they will encounter on the job. Real cases throughout the text further cement this book's status as the most relevant of its kind on the market. This text is also accompanied by Palisade Corporation's professional spreadsheet add-ins, DecisionTools Suite.
The ABC's of Writing Winning Business Plans: How to Prepare a Business Plan That Others Will Want to Read - And Invest in
Garrett Sutton - 2004
Whether one is just starting out or is already in business and need s to refocus, this practical guide will clearly instruct how to prepare a winning business plan. This book will become a valued ersource for any entrepreneurs and business owners on their path towards future success.
Becoming a Leader the Annapolis Way: 12 Combat Lessons from the Navy's Leadership Laboratory
W. Brad Johnson - 2004
Unfortunately, they're not always easy to come by. Becoming a Leader the Annapolis Way details how the U.S. Naval Academy builds quality leaders from the ground up, instilling in them the habits and tools required for outstanding leadershipin any pursuit.Using real-life vignettes and examples of USNA graduates who experienced breakthrough success in combat, government, and business, this timely book looks beyond just the military aspects to explore:Techniques for teaching honor, duty, and commitmentEmpowerment strategies proven to work over centuries of useInsights for overcoming the perils of blind obedience
How to Sell a Lobster
Bill Bishop - 2004
Are you looking for new ways to have fun and make more money? Are you searching for innovative ideas to get new ventures started, overcome buyer's resistance, close prospects, or create a bigger and better business? If so, How To Sell A Lobster is the perfect book for you.
The Price Advantage
Michael V. Marn - 2004
Based on in-depth, first-hand experience with hundreds of companies, this book is designed to provide managers with comprehensive guidance through the maze of pricing issues. The authors demonstrate why pricing excellence is critical to corporate success and profitability, then explain state-of-the-art approaches to analyzing and improving your own pricing strategy for any product or service. Their advice is critical for readers who need to develop pricing strategies that work in both good economic times and bad.
The Big Sister's Guide to the World of Work: The Inside Rules Every Working Girl Must Know
Marcelle Langan DiFalco - 2004
The Big Sister's Guide to the World of Work will straighten her out. This tell-it-like-it-is handbook gives every working woman the tools for facing the forces of evil and opportunity in corporate America, including how to: • Sidestep the classic mistakes women make in a new job • Avoid getting tangled up in office politics • Banish the seven habits that make you look small • Get your boss on your side (without kissing up) Once entry-level know-nothings who rose to the top of the corporate ranks, DiFalco and Herz have been the go-to big sisters for hundreds of women who were mystified and mortified at the office. Now you can arm yourself with the authors' straight-shooting advice. Uninhibited and fiercely wise -- like the very best big sisters -- they are the mentors every working woman needs.
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions University Edition
Robert F. Bruner - 2004
Despite the material failure rates of mergers and acquisitions, those pulling the trigger on key strategic decisions can make them work if they spend great care and rigor in the development of their M&A deals. By addressing the key factors of M&A success and failure, Applied Mergers and Acquisitions can help readers do this. Written by one of the foremost thinkers and educators in the field, this invaluable resource teaches readers the art and science of M&A valuation, deal negotiation, and bargaining, and provides a framework for considering tradeoffs in an effort to optimize the value of any M&A deal.
Build from Scratch
Vineet Bajpai - 2004
It tells the reader that a company is created out of one dominant ingredient – the human will.The book discusses critical topics of idea generation, fund-raising, venture capital, go-to-market strategies and leadership. It also explores the human aspects of being an entrepreneur – the struggle, the ambition and the perseverance. It has a gritty and street-smart flavour that offers most realistic and down-to-earth strategies.If you do not hail from a business family, you are not a Harvard drop-out and you don’t even have a world-changing innovation... and yet you dream of building your own company one day, Build from Scratch will be your soul mate.
Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
Patrick De Pelsmacker - 2004
The book covers all elements of the communications mix, including advertising, public relations, sponsorship, sales promotion, direct marketing, point-of-purchase communications, exhibitions, and personal selling. It also offers up-to-date coverage of e-communication, including e-marketing, mobile marketing, interactive television and relationship marketing. Building on the success of the third edition, the fourth edition comes fully updated with brand new material on a diverse range of products and brands such as Coke Zero, Twitter and Wii Fit, as well as coverage of topical issues such as the Barack Obama campaign and the EU anti-smoking campaign.
The Escher Cycle: Creating Self-Reinforcing Business Advantage
Finn Jackson - 2004
The final stage is the Escher Cycle, which Jackson contends will create a
Conquering Adversity: Six Strategies to Move You and Your Team Through Tough Times
Christopher Novak - 2004
"Conquering Adversity" is a powerful reminder that there is a hero inside each of us. Against a backdrop of true-life adversity, author Christopher Novak offers six strategies - affirmation, expectation, communication, locomotion, collaboration and celebration - that help us excel in (and out of) the workplace. His real-world experience includes insights on dealing with change, strengthening relationships, communicating for impact, taking initiative, balancing priorities and more.
The Billion Dollar Bet: Robert Johnson and the Inside Story of Black Entertainment Television
Brett Pulley - 2004
In a remarkable feat of reporting, without Johnson's cooperation, Pulley shows what it really takes to get ahead in America today, and in doing so provides as valuable a cultural as business history." --James B. Stewart Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author of DisneyWar, Den of Thieves, and Heart of a Soldier "Like or dislike? Agree or disagree? Bob Johnson's richly varied and fascinating life presses you against the window that Brett Pulley opens widely." --Bernard Shaw retired CNN anchor "Through his BET network, Bob Johnson reached the pinnacle of capitalism, the billionaire boys club, in the spirit of legions of driven, American moguls . . . Veteran business journalist Brett Pulley peels back the layers of this fascinating and complex entrepreneur." --Teri Agins Senior Special Writer, the Wall Street Journal, and author of The End of Fashion: How Marketing Changed the Clothing Business Forever
You Play to Win the Game
Herman Edwards - 2004
This title provides you with motivating words and examples you need to follow the author's example, and create your own story of personal fulfillment and top-level achievement.
Killing the Sale: The 10 Fatal Mistakes Salespeople Make and How to Avoid Them
Todd Duncan - 2004
Some are making a killing, but a greater percentage end up victims of the sales industry-and their own mistakes. Some are normal bumps in the road toward success. Others are more damaging. But many are fatal to a career.Duncan addresses these catastrophic mistakes with clarity and directness. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or someone considering sales as a career, Duncan's wisdom can help you avoid errors in perception, practice, and performance that could not only kill a sale but also your career.
Dreams Don't Have Deadlines: Living Your Dream Life, No Matter What Your Age
Mark Victor Hansen - 2004
As co-creator of the hugely successful Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Mark is responsible for the sale of more than eighty million books. However, Mark didn't achieve this success until he was well into his 40s. He finally succeeded because he knew that dreams don't have deadlines.In "Dreams Don't Have Deadlines," Hansen tells you how to take the deadlines off your dreams and turn them into the realities of your everyday life. You will learn:Why there's never been a better time to start living your dreams, and why our society needs you to do soWhat wealth really means, and why having a great deal of money is only the beginningHow to have fun while putting your dreams into actionHow to stay connected with people who can help you succeed, and get connected with people who can help you even moreCreate and renew commitment to your dreamsGet passionate about making the rest of your life the best of your life
Nudie the Rodeo Tailor: The Life and Times of the Original Rhinestone Cowboy
Jamie Lee Nudie - 2004
all on a few sparkly G-strings. Nudie the Rodeo Tailor tells the unbelievable story of Nudie and Bobbie Cohn and the legendary fashion legacy they created.Nudie Cohn's first store (Nudie's for the Ladies, New York City) featured those famous and lavishly ornamented G-strings and stage costumes, and allowed him to build a reputation as a master tailor with a taste for the flashy. After a few years, Nudie turned his attention to making western clothing, and became the first person to incorporate rhinestones into cowboy dress. It was the $10,000 gold suit that Nudie made for Elvis Presley that rocketed Nudie to stardom and cemented his status in fashion history; Nudie would go on to design clothing for Dale Evans and Roy Rogers, Elton John, Gene Autry, John Wayne, John Lennon, Steve McQueen, Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton, and the rock groups America and the Flying Burrito Brothers. Nudie blurred the boundaries of fashion and cast a far-reaching influence over the clothing worn in country music, rock music, movies, and television.
Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling
Wayne L. Winston - 2004
For more than a decade, well-known consultant and business professor Wayne Winston has been teaching corporate clients and MBA students the most effective ways to use Microsoft Excel for data analysis, modeling, and decision making. Now this award-winning educator shares the best of his classroom experience in this practical, business-focused guide. Each chapter advances your data analysis and modeling expertise using real-world examples and learn-by-doing exercises. You also get all the book’s problem-and-solution files on CD—for all the practice you need to solve complex problems and work smarter with Excel.Learn how to solve real business problems with Excel!Create best, worst, and most-likely scenarios for sales Calculate how long it would take to recoup a project’s startup costs Plan personal finances, such as computing loan terms or saving for retirement Estimate a product’s demand curve Simulate stock performance over a year Determine which product mix will yield the greatest profits Interpret the effects of price and advertising on sales Assign a dollar value to customer loyalty Manage inventory and order quantities with precision Create customer service queues with short wait times Estimate the probabilities of equipment failure Model business uncertainties Get new perspectives on data with PivotTable dynamic views Help predict quarterly revenue, outcomes of sporting events, presidential elections, and more! On the CD:Practice files for all the book’s exercises Solutions for problem sets Fully searchable eBook A Note Regarding the CD or DVDThe print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to
The Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook
Thomas McCarty - 2004
The authors show how to integrate research and development, manufacturing, human resources, finance, marketing, quality, and customer service with corporate vision, mission, and key strategies.* Tools for estimating quality project cost on a project by project basis * A complete guide to understanding and writing financial reports * Methodologies for leading multiple projects * Problem-solving tools like Design for Six Sigma and TRIZContents: Strategy: Planning for Six Sigma * Project Management * Performance Reporting * Leadership for Six Sigma: Organizing for Six Sigma * Team Leader's Tools * Team Measurement Concepts * Corporate Initiatives: Six Sigma * Lean Thinking * Human Resources Management: Organizational Alignment * Compensation and Recognition * Methodology Tools: Define * Measure * Analyze * Improve * Triz * Control * Design for Six Sigma * Financial Measurements: Financial * Operational * Reporting * By Industry: Service * Transaction * Manufacturing * Healthcare * Human Resources Management
Viable Vision: Transforming Total Sales into Net Profits
Gerald I. Kendall - 2004
This book explains the Viable Vision concept and provides readers the proven frame of reference and roadmap for achieving exponential growth in profits, without relying on minor miracles such as a new product breakthrough.Supported by significant testing and proven results in real companies, it is now conceivable that even large companies can grow profits at double digit rates. Concisely packed with the proven principles of 25 years of scientific research and real-life application, readers will learn about the holistic implementation of constraints management in strategic planning, operations, supply chain/logistics, sales and marketing, project management, technology, metrics and finance. Whether or not you are one of the millions of people who have read "The Goal" or other fine books on the Theory of Constraints, you will gain enormous benefits from reading this book. Viable Vision is a must read for anyone interested in rapidly increasing their company's net profits.
The Social Styles Handbook, Revised Edition: Adapt Your Style to Win Trust (Wilson Learning Library)
Wilson Learning Library - 2004
Learn which Social Style you naturally prefer, how to read others' styles, and then adapt to them so you can build trust and influence more quickly. Proven, powerful life-changing tools for immediate impact at work and home.
The Seven CS of Coaching: A Definitive Guide to Collaborative Coaching
Mick Cope - 2004
In this book, Mick does for coaching what he did for consulting in '7Cs of Consulting' and offers a complete guide to creating sustainable change through the coaching process.
Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter: The Inspiring True Story of the Door-to-Door Salesman Who Changed Lives
Shelly Brady - 2004
The ABC's of Building a Business Team That Wins: The Invisible Code of Honor That Takes Ordinary People and Turns Them Into a Championship Team
Blair Singer - 2004
This volume offers a practical guide to leading a team to greatness no matter who you are.
How Winners Sell: 21 Proven Strategies to Outsell Your Competition and Win the Big Sale
Dave Stein - 2004
Salespeople are faced with a proliferation of competitors, commoditization of their products and services, reduced customer budgets, and more complex and longer customer buying cycles. In addition, the endless flow of information available to their prospects over the Internet make them far less dependent on the salesperson for solutions, even further limiting access to decision makers. How do salespeople transform themselves into savvy professionals who can be counted on to continue to win business even under these tough, seemingly insurmountable conditions? Author and sales consultant Dave Stein has helped thousands of CEOs, VPs, sales managers, marketing directors, and sales teams navigate the most complex opportunities with precision and speed, even during challenging economic times. In How Winners Sell, Stein shows readers how to plan strategically for scenarios when details are most important - so they never come up short in the eyes of a client.
Television and Me: The Autobiography of John Logie Baird
John Logie Baird - 2004
John Logie Baird's memoirs cover the wild escapades of his early business career and the dramatic pioneering days of his scientific work, when he transmitted the very first television pictures ever seen.
Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Red Book of Sales Answers: 99.5 Real World Answers That Make Sense, Make Sales, and Make Money
Jeffrey Gitomer - 2004
Jeffrey Gitomer presents a practical, personal guide to knowing what to do when selling, how to do it and how to hit your results every time.
Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The Globe Study of 62 Societies
Robert J. House - 2004
GLOBE is a long-term program designed to conceptualize, operationalize, test, and validate a cross-level integrated theory of the relationship between culture and societal, organizational, and leadership effectiveness. A team of 160 scholars worked together since 1994 to study societal culture, organizational culture, and attributes of effective leadership in 62 cultures. Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies reports the findings of the first two phases of GLOBE. The book is primarily based on the results of the survey of over 17,000 middle managers in three industries: banking, food processing, and telecommunications, as well as archival measures of country economic prosperity and the physical and psychological well-being of the cultures studied.
The Simple Truth About Your Business: Why Focused and Steady Beats Business at the Speed of Light
Alex Brennan-Martin - 2004
Using examples drawn from businesses of all types and sizes, this book explains straightforward techniques that can lead to lasting success and profits.
The Blended Learning Book: Best Practices, Proven Methodologies, and Lessons Learned
Josh Bersin - 2004
It gives you a guidebook to combining the latest technologies with traditional training models to create high-impact programs that drive superior business results (not just reduce costs). Filled with real-world examples and case studies from organizations such as Accenture, BI, Cisco, FedEx, Kinko?s, Grant-Thornton, IBM, Novell, the U.S. Navy, Verizon, and more, e-learning veteran Josh Bersin zeros in on What Works -- in all shapes and sizes of training departments from a variety of industries.
10 Spiritual Principles of Successful Women: Discovering Your Purpose, Vision, and Blessing
Victoria Lowe - 2004
Entrepreneur Victoria Lowe answers that need by sharing powerful spiritual principles women can use to find greater success in every area of life. And she speaks from experience. Victoria started a company that eventually grew into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. In this book, she shares her inspiring story and the principles that guided her, including: use the unique gifts and talents you were created with spend time with God for guidance see beyond every limitation to a bigger and broader plan do what needs to be done 10 Spiritual Principles of Successful Women is packed with insights from business and life, scriptural principles, and practical suggestions for achieving success.
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets
Frederic S. Mishikin - 2004
Corporate Fraud Handbook: Prevention and Detection
Joseph T. Wells - 2004
Emphasizing that it is much more cost effective to prevent fraud than to punish it, Corporate Fraud Handbook: Prevention and Detection, Second Edition gives you practical insight into fraud schemes used by employees, owners, managers, and executives to defraud their customers. This new edition also gives you access to all new statistics from the ACFE 2006 Report to the Nation as well as new cases.
Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery
Harlan Carvey - 2004
Windowssystems are highly pervasive throughout the entire computing infrastructure,from home and school systems, to high-end e-commerce sites. In contrast tothis pervasiveness, information regarding conducting effective incidentresponse and forensic audit activities on Windows systems is limited. Whilethere are many security books available, none focus specifically on Windowssecurity. There are also resources available online, but they are scattered andoften too general. This book is a compilation of all the information currentlyavailable on this subject. It is for anyone who manages or administers Windowssystems (including home users) and needs to know how to react when theysuspect that an incident has occurred. It guides the reader throughinformation, tools, and techniques that are required to conduct incidentresponse or a live forensics audit activities. By providing the necessarybackground for understanding how incidents occur and how data can behidden on compromised systems, the reader will have a better understanding ofthe "whys" and "hows" of incident response and forensic audit activities. *It isimportant to note that regulatory issues are also pushing organizations towardbetter security and incident preparedness policies.
No B.S. Business Success (NO BS)
Dan S. Kennedy - 2004
He regularly get "millionaire-maker" results for satisfied clients in hundreds of professions and industries. His bestselling books include How to Make Millions with Your Ideas.Dan Kennedy offers readers frank advice for building a business and getting highly compensated in the process. Entrepreneurs can increase opportunities to succeed by using his four positioning strategies, 25 eternal business truths, and five keys to multiply cash flow, plus advice on people, sales, productivity, getting out of trouble, and achieving financial independence.
The Labyrinths of Information: Challenging the Wisdom of Systems
Claudio Ciborra - 2004
The former have offered multiple ways to represent, model, and build applications that would streamline andaccelerate data flows, while the latter have been busy linking the deployment of ICT's with strategy and the redesign of business processes. This book takes quite a different approach altogether. In a series of essays, Ciborra uses a string of metaphors--such as Bricolage, Krisis, Gestall, etc. --to place a concern for human existence and our working lives at the center of the study of ICTs and their diffusion in business organizations, and looks at our practices, improvisations, and moods. He draws upon his own extensive research and consulting experience to throw a fresh light on some keyquestions: why are systems ambiguous? Why do they not give us more time to do things? Is there strategic value in tinkering even in high-tech settings? What is the value of age-old practices in dealing with new technologies? What is the role of moods and affections in influencing action andcognition? Labyrinths of Information presents an alternative to the current approaches in management, software-engineering, and strategy that will be of interest to all those concerned with the deployment of ICTs in society today -- whether as users, managers, designers, policy makers or the merelycurious.
Construction Contract Law: The Essentials
John Adriaanse - 2004
Suitable for both students and practitioners, the book covers topics including the application of contract law in practice.
The Art of Business: In the Footsteps of Giants
Raymond T. Yeh - 2004
Such enterprises achieve organizational excellence and lasting market dominance, and their leaders are envied, copied, and avidly followed by many. This book offers you the opportunity to walk with these giants, learn their secrets, delve into their minds, and experience these five arts as they do.