HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth

Harvard Business Review - 2019
    Managing your career--and the skills you need to be successful--is your responsibility. If you're looking to push yourself to the next level, it can be hard to determine where to start.The HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth will be your coach, transforming your abstract hopes and ideas into a concrete action plan. No matter where you are in your career, this guide will help you: Assess your current skills--and acquire new ones Elicit feedback you can use Set meaningful--and achievable--goals Make time for learning Play to your strengths Identify your next challenge Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Freedom Shift: 3 Choices to Reclaim America's Destiny

Oliver DeMille - 2010
    They are: 1. The Dominance of the Employee Mentality 2. The Two-Party Political Monopoly 3. The Industrial-Materialistic-Nationalized Mindset And the three choices that can overcome these deep problems are: 1. A Revolution of Entrepreneurship 2. The Rise of the Independents 3. Building and Leading the New Tribes Political parties, big business and the media misunderstand, underestimate or ignore The Three Choices, and regular citizens and future generations stand to suffer the consequences. It is time for regular Americans, and others who support freedom around the world, to understand The Three Choices. When we do, expect a tectonic FreedomShift to sweep the nation and beyond.

Descending Into Greatness

Bill Hybels - 1993
    In fourteen powerful chapters, the authors explore such topics as How Jesus managed power. The intentional decisions necessary to move down. The uplifting nature of true humility. Abundant life through dying to self. The ambush of joy. Moving down is never an easy matter that can be reduced to a formula. It involves a life committed to discipleship. Descending into Greatness introduces you to the touching stories of modern men and women committed to advancing the kingdom of God: from the pro football player, to the medical missionary, to a businessman wrestling with the priorities in the world of finance. Descending into Greatness asks tough questions and gives hopeful answers. Now, this powerful, urgent message also includes a discussion guide so that you can follow through, too. "Like Christ, we must descend-into self-abandonment, unconditional giving, sacrifice, and death to self. And, like Christ, we will then ascend-into fulfillment, blessing, joy, and purpose."

The Diary of a West Point Cadet: A Graduate's Captivating and Hilarious Stories that Teach Vital Leadership Lessons from the US Military Academy

Preston Pysh - 2010
    Many leadership books can be boring. Instead of reading another repetitive book about 100 leadership essentials by a corporate CEO, search no more for the perfect leadership book. In "The Diary of a West Point Cadet," by Captain Preston Pysh, the author teaches essential West Point leadership through the most fun and unique reading of any book in its class. If you are an aspiring cadet, a small-group leader, or even an emerging leader in corporate America, this book is for you. Each intriguing firsthand account of Preston's most memorable stories from attending West Point will capture your interest and imagination. At the conclusion of each gripping story, Preston efficiently summarizes how the experience taught him lessons about leadership, which later prepared him to be a combat commander. If you like twists and turns while reading and learning, you are in for a treat. Prepare to be glued to your seat and the text as you experience unforgettable stories and lessons from "The Point."

The Leadership Lessons of Gregg Popovich: A Case Study on the San Antonio Spurs' 5-time NBA Championship Winning Head Coach

Leadership Case Studies - 2015
    To achieve consistent success, the Spurs have built an organization with a team-first mindset where all of the players, staff and management are focused on the same goals. How do they do it? How does head coach Gregg Popovich create strong relationships with his players? How did he get his team to bounce back from a devastating loss in the 2013 NBA Finals to come back one year later and to win it all? How does he create a team culture where players from around the world are able to work together towards a common goal? In this brief leadership case study, we analyze the methods and ideas that Gregg Popovich uses to get his team performing at a high level. By reading how a 3x NBA Coach of the Year manages his team, you’ll learn the following lessons: - How to create solid, trustworthy relationships with your players and staff. - How to exploit advantages and untapped resources before your competition - Why it’s essential to build a strong foundation and not skip any steps in your development. - What are the specific steps to focus on in order to persevere and bounce back from setback. Although Gregg Popovich is an expert at coaching basketball, this case study isn’t focused on his playbook. Rather, it highlights the strategy, culture, and organizational development style of the San Antonio Spurs. Basketball coaches will find it useful for developing their squads, but other team coaches, managers, and leaders in all industries will find the lessons useful as well. The lessons can be applied to any business or organization looking to create a strong team culture and achieve continuing success.

Beyond Blame: Learning From Failure and Success

Dave Zwieback - 2015
    Our increasingly complex world demands that we continuously learn from failures (and successes) in order to survive and thrive. And yet, our learning is too often undermined. We construct biased but comfortable stories, which often feature a simple, single "root cause"--a villain, someone to take the blame. Having done that, we short-circuit the possibility of developing any deeper understanding of the complex systems we work with. With this common approach, our systems will become more fragile and drift into failure. In this concise and entertaining book, I.T. veteran Dave Zwieback describes an incident that threatens the very existence of a large financial institution, and the counterintuitive steps its leadership took to stop the downward spiral. Their novel approach is grounded in proven concepts from complexity science, resilience engineering, human factors, cognitive science, and organizational psychology. It allows us to identify the underlying conditions for failure, and make our systems (and organizations) safer and more resilient.- Get a clear understanding of the downside of blame- Learn how to identify (and counteract) cognitive biases in groups- See how organizations can determine the real root cause of problems- Establish real accountability with your organization- Use the Learning Review Framework to fully learn from failures of complex systems- Find practical insights and tips for moving beyond blame in your own organization

Bounce: The Art of Turning Tough Times into Triumph

Keith McFarland - 2009
    His unit is about to lose its biggest customer and its most valuable employee. Mike wonders how much longer he and his staff can keep up their relentless work schedule and meet upper management’s new request for cost cuts. Something has to give. Hoping to blow off steam, he heads to a gym, where he runs into Joe, a former army Ranger.After listening to Mike vent about the cards he’s been dealt, the ex-soldier says, "Sounds like your company is ready to bounce." Mike looks confused, so Joe begins tutoring him in lessons from the battlefield. It is precisely when all seems lost, says Joe, that the opportunity exists to rethink a situation and make real progress. Over the next two weeks, Joe turns Mike’s view of himself and his company upside down. Despite his Ivy League MBA and extensive experience running companies, Mike has a lot to learn from this young grunt just back from Afghanistan. For example, he learns that under pressure, people experience two kinds of anxiety–one that hurts performance and one that helps it. Mike uses the insight to get his troops running toward the sound of gunfire, and in the process, learns that "bounce" can happen outside the workplace, too. With Joe’s help, he finds his own personal bounce.Drawing inspiration from such sources as the work of M.I.T. social scientist Ed Schein, the film Saving Private Ryan, and his own experiences as a CEO leading companies, McFarland cleverly weaves a story whose practical insights can be put to use immediately. With an invaluable wrap-up section at the book’s end that analyzes each of the key ideas and shows how they can be applied in work and personal life, Bounce may be the most indispensable guide to facing challenges ever written.

The Lean Entrepreneur: How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets

Brant Cooper - 2012
    yet. The Lean Entrepreneur shows you how to become one. Most of us believe entrepreneurial visionaries are born, not made. Our media glorify business outliers like Bezos, Branson, Gates, and Jobs as heroes with X-ray vision who can look to the future, see clearly what will be, imagine a fully formed product or experience and then, simply make the vision real.Many in our entrepreneur community still believe that to be visionary, we must merely execute on a seemingly good idea and ignore all doubt. With this mindset, companies build doomed products in a vacuum; enterprises make ill-fated innovation investment decisions; and employees and shareholders come along for an uncomfortable ride. Falling prey to the Myth of the Visionary confuses talented entrepreneurs, product managers, innovators and investors. It leads us to heartbreaking, costly and preventable failures in new product and venture development. The Lean Entrepreneur moves us beyond this myth. It combines powerful customer insight, rapid experimentation and easily actionable data from the Lean Startup methodology to empower individuals, companies, and entire teams to evolve their vision, solve problems, and create value at the speed of the Internet.Anyone can be visionary. The Lean Entrepreneur shows you how to: Apply actionable tips, tricks and hacks from successful lean entrepreneurs. Leverage the Innovation Spectrum to disrupt existing markets and create new ones. Drive strategies for efficient market testing with Minimal Viable Products. Engage customers with Viability Testing and radically reduce time and budget for product development. Rapidly create cross-functional innovation teams that devour roadblocks and set new benchmarks. Bring your organization critical focus on the power of loyal customers and valuable products you can build to serve them. Leverage instructive tools, skill-building exercises, and worksheets along with bonus online videos.

Breakdown: The Inside Story of the Rise and Fall of Heenan Blaikie

Norman Bacal - 2017
    When it collapsed in February 2014, lawyers across Canada and the business community were stunned. What went wrong? Why did so many lawyers run for the exit? How did it implode? What is it that holds professional partnerships together?This is the story of the rise and fall of a great company by the ultimate insider, Norman Bacal, who served as managing partner until a year before the firm's demise. Breakdown takes readers into the boardroom offices during the heady growth of a legal empire built from the ground up over 40 years. We see how after a change of leadership tensions erupted between the Toronto and Montreal offices, and between the hard-driving lawyers themselves. It is a story about the extraordinary fragility of the legal partnership, but it's also a classic business story, a cautionary tale of the perils of ignoring a firm's culture and vision.Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE<!--StartFragment--><!--EndFragment--><!--EndFragment-->

Sun Tzu & Machiavelli Leadership Secrets: How To Become A Superior Leader Utilizing The Principles Of The Art Of War And The Prince

Anthony D. Jensen - 2016
    Although almost every leader has heard of these works, very few have read them in depth and applied the lessons they contain to their own life. This is a huge oversight. Both books contain wisdom and advice which is applicable to almost any situation a leader finds they are in. Both books have a reputation for being dense and difficult to understand. This is due to the fact that both were written in other languages and for other time periods. It can be difficult to know exactly what Sun Tzu and Machiavelli intended to convey with their words - and even less how to take action on the ideas. This has all changed.For the first time ever, the ideas of The Prince and The Art of War have been combined, updated and presented in a way which is easy to understand in our modern era. Previously hard to interpret concepts have been clarified and shown to be as useful in our own era as they were in the one for which they were originally written. By reading and taking action on this book entitled Sun Tzu & Machiavelli Leadership Secrets by author Anthony D. Jensen, you give yourself the chance to become the most effective leader you can be. You will learn how to use timeless principles of leadership, psychology and power to achieve everything you set out to do. Both your private and professional lives will benefit immensely from understanding and applying the leadership secrets of Sun Tzu and Machiavelli.

Your Right To Be Rich

Napoleon Hill - 2001
    The principles and philosophy of success that he outlined in his masterwork, The Laws of Success, and his international bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, have served as the foundation for every motivational speaker since.In these rare recordings you will hear a complete and thorough exposition of Napoleon Hill's life-altering philosophy of personal achievement. More than that, you will gain deeper insight into Hill's philosophy as you listen to him interpret and amplify the seventeen universal principles of success. Best of all, these lectures are designed to motivate you and teach you the goals and strategies that will carry you to new heights of personal success:• turn setbacks into a springboard to achievement• generate attention for your ideas• influence others and improve personal relationships• define your true joy in life• achieve financial successYour Right to Be Rich is a working blueprint for a life of prosperity-an inspiring series of audio lectures that will give you powerful tools to achieve your dreams.

Piano on the Beach

Jim Dornan - 2005
    Pictures, principles, and perspectives for success in leadership and life.In this idea-packed book, Jim Dornan offers thirteen added-value glimpses into the characteristics most often associated with success and significance.

Ben Franklin: America's Original Entrepreneur, Franklin's Autobiography Adapted for Modern Times

Benjamin Franklin - 2003
    It covers his captivating adventures including his almost single-handed responsibility for establishing the first media empire, the first public library, the first fire brigade, the University of Pennsylvania, and the first book club and the first franchise.

The soft edge: where great companies find lasting success

Rich Karlgaard - 2014
    These factors remain critical, especially given today's unprecedented business climate. But Rich Karlgaard--Forbes publisher, entrepreneur, investor, and board director--takes a surprising turn and argues that there is now a third element that's required for competitive advantage. It fosters innovation, it accelerates strategy and execution, and it cannot be copied or bought. It is found in a perhaps surprising place--your company's values.Karlgaard examined a variety of enduring companies and found that they have one thing in common; all have leveraged their deepest values alongside strategy and execution, allowing them to fuel growth as well as weather hard times. Karlgaard shares these stories and identifies the five key variables that make up every organization's "soft edge"Trust: Northwestern Mutual has built a $25 million dollar revenue juggernaut on trust, the foundation of lasting success. Learn how to create an environment that engenders trust and propels high performance.Smarts: In most technical fields your formal education quickly becomes out of date. How do you keep up? Learn how the Mayo Clinic, Stanford University women's basketball team, and others stay on top by relentlessly pursuing an advantage through smarts.Teamwork: Since collaboration and innovation are a must in the global economy, effective teamwork is vital. Learn how global giant FedEx stays focused and how nimble Nest Labs relies on lean teams with cognitive diversity.Taste: Clever product design and integration are proxies for intelligence because they make customers feel smart. But taste goes further into deep emotional engagement. Specialized Bicycles calls it "the elusive spot between data truth and human truth." How can you consistently make products or services that trigger these emotional touch points?Story: Companies that achieve lasting success have an enduring and emotionally appealing story. What's your company's story? How do you tell it your way? Gain the ability to create a powerful narrative in a world where outsiders often exercise the louder voice.

Leading from the Inside Out: The Art of Self-Leadership

Samuel D. Rima - 2000
    Encourages and equips those in authority to master self-leadership principles and realize their full leadership potential.