Best of
Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus
Mark Dever - 2016
What does it look like to help others become more like Christ?In this concise guide, pastor Mark Dever outlines the who, what, where, when, why, and how of discipling--helping others follow Jesus.Following the pattern found in Scripture, this book explains how disciple-making relationships should function in the context of the local church, teaching us how to cultivate a culture of discipling as a normal part of our everyday lives.Part of the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series.
Think Like a Warrior: The Five Inner Beliefs That Make You Unstoppable (Sports for the Soul Book 1)
Darrin Donnelly - 2016
If you want to take control of your life and achieve your biggest dreams, you must develop a "warrior mindset." This book will show you how to stop thinking like a victim and start thinking like a warrior. In this inspirational fable, Chris McNeely is a college football coach who is at the end of his rope after a hard-and-fast fall from the top of his profession. Now bankrupt and on the verge of losing his job, he has no idea what he’s doing wrong or how to get back on track. Angry, worried, and desperate for help, Chris receives mysterious visits from five of history's greatest coaches: John Wooden, Buck O’Neil, Herb Brooks, Paul "Bear" Bryant, and Vince Lombardi. Together, these five legendary leaders teach Chris how to "think like a warrior" and take control of his life. The "warrior mindset" he develops changes his life forever—and it will change yours as well. Discover the life-changing lessons of John Wooden, Buck O'Neil, Herb Brooks, Bear Bryant, and Vince Lombardi in this inspirational tale of what it takes to achieve your dreams—whatever those dreams may be. This book will show you how to... - Build your self-confidence - Develop mental toughness - Attack every day with joy and enthusiasm - Use a positive mental attitude to achieve more - Harness the power of positive self-talk - Explore the spiritual side of success - Be a positive leader for your family and your team - Become the person you were born to be - And much more… The five inner beliefs revealed in this book will empower you to take control of your life and overcome any obstacle that stands in your way.
The Effective Manager
Mark Horstman - 2016
Written by the man behind Manager Tools, the world's number-one business podcast, this book distills the author's 25 years of management training expertise into clear, actionable steps to start taking today. First, you'll identify what "effective management" actually looks like: can you get the job done at a high level? Do you attract and retain top talent without burning them out? Then you'll dig into the four critical behaviors that make a manager great, and learn how to adjust your own behavior to be the leader your team needs. You'll learn the four major tools that should be a part of every manager's repertoire, how to use them, and even how to introduce them to the team in a productive, non-disruptive way.Most management books are written for CEOs and geared toward improving corporate management, but this book is expressly aimed at managers of any level--with a behavioral framework designed to be tailored to your team's specific needs.Understand your team's strengths, weaknesses, and goals in a meaningful way Stop limiting feedback to when something goes wrong Motivate your people to continuous improvement Spread the work around and let people stretch their skills Effective managers are good at the job and "good at people." The key is combining those skills to foster your team's development, get better and better results, and maintain a culture of positive productivity. The Effective Manager shows you how to turn good into great with clear, actionable, expert guidance.
The Go-Giver Leader: A Little Story About What Matters Most in Business
Bob Burg - 2016
“I heard what they had to say. And you know, they make a good point.” He paused. Take charge, Ben, he told himself. Take control. He looked around the conference room. Take, take, take. Was that really what he was here to do? With their acclaimed bestseller The Go-Giver, Bob Burg and John David Mann proved that a heartfelt parable could also express a powerful idea. In The Go-Giver Leader (originally published as It’s Not About You), they offer an equally compelling tale about a struggling small business and the ambitious young executive trying to lead them to a crucial decision. Allen & Augustine has manufactured high-quality chairs for decades. Its people take pride in their work and feel loyal to their owners and management team. But this revered company is now at a crossroads, hurt by a tough economy, foreign competition, and a cash crunch. The air is filled with the scent of uncertainty, anxiety, perhaps even panic. Into this setting enters Ben, who’s been assigned by a larger firm to promote a merger that will rescue Allen & Augustine. Ben’s facts are undeniable: the chair maker can either merge and modernize or go bankrupt and vanish. So why can’t he persuade anyone to buy in, from the CEO on down?Will Ben find a way to sway the employee shareholders before the climactic vote? And can Allen & Augustine survive without losing its soul? The answers may surprise you as you follow Ben on his journey to understanding that the path to genuine influence lies less in taking leadership than in giving it. This revised and updated edition includes a new introduction, a discussion guide, and a Q&A with the authors.
The Big Short: by Michael Lewis
aBookaDay - 2016
If you have not yet bought the original copy, make sure to purchase it before buying this unofficial summary from aBookaDay. SPECIAL OFFER $2.99 (Regularly priced: $3.99) OVERVIEW This review of The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis provides a chapter by chapter detailed summary followed by an analysis and critique of the strengths and weaknesses of the book. The main theme explored in the book is how corruption and greed in Wall Street caused the crash of the subprime mortgage market in 2008. Despite being completely preventable, the big firms in Wall Street chose to ignore the oncoming fall in favor of making money. Michael Lewis introduces characters—men outside of the Wall Street machine—who foresaw the crisis and, through several different techniques, were able to predict how and when the market would fall. Lewis portrays these men—Steve Eisman, Mike Burry, Charlie Ledley, and Jamie Mai—as the underdogs, who were able to understand and act upon the obvious weaknesses in the subprime market. Lewis’s overall point is to demonstrate how the Wall Street firms were manipulating the market. They used loans to cash in on the desperation of middle-to-lower class Americans, and then ultimately relied on the government to bail them out when the loans were defaulted. Using anecdotes and interviews from the men who were involved first-hand, the author makes the case that Wall Street, and how they conducted business in regards to the subprime mortgage market, is truly corrupt beyond repair, and the men he profiles in this novel were trying to make the best out of a bad situation. By having the words from the sources themselves, this demonstrates Lewis’s search for the truth behind what actually happened. Ultimately, we as an audience can not be sure if the intentions of these underdogs were truly good, but Lewis does an admirable job presenting as many sides to the story as possible. The central thesis of the work is that the subprime mortgage crisis was caused by Wall Street firms pushing fraudulent loans upon middle-to-lower class Americans that they would essentially not be able to afford. Several people outside of Wall Street were able to predict a crash in the market when these loans would be defaulted on, and bought insurance to bet against the market (essentially, buying short). Over a time period from roughly 2005-2008, the market crashed and huge banks and firms lost billions of dollars, filed for bankruptcy, or were bailed out by the government. These men, the characters of Lewis’s novel, were able to bet against the loans and made huge amounts of money, but it was not quite an easy journey. Michael Lewis is a non-fiction author and financial journalist. He has written several novels—notably Liar’s Poker in 1989, Moneyball in 2003, and The Blind Side in 2006. Born in New Orleans, he attended Princeton University, receiving a BA degree in Art History. After attending London School of Economics and receiving his masters there, he was hired by Salomon Brothers where he experienced much about what he wrote about in Liar’s Poker. He is currently married, with three children and lives in Berkeley, California. SUMMARY PROLOGUE: POLTERGEIST Michael Lewis begins his tale of the remarkable—and strange—men who predicted the immense fall of the housing market by immediately exposing himself as the exact opposite type of person from them. He explains to the reader that he has no background in accounting, business, or money managing.
Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations
Frederic Laloux - 2016
The book has helped shift the conversation from what's broken with management today to what's possible. It is inspiring thousands of organizations--corporations and nonprofits, schools and hospitals--to adopt radically more powerful, soulful, and purposeful practices.The book resonates widely, but not everyone has time to devote to a dense 360-page management book. This illustrated version conveys the main ideas of the original book and shares many of its real-life stories in a lively, engaging way. Don't be surprised if you find it hard to put down and end up reading it almost in one sitting. Welcome to the conversation on next-stage organizations!
Together is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration
Simon Sinek - 2016
Sinek's latest work, Together is Better, is a little book of inspiration for the modern world. Most of us live our lives by accident - we live as it happens. Fulfilment comes when we live our lives on purpose.'What are you going to do with your life? What are you doing with your life now?''Do you have goals? A vision? A clear sense of why you do what you do?'Almost everyone knows someone who has grappled with at least one of these questions. The answers can often seem elusive or uncertain.Though there are many paths to follow into the unknown future, there is one way that dramatically increases the chances we will enjoy the journey. To travel with someone we trust.We can try to build a successful career or a happy life alone, but why would we?Together is better.This unique and delightful little book makes the point that together is better in a quite unexpected way. Simon Sinek, bestselling author of Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last, blends the wisdom he has gathered from around the world with a heartwarming, richly illustrated original fable.Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.
Chase the Lion: If Your Dream Doesn't Scare You, It's Too Small
Mark Batterson - 2016
Rather than seeing a five-hundred-pound problem, they see an opportunity for God to show up and show His power. Chase the Lion is more than a catch phrase; it's a radically different approach to life. It's only when we stop fearing failure that we can fully seize opportunity by the mane. With grit and gusto, New York Times best-selling author Mark Batterson delivers a bold message to everyone with a big dream. This is a wake-up call to stop living as if the purpose of life was to simply arrive safely at death. Our dreams should scare us. They should be so big that without God they would be impossible to achieve. Quit running away from what you're afraid of. Chase the lion! Change the world! What is your five-hundred-pound dream? In this highly anticipated sequel to his best-selling In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Mark Batterson invites lion chasers everywhere to chase dreams so impossible that victory demands we face our fears, defy the odds, and hold tight to God. These are the kind of dreams that will make you a bigger person and the world a better place. Based upon 2 Samuel 23, Chase the Lion tells the true story of an ancient warrior named Benaiah who chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day--and then killed it. For most people, that situation wouldn't just be a would be the last problem they ever faced. For Benaiah, it was an opportunity to step into his destiny. After defeating the lion, he landed his dream job as King David's bodyguard and eventually became commander-in-chief of Israel's army under King Solomon. Written in a way that both challenges and encourages, this revolutionary book will help unleash the faith and courage you need to identify, chase, and catch the five-hundred-pound dreams in your life.
Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing
Andy Crouch - 2016
Two common temptations lure us away from abundant living--withdrawing into safety or grasping for power. True flourishing, says Andy Crouch, travels down an unexpected path--being both strong and weak. We see this unlikely mixture in the best leaders--people who use their authority for the benefit of others, while also showing extraordinary willingness to face and embrace suffering. We see it in Jesus, who wielded tremendous power yet also exposed himself to hunger, ridicule, torture and death. Rather than being opposites, strength and weakness are actually meant to be combined in every human life and community. Only when they come together do we find the flourishing for which we were made. With the characteristic insight, memorable stories and hopeful realism he is known for, Andy Crouch shows us how to walk this path so that the image of God can shine through us. Not just for our own good, but for the sake of others. If you want to become the kind of person whose influence leads to healthy communities, someone with the strength to be compassionate and generous, this is the book for you. Regardless of your stage or role in life, whether or not you have a position of leadership, here is a way to love and risk so that we all, even the most vulnerable, can flourish.
Zeal Without Burnout: Seven Keys to a Lifelong Ministry of Sustainable Sacrifice
Christopher Ash - 2016
They have not lost their love for Christ, or their desire to serve him. But for one reason or another, they are exhausted and simply cannot carry on. Christopher Ash knows this experience all too well. As a pastor of a growing church, and then in his role training people for ministry, he has found himself on the edge of burnout a number of times, and has pastored many younger ministers who have reached the end of their tether. His wisdom has been distilled into this short, accessible book, in which he reveals a neglected biblical truth and seven keys that flow from it. Understood properly, and built into our lives as Christians who are zealous to serve the Lord, they will serve to protect us from burnout, and keep us working for God's kingdom and glory.
The Art of Coaching Teams: Building Resilient Communities that Transform Schools
Elena Aguilar - 2016
Being a great teacher is one thing, but leading a team, or team development, is an entirely different dynamic. Your successes are public, but so are your failures—and there's no specific rubric or curriculum to give you direction. Team development is an art form, and this book is your how-to guide to doing it effectively. You'll learn the administrative tasks that keep your team on track, and you'll gain access to a wealth of downloadable tools that simplify the "getting organized" process. Just as importantly, you'll explore what it means to be the kind of leader that can bring people together to accomplish difficult tasks. You'll find practical suggestions, tools, and clear instructions for the logistics of team development as well as for building trust, developing healthy communication, and managing conflict. Inside these pages you'll find concrete guidance on: Designing agendas, making decisions, establishing effective protocols, and more Boosting your resilience, understanding and managing your emotions, and meeting your goals Cultivating your team's emotional intelligence and dealing with cynicism Utilizing practical tools to create a customized framework for developing highly effective teams There is no universal formula for building a great team, because every team is different. Different skills, abilities, personalities, and goals make a one-size-fits-all approach ineffective at best. Instead, The Art of Coaching Teams provides a practical framework to help you develop your group as a whole, and keep the team moving toward their common goals.
Managing for Happiness: Games, Tools & Practices to Motivate Any Team
Jurgen Appelo - 2016
It's not about gimmicks or 'perks' that disrupt productivity; it's about finding the passion that drives your business, and making it contagious.This book provides tools, games, and practices that put joy into work, with practical, real-world guidance for empowering workers and delighting customers. These aren't break time exploits or downtime amusements--they're real solutions for common management problems. Define roles and responsibilities, create meaningful team metrics, and replace performance appraisals with something more useful. An organization's culture rests on the back of management, and this book shows you how to create change for the better.Somewhere along the line, people collectively started thinking that work is work and fun is something you do on the weekends. This book shows you how to transform your organization into a place with enthusiastic Monday mornings. Redefine job titles and career paths Motivate workers and measure team performance Change your organization's culture Make management--and work--fun againModern organizations expect everyone to be servant leaders and systems thinkers, but nobody explains "how." To survive in the 21st century, companies need to dig past the obvious and find what works. What keeps top talent? What inspires customer loyalty? The answer is great management, which inspires great employees, who then provide a great customer experience. "Managing for Happiness" is a practical handbook for achieving organizational greatness.
On Pastoring: A Short Guide to Living, Leading, and Ministering as a Pastor
H.B. Charles Jr. - 2016
For pastors just starting out, those needing a little rebalancing, or those growing tired in the trenches, a short guide to the basics is a welcome relief.In On Pastoring, H. B. Charles gives 30 instructive reflections on the pastor’s heart, leadership, and public ministry, covering topics like:Cultivating personal godlinessPrioritizing your familyGuarding your ministry effectivenessPlanning, preparing, and preaching sermonsBalancing pastoral roles and dutiesBeing a pastor means wearing many hats, weathering lots of pressure, and bearing great responsibility. Let H. B. Charles be a trusted advisor as you do the serious work of shepherding a flock of God.
Unlocking Destinies From The Courts Of Heaven: Dissolving Curses that Delay and Deny Our Futures
Robert Henderson - 2016
In this second volume of the Operating In The Courts of Heaven series, I talk about how to unlock the destinies of our lives and even nations from the legal dimension of the Spirit. I would strongly urge the first book in this series to be read as well as this one. Reading the first book will definitely help in understanding this one fully.
The Worship Pastor: A Call to Ministry for Worship Leaders and Teams
Zac M. Hicks - 2016
They have inherited a model of leadership that equates leading worship with being a rock star. But leading worship is more than a performance, it's about shaping souls and making disciples. Every worship leader is really a pastor.The Worship Pastor is a practical and biblical introduction to this essential pastoral role. Filled with engaging, illustrative stories it is organized to address questions of theory and practice, striving to balance conversational accessibility with informed instruction.Part One presents a series of evocative "vignettes"--intriguing and descriptive titles and metaphors of who a Worship Pastor is and what he or she does. It shows the Worship Pastor as Church-Lover, Disciple Maker, Corporate Mystic, and Doxological Philosopher.Part Two covers specific roles related to ministry within the worship service itself--the Worship Pastor as Theological Dietician, Caregiver, Mortician, Emotional Shepherd, War General, Prophetic Guardian, Missional Historian, and Liturgical Architect.Part Three looks at ministry beyond the worship service--the Worship Pastor as Visionary Teacher, Evangelist, Artist Chaplain, and Team Leader.While some worship leaders are eager to embrace their pastoral role, many are lost and confused or lack the resources of time or money to figure out what this role looks like. Pastor Zac Hicks gives us a clear guide to leading worship, one that takes the pastoral call seriously.
Competing Against Luck
Clayton M. Christensen - 2016
A generation ago, Christensen revolutionized business with his groundbreaking theory of disruptive innovation. Now, he goes further, offering powerful new insights.After years of research, Christensen has come to one critical conclusion: our long held maxim—that understanding the customer is the crux of innovation—is wrong. Customers don’t buy products or services; they "hire" them to do a job. Understanding customers does not drive innovation success, he argues. Understanding customer jobs does. The "Jobs to Be Done" approach can be seen in some of the world’s most respected companies and fast-growing startups, including Amazon, Intuit, Uber, Airbnb, and Chobani yogurt, to name just a few. But this book is not about celebrating these successes—it’s about predicting new ones.Christensen contends that by understanding what causes customers to "hire" a product or service, any business can improve its innovation track record, creating products that customers not only want to hire, but that they’ll pay premium prices to bring into their lives. Jobs theory offers new hope for growth to companies frustrated by their hit and miss efforts.This book carefully lays down Christensen’s provocative framework, providing a comprehensive explanation of the theory and why it is predictive, how to use it in the real world—and, most importantly, how not to squander the insights it provides.
Five Marks of a Man: The Simple Code That Separates Men From Boys
Brian Tome - 2016
It's a simple, ancient code that all fathers, sons, and husbands need to know, but is rarely taught. While the world is full of fluffy and confusing ideas about how men should behave, Tome uses his practical experience in leading men to expose the clear, simple truths about what makes men most effective.Just knowing these five marks, however, is not enough. True transformation comes from aggressively pursuing them in your everyday life.In Five Marks Of A Man, Tome shows you:- Why it’s critical to have a vision for your life, and how to make hard choices.- Why you need to be a protector of people around you.- How to find a team that will support your goals.- How to establish a ritual to lead your own son into manhood.- And much more. As Tome writes, "I have come to believe that the transition to manhood is not marked by age, it’s about something much more substantial. It’s about your mindset and your actions. It’s about assuming responsibility for your place in the world and stepping into a new reality—one defined by strength, purpose, and a code of honor.”Through Five Marks Of A Man you will discover a code that great men have followed for centuries. Now, it’s your turn to man up.
Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church
Kara Powell - 2016
Based on groundbreaking research with over 250 of the nation's leading congregations, Growing Young provides a strategy any church can use to involve and retain teenagers and young adults. It profiles innovative churches that are engaging 15- to 29-year-olds and as a result are growing--spiritually, emotionally, missionally, and numerically. Packed with both research and practical ideas, Growing Young shows pastors and ministry leaders how to position their churches to engage younger generations in a way that breathes vitality, life, and energy into the whole church.Visit for more information.
A New Kind of Leader
Reggie Joiner - 2016
When those individuals intersected with your world, they became a new kind of leader for you.They were not new in the sense that they had never led anything before or they were radically different from other leaders.But they were new because … their influence gave you a new direction. their belief in you gave you a new sense of worth. they showed up at a new phase of your life, and their faith helped you solidify your faith in a new and authentic way.If someone showed up for you, then the question is, "How will you show up for someone else?"A New Kind of Leader explores seven beliefs and practical applications that will cause you to reimagine how you influence the next generation.Because when you hold the door open for a kid, you hold the door open for the future.For more resources like this, visit
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are - Sidekick
Bibliomaniac - 2016
Brené Brown has given readers yet another self-help book to wow audiences and transform readers’ lives. She hasn’t disappointed with her books in the past and The Gifts and Imperfections is no different. In this book she defines what it means to live a wholehearted life and then gives readers ten solid guideposts to incorporating wholehearted living into readers’ lives. This sidekick explores the idea of wholehearted living on a deeper level and will help readers take Dr. Brown’s self-help book and ask the questions she asks along with the ones her novel begs to be asked as well. This sidekick includes several guides to help readers explore Dr. Brown’s concepts on more in-depth levels.
Specifically this sidekick will help readers by giving them:
Detailed chapter summaries to refresh and help readers recall important details An introduction to Dr. Brené Brown, her famous works and her background A thorough analysis of the themes Dr. Brown is trying to portray and teach through the book A comprehensive list of the challenges Dr. Brown extends to her readers through the book for easy reference A set of discussion questions and topics for both individuals and groups to consider as they read through the book and after completing the book Important discussion quotes for readers to find and reference A discussion on the writing style and structure of the book Disclaimer: This book serves as an accompaniment to the bestseller The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown. It is meant to broaden the reader's understanding of the book and to offer some insights which can easily be overlooked. You should order a copy of the actual book before reading this.
Biblical Church Revitalization
Brian Croft - 2016
Biblical Church Revitalization calls us to an intentional commitment to church revitalization in the face of dying and divided churches.
The Leader's Guide
Eric Ries - 2016
It contains stories about how companies both large and small are adopting Lean Startup methods to scale successfully and operate in conditions of extreme uncertainty.The Leader’s Guide is for both those who are new to Lean Startup as well as those who love the methodology in principle, but want to know more about how to put it into practice.
Gospel Eldership: Equipping a New Generation of Servant Leaders
Robert H. Thune - 2016
Most pastors want to be intentional
The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues
Patrick Lencioni - 2016
Here he turns his focus to the individual, revealing the three indispensable virtues of an ideal team player. In The Ideal Team Player, Lencioni tells the story of Jeff Shanley, a leader desperate to save his uncle’s company by restoring its cultural commitment to teamwork. Jeff must crack the code on the virtues that real team players possess, and then build a culture of hiring and development around those virtues. Beyond the fable, Lencioni presents a practical framework and actionable tools for identifying, hiring, and developing ideal team players. Whether you’re a leader trying to create a culture around teamwork, a staffing professional looking to hire real team players, or a team player wanting to improve yourself, this book will prove to be as useful as it is compelling.
The Harvard Business Review Manager's Handbook: The 17 Skills Leaders Need to Stand Out
Harvard Business Review - 2016
To reach your full potential in these situations, you need to master a new set of business and personal skills.Packed with step-by-step advice and wisdom from Harvard Business Review’s management archive, the HBR Manager’s Handbook provides best practices on topics from understanding key financial statements and the fundamentals of strategy to emotional intelligence and building your employees’ trust. The book’s brief sections allow you to home in quickly on the solutions you need right away—or take a deeper dive if you need more context.Keep this comprehensive guide with you throughout your career and be a more impactful leader in your organization.In the HBR Manager’s Handbook you’ll find:- Step-by-step guidance through common managerial tasks- Short sections and chapters that you can turn to quickly as a need arises- Self-assessments throughout- Exercises and templates to help you practice and apply the concepts in the book- Concise explanations of the latest research and thinking on important management skills from Harvard Business Review experts such as Dan Goleman, Clayton Christensen, John Kotter, and Michael Porter- Real-life stories from working managers- Recaps and action items at the end of each chapter that allow you to reinforce or review the ideas quicklyThe skills covered in the book include:- Transitioning into a leadership role- Building trust and credibility- Developing emotional intelligence- Becoming a person of influence- Developing yourself as a leader- Giving effective feedback- Leading teams- Fostering creativity- Mastering the basics of strategy- Learning to use financial tools- Developing a business case
The Voting Booth: A new vision for Christian engagement in a post-Christian culture
Skye Jethani - 2016
But are those a Christian’s only options? The Voting Booth presents a third path for a new generation of Christians seeking to love both God and their neighbor. Written as a fictional dialogue between Christian, a confused voter, and three spirits of cultural engagement—Exodus, Exile, and Incarnation—The Voting Booth addresses many of the questions being asked by those struggling to follow Christ in our post-Christian age like: -How do I respond to those who view Christian faith as oppressive? -Why has Christianity become so political? -What role does fear have in Christian cultural engagement? -How should I interact with neighbors of other faiths? -Have Christians lost the “Culture War”? -How should I think about voting as a Christian? -What is the role of the Church in the culture? With engaging writing and surprising twists, The Voting Booth will challenge your assumptions and leave you with a new way of imagining your place in the culture. What others are saying about "The Voting Booth" "As an immigrant-turned-citizen facing only my second chance to vote in a presidential election, I am troubled by the options presented. Opinions from Christians abound, complete with blogs and Bible verses, but no clear path emerges. Skye’s allegory tale succinctly— if also slightly simplistically— represents the two dominant paradigms of Christian response: the call to escape, and the call to engage. He then offers a third perspective rooted in the incarnation. While the tale stops short of instruction, it is abounding in wisdom. This is an accessible read that provides a thoughtful way to name and evaluate the subconscious grids that undergird our approach to political engagement or disengagement. Best of all, it offers us a way to reflect on our perspective, posture, and purpose in a Christ-shaped way." -Glenn Packiam, Pastor at New Life Downtown "Skye Jethani is one of the most clear-headed, sober voices writing on faith and culture today. The Voting Booth raises questions many Christians wrestle with and provides answers that challenge and delight. In a time of political unrest and cultural upheaval, we can't afford to ignore what this book has to say." - Jonathan Merritt, author of Jesus is Better Than You Imagined; contributing writer for The Atlantic “In a creative and compelling way, Skye Jethani has written yet another book that pushes the American church in the right direction. His uncanny ability to put his finger up to the wind and chart the right direction forward is a huge help to our community as we navigate the increasingly treacherous waters of the secular west.” - John Mark Comer, pastor for teaching and vision at Bridgetown Church and author of Loveology. "In The Voting Booth, Skye Jethani beautifully crafts a dialogue between ‘Christian' and three personified postures we can take toward our culture. Eye-opening and thought provoking, Skye clearly illuminates the dominant but destructive attitudes that have dominated the American church for the last 100 years, and then shines a light on a better way. Highly recommended!” - Phil Vischer, creator of VeggieTales, What’s In The Bible, and The Phil Vischer Podcast.
Famous In Heaven And At Home: A 31-Day Character Study of the Proverbs 31 Woman
Michelle Myers - 2016
As you develop your roles in your family, you unlock more of His plan. He tasked no one else but you with being your husband’s wife, and He hasn’t given anyone else except you the responsibility of being mother to your children. Spoiler alert – those assignments begin before we even meet our spouse! Famous in heaven and at home. That’s what He has called us to unquestionably. As we dig into Proverbs 31 together, let’s lay down our to-do lists and worldly expectations. Let’s not overlook and undervalue what we can be certain He desires from our lives. Rather than just seeking something worthy to do, let’s passionately pursue who God purposely created us to be.
This Invitational Life
Steve Carter - 2016
Inviting others to faith requires leaning in to your own story, overcoming fear, and stepping out. But the good news is for everyone, always. And you can help keep it going.Using Scripture and story, Steve Carter casts a vision for non-threatening conversations that point people to Christ. Most significantly, Steve shows that only through risking it all will we discover what God is truly like.
Understanding Church Leadership
Mark Dever - 2016
For this very end, God has established elders and deacons, members, and congregational authority. This primer on church structure connects the different offices of the church to one another and to the glory of God. In the Church Basics Series, trusted church experts write practical, trustworthy resources on issues like Church Discipline, Church Leadership, the Lord's Supper, and Baptism that every pastor can hand every church member.
Coaching Better Every Season: A Year-Round System for Athlete Development and Program Success
Wade Gilbert - 2016
Coaching Better Every Season: A Year-Round System for Athlete Development and Program Success presents a blueprint for such success, detailing proven coaching methods and practices in preseason, in-season, postseason, and off-season.The Coach Doc, Dr. Wade Gilbert, shares his research-supported doses of advice that have helped coaches around the globe troubleshoot their ailing programs into title contenders. His field-tested yet innovative prescriptions and protocols for a more professional approach to coaching are sure to produce positive results both in competitive outcomes and in the enjoyment of the experience for athletes and coaches.Coaching Better Every Season applies to all sports and guides coaches through the critical components of continual improvement while progressing from one season to the next in the annual coaching cycle. It also presents many practical exercises and evaluation tools that coaches can apply to athletes and teams at all levels of competition. This text is sure to make every year of coaching a more rewarding, if not a trophy-winning, experience.
3 Things Successful People Do: The Road Map That Will Change Your Life
John C. Maxwell - 2016
Life is not a winner-take-all championship game, but a an excruciatingly long season with multiple chances every day to learn from losses, grow from successes, and make the appropriate changes along the way.In 3 Things Successful People Do, New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker John C. Maxwell provides insight into what it means to truly be on the journey to success. No matter where you are on your journey, this invaluable resource will help you discover your personal road map and equip you with what you will need to change course, if necessary, and keep growing.After reading this book, you will learn:Skills we can buy or hireAttitudes we cultivate through mentoring and experienceValues we instill in ourselvesWhen you surrender superficial notions of “arrival” and realize that the daily process is what makes your goals real, you haven’t just changed the game of success . . . you’ve become a success already.
The Vine Project: Shaping your ministry culture around disciple-making
Colin Marshall - 2016
The question goes like this: "Look, I've read your book, and it expresses what I have always thought about Christian ministry. But as I kept reading, I had this sinking feeling that what actually happens in our church is still a long way from the kind of disciple-making ministry vision you outline and that I believe in. So my question is this: What can we do about it? How can we shape the whole culture of our church around disciple-making?" In "The Vine Project", Marshall and Payne provide a roadmap and resources for this sort of church-wide culture change. The book guides your ministry leadership team through a five-phase process for growth and change, with biblical input, practical ideas, resources, case studies, exercises and projects along the way. You will be helped to: • clarify and sharpen your convictions (Phase 1) • reform your own personal life to express these convictions (Phase 2) • honestly evaluate every aspect of your current church (or ministry) culture (Phase 3) • devise some key plans for change and put them into effect (Phase 4) • keep the momentum going and overcome obstacles (Phase 5). "The Trellis and the Vine" proposed a "ministry mind-shift that changes everything". "The Vine Project" shows how that mind-shift can and must shape every aspect of what you are doing as a congregation of Christ's people to make disciples of all nations. For more information and help in working through 'The Vine Project', as well as additional resources, templates, videos, case studies, the PDF of the Team Manual, and much more, visit (a website is run by Colin Marshall and the team at Vinegrowers.)
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living & How To Make Friends And Influence People (Unabridged)
Dale Carnegie - 2016
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living – The book's goal is to lead the reader to a more enjoyable and fulfilling life, helping them to become more aware of, not only themselves, but others around them. Carnegie tries to address the everyday nuances of living, in order to get the reader to focus on the more important aspects of life.How to Win Friends and Influence People - can enable you to make friends quickly and easily, help you to win people to your way of thinking, increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done, as well as enable you to win new clients, new customers.Dale Carnegie (1888–1955) was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Born into poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936), a massive bestseller that remains popular today. Excerpt:"I came home to my lonely room each night with a sick headache-a headache bred and fed by disappointment, worry, bitterness, and rebellion. I was rebelling because the dreams I had nourished back in my college days had turned into nightmares. Was this life? Was this the vital adventure to which I had looked forward so eagerly?"
Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond
Jay Sullivan - 2016
Do you ever feel as though your message hasn't gotten across? Do details get lost along the way? Have tense situations ever escalated unnecessarily? Do people buy into your ideas? It all comes down to communication. We all communicate, but few of us do it well. From tough presentations to everyday transactions, there is no scenario that cannot be improved with better communication skills. This book presents an all-encompassing guide to improving your communication, based on the Exec|Comm philosophy: we are all better communicators when we focus focus less on ourselves and more on other people. More than just a list of tips, this book connects skills with scenarios and purpose to help you hear and be heard. You'll learn the skills to deliver great presentations and clear and persuasive messages, handle difficult conversations, effectively manage, lead with authenticity and more, as you discover the secrets of true communication. Communication affects every interaction every day. Why not learn to do it well? This book provides comprehensive guidance toward getting your message across, and getting the results you want. Shift your focus from yourself to other people Build a reputation as a good listener Develop your written and oral communications for the greatest impact Inspire and influence others Communicate more effectively in any business or social situation Did that email come across as harsh? Did you offend someone unintentionally? Great communication skills give you the power to influence someone's thinking and guide them to where you need them to be. Simply Said teaches you the critical skills that make you more effective in business and in life.
The Church as Movement: Starting and Sustaining Missional-Incarnational Communities
J.R. Woodward - 2016
This book will help you start missional-incarnational communities in a way that reflects the viral movement of the early New Testament church.JR Woodward (author of Creating a Missional Culture) and Dan White Jr. (author of Subterranean) have trained church planters all over North America to create movemental churches that are rooted in the neighborhood, based on eight necessary competencies:Movement Intelligence Polycentric Leadership Being Disciples Making Disciples Missional Theology Ecclesial Architecture Community Formation Incarnational Practices The book features an interactive format with tools, exercises, and reflection questions and activities. It's ideal for church planting teams or discipleship groups to use together.It's not enough to understand why the church needs more missional and incarnational congregations.The Church as Movement will also show you how to make disciples that make disciples. This is the engine that drives the church as movement, so that everyday Christians can be present in the world to join God's mission in the way of Jesus.
Hacking Leadership: 10 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Learning That Teachers, Students, and Parents Love
Joe Sanfelippo - 2016
They identify 10 problems with school leadership and provide dynamic, right-now solutions. During this exciting journey toward change, you learn how to:Transform yourself from leader to Lead LearnerAmplify individual staff needs while maintaining a collaborative visionEmploy unique strategies to break down the walls between home and school Empower students and staff to own their spaceCreate a culture where "Yes" and "Trust" are the default Eliminate initiative overload while encouraging teachers to lead, as well Broadcast student voice Bring passion into your schoolEmbrace technology and social channels in ways rarely considered in education Eradicate your deficit mindset What makes Hacking Leadership different?Sanfelippo and Sinanis present leadership strategies in ways few people have ever seen. These experienced, thoughtful, decisive leaders, share amazing, real anecdotes that make you feel like you're listening to trusted friends sitting in your living room. Then, they provide progressive, courageous, and practical solutions that you and all stakeholders will love, using the popular Hack Learning formula:The Problem (a single leadership issue that needs a Hacker's mentality) The Hack (a surprisingly easy solution that you've likely never considered) What You Can Do Tomorrow (no waiting necessary; you can lead from the middle immediately) Blueprint for Full Implementation (a step-by-step action plan for capacity building) The Hack in Action (yes, people have actually done this) Are you ready to Hack LeadershipGrab your copy today.
Rare Leadership: 4 Uncommon Habits For Increasing Trust, Joy, and Engagement in the People You Lead
Jim Wilder - 2016
Grow healthy teams. See great results. Healthy teams begin with healthy leaders, and at the heart of this dynamic is emotional maturity—the quality the greatest leaders possess. Combining solid theology, cutting-edge brain science, and decades of counseling and consulting experience, Rare Leadership shows you how to take your leadership and team to the next level. It will equip you to:Cultivate emotional maturity in yourself and othersDevelop the four habits of R.A.R.E. leadersPromote a strong group identity Keep relationships bigger than problemsIncrease productivity through trust, joy, and engagementWhether you are burnt out or just looking to improve, when you prioritize people and lead from a secure identity, you’ll be amazed at the freedom you feel and the results you see. You can lead from a healthy place, respond rather than react, and build the team of your dreams.If you want to take your organization to the next level, it starts with you. Read Rare Leadership and be equipped to lead joy-filled, emotionally mature, relationally connected teams.
The Multiplication Challenge: A Strategy to Solve Your Leadership Shortage
Steve Murrell - 2016
And though we know we need more leaders, few of us know how to create a culture of leadership development. This book recounts how Steve Murrell and Every Nation rediscovered four leadership multipliers that solved the leadership shortage of a growing church and global mission organization. The principles and stories in these pages will help you identify leaders, develop current leaders, and multiply future leaders!
Coaching Skills: The Definitive Guide to Being a Coach
Jenny Rogers - 2016
Coaches appreciate its straightforward advice on how to coach and the truthful way the book captures the actual experience of coaching. This 4th edition has been extensively updated. It keeps the most popular features of earlier editions and also includes material on: *The magic ingredients that determine whether the coach-client relationship works*Why goal-setting and questioning are such important skills for any coach and how you can acquire them*How to use the insights that are emerging from neuropsychology*How as a coach you can work with clients to get them past their blocks and barriers *How to cope with clients who cry or who report traumatic experience - and where the boundaries are with therapy*How to give vital information - but in coaching style *How to blend challenge with support*Tips and hints on how to coach by phone*A full template on how to run the first session
Summary: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Millionaire Mind Publishing - 2016
Written by Dale Carnegie, the book contains the fundamental principles of social interactions and effective techniques of dealing with people. This summary seeks to highlight key ideas and capture important lessons found in the original book. It provides all the tips you'll ever need to build strong personal and professional relationships. Take action and get this Kindle book right now!
Lead Like Jesus Revisited: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time
Kenneth H. Blanchard - 2016
He is simply the greatest leadership role model of all time." -Ken BlanchardEffective leadership—whether on the job, in the community, at church or in the home—starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know who you are. Every leader must answer two critical questions:Whose are you going to be?Who are you going to be?One deals with your relationship to Christ. The other with your life purpose.In this newly revised classic, renowned leadership expert Ken Blanchard along guides readers through the process of discovering how to lead like Jesus. It really could be described as the process of aligning two internal domains-the heart and the head; and two external domains—the hands and the habits. These four dimensions of leadership form the outline for this very practical and transformational book. With simple yet profound principles from the life of Jesus, and dozens of stories and leadership examples from his own life, Ken Blanchard will once again show us the way effective leaders lead.
Understanding the Congregation's Authority
Jonathan Leeman - 2016
But biblical congregationalism isn’t so much about the meetings. It’s about empowering the whole church to promote and protect the gospel. Pastors lead and equip. Members get to work strengthening one another and pursuing Christ’s mission in the world.
Get Better Faster: A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers
Paul Bambrick-Santoyo - 2016
What does a teacher actually have to do to make sure students are following? Even the leader delivering this direction may not know, and the first-year teacher almost certainly doesn’t. The vast majority of teachers are only observed one or two times per year on average—and even among those who are observed, scarcely any are given feedback as to how they could improve. The bottom line is clear: teachers do not need to be evaluated so much as they need to be developed and coached. In Get Better Faster: A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers, Paul Bambrick-Santoyo shares instructive tools of how school leaders can effectively guide new teachers to success. Over the course of the book, we break down the most critical actions leaders and teachers must enact to achieve exemplary results. Designed for coaches as well as beginning teachers, Get Better Faster is an integral coaching tool for any school leader eager to help their teachers succeed. It’s the book’s focus on the actionable—the practice-able—that drives effective coaching. By practicing the concrete actions and micro-skills listed here, teachers will markedly improve their ability to lead a class, producing a steady chain reaction of future teaching success. Though focused heavily on the first 90 days of teacher development, it’s possible to implement this work at any time. New and old teachers alike can benefit from the guidance of Get Better Faster and close their existing instructional gaps. Packed with practical training tools, including agendas, presentation slides, a coach’s guide, handouts, planning templates, and 35 video clips of real teachers at work, Get Better Faster will teach you: The core principles of coaching: Go Granular, Make Feedback More Frequent, Top action steps to launch a teacher’s development in an easy-to-read scope and sequence guide The four phases of skill building: Phase 1 (Pre-Teaching): Dress Rehearsal Phase 2: Instant Immersion Phase 3: Getting into Gear Phase 4: The Power of Discourse
Who Moved My Pulpit?: Leading Change in the Church
Thom S. Rainer - 2016
But you’re certainly asking questions about change in the church—where it’s coming from, why it’s happening, and how you’re supposed to hang on and follow God through it—even get out ahead of it so your church is faithfully meeting its timeless calling and serving the new opportunities of this age. Based on conversations with thousands of pastors, combined with on-the-ground research from more than 50,000 churches, best-selling author Thom S. Rainer shares an eight-stage roadmap to leading change in your church. Not by changing doctrine. Not by changing biblical foundations. But by changing methodologies and approaches for reaching a rapidly changing culture. You are the pastor. You are the church staff person. You are an elder. You are a deacon. You are a key lay leader in the church. This is the book that will equip you to celebrate and lead change no matter the cost. The time is now.
Designed to Lead: The Church and Leadership Development
Eric Geiger - 2016
Many churches do not develop leaders intentionally and consistently. When leaders emerge from some churches, it is often by accident. Something is missing. Something is off. Authors Eric Geiger (author of bestselling Simple Church and Creature of the Word) and Kevin Peck argue that churches that consistently produce leaders have a strong conviction to develop leaders, a healthy culture for leadership development, and helpful constructs to systematically and intentionally build leaders. All three are essential for leaders to be formed through the ministry of a local church. From the first recordings of history God has made it clear that He has designed creation to be led by His covenant people. More than that, He has decided what His people are to do with that leadership. Whether you are called to lead your home, in the marketplace, in God’s church, or in your community, if you are called by God you are called to lead others to worship the glory of God in Jesus Christ.God has designed His people to lead.
The Responsibility Process: Unlocking Your Natural Ability to Live and Lead with Power
Christopher Avery - 2016
The Responsibility Process proves it. The Responsibility Process is a natural mental pattern that helps you process thoughts about taking or avoiding responsibility. How you navigate it determines whether you are leading toward meaningful results or just marking time. This book gives you precision tools, practices, and leadership truths to navigate The Responsibility Process and lead yourself and others to freedom, power, and choice.FROM THE FOREWORD BY HENRY KIMSEY-HOUSE"The Responsibility Process offers powerful coaching. Christopher doesn't just define the problem and then leave you with it the way some books do. He provides abundant tools, practices, and wisdom for taking ownership, solving problems, and developing your consciousness as a leader. I know you will enjoy this book and live a better life for having read it." -HENRY KIMSEY-HOUSE, co-founder & lead designer of CTI, co-author of Co-Active Coaching & Co-Active LeadershipADVANCE PRAISE FOR THE RESPONSIBILITY PROCESS"This is an important book. The discovery and development of The Responsibility Process is a contribution to the psychology of success and happiness." -DEREK SIVERS, founder of CD Baby, author of Anything You Want"This book changed how I talk about responsibility in my training courses and with my teen daughters. An ownership mindset is critical to business agility. Avery brilliantly dissects how ownership (or the lack of it) works in the mind and what to do about it to lead yourself and others to freedom, happiness, and results that matter." -MIKE COHN, author of Succeeding with AgileCONTENTS Introduction: A More Productive Way to Live and Lead Part I. Personal Responsibility in Everyday Life 1. What is Personal Responsibility? 2. Responsibility != Accountability Part II. Three Tools for Understanding and Practicing Responsibility 3. The Responsibility Process 4. The Three Keys to Responsibility 5. The Catch Sooner Game Part III. Practicing and Mastering Responsibility 6. Lead Yourself First 7. Sharing Responsibility, Sharing Leadership 8. Developing Responsibility in Others 9. Leading the Organization of Choice Conclusion: On the Road to Mastery
Creating Career Magic: How to Stay on Track to Achieve a Stellar Career and Survive and Thrive the Ups and Downs
Lee Cockerell - 2016
Career Development Magic is a unique book full of priceless advice and insightful experience. Lee Cockerell chronicles how he went from being a college dropout, rose through the ranks at both Hilton and Marriott, and ultimately became the Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World? Resorts. As the Senior Operating Executive for more than a decade, Lee led a team of 40,000 Cast Members and was responsible for the operations of 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, a shopping And entertainment village and the ESPN sports and recreation complex.After spending more than 40 years in the hospitality industry developing skills, learning lessons in management and excellence in customer service, people were always asking Lee, "How can I climb the corporate ladder? How can I get into management? How can I get promoted? How can I make more money?" It was these persistent questions that led Lee to write this book.Lee candidly shares the specific things he did to experience such dramatic success in the corporate world, but he also shares the mistakes he made along the way, and the million-dollar lessons he learned that ultimately led him to the top spot at the number one vacation destination in the world.It was not Disney magic that made Lee Cockerell's career so successful, but the way he dealt with the ups and downs that made it magical. It's the same with your career. Through this book, you will learn how to navigate the ups and downs along your own career path and zero in on your ideal job - and ultimately, the life you desire. When Lee Cockerell says "If I can do it, so can you," he truly means it. No matter where you are along your career path, you have an opportunity to climb the ladder of success by paying attention, asking questions and having a passion for your chosen career.
The Heart of Hospitality: Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets
Micah Solomon - 2016
Help has arrived with a compulsively-readable new standard, The Heart of Hospitality: Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets by Micah Solomon, with a foreword by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company’s president and COO Herve Humler.This up-to-the-minute resource delivers the closely guarded customer experience secrets and on-trend customer service insights of today’s top hoteliers, restaurateurs, and masters of hospitality management including:Four Seasons Chairman Isadore Sharp: How to build an unsinkable company cultureUnion Square Hospitality Group CEO Danny Meyer: His secrets of hiring, onboarding, training, and moreTom Colicchio (Craft Restaurants, Top Chef): How to create a customer-centric customer experience in a chef-centric restaurantVirgin Hotels CEO Raul Leal: How Virgin Hotels created its innovative, future-friendly hospitality approachRitz-Carlton President and COO Herve Humler: How to engage today’s new breed of luxury travelers Double-five-star chef and hotelier Patrick O’Connell (The Inn at Little Washington) shares the secrets of creating hospitality connectionsDesigner David Rockwell on the secrets of building millennial-friendly restaurants and hotel spaces (W, Nobu, Andaz) that resonate with today’s travelersRestaurateur Traci Des Jardins on building a “narcissism-free” hospitality cultureLegendary chef Eric Ripert’s principles of creating a great guest experiences, simultaneously within a single dining room.The Heart of Hospitality is a hospitality management resource like no other, put together by leading customer service expert Micah Solomon. Filled with exclusive, first-hand stories and wisdom from the top professionals in the industry, The Heart of Hospitality is an essential hospitality industry resource.As Ritz-Carlton President and COO Herve Humler says in his foreword to the book, “If you want to create and sustain a level of service so memorable that it becomes an unbeatable competitive advantage, you’ll find the secrets here.”
General Fox Conner: Pershing's Chief of Operations and Eisenhower's Mentor (The Generals)
Steven Rabalais - 2016
military history. John J. Pershing considered Fox Conner to have been “a brilliant solider” and “one of the finest characters our Army has ever produced.” During World War I, General Conner served as chief of operations for the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. Pershing told Conner: “I could have spared any other man in the A.E.F. better than you.”Dwight D. Eisenhower viewed Fox Conner, as “the outstanding soldier of my time.” In the early 1920s, Conner transformed his protégé Eisenhower from a struggling young officer on the verge of a court martial into one of the American army’s rising stars. Eisenhower acknowledged Fox Conner as “the one more or less invisible figure to whom I owe an incalculable debt.” This book presents the first complete biography of this significant, but now forgotten, figure in American military history.In addition to providing a unique insider’s view into the operations of the American high command during World War I, Fox Conner also tells the story of an interesting life. Conner felt a calling to military service, although his father had been blinded during the Civil War. From humble beginnings in rural Mississippi, Conner became one of the army’s intellectuals. During the 1920s, when most of the nation slumbered in isolationism, Conner predicted a second world war. As the nation began to awaken to new international dangers in the 1930s, President Roosevelt offered Fox Conner the position of army chief of staff, which he declined. Poor health prevented his participation in World War II, while others whom he influenced, including Eisenhower, Patton, and Marshall, went on to fame.
Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading and Living with Purpose
John Addison - 2016
Because that, says Addison, is the essence of leadership: having the courage, honor, and integrity to live your true life, the one you were put here to live, and to do it in a way that makes the world a better place than it was before you got here.Addison's story shares his experiences--from small-town southern boy to influential CEO--providing a riveting read that is down-to-earth and profound in its simplicity and honesty. His practical takeaway lessons will help you lead better in every aspect of your life. It's the kind of leadership that others will follow over the long haul, through the good times and the bad, through the ups and the downs; it's real leadership.John Addison is the former Co-CEO of Primerica, the largest independent financial services marketing organization in North America. He currently serves as CEO of Addison Leadership Group as well as the leadership editor of Success magazine. As a renowned, world-class speaker, he has motivated millions with his insight and wisdom on leadership, personal development, and achieving success in both their careers and their personal lives.
Worth Doing Wrong: The Quest to Build a Culture That Rocks
Arnie Malham - 2016
Arnie Malham, founder and president of cj Advertising, understands this thoroughly. But the challenges that make business hard are more than just obstacles--they are the foundation to building and strengthening a culture that attracts the best people to do the best work. To invest in your people is a return on investment in your business, and in Worth Doing Wrong, Malham covers strategies for investing in your employees by banding together to smash business goals, creating win-win relationships, generating buzz, and building a rockin' workplace.
Know Your Why: Finding and Fulfilling Your Calling in Life
Ken Costa - 2016
In a world of seemingly endless options, discerning the voice of God can be an increasingly difficult task. Ken draws on decades of experience to help Christians cut through the confusion and distractions and live lives in tune with God.”Andy Stanley, Senior Pastor, North Point Ministries“There are few people on this planet that I find more fascinating than Ken Costa. His capacity for business is only outweighed by his affection for the local church; and he has beautifully modelled to a generation what it means to live out your calling and build the Kingdom.”Brian Houston, Global Founder and Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church Are you working for cash, a career, a cause—or a calling? “Why do you do what you do?” People work for a variety of reasons.For many, the primary purpose of their work is cash. Their principal motivation is the paycheck that funds their everyday needs. Their work is a means to an end. Others are motivated by ambitions for a career, to move up the professional ladder and expand their experience, becoming more skilled in a particular area. Still others work for a cause, believing in the wider purpose of their work, attempting to make a difference in the world—to leave a mark in some way.All of these are legitimate motivations. However, missing from all three is any sense of the value of work itself. The focus is on the output of the workplace, rather than valuing the input.What we need is calling. Those who see their work as a calling experience a rich integration in their lives. They sense a purpose, a direction to their activities. Work has intrinsic meaning, rather than being simply a means to an end. In many ways this is precisely what the Spirit of God does in our lives. When we are in the flow of the Spirit, we are cooperating fully in our God-given callings. When people embrace their callings, they love their work, can manage inevitable tensions that arise, and are welcomed by their colleagues, who sense that there is something beyond the cash or career objectives. But how do we get there?Know Your Why is written with one objective: to help you find your life’s calling so that you can be more satisfied, fulfilled, and happier at work.“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.”—John 15:16 NIV
Lead with Your Heart: Lessons from a Life with Horses
Allan J. Hamilton - 2016
Hamilton, MD, draws on his distinctive knowledge and experience to explore how horses have helped him achieve clarity, peace, and mindfulness, along with spiritual insights into the fullness of life.
The Most Excellent Way to Lead: Discover the Heart of Great Leadership
Perry Noble - 2016
Perry Noble, in The Most Excellent Way to Lead, makes the case that the heart of great leadership lies elsewhere. Perry, despite "winning" the label "least likely to succeed" in high school, beat the odds against him. Today, he inspires thirty-five thousand people every weekend to live for something greater than themselves. He credits this achievement to the leadership principles he has learned from the Bible. Surprisingly, the essence of leadership that produces genuine growth is buried in a Bible chapter often read at weddings. In this groundbreaking book, Perry walks us through that leadership chapter, describing the fifteen qualities of an inspirational leader.Whether you are an entrepreneur or a new parent, this book will encourage you to see every opportunity in life as a chance to lead in the "most excellent way."
The Right Steph: How Stephen Curry Is Making All the Right Moves—with Humility and Grace
Mike Yorkey - 2016
Likable, humble, soft-spoken, and living out his faith—using words only when necessary—Stephen Curry is one of those nice guys you’d want to meet or have your kids emulate. We feel like we’re on a first-name basis with the young man, so much so that he’s now known by the diminutive form of his first name: Steph. In this fun, fact-filled biography, veteran author Mike Yorkey describes how Steph Curry has taken over a popular game that brings together a basket, a leather ball, and a flick of a wrist from beyond the three-point line—all the while with his family cheering him on.
Old Paths, New Power: Awakening Your Church through Prayer and the Ministry of the Word
Daniel Henderson - 2016
It worked in their pagan times, and it will in ours.Old Paths, New Power: Reviving Our Churches through Prayer and the Ministry of the Word calls us back to the tried-and-true: pray and proclaim the word.Henderson, who leads a growing church revival ministry, guides you through the essentials of sparking a spiritual renaissance:Be a leader who walks with the LordDevelop a strong prayer culture in your life and ministryPreach with unction, dependence, and integrityEquip every saint for the work of the ministryEmbrace the sufficiency of the gospelOur churches don’t need fresh models and fancy things; they need the Holy Spirit, and He rains down when we pray and proclaim the word. Read Old Paths, New Power and follow God’s master plan.
Rocking Ordinary: Holding It Together with Extraordinary Grace
Lea Ann Garfias - 2016
Stuck in an endless routine of cleaning, cooking, and caring for family members, they struggle to find meaning and worth in their daily lives. Exhausted at the end of another busy, chaotic day, they wonder if they have made any measurable progress, if it even matters, if their work counts. This book talks frankly about real life, ministry failures, and the depressing side of Christian womanhood, but in a humorous way that makes you want to pour coffee all over it and try again. Whether we feel capable or not, whether we feel spiritual or not, we are already changing lives. This book is for Christian women in their 20s, 30s, or 40s who may or may not have children, may or may not be tired, and may or may not be addicted to coffee.
Student Ministry that Matters: 3 Elements of a Healthy Student Ministry
Ben Trueblood - 2016
It’s a question that brings both anger and tears. You are growing in numbers, but something just didn’t feel right. It doesn't feel healthy. This is the “there must be more to student ministry than this” moment. Regardless of your ministry context, church size, denomination, or years of experience, it is possible for you to have a healthy student ministry. The three elements, explained by author Ben Trueblood, will lead you to that very thing. Student Ministry that Matters gives you and your leaders a framework to answer this question, "Is my student ministry healthy?" and help you highlight areas of improvement as you seek to lead a student ministry focused on health.
Pastors Are People Too: What They Won't Tell You but You Need to Know (PastorServe Series)
Jimmy Dodd - 2016
Is it any wonder pastors are overwhelmed and underappreciated? They’re expected to know every member by name, preach a “home run sermon” every Sunday, condemn sin without hurting anyone’s feelings, and be available to serve others 24/7 while not neglecting their own family. The intensity of these expectations and lack of appreciation can and does bring the majority of pastors to a place of despair and ultimately departure from pastoral ministry. This practical field guide offers tangible ways to better understand and care for the pastor who cares so deeply about you.
One Woman's War and Peace: A Nurse's Journey in the Royal Australian Air Force
Sharon Bown - 2016
When Sharon, as a young Registered Nurse from Tasmania, joined the Royal Australian Air Force it was with the goal of providing humanitarian aid to the world. She never imagined that, on her retirement, she would have served in East Timor, Bali and Afghanistan - working to save the lives of others, but almost losing her own.As an Air Force Officer, she not only survived a helicopter crash that left her with a shattered jaw, and a broken back, but fought back from her injuries to resume her military duties. As commander of a combat surgical team during some of the most intense fighting in Afghanistan, she made sure that the first and last sight for any Australian soldier on the operating table was the Australian flag. As a nurse, she experienced the heartbreak of losing patients, some of whom she and her team had battled for hours to save.'Wing Commander (Ret'd) Sharon Bown's One Woman's War and Peace is a powerful, inspiring, must-read story of Anzac Spirit ... She is all of them. And she is one of us.' ~ Lee Kernaghan OAM 'Sharon's story is one that is rarely heard. One of Compassion, Commitment and Courage.' ~ Mark Donaldson VC'[This] book ... will stay with you forever. It will remind you that even in your darkest hours there is hope.' ~ Kay Danes OAM 'An honest and inspiring account of one woman's life in the service of her country. Sharon has experienced the lowest of lows and the highest of highs, yet in every circumstance, Sharon's amazing courage shines through.' ~ Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston AK, AFK (Ret'd)
Growing Physician Leaders: Empowering Doctors to Improve Our Healthcare
Mark Hertling - 2016
Physicians hold the key to improving healthcare, but while they enjoy exceptional training in the science of medicine, the vast majority of doctors have received little training in even the basics of leadership. In Growing Physician Leaders, retired Army Lieutenant General Mark Hertling applies his four decades of military leadership to the world of healthcare, resulting in a profoundly constructive and practical book with the power to reshape and reenergize any healthcare organization in America today. Designed to help physicians master the art of leading people, it takes them, step-by-step, through a proven process that can help anyone become a more effective leader. Growing Physician Leaders gives doctors a potent tool to improve their personal health, their professional health, their organizational health, and ultimately, our nation's health.
The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success - And Sanity!
Maia Heyck-Merlin - 2016
With an emphasis on time management, the book provides all of the tools, templates, and checklists necessary for leaders to stay organized and keep on top their responsibilities. Maia Heyck-Merlin describes step-by-step a set of habits and systems that help leaders to keep everything running smoothly and, most importantly, achieve their mission-driven goals. By learning how to plan for the predictable, leaders can face the unexpected head-on, going off-plan while keeping their eye on the objective. Education leaders will learn how to prioritize quickly and efficiently, and gain access to hands-on tools that take the turbulence out of their days, allowing them to truly become a Together Leader.Mission-driven leaders are often required to multi-task; it's part of the job. This book gives leaders the tools and information they need to streamline their workflow, to take the day one task at a time without sacrificing productivity. The book includes lessons on how to:Prioritize effectively and work efficiently Get organized and stay prepared no matter what Manage time, staff, and resources Develop the habits of an effective leader A leader's time is valuable, as is that of their staff. There's no room for waste. The Together Leader prepares leaders to truly lead their teams, with the tools and strategies that make real, effective mission-driven leadership possible.
TIME Barack Obama: Eight Years
TIME Magazine - 2016
And in this definitive, one-of-kind Special Edition, TIME’s experts assess the impact his administration had on the U.S. economy, foreign policy, health care and so much more. Along with spectacular and often moving images, TIME’s unmatched writers and reporters give this presidency a clear-eyed context through issues of race, inclusion and military approach.
Jesus Called – He Wants His Church Back: What Christians and the American Church are Missing
Ray Johnston - 2016
Our generation is no different.
In every decade we, as Americans, lost something important that we couldn't afford to lose:
In the 1950's, we lost innocence
In the 1960's, we lost respect for authority
In the 1970's, we lost love
In the 1980's, we lost values
In the 1990's, we lost faith
In the 2000's, we lost security
In the 2010's, we lost hope in the future
What can restore what we've lost? Only Jesus. Jesus gave us His name, His friendship, and a commission to accept responsibility for ourselves and for the world. When introduced to His wordsandways we'll rediscover the Jesus who:
Wants His enemies won over, not wiped out
Wants you to stop playing it safe
Believed great things were possible no matter what things are like right now
Was full of grace and truth
Unleashed compassion
Believed no one was too far from God to return to Him
Came to seek and to save that which was lost
Loves the church
Pastor Ray Johnston shares the Jesus of the Bible and how we can be Christians without being jerks. He reveals how the radical message of the gospel calls us to love and serve not only our neighbors but our enemies as well. That’s the Jesus the American Church has missed and needs to meet.Jesus' mission is clear—risk everything in order to take care of people, starting in our home, neighborhoods, cities, and those in need around the world. That's the Jesus the American Church has missed and needs to meet.
The Art Of Being Ruthless: How To Be Bold, Find Your Spine And Take Control Of Your Life
Michael Sloan - 2016
With the Art of Being Ruthless, we’re going to teach you how you can stand up for yourself and get the respect that you desire so greatly. This isn’t some lame brained book about pick up culture nor is it a guide on how to be a complete jerk, rather we’re going to look deeply into the psyche of American culture and learn how compliance has become commonplace in our lives. Compliance is a huge part of our lives and we are subject to the whims and controls of the corporate lifestyle, the business world and the consumerist culture around us. But you can break free of those chains and live the life that you’ve always wanted to. If you want to be free from the system that binds and controls you, then this is the book for you. Break the chains of compliance and take hold of your life!
James Hewitt - 2016
Every new era has brought challenges and opportunities, requiring humans to adapt and grow, but in contrast to the linear transformations of the past, we are experiencing exponential change. What skills will you require to thrive in the 'fourth industrial revolution?' Are you performing at your full potential? When was the last time you stepped back to consider how you live and work? What if you could maintain your current level of performance, but vastly increase your reserves of energy and time? James Hewitt, Hintsa Performance Head of Science & Innovation, and Dr. Aki Hintsa, legendary Formula 1 doctor and mentor, reveal the stories and science that have played a pivotal role in 11 Formula 1 world championships as well as the transformative work of Hintsa Performance with executives in leading global companies. Exponential includes deeply researched content, brought to life with stories and interviews including Two-Time Formula One World Champion, Mika H�kkinen, programmer, teacher and children's writer, Linda Liukas, Face-Transplant Surgeon, Jyrki T�rnwall, President, UBS Wealth Management, J�rg Zeltner, Cancer specialist and sports doctor, Ralph Braun, Olympian and multiple world-champion masters cyclist Geoff Cooke and Alexander Stubb, Former Prime Minister of Finland and Parliamentarian. If we take time to look beneath the surface of what it means to be human, and focus our attention and energy where we can have the biggest impact, the results on our life and performance can be exponential.
High Challenge, Low Threat: How the Best Leaders Find the Balance
Mary Myatt - 2016
It is the quality of these, whatever the size of the organisation, which make the difference between organisations which thrive, and those which stagnate.This is not to argue for soft, easy and comfortable options. Instead it considers how top leaders manage to walk the line between the impossible and the possible, between the undoable and the doable, and to create conditions for productive work which transcend the difficulties which come towards us every day. Instead of dodging them, they embrace them. And by navigating high challenge, low threat, they show how others how to do the same.
Power: A User's Guide
Julie Diamond - 2016
The book combines cutting-edge psychological theory with practical exercises, stories, and examples from the author’s experiences as a leadership coach and consultant to provide readers with the tools and instructions to find their unique map of powers. From bosses to parents, politicians to protesters, power rests in the hands of everyone, everywhere.
Coach the Person Not the Problem: A Simple Guide to Coaching for Transformation
Chad Hall - 2016
In this short eBook, master coach and trainer Chad Hall walks you through three levels of coaching: beginner, better and transformational. For each level, he provides a sense of where the coach focuses, the types of question the coach asks and what kind of results you can expect. He also offers guidance on two elements essential to coaching for transformation: how to add creativity to your coaching and what to do when the client expresses emotion.
Guiding Readers - Layers of Meaning: A Handbook for Teaching Reading Comprehension to 7-11-Year-Olds
Wayne Tennent - 2016
Written by top experts in the field, it includes eleven in-depth case studies - taken from real-life classrooms - of lessons on fiction and non-fiction, poetry and picture books, advertising and film.* Why is it needed? Guided reading, widely used in English lessons, has never been satisfactorily examined for children in this age range. Once they have learned how to read, pupils need support to develop strategies to extend their comprehension: What does the text say? What does it mean? What do I feel about it?* What is special about guiding readers? We can guide readers whenever we open discussions by exploring their understanding rather than telling them. This book shows teachers how it can be done with real classroom examples.* Who is it for? All teachers of children aged 7-11, English subject leaders, literacy coordinators, student teachers, teacher-educators, librarians, tutors, reading specialists.
Partnership Is the New Leadership
Ty Bennett - 2016
In the 1980s, Ken Blanchard changed the conversation from management to leadership and began to refocus, retool, and refine the approach to leadership. Our world has continued to change since then and at an even faster pace. To be relevant, influential, and successful today, partnership in leadership needs to be the approach.
In_Security: Break Free from what Holds You Back
Anna Light - 2016
And our enemy knows the most powerful person on the planet is a free person. When we’re free there are endless possibilities for God to work in us to accomplish His purpose for our lives. But many of us are not free. When it comes to our God-given purpose, many of us are fearful, unsure, and held back. Insecure. The enemy doesn’t want us free. That is the very reason we have to become free. In this book you will find the keys that unlock the chains of insecurity. You will find the strength and confidence to be the person God sees, and accomplish the work He has called you to do by tackling issues like: • Our lack of identity • Believing lies that hold us back • Fearing what people think • How to walk in freedom Do you want to be free? How much do you want it?
Renegade Leadership: Creating Innovative Schools for Digital-Age Students
Brad R. Gustafson - 2016
Using research, vignettes, and renegade profiles, this book challenges you to lead in the digital age by:Applying transformational tenets of connected pedagogy Increasing your leadership in curriculum, cultural proficiency, and school improvement Leading staff meetings, planning professional development, and improving student learning Don't miss the free podcasts, flipped book study, and more on the Renegade Leadership website.
Leading with Focus: Elevating the Essentials for School and District Improvement
Mike Schmoker - 2016
Now, in Leading with Focus, he shows administrators, principals, and other education leaders how to apply his model to the work of running schools and districts. In this companion to his previous book, Schmoker offers* An overview of the case for simple, focused school and district leadership--demonstrating its power for vastly improving the work of teachers and leaders.* Examples of real schools and districts that have embraced focused leadership--and the incredible results for student learning.* A practical, flexible, and easy-to-follow implementation guide for ensuring focused leadership in schools and districts.All students deserve to learn in schools where educators eschew distractions and superfluous activities to concentrate on what's most important. To that end, this book is an essential resource for leaders ready to streamline their practice and focus their efforts on radically improving student learning.
Selected Works of Stephen Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 25th Anniversary Edition, Execution Essentials, Management Essentials, Leadership Essentials
Stephen R. Covey - 2016
With over 25 million copies sold, this book continues to influence the personal and professional lives of millions of readers. Now, in this special Selected Works of Stephen Covey, readers will not only benefit from the impact of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, but from also implementing three other Covey strategies that build off of the 7 Habits: Execution Essentials, Management Essentials and Leadership Essentials: Execution Essentials: Why do most companies fail to execute their goals--despite strong, dedicated leaders and staff? It's all in the execution. In this book, Dr. Stephen R. Covey will show you how to improve your execution strategy and help your organization meet its goals.Management Essentials: This book is a condensed guide to stronger management skills. Inside you'll find a concrete guide to getting the most out of your employees--along with an in-depth guide to putting new ideas into practice.Leadership Essentials: Are great leaders born--or made? In this book, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, walks you through a process of self-discovery and personal development that will make you a stronger leader--and help you succeed at work.
Preaching Killer Sermons: How to Create and Deliver Messages that Captivate and Inspire
Lane Sebring - 2016
You have to capture people's attention. But how? In Preaching Killer Sermons, author and pastor Lane Sebring reveals practical preparation and delivery techniques that will enable you to better connect with your listeners. Discover how to: -Capture and maintain the interest of your listeners -Structure each sermon for the greatest impact -Maximize your prep time on a tight schedule -Overcome distractions & communicate with clarity -Inspire people toward life-change If you want to discover practical methods to communicate clearly every time you preach, this book is for you. What church leaders are saying about Preaching Killer Sermons: Lane has written a very helpful, practical book for preachers and teach-ers. I think there are two great sins in preaching: misusing the text and boring your audience. In teaching pastors and seminary students, I find there are plenty of resources and attention given to avoid the first great sin. But there is a lack of resources on how not to bore people. And too many preachers feel that if they have rightly divided the Word of Truth, they have done everything God requires them to do. I think accuracy and effectiveness are equally important in preaching. Preaching Killer Sermons is a great resource to help pastors truly be effective in communicating the powerful truth of God's Word. I plan to start using this with the preaching students I teach. –David Whiting, Executive Search Consultant, Vanderbloemen, former Lead Pastor, Northridge Church, Rochester, NY The hardest thing I do each week is not leadership development or pastoral care - it's crafting a message which will communicate truth in an engaging and impactful way. I genuinely want to get better at what I believe is God's greatest call on my life. I'm thankful for Lane's heart to help us be better preachers. I'm thankful for this book. –Ron Edmondson, Senior Pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church, Lexington, KY, Church leadership blogger, Pastor Lane Sebring has done an outstanding job of reverse engineering the "great sermon." His efforts will help all who preach to preach better prepared sermons, and become better prepared communicators. Preach-ing Killer Sermons should be included reading in homiletics courses around the world. –Brett Fuller, Senior Pastor, Grace Covenant Church, Chantilly, VA Chaplain, Washington Redskins If you are a communicator in the local church you need to pick up this book. Lane brings practical insights and helpful encouragement on every page. Pick it up ... and apply the lessons contained within. –Rich Birch, unSeminary, Executive Pastor, Liquid Church, Mountainside NJ The concepts Lane shares in this book have helped sharpen my effectiveness in communicating the content of God’s inerrant Word! I would highly recommend this book to both the novice and the experienced preacher. –Dr. Billy Ross, Senior Pastor, Centreville Baptist Church, Centreville, VA Trustee, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary I serve on a Teaching Team with Lane, so I watch him live out Preaching Killer Sermons each week. Lane’s heart is to communicate God’s Word in culturally relevant and engaging ways. Now he’s sharing his passion in a book full of practical tools to help preachers (and teachers/speakers). You’ll hear his heart as he challenges you to examine and refine your own preaching habits.
Leading Growth
Eugene T. Wilson - 2016
Real church growth starts with individuals. This book challenges us to rethink church growth and gives us new tools to effectively lead growth. Some principles include: aligning ourselves with God's purpose for our lives, learning new ways to measure growth, and targeting strategies to preserve growth into the future. By reading this book, ministers and church leaders alike will find fresh insight that will help them as they lead growth in their churches.
Supervision Matters: 100 Bite-Sized Ideas to Transform You and Your Team
Rita Sever - 2016
Supervision Matters is full of bite-size ideas for how to become a more effective supervisor, including advice on how to be clear about expectations, giving helpful feedback, manage yourself, and more. Each chapter is structured around how you approach a part of your work as a supervisor: how you talk, how you think about others, how you run meetings, how you lead, and more. Whether you re a front-line supervisor or a CEO, this book will help you sharpen your skills and improve morale by transforming your supervision skills into user-friendly tactics that work."
Next Generation Judaism: How College Students and Hillel Can Help Reinvent Jewish Organizations
Mike Uram - 2016
The traditional notions of what it means to be a Jew, what Jewish organizations look like and what Jewish leadership means are no longer working, leaving many Jewish organizations in a struggle for survival. Many Jewish leaders are afraid that this will only get worse as the millennials--the "my way, right away, why pay" generation--begin to enter adulthood.But college campuses are incubators of new and vibrant expressions of Jewish life. With motivation and entrepreneurial spirit, and without the limitations of cynicism or institutional history, students are inventing and reinventing Jewish community, Jewish prayer, Jewish service and Jewish learning, and Hillel is right there with them. Each chapter of this book explores innovations developed on the University of Pennsylvania campus and shows how they can be applied to synagogues, Federations and JCCs to help them reinvent themselves so that they are better able to meet the changing needs of American Jews.This is an essential resource for lay leaders, rabbis, cantors and anyone who wants to build a brighter Jewish future for all Jews and the institutions that support them.
People Before Things
Chris Laping - 2016
Explore the head-slapping, intuitive conditions needed to enable and activate change. The motivation behind this book? Something is not working! Gallup reports the US economy loses $50-150 billion a year due to failed IT projects and 70% of all change initiatives fail. Intended for executives, project managers, and grassroots influencers alike, People Before Things helps leaders become CHANGE leaders.
The Ultimate Zig Ziglar Library
Zig Ziglar - 2016
You'll hear Zig at his most energetic in the very early days of his career, and you'll hear him at his most reflective and thoughtful in recordings just a few years before his passing. But regardless of when and where Zig delivered his message, one thing remained constant: The unforgettable and timeless truths that Zig spoke changed the lives of millions of people.
Tell Me So I Can Hear You: A Developmental Approach to Feedback for Educators
Eleanor Drago-Severson - 2016
Drawing on constructive-developmental theory, the authors describe four stages of adult growth and development and explain how to differentiate feedback for colleagues with different “ways of knowing,” which include: • Instrumental knowers, who tend to see things in black and white (“Did I do it right or wrong?”) and may need to develop the capacity for reflection. • Socializing knowers, who are concerned with maintaining relationships (“What do you want me to do?”) and may need support developing their own ideas. • Self-authoring knowers, who have strong ideologies and values (“How does this fit with my goals and vision?”) and may need help with perspective taking. • Self-transformative knowers, who are able to examine issues from multiple points of view (“How can I understand this more deeply?”) and may need guidance in resolving tensions and contradictions. The authors show how leaders can provide feedback in ways that “meet people where they are” while expanding the developmental capacities educators bring to their work. Drago-Severson and Blum-DeStefano provide real-life examples with practical strategies for creating a safe space for feedback, finding the right words, and bridging feedback and action. Tell Me So I Can Hear You offers invaluable guidance to help educators support a culture of learning in classrooms, schools, and districts.
Build your Dream Team: Leadership based on a passion for people.
Candela Iglesias Chiesa - 2016
You recently started a new job as a team leader. You were very excited in the beginning, but it has been a tough week. Your team members don't seem too happy with you, people have been skipping meetings, you've been drowning in emails and requests, two of your teammates are not even talking to each other and your new boss wants you to present your team's plans for the year when you have barely a plan for next week. You are realizing you actually have no clue how to be a team leader. Sure, you're great at what you do, and you've been a great team player. But nothing in your professional training taught you how to do this. "This" being building a team. Actually, building an amazing team. - How do you bring together disparate characters and create something bigger and better than the sum of the parts? What teambuilding activities do you use? - How do you deal with your own self doubt and imposter syndrome? - How do you achieve your goals, when these can only be accomplished through teamwork? How do you ensure that managing your team’s request doesn’t eat up all your time? - What do you do when conflict explodes? Unless you actually studied for a career in management or business administration, chances are you were never taught anything about team leadership and managing people. This book is for you if: a. You have just started as a team leader (at work, in a sport or a hobby, or when volunteering) but have never learned about leadership and management in your career. b. You have been a leader for a while but are currently facing a crisis period and feel you don’t have the tools to resolve it or if you want to learn new ways to strengthen your team, get better results, and build a better work environment. This book is a practical guide to accompany you through the process of becoming a great leader and putting together a dream team. It will show you how to: • Identify the leadership skills you already possess and build on them. • Successfully transition from team member to team leader. • Get rid of overwhelm and learn to manage your time. • Achieve your team goals through smart planning and follow-up strategies. • Manage the team formation process to create a strong, cohesive team. • Maintain smooth communication by establishing solid systems. • Help your team members avoid or overcome demotivation and burnout. • Resolve conflict constructively. This book focuses both on developing the mindset that can help you become a great team leader, and on building the strategies that will help you reach your goals, maintain team spirit and communication, and prevent conflict. This is the book I wish I had when I started as a team leader years ago. I’ve put together all the best strategies I researched and tested through my own journey as a leader. After reading this book and testing the practical ideas in it, within weeks you’ll see positive changes in how your team relates to you and to each other. You’ll feel empowered. You’ll have a clear vision of who you want to be as a leader and what you want your dream team to look like, and most importantly, the tools and the plan that will make that vision a reality. My goal with this book is that you will find simple, easily-implementable solutions to the problems that now seem insurmountable. That tomorrow, instead of dreading your team meetings, you’ll start looking forward to interacting with your team.
Winning Well: A Manager's Guide to Getting Results---Without Losing Your Soul
Karin Hurt - 2016
Executives set aggressive goals, so managers drive their teams to burnout trying to deliver. Or, employees seek connection and support, so managers focus on relationships . . . and fail to make the numbers. The fallout is stress, frustration, and disengagement, and not just among team members—two-thirds of managers report being disengaged.To succeed, managers cannot choose between results and relationships. They need both: They must get people to achieve while creating an environment that makes them truly want to. Winning Well offers managers a quick, practical action plan—complete with examples, stories, and online assessments. They will learn how to:
Stamp out the corrosive win-at-all-costs mentality
Focus on the game, not just the score
Reinforce behaviors that produce results
Sustain energy and momentum
Correct poor performance without drama
Build productive relationships
Be the leader people want to work for
Today’s hypercompetitive economy has created tense, overextended workplaces. Keep it productive, rewarding, and even fun with this one-stop success kit.
Call Me Friend: Building Compelling Relationships through One-on-One Ministry
Kate Brueck - 2016
Start with Hello was written with the goal of introducing your church to disability ministry and training churches on how to lead a special needs ministry. For the ministry leader who desires to include people of all ages with special needs in the life of the church, this practical guide to buddy ministry provides clear, concise direction on how to organize and implement this effective ministry model. Leaders will discover how buddies provide discipleship, friendship, safety, participation, communication and positive behavior management. The simple steps you'll find in this book will build relationships and assist your church in becoming an authentic community where all people may fully belong.
Entreprenerd: The Busy Person's Primer on SEO, Paid Advertising, and Conversion Optimisation
Jack Kinsella - 2016
Expect a carefully researched, pithy, and highly applicable read.* Based on the author's time chairing a "growth hacker" group in Berlin. Among the members of this group were some ex-Googlers, a consultant doing conversion optimisation for Amazon Audible, an AdWords guy for Goldman Sachs, a 24-year old Serbian man making $100,000 a month selling e-books on Tinder dating, a top-10 bestselling author in Germany, and the heads of marketing for Delivery Hero and Research Gate. In went all these strategies and techniques and out came this book.* This book focuses on building scalable, automatable "marketing assets", bits and pieces that continue to bring traffic dividends long into the future. If we're going to throw around keywords, this book is about search engine optimisation, paid advertising, conversion optimisation, auto-email marketing, and copywriting. Anything requiring continuous attention didn't make the cut. Sorry, social media marketing.* The only constant in the internet age is change. That's why the wisest career-minded people specialise on the timeless rather than the transient. Entreprenerd: The Busy Person's Primer on SEO, Paid Advertising, and Conversion Optimisation leaves out the minutiae of configuring advertising software or setting up Google Analytics because this sort of tedium changes every six months and you might as well Google the official docs. In place of such trivia, this book focuses on the evergreen, on showing you the lay of the land, and on instilling the strategic principles that will keep paying dividends for years and years and years to come.* Full table of contents and preview chapters available on the author's personal website: it here:
Lead Like Wesley: Help for Today's Ministry Servants
Mark Gorveatte - 2016
To this day, much wisdom is still gleaned from his leadership principles. In Lead Like Wesley, author Mark Gorveatte devotedly unpacks the heart of each rule, revealing how the timeless truths should no less inform and direct all good Christian leadership in this day and age. Each chapter is dedicated to one rule, is supported by a key theme with its scriptural context, and is thoughtfully considered in the light of contemporary research, making a compelling case for character-based leadership.
The CEO's Playbook: Turning the Employees You Have into the Dream Team You Always Wanted
Nora Ganescu - 2016
They are good people, you know that, but your dream is to be brilliant together. Dedication, passion, joy at work… are these too much to ask for?They’re not!In The CEO’s Playbook, author Nora Ganescu shows you how to become that exciting and innovative workplace that creates one game-changing success after the other.
Discover where is the only effective starting point for creating change.
Understand why much of what has worked before in companies is not working anymore, and why so many companies are struggling.
Find out how to remove the biggest barrier that stops you from succeeding with ease and joy.
Learn how to bring people together in passionate conversation and action.
Get simple and elegant tools to approach (and answer) any business and team question that comes up.
If running your company feels more like pushing a huge boulder up the mountain, then you are not alone. This book can help.
Momentum: How to Build It, Keep It or Get It Back
Michael McQueen - 2016
Momentary victories and small wins don't last, and the frustration of reclaiming that energy is real. This book shows you how to cultivate a different type of achievement - measureable, sustainable and constant. It's the difference between winning a battle and winning the war, and requires more than a single brilliant move. It's about activity, focus and consistency, and working smarter instead of harder. This insightful guide helps you dig to the core of who and where you are, and start implementing the core practices and characteristics that keep the successes coming. You'll discover the traps that have been pushing you off course, and learn when to push through and when to change course entirely. Case studies illustrate the pitfalls of momentum-traps through the lens of individuals and organisations who ignored early warning signs at their own peril - and ultimately, detriment.Momentum is not a fleeting or transient feeling. It's a skill that can be fostered, encouraged and nurtured, and it's the biggest success tool in the box. This book walks you through the principles, practices and ideas that help you build and maintain a positive trajectory.Achieve breakthrough results and sustainable success Overcome baggage, monotony and the appeal of immediacy Build, maintain or reclaim your dynamism and vitality Avoid the common traps that hinder forward progress Whether you've had a taste of success and long for its return, or feel that something's holding you back from achieving your potential - momentum is your missing piece. Find it and grab it with both hands using the invaluable guidance in Momentum, the handbook for long-term success.
What Is Honor? And How to Revive It
Brett McKay - 2016
In many cases, they were synonymous. Honor lost was manhood lost. Because honor was such a central aspect of a man’s masculine identity, men would go to great lengths to win honor and prevent its loss.If we take even a cursory look at history, honor pops up over and over again as a central theme in literature and life. The epic poems of Homer are primarily about honor and man’s quest to achieve and maintain it. If you read Shakespeare’s plays with a close eye, you’ll find that honor and manhood take center stage as reoccurring themes.. When signing the Declaration of Independence, the American Founding Fathers “mutually pledged to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”But what exactly is honor?We throw the word around quite a bit in our modern lexicon and give it a lot of lip service, but if you were to ask someone, “What is honor?” you’ll likely be answered with furrowed brows and head scratches. We think we know what it is, but often find it difficult to articulate when pressed. If you’re lucky enough to get an answer out of someone, they’ll likely say that honor means being true to a set of personal ideals, or being a man of integrity.Honor=integrity is the point to which the definition of honor has evolved and what it generally means in our society today. In fact, it’s how we defined honor in our book, The Art of Manliness Manvotionals. That definition of honor, while correct in our modern use of the word, doesn’t really capture the concept of honor that Homer wrote about, that countless duelists died for, and that our Founding Fathers swore upon. Except for a few pockets of society like the military, fire departments, and criminal gangs, honor, as millions of men from the past understood it, barely exists in the modern West.In What is Honor? Brett McKay takes an in-depth look at the history, sociology, and philosophy of traditional honor to give readers a better understanding of this oft misunderstood concept that has guided humanity for ages. In the end, he provides a prescription of how to revive and sustain a culture of manly honor in the modern world.
Good Authority: How to Become the Leader Your Team Is Waiting for
Jonathan Raymond - 2016
Good Authority is a modern classic, and it will redefine what it means to be the boss." -- Seth Godin, Author, LinchpinImagine a world where personal and professional growth are one thing, where improving your relationships and owning your strengths at work translate directly into the rest of your life.Creating a company culture like that is not a dream. Through personal stories and real-life conversations, Jonathan takes you into the room with managers and employees where real culture change happens, and shows you a new kind of employee mentoring where each person gets the real-time feedback, support, and clear boundaries we all need to get beyond the patterns that hold us back.In this provocative and timely new book, Jonathan brings together what he has learned over a twenty-year journey as an executive, entrepreneur, team leader and leadership trainer.Combining his experience as the CEO and CBO of EMyth where he led the transformation of a global coaching brand with the lessons learned along his own personal growth journey, Jonathan walks us through a step-by-step approach that integrates the leading edges of both. You'll discover a way to lead your team that is both profoundly human and results-oriented at the same time.Whether you re a CEO or business owner, executive, team leader, consultant, or coach, Good Authority will give you new ideas and inspiration you can put into practice. Most importantly, it will give you permission to be more of who you are at work than you ever thought possible.
Leadership Awakening: Foundational Principles for Lasting Success
Doug Stringer - 2016
Overwhelmed, we settle for less than God's best.Whether you are just beginning your ministry journey or you are a seasoned veteran who is feeling tired, ineffective, or ready to quit…maybe it's time for a Leadership Awakening!Your life can be marked by God's goodness all the way to the finish line. Through the time-tested principles Doug Stringer lays out, you will discover how to...Measure successful leadership God's wayOvercome the oppositions godly leaders faceDisplay leadership traits that transform your family, workplace, church, and worldEquip yourself-and those you're leading-to run the race and finish wellAnd much more!Don't allow yourself to become a casualty on the battlefield of Christian leadership. You can have an impactful life and hear God's beautiful words of affirmation at the end of your journey..."Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:23).
Horns Up: Inside the Greatest College Football Dynasty
Jeff Kolpack - 2016
When you think of the greatest college football programs in the modern era, those schools come immediately to mind. But none of them did what North Dakota State did from 2011-15 and that is to win five straight national championships, in NDSU's case at the Division I Football Championship Subdivision level (formerly known as Division I-AA). In fact, nobody at any level of college football has ever won five straight. The Bison did it with a unique toughness, including farm kids from the Midwest who were used to working 18-hour days before taking one step on the Fargo, N.D., campus. They did it with a work ethic and an unusual devotion and love to their hard-driving strength and conditioning coach. It didn't come without some hard knocks. The Bison went 3-8 in 2009, one year after becoming fully eligible for Division I athletics after making the transition from Division II. They lost their head coach during the 2013 title run, a change that was met with resistance and tension within the coaching staff that filtered down to the players. From 2011-15, Alabama won 62 games, Florida State 58, Oregon 57 and Clemson and Ohio State 56 each. North Dakota State, with its collection of lightly-regarded players primarily from the states of North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin, won 71. Since moving to Division I, NDSU went 8-3 against bigger FBS schools with wins against the likes of Minnesota (twice), Kansas State, Iowa State and Colorado State. They had some stars, like in 2011 when a quarterback from Bismarck Century with a few scholarship offers decided to stay in-state and attend NDSU. Four years later, Carson Wentz was the second overall pick of the Philadelphia Eagles in the NFL Draft. The national media paid attention. ESPN's "College GameDay" came to Fargo two straight years and the network developed a love affair with the city. "Horns Up" is a story of a football program that came out of nowhere. It's a story nobody could have predicted.
Transforming Fellowship: 19 Brain Skills That Build Joyful Community
Chris M. Coursey - 2016
Effective Modern Coaching
Myles Downey - 2016
Individual performance is a cornerstone of corporate performance and the need to achieve more - be that productivity or innovation - from fewer is becoming increasingly vital. Coaching is a demonstrably successful approach to helping individuals to perform to higher levels. This book aims to develop managers and executives into great coaches, who can transform the performance of individuals and teams in their organizations. The author looks at the art of coaching from different perspectives and provides practical tips and models (such as the "Spectrum of Coaching Skills" and "GROW"). It also includes sample dialogues of how to handle various coaching situations. FURTHER REVIEWS: 'Effective Coaching' has been the cornerstone of executive coaching practice over the last twenty years. It is the book upon which, all other coaching practices and methods have been built. The simple concept of 'performance as a function of potential minus interference' is still at the heart of what every coach does. The TGROW process has been copied and copied again in different formats; trainings; and leadership programmes the world over. Executive coaching all started with 'Effective Coaching'. Myles, has also been instrumental in developing executive coaching as the main-stream occupational profession that it is today. 'Effective Modern Coaching' builds on the basic principals, bringing thirty years experience to life in a fresh look at the coaching challenges we face today in the modern world. Mark Hookey, Director, Performance Management, Talent Management and Learning, Swiss Re A seminal work that positions coaching where it needs to be...driving performance. I have used this work in leadership programmes in many different sectors and countries and it resonates with all. The only coaching text you need. Simon Day, Qatar Gas Effective Coaching has had a profound influence on the way I coach and support my teams. Tom Denwood, Major Programme Leader, Health and Social Care Information Centre 'Myles Downey wrote one of the defining books on an oft misunderstood profession in 'Effective Coaching'. Calling on a lineage that goes back to the very beginning of coaching as a professional offering, Myles then adds he own inimitable voice as coach, thought leader, developer of Enabling Genius and the ground breaking e-coach. If you buy one book on coaching this year make it this one.' Cliff Kimber, Founding Partner BigBlueStuff They still talk a lot about coaching. Plenty of people write coach on their business cards. It seems to me that most of them sincerely err. Fortunately, there is Myles Downey, a founder of School of coaching, whose coaching experience exceeds 25 years. Myles has written Effective Coaching: Lessons from the Coach s Coach , the book essential for current understanding of coaching. Myles Downey s concept is a literal realization of coaching idea itself. His approach is fundamental, practical, modern and persistently connected with those who have attained maximum understanding of how humans learn. Pavel Kiryukhantsev, CEO, Zest Leaders As a leader in fast growing markets I find that achieving great outcomes is largely determined by how well I support the growth of helpful skills and behaviours, both with clients and with our own people. To that end Effective Coaching is the most powerful and practical toolset that I have yet found for maintaining truly effective conversations and high quality dialogue. Jonathan Man. Executive Director IDM Business School, South Africa and Botswana
The Greats on Leadership: Classic Wisdom for Modern Managers
Jocelyn Davis - 2016
What you need is practical wisdom: the insight, judgment, and strength of character that all great leaders have, but that most business schools and corporate workshops don't teach. The Greats on Leadership gets you there.Jocelyn Davis takes you on an in-depth tour of the best leadership ideas of the past 25 centuries, featuring classic authors from Plato to Winston Churchill, Shakespeare to Jane Austen, C.G. Jung to Peter Drucker, and many more. In a style both thought provoking and entertaining, she shows how -history's great writers have always been, and still are, the real leadership gurus.Davis spells out the behaviors that distinguish true leaders from misleaders and covers 20 specific leadership topics, including:Leadership Traps (Shakespeare)Change (Machiavelli)Power (Sophocles)Dilemmas (Madison, Hamilton)Communication (Lincoln, Pericles) Personality Types (Jung)Motivation (Frankl)Judgment (Maupassant, Melville, Austen, Shaw) Character (Churchill, Plutarch, Shelley, Joyce)Each chapter begins with a synopsis of a great work by the author and then draws out the key leadership insights, weaving them together with business examples, the best contemporary research, and tools to help put it all into practice. In the last two chapters Davis presents a new way to think about leadership levels, framing them in terms of the impact you have rather than the title on your business card.Whether you're a recent graduate or MBA searching for something more inspiring than the standard textbook, a new manager looking for something deeper than the typical how-to book, or an experienced executive seeking ideas to lift you to the next level, this remarkably readable and practical guide will set you on the road to becoming a great leader.
Search: The Pastoral Search Committee Handbook
William Vanderbloemen - 2016
While there is no simple, one-size-fits-all solution to the puzzle of planning for a seamless pastor search, this handbook was created to provide pastor search committees, church leaders, and pastors a guide to asking the right questions in order to plan for the overwhelming pastor search process.William Vanderbloemen has spent years focusing on connecting churches with pastors who fit their ministry context. Search: The Pastoral Search Committee Handbook guides church members through the process finding the right leader for their church. Every church faces leadership changes. Leadership transitions often negatively affect the life of the church. Ministries are halted, church members leave, and giving slows down. The momentum the church was building is lost. Imagine instead that the church had a process already in place. What if they knew how to form a search committee and begin the search process for the person God is calling to lead their church?
Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 2.0: A Practical Resource to Make the 62 Techniques Your Own
Doug Lemov - 2016
In Teach Like a Champion 2.0, veteran teaching coach Doug Lemov updated, improved upon, and replaced the original edition of this global bestseller, setting forth 62 of the most rigorously vetted and critically observed teaching techniques around. Field Guide 2.0 is a practical workbook for these 62 techniques, outlining all the tools a teacher needs to make champion teaching a reality in their classroom starting now. Coauthored by fellow educators Joaquin Hernandez and Jennifer Kim, the book is a practical guide for adapting the techniques to fit classrooms and teachers everywhere. With over 75 video clips of the techniques in play and 100+ field-tested activities to boot, Field Guide 2.0 is the professional development tool every school leader dreams of. It's the teaching playbook that every teacher, principal, and coach should have in their library, chock-full of actionable tools that unlock a teacher's potential so they can push their students to do the same!The updated '2.0' version of Teach Like a Champion written to update, improve upon and replace the originalJust like Teach Like a Champion Field Guide helped educators put the original 49 techniques into practice, Field Guide 2.0 is the ultimate resource for the 62 techniques in Teach Like a Champion 2.0. They're the most rigorous, champion-vetted techniques yet and this book takes you through them from top to bottom with the kind of clarity and breadth you've come to expect from the experts at Teach Like a Champion. The book includes:Practical approaches to each of the 62 techniques 75+ video clips with analysis of the techniques in play in the classroom (note: for online access of this content, please visit Hands-on activities to bring the 62 techniques from the page into the classroom Teach Like a Champion 2.0 is a book by educators for educators. It's about giving teachers what they need to share their strengths so that every teacher, from first year rookie to third-year veteran, can approach their classes with the skills they need for their students to succeed. Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 2.0 is the indispensable guide to getting there, one technique at a time.
Love, Care, Trust & Respect: Reclaim your relationships from the jaws of pain, fear and guilt
Natalie Lue - 2016
Natalie Lue, author of the popular self-help blog, Baggage Reclaim, has taken more than a decade’s worth of teachings and distilled them into this compassionate manual, jam-packed with powerful insights into what makes healthy relationships tick. It’s not unusual to have an idea of what’s needed in a relationship but to then struggle to put these into practice or recognise them, leading to confusion, frustration and disappointment that affects your confidence to create, forge and sustain healthy relationships, or that leads to you remaining in unfulfilling/unhealthy ones long past their sell-by-date. There are a lot of so-called rules and Natalie explains why these don’t work, instead offering universal principles that apply in every mutually fulfilling relationship. Discover the five landmarks and four qualities for a loving partner, why casual relationships are like zero-hours contracts, the key relationship blocks, their symptoms, why they cause pain, fear and guilt and how to begin dissolving them, and discover the purpose of your relationships and how to enjoy more love, care, trust and respect. Note: This title is in British English.
Life Word: Discover Your One Word to Leave a Legacy
Jon Gordon - 2016
Now with Life Word they help readers discover a word that will significantly impact their life and legacy.Life Word reveals a simple, powerful tool to help you identify the word that will inspire you to live your best life while leaving your greatest legacy. In the process you’ll discover your why which will help show you the way to live with a renewed sense of power, purpose, and passion. The authors walk you step-by-step through the process of discovering your Life Word and share an action plan with the most successful ways to live and share it. If you’re ready to live with more clarity, confidence and courage and leave a lasting legacy, let’s get started!-"What Jon, Dan, and Jimmy have discovered and share with you in Life Word is a simple, powerful, and life-changing idea that really works. Don't just read this book. Dig into it. And when you discover your Life Word, don't look back! It won't just change you; I believe you'll change the world because of it."— Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of Chase The Lion and The Circle Maker