Best of
Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism
Scott Hahn - 1993
Now these two outstanding Catholic apologists tell in their own words about the incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Scott Hahn was a Presbyterian minister, the top student in his seminary class, a brilliant Scripture scholar, and militantly anti-Catholic ... until he reluctantly began to discover that his enemy had all the right answers. Kimberly, also a top-notch theology student in the seminary, is the daughter of a well-known Protestant minister, and went through a tremendous dark night of the soul after Scott converted to Catholicism. Their conversion story and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands of lukewarm Catholics and brought them back into an active participation in the Church. They have also influenced countless conversions to Catholicism among their friends and others who have heard their powerful testimony. Written with simplicity, charity, grace and wit, the Hahns' deep love and knowledge of Christ and of Scripture is evident and contagious throughout their story. Their love of truth and of neighbor is equally evident, and their theological focus on the great importance of the family, both biological and spiritual, will be a source of inspiration for all readers.
Oswald Chambers, Abandoned to God: The Life Story of the Author of My Utmost for His Highest
David McCasland - 1993
From the United Kingdom to a YMCA training camp in Egypt during World War I, Chambers was a man utterly devoted to God and to sharing the timeless wisdom of the Bible with others. Discover a remarkable story, and find inspiration for your walk with Christ.
The Splendor of Truth
Pope John Paul II - 1993
The context contains the fundamental questions of the church's moral teaching.
Spurgeon Gems
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1993
The 280 quotations mostly consist of a few sentences up to a paragraph and are arranged into 34 relevant topics. Few if any preachers of the Word ever have preached the Gospel of the grace of God with greater clarity. These excerpts serve as an introduction to the writings of Spurgeon, a refreshing reminder of the glories of the Lord, and a summary of the doctrines proclaimed by this outstanding man of God. Topical areas include: 1) About God 2) Salvation: The Message; Centered in Christ; Sin; Faith; Unbelief; Works; Man’s Responsibility; God’s Sovereignty; The Call 3) Sanctification: Obedience, Walking by Faith; Humility/Pride; Fear of God; Communion and Worship; False Profession; Worldliness 4) Wisdom 5) Trials and Suffering: Certainty; Slander; Christ as Conqueror; Hope; Perseverance; God’s Sovereignty 6) Prayer: Importance; How to Pray; Earnestness 7) Family 8) Evangelizing the Lost 9) The Bible 10) The Preacher and the Church: Preaching the Word; The Pastor as Shepherd; The Pastor and the Flock; The Church
Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works
Damascene Christensen - 1993
Quoting at length from his letters, journals, manuscripts, recorded lectures and published writings, this book traces Fr. Seraphim's intense search for truth and his philosophical development, setting forth his message and offering a glimpse into the soul of a man who lived, even while on this earth, in the otherworldly Kingdom of God. A greatly revised version of Not of This World, this new Life of Fr. Seraphim incorporates years of new research and includes much additional material. Because it deals closely with events in the recent history of Orthodoxy in America, the book has been reviewed prior to publication by clergy, monastics and laypeople from most of the Orthodox jurisdictions represented in this country. New edition includes: 1.)New, previously unpublished material by Fr. Seraphim. 2.)New reminiscences by those who knew Fr. Seraphim. 3.)63 new photographs. 4.)Expanded and updated bibliography and source notes. 1160 pages, 234 illustrations, paperback, Smyth-sewn binding for greater durability.
The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1993
This collection of Charles Spurgeon's word pictures of the majestic throne of grace that believers are privileged to come before, should be an inspiration for prayer life.
The Preaching Life
Barbara Brown Taylor - 1993
In this warm and poignant collection, Barbara Brown Taylor’s humor and wisdom delve into the meaning of Christian symbols and history—both her own, growing up in the Mid-West and Georgia, and the Church’s, from its earliest beginnings in the Near East. Seamlessly, Taylor weaves together reflections on her vocation with the long-standing struggles of the Church to hear, respond, and remain faithful to its mission of holy love. She moves effortlessly from reflection to homily, concluding the volume with thirteen sermons illustrative of the answered call. This rich meeting of memoir, theology, and sermon stands at the center of Taylor’s work, bringing into one book the origins and the vision of her remarkable preaching life.But her voice is not sentimental. Instead, Taylor explores Christian meanings and histories in order to hear and speak, in the present, for God. “God has given us good news in human form and has given us the grace to proclaim it,” she writes, “but part of our terrible freedom is the freedom to lose our voices, to forget where we were going and why. While that knowledge does not yet strike me as prophetic, it does keep me from taking both my ministry and the ministry of the whole church for granted.” This book on the calling to preach is itself a call to reawaken to the activating presence of God.
The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary Language
Anonymous - 1993
With more than six million copies sold, Eugene Peterson's unique paraphrase has opened up understanding and insight into God's Word. This new easy-to-carry format is great for carrying or for giving away. This new format brings the life-changing power of the New Testament into modern language with a preciseness that echoes the rhythm and idiom of the original Greek and Hebrew. The Message is consistently one of the top ten best-selling Bible versions listed in CBA's Marketplace. Great for new believers.
Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1993
In this book, John MacArthur laments the drift of American Christianity towards compromise with culture and issues a call for the church to recover its prophetic, unadulterated voice in order to have a renewed impact on society.
Theology of the Book of Revelation
Richard Bauckham - 1993
Close attention is paid both to the literary form in which the theology is expressed and to the original context to which the book was addressed. Contrary to many misunderstandings of Revelation, it is shown to be one of the masterpieces of early Christian literature, with much to say to the Church today. This study offers a unique account of the theology and message of Revelation.
Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensées - Edited, Outlined & Explained
Peter Kreeft - 1993
No writer in history, claims Kreeft, is a more effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today's uprooted, confused, secularized pagans (inside and outside the Church) than Pascal. He was a brilliant man--a great scientist who did major work in physics and mathematics, as well as an inventor--whom Kreeft thinks was three centuries ahead of his time. His apologetics found in his Pensees are ideal for the modern, sophisticated skeptic.
On Being a Servant of God
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1993
They feel overwhelmed by the needs that surround them on a daily basis. Wise and beloved pastor Warren Wiersbe invites ministry leaders to listen in on thirty short "armchair chats" to encourage and strengthen them for service. He shares what he wishes he had known about ministering to others when he began his own Christian pilgrimage. "Ministry," he says, "takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God." With this new edition of a classic book, which includes a foreword by Jim Cymbala, the next generation of ministry leaders can take advantage of Wiersbe's years of wisdom.
Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups
Richard J. Foster - 1993
Fifty-two Christian devotional classics paired with biblical readings for individual study and group use—from Renovare, a movement committed to nurturing spiritual renewal.
The Triumphant Church
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1993
This bestseller is a comprehensive biblical study of the origin and operation of Satan that shows believers how to enforce his defeat in their lives.
Concise Theology
J.I. Packer - 1993
Authored by J. I. Packer, one of the premier theologians of Christianity, this summary of Christian teaching covers nearly 100 major Christian beliefs from a Reformed perspective. Brief, easy-to-understand chapters offer precise descriptions without sacrificing depth. Thoughtfully arranged and refreshingly readable, this is a book that belongs on the shelf of every Christian.
The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23
John Piper - 1993
He dissects Paul's argument to highlight the picture of God and his righteousness painted in Romans 9. Undergirded by his belief that the sovereignty of God is too precious a part of our faith to dismiss or approach weak-kneed, Piper explores the Greek text and Paul's argument with singular deftness.
Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits
Michael Harter - 1993
The prayers compiled in this unique book are gleaned from the rich tradition of Jesuit reflection on the human hunger for God.
The Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament and Psalms
Peter E. Gillquist - 1993
Prepared under the direction of canonical Orthodox theologians and hierarchs, The Orthodox Study Bible presents a remarkable combination of historic theological insights and practical instruction in Christian living. Clergy and laity who want to learn more about the Orthodox Christian faith and liturgical and sacramental foundations in the Scriptures will gain a wealth of information for the preparation of sermons and lessons as Orthodox Christian doctrine is clearly explained. If you are looking for authoritative guidance in interpreting Scripture, understanding the early church, and learning how to apply the Word of God to your spiritual life -- The Orthodox Study Bible will be a treasured resource for you.
Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk
Delores S. Williams - 1993
African slave, homeless exile, surrogate mother, Hagar's story provides an image of survival and defiance appropriate to black women today. Exploring all the themes inherent in Hagar's story -- poverty and slavery, ethnicity and sexual exploitation, exile and encounters with God -- Sisters in the Wilderness traces parallels in the history of African-American women from slavery to the present. A particular theology -- a womanist theology -- emerges from this shared experience; specifically, from the interplay of oppressions on account of race, sex, and class. In Part I, Williams shows how reading Hagar's story exemplifies the issues and problems black women face. The "forced motherhood," "single motherhood" and "surrogate motherhood" Hagar experienced have been part of black women's lives. Williams also explores the dismal reality of contemporary "racial narcissistic...consciousness" which finds its parallel in Hagar's travail as foreign servant and outcast. Finally, there is the religious resonance of Hagar's sojourns in the wilderness and her encounters with God. These themes Williams finds echoed in the cultural and literary traditions of African-American women. Part II considers the theological implications of the womanist understanding of Hagar's history. Williams explores the relationship between womanist and black liberation theology, and womanist theology and the black church. Through the combination of social history, political theology, and literary criticism, Williams demonstrates how approaching theology consciously informed by the awareness of the identity of black women results in a rich and vibrant knowledge of the sacred. Sisters in the Wilderness provides a reconstruction of "God-talk"
Are You Being Brainwashed?: Propaganda in Science Textbooks
Kent Hovind - 1993
Exposes outdated and false information used in public school science textbooks.
The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches
Chuck Missler - 1993
This study will explore the seven letters by Jesus Christ to actual historical churches and the church ages they represent. These letters describe, with amazing precision, the unfolding of all church history in advance. This chronicle fills the gap between the 69th and 70th Week of Daniel. We will also find many insightful personal applications as we apply each letter to ourselves. Four Levels of Application: Local: actual, historic churches with validated needs, and so on. Archeological discoveries have confirmed this. Admonitory: "Hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Applies to all churches throughout history. Any church can be "mapped" in terms of these seven characteristics. Homiletic: personal. "He that hath an ear let him hear..." each letter applies to each of us. There is some element of each of the "churches" in everyone of us: perhaps the most important application of the entire book. Prophetic: These letters describe, with amazing precision, the unfolding of all church history. In any other order, this would not be true. (This chronicle fills the "gap" between the 69th and 70th Week of Daniel. The Book of Acts covers about 30 years, chapters 2&3 of the Book of Revelation covers the next 2,000.)
Healing Scriptures
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1993
In Healing Scriptures, Rev Kenneth E. Hagin reads scriptures aloud against a background of beautiful, soothing music. Be sure to get one for yourself and for anyone you know who is in need of healing. Topics include: Gods Word is Gods Medicine, Jesus The Will of God in Action, and The Blessings of the Law
Passion For Jesus: Growing in Extravagant Love for God
Mike Bickle - 1993
No matter who you are or what you have done, He longs for you to know the truth - that His affections for you are very deep, even when you are at your weakest. Seeing the passion and splendor of God's personality will help bring you to personal wholeness and spiritual maturity. And it will awaken in you a fervent devotion to God- and a passion for Jesus. "Anyone who knows Mike Bickle, knows that he has subordinated everything in his life to this one goal: acquiring passion for Jesus. And therein lies the power of this book." Jack Deere, Th.D., author and lecturer"I have been stirred by reading Mike Bickle's spiritual odyssey in this book. His passion for Jesus is infectious." Stephen Strang, founder, Charisma magazine
Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love: Daily Meditations to Help You Through the Grieving Process
Raymond Mitsch - 1993
No valley is as vast as grief, no journey as personal and life changing. Compassionate and wise guides Raymond Mitsch and Lynn Brookside shine a light on the road through grief. They can help you endure the anguish and uncertainty; understand the cycles of grief; sort through the emotions of anger, guilt, fear, and depression; and face the God who allowed you to lose the one you love. A series of thoughtful daily devotions, Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love shares wisdom, insight, and comfort that will help you through and beyond your grief.
No Place for Truth: or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology?
David F. Wells - 1993
Western culture as a whole, argues Wells, has been transformed by modernity, and the church has simply gone with the flow. The new environment in which we live, with its huge cities, triumphant capitalism, invasive technology, and pervasive amusements, has vanquished and homogenized the entire world. While the modern world has produced astonishing abundance, it has also taken a toll on the human spirit, emptying it of enduring meaning and morality.Seeking respite from the acids of modernity, people today have increasingly turned to religions and therapies centered on the self. And, whether consciously or not, evangelicals have taken the same path, refashioning their faith into a religion of the self. They have been coopted by modernity, have sold their soul for a mess of pottage. According to Wells, they have lost the truth that God stands outside all human experience, that he still summons sinners to repentance and belief regardless of their self-image, and that he calls his church to stand fast in his truth against the blandishments of a godless world.The first of three volumes meant to encourage renewal in evangelical theology (the other two to be written by Cornelius Plantinga Jr. and Mark Noll), No Place for Truth is a contemporary jeremiad, a clarion call to all evangelicals to note well what a pass they have come to in capitulating to modernity, what a risk they are running by abandoning historic orthodoxy. It is provocative reading for scholars, ministers, seminary students, and all theologically concerned individuals.
Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation
M. Robert Mulholland Jr. - 1993
Robert Mulholland Jr. defines spiritual formation. Compact and solid, this definition encompasses the dynamics of a vital Christian life and counters our culture's tendency to make spirituality a trivial matter or reduce it to a private affair between "me and Jesus." In Invitation to a Journey, Mulholland helps Christians new and old to understand that we become like Christ gradually, not instantly. Not every personality is suited to an early morning quiet time, so Mulholland frees different personality types to express their piety differently. He reviews the classical spiritual disciplines and demonstrates the importance of undertaking our spiritual journey with (and for the sake of) others. This road map for spiritual formation is profoundly biblical and down to earth. In the finest tradition of spiritual literature, it is a vital help to Christians at any stage of their journey.
Beginning Apologetics 1: How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith
Frank Chacon - 1993
But you don't have to be tongue-tied the next time your non-Catholic friend asks tough questions like these.
Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1993
"Of The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life, "Billy Graham has said, "This is one of the finest, most helpful books on prayer you will ever find." The Believer's Life series contains the best of Charles Spurgeon's (1834-1892) practical teaching on these subjects vital to Christian livng.
A Divine Revelation of Hell
Mary K. Baxter - 1993
Over a period of thirty days, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. Follow Mary in her supernatural journey as she enters with Jesus into a gateway to hell and encounters the sights, sounds, and smells of that dark place of torment, including its evil spirits, cells, pits, jaws, and heart. Be an eyewitness to the various punishments of lost souls and hear their shocking stories. This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late—and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Time is running out.
New Greek English Interlinear New Testament-PR-Personal
Robert K. Brown - 1993
A parallel column of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) accompanies the interlinear text. Numerous textual notes are also included. The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament is the newest interlinear translation that uses the UBS4/NA27 text.
Alone with God: God and Suffering: New Sermons from Solitary Confinement
Richard Wurmbrand - 1993
He committed them to memory by summarizing them in rhymes.These sermons, the fruit of Wurmbrand's extreme deprivations, demonstrate in a personal and stimulating way the relevance of the Bible for today, and reveal unique insights into the character of God.
Understanding the Dreams You Dream (Revised)
Ira L. Milligan - 1993
Have you ever had a dream in which you think God was speaking to you? Here is a practical guide, from the Christian perspective, for understanding the symbolic language of dreams.
The Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Compendium of Texts Referred to in the Catechism of the Catholic Church Including an Addendum for the Second Edition (1997)
Anonymous - 1993
For a deeper understanding of those passages, the reader should go to the texts themselves. These Biblical references are a working tool for catechesis. This Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Book of References contains all the passages of Sacred Scripture referred to in the Catechism arranged according to the paragraphs in which the references are made. But that is only a beginning. The Catechism also refers to conciliar texts, papal documents, writings of the Fathers and of the Saints. There are more than 3,600 of these references extending from the earliest credal formulations of the ancient Church to the documents of Vatican II and beyond to the magisterial teaching of Pope John Paul II. The Book of References includes all the texts referred to arranged, along with the Scripture passages, according to the paragraphs of the Catechism in which they are referred. This Book of References is a valuable instrument in teaching, understanding, and implementing the Catechism. It is a handy one-volume reference library for use with the Catechism.
America's Godly Heritage
Charles D. Barton - 1993
The beliefs of Founders such as Patrick Henry, John Quincy Adams, John Jay, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Mason, and many others are clearly presented. America's Godly Heritage also provides excerpts from court cases showing that for 160 years under the Constitution, Christian principles were officially and legally inseparable from American public life. This book is an excellent primer for those who want to know more about what was intended for America by the Founders and what can be done to return America to its original guiding philosophy. It's ideal to share with home gatherings, church groups, and Sunday school classes, or to use as a history supplement for children or schools.
More One Minute Nonsense
Anthony de Mello - 1993
The Master is no one religious figure -- he is a Hindu guru, a Jewish rabbi, a Zen roshi, and a Taoist sage; he is Jesus, Lao Tzu, and Socrates.
Deserted by God
Sinclair B. Ferguson - 1993
It shows how others have walked the same pathway before us. They provide us with wisdom which will lead us to the conviction of the closing chapter that we are 'Never Deserted'.
Fellowship with God
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1993
The modern-day church desperately needs to grasp the lessons of First John and Dr. Lloyd-Jones' discussion of this dynamic book of the Bible is sure to produce spiritual renewal and deeply committed living.
Good News Bible: Today's English Version for Catholics
Anonymous - 1993
The dictionary and book introductions help you understand and apply the Scriptures to your life. Excellent for gift giving. Features Revised text of Today's English Version Book introductions and outlines Bible word list With Deuterocanonical/Apocryphal books Imprimatur by the Most Reverend William H. Keeler, D.D. Fan-Tab thumb index system
The Mystery of Christ . . . and Why We Don't Get It
Robert Farrar Capon - 1993
. . and Why We Don't Get It. This engaging book probes the meaning of salvation – peace, forgiveness, grace, reconciliation - spoken of in the New Testament as a "mystery."Reminding his readers, sometimes in startling ways, that salvation is a gift rather than a transaction, Capon uses a variety of dialogues to drive home the truth that "there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Along the way he explores guilt, forgiveness, love, anger, romance, grief, spiritual contentment, the Incarnation, reincarnation, resurrection, and more - and manages to make salvation something fresh and new in the process.
Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism
David Fideler - 1993
In this book, many of these sources are revealed for the first time. Special emphasis is placed on the Hellenistic doctrine of the "Solar Logos" and the early Christian symbolism which depicted Christ as the Spiritual Sun, the illumination source of order, harmony, and spiritual insight. Based on 15 years of research, this is a unique book which throws a penetrating light on the secret traditions of early Christianity. It clearly demonstrates that number is at the heart of being. Jesus Christ, Sun of God, illustrates how the Christian symbolism of the Spiritual Sun is derived from numerical symbolism of the "ancient divinities."
The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation
James C. Russell - 1993
This first full-scale treatment of the subject follows a truly interdisciplinary approach, applying to the early medieval period a sociohistorical method similar to that which has already proven fruitful in explicating the history of Early Christianity and Late Antiquity. The encounter of the Germanic peoples with Christianity is studied from within the larger context of the encounter of a predominantly world-accepting Indo-European folk-religiosity with predominantly world-rejecting religious movements. While the first part of the book develops a general model of religious transformation for such encounters, the second part applies this model to the Germano-Christian scenario. Russell shows how a Christian missionary policy of temporary accommodation inadvertently contributed to a reciprocal Germanization of Christianity.
To Love Fasting: The Monastic Experience
Adalbert de Vogüé - 1993
Monasticism appears to have abandoned it almost completely. It is said that modern men and women cannot fast as the ancients did. Is this true? Adalbert de Vogue, Benedictine monk and hermit, tried the ancient schedule for meals and found it liberating. In this book he traces the history, of fasting in Christian and other traditions, and shares his experience.
Authority and Submission: Living According to the Divine Life in the Body of Christ
Watchman Nee - 1993
Strong Men in Tough Times
Edwin Louis Cole - 1993
In Strong Men in Tough Times, Edwin Louis Cole points the way toward hope.
Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions
John Piper - 1993
So missions is duty, right? Wrong. If you do missions purely from a sense of duty you will not honor those you are reaching out to, nor will you truly honor God. Duty is the wrong place to look, so where do we find the answer to why we do missions? We turn, according to John Piper, to worship. // In our worship of God we encounter God's glory. The overflow from our worship is a desire to share God's glory with others (the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever), and we naturally become missional. When Jesus was asked what the kingdom of God was like, he compared it to a pearl so valuable that one would sell all they owned simply to possess it. Does that seem like duty to you? Instead, Jesus calls us to a new mindset, which flows from the mindset that worship creates in us. Thus, according to Piper, does worship become the goal of missions and the fuel which makes missions possible. // Worship as the fuel for missions makes sense to a lot of people, but worship as the goal of missions? Piper reminds us that the true reason we share God with others is to make them worshipers (and sharers) as well. He feels that the true goal of missions is "the gladness of the peoples in the greatness of God." If it is true, (as Piper states) that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him," then increasing the number of people who are satisfied in God will bring God more glory. And missions is the way we can do that. // Missions must be seen as more than simply saving people from sin, though that is a very important aspect. And missions is not just about getting people into heaven, although that is important as well. Instead, through missions we should always seek to make as many people as possible into true worshipers, into those fully satisfied with the greatness of God. // With that mindset, missions becomes a joyous experience, as we joyfully share the life-changing presence of God in our lives with those who don't know God. When we have made worship both the fuel and goal of all our missionary endeavors, we realize that "missions is not a recruitment project for God's labor force. It is a liberation project from the heavy burdens and hard yokes of other gods." Missions is never a burden, because it comes out of our overwhelming joy in God's grace and mercy, and we just want to share that joy. So make God the center of your missions work, and joyfully share what He has graciously given to you.
Sister Wendy's Odyssey
Wendy Beckett - 1993
Hailed as "the best talker on art since Lord Clark gave us Civilisation", Sister Wendy Beckett is also the star of two hit PBS series, Sister Wendy's Odyssey and Sister Wendy's Grand Tour.-- In this companion volume to the television show, Sister Wendy visits the finest art treasures and museums in Edinburgh, Oxford, London, and Cambridge.-- Casting her expert eye over art from six centuries, from the society portraits of Van Dyck to David Hockney's nudes, she sheds modern light on classic works, while illuminating the historic influences that have shaped art today.
A Summary of Christian Doctrine, New King James Edition
Edward W.A. Koehler - 1993
Its concise presentation of doctrine offers a unique introduction to the Lutheran Confessions for students of all ages. Now updated and based on the New King James Version, this classic statement of Lutheran doctrine explores all the major topics of Christian theology and offers university and seminary students a solid foundation for advanced study.
Speak to Your Mountain!
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1993
Kenneth Hagin Jr shows how God has provided a way for Christians to remove the mountains -- hindrances and barriers -- that stand in the way of possessing all that God has for them in this life.
Missionary Conquest
George E. Tinker - 1993
mission history pierces the romantic veil of most history writing and shows how four of the most noted Christian missionariesmen of the highest moral character, the best of intentions, and sincere commitment to the gospelconfused gospel values and European cultural values, often with lethal results.
More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel
Spencer Perkins - 1993
When Spencer Perkins was sixteen years old, he visited his bloodied and swollen father (pastor John Perkins) in jail. Police had beaten the black activist severely, and Spencer never forgot the moment. He couldn't imagine living in community with a white person after that. But his plans were changed. Chris Rice grew up in very different circumstances, of "Vermont Yankee stock," attending an elite Eastern college and looking forward to a career in law and government. But his plans were changed. Spencer and Chris became not only friends, but yokefellows--partners for more than a decade in the difficult ministry of racial reconciliation. From their own hard-won experience, they show that there is hope for our frightening race problem, that whites and African-Americans can live together in peace. This revised and expanded edition includes a new introduction, a new afterword, a new study guide, updated resources and a new chapter by Spencer, "Playing the Grace Card." In compellingly practical detail, Chris and Spencer present their hope, which is boldly and radically Christian. "The cause of racial reconciliation needs yokefellows," they argue, ". . . not solely for the sake of racial harmony--even though it will lead to that--but for the witness of the gospel."
Worship: Unleashing the Supernatural Power of God in Your Life
Norvel Hayes - 1993
He knows how to find God's best for your life. Most importantly, he knows the key to all of these things. He knows how to worship and praise the Father.
Gnosis: Divine Wisdom: A New Translation with Selected Letters
Frithjof Schuon - 1993
This new edition of Frithjof Schuon's classic work, Gnosis: Divine Wisdom, is a fully revised translation of the most recent French edition, and has an extensive Appendix containing previously unpublished letters and other private writings.
Providence: God in Control
R.C. Sproul - 1993
1:11) showing us that everything has a purpose and that all events occur according to the eternal plan of God. In this series, Dr. R.C. Sproul examines the often neglected doctrine of providence, explaining that God works out His plan in all things for the good of His children. Audio CD. Fifteen 23–minute messages.
Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation: A Better News Gospel
Herbert Puryear - 1993
This book was written primarily for "Bible believing" Christians; however the principles it contains are universal. It challenges exclusiveness and dogmatism in religion and gives the man Jesus back to the whole world. It shows how the followers of Jesus may embrace all of humankind as equals, as He so surely taught. In this readable yet serious study, Dr. Puryear takes us to the very heart of the message of the Bible. He shows clearly why reincarnation is the essential key to understanding the everlasting love of God and the magnificent purpose and mission of Jesus. This book reveals a far "better news gospel" in the very words and teachings of Jesus.
Three Complete Novels: The Shoes of the Fisherman / The Clowns of God / Lazarus
Morris L. West - 1993
A collection of three novels by the best-selling author features The Shoes of the Fisherman, The Clowns of God, and Lazarus.
The Story of Jesus
Reader's Digest Association - 1993
A collection of stories, poems, prayers, hymns and traditional beliefs about the life of Jesus.
A Deepening Love Affair: The Gift of God in Later Life
Jane Marie Thibault - 1993
A Deepening Love Affair shows the reader that it is never too late to become aware of God's gifts or to respond to them. It is a book that is written to enrich the spirituality of older adults who are still searching for "something more" to allow them to experience the abundance of life that Christ has promised to us. A Deepening Love Affair is an important work for older adults as well as for pastors, families, and health-care providers who seek to serve, love, and care for older adults.
Final Word
O. Palmer Robertson - 1993
Palmer Robertson shows from Scripture that the call today for such gifts as prophecy, instead of showing the way forward to a more biblical Christianity, represents a failure to grasp the fullness of New Testament privileges.
Healing Spiritual Abuse: How to Break Free from Bad Church Experiences
Ken Blue - 1993
Many of us have gone through bad church experiences that have left us feeling like failures. Blaming ourselves, we asked for God's forgiveness, but felt distant from the church and sometimes from God too. Often, however, the fault is not ours but that of Christian leaders who abuse spiritually. How can we recognize the signs of spiritual abuse? What can we do to gain healing from the wounds we have experienced? With clarity and refreshing honesty, Ken Blue answers these questions and offers hope and healing to the victims of spiritual abuse. In addition he shows Christian leaders how to avoid abusive patterns and instead offer Christ's gospel of grace to every casualty of bad church experiences.
Doctor Illuminatus: A Ramon Llull Reader
Ramon Llull - 1993
Available for the first time in an affordable format, these works serve as an introduction to the life and writings of the Catalan (properly, Majorcan) philosopher, mystic, and theologian who lived from 1232 to 1316. Founder of a school of Arabic and other languages, Llull was also a poet and novelist and one of the creators of literary Catalan. This volume contains three prefaces on Llull's life, thought, and reputation. Of Llull's works, it offers Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men, his seminal Christian apology; the Ars brevis, a summary of his philosophical system; The Book of the Lover and the Beloved, a celebration of mystical love in the courtly tradition; and his wittily scathing Book of the Beasts.
The Privilege of Being Catholic
Oscar Lukefahr - 1993
More than a catechism or an overview of the history and dogma of Church is instead a unique pastoral presentation that not only explores how the Catholic sacramental view of the world is expressed in every aspect of Catholic life, but also helps readers to know and love the Catholic Church better as they grow to appreciate the privilege of being Catholic. Great for parish programs, adult education, and study groups.Paperback
I Had No Father But God: A Personal Letter to My Two Sons
Paul F. Crouch Sr. - 1993
The story of the development of the world's largest TV network, Trinity Broadcasting Network.
The Coming Race Wars: A Cry for Justice, from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter
William Pannell - 1993
In The Coming Race Wars? he meticulously unpacked reasons why our nation--and the church--needed to come to terms with our complicity in America's racial transgressions before we face a more dire reckoning. With his blunt assessment of our social condition, Pannell's 1993 book sparked controversy. Critics dismissed him as alarmist. Back then, Pannell was among a scant number of Black evangelical leaders who called the evangelical church to account on issues of racial justice. Now, nearly thirty years later, his words are as timely as ever. Some would even argue that the "race war" has arrived. In The Coming Race Wars: A Cry for Justice, from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter, Pannell revisits his provocative message with an expanded edition that connects its message to current events. With a new introduction by bestselling historian Jemar Tisby (The Color of Compromise) and a new afterword by Pannell, this compelling, heartfelt plea to the church will help today's readers take a deeper look at the complexities of institutional racism and the unjust systems that continue to confound us. Both pastoral and prophetic, Pannell doesn't hold back in truth-telling nor in his expression of deep love for the church. This new edition of The Coming Race Wars will inspire you to open your eyes wider, discover a more holistic view of Christ's gospel, and become an active participant in addressing America's racial injustices.
The Thunder of Justice: The Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement, the Era of Peace, God's Ultimate Acts of Mercy
Ted Flynn - 1993
Even the most lethargic of Christians know something is afoot. Lately, stories in Life, Time and Newsweek have covered the flood of heavenly phenomena: visions of The Blessed Mother, heavenly messages and warnings, miraculous healings, weeping statues and icons. There is no longer any excuse for someone to plead ignorance. Something is definitely up. Precisely "what" is up is the subject of this book. If the visionaries in this book prove correct, it is the most amazing and important subject ever written about. This book does what few books on Marian apparitions have done. It provides a comprehensive overview of the phenomena - from Our Lady's appearances in Guadeloupe, Mexico, in 1531, to her flood of visits around the world today. The book also analyzes the many apparitions, searching for a common theme to the messages. It finds one. It is a theme enunciated by such diverse and unlikely persons as housewives in Ireland and Arizona; teenagers and young people in Ecuador, Italy, Medjugorje, and Garabandal; a converted pagan in Africa; a political prisoner in Ukraine; a factory foreman in Canada; and a disabled laborer in New Jersey. Through visionaries separated from each other by thousands of miles, scores of different languages, and in some cases hundreds of years, the Blessed Mother speaks with one voice. The world, she warns, increasingly has given itself to sin and debauchery. The time of God's Justice is at hand. Signs and wonders increasing in power and frequency will be given to us, emphasizing the urgency of the need for man to return to God. These are acts of God's ultimate mercy. These calls from God will culminate in what seers call the Warning, a revelation to man that will reveal the state of every single soul. One of Satan's greatest weapons is ignorance. The Warning will allow one to actually understand how God sees the state of his or her soul. Following the Warning will be what visionaries call the Great Miracle - an event that will somehow manifest the power of God more publicly and visibly than ever before. Both of these events will allow mankind to return to God. Following these events will be the final act of God's Justice. Those who refuse to convert will be dealt with by the only means left - a tremendous Chastisement that will purify the earth. The messages are so powerful, so extravagant in their promise and warning, that one might be inclined to dismiss them as fantasy or science fiction. Indeed, serious Catholics must be very cautious and prayerfully discerning when investigating reports of such phenomena. It is true that no Catholic need commit himself to any apparition or message. In fact, the authors emphasize that even with "church approved" apparitions, those who choose to believe in them do so only with human faith. The messages are not new. They call us back to the essential message of the gospel: prayer, fasting, conversion, sacrifice, penance, joyful service to our neighbor and reverent worship of God. For those of us who have tarried at God's call, those who have dallied in the world and put off conversion, the messages and events compiled in this book will serve as a wake-up call. The world is a dangerous place. Time is short, and the stakes are high. Through and unprecedented outpouring of graces and apparitions, God is calling us back to Himself, shouting at us to listen, humbling Himself to tug on our sleeves - desperately trying to get our attention before the Thunder of His Justice strikes.
Nothing But the Truth: The Inspiration, Authority and History of the Bible Explained
Brian H. Edwards - 1993
One chapter gives a helpful overview of pretty much every recent translation. There is a strong concluding exhortation to be a consistent Christ-centred, bible-centred evangelical. The author answers questions such as 'Who are the critics of the Bible and what are they saying?', 'What do we mean by Inspiration?', 'What does the Bible say about itself?', 'How sufficient and final is it?', 'Why have we just sixty-six books in the Bible?', 'How can we properly understand it?', 'When was it written and how did our English Bible come to us?', 'Where does archaeology reveal Bible accuracy?' and 'What about supposed errors/contradictions?' Brian Edwards answers critics and refutes supposed contradictions, clearly showing that it is perfectly logical to believe the Bible. This book will give any reader added confidence in God's Word!
The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God
Hugh Ross - 1993
But, as Dr. Ross explains, modern science has revealed a design for the universe that is surprisingly compatible with the Biblical account of creation. This book breaks down barriers of communication between faith and science and inspires a greater appreciation and understanding of our Creator.
Devoutly I Adore Thee: The Prayers and Hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas - 1993
The Amnesty of Grace: Justification by Faith from a Latin American Perspective
Elsa Tamez - 1993
In this theology, the poor, 'oppressed and believing, ' constitute the privileged locus of theology. That is to say, theology is done from their reality of oppression-liberation and their experience of God. Every great theological theme, every biblical reading, must be reexamined from that angle of vision. (from the Introduction, by Elsa Tamez
Our Cry for Life: Feminist Theology from Latin America
María Pilar Aquino - 1993
Liturgy and Life: Lectures and Essays on Christian Development Through Liturgical Experience
Alexander Schmemann - 1993
Former dean and professor of liturgical theology at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, his insight into contemporary culture and liturgical celebration left an indelible mark on the Christian community worldwide.
Tale of Two Princes
Eckart Zur Nieden - 1993
The king is good to his people, and they love him very much. But when an evil prince tricks the people into turning agianst their ruler, who will able to save them?
The Bondage Breaker Youth Edition
Neil T. Anderson - 1993
Suggests ways to resist sexual temptation, peer pressure, bad habits, discouragement, and fears, and discusses ways teenagers can discover who God created them to be.
The Gospel According to John: A Literary and Theological Commentary
Thomas L. Brodie - 1993
First, drawing on the methods of literary criticism, it gives new force to a view which is both ancient and modern--that John's gospel, far from being a poorly-edited mixture of sometimes-conflicting traditions, is in fact a coherent unity, an account of Jesus which, however diverse its sources, is a finely-chiselled work of art. Second, it indicates that the unity of John's gospel is founded ultimately not on history or theology but on spirituality. This too corresponds to a view which is both very old--John was always known as the spiritual gospel--and very recent. The present study spells out that idea in new detail. It indicates that the account of Jesus is so written that the tensions and complexities of the text reflect the tensions and complexities of human life, providing the reader not only with an account of Jesus but also with an anthropology--a map of the development of the human spirit.
Images of Jesus: Ten Invitations to Intimacy
Alfred McBride, O.Praem. - 1993
Each one invites you to a relationship with Jesus. Each Gospel image calls you to walk into a world where Jesus lives. The scriptural icon awakens you to a world within yourself that you seldom notice because of daily cares...Each chapter is followed by a series of spiritual exercises for meditation, self-examination, shared prayer or some other form of spiritual self-discovery." (Excerpt from 3rd-4th paragraphs on back of book).
The Christian Father's Present to His Children
John Angell James - 1993
This is a wonderful book encouraging fathers as they lead in their homes, challenging them in firm but loving discipline to restrain evil in their children, and providing advice on how to build a moral conscience into their children.
After Eden: Facing the Challenge of Gender Reconciliation
Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen - 1993
No other book treats the systemic embedding of gender issues in all areas of life.
Who's Who in the Bible
Ronald Brownrigg - 1993
This indispensable collection of biblical information has illustrations of biblical sites as they exist today, masterworks of religious art, and information on virtually all of the characters in the Old and New Testaments.
Redeemer in the Womb: Jesus Living in Mary
John Saward - 1993
Drawing on Christian philosophy, poetry, liturgy, as well as the Fathers and great theologians of the Church, Saward shows that faith in the Incarnation commits the believer inescapably to the defense of the unborn child. He invites the reader, in the light of Christ, to rediscover the beauty of his own, and every human being's, first few months of existence. The first book of its kind, it invites every Christian to contemplate with renewed appreciation the mysteries of the life of Jesus. It shows the coherence and unity of the dogmatic faith and moral teaching of the Catholic Church.
Overrun by Demons/the Church's New Preoccupation With the Demonic
Thomas Ice - 1993