Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment: How to Improve Quality, Productivity, and Employee Satisfaction

William C. Byham - 1988
    But how to get that message to employees without applying the kind of pressure that makes them even less productive? The answer is empowerment. In this motivating book, you will find specific strategies designed to help you encourage responsibility, acknowledgment, and creativity so that employees feel they "own" their jobs. It's all here, in an accessible guide for the successful managers of tomorrow.

The Legacy Builder: Five Non-Negotiable Leadership Secrets

Rod Olson - 2013
    The five non-negotiables. And you can’t give away what you don’t possess yourself.” When Lance Marshall’s life comes crashing down, his wife arranges for him to meet with his high school mentor, Coach Moore. Coach sends Lance “back to the locker room” to talk with five sports legends who are now successful leaders. Each player will show Lance a principle for excellence in both leadership and the home. But the advice comes with a caveat: Lance must apply the principle he learns within twenty-four hours or the meetings end. This modern parable is for business leaders, coaches, and parents who know the challenge of motivating people while balancing the demands of life with integrity—and leaving a legacy that will last forever.

Lead Like a PIRATE: Make School Amazing for Your Students and Staff

Shelley Burgess - 2017
    In Lead Like a PIRATE, education leaders Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf map out the character traits necessary to captain a school or district. You'll learn where to find the treasure that's already in your classrooms and schools--and how to bring out the very best in your educators. What does it take to be a PIRATE Leader? Passion--both professional and personal A willingness to Immerse yourself in your work Good Rapport with your staff, students and community The courage to Ask questions and Analyze what is and isn't working The determination to seek positive Transformation And the kind of Enthusiasm that gets others excited about education The ultimate goal for any education leader is to create schools and districts where students and staff are knocking down the doors to get in rather than out. This book will equip and encourage you to be relentless in your quest to make school amazing for your students, staff, parents, and communities. Are you ready to set sail?

Leadership by Example: The Ten Key Principles of All Great Leaders

Sanjiv Chopra - 2012
    Chopra has presented to thousands Very few of us are leaders all the time, in everything we do, but all of us can become a leader in specific situations. In a committee, in business, at a social club or at a religious institution, we all find a time in our lives when we can lead. Few people set out knowingly to become leaders, rather they see a need and they find a way of dealing with it, and often others choose to follow their example.  Based on a talk that he has given to more than 60,000 people in at least seven countries, the “LEADERSHIP” mnemonic that Dr. C hopra explains is as follows: L - listen well. E - empathy. A - attitude. D - dreams and decisiveness. E - effectiveness. R - resilience. S - a sense of purpose. H - humility and humor. I - integrity and imagination. P - principles, and willingness to pack other people’s parachutes. Drawing from his experience as Faculty Dean for Continuing Education for Harvard Medical School as well as the writings and lives of great leaders throughout history, this easy-to-read, inspiring book will serve as a reminder and a guide to becoming leaders in our own lives.

Leading Change: The Argument For Values-Based Leadership

James O'Toole - 1995
    . .Mr. O'Toole puts soul and values squarely back into a vital topic, leadership."--Tom Peters The New York Times Book Review"A deeply philosophical and eminently practical study of leadership as change."--James MacGregor BurnsPulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner, and author of LeadershipCurrent management philosophy advocates an outmoded Machiavellian approach to running organizations: Leaders are told in countless books that they can only accomplish their goals by being tough, manipulative, dictatorial, or paternalistic as the situation requires.In Leading Change, noted management theorist James O'Toole proposes a provocative new vision of leadership in the business world--a vision of leadership rooted in moral values and a consistent display of respect for all followers. As O'Toole brilliantly demonstrates, values-based leadership is not only fair and just, it is also highly effective in today's complex organizations.When leaders truly believe that their prime goal is the welfare of their followers, they get results. The finest leaders--from political giants like Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln to contemporary CEOs like Max De Pree and James Houghton--have always shared leadership with their followers. They create organizations that encourage change and self-reevaluation; they foster an atmosphere of open-mindedness and fresh thinking, in which assumptions can be challenged and goals reassessed. Grounded in the ideas of moral philosophy, Leading Change powerfully transcends the standard how-to management primer to define a challenging new approach to leadership. As O'Toole so persuasively argues, growth and change are possible, indeed necessary, and they will be effected by individuals who have the stature and the courage to lead morally. This important book, at once thought-provoking and totally practical, is bound to take its place as one of the landmark business volumes of our times."Jim O'Toole has written the essential work for organizations to survive and thrive in today's changing world. His intellectually penetrating thinking shows us how the sometimes conflicting problems we wrestle with--often in piecemeal fashion--fit together to form a complete picture, even as the picture itself continues to change. His message is so critical to the very existence of every organization that any leader who fails to heed his advice condemns his or her company to mediocrity and/or early death. It's that basic."--Warren Bennis Professor and founding chairman of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California Author of An Invented Life and Why Leaders Can't Lead

Ten Most Common Mistakes Made by New Church Starts

Jim Griffith - 2008
    They have condensed their vast experiences down to ten points that account for the great majority of failures among church planters. For each point, the authors provide examples of the particular mistake and ways to avoid it. They speak in special sections to coaches and supervisors, showing them how to work with church planters to avoid the mistakes. The ten mistakes point in most cases to plans made on the basis of past experiences or unrealistic models that do not fit either the particular church planter or the mission field where the church is planned. The church planter must take the initiative to do God's work as directed by the Holy Spirit, not copy a religious superstar's methods or approach the works as defined by outside sources.

Anatomy of a Revived Church: Seven Findings of How Congregations Avoided Death

Thom S. Rainer - 2019
    God can save your church.Thom Rainer reveals seven findings of revived churches. Through new research, he figuratively dissects hundreds of churches that were on the path toward death. But they turned around. They revived. They did so in the face of facts and naysayers who told them it could not be done.Get ready to walk with us through the anatomy of churches that were revived because they chose to live. The choice is as simple as it is profound. Change or die. And now, in God's power, the choice is yours.

Courageous Follower: Standing Up to & for Our Leaders

Ira Chaleff - 2003
    Ira Chaleff's Courageous Follower model has facilitated healthy upward information flow in organizations for over 15 years. The Harvard Business Review called Chaleff a pioneer in the emerging field of followership--this new edition shares his latest thinking on an increasingly vital topic. The updated third edition includes a new chapter, "The Courage to Speak to the Hierarchy." Much of Chaleff's model is based on followers having access to the leader. But today, followers can be handed questionable policies and orders that come from many levels above them--even from the other side of the world. Chaleff explores how they can respond effectively, particularly using the power now available through advances in communications technology. Everyone is a follower at least some of the time. Chaleff strips away the passive connotations of that role and provides tools to help followers effectively partner with leaders. He provides rich guidance to leaders and boards on fostering a climate that encourages courageous followership. The results include increased support for leaders, reduced cynicism and organizations saved from serious missteps.

Top 10 Visionaries that Changed the World: 500 Life and Business Lessons from: Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Tony Robins, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elon Musk, Donald Trump...

George Ilian - 2016
     But I could be your ambassador, and I will present you in my book - 10 of the world greatest living visionaries of our time, people who have truly changed the way we live and think, the way we work and play, the way we now see the world itself. Some might even be controversial and present us with some bad examples. The book includes a collection of 10 books. Each book has 50 Life and Business lessons from a very famous and successful person. One thing I’ve learned over the years of being an entrepreneur is that if you don't have passion for the business you are doing, then the probability of not making it is very high. I'm here to fuel that passion by giving you some great ideas you can depend on. The goal is to get the reader motivated and inspired to take action and succeed in life. I was really inspired to start working for myself and be my own boss when I read Richard Branson’s biography, and the one on Steve Jobs really made me want to be the best at what I do, but reading these long books more than 500 pages each, is really time consuming, so I put the most important information about each person into a short and digestible form so that you can get the most value from the book in the shortest period of time. In summary, you will learn the most important things about each person; they will get you motivated, and they will save your time!

Taking the Guidon: Exceptional Leadership at the Company Level

Nate Allen - 2001
    We wrote this book to capture our ideas about how to best prepare for and command a U.S. Army company-level unit. In the book, we lay out a leadership framework that was very effective for us and, based on feedback from hundreds of readers, is making a significant difference in how others think about leading. One of the best things that emerged out of this project was the idea for creating CompanyCommand and PlatoonLeader, but that is another story. Here is an excerpt from the preface that introduces the book: Combat is the ultimate team sport; the cost of losing is death. As an Army leader, your mission is to build a winning team of disciplined, fit, and motivated soldiers that will accomplish the mission. In this book, you will find some input into to the age-old dialogue on how to create a team and harness its energy to accomplish uncommon results. Leading soldiers is our inspiration; doing so has affected every part of our lives. To begin with, the knowledge that we would command a company motivated us to prepare doggedly for command. This book is a compilation of our research and thinking, validated by experience (both success and failure!). It is not meant to be prescriptive in nature; nor will all these ideas work for you and your situation. Rather, our intent is to spark your thinking and encourage you as you prepare for command. We were fortunate to work with and watch some great leaders in action and to learn from some challenging experiences. Now we are in a position to pass on some of what we have learned. Our desire is that reading this book motivates and challenges you while you prepare for and execute the most honorable mission in the world--leading American soldiers! Finally, many people wonder about the title of the book. We wrote this to clearly explain that: Significance of the title, Taking the Guidon The unit guidon serves to identify the unit, is a symbol of the commander's authority and presence, and represents the collective pride and spirit of all soldiers--past and present--who have served under it. Historically, the guidon accompanied the commander into battle where, in the heat and confusion of the close fight, it emboldened and rallied the soldiers to accomplish the mission. Today, the unit guidon continues to be an honored symbol of the commander's authority and responsibility, and it connects the valorous deeds of past warriors with today's soldiers who continue the proud tradition of selfless service to our Nation. An Army unit conducts a change-of-command ceremony whenever a new commander takes charge. The central rite of this ceremony is the passing of the unit guidon from the outgoing commander to the incoming commander. By taking the guidon, the new commander signals his or her selfless commitment to the traditions, values, and soldiers that the guidon represents.

I'll Have What She's Having: The Ultimate Compliment for any Woman Daring to Change Her World

Bobbie Houston - 1998
    Her book reflects her passionate belief that God is ready to equip a generation of awesome women. Women who live by conviction. Women who live with such resolve that nothing daunts them. Women who know how to partner for success, and women who are committed to painting their world with such color and dynamic that others just can't help but say... "I'll have what she's having!"

Liderazgo con propósito

Rick Warren - 2005
    In his book, Rick uses analogies and important points of view about what well-rounded success of difficult tasks looks like. These lessons and Biblical principles will help leaders achieve success while maintaining their integrity and accomplishing God's plan for their lives.

Fires in the Mind: What Kids Can Tell Us about Motivation and Mastery

Kathleen Cushman - 2010
    Their insights frame motivation, practice, and academic challenge in a new light that galvanizes more powerful learning for all. To put these students' ideas into practice, the book also includes practical tips for educators. Breaks new ground by bringing youth voices to a timely topic-motivation and mastery Includes worksheets, tips, and discussion guides that help put the book's ideas into practice Author has 18 previous books on adolescent learning and has written for the New York Times Magazine, Educational Leadership, and American Educator From the author of Fires in the Bathroom, this is the next-step book that pushes the conversation to next level, as teenagers tackle the pressing challenges of motivation and mastery.

Type Talk at Work: How the 16 Personality Types Determine Your Success on the Job

Otto Kroeger - 1991
    Here, they take Typewatching to the workplace and reveal how managers, executives, and workers can use the technique to better handle both personal and personnel matters.

Dream and You Will Win the World

Cesar Castellanos - 2006
    Your life will not be the same after reading "Dream and You Will Win the World". You will become a person that dreams, a visionary, challenged by the experiences of Pastor Cesar Castellanos.