Book picks similar to
Statistics for Managers Using Excel [with Student CD] by David M. Levine
Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment
Ronald W. Hilton - 1900
In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter. Known for balanced examples of Service, Retail, Nonprofit and Manufacturing companies, Hilton offers a clear, engaging writing style that has been praised by instructors and students alike. As in previous editions, there is significant coverage of contemporary topics such as activity-based costing, target costing, the value chain, customer profitability analysis, and throughput costing while also including traditional topics such as job-order costing, budgeting and performance evaluation.
Business Statistics: Contemporary Decision Making
Ken Black - 1991
eGrade Plus offers an integrated suite of teaching and learning resources, including an online version of Black's Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, Fourth Edition Update, in one easy-to-use Web site. Organized around the essential activities you perform in class, eGrade Plus helps you: Create class presentation using a wealth of Wiley-provided resources. you may easily adapt, customize, and add to his content to meet the needs of your course. Automate the assigning and grading of homework or quizzes by using Wiley-provided question banks, or by writing your won. Student results will be automatically graded and recorded in your gradebook. Track your students' progress. An instructor's gradebook allows you to an analyze individual and overall class results to determine each student's progress and level of understanding. Administer your course. eGrade Plus can easily be integrated with another course management system, gradebook, or other resources you are using in your class. Provide students with problem-solving support. eGrade Plus can link homework problems to the relevant section of the online text, providing context-sensitive help. Best of all, instructors can arrange to have eGrade Plus packaged FREE with new copies of Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, Fourth Edition Update, All instructors have to do is adopt the eGrade Plus version of this book and activate their eGrade Plus course.
Global Business Today
Charles W.L. Hill - 1998
The success of the first five editions of Global Business Today has been based in part upon the incorporation of leading edge research into the text, the use of the up-to-date examples and statistics to illustrate global trends and enterprise strategy, and the discussion of current events within the context of the appropriate theory. Our research has shown that students and instructors alike enjoy the interesting, informative, and accessible writing style of GBT - so much so that the writing has become Charles Hill's trademark. In addition to boxed material which provides deep illustrations in every chapter, Hill carefully weaves interesting anecdotes into the narrative of the text to engage the reader.
Quantitative Analysis for Management
Barry Render - 1982
An interesting and reader friendly writing style makes for a clear presentation, complete with all the necessary assumptions and mathematical details. Chapter topics include probability concepts and applications, decision models and decision trees, regression models, forecasting, inventory control models, linear programming modeling applications and computer analyses, network models, project management, simulation modeling, and more. For an introduction toquantitative analysis, quantitative management, operations research, or management science-especially for those individuals preparing for work in agricultural economics and health care fields.
Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World
Ron Larson - 2002
Offering an approach with a visual/graphical emphasis, this text offers a number of examples on the premise that students learn best by doing. This book features an emphasis on interpretation of results and critical thinking over calculations.
Intermediate Accounting
J. David Spiceland - 1998
This edition is thoroughly revised, now including more application and analysis problems.
Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues
Henry R. Cheeseman - 1992
Visually engaging, enticing and current examples with an overall focus on business.Legal Environment of Business and E-Commerce; Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property; Contracts and E-Commerce; Domestic and International Sales and Lease Contracts; Negotiable Instruments and E-Money; Credit, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy; Agency and Employment; Business Organizations and Ethics; Government Regulation; Property; Special Topics; Global EnvironmentMARKET Business Law continues its dedication to being the most engaging text for readers by featuring a visually appealing format with enticing and current examples while maintaining its focus on business.
Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications
Stephen P. Robbins - 1995
This edition will cover the essential concepts of management that students will find interesting and straightforward.
Management Accounting
Anthony A. Atkinson - 1994
APPROACH: Atkinson is a managerially-oriented book that focuses on both quantitative and qualitative aspects of classical and contemporary managerial accounting. COMPETITORS: Garrison, MH;
Statistics for Business and Economics [with CD-ROM and InfoTrac]
David R. Anderson - 1986
Written by authors who are highly regarded in the field, the text provides sound methodological development. The discussion and development of each technique is presented in an application setting, with the statistical results providing insights to decisions and solutions to problems. Statistics for Business and Economics, 9e offers proven accuracy that has led instructors to adopt it simply for its superior examples and exercises alone.
Managerial Accounting
Ray H. Garrison - 1976
This book focuses on three qualities: relevance, balance and clarity.
Introductory Statistics
Neil A. Weiss - 1987
This book develops statistical thinking over rote drill and practice. The Nature of Statistics; Organizing Data; Descriptive Measures; Probability Concepts; Discrete Random Variables; The Normal Distribution; The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Menu; Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean; Hypothesis Tests for One Population Mean; Inferences for Two Population Means; Inferences for Population Standard Deviations; Inferences for Population Proportions; Chi-Square Procedures; Descriptive Methods in Regression and Correlation; Inferential Methods in Regression and Correlation; Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
For all readers interested in Introductory Statistics.
Operations Management: Processes & Supply Chains
Lee J. Krajewski - 1987
"Operations Management" provides readers with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues. This text uses a systemized approach while focusing on issues of current interest. The latest edition of this text has been revised to integrate a supply chain orientation.
Managerial Economics: A Problem Solving Approach
Luke M. Froeb - 2007
Froeb/McCann's MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS: A PROBLEM SOLVING APPROACH, 2E covers traditional material using a problem-based pedagogy built around common business mistakes. Models are used sparingly, and then only to the extent that they help students figure out why mistakes are made, and how to fix them. This edition's succinct, fast-paced presentation and challenging, interactive applications place students in the role of a decision maker who has to identify mistakes that reduce profits, and propose solutions to bring profits back up. The lively book provides an excellent ongoing reference for students pursuing business careers. New chapters and updates highlight mistakes that precipitated the financial crisis. With MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS, 2E your students are taught to use economics to not only identify profitable decisions, but also how to implement them within an organization.