Best of
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering
Steven H. Strogatz - 1994
The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. A unique feature of the book is its emphasis on applications. These include mechanical vibrations, lasers, biological rhythms, superconducting circuits, insect outbreaks, chemical oscillators, genetic control systems, chaotic waterwheels, and even a technique for using chaos to send secret messages. In each case, the scientific background is explained at an elementary level and closely integrated with mathematical theory.About the Author:Steven Strogatz is in the Center for Applied Mathematics and the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics at Cornell University. Since receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard university in 1986, Professor Strogatz has been honored with several awards, including the E.M. Baker Award for Excellence, the highest teaching award given by MIT.
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
David J. Griffiths - 1994
The book s two-part coverage organizes topics under basic theory, and assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes with illustrative applications. For physicists and engineers. "
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Stuart Russell - 1994
The long-anticipated revision of this best-selling text offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence. *NEW-Nontechnical learning material-Accompanies each part of the book. *NEW-The Internet as a sample application for intelligent systems-Added in several places including logical agents, planning, and natural language. *NEW-Increased coverage of material - Includes expanded coverage of: default reasoning and truth maintenance systems, including multi-agent/distributed AI and game theory; probabilistic approaches to learning including EM; more detailed descriptions of probabilistic inference algorithms. *NEW-Updated and expanded exercises-75% of the exercises are revised, with 100 new exercises. *NEW-On-line Java software. *Makes it easy for students to do projects on the web using intelligent agents. *A unified, agent-based approach to AI-Organizes the material around the task of building intelligent agents. *Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage-Includes a unified view of the field organized around the rational decision making pa
Physiology (Board Review Series)
Linda S. Costanzo - 1994
The book concisely reviews key physiological principles and includes clinical correlations throughout to emphasize connections between basic physiology and clinical medicine. Numerous illustrations, tables, and flow charts help students visualize material quickly and aid in long-term retention. End-of-chapter USMLE-style questions and a comprehensive end-of-book exam test the student's problem-solving skills, and clearly explained answers guide the student through the correct steps in reasoning. This edition features increased coverage of pathophysiology, new questions, and a new two-color design and artwork.
Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook
Donald C. Plumb - 1994
Newly revised, this edition of the handbook includes more than 50 new monographs with a list of synonyms at the end of each monograph, a revised insulin monograph, an expanded ophthalmology section and new headings for reproductive/nursing safety.
Race Car Vehicle Dynamics
William F. Milliken - 1994
Written for the engineer as well as the race car enthusiast, the authors, who developed many of the original vehicle dynamics theories and principles covered in this book, including the Moment Method, pair analysis and lap time simulation, include much information that is not available in any other vehicle dynamics text.
The Art of Bop Drumming: Book & Online Audio
John Riley - 1994
This comprehensive book and audio presentation covers time playing, comping, soloing, brushes, more jazz essentials, and charts in an entertaining mix of text, music, and pertinent quotes.
The Undaunted Garden: Planting for Weather-Resilient Beauty
Lauren Springer Ogden - 1994
With infectious enthusiasm, she offers down-to-earth advice and recommendations for sturdy, effortless, and beautiful plants and how to compose them with style.
Human Anatomy
Frederic H. Martini - 1994
Time-saving study tools help readers arrive at a complete understanding of human anatomy. KEY TOPICS: An Introduction to Anatomy, The Cell, Tissues and Early Embryology, The Integumentary System, The Skeletal System: Osseous Tissue and Skeletal Structure, The Skeletal System: Axial Division, The Skeletal System: Appendicular Division, The Skeletal System: Articulations, The Muscular System: Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle Organization, The Muscular System: Axial Musculature, The Muscular System: Appendicular Musculature, Surface Anatomy and Cross-Sectional Anatomy, The Nervous System: Neural Tissue, The Nervous System: The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves, The Nervous System: The Brain and Cranial Nerves, The Nervous System: Pathways And Higher-Order Functions, The Nervous System: Autonomic Division, The Nervous System: General and Special Senses, The Endocrine System, The Cardiovascular System: Blood, The Cardiovascular System: The Heart, The Cardiovascular System: Vessels and Circulation, The Lymphoid System, The Respiratory System, The Digestive System, The Urinary System, The Reproductive System, The Reproductive System: Embryology and HumanDevelopment. MARKET: For all readers interested in human anatomy.
An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory
Michael E. Peskin - 1994
The authors make these subjects accessible through carefully worked examples illustrating the technical aspects of the subject, and intuitive explanations of what is going on behind the mathematics. After presenting the basics of quantum electrodynamics, the authors discuss the theory of renormalization and its relation to statistical mechanics, and introduce the renormalization group. This discussion sets the stage for a discussion of the physical principles that underlie the fundamental interactions of elementary particle physics and their description by gauge field theories.
Clinical Medicine [with Student Consult Online Access]
Parveen Kumar - 1994
Its aim is to explain the management of disease, based on an understanding of scientific principles and including the latest developments in treatment. It is written for medical students and doctors preparing for specialist exams, and is an ideal general reference text for all practising doctors. The new edition is part of Elsevier's new STUDENT CONSULT electronic community. STUDENT CONSULT titles comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, questions and answers, online note-taking, and integration links to content in other disciplines - ideal for problem-based learning.
Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach
Jack J. Kanski - 1994
Translated into eight languages, it is an essential textbook, an accessible reference, and a bestselling text worldwide.This authoritative textbook retains the successful layout and approach of the bestselling fourth edition Four extra chapters have been added on dry eye, scleritis, corneal and refractive surgery, and systemic diseases.Each chapter have been updated and expanded and the number of illustrations greatly increased.Over a third of the illustrations are new for this editionFour extra chapters have been added on dry eye, scleritis, corneal and refractive surgery, and systemic diseases.The contents of each chapter have been updated and expanded and the number of illustrations has significantly increased.
Time Series Analysis
James Douglas Hamilton - 1994
This book synthesizes these recent advances and makes them accessible to first-year graduate students. James Hamilton provides the first adequate text-book treatments of important innovations such as vector autoregressions, generalized method of moments, the economic and statistical consequences of unit roots, time-varying variances, and nonlinear time series models. In addition, he presents basic tools for analyzing dynamic systems (including linear representations, autocovariance generating functions, spectral analysis, and the Kalman filter) in a way that integrates economic theory with the practical difficulties of analyzing and interpreting real-world data. Time Series Analysis fills an important need for a textbook that integrates economic theory, econometrics, and new results.The book is intended to provide students and researchers with a self-contained survey of time series analysis. It starts from first principles and should be readily accessible to any beginning graduate student, while it is also intended to serve as a reference book for researchers.-- "Journal of Economics"
Molecular Biology of the Cell: The Problems Book [With CDROM]
John Wilson - 1994
Each chapter will review key terms, test for understanding basic concepts, and pose research-based problems. The Problems Book has been designed to correspond with the first twenty chapters of Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition.Includes the solutions to the end-of-chapter problems in the textbook Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition. Contains over 2,000 problems and their solutions. All of the solutions to the problems in The Problems Book are on the CD-ROM that is packaged with every copy of the book. The problems are organized into the following categories: Terms to Learn, Definitions, True/False, Thought Problems, Calculations, and Data Handling.The Problems Book will be useful for homework assignments and as a basis for class discussion. It could even provide inspiration for exam questions.
Horse Anatomy: A Coloring Atlas
Robert A. Kainer - 1994
Covers one area of anatomy at a time using language that even intermedia 4-H members can understand, but also recommended for students in undergraduate anatomy courses as well as horse horse owners or veterinary assistants and technicians.
Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity
John C. Baez - 1994
The book begins with a rapid course on manifolds and differential forms, emphasizing how these provide a proper language for formulating Maxwell's equations on arbitrary spacetimes. The authors then introduce vector bundles, connections and curvature in order to generalize Maxwell theory to the Yang-Mills equations. The relation of gauge theory to the newly discovered knot invariants such as the Jones polynomial is sketched. Riemannian geometry is then introduced in order to describe Einstein's equations of general relativity and show how an attempt to quantize gravity leads to interesting applications of knot theory.
Astanga Yoga
Lino Miele - 1994
Pattabhi Jois, began practising Astanga Yoga in 1989, since then his practice has evoked many life changes.In 1993 he left his professional vocation in theatre as a technical director. Now he directs and teaches with his partner Tina Pizzimenti in their "Astanga Yoga School" in Rome Italy.Lino's dedication to his Guru and own astanga practice has led him to the challenge of recording the inner meanings and practical application of the Vinyasa system.As a result of his efforts he has kindly produced this text to share, help and inspire his fellow astanga students.
The Bread of Time: Toward an Autobiography
Philip Levine - 1994
In this memoir, Philip Levine celebrates the poets who were his teachers--particularly John Berryman and Yvor Winters, writers whose lives and work, he believes, have been misunderstood and misinterpreted. In the process of writing this account of his childhood and young manhood in Detroit and of his middle and later years in California and Spain, Levine came to realize that he was also engaged in a quest, striving to discover "how I am." The resulting work provides a double-edged revelation of the way writers grow. Witty and elegantly rendered in a prose that is as characteristically Levine's as his verse, this is superb--and essential--reading for anyone interested in contemporary poetry and poets. Philip Levine has received many awards for his books of poems, most recently the National Book Award for What Work Is in 1991 and the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for The Simple Truth in 1995. Levine recently retired from the University of California, Fresno.
Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials
John B. West - 1994
The Seventh Edition updates and revises material to reflect current advances in respiratory science but does not stray from the proven formula students and faculty have enjoyed since 1974.New updates include physiology of pulmonary capillaries, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, pulmonary edema, surface tension, elastic properties of the lung and chest wall, metabolic functions of the lung, and perinatal respiration. Ample illustrations and pedagogical features help clarify important equations and concepts. USMLE-style review questions at the end of each chapter help students review for class or boards.
Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam
Michael R. Lindeburg - 1994
Dozens of key charts, tables, and graphs, including updated steam tables and two new charts of LMTD heat exchanger correction factors, make it possible to work most exam problems using the Reference Manual alone. A complete, easy-to-use index saves you valuable time during the exam as it helps you quickly locate important information needed to solve problems._____________________________Since 1975 more than 2 million people preparing for their engineering, surveying, architecture, LEED®, interior design, and landscape architecture exams have entrusted their exam prep to PPI. For more information, visit us at
Prescriptive Stretching
Kristian Berg - 1994
What you might not know is that many of those targeted stretches have a much broader application, one that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine: pain relief.PrescriptiveStretching features full-color anatomical illustrations and step-by-step instructions for 40 of the most effective stretches to eliminate pain, alleviate muscle soreness, improve balance and flexibility, and prevent common injuries. In addition, you'll find sample stretching programs that you can follow as is or personalize to meet your body's needs.Best of all, PrescriptiveStretching shows you how to quickly assess your pain and identify the stretches to reduce discomfort. Specifically, you'll find recommendations for these common ailments:-Headache-Back pain-Neck stiffness-Shoulder soreness-Golfer's elbow-Tennis elbow-Runner's kneeWhether you're looking to increase range of motion or simply eliminate muscle pain and discomfort, PrescriptiveStretching has you covered. Comprehensive yet easy to use, it's the guide you'll turn to again and again.
Teaching Little Fingers to Play
John Thompson - 1994
A book for the early beginner combining rote and note approach. The melodies are written with careful thought and are kept as simple as possible, yet they are refreshingly delightful. All the music lies within the grasp of the child's small hands. A best-seller around the world! Teacher accompaniments are available in a separate book - Teaching Little Fingers to Play Ensemble (412228). NOTE: The latest reprint (2017) features fewer fingerings and refreshed images.
Textbook Of Veterinary Internal Medicine: Diseases Of The Dog And Cat
Stephen J. Ettinger - 1994
Focusing on the clinical manifestations of disease and approaching disease in terms of the organ system involved, this comprehensive resource presents the latest information on specialties ranging from oncology, immunology, and reproductive problems, to skeletal and joint disorders, gastroenterology, and more. This new edition also includes a companion CD-ROM with references and weblinks.It's the only complete reference for veterinary internal medical problems.Unparalleled coverage is provided on pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting dogs and cats.The first part of the book is devoted to clinical manifestations or clinical signs of disease, because animals should be evaluated in terms of presenting sign, not on the basis of disease.The most common signs have been chosen, presented, and discussed in a concise and logical manner, starting with the physical examination and covering system-based signs and symptoms.Algorithms present the reader with a ready flowchart for aid in the identification and decision-making of each disease anticipated in small animal medicine.The second part of the book adopts the usual approach to disease as understood in terms of the organ system involved.Content allows readers to look in depth at the physiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of specific organ maladies when the disorder is already known.Content is now available as an e-dition.The physical examination process has been added to aid in the instruction of this important skill.Expanded clinical signs help readers identify even more signs.A review of tropical medicine topics and public health aspects of small animal disease covers newly emerging tropical diseases in small animals.Information has been added on hemodialysis.Expanded content includes information on dietary considerations, vaccination protocols, feline cancer, compassionate care, and gastrointestinal problems.The cardiovascular section is presented in a new, more logical format.Appendices have been updated for quick reference.
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning
National Strength and Conditioning Association - 1994
Essentials of Strength Training Conditioning at Power Systems, Inc.
Comprehensive Guide to Wheelock's Latin: A Tried and True Escort Through Wheelock
Dale A. Grote - 1994
This guide expands and explains important grammatical concepts that the Wheelock text presents too briefly for many contemporary students.-- Fuller grammatical explanationsTo aid comprehension-- Useful, short exercises (with answer key)To clear up confusion fast-- Additional etymological informationTo help students memorize-- Companion websiteFor pronunciation help and downloadable drill sheets, vocabulary lists, and more!The Guide's style is casual, to calm and reassure the struggling or intimidated student. Points are repeated so that chapters can be used independently of one another, on an as-needed basis.Grote's Guide was designed for use with the Wheelock text, but has been sucessfully used with othe Latin texts.The Guide is an an excellent resource for-- Homeschoolers: students and instructors!-- Autodidacts-- Reviewing beginning Latin-- Reviewing before an exam
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease
Ramzi S. Cotran - 1994
Written with great clarity for easy readability, this reference offers detailed discussions of genetic disorders, cellular injury and death, neoplasia, the skeletal system and soft tissue tumors, and much more. Completely revised and updated, this edition is even more user-friendly with the use of text boxes for key topics in each chapter and a new full-color design. Features 1200 excellent 4-color illustrations!
The Math Teacher's Book of Lists
Judith A. Muschla - 1994
This time-saving reference provides over 300 useful lists for developing instructional materials and planning lessons for middle school and secondary students. Some of the lists supply teacher background; others are to copy for student use, and many offer new twists to traditional classroom topics. For quick access and easy use, the lists are numbered consecutively, organized into sections focusing on the different areas of math, and printed in a large 8-1/2 x 11 lay-flat format for easy photocopying. Here's an overview of the ready-to-use lists you'll find in each section:I. NUMBERS: THEORY AND OPERATIONS presents 40 lists including classification of real numbers, types of fractions, types of decimals, rules for various operations, big numbers, and mathematical signs and symbols.II. MEASUREMENT contains over 30 lists including, things that measure, measurement abbreviations, the English and Metric Systems, and U.S. money3/4coins and bills.III. GEOMETRY offers more than 50 lists covering topics such as lines and planes, types of polygons, types of quadrilaterals, circles, Pythagorean triples, and formulas for finding area and volume.IV. ALGEBRA gives you over 40 lists including how to express operations algebraically, powers and roots, common factoring formulas, quadratic functions, and types of matrices.V. TRIGONOMETRY AND CALCULUS provides more than 30 lists including the quadrant signs of the functions, reduction formulas, integration rules, and natural logarithmic functions.VI. MATH IN OTHER AREAS offers more than 30 lists that tie math to other content areas, such as descriptive statistics, probability and odds, numbers in popular sports, and some mathematical facts about space.VII. POTPOURRI features 16 lists that explore the various aspects of math including, famous mathematicians through history, world firsts, math and superstition, and the Greek alphabet.VIII. SPECIAL REFERENCE LISTS FOR STUDENTS provides 10 lists of interest to students such as overcoming math anxiety, steps for solving word problems, and math web sites for students.IX. LISTS FOR TEACHERS' REFERENCE contains 25 lists such as how to manage a cooperative math class, sources of problems-of-the-day, how to have a parents' math night, and math web sites for teachers.X. REPRODUCIBLE TECHING AIDS contains an assortment of helpful reproducibles including number lines, fraction strips, algebra tiles, and various nets for making 3-D geometric shapes.
Welcome to the Jungle: New Positions in Black Cultural Studies
Kobena Mercer - 1994
The ten essays collected here examine new forms of cultural expression in black film, photography and visual art exerging with a new generation of black British artists, and interprets this prolific creativity within a sociological framework that reveals fresh perspectives on the bewildering complexity of identity and diversity in an era of postmodernity. Kobena Mercer documents a wealth of insights opened up by the overlapping of Asian, African and Caribbean cultures that constitute Black Britain as a unique domain of diaspora.
How to Help Children Through a Parent's Serious Illness
Kathleen McCue - 1994
Illustrations & Calvin & Hobbes cartoons.
Physical Hydrology
S. Lawrence Dingman - 1994
Calculus and calculus-based physics are prerequisites. Physical Hydrology provides a comprehensive modern scientific treatment of hydrology. It combines a qualitative, conceptual understanding of hydrologic processes, an introduction to the quantitative representation of those processes and an understanding of approaches to hydrological measurements and the uncertainties involved in those measurements. Numerous worked examples and exercises are included throughout to help assimilate concepts, consider implications of relations developed in the text, and apply concepts to local conditions. Physical Hydrologys organization and coverage are intended to make it suitable as a reference work for scientists already working in the field, as well as an introduction to hydrology for scientists in related fields.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English
Florentino García Martínez - 1994
One of the world's foremost experts on the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Qumran community that produced them provides an authoritative new English translation of the two hundred longest and most important nonbiblical Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran, along with an introduction to the history of the discovery and publication of each manuscript and the background necessary for placing each manuscript in its actual historical context.
Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker's Guide
Charalambos D. Aliprantis - 1994
The most obvious change is the creation of a separate Chapter 7 on convex analysis. Parts of this chapter appeared in elsewhere in the second edition, but much of it is new to the third edition. In particular, there is an expanded discussion of support points of convex sets, and a new section on subgradients of convex functions. There is much more material on the special properties of convex sets and functions in ?nite dimensional spaces. There are improvements and additions in almost every chapter. There is more new material than might seem at ?rst glance, thanks to a change in font that - duced the page count about ?ve percent. We owe a huge debt to Valentina Galvani, Daniela Puzzello, and Francesco Rusticci, who were participants in a graduate seminar at Purdue University and whose suggestions led to many improvements, especially in chapters ?ve through eight. We particularly thank Daniela Puzzello for catching uncountably many errors throughout the second edition, and simplifying the statements of several theorems and proofs. In another graduate seminar at Caltech, many improvements and corrections were suggested by Joel Grus, PJ Healy, Kevin Roust, Maggie Penn, and Bryan Rogers."
Introduction to Graph Theory
Richard J. Trudeau - 1994
This book leads the reader from simple graphs through planar graphs, Euler's formula, Platonic graphs, coloring, the genus of a graph, Euler walks, Hamilton walks, more. Includes exercises. 1976 edition.
Clinical Neuroanatomy
Stephen G. Waxman - 1994
Highly readable and extensively illustrated, the new edition reflects the state-of-the-art in pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disorders. Discusses the latest advances in molecular and cellular biology in the context of neuroanatomy. The first edition of Correlative Neuroanatomy was the first book published in the Lange series by Dr. Jack Lange in 1945.
Turtles of the United States and Canada
Carl H. Ernst - 1994
Incorporating the explosion of new scientific information published on turtles over the past fifteen years--including the identification of four new species--Ernst and Lovich supply comprehensive coverage of all fifty-eight species, with discussions of conservation status and recovery efforts.Each species account contains information on identification, genetics, fossil record, distribution, geographic variation, habitat, behavior, reproduction, biology, growth and longevity, food habits, populations, predators, and conservation status. The book includes range maps for freshwater and terrestrial species, a glossary of scientific names, an extensive bibliography for further research, and an index to scientific and common names.Logically organized and richly illustrated--with more than two hundred color photographs and fifty-two maps--Turtles of the United States and Canada remains the standard for libraries, museums, nature centers, field biologists, and professional and amateur herpetologists alike.
Veterinary Clinical Parasitology
Anne M. Zajac - 1994
As with the 6th edition, the 7th edition of Veterinary Clinical Parasitology has been prepared under the auspices of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) and focuses on morphologic identification of parasites of domestic animals. The various techniques described provide an accurate and cost-effective means of diagnosing parasitic infections in animals. The 7th edition has been expanded significantly to include additional globally important parasites. Extra text material has been added for each parasite to indicate its distribution, life cycle, and importance, and the illustrations are now in color to aid diagnosis. Key features: * User-friendly layout for quick reference * Includes over 400 color photographs * Expanded parasite coverage * Includes contributions from many AAVP members
Linden's Handbook of Batteries
Thomas B. Reddy - 1994
New information on emerging battery systems and their applications is included in this definitive volume. International experts offer unparalleled technical guidance on using leading-edge technologies, materials, and methods in new designs and products, and selecting the most suitable battery for a particular application. All of the in-depth data you need is contained in this comprehensive resource. The book will be useful to graduate students, battery researchers, applications engineers, and all others interested in the state-of-the-art in battery technology.Linden's Handbook of Batteries, Fourth Edition covers: PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONPRIMARY AND SECONDARY BATTERIESSPECIALIZED BATTERY SYSTEMSFUEL CELLS AND ELECTROCHEMICAL CAPACITORSIncludes new chapters on: Battery modelingBattery electrolytesLithium-ion batteriesBattery selection for consumer electronicsBatteries for electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehiclesBatteries for electrical energy storage systemsBatteries for biomedical applicationsButton cell batteriesBatteries for military and space applications, including reserve water-activated and reserve military batteriesElectrochemical capacitors
African American Art and Artists
Samella Lewis - 1994
For this edition she has provided a new chapter on art of the last decade. Handsomely and generously illustrated, this book reveals a rich legacy of work by African American painters, sculptors, and graphic artists."Art historical scholarship is greatly advanced by Samella Lewis's African American Art and Artists in that it foregrounds the work of artists who have been influencing the texture of art in the United States during the last two decades of the 20th century. Throughout African American Art and Artists, Lewis interrogates the issue of identity by presenting the biographical sketch, which locates the individual artistic personality within a specific cultural background with its own peculiar dynamics, giving a face to two cities of Black American art. Without polemics Lewis presents women artists—Edmonia Lewis to Allison Saar—as principal players in constructing an African American visual arts legacy. Here Lewis sufficiently defines the visual arts in order that they may assume their rightful place alongside African American music, literature and folklore as cultural expressions that have helped to give American culture its distinct character."—from the foreword by Floyd Coleman, Harvard University.
Investment Under Uncertainty
Avinash K. Dixit - 1994
In so doing, they answer important questions about investment decisions and the behavior of investment spending.This new approach to investment recognizes the option value of waiting for better (but never complete) information. It exploits an analogy with the theory of options in financial markets, which permits a much richer dynamic framework than was possible with the traditional theory of investment. The authors present the new theory in a clear and systematic way, and consolidate, synthesize, and extend the various strands of research that have come out of the theory. Their book shows the importance of the theory for understanding investment behavior of firms; develops the implications of this theory for industry dynamics and for government policy concerning investment; and shows how the theory can be applied to specific industries and to a wide variety of business problems.
Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders
Susan Krauss Whitbourne - 1994
Now updated to reflect the DSM-5, Susan Krauss Whitbourne and Richard Halgin's Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, show students the human side of Abnormal Psychology. Through the widespread use of current and relevant clinical case studies, and the biographies and first-person quotations in the Real Stories feature, students are presented with real-life portrayals of psychological disorders. The program maintains the integrated approach to treatment using the biopsychosocial model, and acknowledges the evolution of psychological disorders over the lifespan.New to this edition is Connect for Abnormal Psychology, McGraw-Hill Education's digital learning platform, which includes the groundbreaking adaptive reading experience, SmartBook, as well as
Faces: Interactive
and the new
Interactive Case Studies for Abnormal Psychology.
Strategies for Selecting and Verifying Hearing Aid Fittings
Michael Valente - 1994
Other chapters have been revised to reflect the latest developments in the field, such as: improving speech recognition with directional microphones; changing standards for measuring real-ear performance; and new prescriptive procedures for severe hearing loss.The text features contributions from internationally renowned experts in the field who share their extensive knowledge and clinical experience. It covers the six most common forms of hearing loss practitioners will encounter in their own practice--noise-induced, symmetrical, asymmetrical, unilateral, conductive, and severe hearing loss--with instructions on applying the newest technology to each hearing impaired group.Key features:Addresses the six most common types of hearing loss that comprise 90-95% of the situations audiologists encounter daily Organized to follow the decision-making progress in selecting and verifying hearing aid fittings Fully updated with state-of-the-art technology on implantable hearing aids, directional microphones, and more A valuable glossary of terms at the end of the text--helpful for students and specialists alikeTogether with its updated companion text, HEARING AIDS: STANDARDS, OPTIONS, AND LIMITATIONS, this book forms the basis of a complete reference library on selecting, ordering, measuring, and verifying hearing aid fittings and performance.
Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers
Edward J. Huth - 1994
It covers all sciences, not just biology and the medical sciences, and both American and British preferences are recognised. Every author of a scientific paper or book will profit from this essential resource. Editors and publishers engaged in the sciences, students in the sciences, and translators of scientific papers destined for English-language publication will also find this manual an invaluable resource. It is far more up-to-date, more specific, more authoritative, and easier to use than any other reference to scientific style and format.
Principles of Biopsychology
Simon Green - 1994
The first chapter introduces the field, covering aims, objectives and ethical issues. In chapter 2 the neuron is described, and electrical and chemical conduction presented in detail; this chapter also introduces neurotransmitter pathways and drug effects on normal and abnormal behaviour.; After a general survey of the behavioural organization of the nervous system in chapter 3, three chapters describe how language, learning and memory are related to brain mechanisms, with a particular emphasis on clinical data from human patients, and functional assymetries between the hemispheres. The following chapter outlines the Involvement Of Arousal Systems In Stress, Anxiety And Emotion, And Also covers stress reduction techniques. The arousal theme is maintained in chapter 8 in which sleep is discussed in the context of biological rhythms in psychological and physiological processes.; Chapter 9 covers The Biological Bases Of Motivational States Such As Hunger And Thirst, and discusses the concept of homeostasis. Non-homeostatic drives such as electrical self-stimulation of the brain are also considered. Finally, chapter 10 reviews sensory processes in general, and then concentrates on pain perception and the brain mechanisms underlying visual sensation and perception.; It is intended that the material in this book should satisfy the requirements of both the A-level syllabus for Psychology, whichever Board is taken, and first year introductory undergraduate courses in psychobiology.
NIV Compact Bible Commentary
John H. Sailhamer - 1994
But unlike other commentaries, it begins with the larger context—the Bible as a whole—then shows you how all its books fit into the grand picture. Instead of a verse-by-verse exposition, it unlocks the meanings of larger sections of Scripture. You’ll see how key themes, concepts, and even specific terms from earlier books of the Bible are echoed and expanded on in later books.If you're serious about studying the Bible, if you need a resource to prepare a Bible lesson, or if you simply want to know the Bible better, this is one commentary you should have, even if you already own several. Written by respected theologian John Sailhamer, its insights offer valuable, wide-angle perspectives on the central messages of Scripture, and its compact size makes it perfect for school, church, the workplace, and as a travel companion.
Veterinary Acupuncture: Ancient Art to Modern Medicine
Allen M. Schoen - 1994
The book begins with the history and concepts of acupuncture and continues with the anatomic and neurophysiologic basis of acupuncture, research on acupuncture, practical techniques, instrumentation, and point selection. Part two covers acupuncture in small animals, including a canine atlas, avian acupuncture, and chapters that focus on disorders grouped by body systems. Part three is devoted to acupuncture in large animals. It begins with three different equine atlases, followed by equine acupuncture treatment according to body system, and concludes with acupuncture in cattle and a porcine acupuncture atlas. Part four covers failures in veterinary acupuncture and veterinary manipulative therapies.Includes both modern and traditional Chinese acupuncture atlases with superb illustrations. These atlases provide easy access to acupoint locations in a variety of species.Offers a clear understanding of how to successfully integrate traditional Chinese medicine with Western veterinary practice.Presents modern and traditional acupuncture techniques, global research, and practical clinical details, in a single, complete resource!New Global Research chapter includes translations of the latest research from China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Brazil in one convenient resource.Includes revised canine and equine acupuncture atlases.Presents new approaches to the integration of traditional and western medicine.New chapter on acupuncture point formulas provides prescriptions for beginning veterinary acupuncturists.
The Science and Fine Art of Natural Hygiene
Herbert M. Shelton - 1994
A Hygienic material or influence is one that is normally employed by living organisms in their development,, growth and function. It is that upon which life depends. Hygiene thus becomes the employment of materials, agents and influences that have a normal relationship to life, in the preservation and restoration of health according to well-defined laws and demonstrated principles of nature.
Logistic Regression: A Self-Learning Text
David G. Kleinbaum - 1994
The lecture-book has a sequence of illustrations and formulae in the left column of each page and a script in the right column. This format allows the script to be read in conjunction with the illustrations and formulae that highlight the main points, formulae, or examples being presented.
Working with Young Children
Judy Herr - 1994
Your students will develop skills for guiding children effectively while keeping them healthy and safe. Eighty new photos enhance the inviting, colorful format of this new edition. Internet activities have been added to every chapter. This text provides current health, safety, and nutrition information. New and expanded topics include technology, cultural diversity, family stressors, and child care careers.
Eyewitness Natural World
Steve Parker - 1994
-- Ladies Home Journal
Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming
Martin L. Puterman - 1994
Concentrates on infinite-horizon discrete-time models. Discusses arbitrary state spaces, finite-horizon and continuous-time discrete-state models. Also covers modified policy iteration, multichain models with average reward criterion and sensitive optimality. Features a wealth of figures which illustrate examples and an extensive bibliography.
Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants
Sheila A. Sorrentino - 1994
Excellent Book
Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing (with a New CD of Meditations and Exercises!)
Judith Cornell - 1994
50 colorplates. Oversized. Companion audio.
Stellar Structure and Evolution
Rudolf Kippenhahn - 1994
The models developed to explain the stability, dynamics and evolution of the stars are presented, and great care is taken to detail the various stages in a star's life. The authors have written a unique text based on their own pioneering work in stellar modeling. Since its publication, this textbook has come to be considered a classic by readers and teachers in astrophysics. This study edition is meant for graduate students in astronomy and physics alike.
The Light People
Gordon Henry Jr. - 1994
This said, the novel actually relates the deeply personal quest of Oskinaway for his parents, spanning decades and encompassing the dizzying complexity of rapidly changing tribal life as it does. We meet shamans old, young, and wanna-be as well as tribal politicos willing to cancel bingo in order to ensure full turnout for dignitaries coming from Washington "to commemorate the quincentenary of Columbus' arrival in North America [and who] want this rez [i.e., reservation] to be part of a nationwide celebration." The cast of characters also includes such unlikely members as Four Bear's lost leg, which ends up in a museum case, and the "prisoner of haiku," a sculptor-saboteur incarcerated for setting politically motivated fires that are famous for their beauty, "for the sabotage was never performed without the grace and idealism of the artist."
Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting
Joel J. Lerner - 1994
Inside you'll find explanations of the subject's fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis, preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accounting for perpetual and periodic inventory system. It also includes a chapter on the most popular accounting software, which accounting students are expected to master before they graduate.
Early Times: The Story of Ancient Greece
Suzanne Strauss Art - 1994
It traces the evolution of the political ideas that lie at the heart of modern western cultures and highlights the literary and artistic achievements of the fifth century Athenians. Key personalities (real and mythical) are colorfully portrayed, and the ideas of the great philosophers are carefully examined and compared. Frequent references made to the Greek derivations of English words provide ample opportunities for vocabulary enrichment.The Early Times series is written for students in grades 5-8, each of the six texts in this series provides a comprehensive overview of a particular culture. The evolution of political thought, economics, science, art and literature are made to "come alive" for young readers through the author's detailed descriptions of everyday life and provocative portraits of key personalities. Every chapter is followed by review questions, "Ideas to think about" and "Projects."
Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications
Thomas W. Judson - 1994
Its strengths include a wide range of exercises, both computational and theoretical, plus many nontrivial applications. The first half of the book presents group theory, through the Sylow theorems, with enough material for a semester-long course. The second-half is suitable for a second semester and presents rings, integral domains, Boolean algebras, vector spaces, and fields, concluding with Galois Theory.
The Structure of English
Thomas E. Murray - 1994
They will learn some of the formal methods and techniques of linguistics-the scientific study of language. It introduces phonetics, phonology, and morphology, thus teaching about the sounds of English and how those sounds form patterns and combine into meaningful units (such as prefixes and suffixes) and words.
Trinity Psalter: Psalms 1-150, Words-Only Edition
Jim Scott - 1994
A familiar tune is suggested for each selection. All but four tunes are found in the Trinity Hymnal or The Book of Psalms for Singing. It is sleek (3/8" thin) and sturdy with a lexotone cover embossed with Trinity Hymnal logo. Indices.
Engineering Vibration
Daniel J. Inman - 1994
This allows solution of difficult problems, provides training in the use of codes commonly used in industry, encourages students to experiment with equations of vibration by allowing easy "what if" solutions. This also allows students to make precision response plots, computation of frequencies, damping ratios, and mode shapes. This encourages students to learn vibration in an interactive way, to solidify the design components of vibration and to integrate nonlinear vibration problems earlier in the text. The text explicitly addresses design by grouping design related topics into a single chapter and using optimization, and it connects the computation of natural frequencies and mode shapes to the standard eigenvalue problem, providing efficient and expert computation of the modal properties of a system. In addition, the text covers modal testing methods, which are typically not discussed in competing texts.
Highlights of the Second Edition
Integration of computational software to include Mathematica and MathCAD as well as MATLAB in each chapter, updated Engineering Vibration Toolbox and web site. Integration of the numerical simulation and computing into each topic by chapter Nonlinear considerations added at the end of each early chapter through simulation Additional problems and examples Updated solutions manual available on CD for use in teaching Uses "windows" to remindthe reader of relevant facts outside the flow of the text development Introduces modal analysis (both theoretical and experimental) Introduces dynamic finite element analysis Separate chapter on design and special sections to emphasize design in vibration
Microbial Biotechnology
Alexander N. Glazer - 1994
The focus is on the science behind these techniques, the future breakthroughs and, where relevant, the potential practical barriers to putting this scientific knowledge to use. Features include: text boxes scattered throughout to enliven the text and provide more insight into individual applications; marginal notes defining new or key vocaulary words; and a glossary to help novice scientists or scientists from other disciplines navigate their way through the topics covered. This book is designed for upper-level undergraduates who have some background in microbiology and basic chemistry. It should also be useful to students of human resources, forestry, agriculture, food and animal science, human nutrition, allied health sciences, law, political science and business.
Development in Adulthood
Barbara Hansen Lemme - 1994
It emphasizes on development-in-context and on the nature and sources of diversity.
Life's Little Treasure Book On Wisdom
H. Jackson Brown Jr. - 1994
Instead of struggling to master all wisdom, we can more wisely search for wisdom in our daily experiences. Truth is in those tiny details of life. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. included his observations about wisdom when he wrote "Life's Little Instruction Book" for his son. In this little treasure book, Brown revisits the lessons he has learned and adds additional insights from other sources.
Stellar Interiors: Physical Principles, Structure, and Evolution
Carl J. Hansen - 1994
Preliminaries; 2. An Overview of Stellar Evolution; 3. Equations of State; 4. Radiative and Conductive Heat Transfer, 5. heat Transfer by Convection; 6. Stellar Energy Sources; 7. Stellar Modeling; 8. Structure and Evolution of the Sun; 9. Structure and Evolution of White Dwarfs, Asteroseismology, Glossary, Physical and Astronomical Constants, Sample Computer Code.
A Concise History of Christian Doctrine
Justo L. González - 1994
In this new volume he lays out the answers to three questions crucial to understanding the Christian tradition: First, what are the core Christian doctrines? What ideas and convictions form the heart of Christian identity? Second, Where did these doctrines come from? What are the historical contexts in which they first rose to prominence? How have they developed across the history of the church? Finally, what do these doctrines mean today? What claims do they continue to place on Christian belief and practice in the twenty-first century? Written with the clarity and insight for which GonzAlez is famous, A Short History of Christian Doctrine will serve the needs of students in church history, historical theology, and systematic theology classes in college/university settings, as well as seminaries/theological schools.
Modern Physics from Alpha to Z0
James William Rohlf - 1994
The primary goal is to expose basic properties of the atom, focusing on the description of experiments and data, both historical and current, used to establish physics principles. Contains 250 carefully worked single concept problems which demonstrate the thinking behind the answer and yield numerically significant results. Prerequisites include some exposure to classical mechanics and electromagnetism.
Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention
Frank M. Dattilio - 1994
From panic disorder, Cluster B personality disorders, and suicidal depression, to substance abuse, rape, sexual abuse, family crises, natural disasters, medical problems, and problems of older adults, the book presents proven short-term approaches to helping patients weather the immediate crisis and build needed coping and problem-solving skills. Throughout, extensively revised and updated chapters incorporate new research and innovative therapeutic methods. Entirely new chapters cover such timely topics as neurological problems and head injury, youth crisis in the schools, divorce-related crises, critical incident stress debriefing, and secondary trauma experienced by the therapist. Chapters have been uniformly structured to provide readers with a solid review of the literature in each area, as well as case vignettes illustrating the use of specific techniques. Also included is an invaluable discussion of ethical and legal issues in crisis intervention.
The Insects: An Outline of Entomology
P.J. Gullan - 1994
This established and popular textbook is the definitive guide to the study of insects; a group of animals that represent over half of the planet's biological diversity.Completely updated and expanded, this new edition examines all aspects of insect biology including anatomy and physiology, ecology and evolution of insects, insect behaviours such as sociality, predation, parasitism and defense, medical and veterinary entomology and methods of collection, preserving and identifying insects.Features new chapters on the methods and results of studies of insect phylogeny and a new review of insect evolution and biogeography.Includes expanded sections on species diversity, social behaviour, pest management, aquatic entomology, parasitology and medical entomology.Successful strategies in insect conservation are also covered for the first time, reflecting the increasing threat to natural ecosystems from environmental changes.Boxes highlighting key themes, suggestions for further reading and illustrations, including specially commissioned drawings and colour plates, are included throughout.The artwork from the text is available for instructors either via CD-ROM or by visiting
Quick Flip Questions for Critical Thinking
Linda G. Barton - 1994
Take the mystery out of Bloom's Taxonomy with Quick Flip Questions for Critical Thinking. Learn how to ask questions, lead discussions, and plan lessons geared to each level of critical thinking. This hand-held flip chart helps improve thinking skills at any age. Teachers, parents, and students alike will find this an indispensable tool for improving communication, enhancing verbal skills, developing questioning skills, facilitating report writing, and developing higher levels of thinking.
Survival English: English Through Conversations, Book 2
Lee Mosteller - 1994
KEY TOPICS: Teaches the most basic fundamental language patterns in a sequential manner, with lots of review. MARKET: Beginning/intermediate-level ESL learners.
Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient
Allan H. Goroll - 1994
Every chapter has been revised to include more images, tables, and bulleted lists. Practical recommendations that incorporate the best available evidence, expert consensus guidelines, and clinical judgement are listed in bulleted items at the end of every chapter. The dermatology section has been extensively revised for this edition by a new section editor.A companion Website offers the fully searchable text and an image bank.
A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis
Gerald B. Folland - 1994
It shows what the general picture should look like and provides results that are useful again and again. Despite this, however, there are few, if any introductory texts that present a unified picture of the general abstract theory.A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis offers a concise, readable introduction to Fourier analysis on groups and unitary representation theory. After a brief review of the relevant parts of Banach algebra theory and spectral theory, the book proceeds to the basic facts about locally compact groups, Haar measure, and unitary representations, including the Gelfand-Raikov existence theorem. The author devotes two chapters to analysis on Abelian groups and compact groups, then explores induced representations, featuring the imprimitivity theorem and its applications. The book concludes with an informal discussion of some further aspects of the representation theory of non-compact, non-Abelian groups.
Speaking Effectively: Developing Speaking Skills for Business English
Jeremy Comfort - 1994
All of the 14 units are short, easy-to-use and do not require much preparation on the part of the teacher. The three case studies interspersed throughout the book allow the learner the opportunity to use the language acquired in the preceding units in more extended speaking activities. Speaking Effectively is accompanied by a cassette with the tapescripts in the back of the book.
Physics by Example: 200 Problems and Solutions
W.G. Rees - 1994
By guiding the reader through carefully chosen examples and providing worked out solutions, this book will help the student to develop skill in manipulating physical concepts. Topics dealt with include: statistical analysis, classical mechanics, gravitation and orbits, special relativity, basic quantum physics, oscillations and waves, optics, electromagnetism, electric circuits, and thermodynamics. There is also a section listing physical constants and other useful data, including a summary of some important mathematical results. In discussing the relevant factors and most suitable methods of approach for given problems, this book imparts many useful insights, and will be invaluable to anyone taking first or second year undergraduate courses in physics.
A Morphology of New Testament Greek: A Review and Reference Grammar
James A. Brooks - 1994
This book presents every inflectional pattern in the Greek New Testament, explaining the pattern in terms of a formula, showing how principles of phonetic change alter the application of the formula, and giving every word which follows each inflectional pattern.
Dreams in Late Antiquity: Studies in the Imagination of a Culture
Patricia Cox Miller - 1994
Finding it difficult to account for the prevalence of dream-divination, modern scholarship has often condemned it as a cultural weakness, a mass lapse into mere superstition. In this book, Patricia Cox Miller draws on pagan, Jewish, and Christian sources and modern semiotic theory to demonstrate the integral importance of dreams in late-antique thought and life. She argues that Graeco-Roman dream literature functioned as a language of signs that formed a personal and cultural pattern of imagination and gave tangible substance to ideas such as time, cosmic history, and the self.Miller first discusses late-antique theories of dreaming, with emphasis on theological, philosophical, and hermeneutical methods of deciphering dreams as well as the practical uses of dreams, especially in magic and the cult of Asclepius. She then considers the cases of six Graeco-Roman dreamers: Hermas, Perpetua, Aelius Aristides, Jerome, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory of Nazianus. Her detailed readings illuminate the ways in which dreams provided solutions to ethical and religious problems, allowed for the reconfiguration of gender and identity, provided occasions for the articulation of ethical ideas, and altogether served as a means of making sense and order of the world.
Japan: Who Governs?: The Rise of the Development State
Chalmers Johnson - 1994
Even during a recession the country is in the black. Japan's school system produces a blue-collar work force possessing skills that come only with a college degree in most Western countries. Its pension and health delivery systems are efficient and relatively inexpensive, and its unemployment rate half that of the United States and Germany.
Byzantine Art and Architecture: An Introduction
Lyn Rodley - 1994
It covers the whole Byzantine period from the fourth to the fourteenth century in a systematic manner, by period, dealing with material culture under main section headings (such as architecture, sculpture, monumental art, minor arts and manuscripts) for ease of reference. The text is illustrated by well over 300 maps, plans and halftones.
Principles Of Voice Production
Ingo R. Titze - 1994
Throughout the emphasis is on physical law rather than empirical observation. Key topics include the relation between the physical processes of voice production to other physical processes, inside or outside of the human body, the new field of vocology and clarification of the acoustic and biomechanical laws governing phonation.
Maine: The Pine Tree State from Prehistory to the Present
Richard W. Judd - 1994
Bayesian Theory
José M. Bernardo - 1994
Information-theoretic concepts play a central role in the development of the theory, which provides, in particular, a detailed discussion of the problem of specification of so-called prior ignorance . The work is written from the authors s committed Bayesian perspective, but an overview of non-Bayesian theories is also provided, and each chapter contains a wide-ranging critical re-examination of controversial issues. The level of mathematics used is such that most material is accessible to readers with knowledge of advanced calculus. In particular, no knowledge of abstract measure theory is assumed, and the emphasis throughout is on statistical concepts rather than rigorous mathematics. The book will be an ideal source for all students and researchers in statistics, mathematics, decision analysis, economic and business studies, and all branches of science and engineering, who wish to further their understanding of Bayesian statistics
Analysis of Longitudinal Data
Peter J. Diggle - 1994
Two new chapters have been added on fully parametric models for discrete repeated measures data and on statistical models for time-dependent predictors where there may be feedback between the predictor and response variables. It also contains the many useful features of the previous edition such as, design issues, exploratory methods of analysis, linear models for continuous data, and models and methods for handling data and missing values.
Plastic Part Design for Injection Molding: An Introduction
Robert A. Malloy - 1994
Since injection molding is the most widely used manufacturing process for the production of plastic parts, a full understanding of the integrated design process presented is essential to achieving economic and functional design goals. This book features over 425 drawings and photographs.
The Geography of the World Economy
Paul Knox - 1994
The book offers a consideration of local, regional, national and global economic development over the long historical term. The theory and practice of economic and political geography provide a basis for understanding the interactions within and among the developed and developing countries of the world. Illustrated in colour throughout, this new edition has been completely reworked and updated to take account of the substantial changes in the world economy, and includes a new chapter on services. It is ideal for upper level university undergraduates and for post-graduates in a variety of specializations including geography, economics, political science, international relations and global studies.
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Bruce M. Carlson - 1994
Using a classical morphological approach to embryology, it offers mechanistic explanations for both normal and abnormal human development, enabling readers to understand development in terms of cellular and molecular controls. And, a wealth of reader-friendly features make this resource exceptionally user friendly.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Under The Spell Of The Gauge Principle (Advanced Series In Mathematical Physics, Vol 19)
Gerard 't Hooft - 1994
This volume contains a selection of articles and review topics covering his well-known studies on the renormalization of non-Abelian gauge theorems, topological phenomena in gauge field theory and thoughts on the role of black holes in quantum gravity.The chapters are tied together by thoughtful commentaries which provide a background and the illumination of hindsight -- together they form a clear and coherent picture of the physical and theoretical importance of gauge theories and the gauge principle. This book is ideal for students and researchers.Gerard 't Hooft is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. He has taught at Harvard, SLAC and Caltech prior to his present position. Other distinguished honors include being awarded the Dannie Heineman Prize, the Honorary Doctorate of Science from the University of Chicago, Wolf Prize of the State of Israel, Pius XI Medal (Vatican), and the Lorentz Medal (KNAW, Amsterdam).
Italic Handwriting Series Book G
Barbara Getty - 1994
Italic, a simple, legible, logica
Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology [with CD-ROM]
Ronald J. Comer - 1994
Expanded multicultural coverage including new sociocultural landscape boxes Expanded coverage of key disorders and topics such as Borderline Personality Disorder, Conduct Disorder, ADHD, Pervasive Developmental Disorders like Asperger s DisorderExpanded coverage of prevention and of the promotion of mental healthUpdated coverage of recent theories, research, and events including thousands of new references from the years 2004-2006, as well as hundreds of new photos, tables, and figures.
Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications
Timothy Ross - 1994
Now updated for the second time, this new edition features the latest advances in the field including material on expansion of the MLFE method using genetic algorithms, cognitive mapping, fuzzy agent-based models and total uncertainty. Redundant or obsolete topics have been removed, resulting in a more concise yet inclusive text that will ensure the book retains its broad appeal at the forefront of the literature.Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, 3rd Edition is oriented mainly towards methods and techniques. Every chapter has been revised, featuring new illustrations and examples throughout. Supporting MATLAB code is downloadable at This will benefit student learning in all basic operations, the generation of membership functions, and the specialized applications in the latter chapters of the book, providing an invaluable tool for students as well as for self-study by practicing engineers.
Computed Tomography: Physical Principles, Clinical Applications, and Quality Control
Euclid Seeram - 1994
This new edition provides the up-to-date information and thorough coverage you need to understand the physical principles of computed tomography (CT) and safely produce high-quality images. You'll gain valuable knowledge about the practice of CT scanning, effective communication with other medical personnel, and sectional anatomic images as they relate to CT.Comprehensively covers CT at just the right depth for technologists - going beyond superficial treatment to accommodate all the major advances in CT. One complete CT resource covers what you need to know!Brings you up to date with the latest in multi-slice spiral CT and its applications - the only text to include full coverage of this important topic.Features a chapter devoted to quality control testing of CT scanners (both spiral CT and conventional scan-and-stop), helping you achieve and maintain high quality control standards.Provides the latest information on: advances in volume CT scanning; CT fluoroscopy; multi-slice spiral/helical CT; and multi-slice applications such as 3-D imaging, CT angiography, and virtual reality imaging (endoscopy) - all with excellent coverage of state-of-the-art principles, instrumentation, clinical applications and quality control.Two new chapters cover recent developments and important principles of multislice CT and PET/CT, giving you in-depth coverage of these quickly emerging aspects of CT.Nearly 100 new line drawings and images illustrate difficult concepts, helping you learn and retain information.All-new material updates you on today's CT scanners, CT and PACS, image quality and quality control for multislice CT scanners, and clinical applications.
Dreams of Chaos, Visions of Order: Understanding the American Avant-Garde Cinema
James Peterson - 1994
Dreams of Chaos, Visions of Order addresses precisely this question: how-and to what extent-can viewers make sense of American avant-garde films? It is a controversial book that examines the implicit assumptions of traditional scholarship, advocates on alternative to dominant approaches to the avant-garde cinema, and questions some long-standing clich's about the history of the avant-garde.
World History (with InfoTrac)
William J. Duiker - 1994
Duiker and Jackson J. Spielvogel present a balanced picture of world history, with all respect for the richness and diversity of the tapestry of the human experience. Critically and popularly acclaimed, their comprehensive text balances a global approach with attention to the unique character and development of civilization in divergent parts of the world. The text covers individual civilizations such as China, India, and Europe, with due attention paid to the rise of the West, and provides points of comparison between and among these civilizations. Plus, this extensively revised edition features a more comparativ approach, several consolidated chapters, illuminating "spot" maps, a wealth of primary-source documents, maps, and supplements enhance students' experience with the material. WORLD HISTORY is available in the following volume splits: WORLD HISTORY, Fourth Edition (Chapters 1-29) ISBN: 0534603637; WORLD HISTORY, Volume I: To 1800, Fourth Edition (Contains Chapters 1-17) ISBN: 0534603645; WORLD HISTORY, Volume II: Since 1400, Fourth Edition (Contains Chapters 13-29) ISBN: 0534603653; WORLD HISTORY, To 1400, Fourth Edition (Contains Chapters 1-12) ISBN: 0534603661.
Option Volatility & Pricing Workbook
Sheldon Natenberg - 1994
It reflects the most current developments and trends in option products and trading strategies, including new information on pricing models, intermarket spreading options, and volatility analysis."Provides step-by-step guides, exercises, fill-in-the blank charts, and other hands-on activities"Sheldon Natenberg has been in charge of the education program at Chicago Trading Company, a proprietary derivatives trading firm, since 2000.
Introduction to Fourier Analysis
Norman Morrison - 1994
Time and frequency domains, representation of waveforms in terms of complex exponentials and sinusoids, convolution, impulse response and the frequency transfer function, modulation and demodulation are among the topics covered. The text is linked to a complete FFT system on the accompanying disk where almost all of the exercises can be either carried out or verified. End-of-chapter exercises have been carefully constructed to serve as a development and consolidation of concepts discussed in the text.