Best of
The Biology Coloring Book
Robert D. Griffin - 1986
Whether studying biology on your own or enrolled in a course in high school or college, you will find this book indispensable.More than 50% of your brain is devoted to vision and movement. Use the unique and highly effective Coloring Concepts method to experience for yourself how the action of coloring allows for more complete understanding than passive reading. Allow yourself to be tutored step-by-step through the fundamental concepts of biology and the evidence and reasoning processes which lead to them, while the colors and your movements form strong mental associations which greatly improve comprehension and memory. Students will learn:About the basic chemistry of lifeHow organisms fit into their environmentsClassification and organization of animalsIntroductory genetics and the genetic codeNucleic acids: DNA and RNAThe Scientific Method; Observations and Hypotheses
The American Heritage Children's Dictionary
American Heritage - 1986
This award-winning book contains these essential features: • More than 13,000 main entries, fully updated for the twenty-first century • Hundreds of Word History, Language Detective, Vocabulary Builder, and Spelling notes • More than 1,000 full-color photographs and drawings • 26-page appendix including separate thesaurus, phonics and spelling, measurement, and geography sections
Master Studies
Joe Morello - 1986
Among the very few truly iconic drum method books, legendary drummer Joe Morello's Master Studies is, according to Morello's own preface, not a "how-to" book, but rather a workbook of material to use in developing the hands for accenting and controlling the different pressures used in single strokes, double strokes, and closed rolls. "You can go through the book uding any technique you'ved been taught," Morello states, "and you can apply the ideas in this book to any style of music you want." Chapters are broken down into subjects of accents, buzz rolls, stroke combinations, control studies, fill-ins, ostinatos, and flams. Volume II is a logical extension of the original book. "Like Master Studes," offered Morello, "it's a workbook of material to use in developing the hands. It's not a drumset or coordination book, although several of the exercises can be played on the drumset. The book can be used by the classical, jazz, rock or even rudimental drummer."
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Alfred V. Aho - 1986
The authors present updated coverage of compilers based on research and techniques that have been developed in the field over the past few years. The book provides a thorough introduction to compiler design and covers topics such as context-free grammars, fine state machines, and syntax-directed translation.
Planning And Control For Food And Beverage Operations
Jack D. Ninemeier - 1986
It delineates methods for controlling costs for overhead, supplies and labor. Each chapter includes questions to measure the student's assimilation of information as well as key terms, review questions, problems and internet resources. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Introduction to Psychology
Rod Plotnik - 1986
Rod Plotnik's modular, visual approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. As the pioneer of the "visual" or "magazine" style approach, each and every page of the text is individually planned, written, and formatted to effectively incorporate the use of Visual Cues, which help you to better remember information. Extensively updated, the text also utilizes "chunking," a method of breaking concepts down into small, easily digested sections that help you learn at your own pace.
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Boyce Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
William E. Boyce - 1986
Using the Solutions Manual as you work your way through the course will ensure that you are doing the work right all along.
A First Course in the Finite Element Method
Daryl L. Logan - 1986
It does not have the usual prerequisites (such as structural analysis) required by most available texts in this area. The book is written primarily as a basic learning tool for the undergraduate student in civil and mechanical engineering whose main interest is in stress analysis and heat transfer. The text is geared toward those who want to apply the finite element method as a tool to solve practical physical problems. This revised fourth edition includes the addition of a large number of new problems (including SI problems), an appendix for mechanical and thermal properties, and more civil applications.
Modern Epidemiology
Kenneth J. Rothman - 1986
Rothman's acclaimed Modern Epidemiology reflects the remarkable conceptual development of this evolving science and the engagement of epidemiologists with an increasing range of current public health concerns. This landmark work is the most comprehensive and cohesive text on the principles and methods of contemporary epidemiologic research.Coauthored by two leading epidemiologists, with 15 additional contributors, the Second Edition presents a much broader range of concepts and methods than Dr. Rothman's single-authored original edition. Coverage of basic measures and study types is more thorough and includes a new chapter on field methods. New chapters on advanced topics in data analysis, such as hierarchical regression, are also included. A new section covers specific areas of research such as infectious disease epidemiology, ecologic studies, disease surveillance, analysis of vital statistics, screening, clinical epidemiology, environmental and occupational epidemiology, reproductive and perinatal epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, and nutritional epidemiology.
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library)
A. Richard Thompson - 1986
It begins with an overview of the basic principles of radio astronomy, a short history of the development of radio interferometry, and an elementary discussion of the operation of an interferometer. From this foundation, it delves into the underlying relationships of interferometry, sets forth the coordinate systems and parameters to describe synthesis imaging, and examines configurations of antennas for multielement synthesis arrays. Various aspects of the design and response of receiving systems are discussed, as well as the special requirements of very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI), image reconstruction, and recent developments in image enhancement techniques and astrometric observations. Also discussed are propagation effects in the media between the source and the observer, and radio interference, factors that limit performance. Related techniques are introduced, including intensity interferometry, optical interferometry, lunar occultations, tracking of satellites in Earth orbit, interferometry for remote Earth sensing, and holographic measurements of antenna surfaces.
This book will benefit anyone who is interested in radio interferometry techniques for astronomy, astrometry, geodesy, or electrical engineering.
The World of Words
Margaret Richek - 1986
The Seventh Edition sports a colorful new design and incorporates updated themes that draw upon students' knowledge and interests. Through a series of carefully paced lessons, this top-selling vocabulary textbook teaches students three critical skills: dictionary use, contextual clues, and Greek and Latin word elements that expand their repertoire of words. Easy to use and engaging, The World of Words prepares students for the academic vocabulary they will encounter in college.
Selected Poems: Rogha Dánta
Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill - 1986
A superb dual language volume, from a poet who has been a key figure in the on-going dialogue between the poetries of Ireland's two languages. Her eloquent poetry draws on folklore, mythology, and her own personal visions and beliefs, to celebrate with genuine passion and enthusiasm the common moments and workings of the world that comprise our everyday lives.
Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques
Anne Griffin Perry - 1986
Heavily illustrated, each skill follows the nursing process framework and is presented in an easy-to-follow, two-column format with rationales for each step. This edition retains such popular features as guidelines at the beginning of each chapter, delegation principles for each skill, special considerations for various age groups and care settings, and unexpected outcomes with related nursing interventions. Plus, expanded coverage of cultural and pediatric considerations, new skills, and new features make this edition better than ever!Comprehensive coverage of over 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced skills.Nursing process framework provides a logical, consistent presentation.Over 1,100 vivid, full-color photographs and drawings aid understanding.Rationales for each step in the skill explain why steps are performed in a specific way.Delegation Principles for each skill discuss the nurse's responsibilities when assigning tasks to assistive personnel.UNIQUE! Critical Decision Points address key information to consider when performing skills to ensure effective outcomes and promote safety.Skill Performance Guidelines at the beginning of each chapter provide guidelines applicable to all skills in the chapter.Expected outcomes identify the anticipated client response to the procedure.Reporting and recording guidelines in each skill include what to document and examples of how to word it.Considerations for client teaching, pediatric, geriatric, long-term care, and home care address specific needs.Critical thinking exercises at the end of each chapter promote development of decision-making abilities.New skills and procedural guidelines include: communicating with the depressed client; fire, electrical, and radiation safety; local analgesic infusion pump; supporting clients and families in grief; symptom management in palliative care; care of clients with immobilization devices; selection of support surface/mattress (Procedural Guideline); eye irrigation; noninvasive automatic BP; wound vacuum assisted closure; measuring occult blood in gastric secretions; and use of the automatic external defibrillator (AED).A new Disaster Preparedness chapter and added coverage of code management address current practice issues.Pediatric variations and considerations covered in greater depth.Cultural Implications sections focus on providing culturally-sensitive care.Evidence-Based Practice Trends at the beginning of each chapter provide an overview of recent research findings and implications for skills included in the chapter.Focus on Clinical Practice at the end of each chapter presents case scenarios and critical thinking questions that address issues involving topics that include unexpected outcomes and cultural considerations.Two-column format for Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions presents information in an easy-to-follow format.
Adaptive Filter Theory
Simon Haykin - 1986
The fourth edition of this book has been updated and refined to stay current with the field.
Reading Latin: Grammar and Exercises
Peter Jones - 1986
It does this in three ways: it encourages the reading of continuous texts from the start; it offers generous help with translation at every stage; and it integrates the learning of classical Latin with an appreciation of the influence of the Latin language upon English and European culture from antiquity to the present. The Text and Vocabulary, richly illustrated, consists at the start of carefully graded adaptations from original classical Latin texts. The adaptations are gradually phased out until unadulterated prose and verse can be read. The accompanying Grammar and Exercises volume completes the course by supplying all the grammatical help needed, and the second edition has been fully revised and updated. It has also been extensively redesigned to make it clearer and easier to navigate.
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering
H. Scott Fogler - 1986
Clear, concise, and superbly organized, it integrates text, visuals, and computer simulations to help readers solve even the most challenging problems through reasoning, rather than by memorizing equations.
Production Operations Management
William J. Stevenson - 1986
The Fifth Edition will continue this tradition. The Fifth Edition continues to rely on the strengths of preceding editions, that is, Stevenson's careful explanations and balanced descriptive and quantitative applications. The text continues to use smaller, more procedural examples as well as "solved problems" to support students. Production/Operations Management is used in the introductory operations management course required of all business majors in four-year colleges and universities.
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine [With Access Code]
Thomas E. Andreoli - 1986
Edited by the late Thomas E. Andreoli, MD as well as Ivor Benjamin, MD, Robert C. Griggs, MD, and Edward J. Wing, MD, it focuses on core principles and how they apply to patient care, covering everything you need to know to succeed on a medical rotation or residency. Masterful editing and a user-friendly full-color design make absorbing and retaining information as effortless as possible, and Student Consult online access offers convenient, flexible reference to the complete contents of the book plus additional clinical photos and radiologic images, videos demonstrating procedures, audio recordings of heart and lung sounds, and more.
Leo L. Beranek - 1986
Leo L. Beranek. Source of practical acoustical concepts and theory, with information on microphones, loud-speakers and speaker enclosures, and room acoustics. 491 pp, hardcover 1986 (original published 1954).
Theoretical Acoustics
Philip M. Morse - 1986
Starting from first principles, the authors have successfully produced a unified and thorough treatment of the subjects of generation, propagation, absorption, reflection, and scattering of compressional waves in fluids, progressing to such topics as moving sound sources, turbulence, and wave-induced vibration of structures. Material is included on viscous and thermal effects, on the acoustics of moving media, on plasma acoustics, on nonlinear effects, and on the interaction between light and sound. Problems, with answers in many cases, are given at the end of each chapter. They contain extensions to further applications, thus enhancing the reference value of the book. Many of the examples worked out in the text and in the problem solutions were not previously published. Anyone familiar with calculus and vector analysis should be able to understand the mathematical techniques used here.
Industrial Robotics: Technology, Programming, and Applications
Mikell P. Groover - 1986
One of the first such volumes designed specifically as a textbook,it differs from the strictly professional robotics book in its use of learning aids. Example problems,case studies,and end-of-chapter exercises serve to reinforce important concepts.
Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection
James E. Turner - 1986
It includes several new worked examples and additional end-of-chapter problems.
John W. Santrock - 1986
Learning goals launch each chapter and serve as the organizing mechanism for the text and supporting materials. This work offers applications and research that help students emerge with an understanding of the key concepts.
Jerry M. Burger - 1986
Burger pairs "theory, applications, and assessment" chapters with chapters that describe the research programs aligned with every major theoretical approach. Biographical sketches of theorists and accounts of the stories behind influential research programs help you gain an understanding of how classic and contemporary findings relate to each other, and reinforce the idea that theory and research perpetuate one another. In-text self-assessments and a Study Guide (available separately) allow you to stop, consider what you're reading, and interact with the material.
Raja Yoga
Sivananda Saraswati - 1986
Raja Yoga is the King of all Yogas. It concerns directly with the mind. In this Yoga there is no struggling with Prana or physical body. There are no Hatha Yogic Kriyas. The Yogi sits at ease,watches his mind and silnces the bubbling thoughts. He stills the mind and restrains the thought waves, enters into the thoughtless state of Asamprajnata Samadhi. Hence the name Raja Yoga. Though Raja Yoga is a dualisitic philosophy and treats of Prakriti and Purusha,it helps the student in Advaitic realisation of openness eventually. Though there is the mention of Purusha,ultimately the Purusha becomes identical with the highest Self or Brahman of the Upabnishads. Raja Yoga pushes the student to the highest ring of the spiritualm ladder,Advaitic realisation of brahman. Like many other books of the author this book also has run into many editions since it's first publication in the year 1937.
Gene Cloning: An Introduction
Terence A. Brown - 1986
The third edition is longer and contains greater detail, yet is still aimed squarely at undergraduates and at those who have little or no previous experience of cloning techniques.
Counterpoint in the Style of J. S. Bach
Thomas E. Benjamin - 1986
On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics
Stephen E. Lammers - 1986
Problems in mathematical analysis
B.P. Demidovich - 1986
It contains over 3,000 problems sequentially arranged in Chapters I to X covering all branches of higher mathematics (with the exception of analytical geometry) given in college courses. Particular attention is given to the most important sections of the course that require established skills (the finding of limits, differentiation techniques, the graphing of functions, integration techniques, the applications of definite integrals, series, the solution of differential equations). Since some institutes have extended courses of mathematics, the authors have included problems on field theory, the Fourier method, and approximate calculaiions. Experience shows that the number of problems given in this book not only fully satisfies the requireiren s of the student, as far as practical mas!ering of the various sections of the course goes, but also enables the in- structor to supply a varied choice of problems in each section and to select problems for tests and examinations. Each begins with a brief theoretical introduction that covers the basic definitions and formulas of that section of the course. Here the most important typical problems are worked out in full. We believe that this will greatly simplify the work of the student. Answers are given to all computational problems; one asterisk indicates that hints to the solution are given in the answers, two asterisks, that the solution is given. The problems are frequently illustrated by drawings. This collection of problems is the result of many years of teaching higher mathematics in the technical schools of the Soviet Union. It includes, in addition to original problems and exam- ples, a large number of commonly used problems.
The Vakataka - Gupta Age Circa 200-550 A.D
R.C. Majumdar - 1986
Presents a list of the mass of raw material in the form of inscriptions, coins, architectural remains, and antiquities belonging to the Hindu period.
Computers & Typesetting, Volume C: The Metafont Book
Donald Ervin Knuth - 1986
Knuth, is a computer language that allows you to produce professional quality typefaces using mathematical type design. The METAFONTbook, a users guide and reference manual, enables readers with only minimal computer science or word processing experience to master the basic as well as the more advanced areas of METAFONT programming.Readers will learn how to write a program for each letter or symbol of a typeface. Using METAFONT, it is possible to customize a type design that already exists, or even to create an entire alphabet from scratch. It is particularly easy to create logos or special symbols. Advanced users will enjoy the freedom and artistry that METAFONT allows in creating original typefaces.HIGHLIGHTS:Introduces concepts informally early in the text; in later chapters, these concepts are filled in with more detailed explanations.Program exercises are found throughout the text with answers in an appendix. Exercises and concepts of greater difficulty are marked with margin symbols. In this way, both beginning and experienced users of METAFONT can benefit.The book is a companion text to Knuth's The TeXbook, since TeX can be used to typeset with fonts created using METAFONT.Knuth's familiar wit, and illustrations specially drawn by Duane Bibby, add a light touch to an unusually readable software manual.The METAFONTbook is the third in a five-volume series on Computers and Typesetting, all authored by Knuth.
Fundamentals of Solidification
W. Kurz - 1986
Solidification phenomena play an important role in many processes used in a wide range of fields, from production engineering to solid-state physics. Simple models have been developed to attempt to aid understanding of this complex subject. In this text there are a broad range of solidification models to look at, from large tonnage of continously cast products, through superalloy precision casting, to high-purity single crystals. This book is aimed at being useful for students and experienced engineers alike.
Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures
Julius S. Bendat - 1986
This eagerly awaited new edition of the bestselling random data analysis book continues to provide first-rate, practical tools for scientists and engineers who investigate dynamic data as well as those who use statistical methods to solve engineering problems. It is fully updated, covering new procedures developed since 1986 and extending the discussion to a remarkably broad range of applied fields, from aerospace and automotive industries to biomedical research. Comprehensive and self-contained, this new edition also greatly expands coverage of the theory, including derivations of key relationships in probability and random process theory not usually found in books of this kind. Special features of Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, Third Edition include: * Basic probability functions for level crossings and peak values of random data * Complete derivations of both old and new practical formulas for statistical error analysis of computed estimates * The latest methods for data acquisition and processing as well as nonstationary data analysis * Additional techniques on digital data analysis procedures * New material on the analysis of multiple-input/multiple-output linear systems * Numerous new examples and problem sets * Hundreds of updated illustrations and references *An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.
The Philosophic Roots of Modern Ideology: Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Islamism
David E. Ingersoll - 1986
It offers analyses of some of the major political thinkers of the modern age: Hobbes, Locke, Burke, Jefferson, Madison, Rousseau, Marx, Lenin, Gorbachev, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Hitler, Mussolini, Khomeni, and more. For anyone who wants a better understanding of the conflicts and actions of groups and individuals who see the world through different ideological lenses.
Basic Rhythmic Training
Robert Starer - 1986
This book assumes no prior knowledge and begins with elementary rhythmic notation. It provides a comprehensive understanding of basic rhythm and its components: the beat, pulse, time signatures, notes, rests, syncopation. For general music classes and private instruction. Assures better, quicker sight-reading, ear-training, rhythmic proficiency, and introduction to music dictation.
Children with Disabilities
Mark L. Batshaw - 1986
Readers will explore the beginning of life from conception to infancy, including factors in each stage that can cause disability; learn about child development, including physical development and preventable threats; go in-depth on specific developmental disabilities they'll likely encounter; and find guidelines on conducting interventions, managing outcomes, and working with families. preservice and in-service professionals. The book features case stories, a glossary of key terms and appendices about medications, resources and syndromes and inborn errors of metabolism.
Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Richard L. Scheaffer - 1986
Contains fully worked solutions to all odd-numbered exercises in the text.
Insult to Intelligence: The Bureaucratic Invasion of Our Classrooms
Frank Smith - 1986
And research backs this up. Students who had been asked to write regularly without being taught to punctuate, for instance, ended a term not only writing but punctuating much better than students in a neighboring class who had been regularly drilled, tested, and graded solely on punctuation. This must be the most tedious, least rewarding, and least effective teaching that students have to endure. But false theory, political pressures, business opportunism, and harried administrators have persuaded us to accept this bureaucratic travesty of teaching as the real think.Insult to Intelligence focuses particularly on children learning to read and write, the area in which Smith has made his reputation. But his six-point manifesto on learning and teaching is applicable at every level of education, and in the context of America's ongoing struggle to upgrade the teaching profession and to raise national standards of literacy, his book is nothing less than a call to arms.
Principles of Communication Systems
Herbert Taub - 1986
A clear and readable tutorial style is combined with thorough coverage of both basic and advanced concepts. And the second edition acquaints students with the state of the art,including treatment of topics that have only recently become important and which many available texts ignore. This edition features improved treatment of signal analysis,including representations in signal space,as well as a more complete and modern presentation of random variables and random processes,with illustrative examples to teach detection of signals in noise. There is also a complete discussion of modulation techniques and synchronization and error rate calculation.
Introduction to Optical Mineralogy
William D. Nesse - 1986
It describes in detail more than 125 common rock-forming minerals and a selection of common ore minerals. Revised chapters on optical theory discuss the petrographic microscope, the nature and properties of light, the behavior of light in isotropic and anisotropic materials, and uniaxial and biaxial anisotropic optics. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in optical mineralogy, this accessible text is also an essential resource for petrology/petrography courses.Features of the Third Edition-Includes a new section on reflected light optics-Reorganizes material so that silicates-which comprise over 95% of the earth's crust-are discussed first in order to reflect their abundance and petrologic significance-Contains numerous photomicrographs and revised illustrations throughout-Provides step-by-step procedures for using the petrographic microscope and a flow chart detailing the process of identifying unknown mineralsAlso Available: Companion CD A Textural Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section by Daniel Schulze contains color images of 65 minerals in thin selection, pictures of common alteration products-all indexed by mineral structure and composition-and more than 200 illustrations of important optical properties used in thin selection identification.
Probability: An Introduction
Geoffrey R. Grimmett - 1986
Exercises and problems range from simple to difficult, and the overall treatment, though elementary, includes rigorous mathematical arguments. Chapters contain core material for a beginning course in probability, a treatment of joint distributions leading to accounts of moment-generating functions, the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem, and basic random processes.
Fiber Optic Communications
Joseph C. Palais - 1986
Readers will learn system design as well as operating principles, characteristics, and application of the components that comprise fiber-optic systems. KEY TOPICS: New and expanded topics include Raman amplifier, erbium-doped waveguide amplifier, the arrayed waveguide grating, electroabsorption modulator, optical micro-electro-mechanical (MEMs) components, dispersion compensation, tunable light sources, tunable filters, optical time-division multiplexing, dense and course wavelength-division multiplexing, increased utilization of the optical spectrum, and emphasis on external modulation. Other topics include fiber lasers and optical amplifiers, vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes, dense wavelength-division multiplexing, fiber Bragg grating technology, new component descriptions (fiber attenuator, circulator, and polarization controller), new phenomena descriptions (polarization mode dispersion, mode-partition noise), and power penalty. Expanded discussions of additional topics include polarization effects in fiber systems, integrated optic components, practical fiber connectors and how to minimize reflections. MARKET: For practicing design engineers concerned with the selection and application of components and with the design of applications systems. For professionals involved with fiber optics, including high-level engineering decision makers, project managers, technicians, marketing and sales personnel, and teachers.
Cellular Physiology Of Nerve And Muscle 4
Gary G. Matthews - 1986
The text begins with an overview of the origin of electrical membrane potential, then clearly illustrates the cellular physiology of nerve cells and muscle cells. Throughout, this new edition simplifies difficult concepts with accessible models and straightforward descriptions of experimental results. An all-new introduction to electrical signaling in the nervous system. Expanded coverage of synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity. A quantitative overview of the electrical properties of cells. New detailed illustrations.
Marine Pollution
R.B. Clark - 1986
The problems of pollution in the seas worldwide are explained clearly, unemotionally, and authoritatively. This book is designed as an introductory textbook, but no particular knowledge is demanded of the reader; it can be used by engineers, economists, lawyers, or environmentalists who need to be informed about the effects of materials which are deliberately or accidentally discharged into the sea.
Principal Component Analysis
Ian T. Jolliffe - 1986
The second edition updates and substantially expands the original version, and is once again the definitive text on the subject. It includes core material, current research and a wide range of applications. Its length is nearly double that of the first edition.
How Do We Tell the Children?: A Step-By-Step Guide for Helping Children Two to Teen Cope When Someone Dies
Dan Schaefer - 1986
Now in its third edition, this classic guide is expanded and updated to feature new material on dealing with trauma and devastation, addressing violence in schools, helping grandparents cope as caregivers, and an enlarged quick-reference "Crisis Section" with scripts, answers, and messages for young ones.
Earth And Life Through Time
Steven M. Stanley - 1986
Textbook of geology, earth history, paleontology.
Water and Wastewater Technology
Mark J. Hammer - 1986
A proven text in the field of water and wastewater engineering and technology, this primer provides the fundamental principles and management practices in water processing, water distribution, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, sludge processing, and water reuse. All major systems and operations are covered concisely yet comprehensively and are reinforced with numerous homework problems, example problems and sample calculations. Introductory chapters provide a review of pertinent aspects of chemistry, biology, hydraulics and hydrology, and prepare students for the subsequent material on water supply, wastewater disposal, and water quality.
Introduction to Applied Mathematics
Gilbert Strang - 1986
This book progresses steadily through a range of topics from symmetric linear systems to differential equations to least squares and Kalman filtering and optimization. It clearly demonstrates the power of matrix algebra in engineering problem solving. This is an ideal book (beloved by many readers) for a first course on applied mathematics and a reference for more advanced applied mathematicians. The only prerequisite is a basic course in linear algebra.
Foclóir Póca - English - Irish - English Dictionary
Niall Ó Dónaill - 1986
Glencoe Health Teacher's Wraparound Edition
Mary H. Bronson - 1986
Unit 1: A Healthy Foundation Unit 2: Physical Activity and Nutrition Unit 3: Mental and Emotional Health Unit 4: Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships Unit 5: Personal Care and Body Systems Unit 6: Growth and Development Unit 7: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs Unit 8: Diseases and Disorders Unit 9: Injury Prevention and Environmental Health
Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy
Jamie Weir - 1986
The 3rd edition has been updated to reflect advances in imaging technology, particularly in terms of CT, MR and ultrasound imaging. In all, 200 new diagnostic images have been added, and in response to user feedback, 25 new line diagrams have been added to aid interpretation of certain key images. The book therefore now includes over 700 photographs of outstanding clarity, as well as 35 interpretative artworks.Over 700 large-size, high quality X-Rays, MRI's, and CT's teach readers the radiologic appearance of human structure and structural relationships.Number-style labeling allows unobstructed views of images and permits more effective self-testing.Interpretative line artworks help readers differentiate between the features shown on the X-Rays.200 new high-quality MRI and ultrasound images25 new interpretative line artworksA new, more colorful designPathological images
Lexical Semantics
D. Alan Cruse - 1986
Although obviously a central concern of linguistics, the semantic behaviour of words has been unduly neglected in the current literature, which has tended to emphasize sentential semantics and its relation to formal systems of logic. In this textbook D. A. Cruse establishes in a principled and disciplined way the descriptive and generalizable facts about lexical relations that any formal theory of semantics will have to encompass. Among the topics covered in depth are idiomaticity, lexical ambiguity, synonymy, hierarchical relations such as hyponymy and meronymy, and various types of oppositeness. Syntagmatic relations are also treated in some detail. The discussions are richly illustrated by examples drawn almost entirely from English. Although a familiarity with traditional grammar is assumed, readers with no technical linguistic background will find the exposition always accessible. All readers with an interest in semantics will find in this original text not only essential background but a stimulating new perspective on the field.
The Anatomical Basis Of Dentistry
Bernard Liebgott - 1986
Unlike most anatomy books, this text highlights those regions of the head and neck that are of clinical relevance to the dental student. It follows the curriculum of the course in gross anatomy that every dental student must complete. Therefore, chapters dealing with the abdomen, back, and thorax are included. New, expanded coverage of the limbs has leant itself to two brand new chapters: The Upper Limb and The Lower Limb. Correlations are drawn between the basic science of applied anatomy and the clinical practice of dentistry. Applied anatomy is included throughout the book and in a separate chapter to help students retain a clear picture when these structures are encountered later on in their clinical years. The art program has been completely reworked resulting in digitized illustrations of the highest quality, most in a striking two-color format. Also included are 149 pages appearing in full color, emphasizing important concepts and anatomy of the skull and regions of the head.coverage of gross anatomy as it relates to dentistryEmphasis on anatomy of the head and neckRegional approach to anatomy correlates with how the course is taught in dental schoolCadaver Comprehensive dissection halftones clearly depict the location of anatomic structuresReview section on systemic head and neck anatomyStudent-friendly, concise coverage of the subject32 pages of colour showcase images of the temporomandibular joint, the nerve and the blood supply to the jaws and teeth, the infratemporal region, and the intraoral structures of the mouthStriking art program with instructive two- colour anatomic drawingsReview/Critical Thinking questions presented at the end of each chapterClinical Notes integrated throughout the book relate basic science concepts to actual clinical practiceTwo newchapters: Chapter 9: The Upper Limb and Chapter 10 The Lower Limb
Structural Analysis and Synthesis: A Laboratory Course in Structural Geology
Stephen M. Rowland - 1986
The new third edition includes: New and amended exercises and redrafted figures to improve clarity A single fold-out map of the Bree Creek Quadrangle - a mythical site used to help students analyze various aspects of the geologic structures exposed within this quadrangle and ultimately to develop a grand synthesis A user-friendly spiral binding ideal for work in the lab or out in the field An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Please contact our Higher Education team at for more information.
Land of Volcanic Ash: A Play in Two Parts
Kubo Sakae - 1986
The play, which describes the struggles of a reform-minded intellectual in the Hokkaido countryside, is based on events surrounding the famine of 1934. It has been described not only as Kubo Sakae's most representative work, but as the finest realist drama of the pre-war period.
Advanced Telescope Making Techniques
Allan Mackintosh - 1986
Volume 1 is 'Optics', ISBN 0943396115. About this book: Over a period of 21 years, Allan Mackintoch edited and distributed the Maksutov Circulars to Maksutov Club members. The club was originally organized to make a mass purchase of custom molded Maksutov corrector blanks, but it soon became apparent that a newsletter was needed to share information on optics and practical glass working to close tolerances. Ultimately, nearly 200 editions of the Circulars were distributed to members. From this mass of material two 300+ page books have emerged - Advanced Telescope Making Techniques Volume 1 Optics and Volume 2 Mechanical. Chapters: 1. Grinding Tools; 2. Curve Generators, Generating, Edging, Etc.; 3. Small Lens Work; 4. Accessories for Glass Working; 5. Grinding and Polishing Machines; 6. Making and Testing Flats; 7. Telescope Construction; 8. Telescope Accessories; 9. Photography; 10. The Telescope Maker's Workshop; Index Chapter 1 in more detail: Grinding Tools: a) Cement and Tile Tools by J. E. Lawrence; b) Cutting Spherical Metal Tools in the Lathe by E. L. Mason; c) A Tile Tool for Deep Curves, by M. Gerson; d) Another Method for Making Tile Tools by G. Nankiviell; e) Wrinkles for Tile Tools by J. Sattler; f) 16" Convex Tile Tool, Montaclair Telescope Club by G. K. Hawkins; g) Lead Tools by G. Konstanzer; More About Machining Tools by A. S. Leonard; h) Turning Accurate Metal Tools with a Radius Bar by P.V. Jones; i) Generation of Spherical services on metal laps by William M. Browne; j) Hammered Iron Tools by R. Ulmes; k) Polishing Laps by M. Bloomfield; l) Nylon Net Polishing Laps by J. Snell; m) Making a Pitch Lap by A. Mackintosh; n) A Pitch Tester by A. Mackintosh. CHAPTER 2. CURVE GENERATORS, GENERATING, EDGING, ETC: Curve Generating by B. Keller; Curve-Generating Short Radius Curves, etc
Understanding Statistical Process Control
Donald J. Wheeler - 1986
and around the world. Some of the unique material in this landmark text includes: How Charts Signal Inadequate Measurement Discrimination How to Use Count Data Effectively What Happens if the Measurements Are Not Normal The Right Way to Assess Process Capability How to Use Control Charts with Chemical Batches Right Ways to Compute Control Chart Limits Principles of Rational Subgrouping World-Class Quality and the Taguchi Loss Function
Art in Focus
Gene A. Mittler - 1986
Your students expect something a little different from art class. The 2000 edition of Art In Focus offers the kind of inspiration and challenge your students expect. It is filled with more colorful reproductions, photos, and graphics than ever before. It uses both words and graphics to highlight relevant art topics. It integrates technology resources. It even features student artwork, so your students can see that talent can be celebrated and acknowledged at any age.