Best of
Chosen By God: Know God's Perfect Plan for His Glory and His Children
R.C. Sproul - 1986
Through this view of a truly sovereign God, readers will see how sinfulness prevents man from choosing God on his own; instead, God must change people's hearts.
The Cross: God's Way of Salvation
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1986
His grasp of Scripture still causes the maturest believer to ponder, yet he brings a simplicity of thought to his preaching that even a child can understand and enjoy.The Cross explains how Christ's crucifixion works for our redemption, and why this even is the cornerstone of the Christian life.From one of this century's greatest preachers, excellent reading for ministers and anyone seeking a closer walk with Christ. Meditative, easily understandable, and biblically sound.
The Cross of Christ
John R.W. Stott - 1986
I could never myself believe in God, if it were not for the cross. . . . In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune to it? With compelling honesty John Stott confronts this generation with the centrality of the cross in God's redemption of the world -- a world now haunted by the memories of Auschwitz, the pain of oppression and the specter of nuclear war. Can we see triumph in tragedy, victory in shame? Why should an object of Roman distaste and Jewish disgust be the emblem of our worship and the axiom of our faith? And what does it mean for us today? Now from one of the foremost preachers and Christian leaders of our day comes theology at its readable best, a contemporary restatement of the meaning of the cross. At the cross Stott finds the majesty and love of God disclosed, the sin and bondage of the world exposed. More than a study of the atonement, this book brings Scripture into living dialogue with Christian theology and the twentieth century. What emerges is a pattern for Christian life and worship, hope and mission. Destined to be a classic study of the center of our faith, Stott's work is the product of a uniquely gifted pastor, scholar and Christian statesman. His penetrating insight, charitable scholarship and pastoral warmth are guaranteed to feed both heart and mind.
Roots of Christian Mysticism: Texts from Patristic Era with Commentary
Olivier Clément - 1986
Newman compared the early history of the Church to the opening chords of a symphony when the subjects that will later be brought out one
'In the Beginning...' A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall
Benedict XVI - 1986
‘In the Beginning . . .’ also serves as an excellent homiletic resource for priests and pastors.
The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton Volume 01: Heretics, Orthodoxy, the Blatchford Controversies
G.K. Chesterton - 1986
In Heretics, Chesterton sets forth one of the most telling critiques of contemporary religious notions ever. The Blatchford Controversies are the spirited public debate which led to the writing of Heretics. Then in Orthodoxy, Chesterton accepts the challenge of his opponents and sets forth his own reasons for accepting the Christian Faith.
The Letter of James
Douglas J. Moo - 1986
Because James is so concise, so intensely practical, and so filled with memorable metaphors and illustrations, it has become one of the two or three most popular New Testament books in the church.This highly original commentary seeks to make the Letter of James clear and applicable to Christian living today. Interacting with the latest views on James but keeping academic references to a minimum, Douglas Moo first introduces the Letter of James in its historical context and then provides verse-by-verse comments that explain the message of James both to its first readers and to today's church.
Back to Virtue: Traditional Moral Wisdom for Modern Moral Confusion
Peter Kreeft - 1986
This in-depth analysis of the meaning of the virtues and their connection with the Beatitudes also summarizes a scriptural and theological wisdom on leading a holy life. Includes the accumulated wisdom of St. Paul, C.S. Lewis, and many others.
The Religious Sense
Luigi Giussani - 1986
Asserting that all the tools necessary for self-discovery are inherent within us, he focuses primarily on reason, not as narrowly defined by modern philosophers, but as an openness to existence, a capacity to comprehend and affirm reality in all of its dimensions. Part of the so-called new religious revival, The Religious Sense avoids any sentimental or irrational reduction of the religious experience. It is a forthright and refreshing call to reassess our lives.
Behold the Pierced One: An Approach to a Spiritual Christology
Benedict XVI - 1986
This synthetic and meditative work is theological without being abstract or dry, and spiritual without being sentimental. The pierced heart of Christ must be the heart of theology and Christian life as well.Proceeding from the prayerful dialogue between the Incarnate Son and his Eternal Father, Joseph Ratzinger shows how one can approach the mystery of the Heart of Christ only through the imitation of this prayer. To know and understand Jesus we must participate in his prayer. The prayer of Christ must be the interior life of all who are joined to him in his Body, the Church. Using the Old and New Testaments and the Church Fathers, Ratzinger shows that the ecclesial community (the Church) was born from the pierced Heart of Christ on the Cross.
Devotions for a Deeper Life: A Daily Devotional
Oswald Chambers - 1986
Few authors inspire and encourage as he does, and never is this more apparent than in Devotions for a Deeper Life.
Devotions for a Deeper Life, excerpted from lesser known essays Chambers wrote in the early twentieth century, will instruct and encourage you with its accuracy and poignant reflections on the Christian life. This daily devotional dives into what it means to live out your faith in dynamic and compelling ways. More than 75 years have passed since the original publication, but the content remains relevant and deeply inspiring. Oswald Chambers created one of the most classic and influential books in church history when he penned My Utmost for His Highest. His insights and understanding of the nature of God challenge readers to examine their faith and grow in depth and maturity. Devotions for a Deeper Life brings this message to an entirely new generation of believers and will show, once again, the timeless beauty found in the truth of Scripture.
Looking Unto Jesus
Isaac Ambrose - 1986
The full title of this long-beloved work was "Looking Unto Jesus: The Soul's Eyeing of Jesus as Carrying on the Great Work of Man's Salvation." Its focus on Christ provides a refreshing contrast to some of the more introspective works of other Puritans."Christ alone is the treasury, storehouse, magazine, of the free goodness and mercy of the Godhead," Ambrose exclaims. "In him we are justified, sanctified, saved. He is the way, the truth, and the life; he is honour, riches, beauty, health, peace, and salvation; all the spiritual blessings wherewith we are enriched, are in and by Christ: God hears our prayers by Christ; God forgives our iniquities through Christ; all we have, and all we expect to have, hangs only on Christ; he is the golden hinge, upon which all our salvation turns."
Making Sense Out of Suffering
Peter Kreeft - 1986
This account of a real and honest personal quest is both engaging and convincing. Written from a deep well of wisdom derived from experience and careful observation, Making Sense Out of Suffering is a book for empty hearts, not full ones. Read it if you are hungry for insight into the mystery of suffering. A Servant Book.
Don Bosco's Memoirs
John Bosco - 1986
His own words are - "Now, what purpose can this chronicle serve? It will be a record to help people overcome problems that may come in the future by learning from the past. It will serve to make known how God himself has always been our guide. It will give my sons some entertainment to be able to read about their father’s adventures. Doubtless they will be read much more avidly when I have been called by God to render my account, when I am no longer among them.Should they come upon experiences related maybe with complacency or the appearance of vainglory, let them indulge me a little. A father delights in speaking of his exploits to his dear children. It is always to be hoped that the sons will draw from these adventures, small and great, some spiritual and temporal advantage.I have chosen to divide my account into ten-year periods, because each decade saw a notable development of our work.So, my dear children, when you read these memoirs after my death, remember that you had a loving father who left these memoirs as a pledge of fatherly affection before he abandoned this world. And remembering that, pray for the happy repose of my soul."
Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church
Alexander Strauch - 1986
Church history demonstrates the disastrous consequences of drifting from the light of Scripture. This book fulfills the need for an in-depth study on the topic, based in the vast treasure of God's Word.
God and Government: A Biblical, Historical, and Constitutional Perspective
Gary DeMar - 1986
Wade, an old truth started gaining new life in America.It was the truth that had once made America great, but one which she had forgotten—that the Bible is not a collection of disconnected moralisms for private application, but rather a comprehensive guide for all of life, a blueprint for the private and public conduct of all individuals and nations.In 1982, the three-volume God and Government series fanned the flames of this national worldview awakening, establishing that the character of a nation and its people depends on their relationship with God as revealed in Holy Scripture.Relying on clear historical and biblical research, author Gary DeMar demonstrated how America had been great and how she could be great again.The series quickly became a staple in the Christian curriculum. For decades, in the hands of countless teachers, parents, and students, the books educated minds young and old in the Christian history of America, the origin and foundation of government, the biblical principles of authority, and the basis and necessity of Christian political activism.But the work of reviving America is far from finished, and Americans need to hear—now more than ever—the biblical and historical truths explained in God and Government.Now thirty years later, American Vision has thoroughly renovated, revised, and updated Gary DeMar’s monumental work into this beautiful one-volume hardback.With a fresh new look, more images, an extensive subject and scripture index, and an updated bibliography, God and Government is ready to prepare a whole new generation to take on the political and religious battles confronting Christians today.May it be used in a new awakening of Christians in America—not just to inform minds, but to stimulate action and secure a better tomorrow for our posterity.Hardback, 700+ pages with dozens of carefully selected corresponding images, extensive subject and Scripture index, verified quotes and bibliographyTable of Contents:Part 1: Defining Government * 1: Self-Government and Family Government * 2: Ecclesiastical and Civil Governments * 3: The Origin and Development of Civil Government * 4: The Purpose and Function of Civil Government * 5: The Biblical Form of Civil Government * 6: Jesus and Civil Government * 7: The Christian History of The United States * 8: The Purpose of the United States Constitution * 9: The Relationship of Church and State In the Bible * 10: The Relationship of Church and State In the First Amendment Part 2: Issues in Biblical Perspective * 11: Developing a Biblical Worldview * 12: Worldviews in Conflict * 13: Sovereignty and Dominion * 14: Sovereignty and Ownership * 15: Financing the Work of God’s Kingdom * 16: Financing the Responsibilities of the State * 17: Biblical Economics * 18: The Enemies of Biblical Economics * 19: The Causes of Poverty * 20: The Conquest of Poverty Part 3: The Restoration of the Republic * 21: The Biblical View of Authority * 22: The Enemies of Biblical Authority * 23: God’s Sovereignty Over the Nations * 24: Establishing Christian Leadership * 25: The Restoration of the Republic * 26: The Foundation of Law * 27: The Administration of Justice * 28: Human Rights and Responsibilities * 29: Sovereignty and Education * 30: The Future of Government * Appendix: What is Government? * Scripture Index * Topical Index * Recommended Reading
A Crucified Christ in Holy Week: Essays on the Four Gospel Passion Narratives
Raymond E. Brown - 1986
In it, Father Brown treats the Gospels, written thirty to sixty years after the life of Christ, as reflecting considerate theological and dramatic development and not simply as literal accounts of a historical event.
Foundations of the Christian Faith
James Montgomery Boice - 1986
Students and pastors will both benefit from this rich source that covers all the major doctrines of Christianity. With scholarly rigor and a pastor's heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the person and the work of Christ. He then goes on to consider the work of the Holy Spirit in justification and sanctification. The book closes with careful discussion of ecclesiology and eschatology. In this revised edition of a formerly four-volume work, Boice maintains a remarkable practicality and thoroughness that will make this a standard reference and text for years to come.
On Job: God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent
Gustavo Gutiérrez - 1986
The Latin American liberation theologian's profound reading of the book of Job.
Hopeful Imagination
Walter Brueggemann - 1986
He addresses three major prophetic traditions: Jeremiah (the pathos of God), Ezekiel (the holiness of God), and 2 Isaiah (the newness of God). This literature is seen to contain the theological resources for handling both brokenness and surprise -- with freedom, courage, and imagination. Throughout, Brueggemann demonstrates how these resources offer vitality for ministry today.
Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture
Lesslie Newbigin - 1986
How can biblical authority be a reality for those shaped by the modern world? This book treats the First World as a mission field, offering a unique perspective on the relationship between the gospel and current society by presenting an outsider's view of contemporary Western culture.
The Serpent of Paradise: The Incredible Story of How Satan's Rebellion Serves God's Purposes
Erwin W. Lutzer - 1986
Unless we grasp how the devil fits into God's scheme of things, we will find it difficult to stand against his conspiracy against us personally and his influence within our culture. We can have a proper theology of the devil only if we have a proper theology of God. Only when we stand in awe of God will we find it unnecessary to be in awe of Satan. As Martin Luther once said, 'The devil is God's devil.' God is still in control.The Serpent of Paradise gives an overview of the career of Satan and his interaction with the Almighty. It traces his fall from an exalted position to his demise in everlasting shame and contempt. It shows us that Satan always loses even when 'he wins.' Best of all, it confirms that we who have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light are able to stand against him. Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV. The Serpent of Paradise is a book about Satan, but it is also a book about God's power, God's program, and God's purposes in this world.
The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development
Josef A. Jungmann - 1986
With a revised chapter previously unavailable in the two-volume edition.
Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Song of Songs
Gregory of Nyssa - 1986
Growing Deep in the Christian Life
Charles R. Swindoll - 1986
Growing Deep In The Christian Life takes theology out of the ivory tower and enables you to apply it to where you live every day.
I Am Not Ashamed: Advice to Timothy
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1986
Within the context of the whole Gospel message, the author shows the reader that Paul's message is as relevant today as it was in the first century.
Prolegomena to Charity
Jean-Luc Marion - 1986
In seven essays that draw from metaphysics, phenomenology, literature, Christological theology, and Biblical exegesis, Marion sketches several prolegomena to a future fuller thinking and saying of love's paradoxical reasons, exploring evil, freedom, bedazzlement, and the loving gaze; crisis, absence, and knowing.
The Seven Spiritual Weapons
Catherine of Bologna - 1986
Catherine of Bologna, much venerated in her own city, has been little known outside of her native region but interest in her is now increasing. The outline of her life is clear and her own work, The Seven Spiritual Weapons, tells a good deal about her inner experiences and early years in the cloister. The introduction to this translation situates her life in the history of Ferrara and Bologna and studies how the external history of the community impinged on Catherine's own religious experience and how it was interwoven with her successful struggle against depression.
Prayers for Difficult Times: When You Don't Know What to Pray
Anonymous - 1986
From illness and death to divorce and job loss, dozens of topics are covered. Each section opens with a short devotional thought and applicable scripture. Great as a ministry resource or for a personal library, Prayers for Difficult Times is a must-have tool for anyone searching for a stronger prayer life.
Monastic Practices
Charles Cummings - 1986
In this introduction to the world of the cloister, Fr Cummings explains the origins, and the continuing value, of monastic practices.
Hope Within History
Walter Brueggemann - 1986
Hope within History describes how individuals and churches can grow even when at odds with their social context, addresses the theological question of how we experience hope in our historical-biblical context, and provides a model for faith development based on our understanding of hope within history as set forth in the biblical narrative.
Martin Chemnitz - 1986
Presents the central and most important portion of Chemnitz's
The Liturgy Of The Hours In East And West
Robert F. Taft - 1986
The origins and development of the Divine Office are traced through both Eastern and Western branches of the Church, providing a wealth of historical and liturgical information.From the small beginnings of a few Christians in New Testament Jerusalem, the prayer of the Church spread, changing and evolving as it met and was assimilated by different cultures.This classic study is a major resource for the liturgical scholar.
The Old Testament Canon Of The New Testament Church And Its Background In Early Judaism
Roger T. Beckwith - 1986
E. Ryle's classic work, which was first published in 1892. But Beckwith has the advantage of writing after the Qumran (and other) discoveries; and he has also made full use of all the available sources, including biblical manuscripts and rabbinical and patristic literature, taking into account the seldom studied Syriac material as well as the Greek and Latin material. The result of many years of study, this book is a major work of scholarship on a subject which has been neglected in recent times. It is both historical and theological, but Beckwith's first consideration has been to make a thorough and unprejudiced historical investigation. One of his most important concerns - and one that is crucial for all students of Judaism, and Christians in particular - is to decide when the limits of the Jewish canon were settled. In the answer to this question lies an important key to the teaching of Jesus and his apostles, and the resultant beliefs of the New Testament church. Furthermore, any answers to questions about the state of the canon in the New Testament period would help to open a way through the present ecumenical (and interfaith) impasse on the subject. With its meticulous research and evenhanded approach, this book is sure to become the starting point for study of the Old Testament canon in the years to come.
Resurrection and Moral Order: An Outline for Evangelical Ethics
Oliver O'Donovan - 1986
For this revised edition O'Donovan has added a substantial prologue that, taking account of critical responses to the first edition, more fully locates his argument and position in relation to some current alternatives.
Life in Christ: A Manual for Disciples: Biblical Truth in a Workbook Format to Introduce Young Believers to the Christian Faith
Tony Salerno - 1986
Biblical truth in a workbook format to introduce young believers to the Christian faith.A Comprehensive study for new Christians for individual or group study.
The Logic of God Incarnate
Thomas V. Morris - 1986
How can a being or person who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, etc., have become human given that humans are limited in knowledge and beset with weaknesses? Unless this belief in the incarnation is to be dismissed as pious sentimentality, a philosophical case must be made for at least the possible rationality of the idea. Tom Morris makes such an attempt in this book. Indeed, although it claims only to be arguing that the idea of God Incarnate is not impossible, The Logic of God Incarnate confronts the preponderance of modem philosophical argumentation against the incarnation and manages to put the traditional doctrine in a quite plausible light.
Gravity and Grace: Reflections and Provocations
Joseph Sittler - 1986
The essays and reflections gathered in this volume provoke readers to think about and discuss topics such as risk and faith, nature and grace, the Word of God and genuine theology, real education, the beauty and meaning of language, necessary personal choices, aging, and social issues. Study questions are provided to encourage group discussion.
Understanding the Atonement for the Mission of the Church
John Driver - 1986
John Driver shows readers the rich diversity of the New Testament on the significance of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Christ's Call to Discipleship
James Montgomery Boice - 1986
Popular radio speaker, author, and pastor James Montgomery Boice describes what it means to live a life of true discipleship-recognizing Christ's dominion not only as Savior but also as Lord. Dr. Boice explores the meaning, path, cost, and rewards of being a true disciple. As the author asserts in the preface, "I believe that if America could produce a generation of Christians who genuinely affirm and live by these teachings
The Doctrine of the Word of God I.1 Section 1-7
Karl Barth - 1986
The Swiss-German theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) was the most original and significant Reformed theologian of the twentieth century. Barth began the Church Dogmatics in 1932 and continued working on its thirteen volumes until the end of his life. Barth's writings continue to guide and instruct the preaching and teaching of pastors and academics worldwide. The English translation was prepared by a team of scholars and edited by G. W. Bromiley and T. F. Torrance and published from 1936. A team of scholars at Princeton Theological Seminary have now provided the translation of Greek, Latin, Hebrew and French passages into English. The original is presented alongside the English translation. This makes the work more reader friendly and accessible to the growing number of students who do not have a working knowledge of the ancient languages. This new edition with translations is now available for the first time in individual volumes.>
Christ and the Decree: Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins (Studies in historical theology)
Richard A. Muller - 1986
This volume is once again available with a new contextualizing preface by the author."[Muller] has undertaken a massive exposition of the teachings of Reformed theologians extending from Calvin through William Perkins . . . concerning predestination and Christology. . . . Those who interpret 'Calvin and Calvinism' would be well advised to give heed to Muller's conclusions."James Leo Garrett Jr., Fides et Historia"Richard Muller does his homework. His is one of few books in recent memory to address seriously the systematic-theological issues inherent in the debate concerning the relationship of predestination and Christology in the thought of Calvin and his successors. This study is a welcome addition to the secondary sources in the field. Studentswhether they finally agree or disagree with Professor Muller's viewswill want to read thoroughly his carefully researched arguments. . . . One will . . . find a wealth of valuable research and trenchant observations in an area of Reformed thought which often is neglected, and even more often treated only with superficial scholarship. . . . This book is worthy of reflection and argument."Michael Jinkins, Scottish Journal of Theology"It is rare nowadays to read a scholarly analysis of the Reformation and post-Reformation literature which renders a faithful interpretation of the theology of the Reformers. Richard A. Muller's masterful study . . . provides a welcome breath of fresh air. . . . The author has achieved a notable contribution to the study of the doctrine of Christ in decretive theology."Mark W. Karlberg, Westminster Theological Journal"The book will certainly be effective in answering those who wish to turn Reformed theology into simply a system rationally deduced from the doctrine of predestination, for the author has shown that the doctrine is not the central or controlling factor in the system."W. Stanford Reid, Sixteenth Century Journal
The Pentateuch: Trumath Tzvi
Samson Raphael Hirsch - 1986
Also includes all the Haftaroth and the Five Megilloth. The perfect introduction to Rav Hirsch
The Desolate City: Revolution in the Catholic Church
Anne Roche Muggeridge - 1986
Works of James Arminius: 3 Volumes: London Edition
James Arminius - 1986
First published in 1875. Translated into English by James and William Nicholes.
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body
Rubem Alves - 1986
Why Does God Allow War?
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1986
Lloyd-Jones wrote this book at the outbreak of the Second World War to a people on the brink of despair. It's message, however, is universal and remarkably relevant today as we seek to understand the crises of our own times. Yet readers will find that the truth it contains is a help for those in the midst of any tragedy, whether personal or national.
A Commentary on Isaiah: With Emphasis on the Messianic Hope
Homer Hailey - 1986
Power of the Pulpit
Gardiner Spring - 1986
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
Christian Ethics: General Moral Theology v. 1: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II
Karl H. Peschke - 1986
Third World Liberation Theologies: An Introductory Survey
Deane William Ferm - 1986
The Nature of the Kingdom (The Wesley library for today's readers)
John Wesley - 1986
This book is John Wesley's commentary on Jesus' Sermon. It took Wesley fifteen years to write the thirteen sermons reprinted here in contemporary English. Wesley's style was to present "plain truth to plain people" which he grandly does in this collection. For those who put following Jesus' instructions as a Chjristians prime call, this gook is an essential guide.
The Sociology of the Church: Essays in Reconstruction
James B. Jordan - 1986
What Luther Says
Edwald Plass - 1986
More than 5000 of Luther's quotations alphabetically and topically arranged.
The Life and Letters of James Henley Thornwell
Benjamin M. Palmer - 1986
This volume is produced from digital images created through the University of Michigan University Library’s preservation reformatting program.
Mission Accomplished
Michael S. Horton - 1986
Meister Eckhart: Teacher and Preacher (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Meister Eckhart - 1986
Eckhart the teacher is represented by the Commentary on Exodus and by selections from six other commentaries, including the Commentary on Wisdom 7:14, the Commentary on Ecclesiasticus 24:29, and the Commentary on John 14:8.Eckhart's ministry as a preacher was an equally important part of the man, and thus his sermons, from both the Latin and the Middle High German manuscripts, are included. What emerges is a comprehensive picture of the works of this great speculative theologian. Together with Meister Eckhart: The Essential Sermons, Commentaries and Treatises, this work form the most extensive corpus of Eckhart's writings in English.
The Civilization of Christianity
John L. McKenzie - 1986
The devastating thesis of this book is "that there is a deadly and irreconcilable opposition between western civilization and Christianity, and that one of them must destroy the other."
Witness to the Word: A Commentary on John 1
Karl Barth - 1986
Theological interpretation was thus his primary concern, especially the relation between revelation and the witness to revelation, which helped to shape his formulation of the role of the written (and spoken) word vis-a-vis the incarnate Word. The text is divided into three sections - John 1:1-18, 19-34, 35-51, with the largest share of the book devoted to the first section. Each section begins with Barth's own translation, followed by verse-by -verse and phrase-by-phrase commentary on the Greek text. Although Barth's interpretation is decidedly theological, he does take up questions of philology and textual criticism more thoroughly than in his other works. Much has happened in Johannine scholarship since these lectures were first delivered, yet they remain valuable today - 100 years after Barth's birth - both for their insights into the gospel and into Karl Barth. "'Witness to the Word' is an important exposition in its own right, as well as a clue to Barth's development as a theologian. I was struck, first, by Barth's meticulous attention to exegetical detail, in dialogue with the best available scholarship; and, second, by the foundational character of this exposition for the doctrine of the Word of God he developed later in his 'Dogmatics.'" John D. Godsey, Wesley Theological Seminary Karl Barth (1886-1968), the Swiss Reformed professor and pastor, was once described by Pope Pius XII as the most important theologian since Thomas Aquinas. As principal author of 'The Barmen Declaration', he was the intellectual leader of the German Confessing Church - the Protestant group that resisted the Third Reich. Barth's teaching career spanned nearly five decades. Removed from his post at Bonn by the Nazis in late 1934, Barth moved to Basel where he taught until 1962. Among Barth's many books, sermons, and essays are 'The Epistle to the Romans', 'Humanity of God', 'Evangelical Theology', and 'Church Dogmatics'.
Daily Readings with Julian of Norwich, Vol. 1
Julian of Norwich - 1986
From a Broken Web: Separation, Sexism, and Self
Catherine Keller - 1986
Theology of the Psalms
Hans-Joachim Kraus - 1986
-- Ben C. OllenbergerExceptionally rich, presenting the fruits of a lifetime of research in an attractive and helpful way. -- James Limburg
In the House of the Lord
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1986
Nouwen relates the themes of intimacy, fecundity and ecstasy to the movement from the 'house of fear.
Deaconesses: An Historical Study
Aimé-Georges Martimort - 1986
What is most evident about the history of deaconesses, however, is how complex the whole subject is. In this exhaustive and thoroughly researched work, Martimort presents a very readable analysis that has become the standard study of the role of women deaconesses in the early Church. He presents in as complete and objective fashion as possible the history, who and what these deaconesses were and what their functions were. "An excellent book on the topic of ordination of women to the diaconate. A masterpiece of research, and the thorough footnotes and index will increase its value for scholarly work." -The Priest "This book can be considered the last word on the subject of deaconesses. It deserves a wide readership since there is so much interest in the ordination of women." -Homiletic & Pastoral Review
The End of the Beginning
William J. Dumbrell - 1986
Epiphanies of Darkness: Deconstruction in Theology
Charles E. Winquist - 1986
The Davies group is proud to reissue this revision of a work that is so important a part of the literature of deconstructive theology. Few religious thinkers have the philosophical sophistication of this author. This book is profound in its ability to bring together much of what is deepest and most disturbing in our age with the reality of a theological desire for more. Epiphanies of Darkness represents a searching and courageous appraisal of the state of theological discourse, as well as a powerful intervention into that discourse, with the aim of completely reconstituting what we mean by theology.
Noah and the Great Flood
Penny Frank - 1986
Retells the Old Testament story of Noah, the one man with whom God was pleased when he decided to wipe out the world's population with a great flood.
Spirit Of Prayer
Hannah More - 1986
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
Kingdom Life in a Fallen World: Living Out the Sermon on the Mount
Sinclair B. Ferguson - 1986
The Ideological Weapons Of Death: A Theological Critique Of Capitalism
Franz Hinkelammert - 1986