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Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation
Sanaya Roman - 1986
This text presents a systematic course in spiritual growth that aims to help the reader to transform their life, discover personal power, and awaken to the truth of who they are.
Personal Power through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People
Sanaya Roman - 1986
It has been translated into over 24 languages.Note: The revised eBook edition has been updated, however it is essentially the same as the printed edition in the information and teaching it contains.Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power Through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a wise and compassionate being of love and light. This wise and gentle spirit teacher offers a systematic course in sensing energy through this book.Using these easy-to-follow processes, hundreds of thousands of people have learned to create immediate and profound changes in their relationships, self-image, and ability to love and feel loved. Other people's moods or negativity need no longer affect you. You can recognize when you have taken on other people's energies and easily release them.Your sensitivity is a gift. You can learn to use it to send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, and open to higher guidance. You can leave the denser energies, where things are often painful, and live in the higher energies where you can feel more loving, calm, and positive.In this book, you will explore how to stay centered and balanced, know who you are, and increase the positive energy around you. Chapters include guidance about sensing energy, such as how to sense your own energy, other people's energy, and the energy in your home and environment. You will learn how to sense and direct the unseen energy around you that may be affecting you.You will explore how to be aware of the affect other people's energy is having on you, and learn to stay neutral. You will discover more about how to create a healing connection with others, knowing how much to give and how much to receive.You will discover more about who you are and strengthen your commitment to yourself and your path. You will discover more about when to pay attention to your own needs and when to be selfless. You can learn to let go of feeling responsible for everyone's happiness!You will also learn to become aware of what is in your unconscious mind, bringing any limiting beliefs and thoughts into your awareness so you can release them. You can love who you are right now, not who you or other people think you should be.Orin assists you in opening your intuition, listening to it, and taking action on it. You will look at the role of the mind, your inner dialog, and how to raise your vibration.You will learn about how telepathy works. You cannot know what you are picking up telepathically until you know your own energy, so you will learn how to better recognize your own energy. You can gain control over telepathic messages that come into your mind from others, and choose which ones to pay attention to.You will explore how to receive guidance, light, and energy from the beings of light, your soul, and the Masters and guides. They are always offering you love, guidance, and energy; all you need do is ask for it and be open to receive it.
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews
Scott Cunningham - 1986
The more things in your ritual to help your mind associate with your goal, the more powerful your ritual may be. Colored candles, scented oils, natural incenses, and more all add to the impact of the magic you wish to do. But how do you know which incense to burn? Is it possible to add scented oils together to get a more powerful oil? And how do you make your own appropriately-scented tools?The answers to questions like these and hundreds more can be found in The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by world-famous author Scott Cunningham. This is a greatly expanded and rewritten version of The Magic of Incenses, Oils and Brews. It includes over 100 new formulas, proportions for each element of the recipes (the most requested feature from his previous book), how to substitute ingredients, and much more. Besides the formulas, it also includes the exact methods of making all of these scented tools, including how to extract the essences from the herbs.Each one of the formulas in this magic book is precise and easy to make. Do you need luck? Take 2 parts vetivert, 2 parts allspice, 1 part nutmeg, and 1 part calamus, grind them together as finely as possible, then sprinkle the powder in a circle around you, beginning and ending in the East and moving clockwise. Sit within this circle and absorb the powder's energies. Also included are other ways to use magical powders that will have you coming up with your own ideas for them, too.There is a legion of recipes for incenses. There are three for the sun and two for consecrating talismans. There are incenses for each of the astrological signs and ones to help you study better and gain success. You'll also find incenses for each of the planetary influences. There are four for Saturn alone!This compendium of magical lore is a vital tool for every magical person on any magical path, whether you are a beginner or an expert.
The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
Bodhidharma - 1986
Although the tradition that traces its ancestry back to him did not flourish until nearly two hundred years after his death, today millions of Zen Buddhists and students of kung fu claim him as their spiritual father.While others viewed Zen practice as a purification of the mind or a stage on the way to perfect enlightenment, Bodhidharma equated Zen with buddhahood and believed that it had a place in everyday life. Instead of telling his disciples to purify their minds, he pointed them to rock walls, to the movements of tigers and cranes, to a hollow reed floating across the Yangtze.This bilingual edition, the only volume of the great teacher's work currently available in English, presents four teachings in their entirety. "Outline of Practice" describes the four all-inclusive habits that lead to enlightenment, the "Bloodstream Sermon" exhorts students to seek the Buddha by seeing their own nature, the "Wake-up Sermon" defends his premise that the most essential method for reaching enlightenment is beholding the mind. The original Chinese text, presented on facing pages, is taken from a Ch'ing dynasty woodblock edition.
Vedanta: Voice Of Freedom
Vivekananda - 1986
Vedanta: Voice of Freedom is culled from Vivekananda's collected works. This book presents in a clear and concise form the spiritual wisdom of India as it has evolved over five thousand years. Thus it evokes the living Vedanta put forth by an extraordinary mind. Edited & with an Introduction by Swami Chetanananda of the Ramakrishna Order of India Foreword by Christopher Isherwood Preface by Huston Smith
Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth
Robert A. Johnson - 1986
A noted author and Jungian analyst teaches how to use dreams and inner exercises to achieve personal wholeness and a more satisfying life.
Love, Medicine & Miracles
Bernie S. Siegel - 1986
A wonderful book that every patient and skeptic physician should read If we follow Bernie Siegel's advice, we may all stay younger and healthier for many more years. In these pages is found a precious secret, that of health and well-being. I thank God for bernie and his book and know that it is and will be a blessing to all humanity. Love, Medicine and Miracles deserves to be on the same shelf with Norman Cousin's Anatomy of an Illness. Bernie Siegel, M.D., practices surgery in New Haven and teaches at Yale University. In 1978, Siegal started ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients), a specialized form of individual and group therapy based on "carefrontation," a loving, safe, therapeutic confrontation that facilitates personal change and healing. This experience led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her own healing potential. In 1988, he bacame president of the American Holistic Medical Association.
Josemaría Escrivá - 1986
Josemaría’s rich interior life and extensive experience as a pastor. Aphoristic and perfect for meditation, Furrow was written in order to encourage and ease personal prayer. These 1000 points for spiritual reflection are directed toward the whole human person: body and soul, nature and grace. With the skillful hand of an experienced and holy priest, St. Josemaría interweaves the divine and human and helps you see how to bring them into harmony in your own life.
Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Volume One: A Seth Book
Jane Roberts - 1986
This book answers crucial questions about the significance, of Seth's thought system, while chronicling the worsening health problems that led to the death of Jane Roberts.
Aghora: At the Left Hand of God
Robert E. Svoboda - 1986
Written almost entirely in Vimalananda's own words, it presents events from his life, tenets of his philosophy, and highlights from his spiritual practices. Designed partly to shock and partly to comfort, but wholly as an offering to his Beloved, Aghora is as clear a picture as possible of a man who was a riddle wrapped up in an enigma. Vimalananda insisted that this book be published only after his demise, that he might be spared pursuit by those whose curiosity might be inflamed by some of the sensational events described within. He believed in devoting his all to the pursuit of the direct perception of Reality, and advised others to be similarly dedicated to attaining personal experience of God. To readers he offered this warning: "Don't take anything I say as gospel truth. I am human, I make mistakes. Test on yourselves what I've told you. Try it out, experience it, and then you will know whether or not I'm telling you the truth."
The Crystal and the Way of Light: Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen
Namkhai Norbu - 1986
He discusses the base path and fruit of Dzogchen practice, and describes his education and how he met his principal master who showed him the real meaning of direct introduction to Dzogchen. By interweaving his life story with the teachings, he both sets Dzogchen in its traditional context and reveals its powerful contemporary relevance. The book is richly illustrated with photos of Buddhist masters, meditational deities, and Dzogchen symbols.
Roots of Christian Mysticism: Texts from Patristic Era with Commentary
Olivier Clément - 1986
Newman compared the early history of the Church to the opening chords of a symphony when the subjects that will later be brought out one
The 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation
Alfonso María de Liguori - 1986
Alphonsus Liguori and is rated as one of the most beautiful and inspiring books by numerous TAN readers. St. Alphonsus develops, in the most simple language, yet with the greatest learning, the 12 key virtues necessary for salvation: faith, hope, love of God, love of neighbor, poverty, chastity, obedience, meekness or humility, mortification, recollection, prayer and self-denial or love of the cross. This book is written with such an encompassing view that its message is for all—religious or layman, the young or the old, the pious or the wayward. The reader will marvel at the balance, the simplicity, the learning, the interest, the calm and the holy unction that penetrate this work. And he will find himself repeatedly marking significant passage and returning to them again and again for instruction and edification. Here is a book, quite simply, for everyone who would save his soul.
Behaving as If the God in All Life Mattered
Machaelle Small Wright - 1986
Her personal story is one of triumph, from a childhood of torment and isolation to discovery of her ability to communicate with the world of nature spirits and devas. At "Perelandra," her 45-acre private nature research center in Virginia, Machaelle devotes her life to understanding and demonstrating a new approach to ecological balance: * The foundation and development of co-creative gardening * The ecological effects of humans * The roles of the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms * Humankind's unrealized custodianship of Planet Earth A book beyond theory, Behaving as if the God in ALl Life Mattered will excite the minds and capture the hearts of all who dare to dream of a dynamic world of harmony and compassionate living.
Lifesigns: Intimacy, Fecundity, and Ecstasy in Christian Perspective
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1986
This book will undoubtedly find its place among the classics of twentieth-century literature." --Grand Rapids PressThe inspirational writings of Henri Nouwen have touched millions of readers all over the world. Much beloved as a lecturer, spiritual guide, and especially as an author, he communicated a profound message of hope that finds great resonance in today's world.In his now classic work Lifesigns, he explores what he saw as three of the most vital aspects of his ministry. The first of these is the Gospel invitation to intimacy, which Nouwen describes as communion with God and relationship with others. The second is the call to fecundity, exhorting us to be open to a fruitful life of change and growth. And the third, the experience of ecstasy, extends the Gospel promise "that your joy may be full." Inspired by L'Arche, the worldwide network of communities where handicapped people and their assistants try to live together in the spirit of the Scriptures, Nouwen shows how these three elements offer the essential key to a life free from the domination of fear and filled instead with hope and love.
The Poem of the Man-God, Vol. 1
Maria Valtorta - 1986
Part 1 of a long and epic novel narrating in detail the life and teachings of Jesus Christ according to 20th century Catholic visionary Maria Valtorta.
Bug & Nona on the Go
Nona Freeman - 1986
This story of the Freemans in the early days captures their commitment, their battle with self, and their victory over many obstacles.
The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus
Didymos Judas Thomas - 1986
English translation and notes by Joseph Rowe.One of the cache of codices and manuscripts discovered in Nag Hammadi, the Gospel of Thomas, unlike the canonical gospels, does not contain a narrative recording Christ's life and prophecies. Instead it is a collection of his teachings — what he actually said. These 114 logia, or sayings, were collected by Judas Didymus Thomas, whom some claim to be Jesus's closest disciple. No sooner was this gospel uncovered from the sands of Upper Egypt than scholars and theologians began to bury it anew in a host of conflicting interpretations and polemics. While some say it is a hodgepodge from the canonical gospels, for others it is the source text from which all the gospel writers drew their material and inspiration.In this new translation of the Gospel of Thomas, Jean-Yves Leloup shows that the Jesus recorded by the "infinitely skeptical and infinitely believing" Thomas has much in common with gnostics of non-dualistic schools. Like them, Jesus preaches the coming of a new man, the genesis of the man of knowledge. In this gospel, Jesus describes a journey from limited to unlimited consciousness. The Jesus of Thomas invites us to drink deeply from the well of knowledge that lies within, not so that we may become good Christians but so we may attain the self-knowledge that will make each of us, too, a Christ.
Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State
Namkhai Norbu - 1986
What is necessary is that we reawaken and remain in our true nature. Through understanding and practice, we can rediscover the effortless knowledge of the self-perfected state that lies beyond our habitual anguish and confusion, and remain in this uninterrupted flow of contemplation, completely relaxed but fully present through all activities. Rinpoche begins by clearly explaining the Dzogchen teachings and then reveals, in a simple and non-intellectual manner, what is meant by the practice of Dzogchen.
Lion and Lamb: The Relentless Tenderness
Brennan Manning - 1986
Worshipful meditations that focus upon Jesus Christ throughout the church year.
Daughter of Fire: A Diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master
Irina Tweedie - 1986
This diary spans five years, making up an amazing record of spiritual transformation: the agonies, the resistance, the long and frightening bouts with the purifying forces of Kundalini, the perseverance, the movements towards surrender, the longing, and finally, the all-consuming love.
The Catholic Prayer Book
Michael Buckley - 1986
Filled with a wide range of prayer from the rich tradition of the Church-including personal, family, and liturgical prayer and prayer for special occasions. The Catholic Prayer Book serves as a treasury of Catholic worship from ancient times up to the present day. LEATHERETTE EDITION ALSO AVAILABLE— CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS. A Servant Book.
Don Bosco's Memoirs
John Bosco - 1986
His own words are - "Now, what purpose can this chronicle serve? It will be a record to help people overcome problems that may come in the future by learning from the past. It will serve to make known how God himself has always been our guide. It will give my sons some entertainment to be able to read about their father’s adventures. Doubtless they will be read much more avidly when I have been called by God to render my account, when I am no longer among them.Should they come upon experiences related maybe with complacency or the appearance of vainglory, let them indulge me a little. A father delights in speaking of his exploits to his dear children. It is always to be hoped that the sons will draw from these adventures, small and great, some spiritual and temporal advantage.I have chosen to divide my account into ten-year periods, because each decade saw a notable development of our work.So, my dear children, when you read these memoirs after my death, remember that you had a loving father who left these memoirs as a pledge of fatherly affection before he abandoned this world. And remembering that, pray for the happy repose of my soul."
Mixed Blessings
Barbara Brown Taylor - 1986
Originally preached for the congregation of All Saints' Episcopal Church in downtown Atlanta, the topics of these sermons range from conversations with Abraham and Moses in the texts of the Hebrew scriptures to our awareness of the communion of saints and how to recognize a miracle when one comes our way.
Essence With the Elixir of Enlightenment: The Diamond Approach to Inner Realization
A.H. Almaas - 1986
Discusses the values and shortcomings of spiritual training, and explores why an impasse may occur. Reveals how a precise understanding of your own personality can free your inner resources so that your essential being can lead you toward enlightenment.
To Dance with God: Family Ritual and Community Celebration
Gertrud Mueller Nelson - 1986
Her exquisitely written volume covers the history, psychology and spirituality of ritual in general and Christian ritual in particular. Enlivened by pithy and insightful examples, many of them drawn from her own family life, Ms. Nelson penetrates to the heart of the meaning of ritual and ceremony in a fresh way. She manages to escape the trap of many writers on this subject--superficial piety--and makes relevant for the modern reader the importance of ritual for connecting us to the meaning and flow of life. I would not have thought in today's rationalistic age that the ceremonies of life could be made vital again as cogently and splendidly as has been don in this book. Sometimes even single sentences speak volumes: 'It is Advent, and we, a people, are pregnant.' This is a book to be read carefully, perhaps only a few pages a day. Reading the book can become a ritual, especially for Christian people to whom it is primarily addressed. Beautiful illustrations by the author add to the expressiveness of this carefully composed work. This book may prove to be a classic treatment of the meaning of ritual for this modern era. --John Sanford +
Healed of Cancer
Dodie Osteen - 1986
She ministers alongside her husband, Pastor John Osteen, at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, known as "An Oas
Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini
Gabriel Cousens - 1986
Drawing on 14 years of clinical experience and research, Dr. Gabriel Cousens discusses nutritional issues that can help answer these questions, including raw vs. cooked food; high vs. low protein; the concepts of assimilation and fasting; alkaline--acid balance; attitudes about food; nutrients, energy, and structure building.In addition, Cousens shares his new dietary system of "spiritual nutrition" that is based on the relationship that the color of the food has to corresponding colors of the human chakra system, hence, the "rainbow diet." For true nourishment, he strongly promotes the connection of diet to meditation, fellowship, wisdom, and love.
The Essential Frithjof Schuon
Frithjof Schuon - 1986
Schuon's insights on religion, prayer, the spiritual life, aesthetics and philosophy shine throughout this book.
The Beatitudes: Soundings in Christian Traditions
Simon Tugwell - 1986
. . a reflection nourished by all kinds of dippings into the traditions of the Church as well as sources which are not Christian and these, too, come from a variety of ages and localities."
Macrocosm and Microcosm
Rudolf Steiner - 1986
Steiner discusses the various paths of self-development that lead across these two thresholds and to the transformation of human soul-forces into spiritual organs of perception.A brief synopsis: The world behind the tapestry of sensory perceptions; human life between macrocosm and microcosm.The planets and their connection with our sleeping and waking life; consciousness soul, mind soul, and sentient soul.The inner path of the mystic; the cycle of the year; the ability to see through matter; the "greater guardian of the threshold."The nature and development of human soul faculties; the "lesser guardian of the threshold"; the sun at midnight; the results of "sins of omission."The Egyptian mysteries of Osiris and Isis; initiation experiences; the Rosicrucian path; mystics of the Middle Ages.Initiation in the "northern mysteries"; the necessity of suppressing the ego; conscious assent into the macrocosm and the higher worlds; the world of archetypal images.The four spheres of the higher worlds; the threshold of the spirit world; forces for developing clairvoyant consciousness in the world of archetypal images.The macrocosm mirrored in the human being; the nervous system as an inner solar system; the image of purified blood and the conquest of our lower nature in the symbol of the Rose Cross.Spiritual organs of perception and the strengthening powers of sleep; the thinking of the heart; the ego viewed from twelve perspectives.Reading the akashic record; the transition from intellect to heart thinking; four-dimensional space; intellectual questions have no meaning in relation to conditions before the intellect itself existed.Human and planetary evolution; adaptation to the different states of Earth's existence; the breathing process should not be influenced directly unless knowledge has become prayer.
Night Light: A Book of Nighttime Meditations
Amy E. Dean - 1986
These nightly readings can help us learn to trust the spiritual light within us for strength, comfort, and guidance.
Dharma: That Benefits All Beings Impartially Like the Light of the Sun and Moon
Kalu Rinpoche - 1986
These discourses were presented in America with a Western audience in mind, and have been specially edited for this volume. The openness, simplicity, and depth of realization in his teachings have brought inspiration to many, and greater understanding of the wisdom Buddhism has to offer. The topics covered range from the most subtle psychology and metaphysics to everyday life and practice. Readers new to Buddhism will find lucid and profound explanations of the fundamental teachings; those already familiar with Buddhism will discover unexpected insights into the heart of the tradition.
The Future of Humanity: A Conversation
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1986
Krishnamurti includes discussions of consciousness, time, intelligence, and society.Foreword by David Bohm"The two dialogues which appear in this book took place three years after a series of thirteen similar dialogues between Krishnamurti and myself, which appeared in the book The Ending of Time. [Harper & Row, 1985.] Therefore they were inevitably profoundly affected by what had been done in these earlier dialogues. In a certain sense, therefore, the two books deal with closely related questions. Of course, The Ending of Time' can, because of its much greater length, go into these questions in a more thorough and extensive way. Nevertheless, the present book stands by itself; it approaches the problems of human life in its own way, and provides important additional insights into these problems. Moreover, I feel that it is an easier book to follow, and may therefore usefully serve as an introduction to The Ending of Time.'The starting point for our discussions was the question: "What is the future of humanity?'' This question is by now of vital concern to everyone, because modern science and technology are clearly seen to have opened up immense possibilities of destruction. It soon became clear as we talked together that the ultimate origin of this situation is in the generally confused mentality of mankind, which has not changed basically in this respect throughout the whole of recorded history and probably for much longer than this. Evidently, it was essential to inquire deeply into the root of this difficulty if there is ever to be a possibility that humanity will be diverted from its present very dangerous course..."- David Bohm.
Praying the Psalms: Engaging Scripture and the Life of the Spirit
Walter Brueggemann - 1986
This new edition includes a revised text, new notes, and new bibliography. "The movement and meeting of God with us is indeed a speech-event in which new humanness is evoked among us. Being attentive to language means cultivating the candid imagination to bring our own experience to the Psalms and permitting it to be disciplined by the speech of the Psalms. And, conversely, it means letting the Psalms address us and having that language reshape our sensitivities and fill our minds with new pictures and images that may redirect our lives." --from Chapter 3 Endorsements: "I am so glad to see this second edition of Praying the Psalms. In it Walter Brueggemann reveals the ways in which the Psalms teach the mother tongue of biblical speech by inviting us to the risk of daring candor with God.The contemporary church in North America regularly suffers collective amnesia in the face of the languages of techno-speak, market share and sentimental clich� that shape the world we inhabit. Praying the Psalms offers a surprising antidote to this chronic forgetfulness. It invites us to recover our ancient memory and true identity by learning again to pray the Psalms. I know of no better book for introducing a congregation to the Psalms than this one." --Edwin Searcy, Pastor, University Hill Congregation, United Church of Canada, Vancouver, BC "'The Psalms just don't speak to me.' Anyone who has ever felt this way should read Brueggemann's book. . . . He shows how these ancient prayers can lead us from the disorientation of our chaotic lives into a reorientation of transformation. His treatment of both the post-Holocaust Christian use of these very Jewish prayers and the troublesome call for vengeance is most timely. This book shows how the Psalms can indeed speak to us." --Dianne Bergant, CSA author of Preaching the New Lectionary ". . . Brueggemann pushes me and other readers to recognize the full gamut of passions reflected in the Psalms: joy and exultation but also disappointment, sorrow, anger, resentment, even the desire for vengeance. . . . I am grateful to Brueggemann for making me more alert to what the Psalms are saying about our common human relation to God and more honest about my own feelings as I pray the Psalms every day as part of the Liturgy of the Hours." --Joseph A. Bracken, SJ coauthor of Self-Emptying Love in a Global Context "Few persons have so lived in and with the Psalms as Walter Brueggemann. Here he takes us into their depths, which are so clearly the depths of our human existence. The piety of the Psalms is strong medicine. Brueggemann bids us take it for the cure of our souls." --Patrick D. Miller author of Interpreting the Psalms and They Cried to the Lord About the Contributor(s): Walter Brueggemann is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia. He is the author of numerous works including Theology of the Old Testament, Inscribing the Text, Prophetic Imagination, and David's Truth.
Bulleh Shah The Love-intoxicated Iconoclast
J.R. Puri - 1986
In fact, some eminent writers have called him "the greatest Sufi poet of the Punjab." His admirers have even compared his writings and philosophy to those of Rumi. At present he is held in equally great esteem in Northern India and Pakistan.Bulleh Shah's poems are suffused with love for God and his Master or "Murshid". The other dominant note in his poetry is on very strong denunciation of empty rituals and external observances of religion.He does not believe in saying something in roundabout ways. Whatever he has to convey, he says it by hitting the nail on the head. His poems are marked, not only by plain speaking, but also by bluntness. This produces a poignancy of feeling together with a depth of insight, which puts all artifice to shame. His poetry rises spontaneouly from the depths of his heart, even as a fountain spouts from the depths of the earth. It has a kind of abandon which produces an intoxicating effect on the reader. No wonder it had always been a favorite choice for the groups of singers called "qawwals".
Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying with Icons
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1986
This book includes four color icons, which can be removed for private contemplation or meditation.
Souvenirs of Solitude: Finding Rest in Abba's Embrace
Brennan Manning - 1986
Now Brennan Manning—in his honest, original, and winning way—shares from his own experiences to prompt you into the riches of spending time alone with God at rest in His presence.Souvenirs of Solitude is a genuine appeal for you to find rest in God as you develop a lifestyle of worship and surrender. Discover the peace that comes with a relationship with the Almighty.Includes an eight-day retreat guide that provides stimulating promptings for your own meditation during solitude.
Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
Jane Roberts - 1986
This book was originally written as a sequel to the Seth Material, and is considered by many to be one of the most advanced and knowledgeable works in the area. Includes techniques for recalling dreams, becoming conscious in the dream state, and inducing Out-of-Body Experiences
Center Within
Gyomay M. Kubose - 1986
Insights into Buddhism in everyday life.
Monastic Practices
Charles Cummings - 1986
In this introduction to the world of the cloister, Fr Cummings explains the origins, and the continuing value, of monastic practices.
The Mother's Songs: Images of God the Mother
Meinrad Craighead - 1986
Each picture in this book tells a story-childhood memories, my encounters with the Black Madonna in Europe, dreams and experiences of her during the years I lived in a monastery and, more recently, my awareness of her in the landscape of the American Southwest where I now live.
Jesus, the Word to Be Spoken: Prayers and Meditations for Every Day of the Year
Mother Teresa - 1986
Speaking to her own Missionaries of Charity, this great woman reveals to us what it means to live a life completely for Jesus. With words at once practical and profound, her insights into humility, prayer, love of God and neighbor, self-sacrifice, and obedience mirror the example of her life. May they inspire you to do small things with great love, as Mother Teresa often admonished us. This book contains the statutes for the Third Order of the Missionaries of Charity, which provides new service opportunities for religious and lay people alike.
Esoteric Cosmology
Rudolf Steiner - 1986
Topics include astral sight, higher dimensions, involution and evolution, yoga in East and West, the Logos, cosmic evolution, the apocalypse, and more. This text has been custom formatted for Kindle and checked for typos. It includes an interactive table of contents.
What to Wear to the War
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1986
Crucial reading for Christians living in the "new dark ages"!
To Heal Again: Towards Serenity and the Resolution of Grief
Rusty Berkus - 1986
Book annotation not available for this title.
Prayers for Difficult Times: When You Don't Know What to Pray
Anonymous - 1986
From illness and death to divorce and job loss, dozens of topics are covered. Each section opens with a short devotional thought and applicable scripture. Great as a ministry resource or for a personal library, Prayers for Difficult Times is a must-have tool for anyone searching for a stronger prayer life.
The Seven Spiritual Weapons
Catherine of Bologna - 1986
Catherine of Bologna, much venerated in her own city, has been little known outside of her native region but interest in her is now increasing. The outline of her life is clear and her own work, The Seven Spiritual Weapons, tells a good deal about her inner experiences and early years in the cloister. The introduction to this translation situates her life in the history of Ferrara and Bologna and studies how the external history of the community impinged on Catherine's own religious experience and how it was interwoven with her successful struggle against depression.
The Crone: Woman of Age, Wisdom, and Power
Barbara G. Walker - 1986
A probing account of the honored place of older women in ancient matriarchal societies restores to contemporary women an energizing symbol of self-value, power, and respect.
No Mind, I am the Self. The Lives and Teachings of Lakshmana Swamy and Mathru Sri Sarada
David Godman - 1986
Lakshmana Swamy realised the Self in Ramana Maharshi's presence in 1949. Mathru Sri Sarada realised the Self in Lakshmana Swamy's presence in 1978. The book contains fascinating details from both their lives, along with teaching instructions that were given out to devotees in the early 1980s.
Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development (New Science Library)
Ken Wilber - 1986
Drawing on modern psychology and psychiatry, as well as the world's great meditative traditions, this book presents the first 'full-spectrum' model of human development--one that includes both the conventional stages of psychological growth and the 'higher' levels of spiritual development.
The Upanishads: Volume 1
Nikhilananda - 1986
The Upanishads form the foundation of the Hindu religion and describe the ultimate objective of life - the liberation of the soul from the bondage of the phenomenal world. Swami Nikhilananda's clear and insightful writing combined with notes and explanation based on the commentary of Sankaracharya, the great eighth-century philosopher and mystic of India, will help the spiritual seeker delve into the meaning of these spiritual treasures. This first of four volumes also contains an introduction with a general outline of the metaphysics and philosophy of Hinduism.
The Gospel According to John (The Analyzed Bible)
G. Campbell Morgan - 1986
Through the Gateway of the Heart: Accounts of Experiences with MDMA and Other Empathogenic Substances
Sophia Adamson - 1986
As the party-drug ecstasy, it is consumed by tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of people at "rave" dance parties in the United States, Europe, and the Far East. In its other role as a promising adjunct to psychotherapy, MDMA is currently being researched as a treatment for many conditions, including PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and interpersonal anxiety. This book, originally published in 1985 before MDMA became illegal, is a compilation of experiences conducted in supportive and/or therapeutic settings. The vignettes are not part of a formal research study, and there is no control group. These accounts illustrate the value and potential of MDMA for generating insight, facilitating empathic communication, and supporting spiritual practice. Although the use of MDMA remains illegal (except in the limited context of research), the editors of this book, like many professionals in the field of psychotherapy, believe that a fresh look at this very promising substance is warranted. Ralph Metzner, PhD & Padma Catell, PhD
The Search for Common Ground
Howard Thurman - 1986
He calls us at once to affirm our own identity, but also to look beyond that identity to that which we have in common with all of life.
The Starseed Transmissions
Ken Carey - 1986
The first volume of the Starseed Trilogy: Intuitive knowledge featuring a startling new view of human evolution.
The Life And Teachings Of Lord Caitanya
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1986
Meister Eckhart: Teacher and Preacher (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Meister Eckhart - 1986
Eckhart the teacher is represented by the Commentary on Exodus and by selections from six other commentaries, including the Commentary on Wisdom 7:14, the Commentary on Ecclesiasticus 24:29, and the Commentary on John 14:8.Eckhart's ministry as a preacher was an equally important part of the man, and thus his sermons, from both the Latin and the Middle High German manuscripts, are included. What emerges is a comprehensive picture of the works of this great speculative theologian. Together with Meister Eckhart: The Essential Sermons, Commentaries and Treatises, this work form the most extensive corpus of Eckhart's writings in English.
Karma and Creativity
Christopher Key Chapple - 1986
Karma and Creativity presents a perspective on karma that emphasizes the efficacy of human activity in bringing about desired results--from upholding societal order to the attainment of spiritual liberation.Karma is examined in light of several classical Indian texts. Special attention is given to the concept of mind-only in both Hinduism and Buddhism. The study focuses on the positive approach to action first learned by the sage Vasisin the Mahabharata and then taught by him to Sri Rama in the Yogavasis. It concludes with an exploration of the theological and ethical implications of action and creativity.
Toward The Fullness Of Life: The Fullness Of Love
Arnaud Desjardins - 1986
In this book, he shows us how the intimate relationship between a man and woman, seen under the light of traditional wisdom, can transform our lives from complication and pain to simplicity and happiness.
At The Gates Of Spiritual Science: Fourteen Lectures Given In Stuttgart, 22 August To 4 September, 1906
Rudolf Steiner - 1986
Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential
Charles T. Tart - 1986
I. Gurdjieff taught that we are not really awake, but are entranced automatons, controlled by mechanical habits of thought, perception and behavior. Tart clearly presents the evidence for how deeply asleep we are and its consequences, and then describes methods for becoming more awake, less asleep, more spiritual, less mechanical, allowing us to realize our full potential. Problems with spiritual teachers and groups along the way are sensitively analyzed and ways given to avoid them, so we can become more intelligent and compassionate, rather than members of some cult.