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Personal Power through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People
Sanaya Roman - 1986
It has been translated into over 24 languages.Note: The revised eBook edition has been updated, however it is essentially the same as the printed edition in the information and teaching it contains.Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power Through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a wise and compassionate being of love and light. This wise and gentle spirit teacher offers a systematic course in sensing energy through this book.Using these easy-to-follow processes, hundreds of thousands of people have learned to create immediate and profound changes in their relationships, self-image, and ability to love and feel loved. Other people's moods or negativity need no longer affect you. You can recognize when you have taken on other people's energies and easily release them.Your sensitivity is a gift. You can learn to use it to send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, and open to higher guidance. You can leave the denser energies, where things are often painful, and live in the higher energies where you can feel more loving, calm, and positive.In this book, you will explore how to stay centered and balanced, know who you are, and increase the positive energy around you. Chapters include guidance about sensing energy, such as how to sense your own energy, other people's energy, and the energy in your home and environment. You will learn how to sense and direct the unseen energy around you that may be affecting you.You will explore how to be aware of the affect other people's energy is having on you, and learn to stay neutral. You will discover more about how to create a healing connection with others, knowing how much to give and how much to receive.You will discover more about who you are and strengthen your commitment to yourself and your path. You will discover more about when to pay attention to your own needs and when to be selfless. You can learn to let go of feeling responsible for everyone's happiness!You will also learn to become aware of what is in your unconscious mind, bringing any limiting beliefs and thoughts into your awareness so you can release them. You can love who you are right now, not who you or other people think you should be.Orin assists you in opening your intuition, listening to it, and taking action on it. You will look at the role of the mind, your inner dialog, and how to raise your vibration.You will learn about how telepathy works. You cannot know what you are picking up telepathically until you know your own energy, so you will learn how to better recognize your own energy. You can gain control over telepathic messages that come into your mind from others, and choose which ones to pay attention to.You will explore how to receive guidance, light, and energy from the beings of light, your soul, and the Masters and guides. They are always offering you love, guidance, and energy; all you need do is ask for it and be open to receive it.
Love, Medicine & Miracles
Bernie S. Siegel - 1986
A wonderful book that every patient and skeptic physician should read If we follow Bernie Siegel's advice, we may all stay younger and healthier for many more years. In these pages is found a precious secret, that of health and well-being. I thank God for bernie and his book and know that it is and will be a blessing to all humanity. Love, Medicine and Miracles deserves to be on the same shelf with Norman Cousin's Anatomy of an Illness. Bernie Siegel, M.D., practices surgery in New Haven and teaches at Yale University. In 1978, Siegal started ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients), a specialized form of individual and group therapy based on "carefrontation," a loving, safe, therapeutic confrontation that facilitates personal change and healing. This experience led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her own healing potential. In 1988, he bacame president of the American Holistic Medical Association.
Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth
Robert A. Johnson - 1986
A noted author and Jungian analyst teaches how to use dreams and inner exercises to achieve personal wholeness and a more satisfying life.
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself
Shad Helmstetter - 1986
Any amount of inspirational reading will only provide us with techniques that could work if put into practice. This book explains the principles of self-talk - a unique way of reversing negativity, optimizing outlook, focusing plans and achieving success. The key is in affirming, telling yourself the right things which then reflect in a more positive lifestyle.
Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
Melody Beattie - 1986
The healing touchstone of millions, this modern classic by one of America's best-loved and most inspirational authors holds the key to understanding codependency and to unlocking its stultifying hold on your life.Is someone else's problem your problem? If, like so many others, you've lost sight of your own life in the drama of tending to someone else's, you may be codependent--and you may find yourself in this book--Codependent No More.The healing touchstone of millions, this modern classic by one of America's best-loved and most inspirational authors holds the key to understanding codependency and to unlocking its stultifying hold on your life.With instructive life stories, personal reflections, exercises, and self-tests, Codependent No More is a simple, straightforward, readable map of the perplexing world of codependency--charting the path to freedom and a lifetime of healing, hope, and happiness.Melody Beattie is the author of Beyond Codependency, The Language of Letting Go, Stop Being Mean to Yourself, The Codependent No More Workbook and Playing It by Heart.
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
M. Scott Peck - 1986
M. Scott Peck’s counseling, lecturing, and writing, and the conclusion of the classic bestselling Road trilogy, The Road Less Traveled and Beyond leads us to a deeper awareness of how to live rich, fulfilling lives in a world fraught with stress and anxiety.With the rare combination of profound psychological insight and deep spirituality that has already spoken to millions of readers, Dr. Peck talks about decision making and the choices we make every day in business and at home, and the ethical choices that may affect the very survival of humankind. We learn the difference between good and evil, to overcome narcissism, to love and be loved, to live with paradox, to accept the consequences of our actions all through life, and to come to terms with dying and death. Dr. Peck is a guide on the adventure that is life, learning, and spiritual growth—life’s greatest adventure. Building in depth from the very first chapter to its lyrical and poetic conclusion, The Road Less Traveled and Beyond is an adventure in itself.
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space: Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (Collected Worksl)
Joseph Campbell - 1986
Campbell posits that the newly discovered laws of outer space are actually at work within human beings as well and that a new mythology is implicit in this realization. He examines the new mythology and other questions in these essays which he described as a broadly shared spiritual adventure.
Necessary Losses: The Loves Illusions Dependencies and Impossible Expectations That All of us Have
Judith Viorst - 1986
In Necessary Losses, Judith Viorst turns her considerable talents to a serious and far-reaching subject: how we grow and change through the losses that are a certain and necessary part of life. She argues persuasively that through the loss of our mothers’ protection, the loss of the impossible expectations we bring to relationships, the loss of our younger selves, and the loss of our loved ones through separation and death, we gain deeper perspective, true maturity, and fuller wisdom about life. She has written a book that is both life affirming and life changing.
The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
Robert Jay Lifton - 1986
Lifton (The Broken Connection; The Life of the Self shows that this medically supervised killing was done in the name of "healing," as part of a racist program to cleanse the Aryan body politic. After the German eugenics campaign of the 1920s for forced sterilization of the "unfit," it was but one step to "euthanasia," which in the Nazi context meant systematic murder of Jews. Building on interviews with former Nazi physicians and their prisoners, Lifton presents a disturbing portrait of careerists who killed to overcome feelings of powerlessness. He includes a chapter on Josef Mengele and one on Eduard Wirths, the "kind, decent" doctor (as some inmates described him) who set up the Auschwitz death machinery. Lifton also psychoanalyzes the German people, scarred by the devastation of World War I and mystically seeking regeneration. This profound study ranks with the most insightful books on the Holocaust.
Beyond Positive Thinking: A No-Nonsense Formula for Getting the Results You Want
Robert Anthony - 1986
Original published in 1988 Berkley Publishing under the title of "The Advanced Formula For Total Success." For 13 years it continued to sell under that title. In 2002 Berkley Publishing discontinued publishing "The Advanced Formula For Total Success." As soon as it went out of print, it became a collector's item with copies selling for up to $100 per copy on the used books marketplace. In 2003 Dr. Anthony decided to update the book and republish it under the original name of Beyond Positive Thinking with an introduction by Joe Vitale.
Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them: When Loving Hurts and You Don't Know Why
Susan Forward - 1986
Susan Forward draws on case histories and the voices of men and women trapped in these negative relationships to help you understand your man’s destructive pattern and the part you play in it.She shows how to break the pattern, heal the hurt, regain your self-respect, and either rebuild your relationship or find the courage to love a truly loving man.
After the Tears: Helping Adult Children of Alcoholics Heal Their Childhood Trauma
Jane Middelton-Moz - 1986
The trauma and grief of childhood losses affect every aspect of the life of an adult child of an alcoholic (ACoA). Now the authors of the bestselling After the Tears offer further insight into the origin and cost of childhood pain for those who grew up in alcoholic families. In this revised and expanded edition, Jane Middelton-Moz and Lorie Dwinell combine their years of experience in working with ACoAs, tackling issues such as intimacy, sibling relationships, codependency, breaking the alcoholic pattern, building a relationship with the inner child, forgiveness, and opening a window to spirituality.
Emergence: Labeled Autistic
Temple Grandin - 1986
An inspiring firsthand account of a courageous and determined autistic woman who makes a remarkable discovery that eventually helps her control her condition and virtually cure her disorder captures the isolation and fears suffered by autistic children.
No Contest: The Case Against Competition
Alfie Kohn - 1986
Contrary to accepted wisdom, competition is not basic to human nature; it poisons our relationships and holds us back from doing our best. In this new edition, Alfie Kohn argues that the race to win turns all of us into losers.
Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders
Aaron T. Beck - 1986
Now Aaron T. Beck and his distinguished colleagues present an extensively rewritten and updated second edition, incorporating over a decade's worth of significant theoretical, clinical, and empirical gains. In one volume, the authors offer both a comprehensive overview of scientific knowledge and a detailed guide to individualized intervention. Practitioners gain essential tools for effectively managing their most complex, challenging cases - and providing real help to patients who once might have been considered untreatable. Timely and authoritative, this indispensable volume belongs on the desks of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, counselors, and other mental health practitioners, as well as students and residents in these fields. It will serve as a core text in advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses and in psychiatric residency programs.
On Being a Therapist
Jeffrey A. Kottler - 1986
Jeffrey Kottler provides a candid account of the profound ways in which therapists influence clients and, in turn, are impacted personally and professionally by these encounters. He shows how therapists can learn, develop, and grow during the process of therapy and explains how practitioners can use the professional skills and insights gained from their sessions to address their own personal issues, realize positive change in themselves, and so become better helpers for others. This thoroughly revised edition includes discussion about how the business and practice of therapy has changed in recent years, the effects of technology and managed care, the breakdown of theoretical orientation, and the greater client diversity represented in contemporary practice.
The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By
Carol S. Pearson - 1986
Pearson gives us a unique vocabulary to explore the link between ancient archetypes and our contemporary lives.Works like Joseph Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces have introduced readers to the significance of myth and archetype in our lives. Carol Pearson's bestselling The Hero Within takes us further by combining literature, anthropology, and psychology to clearly define, with insight and understanding, the six heroic archetypes that exist in all of us: the Innocent, the Orphan, the Wanderer, the Warrior, the Martyr, and the Magician. This substantially revised edition features new chapters that illuminate these archetypes, showing how to reach our fullest potential by achieving a balance between work, family, and the self."An excellent and useful book about the course our psychological and development can take.... {Pearson's} is an evolutionary archetypal psychology". -- Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., author of Goddess in Everywoman and Gods in Everyman
Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind
Mary Field Belenky - 1986
This moving and insightful bestseller, based on in-depth interviews with 135 women, explains why they feel this way. Updated with a new preface exploring how the authors' collaboration and research developed, this tenth anniversary edition addresses many of the questions that the authors have been asked repeatedly in the years since Women's Ways of Knowing was originally published.
Essence With the Elixir of Enlightenment: The Diamond Approach to Inner Realization
A.H. Almaas - 1986
Discusses the values and shortcomings of spiritual training, and explores why an impasse may occur. Reveals how a precise understanding of your own personality can free your inner resources so that your essential being can lead you toward enlightenment.
Introduction to Psychology
Rod Plotnik - 1986
Rod Plotnik's modular, visual approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. As the pioneer of the "visual" or "magazine" style approach, each and every page of the text is individually planned, written, and formatted to effectively incorporate the use of Visual Cues, which help you to better remember information. Extensively updated, the text also utilizes "chunking," a method of breaking concepts down into small, easily digested sections that help you learn at your own pace.
Turnabout Children: Overcoming Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities
Mary MacCracken - 1986
A professor of learning disabilities calls it, "A classic"... and must reading for anyone who has a child with dyslexia or other disorders. The book won the l986 AmericanHealth Book Award.
Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind/Brain
Patricia S. Churchland - 1986
Contemporary research in the empirical neurosciences and recent research in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of science are used to illuminate fundamental questions concerning the relation between abstract cognitive theory and substantive neuroscience.
Jerry M. Burger - 1986
Burger pairs "theory, applications, and assessment" chapters with chapters that describe the research programs aligned with every major theoretical approach. Biographical sketches of theorists and accounts of the stories behind influential research programs help you gain an understanding of how classic and contemporary findings relate to each other, and reinforce the idea that theory and research perpetuate one another. In-text self-assessments and a Study Guide (available separately) allow you to stop, consider what you're reading, and interact with the material.
Uncoupling: Turning Points in Intimate Relationships
Diane Vaughan - 1986
One of the partners starts to feel uncomfortable in the relationship. The world the two of them have built together no longer 'fits.'"How do relationships end? Why does one partner suddenly become discontented with the other - and why is the onset of that discontentment not so sudden after all? What signals do partners send each other to indicate their doubts? Why do those signals so often go unnoticed? And how do people who saw themselves as part of a couple come to terms, not just with absence and abandonment, but with a new, single identity?This groundbreaking book, which combines extensive research with in-depth interviews, offers a startling vision of what happens when relationships come apart. What it reveals is a process that begins in secret but gradually becomes public, implicating not only partners but their social milieu. The result is an enlightening and affecting book that is invaluable both as a work of sociology and as a guide for anyone who wants to prevent - or weather - the collapse of a relationship.
Insanity: The Idea and Its Consequences
Thomas Szasz - 1986
Attacking the universally accepted psychiatric doctrines that blur the distinction between literal and metaphoric diseases, Szasz argues that insanity is not an objectively definable or identifiable condition and presents a more fully-rounded account of the insanity concept, showing how it relates to and differs from three closely allied ideas--social deviance, bodily illness and the sick role. Reveals why it is truly impossible to understand psychiatric problems without first distinguishing an abnormal biological condition--like diabetes--from the sick role. Destined to become a classic, this is an important addition to the author's already impressive body of work.
Holding and Interpretation: Fragment of an Analysis
D.W. Winnicott - 1986
Winnicott, a psychoanalyst of extraordinary grace and originality, left a body of work distinguished by fierce independence of mind, profound playfulness and technique, and passionate intelligence. Holding and Interpretation, a verbatim record of his sessions with a psychotic patient, vividly illustrates his enormous contribution to psychoanalytic theory and technique, his skill at “holding” the patient in the analytic session and providing guidance through sensitive interpretation. It is a rare working portrait of one of the true giants of psychoanalysis—“a very vast subject,” as he said, “which has the great charm of being really useful.”
The Essence of Jung's Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism: Western and Eastern Paths to the Heart
Radmila Moacanin - 1986
The author touches on many of their major ideas: the collective unconscious and karma, archetypes and deities, the analyst and the spiritual friend, and mandalas. Within Tibetan Buddhism she focuses on tantra and relates its emphasis on spiritual transformation, also a major concern of Jung. This expanded edition includes new material on the integration of the two traditions, and the importance of these paths of the heart in today's unsteady world.
Multimind: A New Way of Looking at Human Behavior
Robert Ornstein - 1986
Ornstein's theory is that the mind is not a supercomputer--but a far more complicated sytem of mental operations made of separate components. This new paradigm provides an intellectual framework for discussing dreams, illusions, personality and more. Illustrated.
Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential
Charles T. Tart - 1986
I. Gurdjieff taught that we are not really awake, but are entranced automatons, controlled by mechanical habits of thought, perception and behavior. Tart clearly presents the evidence for how deeply asleep we are and its consequences, and then describes methods for becoming more awake, less asleep, more spiritual, less mechanical, allowing us to realize our full potential. Problems with spiritual teachers and groups along the way are sensitively analyzed and ways given to avoid them, so we can become more intelligent and compassionate, rather than members of some cult.
Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development (New Science Library)
Ken Wilber - 1986
Drawing on modern psychology and psychiatry, as well as the world's great meditative traditions, this book presents the first 'full-spectrum' model of human development--one that includes both the conventional stages of psychological growth and the 'higher' levels of spiritual development.
Life Between Life
Joel L. Whitton - 1986
Whitton and Joe Fisher explore the often elusive periods between incarnations, basing their work upon 13 years of research and more than 30 medical case histories and drawing upon the revolutionary technique of hypnotic regression. Previously published by Doubleday.
A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis
Andrew Samuels - 1986
The language of Jung's writings, and of analytical psychology generally, is sometimes difficult to understand.This guide, in dictionary format, combines scholarship and historical accuracy with a stimulating, critical attitude.
The Analytic Experience: Lectures From the Tavistock
Neville Symington - 1986
Neville Symington lectured to mental health professionals seconded to the Tavistock Centre; this book is the result of these lectures.
The Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique
R. Horacio Etchegoyen - 1986
This book presents the theories and observations of each major contributor to the discussion of psychoanalytic technique and reveals the particular advantages and disadvantages which fall to the various theoretical positions and orientations adopted by each contributor.
Relevance: Communication & Cognition
Dan Sperber - 1986
This revised edition includes a new Preface outlining developments in Relevance Theory since 1986, discussing the more serious criticisms of the theory, and envisaging possible revisions or extensions. The book sets out to lay the foundation for a unified theory of cognitive science. The authors argue than human cognition has a goal: we pay attention only to information which seems to us relevant. To communicate is to claim someone's attention, and hence to imply that the information communicated is relevant. Thus, a single property - relevance is seen as the key to human communication and cognition.A second important feature of the book is its approach to the study of reasoning. It elucidates the role of background or contextual information in spontaneous inference, and shows that non-demonstrative inference processes can be fruitfully analysed as a form of suitably constrained guesswork. It directly challenges recent claims that human central thought processes are likely to remain a mystery for some time to come.Thirdly, the authors offer new insight into language and literature, radically revising current view on the nature and goals of verbal comprehension, and in particular on metaphor, irony, style, speech acts, presupposition and implicature.
Men Who Can't Love: How to Recognize a Commitment Phobic Man Before He Breaks Your Heart
Steven Carter - 1986
It informs women of the warning signs of commitmentphobia, and explains how to avoid heartbreak.
Psychological Trauma
Bessel van der Kolk - 1986
Covers the psychological consequences of overwhelming life experiences, the psychobiology of trauma response, traumatic antecedents of borderline personality disorder, trauma in the family, amnesia, dissociation, and the return of the repressed.
On the Way to the Wedding: Transforming the Love Relationship
Linda Schierse Leonard - 1986
Exploring dreams, personal experiences, myths and fairy tales, and themes from films and literature, the author uncovers the inner obstacles to love and creativity as experienced by both men and women.
Facing Shame: Families in Recovery
Merle A. Fossum - 1986
Comparing the shame-bound family system with the respectful family system, Fossum and Mason outline the assumptions underlying their depth approach to family therapy and take the reader step by step through the stages of therapy. Case examples are used to illustrate the process.
The Essential Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson - 1986
Gathers selections from the author's writings about saints, mystics, visionaries, the imagination, sexual ecstasy, the occult, consciousness, and extra-sensory perception.
Home Is Where We Start from
D.W. Winnicott - 1986
But his reach extends far beyond professional circles: his talks to general audiences over the years won him enormous numbers of followers among parents and teachers who have found his observations rich in penetrating insight.This collection brings together many of Winnicott's most important pieces, including previously unpublished talks and several essays from books and journals now difficult to obtain. They range widely in topic—from "The Concept of a Healthy Individual" and "The Value of Depression" to "Delinquency as a Sign of Hope"—and elucidate some of Winnicott's seminal ideas, such as the "transitional object" and the concept of false self. All convey Winnicott's vision of the ways in which the developing self interacts with the family and the larger society.
Therapeutic Trances: The Co-Operation Principle In Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
Stephen G. Gilligan - 1986
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
John W. Santrock - 1986
Learning goals launch each chapter and serve as the organizing mechanism for the text and supporting materials. This work offers applications and research that help students emerge with an understanding of the key concepts.
Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance
Jean M. Williams - 1986
1 Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future; PART I LEARNING, MOTIVATION, AND EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP; 2 Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance; 3 Positive Reinforcement, Performance Feedback, and Performance Enhancement of Control; 4 Toward Optimal Motivation in Sport: Fostering Athletes Competence and.
Therapeutic Metaphors for Children..and the Child Within
Joyce C. Mills - 1986
Presents an extraordinarily effective method for creating and using metaphors that constellate a healing array of unconscious learnings and resources in child and family therapy.
Cultural and Social Anthropology: An Overture
Robert Francis Murphy - 1986
Discusses major theories of human behavior as well as topical issues.
Making Contact: Uses of Language in Psychotherapy
Leston Havens - 1986
It often seems that twentieth-century psychiatry, sect-ridden, is a Tower of Babel, as Havens once characterized it. This book is the distillation of long years of thought and practice, a bold yet modest attempt to delineate an "integrated psychotherapy."The boldness of this effort lies in its author's willingness to recognize the best that each school has to offer, to describe it cogently, and to integrate it into a full response to today's new kind of patient. Descriptive or medical psychiatry, psychoanalysis, interpersonal or behavioristic psychiatry, empathic or existential therapy-viewed in metaphors, respectively, of perceiving, thinking, managing, feeling-all have useful contributions to make to contemporary methods of treatment. But how? Havens's modest answer is through appropriate language, and he demonstrates exactly what he means: when to ask questions, when to direct or draw back, when to sympathize.Practitioners now must deal with less dramatic, but more stubborn, problems of character and situation; lack of purpose, isolation, submissiveness, invasiveness, deep yet vague dissatisfaction. Some kind of human presence must be discovered in the patient, and Havens gives concrete, absorbing examples of ways of "speaking to absence," of making contact. The emphasis is on verbal technique, but the underlying broad, humane intent is everywhere evident. It is no less than to transform passivity, by means of disciplined therapeutic concern, into a state of being Human.
Mentally Tough
Jim Loehr - 1986
Capitalizing on the same techniques used by sports psychologists to develop champion athletes, the authors show how to develop character to face any work situation and walk away a winner.
The Possibilities of Organization
Barry Oshry - 1986
Part I deals with "Internal Warfare", a painfully familiar scenario of organization life. Part II takes you into the distinctly different worlds of Tops, Middles, Bottoms and Customers of organizations. You see how misunderstanding and conflict develop across "worlds" and how cooperation can be achieved. Part III confronts you with critical choices faced every day, choices that can transform your life and the life of your organization.
The Seminars, Workshops and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson, Vol. 3: Mind-Body Communication in Hypnosis
Milton H. Erickson - 1986
His research validates the view that the psyche, mind and brain are integrated in modulating body processes.
Meaning in Suffering: Comfort in Crisis Through Logotherapy
Elisabeth S. Lukas - 1986
Elisabeth Lukas artistic discovery of the uniqueness of each individual shines across dozens of case studies and examples; thus she illuminates the potential for meaning in the presence of even intractable pain, guilt, and suffering. Lukas demonstrates a living logotherapy, not by standardized techniques, but by the compassion and insight she brings into each therapeutic relationship. The true heroes of life are not the triumphant victors, but the defeated who find a ray of hope (p. 52). As Lukas notes in the introduction: For thousands of years, people have done pretty well without the science of psychotherapy. Yet, something like psychotherapy has always existed through persons who, with charisma, persuasiveness, and force of conviction, were able to bring comfort to those looking for help. Such help was usually based on a specific philosophy of life. The afflicted were promised eternal well-being and justice in the hereafter, their suffering was presented as a test on their way to happiness, or philosophical-ethical images were invoked to make blows of fate bearable. Psychotherapy was religion and vice versa. This embeddedness in mysticism made it difficult for psychotherapy to find a scientific approach. Today, if we try to find rational explanations for irrational behavior and offer rational help for irrational psychological problems, we stand on a narrow ridge between two abysses: On the one side lies the danger of reverting to mysticism; on the other, slipping into a mechanized manipulation of the human person. Has psychology, on its long development through magic, exorcism, trickery, and fanaticism, finally attained the status of science? In recent decades, great strides have been made in that direction. Successes were conspicuous and resulted in a great variety of tools in a giant psychological workshop to serve people, but unfortunately the specifically human dimension -the spirit- was left out. Psychotherapy without magic has been replaced by psychotherapy without spirit. What was gained in the field of science was lost from humanity. Psychotherapists may choose from a great number of methods, but are forced to walk on that narrow ridge between old views and new perspectives, between speculative interpretations and human programming. It is a path illuminated by alarmingly few firm criteria. This book is written for those who trust psychotherapy to find comfort. The trust of patients is valuable but must not be blindly given, or they may be pushed into one of the abysses on either side. They may fall under the spell of speculative [psychoanalytic] hypotheses from which they cannot free themselves, or they may be wrecked by a cold, impersonal [behavioral] conditioning process because they no longer can sense the meanings of their lives. The book is also for psychotherapists who walk that narrow ridge, weighed down by responsibility for those who trust them. Few are the guideposts, many the contradictory theories, the confusions, the criticisms. What school are they to believe, what concepts to make their own? This book suggests a path for both lay reader and professional, a path through the maze of psychological schools to a psychotherapy that no longer is a myth. To do so, it must include the human spirit, combine science and humanity; in so doing, it can justify our trust, especially the trust of the suffering person. The value of a psychotherapy is tested by what it can do for those who suffer. Where help is no longer possible, comfort must be given; where no comfort is possible, any psychotherapy is useless. "
Children with Disabilities
Mark L. Batshaw - 1986
Readers will explore the beginning of life from conception to infancy, including factors in each stage that can cause disability; learn about child development, including physical development and preventable threats; go in-depth on specific developmental disabilities they'll likely encounter; and find guidelines on conducting interventions, managing outcomes, and working with families. preservice and in-service professionals. The book features case stories, a glossary of key terms and appendices about medications, resources and syndromes and inborn errors of metabolism.
Mental Toughness Training for Sports: Achieving Athletic Excellence
Jim Loehr - 1986
Is your game not quite as godd as it should be? Do you train hard only to find that at critical moments your concentration not your skill fails you? Dr, Jim Loehr explains how you can develop you mind and your body to play your best.
Melody Beattie Bundle
Melody Beattie - 1986
And yet you find you've just started on the long journey of recovery.Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency.More Language of Letting Go: This new volume of meditations offers clients ongoing wisdom and guidance about relationship issues.
Faces of the Enemy: Reflections of the Hostile Imagination
Sam Keen - 1986
In pictures and in text, noted philosopher and Jungian Sam Keen delves beneath legitimate grievances and questions of right and wrong to get at the psychological mechanism of enmity itself.
Upon Further Reflection
B.F. Skinner - 1986
It moves from the very general to the very specific.
The Psychology of Achievement: The Phoenix Seminar
Brian Tracy - 1986
Drawing on the work of leading psychologists and behavioral researchers, Brian Tracy – America's "success mentor" – demonstrates the attitude, deep self-knowledge and pin-pointed goals that are important factors in achieving great success. He'll help you identify your own "area of excellence" and master the tools that make each achiever tick, including:* How to sharpen your natural intuition;* How to increase your brain power;* How to change thoughts from negative to positive;* How to break bad habits quickly and painlessly.Packed with practical advice that lead to extraordinary results and will help you use every ounce of your potential.
Listen to Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Children's Language
David Crystal - 1986
In this charming and informative book, Britain's leading expert on the English language talks you through every stage in your child's language development. Over thirty years after its original publication, this new and updated edition of Listen to your Child shows us that while the world our children are growing up in may have changed, one thing has not: parents still need to listen. Gathering decades of research from psychologists and linguists, Professor Crystal shows how the more we know about language acquisition - from 'cooking' and 'babbling' to melodic 'scribble talk' and simple words and then to incessant chatter - the more there is to delight in.From birth to the early school years, Listen to your Child provides a painless introduction to the study of child language acquisition as well as invaluable advice for parents.
Interpersonal Behaviour: The Psychology of Social Interaction
Joseph P. Forgas - 1986
Drug, Set, and Setting: The Basis for Controlled Intoxicant Use
Norman Zinberg - 1986
It is well worth reading."—Joseph Zentner, Journal of American Medical Association"Extremely interesting, readable, and thought-provoking."—Library Journal"This book is an important theoretical work that should be studied by everyone interested in the effects of psychoactive drugs and the ways in which individuals and society can learn to contain their potential for harm."—Andrew T. Weil, M.D., Journal of Psychoactive Drugs"A wealth of information set in a new conceptual framework."—Booklist"Norman Zinberg takes a refreshing approach to the correction of stereotyped notions about drugs and drug users. He has learned how the great majority of drug and alcohol users themselves minimize the hazards of intoxicants, and he has developed a theoretical framework for understanding what they do. By suggesting an alternative to punitive controls, he implies an alternative to public hysteria in the discussion of drug problems."—Lester Grinspoon, M.D.
Essential Papers on Object Relations (Essential Papers in Psychoanalysis (Paperback))
Peter F. Buckley - 1986
These primary texts introduce the reader to a broad spectrum of works by primarily women theorists writing within a number of different psychoanalytic traditions.Psychoanalysis and Woman makes available a number of fundamental, yet obscure and inaccessible early psychoanalytic documents by women and places them within the context of later women psychoanalytic theorists. Editor Shelley Saguaro provides a concise contextual introduction addressing some of the sexual political issues raised by psychoanalysis, while each section of the volume is prefaced with more specific biographical and cultural introductory material. Topics addressed include new reproductive and sexual technologies, cybernetics, androgyny, the "third sex," pornography, and psychoanalysis and contemporary media/film theory.Contributors include Sigmund Freud, Karen Horney, Helene Deutsch, Jeanne Lampl-de Groot, Joan Riviere, Maria Torok, Melanie Klein, Nancy Chodorow, Juliet Mitchell, Noreen O'Connor and Joanna Ryan, Carl G. Jung, Esther Harding, Maria von Franz, Marion Woodman, Jacques Lacan, H l ne Cixous, Luce Irigaray, Julie Kristeva, Mary Jane Sherfey, Monique Wittig, Jacqeline Rose, Camille Paglia, Judith Butler, and Jane Flax.
Plans and the Structure of Behavior
George Armitage Miller - 1986
Allan Kardec - 1986
To purchase the entire book, please order ISBN 156459971X.
Minimal Rationality
Christopher Cherniak - 1986
In Minimal Rationality, Christopher Cherniak boldly challenges the myth of Man the the Rational Animal and the central role that the "perfectly rational agent" has had in philosophy, psychology, and other cognitive sciences, as well as in economics.
Dream Analysis In Psychotherapy
Lillie Weiss - 1986
The Anatomy of Self
Takeo Doi - 1986
The author is as quick to explode the myths the Japanese have about themselves as he is to defend what he sees as the genius of theirsociety. He spreads his net wide, drawing his conclusions from an extensive knowledge of his own culture but that of the West: Freud, Weber, Max Picard, and George Orwell are every bit as influential here as sources from his own tradition.The Anatomy of Self is a sequel to Doi's pioneering and acclaimed bestseller, The Anatomy of Dependence in which he set out his theory of passive, dependent love as the key to understanding the Japanese. More than 100,000 foreign readers have been intrigued by this work. With The Anatomy of Self,Japanese society again serves as the subject of an analysis by one of its most original thinkers.Like Doi's renowned Anatomy of Dependence, The Anatomy of Self addresses the question of the Japanese individual and his or her integration into Japanese society. Its approach is based on an analysis of the Japanese perception of public and private. What kind of society is made up of individualscapable of a constant traversing between behavior based on two simultaneously held, mutually contradictory modes of perception? Doi discusses this feature of the Japanese psyche, often referring to Western psychology. He compares the individual trauma that classic Western psychology believes toresult from such a split, to the Japanese sense that adulthood is only achieved by acknowledging and accommodating the difference. Finally, the wide-ranging references to history and psychology serve to provoke thought on Freudian notions of the unconscious.
AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - 1986
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the world's foremost expert on death and dying, shows us how to comfort the seriously ill and help AIDS patients through the critical "stages of dying" She addresses the stigma surrounding AIDS as a "gay disease" and makes a special plea for prisoners with AIDS, for women and children with AIDS, and for babies with AIDS. This remarkable book is warm and informative on one of the most important subjects of our time.
Twelve Traps in Today's Marriage and How to Avoid Them
Brent A. Barlow - 1986
Twelve Traps in Today's Marriage describes some of the destructive habits, expectations, and mistakes many Latter-day Saints slip into. The author, Dr. Brent A. Barlow, an associate professor in family sciences and a marriage counselor, writes:"Many married couples today unknowingly get into situations—traps, if you will—that can be harmful to marriage. This may be out of ignorance, apathy, or innocence, or any combination of the three. Through marriage counseling sessions and . . . marriage seminars I have conducted, . . . I have identified what I believe to be twelve major traps in contemporary marriage:The Time TrapThe Tradition TrapThe Togetherness TrapThe Tenderness TrapThe Talk TrapThe Tyranny TrapThe Turmoil TrapThe Temper TrapThe Tension TrapThe Touch TrapThe Temptation TrapThe Television TrapLearn about each traps and what to do to get out of them or stay away from them. Twelve Traps in Today's Marriage—and How to Avoid Them is a searching examination of LDS contemporary marriage and an inspiring look at how to make marriage better.
Celebrate Your Self: Enhancing Your Self-Esteem
Dorothy Corkille Briggs - 1986
From the author of Your Child's Self Esteem, a practical step-by-step guide to building a positive self-image that will enhance every area of life and create new joy and satisfaction.
Toward The Fullness Of Life: The Fullness Of Love
Arnaud Desjardins - 1986
In this book, he shows us how the intimate relationship between a man and woman, seen under the light of traditional wisdom, can transform our lives from complication and pain to simplicity and happiness.
Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality: Reading from the Journal of Polymorphous Perversity
Glenn C. Ellenbogen - 1986
Cinderella left her glass slipper behind at the stroke of midnight, she was clearly acting in a state of rebellion against the dictatorial regimentation of the domineering fairy godmother.It's true. Members of the psychiatric community are capable of laughter. The Journal of Polymorphous Perversity, the brainchild of psychologist Glenn C. Ellenbogen, has received confirmed reports of uncontrollable outbursts of laughter as the pages of the scholarly parody are sampled.Now patients, professionals, and armchair travelers alike can enjoy the articles that have appeared in this hilarious journal in one hilarious anthology, including such profound and penetrating subjects as " New Improved Delusions, " " The Scale of Mental Abilities Requiring Thinking Somewhat (SMARTS), " " Cancer and Tobacco: A Bum Rat, " and more. Learn how psychoanalysts diagnose patients by the way they park their cars in the mental health clinic lot and how to apply the practical principles of Vigilante Effectiveness Training (VET) in daily life." For the Jung at heart " --New York Daily News
Criminal Interrogation and Confessions
Fred E. Inbau - 1986
The Reid Technique Is The Standard In The Field, And This Newly Updated Edition Will Help You Teach Your Students These Important Fundamentals. Criminal Interrogation And Confessions Presents Techniques That Are Based On Actual Criminal Cases And Have Been Used Successfully By Thousands Of Criminal Investigators. This Practical, Step-By-Step Text Is Built Around Simple Psychological Principles And Examines Interrogation As A Nine-Step Process That Is Easily Understood By Students.
Smart Girls, Gifted Women.
Barbara A. Kerr - 1986
Dr. Kerr presents current research on gifted girls, summarizes biographies about eminent women, their lives, and achievements, and examines the current educational and family milieu. A very insightful and helpful book for both bright women, and people involved with gifted young girls.
Essential Papers on Narcissism
Carolyn Chen - 1986
Yet much has been written about narcissism throughout the history of psychoanalysis and this carefully selected collection brings together the essential work on narcissism.The book first puts forth the major theoretical formulations - self-psychology, object relations, psychodynamics - and then explores diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The book offers landmark classic and contemporary contributions by authors such as Annie Reich, Heinz Kohut, Otto Kernberg, Alice Miller, Arnold Modell, and many others.
Mind from Matter Cloth
Max Delbrück - 1986
He traces organic evolution from bacteria to man, and explains how biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology have done so much to advance our understanding of that process. Professor Delbruck was honoured with the Nobel Prize in 1969 for his pioneering studies in viral genetics. After his death in 1981, this manuscript was completed by his collaborators.
Psychology: An Introduction
Josh Gerow - 1986
Author Josh Gerow writes directly to students, always introducing new material with ample examples to ensure comprehension. Each chapter includes lively vignettes and helpful pedagogical features, such as "Before You Go On" questions at the end of each major section that are designed to prompt review and engage students in critical thinking. Features new to this edition include "Experiencing Psychology," a collection of projects and activities that relate material to the real world, and "Practicing Psychology," sets of questions or problems that help readers grasp difficult material. Also, the updated fifth edition includes contributions from well-known consultants in various fields that deal with biological and neurological issues as well as cultural and ethnic concerns. In addition to the textbook features specially designed to enhance learning, this edition of Psychology is a accompanied by a unique student-oriented supplement called the Master Mind WorKit. Here, students will find all the tools necessary to gain a successful understanding of introductory psychology.
Parental Loss of a Child
Therese A. Rando - 1986
The contributing authors of the book's 37 chapters, some of whom are bereaved parents, offer comprehensive analyses of many types of parental bereavement. The book identifies specific clinical interventions and support procedures that are appropriate for helping all bereaved parents.
A Gift of Peace
Frances E. Vaughan - 1986
Argues that peace must begin with each individual, explains how to change our perceptions of the world and ourselves, and suggests ways to overcome the obstacles to peace.
Emotion in Psychotherapy
Leslie S. Greenberg - 1986
Introducing a ground breaking perspective, Greenberg and Safran's compelling new work argues that the presently-felt experience of emotional material in therapy forms a vital underpinning in the generation of change. By including emotion as a psychotherapeutic catalyst, the book offers a more complete and encompassing approach to the process of psychotherapy than has ever before been available.EMOTION IN PSYCHOTHERAPY draws from the literature of both clinical and experimental psychology to provide a critical review of theory and research on the role of emotion in the process of change. Providing a general theoretical framework for understanding the impact of affect in therapy, this unique volume describes specific change events in which emotions enhance the achievement of therapeutic goals. Case examples and extensive transcripts vividly portray a variety of affective modes--such as completing emotional expression, accessing previously unacknowledged feelings, and restructuring emotions--and illustrate in clear, practical terms how certain processes apply to particular patient problems. Moving beyond the standard approaches to therapy, this volume offers an integrated approach that carefully considers the client's state in the session that must be amenable to intervention as well as any given intervention and its resulting changes. Its attention to both the theoretical and practical considerations of implementing a balanced psychotherapeutic approach--combining behavioral, cognitive, and affective modes--makes this an invaluable volume for practitioners and researchers of all orientations. The book will be of particular interest to clinicians seeking integrative approaches to psychotherapy, and to academic psychologists concerned with expanding the paradigm of cognitive psychology.
Health As Expanding Consciousness (National League for Nursing Series (All Nln Titles)
Margaret A. Newman - 1986
This book is an inspiration to those seeking a full experience of personal health.
Acts of War: Behavior of Men in Battle
Richard Holmes - 1986
Acts of War takes readers through a soldier's experience from beginning to end--starting with the tribulations of basic training to the terror and exhaustion of battle."Brilliant, totally fascinating... This compelling, forceful volume is a monumental addition to the study of war and its impact on the men who fight the battles." - John G. Barrett, Dallas Times-Herald
Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics: Lifestyles for Self-discovery
Marsha Sinetar - 1986
-- Morton Kelsey Professor Emeritus, Theology, University of Notre DameLooks at the stories of ordinary people who choose a solitary lifestyle to find wholeness and self-actualization.
The New Handbook of Cognitive Therapy Techniques
Rian E. McMullin - 1986
It tackles, with logic, persistence, and creativity, the distorted beliefs underlying our emotional responses to everyday events. With dozens of soft, hard, and objective countering techniques, as well as methods to encourage perceptual shifts, this book is a huge toolbox for cognitive therapy practitioners.In this major revision of his 1986 Handbook of Cognitive Therapy Techniques, McMullin has added seven new chapters which explain how to teach basic concepts, how to uncover harmful schemes, and how to resynthesize historical and cultural beliefs. He directs special attention to using these strategies with addicted clients and with severely mentally ill patients. In addition, he has tripled the number of examples, dialogues, case transcripts, and illustrations.Whether they are new to cognitive therapy or have been using it for years, clinicians will find here a rich, engaging, practical resource.
Building Your Self-Image
Josh McDowell - 1986
This book will show them how God's higher image of who they are can take root in their heart and mind.
Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition: Volume 1: Foundations
David E. Rumelhart - 1986
It is some of the most exciting work in cognitive science, unifying neural and cognitive processes in a highly computational framework, with links to artificial intelligence. Although thought and problem solving have a sequential character when viewed over a time frame of minutes or hours, the authors argue that each step in the sequence is the result of the simultaneous activity of a large number of simple computational elements, each influencing others and being influenced by them. "Parallel Distributed Processing" describes their work in developing a theoretical framework for describing this parallel distributed processing activity and in applying the framework to the development of models of aspects of perception, memory, language, and thought.Volume 1 lays the theoretical foundations of parallel distributed processing. It introduces the approach and the reasons why the authors feel it is a fruitful one, describes several models of basic mechanisms with wide applicability to different problems, and presents a number of specific technical analyses of different aspects of parallel distributed models.
Even in Summer the Ice Doesn't Melt
David K. Reynolds - 1986
Irregular People
Joyce Landorf Heatherley - 1986
Who is your "irregular person?" Joyce brings wise and healing words to help you deal with those insensitive family members who have crushed your spirit with their emotional neglect and abuse.
Self Psychology in Clinical Social Work
Miriam Elson - 1986
In the second and third sections Elson presents a series of cases illustrating the treatment of self disorders in childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. The patients are typical of the individuals who come to social agencies, out-patient clinics, and social workers in private practice. The final section includes a fascinating study of the James family and a discussion of applications in group and family therapy and to community services.All clinical social workers and psychotherapists--whether just entering the profession, getting their first taste of Kohut's theory, or expanding a well-established base in self-psychology--will welcome this compassionate and clear exposition of the theory in practice.
Countertransference and Psychotherapeutic Technique: Teaching Seminars
James F. Masterson - 1986
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Essential Papers on Depression
Jennifer Fleischner - 1986
It includes pieces by such core figures as Karl Abraham, Sigmund Freud, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Martin E. P. Seligman, Aaron T. Beck, and George Winokur. The volume is broken into four parts: Psychodynamic Approaches; Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches; Interpersonal and Social Approaches; and Biomedical Approaches.Contributors: Karl Abraham, Lyn Y. Abramson, Ross J. Baldessarini, Aaron T. Beck, Ernest S. Becker, Andrew G. Billings, George W. Brown, Mabel Blake Cohen, David L. Dunner, Sigmund Freud, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Marie Kovacs, Peter M. Lewinsohn, William R. Miller, Rudolf H. Moos, David Rapaport, Lynn P. Rehm, Lenore Sawyer, Martin E. P. Seligman, and George Winokur.
Cows Can Be Purple
Sadie E. Dreikurs - 1986
An autobiographical sketch of Sadie "Tee" Dreikurs; followed by explanation of her methods of art therapy, examples of projects, and applications to various therapeutic settings.
Essential Papers on Borderline Disorders: One Hundred Years at the Border (Essential Papers in Psychoanalysis) (Paperback)
Michael H. Stone - 1986
It includes essays by such core figures as Otto Kernberg, John G. Gunderson, Edith Jacobson, and Erik H. Erikson, as well as an extensive introduction by the editor providing a comprehensive overview of the field.Contributors: Hagop S. Akiskal, Michael Balint, Helene Deutsch, Erik H. Erikson, John Frosch, Roy Grinker, Sr., John G. Gunderson, Paul Hoch, C. H. Hughes, Edith Jacobson, Otto Kernberg, Seymout S. Kety, Robert P. Knight, Margaret S. Mahler, Phillip Polatin, James Cowles Prichard, Sandor Rado, Irving C. Rosse, Melitta Schmideberg, Harold F. Searles, Margaret T. Singer, Robert L. Spitzer, Adolph Stern, and Leo Stone.
Attitudes Are Contagious: Are Yours Worth Catching?
Dennis E. Mannering - 1986
Employee Motivational Guide