Best of
Love, Medicine & Miracles
Bernie S. Siegel - 1986
A wonderful book that every patient and skeptic physician should read If we follow Bernie Siegel's advice, we may all stay younger and healthier for many more years. In these pages is found a precious secret, that of health and well-being. I thank God for bernie and his book and know that it is and will be a blessing to all humanity. Love, Medicine and Miracles deserves to be on the same shelf with Norman Cousin's Anatomy of an Illness. Bernie Siegel, M.D., practices surgery in New Haven and teaches at Yale University. In 1978, Siegal started ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients), a specialized form of individual and group therapy based on "carefrontation," a loving, safe, therapeutic confrontation that facilitates personal change and healing. This experience led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her own healing potential. In 1988, he bacame president of the American Holistic Medical Association.
Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience (The Dying Experience)
Barbara Karnes - 1986
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The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
Robert Jay Lifton - 1986
Lifton (The Broken Connection; The Life of the Self shows that this medically supervised killing was done in the name of "healing," as part of a racist program to cleanse the Aryan body politic. After the German eugenics campaign of the 1920s for forced sterilization of the "unfit," it was but one step to "euthanasia," which in the Nazi context meant systematic murder of Jews. Building on interviews with former Nazi physicians and their prisoners, Lifton presents a disturbing portrait of careerists who killed to overcome feelings of powerlessness. He includes a chapter on Josef Mengele and one on Eduard Wirths, the "kind, decent" doctor (as some inmates described him) who set up the Auschwitz death machinery. Lifton also psychoanalyzes the German people, scarred by the devastation of World War I and mystically seeking regeneration. This profound study ranks with the most insightful books on the Holocaust.
Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way (Wise Woman Herbal Series, #4)
Susun S. Weed - 1986
Author Susun Weed proposes an anticancer lifestyle, and, if cancer does enter the picture, a six-step plan for healing (sleep is at zero, or "Do Nothing"; surgery is number six, which she terms "Break and Enter"), with various complementary healing techniques included throughout. Weed is careful to point out that supplements and herbs can hurt as much as they can help, and she lists several alternative-medicine techniques that should be avoided no matter what. The steps she does recommend--from herbal oils for breast massage to help detect lumps early to the herbs milk thistle, dandelion, and burdock for women with liver damage from tamoxifen--are explained clearly, sometimes with fascinating quotes from centuries-old books on healing. Weed will draw ire from some readers for recommending that mammograms be avoided. She says they tend to squeeze cancer cells into the bloodstream and can't detect cancer until it's metastatic, which are reasons enough to not have them, and adds that women would be better off by making her suggested anticancer lifestyle changes, paying more attention to their breasts, and performing regular self-exams. The warnings about the dangers of electromagnetic fields, exposure to estrogen, and organochlorides from plastics may frighten some, but Weed means to enlighten and empower. She dedicates the book to environmentalist and Silent Spring author Rachel Carson and poet Audre Lorde, who both died of breast cancer. Extensive herbal resources, a solid glossary, and a thorough index are included.
The Biology Coloring Book
Robert D. Griffin - 1986
Whether studying biology on your own or enrolled in a course in high school or college, you will find this book indispensable.More than 50% of your brain is devoted to vision and movement. Use the unique and highly effective Coloring Concepts method to experience for yourself how the action of coloring allows for more complete understanding than passive reading. Allow yourself to be tutored step-by-step through the fundamental concepts of biology and the evidence and reasoning processes which lead to them, while the colors and your movements form strong mental associations which greatly improve comprehension and memory. Students will learn:About the basic chemistry of lifeHow organisms fit into their environmentsClassification and organization of animalsIntroductory genetics and the genetic codeNucleic acids: DNA and RNAThe Scientific Method; Observations and Hypotheses
Heirs of General Practice
John McPhee - 1986
They are people who have addressed themselves to a need for a unifying generalism in a world that has become greatly subdivided by specialization, physicians who work with the "unquantifiable idea that a doctor who treats your grandmother, your father, your niece, and your daughter will be more adroit in treating you."These young men and women are seen in their examining rooms in various rural communities in Maine, but Maine is only the example. Their medical objectives, their successes, the professional obstacles they do and do not overcome are representative of any place family practitioners are working. While essential medical background is provided, McPhee's masterful approach to a trend significant to all of us is replete with affecting, and often amusing, stories about both doctors and their charges.
Bed Number Ten
Sue Baier - 1986
BED NUMBER TEN reads like a compelling novel, but is entirely factual.You will meet:The ICU staff who learned to communicate with the paralyzed woman - and those who did not bother.The physicians whose visits left her baffled about her own case.The staff and physicians who spoke to her and others who did not recognize her presence.The nurse who tucked Sue tightly under the covers, unaware that she was soaking with perspiration.The nurse who took the time to feed her drop by drop, as she slowly learned how to swallow again.The physical therapist who could read her eyes and spurred her on to move again as if the battle were his own.In these pages, which reveal the caring, the heroism, and the insensitivity sometimes found in the health care fields, you may even meet people you know.
Medicine for the Outdoors: The Essential Guide to First Aid and Medical Emergencies
Paul S. Auerbach - 1986
Packed with step-by-step instructions, how-to explanations, and practical approaches to outdoor and wilderness emergencies, it tells you the best ways to respond to just about any medical problem when help is miles or days away. Author Paul S. Auerbach, MD, MS, FACEP, FAWM, is recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on wilderness medicine. This 5th edition features major updates to bring you the latest on emerging infectious diseases...the most current drug and dosage increased emphasis on making do with the materials at hand...and much more. Logically organized, easy to reference, and simple to understand, Medicine for the Outdoors may literally save your life. When you're venturing into mountains, deserts, forests, jungles, or out to sea, it belongs in your duffel or backpack!Provides the most diverse and comprehensive coverage of medical conditions related to the outdoors.Offers logical and complete explanations of every topic.Includes numerous drawings and instructions to enhance your understanding of the descriptive material.Contains recommendations for injury and illness prevention.Features a comprehensive index that helps you locate answers quickly.Offers an increased emphasis on making do with the materials at hand (like using a fanny pack as a cervical collar).Presents the latest guidance on dangerous infections like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), avian flu, and West Nile virus.Offers current and accurate drug and dosage information via careful updates throughout.Provides new safety recommendations on avalanches, forest fires, bear attacks, and more.Demonstrates how to apply various bandages and splints with the aid of brand-new drawings.
Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography
William J. Zwiebel - 1986
Five well-organized sections span nearly the entire spectrum of arterial and venous ultrasound, progressing from basic concepts and instrumentation, through cerebral vessels, extremity arteries, and extremity veins, to abdominal vessels, and the pelvis. This 5th Edition also features brand-new coverage of cerebrovascular arteries, peripheral arteries, intravascular techniques, and much more.Organizes each section by clinical rationale, anatomy, examination technique, findings, and interpretation for easy reference.Details all aspects of ultrasound vascular diagnosis, including peripheral veins and arteries, carotid and vertebral arteries, abdominal vessels, and transcranial Doppler.Offers chapters on physiological diagnostic techniques, such as plethysmography, segmental pressure examination, ankle brachial index, and more.Includes numerous tables that conveniently display examination protocols, normal values, diagnostic parameters, and ultrasound findings for selected conditions. Illustrates important techniques with hundreds of lavish line drawings and clinical ultrasound examples.Covers all currently used methods of noninvasive vascular diagnosis in a concise, easy-to-read manner.Offers substantially revised chapters on the management of cerebrovascular and extremity venous disease, assessment of carotid stenosis, vertebral and intracranial arteries, and upper occlusive disease.Incorporates many more color Doppler pictures and anatomic diagrams.Provides brand-new chapters and discussions on ultrasound assessment.Features new contributing authors who are widely recognized experts in their fields.With 28 additional contributors.
Drugs For The Heart
Lionel H. Opie - 1986
It provides in-depth information on all of the drug classes used to treat heart disease, and covers drug use, new drug classes, drug use for single and multiple problem management, and more. A user-friendly organization speed readers to the information they need, and dynamic new full-color drawings illustrate key pharmacological and physiological actions. The new edition includes access to the companion website, which offers bi-annual content updates to keep you current with new drugs, indications and leading trials. The website also has the feature of fully searchable text to access book content via drug, disease or drug action.Features a final chapter, Which Drugs for Which Disease that provides a disease-based approach to drugs, complete with rationales and clinical data. Includes clinical trial data for each drug class and type.Discusses and evaluates new advances in drugs such as super statins as well as combination therapies.Provides an increased emphasis on the practical use of drugs for busy clinicians.Features a bold new full-color format, with enhanced illustrations that depict pharmacologic and physiologic actions.Delivers information on new drug classes, including practical descriptions and guidance on the use of new drug agents.
Current Surgical Therapy
John L. Cameron - 1986
Distinguished editors John L. Cameron and Andrew Cameron, together with hundreds of other preeminent contributing surgeons, discuss which approach to take and to avoid or minimize complications...and what outcomes you can expect. This 10th edition keeps you current with the latest trends in minimally invasive surgery, trauma, critical care, and much more. A new full-color format makes reference easier than ever, and full-text online access at enables you to efficiently consult this title from any computer. Current Surgical Therapy remains indispensable for quick, efficient review prior to surgery, as well as when preparing for surgical boards and ABSITES.
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine [With Access Code]
Thomas E. Andreoli - 1986
Edited by the late Thomas E. Andreoli, MD as well as Ivor Benjamin, MD, Robert C. Griggs, MD, and Edward J. Wing, MD, it focuses on core principles and how they apply to patient care, covering everything you need to know to succeed on a medical rotation or residency. Masterful editing and a user-friendly full-color design make absorbing and retaining information as effortless as possible, and Student Consult online access offers convenient, flexible reference to the complete contents of the book plus additional clinical photos and radiologic images, videos demonstrating procedures, audio recordings of heart and lung sounds, and more.
Heart Surgeon in Portugal
Anna Ramsay - 1986
Where better to recuperate than a villa on the Algarve, working as cook for a brilliant London heart surgeon on his research sabbatical. Warned of Rafe Harland's reputation as a heart breaker, Ellie's defences are resolutely in place.But he will prove more potent than any virus! And a broken heart is one he is totally unqualified to cure...
Making Contact: Uses of Language in Psychotherapy
Leston Havens - 1986
It often seems that twentieth-century psychiatry, sect-ridden, is a Tower of Babel, as Havens once characterized it. This book is the distillation of long years of thought and practice, a bold yet modest attempt to delineate an "integrated psychotherapy."The boldness of this effort lies in its author's willingness to recognize the best that each school has to offer, to describe it cogently, and to integrate it into a full response to today's new kind of patient. Descriptive or medical psychiatry, psychoanalysis, interpersonal or behavioristic psychiatry, empathic or existential therapy-viewed in metaphors, respectively, of perceiving, thinking, managing, feeling-all have useful contributions to make to contemporary methods of treatment. But how? Havens's modest answer is through appropriate language, and he demonstrates exactly what he means: when to ask questions, when to direct or draw back, when to sympathize.Practitioners now must deal with less dramatic, but more stubborn, problems of character and situation; lack of purpose, isolation, submissiveness, invasiveness, deep yet vague dissatisfaction. Some kind of human presence must be discovered in the patient, and Havens gives concrete, absorbing examples of ways of "speaking to absence," of making contact. The emphasis is on verbal technique, but the underlying broad, humane intent is everywhere evident. It is no less than to transform passivity, by means of disciplined therapeutic concern, into a state of being Human.
Laboratory Immunology & Serology
Neville J. Bryant - 1986
Every chapter is packed with important information. A second color highlights key points in the text and illustrations. Also includes chapters on sexually transmitted diseases, immunity to tumors, transplantation, and immunodeficiency.
Answers To The New First Aid In English
Angus Maciver - 1986
Children with Disabilities
Mark L. Batshaw - 1986
Readers will explore the beginning of life from conception to infancy, including factors in each stage that can cause disability; learn about child development, including physical development and preventable threats; go in-depth on specific developmental disabilities they'll likely encounter; and find guidelines on conducting interventions, managing outcomes, and working with families. preservice and in-service professionals. The book features case stories, a glossary of key terms and appendices about medications, resources and syndromes and inborn errors of metabolism.
Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 1: Nervous System, Part II - Neurologic and Neuromuscular Disorders (Netter Clinical Science)
Frank H. Netter - 1986
Frank H. Netter's works, this fully illustrated single book from the 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, and pathology; and diagnostic and surgical procedures.
Evaluating Competencies: Forensic Assessments and Instruments
Thomas Grisso - 1986
The model is interpreted to assist mental health professionals in designing and performing assessments for legal competencies defined in criminal and civil law, and to guide research that will improve the practice of evaluations for legal competencies. A special feature is the book's evaluative review of specialized forensic assessment instruments for each of several legal competencies. Three-fourths of the 37 instruments reviewed in this second edition are new.
The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C
Kenneth J. Carpenter - 1986
Professor Carpenter documents the arguments that led to the numerous theories about the disease and eventually to the isolation and synthesis of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and illustrates how the changing ideas about scurvy reflected the scientific and medical beliefs of different periods in history. The author also examines the modern claims for the use of very high levels of vitamin C to bring about a state of super-health, and he analyses the most important evidence for and against this practice. This fascinating story in the history of science and medicine will be of interest to the historian, scientist and the general reader.
On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics
Stephen E. Lammers - 1986
The Human Skeleton
Pat Shipman - 1986
A detailed look at the skeletal system covers bone structure, growth, joints, functions, diseases, and reconstruction.
The ECG In Practice
John R. Hampton - 1986
Each chapter begins with a brief consideration of the history and examination of the patient to assist the doctor plan how to use the ECG in the most intelligent and profitable way. The text explains the variations in the patterns of ECGs which are seen in both healthy people as well as those with cardiac problems, and illustrates the abnormalities with a comprehensive range of examples.
A new page size and text design gives a much clearer presentation of the ECGs, allowing full traces to be presented on one page
A new chapter on electrophysiology and electrical devices responds to the increasing occurrence of pacemakers and implanted defibrillators in patients
The "What to do" sections at the end of chapters have been fully updated