Best of
Ranger Handbook
U.S. Department of the Army - 1992
In this handbook you will find tactics and techniques used by Army Rangers. This handbook offers the techniques and tactics that make U.S. Army Rangers the best soldiers in the world. These highly trained, easily deployable, and widely skilled infantrymen specialize in airborne assault, raids, recovery of personnel and equipment, and airfield seizure, among other difficult and dangerous missions. Now, in this recently revised edition of the U.S. Army Ranger Handbook, you can get the latest info on everything from understanding the basics of Army operations and tactics to discovering what makes a soldier with good leadership qualities and character. Although primarily written for Rangers and other light infantry units, it serves as a handy reference for all military units, covering how infantry squad- and platoon-sized elements conduct combat operations in varied terrains. this guide provides modern soldiers with best training possible and effectively combines the lessons of the past with important insights for the future to help make army leaders the absolute best they can be. This handbook provides squad and platoon leaders with the roles, tactics, knowledge, and operational requirements to employ combat multipliers in a combat environment. SH 21-76.
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology
Richard A. Harvey - 1992
This new edition combines established features that have made this title a favorite with new features and updates.
Modern Operating Systems
Andrew S. Tanenbaum - 1992
What makes an operating system modern? According to author Andrew Tanenbaum, it is the awareness of high-demand computer applications--primarily in the areas of multimedia, parallel and distributed computing, and security. The development of faster and more advanced hardware has driven progress in software, including enhancements to the operating system. It is one thing to run an old operating system on current hardware, and another to effectively leverage current hardware to best serve modern software applications. If you don't believe it, install Windows 3.0 on a modern PC and try surfing the Internet or burning a CD. Readers familiar with Tanenbaum's previous text, Operating Systems, know the author is a great proponent of simple design and hands-on experimentation. His earlier book came bundled with the source code for an operating system called Minux, a simple variant of Unix and the platform used by Linus Torvalds to develop Linux. Although this book does not come with any source code, he illustrates many of his points with code fragments (C, usually with Unix system calls). The first half of Modern Operating Systems focuses on traditional operating systems concepts: processes, deadlocks, memory management, I/O, and file systems. There is nothing groundbreaking in these early chapters, but all topics are well covered, each including sections on current research and a set of student problems. It is enlightening to read Tanenbaum's explanations of the design decisions made by past operating systems gurus, including his view that additional research on the problem of deadlocks is impractical except for "keeping otherwise unemployed graph theorists off the streets." It is the second half of the book that differentiates itself from older operating systems texts. Here, each chapter describes an element of what constitutes a modern operating system--awareness of multimedia applications, multiple processors, computer networks, and a high level of security. The chapter on multimedia functionality focuses on such features as handling massive files and providing video-on-demand. Included in the discussion on multiprocessor platforms are clustered computers and distributed computing. Finally, the importance of security is discussed--a lively enumeration of the scores of ways operating systems can be vulnerable to attack, from password security to computer viruses and Internet worms. Included at the end of the book are case studies of two popular operating systems: Unix/Linux and Windows 2000. There is a bias toward the Unix/Linux approach, not surprising given the author's experience and academic bent, but this bias does not detract from Tanenbaum's analysis. Both operating systems are dissected, describing how each implements processes, file systems, memory management, and other operating system fundamentals. Tanenbaum's mantra is simple, accessible operating system design. Given that modern operating systems have extensive features, he is forced to reconcile physical size with simplicity. Toward this end, he makes frequent references to the Frederick Brooks classic The Mythical Man-Month for wisdom on managing large, complex software development projects. He finds both Windows 2000 and Unix/Linux guilty of being too complicated--with a particular skewering of Windows 2000 and its "mammoth Win32 API." A primary culprit is the attempt to make operating systems more "user-friendly," which Tanenbaum views as an excuse for bloated code. The solution is to have smart people, the smallest possible team, and well-defined interactions between various operating systems components. Future operating system design will benefit if the advice in this book is taken to heart. --Pete Ostenson
Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You
Jay Rubin - 1992
Previously known as Gone Fishin', this book has brought Jay Rubin more feedback than any of his literary translations or scholarly tomes, "even if," he says, "you discount the hate mail from spin-casters and the stray gill-netter."To convey his conviction that "the Japanese language is not vague," Rubin has dared to explain how some of the most challenging Japanese grammatical forms work in terms of everyday English. Reached recently at a recuperative center in the hills north of Kyoto, Rubin declared, "I'm still pretty sure that Japanese is not vague. Or at least, it's not as vague as it used to be. Probably."The notorious "subjectless sentence" of Japanese comes under close scrutiny in Part One. A sentence can't be a sentence without a subject, so even in cases where the subject seems to be lost or hiding, the author provides the tools to help you find it. Some attention is paid as well to the rest of the sentence, known technically to grammarians as "the rest of the sentence."Part Two tackles a number of expressions that have baffled students of Japanese over the decades, and concludes with Rubin's patented technique of analyzing upside-down Japanese sentences right-side up, which, he claims, is "far more restful" than the traditional way, inside-out."The scholar," according to the great Japanese novelist Soseki Natsume, is "one who specializes in making the comprehensible incomprehensible." Despite his best scholarly efforts, Rubin seems to have done just the opposite.Previously published in the Power Japanese series under the same title and originally as Gone Fishin' in the same series.
Israel M. Gelfand - 1992
This is a very old science and its gems have lost their charm for us through everyday use. We have tried in this book to refresh them for you. The main part of the book is made up of problems. The best way to deal with them is: Solve the problem by yourself - compare your solution with the solution in the book (if it exists) - go to the next problem. However, if you have difficulties solving a problem (and some of them are quite difficult), you may read the hint or start to read the solution. If there is no solution in the book for some problem, you may skip it (it is not heavily used in the sequel) and return to it later. The book is divided into sections devoted to different topics. Some of them are very short, others are rather long. Of course, you know arithmetic pretty well. However, we shall go through it once more, starting with easy things. 2 Exchange of terms in addition Let's add 3 and 5: 3+5=8. And now change the order: 5+3=8. We get the same result. Adding three apples to five apples is the same as adding five apples to three - apples do not disappear and we get eight of them in both cases. 3 Exchange of terms in multiplication Multiplication has a similar property. But let us first agree on notation.
Understanding and Using English Grammar: Workbook
Betty Schrampfer Azar - 1992
Some of the new features are:
Innovative warm-up exercises that precede the grammar charts and introduce points to be taught
Structure-based listening exercises ranging from casual speech to academic content
Academic readings that highlight the targeted grammar structures
Greatly expanded speaking practice with extensive pair, group and class work
Corpus-informed syllabus that reflects the discourse patterns of spoken and written English
Audio CDs and listening script in the back of the Student Book
The program components include the Student Book (Full Edition and Volume A and Volume B), Workbook (Full Edition and Volume A and Volume B), Chartbook, Teacher's Guide, and Test Bank. Click on "Course-Specific Resources" on the left for more details.For an online workbook, see Understanding and Using English Grammar Interactive.
Interview Guide for Evaluating DSM-IV Psychiatric Disorders and the Mental Status Examination
Mark Zimmerman - 1992
...a pocket-sized reference for interns to help guide them through the interview for the most common psychiatric and personality disorders...filled with helpful hints and suggestions for getting the interview started.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
Merriam-Webster - 1992
More than 35,000 entries. Pronunciations provided for all entries. Covers brand names and generic equivalents of common drugs.
Molecular Cell Biology
Harvey F. Lodish - 1992
Molecular Cell Biology stands out from its peers in this course in that it provides a clear introduction to the techniques and experiments of scientists past and present, not just an "encyclopedia" of information. This experimental emphasis, together with a solid pedagogical framework in the chapters, provides the clearest, most cutting-edge text available.
The Physiology Coloring Book
Wynn Kapit - 1992
Topics are covered in self-contained two-page spreads, allowing students to easily focus on the material being presented. A unique combination of introductory material, names and illustrations to be colored, and substantive captions deliver a comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand, treatment of physiology. The Physiology Coloring Book is the companion to the extremely successful Anatomy Coloring Book , which has sold more than 2.5 million copies.
Calculus [with CD]
Howard Anton - 1992
New co-authors--Irl Bivens and Stephen Davis--from Davidson College; both distinguished educators and writers.* More emphasis on graphing calculators in exercises and examples, including CAS capabilities of graphing calculators.* More problems using tabular data and more emphasis on mathematical modeling.
The Strategy of Preventive Medicine
Geoffrey Rose - 1992
The uniting theme is the concept of health as an issue for populations as well as for individuals. This has applications throughout medicine and these are illustrated by a wide range of examples. The book will be valuable to professionals and students in public health, epidemiology and health economics. It will also be of interest to health service managers and planners, clinicians interested in prevention, and all those concerned with health as a public issue.
Principles And Techniques In Combinatorics
Chen Chuan-Chong - 1992
A number of combinatorial problems taken from mathematical competitions and exercises are also included.
Oxford Study Bible-REB
M. Jack Suggs - 1992
Its notes feature the reflections of Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish scholars.* Twenty-three insightful articles on aspects of the history, literary background, and culture of the biblical era. * A special index of people, places, and themes of the Bible. * 36 pages of full-color New Oxford Bible Maps, with index.
Rational Points on Elliptic Curves
Joseph H. Silverman - 1992
" These lectures, intended for junior and senior mathematics majors, were recorded, tran- scribed, and printed in mimeograph form. Since that time they have been widely distributed as photocopies of ever decreasing legibility, and por- tions have appeared in various textbooks (Husemoller [1], Chahal [1]), but they have never appeared in their entirety. In view of the recent inter- est in the theory of elliptic curves for subjects ranging from cryptogra- phy (Lenstra [1], Koblitz [2]) to physics (Luck-Moussa-Waldschmidt [1]), as well as the tremendous purely mathematical activity in this area, it seems a propitious time to publish an expanded version of those original notes suitable for presentation to an advanced undergraduate audience. We have attempted to maintain much of the informality of the orig- inal Haverford lectures. Our main goal in doing this has been to write a textbook in a technically difficult field which is "readable" by the average undergraduate mathematics major. We hope we have succeeded in this goal. The most obvious drawback to such an approach is that we have not been entirely rigorous in all of our proofs. In particular, much of the foundational material on elliptic curves presented in Chapter I is meant to explain and convince, rather than to rigorously prove.
Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
Thomas D. Gillespie - 1992
Either as an introductory text or a practical professional overview, this book is an ideal reference.
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics
David K. Cheng - 1992
It has been developed in response to the need for a text that supports the mastery of this difficult subject. Therefore, in addition to presenting electromagnetics in a concise and logical manner, the text includes end-of-section review questions, worked examples, boxed remarks that alert students to key ideas and tricky points, margin notes, and point-by-point chapter summaries. Examples and applications invite students to solve problems and build their knowledge of electromagnetics. Application topics include: electric motors, transmission lines, waveguides, antenna arrays and radar systems.
Modern Engineering Mathematics
Glyn James - 1992
The contents of this edition have been more sectionalized to make new material more accessible but essentially this book is a first level core studies course in mathematics for undergraduate courses in all engineering disciplines.
Texas Mushrooms: A Field Guide
Susan Metzler - 1992
One of the best-kept secrets in the Lone Star state is that mushrooms can be found in almost every region. Thousands of species of mushrooms flourish in Texas from the desert and semiarid regions of West Texas to the moist and acid soils of East Texas, where species that can also be found in South America live alongside those that might be spotted in Malaysia and Europe.At last, here is the Texas mushroom book--a colorful, easy-to-follow guide that will surprise and delight uninitiated nature enthusiasts and at the same time provide the experienced mushroom hunter with the first field guide of its kind in Texas.Excellent color photographs and precise descriptions of over 200 species will enable the mushroom hunter--even the amateur--to make quick, careful easy distinctions between the edible varieties and the potentially toxic ones. In addition, kitchen-tested recipes are included along with a microscopic spore chart, glossary, and blbllography.In Texas, mushroom hunting can be a year-round, state-wide activity, and with this enticing introduction, collecting, identifying, and preparing wild mushrooms will become an activity the entire family can enjoy while appreciating the beauty of Texas from a new and fascinating angle.
Idioms of the Greek New Testament
Stanley E. Porter - 1992
The major topics of Greek grammar are treated in a useful pedagodical sequence. Among the innovative treatments are those on tense and aspect, Mood and Attitude, conditional clauses, word order and clause structure, and discourse analysis. The grammar takes account both of the traditional categories of Greek grammar and of recent discussions on structural linguistics.
Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines
Dieter K. Huzel - 1992
From the component design, to the subsystem design, to the engine systems design, engine development and flight-vehicle application, this how-to text bridges the gap between basic physical and design principles and actual rocket-engine design as it's done in industry.
Listening to Music
Craig Wright - 1992
The brief volume of the first 37 chapters focuses on Western (or Classical) music, which includes the first 6 parts of LISTENING TO MUSIC, 5th Edition, and omits all end-of-chapter "Cultural Context" boxes.
Structural Geology
Robert J. Twiss - 1992
When first published, Structural Geology broke new ground by offering a comprehensive, richly illustrated survey of the evolution of the earth’s outer layers, presented within the unifying context of structural and plate tectonics. Now this highly regarded text returns, in thoroughly updated new edition designed to show students how geologists interpret deformations in the earth’s crust as clues to the processes that are continually recasting the planet.Structural Geology Art DownloadInstructors can download a zip file (47 mb) with the art from Structural Geology, Second Edition in jpeg format here.
Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics
Russell C. Hibbeler - 1992
The material is reinforced with numerous examples to illustrate principles and imaginative, well-illustrated problems of varying degrees of difficulty. The book is committed to developing users' problem-solving skills. Features new "Photorealistc" figures (approximately 400) that have been rendered in often 3D photo quality detail to appeal to visual learners. Presents a thorough combination of both static and dynamic engineering mechanics theory and applications. Features a large variety of problem types from a broad range of engineering disciplines, stressing practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, varying levels of difficulty, and problems that involve solution by computer. For professionals in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics careers.
Algebraic Number Theory
Jürgen Neukirch - 1992
to provide a comprehensive introduction to algebraic number theory which is largely based on the modern, unifying conception of (one-dimensional) arithmetic algebraic geometry. ... Despite this exacting program, the book remains an introduction to algebraic number theory for the beginner... The author discusses the classical concepts from the viewpoint of Arakelov theory.... The treatment of class field theory is ... particularly rich in illustrating complements, hints for further study, and concrete examples.... The concluding chapter VII on zeta-functions and L-series is another outstanding advantage of the present textbook.... The book is, without any doubt, the most up-to-date, systematic, and theoretically comprehensive textbook on algebraic number field theory available." W. Kleinert in: "Zentralblatt fur Mathematik," 1992"
A History of Mathematics: An Introduction
Victor J. Katz - 1992
Problems are taken from their original sources, enabling students to understand how mathematicians in various times and places solved mathematical problems. In this new edition a more global perspective is taken, integrating more non-Western coverage including contributions from Chinese/Indian, and Islamic mathematics and mathematicians. An additional chapter covers mathematical techniques from other cultures. *Up to date, uses the results of very recent scholarship in the history of mathematics. *Provides summaries of the arguments of all important ideas in the field.
Lectures On Phase Transitions And The Renormalization Group
Nigel Goldenfeld - 1992
Emphasizing understanding and clarity rather than technical manipulation, these lectures de-mystify the subject and show precisely "how things work." Goldenfeld keeps in mind a reader who wants to understand why things are done, what the results are, and what in principle can go wrong. The book reaches both experimentalists and theorists, students and even active researchers, and assumes only a prior knowledge of statistical mechanics at the introductory graduate level.Advanced, never-before-printed topics on the applications of renormalization group far from equilibrium and to partial differential equations add to the uniqueness of this book.
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
Michael F. Ashby - 1992
Written for all students of engineering, materials science and design, this book describes the procedures for material selection in mechanical design in order to ensure that the most suitable materials for a given application are identified from the full range of materials and section shapes available. Fully revised and expanded for its third edition, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design is recognised as one of the leading texts available, and offers readers a unique and genuinely innovative resource. Fully revised and expanded for this third edition, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design is recognised as one of the leading texts, and provides a unique and genuinely innovative resource. Features new to this edition New chapters on topics including process selection, material and shape selection, design of hybrid materials, environmental factors and industrial design. Online tutor resources -- fully worked Instructor's Manual, full color materials selection charts, image bank for lecture presentations. The methods developed in the book are implemented in Granta Design's widely used CES Educational software. Materials are introduced through their properties; materials selection charts (now available on line) capture the important features of all materials, allowing rapid retrieval of information and application of selection techniques. Merit indices, combined with charts, allow optimisation of the materials selection process. Sources of material property data are reviewed and approaches to their use are given. Material processing and its influence on the design are discussed. New chapters on environmental issues, industrial engineering and materials design are included, as are new worked examples, exercise materials and a separate, online Instructor's Manual. New case studies have been developed to further illustrate procedures and to add to the practical implementation of the text.
Classics of Children's Literature
John W. Griffith - 1992
Presents some of the masterpieces of children's literature, including Mother Goose verses, fairy tales, works by London, Ruskin, Carroll, Twain, Stevenson, Baum, Grahame, Montgomery, Dickens, and more.
Foundations for Microwave Engineering
Robert E. Collin - 1992
Its presentation defines the accepted standard for both advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses on microwave engineering. An essential reference book for the practicing microwave engineer, it features: Planar transmission lines, as well as an appendix that describes in detail conformal mapping methods for their analysis and attenuation characteristics Small aperture coupling and its application in practical components such as directional couplers and cavity coupling Printed circuit components with an emphasis on techniques such as even and odd mode analysis and the use of symmetry properties Microwave linear amplifier and oscillator design using solid-state circuits such as varactor devices and transistors FOUNDATIONS FOR MICROWAVE ENGINEERING, Second Edition, has extensive coverage of transmission lines, waveguides, microwave circuit theory, impedance matching and cavity resonators. It devotes an entire chapter to fundamental microwave tubes, in addition to chapters on periodic structures, microwave filters, small signal solid-state microwave amplifier and oscillator design, and negative resistance devices and circuits. Completely updated in 1992, it is being reissued by the IEEE Press in response to requests from our many members, who found it an invaluable textbook and an enduring reference for practicing microwave engineers.Sponsored by: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques SocietyAn Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available upon request from the Wiley Makerting Department.
The USA Today Weather Book: An Easy-To-Understand Guide to the USA's Weather
Jack Williams - 1992
It also includes an updated state-by-state guide to weather patterns and scientifically accurate records. Online promo.
Surrational Images: Photomontages
Scott Mutter - 1992
Although his work shares the recursive wit of Reneacute; Magritte an M. C. Escher, Mutter never relies simply upon ironic effects. With precision and authority his art explores the ideals and mythologies of our culture, history, language, and art, both lamenting and celebrating contemporary civilization.
Saunders Pharmaceutical Word Book
Ellen Drake - 1992
It lets you quickly locate the drug details you need, such as a correct spelling and capitalization, corresponding uses, cross references of brand names to generics, and the usual methods of administration (e.g., capsule, IV, cream). This edition also contains the latest information on new FDA-approved drugs, drugs in the approval process, and new herbal/natural remedies.Over 28,000 brand-name and generic drugs are profiled, including in vitro testing kits, radiographic contrast and other imaging agents, and wound dressings.Sound-alike references help you avoid confusing drugs that have similar-sounding names.Appendices offer useful information at a glance, including the most prescribed drugs, a list of sound-alikes, therapeutic drug levels, and abbreviations used with medications and dosages.Information written by and for medical transcriptionists eliminates unneeded information to save you time in correctly determining the drug being transcribed and confirming related information.Updated drug information ensures that all data is current and accurate, with new drugs added, obsolete drugs removed, and appropriate changes made.
An Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry
Susan Libes - 1992
Among the topics covered are the chemical composition of seawater from the perspectives of elemental speciation and the impact of solutes on water's physical behavior; biogeochemical phenomena which control accumulation and preservation of marine sediments; marine chemistry of radioactive and stable isotopes; seawater pollution. Contains many examples as well as steady-state models to aid readers in understanding this relatively young, growing and complex science.
The Captive Imagination: A Casebook on "The Yellow Wallpaper"
Catherine J. Golden - 1992
This extraordinary casebook brings together 100 years of critical discussion on the feminist classic The Yellow Wallpaper, providing crucial historical background and rich interpretations of this complex and compelling work.
Introduction to Econometrics
G.S. Maddala - 1992
With a rigorous pedagogical framework, which sets it apart from comparable texts, the latest edition features an expanded website providing numerous real life data sets and examples.
Economics, Organization and Management
Paul R. Milgrom - 1992
KEY TOPICS: Introduces the fundamental problems organizations encounter and explains why they occur. Discusses a number of patterns of response -- showing why organizations are structured as they are, why they adopt the policies they do, and how they solve organizational problems themselves.
Recombinant DNA
Michael Gilman - 1992
An overview of recombitant DNA techniques and surveys advances in recombinant molecular genetics, experimental methods and their results.
Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology: A Resource Manual [With CDROM]
Kenneth G. Shipley - 1992
Clinicians have come to depend on this accessible, easy to navigate resource manual for a wide range of procedures and materials for obtaining, interpreting, and reporting assessment data. In this new edition, you'll find a new chapter on literacy, including much-needed information on reading and writing assessment. There is also updated and expanded coverage of autism, auditory processing disorders, and pediatric dysphagia. The reproducible, customizable forms have been updated as needed, both in the text and in the accompanying CD-ROM, giving you unlimited access to these clinical resources. Now in beautiful full color, all illustrations have been completely updated for greater clarity and diversity. Additionally, chapters are color coded for easy navigation. Clinicians, instructors, and students all agree that this is one of the most valuable assessment resources available to speech-language pathologists.
The Raga Guide: A Survey Of 74 Hindustani Ragas
Savarnalata Rao - 1992
Holmes' Principles Of Physical Geology
P. McL. D Duff - 1992
Following a preliminary survey of the subject, the external processes affecting the Earth's crust are described, as well as the internal processes.
Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction
Lesley E. Smart - 1992
The third edition of Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction has been comprehensively revised and updated. Building a foundation with a thorough description of crystalline structures, the book presents a wide range of the synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids. Other fundamental discussions include: bonding, superconductivity, and electrochemical, magnetic, optical, and conductive properties. The authors have added sections on fuel cells and electrochromic materials; conducting organic polymers, organic superconductors, and fullerenes; mesoporous solids and ALPOs; photonics; giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and colossal magnetoresistance (CMR); and p-wave (triplet) superconductors. The book also includes a completely new chapter, which examines the solid state chemical aspects of nanoscience. Each chapter contains a set of review questions and an accompanying solutions manual is available.Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction, Third Edition is written in a clear, approachable style that enhances the material by integrating its concepts in the context of current applications and areas of promising research.
Clinical Hematology And Fundamentals Of Hemostasis
Denise M. Harmening - 1992
-- Complete coverage of red blood cells, white blood cells, hemostasis, and thrombosis-- Chapters on flow cytometry and molecular diagnosis-- Thorough and up-to-date discussion of anemias-- More case histories to illuminate the links between test and patient and to foster critical thinking-- The laboratory procedures chapter has been expanded into a complete book section, with an entirely new chapter on molecular diagnosis, and includes coverage of automated cell-counting equipment and procedures-- Four-color pages throughout-- Over 500 illustrations that include over 240 full-color microphotographs-- Chapter outline and educational objectives at the beginning of each chapter-- Study questions and answers for each chapter, with cross-references to the relevant text pages-- Table of normal hematologic values on the inside covers
Piping Handbook
Mohinder L. Nayyar - 1992
That's why even the most experienced engineers turn to Piping Handbook, edited by Mohinder L. Nayyar, with contribution from top experts in the field. The Handbook's 43 chapters--14 of them new to this edition--and 9 new appendices provide, in one place, everything you need to work with any type of piping, in any type of piping system:design layout selection of materials fabrication and components operation installation maintenanceThis world-class reference is packed with a comprehensive array of analytical tools, and illustrated with fully-worked-out examples and case histories. Thoroughly updated, this seventh edition features revised and new information on design practices, materials, practical applications and industry codes and standards--plus every calculation you need to do the job.
Catholic Social Thought: The Documentary Heritage
David J. O'Brien - 1992
Along with the complete texts of every essential papal encyclical, this volume also includes the important documents of the American bishops on peace, the economy, and racism. Every document is preceded by an introductory essay and helpful notes, making it an exceptional reference and teaching tool.This updated and expanded edition of a classic reference work remains an indispensable tool for scholars and students, religious and lay people, and everyone concerned with the official statements of the Catholic Church on social issues and world peace.David O'Brien is Professor Emeritus of Catholic Studies at the College of the Holy Cross and University Professor of Faith and Culture at the University of Dayton. He has served as President of the American Catholic Historical AssociationThomas A. Shannon is Professor Emeritus of Religion and Social Ethics in the Department of Humanities and Arts at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Worlds of Fiction
Roberta Rubenstein - 1992
Unique in content, this anthology of 113 short stories encompasses a larger geographical range (both Western and non-western) and greater gender balance than is typical of most short-story anthologies, and includes a diverse representation of ethnic voices from within the United States as well as less-frequently-anthologized stories by well-known writers. It includes both classic and contemporary stories that reflect thematic, aesthetic, and cultural variety: diversity of styles, subjects and points of view as well as diversity of cultural, historical, and gender perspectives. Headnotes and questions for each story provide contextual enhancement and guidelines for critical thinking and reflection.
Becoming Solution-Focused in Brief Therapy
John L. Walter - 1992
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Learning American Sign Language: Levels I & II--Beginning & Intermediate
Tom Humphries - 1992
Written by two leading authorities in the field, the 24 lessons in this book cover Beginning and Intermediate or Level I and II courses of study. Lessons are structured around language needed for common life situations, and examples are presented in the form of dialogues coupled with grammar and vocabulary instruction. Information is also included about the culture of Deaf people in the United States. The book is supported by a videotape and an instructor's manual.Learners will discover that the text: Contains lessons designed around the conversational language needed for common life situations. Illustrates hundreds of sentences and vocabulary with over 2,000 high quality colorized drawings that aid in study and memory. Contains over 100 grammar and cultural notes, 72 exercises, and charts of the American Manual Alphabet (Finger spelling) and ASL number system. Teaches the rules of ASL in a natural order that is predictable and compatible with everyday language of native users of American Sign Language. Incorporates information about the cultural lives of Deaf people in the United States. Is supported by a video demonstrating all the conversations and important structures in the text. Order the NEW Video!Video to Accompany American Sign Language, 2/eOrder No. 0-205-27554-0American Sign Language students will find themselves captivated and entertained by this state-of-the-art Video that presents all 72 dialogues and each key structure from the text in a clear and natural way. Four internationally known Deaf actors animate the dialogues bringing life to the illustrations in the text allowing students to preview and review instructional materials at home to enhance their classroom learning.
About the authors:
Tom Humphries is Associate Director of the Teacher Education Program and also teaches in the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego. He is currently coordinating a program to train teachers of deaf children using a bilingual approach. Prior to this he taught at Gallaudet University in the Department of English for several years and later served as an Associate Dean for the San Diego Community College District where he coordinated the development of an ASL program and an interpreter-training program. He holds a Ph.D. in Cross Cultural Communication and Language Learning. Dr. Humphries is co-author with Carol Padden of Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture and several other books and articles related to ASL and the culture of Deaf people.Carol Padden is a Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego where she teachers courses on language, culture and media. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and received a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of California, San Diego. Her recent research includes studies of reading development in young deaf children and she has written extensively about the cultural lives of Deaf people in the United States. She received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, in addition to numerous other awards and grants for her work. In addition to the books she has co-authored with Tom Humphries, she has published several other books and articles on American Sign Language structure. Humphries & Padden (Learning American Sign Language, 2e). SMP 2004 Page 1 of 1
Planet Earth: Cosmology, Geology, and the Evolution of Life and Environment
Cesare Emiliani - 1992
Fortunately, the great advances made in all fields of science since World War II make it possible to reconstruct the entire life history of the world we live in, from the Big Bang to the present, and thus to understand how the system works. This book presents a global picture of our world - how it originated, how it evolved, how it works - and provides the background necessary to assess ways to stabilize it. Although the science is rigorous and quantitative, the book is written in an informal style and is readily accessible to anyone with a knowledge of high-school algebra.
First Aid and Safety Handbook
American National Red Cross - 1992
This authoritative guidebook, based on course materials used by Red Cross chapters across the United States, shows you how to handle every type of first aid emergency.
Fiber-Optic Communication Systems [With CDROM]
Govind P. Agrawal - 1992
The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester* ."readers searching for a wide ranging and up-date view of fibre optic communication systems would do well to purchase this book."-International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education (on the Second Edition)* This comprehensive, up-to-date account of fiber-optic communication focuses on the physics and technology behind fiber-optic communication systems while covering both the systems and components aspects* Provides extensive details on the WDM technology and system design issues that have developed since the last edition* An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.
Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Eva L. Essa - 1992
Most importantly, this book provides a fully comprehensive overview of early childhood education that is solidly based on current research and theories. Readers will have at their fingertips an introduction to the field of early childhood education that is grounded in constructivist theory but also covers other theories. With a focus on developmentally appropriate for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, early elementary school children, and children with special needs, the book also includes extensively revised subsections covering appropriateness within a range of relevant topics, including the scope and need of the field of early childhood education; families, teachers and caregivers; and goals, objectives, and evaluations. The bulk of the book examines curriculum, fostering creativity, as well as physical, cognitive, language, and social development. Every facet of early childhood education is examined and explained, and with the new enhancements, will leave each reader with a thorough and comprehensive education. There is also new information about professional development to help guide the reader into the field of early childhood education. With a strong focus on DAP (developmentally appropriate practice) as well as updated references, examples from practitioners and additional legislation information, this book has become the most comprehensive resource available.
You Decide!: Applying the Bill of Rights to Real Cases (Teacher Guide)
George Bundy Smith - 1992
As they analyze the Amendments and rule on 75 cases (included), they sharpen their problem-solving skills in a relevant way. The Teacher's Manual includes lesson objectives, the Supreme Court decisions, and more. Grades 7 to 12. 134 pages, softcover.
Conservation Concerns: A Guide for Collectors and Curators
Konstanze Bachmann - 1992
Focusing also on proper storage techniques and environmental control, contributors offer information on emergency planning, disaster management, and identifying damages that may require professional treatment.
Essential Clinical Anatomy
Keith L. Moore - 1992
This streamlined book is an excellent review for the larger text and an ideal primary text for health professions courses with brief coverage of anatomy.This edition features new full-color surface anatomy photographs and new diagnostic images. A new design makes the book visually appealing and easier to navigate.Accompanying the book is an Online Student Resource Center, which includes interactive clinical cases, USMLE-style review questions, and more.
Principles of Geoarchaeology: A North American Perspective
Michael R. Waters - 1992
While a number of previous books have provided broad geographic and temporal treatments of geoarchaeology, this new volume presents a single author's view intended for North American archaeologists. Waters deals with those aspects of geoarchaeology—stratigraphy, site formation processes, and landscape reconstruction—most fundamental to archaeology, and he focuses on the late Quaternary of North America, permitting in-depth discussions of the concepts directly applicable to that research. Assuming no prior geologic knowledge on the part of the reader, Waters provides a background in fundamental geological processes and the basic tools of geoarchaeology. He then proceeds to relate specific physical processes, microenvironments, deposits, and landforms associated with riverine, desert, lake, glacial, cave, coastal, and other environments to archaeological site formation, location, and context. This practical volume illustrates the contributions of geoarchaeological investigations and demonstrates the need to make such studies an integral part of archaeological research. The text is enhanced by more than a hundred line drawings and photographs. CONTENTS 1. Research Objectives of Geoarchaeology 2. Geoarchaeological Foundations: The Archaeological Site Matrix: Sediments and Soils / Stratigraphy / The Geoarchaeological Interpretation of Sediments, Soils, and Stratigraphy 3. Alluvial Environments: Streamflow / Sediment Erosion, Transport, and Deposition / Alluvial Environments: Rivers, Arroyos, Terraces, and Fans / Alluvial Landscapes Evolution and the Archaeological Record / Alluvial Landscape Reconstruction 4. Eolian Environments: Sediment Erosion, Transport, and Deposition / Sand Dunes / Loess and Dust / Stone Pavements / Eolian Erosion / Volcanic Ash (Tephra) 5. Springs, Lakes, Rockshelters, and Other Terrestrial Environments: Springs / Lakes / Slopes / Glaciers / Rockshelters and Caves 6. Coastal Environments: Coastal Processes / Late Quaternary Sea Level Changes / Coastal Environments / Coastal Landscape Evolution and the Archaeological Record / Coastal Landscape Reconstruction 7. The Postburial Disturbance af Archaeological Site Contexts: Cryoturbation / Argilliturbation / Graviturbation / Deformation / Other Physical Disturbances / Floralturbation / Faunalturbation 8. Geoarchaeological Research Appendix A: Geoarchaeological Studies Illustrating the Effects of Fluvial Landscape Evolution on the Archaeological Record Appendix B: Geoarchaeological Studies Illustrating Site-Specific Synchronic and Diachronic Alluvial Landscape Reconstructions Appendix C: Geoarchaeological Studies Illustrating Regional Synchronic and Diachronic Alluvial Landscape Reconstructions
Case Studies for Teacher Problem Solving
Rita Silverman - 1992
This book's sections correspond to courses in the teacher education curriculum. A problem-solving case is a story based on an actual situation, but a story without an end - a story that leaves the student-reader puzzling over what to do. It is aimed as a text for instructors.
The Making of a Fly: The Genetics of Animal Design
Peter A. Lawrence - 1992
Development from egg to adult involves the sequential expression of virtually the whole of an organism's genetic instructions both in the mother as she lays down developmental cues in the egg, and in the embryo itself. Most of our present information on the role of genes in development comes from the invertebrate fruit fly, "Drosophila." The two authors of this text (amongst the foremost authorities in the world) follow the developmental process from fertilization through the primitive structural development of the body plan of the fly after cleavage into the differentiation of the variety of tissues, organs and body parts that together define the fly. The developmental processes are fully explained throughout the text in the modern language of molecular biology and genetics. This text represents the vital synthesis of the subject that many have been waiting for and it will enable many specific courses in developmental biology and molecular genetics to focus on it. It will appeali to 2nd and 3rd year students in these disciplines as well as in biochemistry, neurobiology and zoology. It will also have widespread appeal among researchers. Authored by one of the foremost authorities in the world. A unique synthesis of the developmental cycle of "Drosophila" - our major source of information on the role of genes in development. Designed to provide the basis of new courses in developmental biology and molecular genetics at senior undergraduate level. A lucid explanation in the modern language of the science.
Complex Algebraic Curves
Frances Kirwan - 1992
They have many fascinating properties and arise in various areas of mathematics, from number theory to theoretical physics, and are the subject of much research. By using only the basic techniques acquired in most undergraduate courses in mathematics, Dr. Kirwan introduces the theory, observes the algebraic and topological properties of complex algebraic curves, and shows how they are related to complex analysis.
Readings in Medieval History, Volume II: The Later Middle Ages
Patrick J. Geary - 1992
Geary's highly acclaimed collection of source materials on the medieval period. (A single-volume format of the complete text is also available.)As before, four principles guide the selection of materials. First, entire documents are included wherever possible, not snippets. Second, texts are grouped to form dossiers in which the individual documents relate to one another, reflecting the practice of historians themselves. Third, most of the documents chosen have been the subject of significant scholarship. And fourth, raw material for many types of historical investigations is provided: the documents are equally useful to the political historian, the social historian, the cultural historian or the historian of mentalities.The third edition includes an updated Preface, more extensive material from Gregory of Tours, and a new section, "The Iberian Peninsula," containing material that deals with Jews, Muslims and Heretics. The format of "Readings in Medieval History" has also been altered to make it more user-friendly. "Volume I: The Early Middle Ages "includes documents written up to the early 12th century; "Volume II: The Later Middle Ages "includes documents from the late 11th century on.
Speaking the Truth in Love: How To Be an Assertive Christian
Ruth N. Koch - 1992
It also offers tips on how to be more assertive without being needlessly insensitive or mousy.
Galois' Dream: Group Theory and Differential Equations: Group Theory and Differential Equations
Michio Kuga - 1992
Michio Kuga's lectures on Group Theory and Differential Equations are a realization of two dreams---one to see Galois groups used to attack the problems of differential equations---the other to do so in such a manner as to take students from a very basic level to an understanding of the heart of this fascinating mathematical problem. English reading students now have the opportunity to enjoy this lively presentation, from elementary ideas to cartoons to funny examples, and to follow the mind of an imaginative and creative mathematician into a world of enduring mathematical creations.
Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie: An Ethnobotanical Guide
Kelly Kindscher - 1992
Unfortunately, modern American culture has not paid much attention.White settlers did learn a few plant-based remedies from the Indians, and a few prairie plants were prescribed by frontier doctors. A couple dozen prairie species were listed as drugs in the U.S. Pharmacopeia at one time or another, and one or two, like the Purple Coneflower, found their way into the bottles of patent medicine.But in both the number of species used and the varieties of treatments administered, Indians were far more proficient than white settlers. Their familiarity with the plants of the prairie was comprehensive--there probably were Indian names for all prairie plants, and they recognized more varieties of some species than scientists do today. Their knowledge was refined and exact enough that they could successfully administer medicinal doses of plants that are poisonous. All of the species used by frontier doctors were used first by Indians.In Medicinal Plants of the Prairie, ethnobotanist Kelly Kindscher documents the medicinal use of 203 native prairie plants by the Plains Indians. Using information gleaned from archival materials, interviews, and fieldwork, Kindscher describes plant-based treatments for ailments ranging from hyperactivity to syphilis, from arthritis to worms. He also explains the use of internal and external medications, smoke treatments, moxa (the burning of a medicinal substance on the skin), and the doctrine of signatures (the belief that the form or characteristics of a plant are signatures or signs that reveal its medicinal uses). He adds information on recent pharmacological findings to further illuminate the medicinal nature of these plants.Not since 1919 has the ethnobotany of native Great Plains plants been examined so thoroughly. Kindscher's study is the first to encompass the entire Prairie Bioregion, a one-million-square-mile area bounded by Texas on the south, Canada on the north, the Rocky Mountains on the west, and the deciduous forests of Missouri, Indiana, and Wisconsin in the east. Along with information on the medicinal uses of prairie plants by the Indians, Kindscher also lists Indian, common, and scientific names and describes Anglo folk uses, medical uses, scientific research, and cultivation. Descriptions of the plants are supplemented by 44 exquisite line drawings and over 100 range maps.This book will help increase appreciation for prairie plants at a time when prairies and their biodiversity urgently need protection throughout the region.
Principles of Medical Imaging
Michael B. Smith - 1992
Along with X-ray, they are among the most important clinical diagnostic tools in medicine today. Additionally, the digital revolution has played a major role in the growth, with advances in computer and digital technology and in electronics making fast data acquisition and mass data storage possible. This text provides an introduction to the physics and instrumentation of the four most often used medical imaging techniques: x-ray imaging, including CT and digital radiography, radionuclide imaging, including SPECT and PET, ultrasound imaging, magnetic resonance imaging.
Distillation Design
Henry Z. Kister - 1992
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Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Institutional Powers and Constraints
Lee J. Epstein - 1992
Photographs of litigants, exhibits from the cases, and descriptions of events that led to suits animate the text.This new edition is extensively revised to bring developments in constitutional law up to date, including major dissenting and concurring opinions, decision making, and discussions of future trends.
Fractals for the Classroom: Strategic Activities Volume Two
Heinz-Otto Peitgen - 1992
Fractals provide a setting wherein students can enjoy hands-on experiences that involve important mathematical content connected to a wide range of physical and social phenomena. The striking graphic images, unexpected geometric properties, and fascinating numerical processes offer unparalleled opportunity for enthusiastic student inquiry. Students sense the vigor present in the growing and highly integrative discipline of fractal geom- etry as they are introduced to mathematical developments that have occurred during the last half of the twentieth century. Few branches of mathematics and computer science offer such a contem- porary portrayal of the wonderment available in careful analysis, in the amazing dialogue between numeric and geometric processes, and in the energetic interaction between mathematics and other disciplines. Fractals continue to supply an uncommon setting for animated teaching and learn- ing activities that focus upon fundamental mathematical concepts, connections, problem-solving techniques, and many other major topics of elementary and advanced mathematics. It remains our hope that, through this second volume of strategic activities, readers will find their enjoyment of mathematics heightened and their appreciation for the dynamics of the world in- creased. We want experiences with fractals to enliven curiosity and to stretch the imagination.
Assembly Language for the IBM PC Family
William B. Jones - 1992
It was developed so that the order and presentation of material is determined by pedagogical necessity. Important but difficult concepts are delayed until the reader has a sound grasp of the fundamentals and these more advanced concepts are actually needed. Constant and exhaustive reinforcement ensures that readers thoroughly understand the concepts presented. The author's extensive set of exercises, with answers, tests the student's grasp of what is happening in the machine on a nuts and bolts level.
Music and Musical Thought in Early India
Lewis Eugene Rowell - 1992
Lewis Rowell reconstructs the tunings, scales, modes, rhythms, gestures, formal patterns, and genres of Indian music from Vedic times to the thirteenth century, presenting not so much a history as a thematic analysis and interpretation of India's magnificent musical heritage. In Indian culture, music forms an integral part of a broad framework of ideas that includes philosophy, cosmology, religion, literature, and science. Rowell works with the known theoretical treatises and the oral tradition in an effort to place the technical details of musical practice in their full cultural context. Many quotations from the original Sanskrit appear here in English translation for the first time, and the necessary technical information is presented in terms accessible to the nonspecialist. These features, combined with Rowell's glossary of Sanskrit terms and extensive bibliography, make Music and Musical Thought in Early India an excellent introduction for the general reader and an indispensable reference for ethnomusicologists, historical musicologists, music theorists, and Indologists.
Hyman's Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Marvalee H. Wake - 1992
The comparative method involves the analysis of the history of structure in both developmental and evolutionary frameworks. The nature of adaptation is the key to this analysis. Adaptation of a species to its environment, as revealed by its structure, function, and reproductive success, is the product of mutation and natural selection–the process of evolution. The evolution of structure and function, then, is the theme of this book which presents, system by system, the evolution of structure and function of vertebrates. Each chapter presents the major evolutionary trends of an organ system, with instructions for laboratory exploration of these trends included so the student can integrate concept with example.
Catholic Rites Today
Allan Bouley - 1992
It is not a commentary but rather a convenient source for the texts of these rites.The volume includes large excerpts from the Roman Missal: The General Instruction, the complete Order of Mass, prayers from the Sacramentary, and other texts allowing for an adequate study of the Catholic Eucharist. For the other Catholic sacraments - Initiation (for adults and children, including Confirmation), Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, Orders - at least one complete version of each rite is presented along with its introduction or introductory sections. Texts from the Order of Christian Funerals are also included.
Words for Students of English, Vol. 1: A Vocabulary Series for ESL
English Language Institute - 1992
Words for Students of English, Vol. 6: A Vocabulary Series for ESL
English Language Institute - 1992
Teaching American English Pronunciation
Susan Ehrlich - 1992
It doesn't only give academic descriptions, but also helps you to improve your students' pronunciation effectively.
Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach
James W.H. McCord - 1992
Presented in a clear, logical, outline format, Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach, third, includes effective learning features such as charts, checklists, forms, documents, legal terminology, helpful web sites, and numerous illustrative case examples. A systems folder is also included to help build an impressive practice system of topically arranged forms, legal principles, rules, checklists, and other materials. This comprehensive text blends theory with practice and incorporates insights into the fascinating world of crime and criminals and the legal professionals who work within the justice system. The systems approach used continues to be one of the most popular features of this text, and the clear, concise, yet thorough presentation of concepts and skills leads to the development of a more thoughtful and accurate paralegal professional.
Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles
Donald A. Neamen - 1992
The goal of this book is to bring together quantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics, and semiconductor device physics in a clear and understandable way.
The Memory Box
Mary Bahr - 1992
When Gramps realizes he has Alzheimer's disease, he starts a memory box with his grandson, Zach, to keep memories of all the times they have shared.
Who Built America?: Working People and the Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture and Society, Volume Two, From the Gilded Age to the Present (Who Built America?)
American Social History Project - 1992
Who Built America? is about working Americans -- artisans, servants, slaves, farm families, laborers, women working in the home, factory hands, and office clerks -- who played crucial roles in shaping modern America: what they thought, what they did, and what happened to them.The central focus of this two-volume history of the United States is the changing nature of the work that built, sustained, and transformed American society over the course of almost four centuries. It depicts the ways working people affected and were affected by the economic, social, cultural, and political processes that together make up the national experience. The result is a path-breaking integration of the history of community, family, gender roles, race, and ethnicity into the more familiar history of U.S. politics and economic development.Volume One takes the reader through the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the great railroad strike of 1877. Volume Two continues the story from the expansion of industrial capitalism during the Gilded Age and the rise of movements of opposition, through the decades of world war, depression, and industrial unionism, to the dramatic growth of U.S. military and economic power in the postwar era and the continuing struggle over the meaning of America in the contemporary era.
Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition
Ronald Burt - 1992
The contrast between perfect competition and monopoly is replaced with a network model of competition. The basic element in this account is the structural hole: a gap between two individuals with complementary resources or information. When the two are connected through a third individual as entrepreneur, the gap is filled, creating important advantages for the entrepreneur. Competitive advantage is a matter of access to structural holes in relation to market transactions.
Abstract Algebra: A First Course
Dan Saracino - 1992
It plunges directly into algebraic structures and incorporates an unusually large number of examples to clarify abstract concepts as they arise. Theorem proofs do more than just prove the stated results, they are examined so readers can gain a better impression of where the proofs come from and why they proceed as they do. Most of the exercises range from easy to moderately difficult and ask for understanding of ideas rather than flashes of insight.
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Eldra Pearl Brod Solomon - 1992
The book focuses on the human body as a living, functioning organism, and uses examples that are easily recognized. For example, suntan and sunburn help explain melanin and pigment cells, and normal body functioning is made clearer by showing what happens when its balance is upset by a condition such as diabetes mellitus.The text consists of 17 chapters that each focus on a particular aspect of body function. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing instructors the flexibility to vary the sequence of topics covered.This new second edition of Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology has been completely updated throughout to include the latest research and application. New artwork has been added to reinforce key content and concepts throughout the text. Key terms have been bolded and added to the chapter summaries so students can easily focus on these important topics.Includes Key Terms-many with phonetic pronunciation guides-located throughout the chapters.Features Learning Objectives and Chapter Outlines at the beginning of each chapter to provide the student with an overview of material covered in the chapter.Revised illustration program reinforces key concepts within each chapter (185 total illustrations).Detailed Chapter Summaries are located at the end of each chapter.Provides a user-friendly design that includes descriptive heads and subheads, numerous tables, and a conversational writing style to enhance student comprehension of basic anatomy & physiology.Chapter Quizzes follow each chapter to provide an opportunity to evaluate understanding of material in the chapter; answers are provided in an appendix.Review Questions at the end of each chapter focus on important concepts and applications.Useful Appendixes include information on medical terminology as well as answers to the chapter quizzes.Features an extensive Glossary that includes all key terms, as well as additional terms that may require further definition.
Multivariable Calculus
Howard Anton - 1992
A slew of colorful illustrations aid readers in understanding the concepts embodied in the mathematical symbolism. Well-balanced exercise sets have been extensively modified and expanded, beginning with routine drill problems and gradually progressing toward more difficult ones. Includes a chapter on second-order differential equations and an appendix which covers the basic concepts of complex numbers.
Statistical Thermophysics
Harry S. Robertson - 1992
Presenting a general entropy- maximizing variational principle for thermostatics and equilibrium statistical mechanics, the book also covers modern topics of phase transitions, critical phenomena, renormalization, interacting systems, and more. Of interest to physical chemists and professional physicists who need to update their reference libraries.
Calculus: A New Horizon
Howard Anton - 1992
Applications modules at the ends of chapters demonstrate the need to relate theoretical mathematical concepts to real world examples. These modules examine problem-solving as it occurs in industry or research settings, such as the use of wavelets in music and voice synthesis and in FBI fingerprint analysis and storage.
Words for Students of English, Vol. 5: A Vocabulary Series for ESL
Holly Deemer Rogerson - 1992
its new i bought it by mistake
Mathematical Control Theory: An Introduction
Jerzy Zabczyk - 1992
It explains impulsive control, positive systems, stabilization of nonlinear systems, control of rigid bodies, stabilization of infinite dimensional systems and the minimum energy problem.
Topics in Galois Theory (Research Notes in Mathematics, Volume 1) (Research Notes in Mathematics)
Jean-Pierre Serre - 1992
Written by one of the major contributors to the field, this book is packed with examples, exercises, and open problems for further edification on this intriguing topic.
Applied Structural Steel Design
Leonard Spiegel - 1992
Using numerous example problems and a step-by-step solution format, it focuses on the classical and traditional ASD (Allowable Stress Design) method of structural steel design (the method still most used today) and introduces the LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) method (fast-becoming the method of choice for the future). Introduction to Steel Structures. Tension Members. Axially Loaded Compression Members. Beams. Special Beams. Beam-Columns. Bolted Connections. Welded Connections. Open Web Steel Joists and Metal Deck. Continuous Construction and Plastic Design. Structural Steel Detailing: Beams. Structural Steel Detailing: Columns. LRFD: Structural Members. LRFD: Connections. For technicians, technologists, engineers, and architects preparing for state licensing examinations for professional registration.
Linear System Theory
Wilson J. Rugh - 1992
Linear System Theory, Second Edition, outlines the basic theory of linear systems in a unified, accessible, and careful manner, with parallel, independent treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems.
The Information World of Retired Women
Elfreda A. Chatman - 1992
The focus of the study is the effects of aging on help-seeking behaviors. The author examines ways in which older women search for information; she found several areas of need, including failing health, financial concerns, and loneliness. For many of the women, death was not a problematic area. The author also discovered that the most critical areas of need were not shared with others. In fact, the residents chose to conceal the most dire needs for assistance. Surprisingly, the retirement community played a major role in this process.The relationships between help-seeking behaviors and information policy is extensively discussed. The role that information professionals can play in bringing information to populations such as the one examined here adds insight to the studies of information use and user needs.
The Theory of Choice: A Critical Guide
Shaun Hargreaves Heap - 1992
Part I covers individual choice, Part II examines interactive choice . The final part covers interactive choice .
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach
Albert B. Bennett - 1992
This text contains an activity set that corresponds to each section of the companion text, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach.
Basic Partial Differential Equations
David Bleecker - 1992
This text documents partial differential equation applications, including: heat conduction; wave propagation; vibrations; traffic flow shocks; evolution of population densities; fluid flow; electrostatics; minimal surfaces; gravitation; and quantum mechanics.
Guide to Energy Management
Barney L. Capehart - 1992
It examines the core objectives of energy management and illustrates the latest and most effective strategies, techniques, and tools for improving lighting efficiency, combustion processes, steam generation/distribution, and industrial waste reutilization. The book thoroughly brings up to date such topics as energy system management, energy auditing, rate structures, economic evaluation, HVAC optimization, control systems and computers, process energy, renewable energy, and industrial water management.
Cultural Hegemony And African American Development
Clovis E. Semmes - 1992
Cultural Hegemony and African American Development challenges oppositional and segmented analyses that look at Black inequality in terms of either economic dislocation or racial oppression, and introduces the idea that what is at stake are the issues of progressive cultural adaptation, cultural reconstruction, and institutional development. What emerges is a new way of seeing and understanding the intellectual tradition and body of knowledge called Black, African American, or Africana Studies.In chapter 1 Semmes defines the relationship between cultural hegemony and the African American experience and establishes how this relationship creates distinctive and recurring problems for development. The following two chapters analyze the works by sociologists E. Franklin Frazier and Harold Cruse. Chapter 4 explores the role of legitimacy in psychological and social psychological adaptation, and inter- and intra-group relations. In Chapter 5, Semmes analyzes the relationship between the political economy of the mass media and African American aesthetic and artistic production, and argues that the expropriation of African American cultural products is a structural problem contributing to cultural negation. Chapters 6 and 7 examine two important institutional forms: religion and health. Next Semmes looks at the significance of cultural revitalization efforts which reveal the collectively-felt need to transcend destructive hegemony. He concludes with a chapter on factors affecting the production of knowledge in African American studies and the implications for cultural development. Sociologists and scholars in Ethnic and American Studies, as well as African American Studies, will find this study useful.
Neurons and Networks: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience
John E. Dowling - 1992
When first published, Neurons and Networks filled the need for an introductory neuroscience text that is lucid, accessible, authoritative, logically organized, and concise. Avoiding the encyclopedic coverage that makes most neuroscience texts overwhelming, Neurons and Networks focused instead on building the solid foundation of understanding and knowledge required for further study.The new edition retains the features that made the first edition so attractive: consistent emphasis on results and concepts that have stood the test of time; abundant high-quality illustrations; exceptionally clear explanations of technical terms. Completely revised and enlarged with six new chapters, the second edition of Neurons and Networks is an introduction not just to neurobiology, but to all of behavioral neuroscience. It is an ideal text for first- or second-year college students with minimal college science exposure. It is also an invaluable resource for students in biology, psychology, anthropology, and computer science who seek an accessible guide to a discipline that will be a critically important area of research in the twenty-first century.