Best of
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church - 1992
This book is the catechism (the word means "instruction") that will serve as the standarad for all future catechisms.The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the Sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes (the Creed), what she celebrates (the Sacraments), what she lives (the Commandments), and what she prays (the Lord's Prayer), the Catechism of the Catholic Church offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. Here is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.The Catechism of the Catholic Church is, as Pope John Paul II calls it, "a special gift."
Courage to Change
Al-Anon Family Groups - 1992
The daily meditations, reminders, and prayers from Courage to Change help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones and point to Al-Anon's impact as a vital part of recovery.
The New American Bible, Revised Edition
Anonymous - 1992
The NABRE includes a newly revised translation of the entire Old Testament (including the Book of Psalms) along with the 1986 edition of the New Testament.The NABRE is a formal equivalent translation of Sacred Scripture, sponsored by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, using the best manuscripts available. Work on most books of the Old Testament by forty revisers and a board of eight editors began in 1994 and was completed in 2001. The 1991 revision of the Psalter, the work of thirty revisers and six editors, was further revised by seven revisers and two editors between 2009 and 2010. Work on the New Testament, begun in 1978 and completed in 1986, was the work of thirteen revisers and five editors. Table of ContentsNew American Bible Revised EditionPreface to the Revised New American Bible Old TestamentTHE PENTATEUCH Introduction The Book of Genesis The Book of Exodus The Book of Leviticus The Book of Numbers The Book of DeuteronomyTHE HISTORICAL BOOKS Introduction The Book of Joshua The Book of Judges The Book of Ruth The First Book of Samuel The Second Book of Samuel The First Book of Kings The Second Book of Kings The First Book of Chronicles The Second Book of Chronicles The Book of Ezra The Book of NehemiahBIBLICAL NOVELLAS Introduction The Book of Tobit The Book of Judith The Book of Esther The First Book of Maccabees The Second Book of MaccabeesTHE WISDOM BOOKS Introduction The Book of Job The Book of Psalms The Book of Proverbs The Book of Ecclesiastes The Song of Songs The Book of Wisdom The Wisdom of Ben SiraTHE PROPHETIC BOOKS Introduction The Book of Isaiah The Book of Jeremiah The Book of Lamentations The Book of Baruch The Book of Ezekiel The Book of Daniel The Book of Hosea The Book of Joel The Book of Amos The Book of Obadiah The Book of Jonah The Book of Micah The Book of Nahum The Book of Habakkuk The Book of Zephaniah The Book of Haggai The Book of Zechariah The Book of MalachiPreface to the New American Bible New TestamentTHE GOSPELS Introduction The Gospel according to Matthew The Gospel according to Mark The Gospel according to Luke The Gospel according to JohnThe Acts of the ApostlesTHE NEW TESTAMENT LETTERS Introduction The Letter to the Romans The First Letter to the Corinthians The Second Letter to the Corinthians The Letter to the Galatians The Letter to the Ephesians The Letter to the Philippians The Letter to the Colossians The First Letter to the Thessalonians The Second Letter to the Thessalonians The First Letter to Timothy The Second Letter to Timothy The Letter to Titus The Letter to Philemon The Letter to the HebrewsTHE CATHOLIC LETTERS Introduction The Letter of James The First Letter of Peter The Second Letter of Peter The First Letter of John The Second Letter of John The Third Letter of John The Letter of JudeThe Book of Revelation
Holy Bible: American Standard Version - New & Old Testaments: E-Reader Formatted ASV w/ Easy Navigation
Anonymous - 1992
Released in 1901, this version has been meticulously converted to the Kindle format and includes the following features:SEARCH EVERY VERSE NAVIGATIONNo matter where you are in the Bible, quickly jump to a verse by typing the book's three-letter abbreviation and chapter and verse. For instance to jump to John 3:16, simply type "joh3.16". Easy as that!ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU ARE IN THE BIBLEBecause every verse is labeled, you always know at a glance where you are. No more paging endlessly to find a chapter heading to get your bearings.CHAPTER JUMP WITH 5-WAY CONTROLLERJump quickly to the previous or next chapter by pressing the left or right button on the 5-way controller.FULLY FEATURED TABLE OF CONTENTSThe full TOC appears at the beginning of the book and can be accessed through the MENU button. The beginning of every book also contains links to every chapter of that book.BEAUTIFUL FORMATTINGProper verse spacing, chapter headings, and margins are all set to be easy on the eyes.
Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife
D.K. Publishing - 1992
Exceptional Coverage. This authoritative volume starts with a clear introduction to the animal world, examining the reasons for the apparently infinite variety of animal forms and major evolutionary developments. Animal anatomy, life cycles and the principles of classification are also explored. This is followed by a superbly illustrated survey of world habitats, showing how they have adapted to each environment, and the threats that face both wildlife and plants today. The main part of the book, an up-to-date and comprehensive animal catalog, looks in detail at each major group and provides fascinating profiles of over 2,000 individual species. Visually Breathtaking. Spectacular photographic portraits bring a vast array of animals vividly to life, with special features on well-known and important animals such as the Galapagos tortoise. Each species profile is supported by maps and symbols showing distribution and habitat, as well as key information on size, population, and conservation status, forming an invaluable reference database. Outstanding Reference. Clear, comprehensive, and thought provoking, the Smithsonian Animal is essential reading for wildlife enthusiasts of all ages and levels of experience.
The New Inductive Study Bible: Discovering the Truth For Yourself -New American Standard Version
Anonymous - 1992
It also includes individualized instructions and overviews for every book of the Bible.
Rise Up Singing: The Group Singing Songbook
Peter Blood - 1992
Folk revival favorites; Broadway show tunes; Beatles' songs; hymns, spirituals, and gospel standards; songs about peace, freedom, labor, and the environment are among the types of songs included. This revised and retypeset large-print version of the enormously popular songbook makes this essential resource easy to read and useful in leading large and small groups.
The Elements of Typographic Style
Robert Bringhurst - 1992
Combining practical, theoretical, and historical, this book is a must for graphic artists, editors, or anyone working with the printed page using digital or traditional methods.Having established itself as a standard in its field The Elements of Typographic Style is house manual at most American university presses, a standard university text, and a reference work in studios of designers around the world. It has been translated into italian and greek, and dutch.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
W. Richard Stevens - 1992
Rich Stevens describes more than 200 system calls and functions; since he believes the best way to learn code is to read code, a brief example accompanies each description.Building upon information presented in the first 15 chapters, the author offers chapter-long examples teaching you how to create a database library, a PostScript printer driver, a modem dialer, and a program that runs other programs under a pseudo terminal. To make your analysis and understanding of this code even easier, and to allow you to modify it, all of the code in the book is available via UUNET.A 20-page appendix provides detailed function prototypes for all the UNIX, POSIX, and ANSI C functions that are described in the book, and lists the page on which each prototype function is described in detail. Additional tables throughout the text and a thorough index make Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment an invaluable reference tool that all UNIX programmers - beginners to experts - w
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith
R.C. Sproul - 1992
R. C. Sproul takes theology down from the dusty shelves of theological libraries and expounds in clear and simple terms more than one hundred major Christian doctrines. He offers readers an essential understanding of the Christian faith that will kindle a lifelong love for truth, which is foundational to maturity in Christ. Here are theologically sound explanations of the biblical concepts every Christian should know, written in a way that we all can understand. Sproul's homespun analogies and illustrations from everyday life make this book interesting, informative, and easy to read.
The Complete Beatles Chronicle
Mark Lewisohn - 1992
Years of research went into this lively chronicle, chockablock with photos and rare documents. Author Lewisohn received unprecedented access to studio archives and personnel.
Ansel Adams: Our National Parks
Ansel Adams - 1992
Here are his greatest images of more than 40 national parks and monuments. 78 duotones.
The Penguin Guide to Jazz Recordings
Richard Cook - 1992
Fully updated to incorporate thousands of additional recordings, the eighth edition features artist biographies, detailed recording information with labels and catalog numbers, reliable and authoritative ratings, the authors' personal selection of the essential recordings for every collection, an index of artists, and more.
Colorado's Fourteeners: From Hikes to Climbs
Gerry Roach - 1992
Now in its second edition, this climbing and hiking guide to Colorado's 14,000–foot peaks has been updated to include 250 routes. Besides the often–climbed standard routes, the guide describes many alternative and technical routes, with each route rated by grade, class, and snow steepness. Easy–to–read, full–color topographic maps and photographic overlays, cross–referenced to the route descriptions, make this the best book on the market for Colorado natives and visitors alike.1999 "Colorado Book Award" Finalist
Gustav Klimt: 1862-1918
Gilles NĂ©ret - 1992
In his own time, Kilmt (1862-1918) was a highly successful painter, draftsman, muralist, and graphic artist; in the intervening years, iconic works such as The Kiss have been elevated to nothing less than cult status. Klimt's unfading popularity attests to the appeal of not only his aesthetic sensibilities but also that of the recurrent universal themes in his work: love, feminine beauty, aging, and death. He once wrote, "I am a painter who paints day after day from morning to night...Who ever wants to know something about me...ought to look carefully at my pictures." With this overview of Klimt's work, readers will delight in taking up that challenge.About the Series: Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Art series features:a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance a concise biography approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions
Stephen Biesty's Incredible Cross-Sections
Stephen Biesty - 1992
There's something new to find with every look at the extraordinarily detailed illustrations, depicting the insides of a steam train, a coal mine, a castle, the Queen Mary, and more. Full color.
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship
Joel B. Green - 1992
In the more than eight decades since Hastings our understanding of Jesus, the Evangelists and their world has grown remarkably. New interpretive methods have illumined the text, the ever-changing profile of modern culture has put new questions to the Gospels, and our understanding of the Judaism of Jesus' day has advanced in ways that could not have been predicted in Hasting's day. But for many readers of the Gospels the new outlook on the Gospels remains hidden within technical journals and academic monographs. The Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels bridges the gap between scholars and those pastors, teachers, students and lay people desiring in-depth treatment of select topics in an accessible and summary format. The topics range from cross-sectional themes (such as faith, law, Sabbath) to methods of interpretation (such as form criticism, redaction criticism, and death of Jesus) to each of the four Gospels as a whole. Some articles--such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, rabbinic traditions and revolutionary movements at the time of Jesus--provide significant background information to the Gospels. Others reflect recent and less familiar issues in Jesus and Gospel studies, such as divine man, ancient rhetoric and the chreiai (aphorisms). Contemporary concerns of general interest are discussed in articles covering such topics as healing, the demonic and the historical reliability of the Gospels. And for those entrusted with communicating the message of the Gospels, there is an extensive article on preaching from the Gospels. TheDictionary of Jesus and the Gospels presents the fruit of evangelical New Testament scholarship at the end of the twentieth century--committed to the authority of Scripture, utilizing the best of critical methods, and maintaining dialog with contemporary scholarship and challenges facing the church.
New Menopausal Years: Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90
Susun S. Weed - 1992
Herbal solutions for osteoporosis, hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, flooding, fibroids, low libido, incontinence, anxiety, depression.Completely revised with 100 new pages. All the remedies women know and trust plus hundreds of new ones. New sections on thyroid health, fibromyalgia, hairy problems, male menopause, and herbs for women taking hormones.Recommended by Susan Love MD and Christiane Northrup MD.One of the world's best selling books on menopause still comes on strong. Called "indispensable," "incredible," and a "treasure trove of information," Menopausal Years is the "bible" for the 87% of American women over the age of fifty who want nothing to do with hormones.Includes information and remedies for problems with premenopause -- flooding, erratic periods, fibroids, spotting, water retention, muscle soreness -- as well as menopause -- hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood swings, headaches, palpitations, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and much more. Final chapters speak to post-menopausal women's concerns: including ways to maintain heart health, prevent and reverse osteoporosis, deal with dry vaginal tissues and incontinence, ease aching joints, and maintain healthy libido.The soothing, wise voice of Grandmother Growth guides each woman through the book and through her own menopause metamorphosis. Ritual interludes interweaves a spiritual dimension often lacking in other works.Includes superb resource lists for menopause information, index, glossary, directions for using (and preparing) herbal medicines, complete descriptions of the most-used menopausal herbs (including nettles, ginseng, dong quai, red clover, oatstraw, and motherwort), recipes for heart- and bone-healthy dishes, and lots of illustrations. Also available: Menopause Metamorphosis Video starring Susun S. Weed.
Jewish New Testament Commentary: A Companion Volume to the Jewish New Testament
David H. Stern - 1992
Its central figure was a Jew. His followers were all Jews; yet no translation--except this one--really communicates its original, essential Jewishness. Uses neutral terms and Hebrew names. Highlights Jewish features and Jewish references. Corrects mistranslations from an anti-Jewish theological basis. Freshly rendered into English using the Greek texts, this is a must for learning about first-century faith.
Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crimes
John E. Douglas - 1992
It classifies the critical characteristics of the perpetrators and victims of major crimes—murder, arson, sexual assault, and nonlethal acts—based on the motivation of the offender. The second edition contains new classifications on computer crimes, religion-extremist murder, and elder female sexual homicide.This edition also contains new information on stalking and child abduction, the use of biological agents as weapons, cybercrimes, Internet child sex offenders, burglary and rape, and homicidal poisoning. In addition, many of the case studies and crime statistics have been updated.
Disney's Aladdin The Making of an Animated Film
John Culhane - 1992
From screenplay to storyboard to recording studio--featuring interviews with the animators and 200 full-color photos--every facet of Aladdin's creation is explored in fascinating detail. This is a keepsake volume that every fan of the film must have.
Atlas of the World
Oxford University Press - 1992
The Sixteenth Edition remains the finest international reference source of its kind available. Including new census information, dozens of city maps, gorgeous satellite images of Earth, and a geographical glossary, this atlas offers exceptional value at a reasonable price. Full of crisp, clear cartography of urban areas and virtually uninhabited landscapes around the globe, the Atlas has maps of 69 cities and nearly 100 different regions at carefully selected scales that give a striking view of the Earth's surface. Opening with world statistics and a colorful, instructive 48-page Introduction to World Geography--beautifully illustrated with tables and graphs--this acclaimed resource provides details on such topics as climate, the greenhouse effect, plate tectonics, agriculture, population and migration, and global conflicts. As in years past, this edition includes the latest geographic information. The popular satellite image section has been refreshed with stunning new images of different regions and urban areas. A completely updated Gazetteer of Nations provides an invaluable A-Z reference of concise country profiles, including statistics on economies, politics, and historical profiles. Providing the finest global coverage available, the Atlas of the World is not only the best-selling volume of its size and price, but also the benchmark by which all other atlases are measured.- Interior pages designed for heightened accuracy and ease of use- Detailed city plans and country profiles make it the ultimate geographic referenceThe Design Oxford's Atlas of the World is a sturdy, high-quality, large-format book that is filled with crisp cartography, spectacular satellite imagery, and a wealth of information on changing conditions around the planet.The Special Sections Oxford's Atlas of the World provides an extensive intro to World Geography, up-to-date information on current events of geographical significance, captioned satellite images of the Earth, facts and figures on every sovereign state, and detailed coverage of 69 major urban areas.The Quality of Information Oxford's Atlas of the World is the only world atlas that is updated annually, guaranteeing that users will find the most current geographic information. It is the most authoritative resource on the market and offers the most current global information available today through a combination of statistics, maps, and photographs.The History Oxford University Press is known around the world for excellence, tradition, and innovation. The Atlas of the World is the best-selling volume of its size and price and the esteemed benchmark by which all other atlases are measured.The Price You receive a lavish, top-quality product at an excellent price that is comparable or lower than the main competitors.
Robert Doisneau
Jean-Claude Gautrand - 1992
Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau's gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau's life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer.
The Pentateuch as Narrative: A Biblical-Theological Commentary
John H. Sailhamer - 1992
The Pentateuch As Narrative focuses on the narrative and literary continuity of the Pentateuch as a whole. It seeks to disclose how the original Jewish readers may have viewed this multivolume work of Moses. Its central thesis is that the Pentateuch was written from the perspective of one who had lived under the Law of the Covenant established at Mount Sinai and had seen its failure to produce genuine trust in the Lord God of Israel. In this context, the Pentateuch pointed the reader forward to the hope of the New Covenant, based on divine faithfulness. Throughout the commentary Dr. Sailhamer pays close attention to and interacts with a wide range of classical and contemporary literature on the Pentateuch, written by Jews, Catholics, and Protestants.
Great Britain
Michael Leapman - 1992
This fully updated guide includes unique cutaways, floor plans and reconstructions of the must-see sites, plus street-by-street maps of key cities and towns. DK's insider tips and essential local information showcases the best of Great Britain. The uniquely visual DK Eyewitness Travel guide will help you to discover Great Britain region by region whether you are most interested in local festivals and markets or day trips around the countryside. Detailed listings will guide you to the best hotels, restaurants, bars, and shops for all budgets, and detailed, practical information helps travelers get around by train, bus, or car."DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Great Britain" shows you what others only tell you.
Be Committed (Ruth & Esther): Doing God's Will Whatever the Cost
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1992
Think of Ruth and Esther, two Old Testament heroines of the faith. Singled out as the only women to have Bible books named after them, Ruth and Esther lived in very different worlds, one a poor peasant and the other a powerful queen. Yet both dared to do the right thing when confronted with the easy way out, and God rewarded them for their courage and commitment. As you study the Books of Ruth and Esther, you will appreciate anew the tough choices of faith these women made, and you will be encouraged to do the same as you rely on the God: who accomplishes His purposes through people who trust Him.
M.C. Escher: His Life and Complete Graphic Work (With a Fully Illustrated Catalogue)
J.L. Locher - 1992
The story of the artist's life is told here with the help of virtually his entire correspondence, the journals of his travels, and, to supply the facts about his youthful years, the journals kept by his father.
Golden Gate Gardening: Year-Round Food Gardening in the San Francisco Bay Area and Coastal California
Pam Peirce - 1992
Full of information and camaraderie, this book explains how to grow common vegetables and herbs and add unusual ones that bring variety to the garden. Line art throughout.
Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark
Bernadette Brady - 1992
Covers techniques and methods necessary for making accurate astrological predictions. Learn to reveal the future and put various aspects of life into perspective.
Real Fast Food: 350 Recipes Ready-to-Eat in 30 Minutes
Nigel Slater - 1992
Winner of six Glenfiddich Awards for his food writing and shortlisted for the prestigious Andre Simon prize for this book, he has had an enduring effect on cooking and helped bring to prominence a new generation of British chefs, including the Naked Chef, Jamie Oliver, and Nigella Lawson. His down-to-earth style and infectious enthusiasm has won him a loyal following both here and in the UK, where has been a number one bestseller. Imagine shredded basil leaves stirred into buttery mashed potatoes and a slice of pork pan-fried with fennel, followed by a juicy sliced white peach dropped into chilled white wine. That's Nigel Slater's fast food! Real Fast Food is an inspirational collection of 350 enticing recipes with simple techniques and assertive flavors that can be completed in less than thirty minutes. It's the ultimate modern-day cookbook, filled with recipes for everyone who enjoys good, unpretentious food.
Ingo F. Walther - 1992
It outlines the history of Impressionism in France, addressing not only the work of the acknowledged masters, but also that of such unjustly neglected artists as Bazille, Caillebotte, Berthe Morisot or Lucien Pissarro. The monograph also examines the Impressionist movements which emerged in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Scandinavia, Eastern and South-East Europe, Italy, Spain, Britain and North America. A 64-page "Directory of Impressionism" is appended, containing bibliographies, portraits and biographical data on all 236 artists.
The Celtic Collection: Twenty-Five Knitwear Designs for Men and Women
Alice Starmore - 1992
With each garment photographed in color against the breathtaking scenery of western Ireland, The Celtic Collection is a visual delight as well as a rich source of exquisite patterns.
Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The complete guide to the use of aromatic oils in aromatherapy, herbalism, health and well-being
Julia Lawless - 1992
It covers 165 oils, their actions, characteristics, principal constituents and folk traditions and is a must for experienced aromatherapists and beginners alike.This essential handbook is used by aromatherapists all over the world and is one of the most successful titles in this area. It includes an A–Z listing of an enormous range of internationally relevant aromatic plants. Comprehensive information is provided for each entry, for example:• Common name, Latin name, botanical plant family• General Description – what it looks like• Distribution – where it’s found• Herbal Folk Tradition – traditional uses• Actions – what it’s good for• Extraction – How the oil is extracted• Characteristics – what the oil looks like, and which other oils it blends well with• Safety Information.The Encyclopedia also covers:• History of aromatherapy and herbalism• How aromatic plants work on your body mind• How to make your own blends• Uses for oils in the home.This is a classic guide to essential oils and will remain a vital source of information for generations to come.
Staying Healthy with Nutrition, rev: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine
Elson M. Haas - 1992
Elson Haas with Dr. Buck Levin presents the most current health and nutrition information available in an easy-to-use format with a friendly, engaging tone. Decades of practical experience and scientific research are compiled into one encyclopedic volume that features newly expanded chapters on special supplements, lifestage programs, and breakthrough medical treatment protocals for conditions including fatigue, viral illnesses, weight management, and mental and mood disorders such as anxiety, ADHD, and depression.PART ONE gives a detailed analysis of The Building Blocks of nutrition: water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.PART TWO evaluates Foods and Diets, discussing every food group and most diets around the world. A special chapter on the environment and nutrition raises awareness and offers guidance about food additives, industrial chemicals, food irradiation, electropollution, and other health and ecological issues.PART THREE brings all of this nutritional information together, showing readers how to make wise and commonsense choices while Building a Healthy Diet. A personalized eating plan for the year, The Ideal Diet is both seasonally and naturally based, and a healthy lifelong diet.PART FOUR contains specific nutritional and lifestyle therapies for enhancing all stages of life and suggests treatments for common conditions and diseases such as aging, menopause, bone loss, weight loss, and cancer by focusing on Nutritional Applications: 32 Special Diet and Supplement Programs.Anyone interested in enhancing wellness, eating right, treating illness naturally, and living in harmony with nature will find Staying Healthy with Nutrition to be the ultimate handbook for optimal health and vitality.“For more than thirty years my colleague Dr. Elson Haas has contributed to the field of nutritional education to the benefit of both the public and health practitioners. This new edition of his classic guide is user friendly and filled with current scientific studies, making it possible for everyone to be up to date in this most important are of knowledge about health. In my opinion, Staying Healthy with Nutrition is an excellent guide for those wishing to make smarter dietary choices.”—Andrew Weil, MD, author of 8 Weeks to Optimum Health and Healthy Aging“The comprehensiveness of Dr. Haas's Staying Healthy with Nutrition makes it a great desk reference for physicians and other healthcare practitioners or professionals. The more controversial topics are handled with considerable fairness and insight.”—T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, and author of The China Study
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - 1992
With explanations of strange phenomena from both folklore and modern scientific research, it examines famous hauntings, historical figures and events, and myths and legends surrounding ghosts and spirits in different cultures. This edition covers recent breakthroughs and incidences, new information about important myths, and current research into ghosts and other paranormal occurrences.
The Book of Legends/Sefer Ha-Aggadah: Legends from the Talmud and Midrash
Hayyim Nahman Bialik - 1992
First published in Odessa in 1908-11, it was recognized immediately as a masterwork in its own right, and reprinted numerous times in Israel.The Hebrew poet Hayim Nahman Bialik and the renowned editor Yehoshua Hana Ravnitzky, the architects of this masterful compendium, selected hundreds of texts from the Talmud and midrashic literature and arranged them thematically, in order to provide their contemporaries with easy access to the national literary heritage of the Jewish people -- the texts of Rabbinic Judaism that remain at the heart of Jewish literacy today.Bialik and Ravnitzky chose Aggadah -- the non-legal portions of the Talmud and Midrash -- for their anthology. Loosely translated as "legends", Aggadah includes the genres of biblical exegesis, stories about biblical characters, the lives of the Talmudic era sages and their contemporary history, parables, proverbs, and folklore. A captivating melange of wisdom and piety, fantasy and satire, Aggadah is the expressive medium of the Jewish creative genius.The arrangement of this compendium reflects the theological concerns of the Rabbinic sages: the role of Israel and the nations; God, good and evil; human relations; the world of nature; and the art of healing. Here, the reader who wants to explore traditional Jewish views on a particular subject is treated to a selection of relevant texts at his fingertips but will soon become immersed in a way of thinking, exploring, and questioning that is the hallmark of Jewish inquiry."Whatever the imagination can invent is found in the Aggadah," wrote the historian Leopold Zunz, "its purpose always being to teach man the ways of God." The Book of Legends/Sefer Ha-Aggadah, now available in William Braude's superbly annotated translation, enables modern Jews to experience firsthand the richness and excitement of their cultural inheritance.
An Introduction to the New Testament
D.A. Carson - 1992
An updated and expanded edition of a standard textbook on the New Testament for first- and second-year seminary students.
Rodale's All-New Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Indispensable Resource for Every Gardener
Barbara W. Ellis - 1992
And the organic way to garden is safer, cheaper, and more satisfying. Organic gardeners have shown that it's possible to have pleasant and productive gardens in every part of this country without using toxic chemicals. They make their home grounds an island of purity."--Robert Rodale
Modern Operating Systems
Andrew S. Tanenbaum - 1992
What makes an operating system modern? According to author Andrew Tanenbaum, it is the awareness of high-demand computer applications--primarily in the areas of multimedia, parallel and distributed computing, and security. The development of faster and more advanced hardware has driven progress in software, including enhancements to the operating system. It is one thing to run an old operating system on current hardware, and another to effectively leverage current hardware to best serve modern software applications. If you don't believe it, install Windows 3.0 on a modern PC and try surfing the Internet or burning a CD. Readers familiar with Tanenbaum's previous text, Operating Systems, know the author is a great proponent of simple design and hands-on experimentation. His earlier book came bundled with the source code for an operating system called Minux, a simple variant of Unix and the platform used by Linus Torvalds to develop Linux. Although this book does not come with any source code, he illustrates many of his points with code fragments (C, usually with Unix system calls). The first half of Modern Operating Systems focuses on traditional operating systems concepts: processes, deadlocks, memory management, I/O, and file systems. There is nothing groundbreaking in these early chapters, but all topics are well covered, each including sections on current research and a set of student problems. It is enlightening to read Tanenbaum's explanations of the design decisions made by past operating systems gurus, including his view that additional research on the problem of deadlocks is impractical except for "keeping otherwise unemployed graph theorists off the streets." It is the second half of the book that differentiates itself from older operating systems texts. Here, each chapter describes an element of what constitutes a modern operating system--awareness of multimedia applications, multiple processors, computer networks, and a high level of security. The chapter on multimedia functionality focuses on such features as handling massive files and providing video-on-demand. Included in the discussion on multiprocessor platforms are clustered computers and distributed computing. Finally, the importance of security is discussed--a lively enumeration of the scores of ways operating systems can be vulnerable to attack, from password security to computer viruses and Internet worms. Included at the end of the book are case studies of two popular operating systems: Unix/Linux and Windows 2000. There is a bias toward the Unix/Linux approach, not surprising given the author's experience and academic bent, but this bias does not detract from Tanenbaum's analysis. Both operating systems are dissected, describing how each implements processes, file systems, memory management, and other operating system fundamentals. Tanenbaum's mantra is simple, accessible operating system design. Given that modern operating systems have extensive features, he is forced to reconcile physical size with simplicity. Toward this end, he makes frequent references to the Frederick Brooks classic The Mythical Man-Month for wisdom on managing large, complex software development projects. He finds both Windows 2000 and Unix/Linux guilty of being too complicated--with a particular skewering of Windows 2000 and its "mammoth Win32 API." A primary culprit is the attempt to make operating systems more "user-friendly," which Tanenbaum views as an excuse for bloated code. The solution is to have smart people, the smallest possible team, and well-defined interactions between various operating systems components. Future operating system design will benefit if the advice in this book is taken to heart. --Pete Ostenson
Tracking and the Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks and Sign
Paul Rezendes - 1992
Illustrated with hundreds of his original photographs, Tracking & the Art of Seeing provides complete information on the behavior and habitat of over 50 animal species and shows you how to identify animals by their tracks, tail patterns, droppings, dens, scratches and other signs.
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
Mark Carwardine - 1992
It features over 900 photos, annotations and descriptions highlighting chief characteristics and distinguishing marks which help you to identify different whale, dolphin or porpoise species quickly.
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology
Richard A. Harvey - 1992
This new edition combines established features that have made this title a favorite with new features and updates.
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus (21st Century Reference)
Barbara Ann Kipfer - 1992
This process of linking words together mirrors the way we actually think. With its innovative Concept Index, this thesaurus enhances the traditional function of thesauri; the simple replacement of one word with another. The Concept Index enriches users' understanding of meaning and usage by grouping together main entry words that share a similar idea or property - achieving broad connections of language between such categories as: ACTIONS, CAUSES, LIFE FORMS, QUALITIES, SENSES, etc. The essential reference for the 21st century, this is the most up-to-the-minute thesaurus of American English today. students, professionals and general users will love its easy-to-use dictionary format and will find its reliable, accurate word choices indispensable.
The Vintage Guide to Classical Music
Jan Swafford - 1992
Among its features:-- chronologically arranged essays on nearly 100 composers, from Guillaume de Machaut (ca. 1300-1377) to Aaron Copland (1900-1990), that combine biography with detailed analyses of the major works while assessing their role in the social, cultural, and political climate of their times;-- informative sidebars that clarify broader topics such as melody, polyphony, atonality, and the impact of the early-music movement;-- a glossary of musical terms, from a cappella to woodwinds;-- a step-by-step guide to building a great classical music library.Written with wit and a clarity that both musical experts and beginners can appreciate, The Vintage Guide to Classical Music is an invaluable source-book for music lovers everywhere.
Card College, Volume 1: A Complete Course in Sleight of Hand Card Magic
Roberto Giobbi - 1992
Along with the classics of card magic, Mr. Giobbi includes original ideas and refinements from his own repertoire, guaranteeing every reader, no matter how experienced, fresh techniques and insights into the performance of professional caliber card magic! Some of the topics covered in Volume One include: The Tools of Card Magic Fundamental Techniques The Overhand Shuffle The Riffle Shuffle False Cuts Transfer Cuts Card Controls Card Forces The Glide The Double Lift The Hindu Shuffle Flourishes The Spread Cull The Top Change The Key Card Auxiliary Sleights
The Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening
Christopher Brickell - 1992
Comprehensive and authoratative text - supported by over 3,000 specially commissioned colour photographs - guides you expertly through the entire range of every facet of practical gardening in this complete and up-to-date gardening reference.
Memories of a Cuban Kitchen
Mary Urrutia Randelman - 1992
Authentic Cuban recipes offer a mixture of Spanish, Indian, African, Chinese, and Portuguese cuisine, from appetizers like Green Plantain Chips, to such entrees as Roast Pork Creole, to tropical rum-based drinks and desserts.Filled with reminiscences and evocative halftone photos of Randelman's childhood in pre-Castro Cuba, this book presents more than 200 traditional recipes for Cuban dishes, a cuisine that lusciously combines Spanish, Indian, African, Chinese, and Portuguese influences.
Solo Guitar Playing: Book 1 (with CD)
Frederick Noad - 1992
For years, the most popular classical guitar method ever published!
Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You
Jay Rubin - 1992
Previously known as Gone Fishin', this book has brought Jay Rubin more feedback than any of his literary translations or scholarly tomes, "even if," he says, "you discount the hate mail from spin-casters and the stray gill-netter."To convey his conviction that "the Japanese language is not vague," Rubin has dared to explain how some of the most challenging Japanese grammatical forms work in terms of everyday English. Reached recently at a recuperative center in the hills north of Kyoto, Rubin declared, "I'm still pretty sure that Japanese is not vague. Or at least, it's not as vague as it used to be. Probably."The notorious "subjectless sentence" of Japanese comes under close scrutiny in Part One. A sentence can't be a sentence without a subject, so even in cases where the subject seems to be lost or hiding, the author provides the tools to help you find it. Some attention is paid as well to the rest of the sentence, known technically to grammarians as "the rest of the sentence."Part Two tackles a number of expressions that have baffled students of Japanese over the decades, and concludes with Rubin's patented technique of analyzing upside-down Japanese sentences right-side up, which, he claims, is "far more restful" than the traditional way, inside-out."The scholar," according to the great Japanese novelist Soseki Natsume, is "one who specializes in making the comprehensible incomprehensible." Despite his best scholarly efforts, Rubin seems to have done just the opposite.Previously published in the Power Japanese series under the same title and originally as Gone Fishin' in the same series.
Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History
William Safire - 1992
It is selected, arranged, and introduced by William Safire, who honed his skills as a presidential speechwriter. He is considered by many to be America's most influential political columnist and most elegant explicator of our language. Covering speeches from Demosthenes to George W. Bush, this latest edition includes the words of Cromwell to the "Rump Parliament," Orson Welles eulogizing Darryl F. Zanuck, General George Patton exhorting his troops before D-Day, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaking on Bush v. Gore. A new section incorporates speeches that were never delivered: what Kennedy was scheduled to say in Dallas; what Safire wrote for Nixon if the first moon landing met with disaster; and what Clinton originally planned to say after his grand jury testimony but swapped for a much fiercer speech.
Beyond Backpacking: Ray Jardine's Guide to Lightweight Hiking
Ray Jardine - 1992
Jardine's initial presentation of his lightweight-hiking theories
Israel M. Gelfand - 1992
This is a very old science and its gems have lost their charm for us through everyday use. We have tried in this book to refresh them for you. The main part of the book is made up of problems. The best way to deal with them is: Solve the problem by yourself - compare your solution with the solution in the book (if it exists) - go to the next problem. However, if you have difficulties solving a problem (and some of them are quite difficult), you may read the hint or start to read the solution. If there is no solution in the book for some problem, you may skip it (it is not heavily used in the sequel) and return to it later. The book is divided into sections devoted to different topics. Some of them are very short, others are rather long. Of course, you know arithmetic pretty well. However, we shall go through it once more, starting with easy things. 2 Exchange of terms in addition Let's add 3 and 5: 3+5=8. And now change the order: 5+3=8. We get the same result. Adding three apples to five apples is the same as adding five apples to three - apples do not disappear and we get eight of them in both cases. 3 Exchange of terms in multiplication Multiplication has a similar property. But let us first agree on notation.
Be Determined (Nehemiah): Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1992
Wiersbe unwraps the book of Nehemiah in his study Be Determined to show a servant so selfless, a mission so humbling, and a perseverance so admirable that Christians are drawn to a new awe of God. As the leader God calls to mobilize and equip his people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was a man who didn't know the word no when it came to God's economy.
God strategically summons the man of Jewish descent from his comfortable high position as Artaxerxes' cupbearer at the palace in Persia to the difficult role as leader of the Jewish remnant. To this remnant of his own people, Nehemiah is called to empathize and share God's plan for their physical, emotional, and spiritual reconstruction. If open to it, readers will hear the Holy Spirit's direction in their own lives, and will surrender themselves to the God who equips them to do all things through His infinite strength.
Old English and Its Closest Relatives: A Survey of the Earliest Germanic Languages
Orrin W. Robinson - 1992
There are enormous differences between the two in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, and a monolingual speaker of one cannot understand the other at all. Yet modern English and German have many points in common, and if we go back to the earliest texts available in the two languages, the similarities are even more notable.How do we account for these similarities? The generally accepted explanation is that English and German are divergent continuations of a common ancestor, a Germanic language now lost. This book surveys the linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the earliest kown Germanic languages, members of what has traditionally been known as the English family tree: Gothic, Old Norse, Old Saxon, Old English, Old Frisian, Old Low Franconian, and Old High German.For each language, the author provides a brief history of the people who spoke it, an overview of the important texts in the language, sample passages with full glossary and word-by-word translations, a section on orthography and grammar, and discussion of linguistic or philological topics relevant to all the early Germanic languaes but best exemplified by the particular language under consideration. These topics inclued the pronunciation of older languages; the runic inscriptions; Germanic alliterative pietry; historical syntax, borrowing, analogy, and drift; textual transmission; and dialect variation.
Daily Affirmations For Forgiving & Moving On
Tian Dayton - 1992
Forgiving and Moving On assists the emerging self, offering hope, strength and inspiration along the wayTian Dayton, M.A. is a therapist/psychodramatist in private practice and director of Inner look, Inc. consulting and training in New York City. She is the author of Daily Affirmations For Parents and Drama Games: Techniques for Self-Development.
Winning Chess Tactics, revised
Yasser Seirawan - 1992
The essential guide to the use of tactics, the watchdogs of strategy that take advantage of short-term opportunities to trap or ambush an opponent and change the course of a game in a single move.
Cyril Alexander Walker - 1992
Each entry has a full color illustration as well as color-coded bands that provide at-a-glance facts for quick reference. Easy to use and beautiful to look at, this series is an invaluable resource for every collector.
Understanding and Using English Grammar: Workbook
Betty Schrampfer Azar - 1992
Some of the new features are:
Innovative warm-up exercises that precede the grammar charts and introduce points to be taught
Structure-based listening exercises ranging from casual speech to academic content
Academic readings that highlight the targeted grammar structures
Greatly expanded speaking practice with extensive pair, group and class work
Corpus-informed syllabus that reflects the discourse patterns of spoken and written English
Audio CDs and listening script in the back of the Student Book
The program components include the Student Book (Full Edition and Volume A and Volume B), Workbook (Full Edition and Volume A and Volume B), Chartbook, Teacher's Guide, and Test Bank. Click on "Course-Specific Resources" on the left for more details.For an online workbook, see Understanding and Using English Grammar Interactive.
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Volume 2: The Lower Extremities
Janet G. Travell - 1992
This second volume offers the same effective approach for the lower body muscles. It includes features and reviews of special topics not discussed in other literature. These include an extensive review of the causes of functional scoliosis, and how to identify them clinically; a review of the lower limb length inequality that details radiographic techniques for for accurate measurement; how to examine intrapelvic muscles for trigger points; a topographical guide that simplifies distinguishing the three gluteal muscles and the piriformis muscle when palpating trigger points; the muscular origin of pain in sciatic, gluteal and perineal distributions; and an examination of the complexity of adductor longus muscle which helps explain why its importance is easily overlooked.
The Gospel according to Matthew
Leon L. Morris - 1992
Containing Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and a uniquely rich collection of parables, among many other things, Matthew has made a major contribution to the church throughout the centuries, and it still has much to say to the church today. This superb commentary in the Pillar series explores the meaning and relevance of Matthew in an eminently straightforward fashion. Leon Morris writes for readers who use commentaries to discover further what the Bible means. Throughout, he makes clear what he considers to be the meaning of the Greek text that Matthew has bequeathed to the church. A perceptive introduction precedes Morris's warmhearted verse-by-verse exposition of Matthew, an exposition based on his own literal translation of the text. Now a standard reference work on the Gospel of Matthew, this mature, evangelically oriented commentary will continue to meet the needs of students, pastor, and general readers alike.
The Top 500 Poems
William HarmonAlexander Pope - 1992
These works speak across centuries, beginning with Chaucer's resourceful inventions and moving through Shakespeare's masterpieces, John Donne's complex originality, and Alexander Pope's mordant satires. The anthology also features perennial favorites such as William Blake, William Wordsworth, and John Keats; Emily Dickinson's prisms of profundity; the ironies of Wallace Stevens and T.S. Eliot; and the passion of Sylvia Plath and Allen Ginsberg. These 500 poems are verses that readers either know already or will want to know, encapsulating the visceral power of truly great literature. William Harmon provides illuminating commentary to each work and a rich introduction that ties the entire collection together.
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Christopher Vogler - 1992
Provides new insights and observations from Vogler's pioneering work in mythic structure for writers.
The Dairy Book of Home Cookery: New Edition for the Nineties
Sheelagh Donovan - 1992
Knitting Lace: A Workshop with Patterns and Projects
Susanna E. Lewis - 1992
Lewis dissects and charts each pattern to make them accessible to lace knitters of all skill levels. In this book, you will find complete written and charted instructions for all 91 patterns in the sampler. Full instructions for four lace projects: a shawl, a sweater, a girl's dress, and socks/stockings. Detailed directions to design and chart your own lace patterns. Information for machine knitters to convert hand-knitting charts to machine.
Featherweight 221 - The Perfect Portable
Nancy Johnson-Srebro - 1992
Enjoy an entertaining look at the history of the Featherweight sewing machine. Expanded third edition updated with the latest research. Packed with photos, stories, and handy information. Learn to date and troubleshoot your machine. A fun read for quilters, Featherweight owners, and history buffs.
Clinical Examination: A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosis [With DVD]
Nicholas J. Talley - 1992
Set out logically and systematically, this best-selling textbook has comprehensive coverage of essential skills necessary for history taking and examining the patient. Highly regarded by students world-wide, this text continues to grow in strength. Clinical Examination, 5th edition has been revised and updated to include: more evidence-based medicine; new full-color artwork; and a fresh new look allowing greater accessibility for readers. The new edition covers clinical examination and concepts in a systems approach in a clear, consistent and user-friendly approach. Readers using this edition of Clinical Examination will have access to Here you will receive full online access to the text and numerous interactive extras such as video clips demonstrating some of the more difficult examinations & MCQ's. Written by two internationally renowned authors, Clinical Examination, 5th edition will continue to provide students with a superb reference for performing clinical methods.
Institutes of Elenctic Theology
Francis Turretin - 1992
Written originally in Latin with sentences frequently lasting nearly a half a page, Turretin's Institutes are at once familiar, profound, erudite, thorough and precise, detailed, comprehensive, historically significant, and truly Reformed, etc. Turretin organized his Institutes into 20 topics (loci) that range from "Prolegomena" (that is, very necessary introductory considerations) to "The Last Things." Each topic (locus) is organized by specific questions. The work is Elenctic (polemic or argumentitive), for a large chunk of this work is written against the Roman Catholics, Arminians, Socinians, Anabaptists, Molinists and others.Translated by George Musgrave Giger Edited by James T. Dennison Jr.Volume 1: Topics 1-10Topic I: TheologyTopic II: The Holy ScripturesTopic III: The One and Triune GodTopic IV: The Decrees of God in General and Predestination in ParticularTopic V: CreationTopic VI: The Actual Providence of GodTopic VII: AngelsTopic VIII: The State of Man Before the Fall and the Covenant of NatureTopic IX: Sin in General and in ParticularTopic X: The Free Will of Man in a State of Sin
Allen J. Coombes - 1992
A field guide to trees around the world, each depicted by a full-color photograph with a caption that describes key features and points of differentiation
The Costume Technician's Handbook: A Complete Guide for Amateur and Professional Costume Technicians
Rosemary Ingham - 1992
Features include: health and safety practices in the costume shop; chapters on pattern drafting and sewing operations; and an expanded section on alterations.
Daily Life in Holland in the Year 1566
Rien Poortvliet - 1992
His warm and imaginative portrayals and stories of people, animals, or such fantastic creatures as gnomes are loved by readers of all generations. His countless fans will be enchanted by this intriguing new book, Daily Life in Holland in the Year 1566, And the Story of My Ancestor's Treasure Chest. To create this latest gem, Poortvliet found inspiration in the rich legacy of Dutch landscape and genre painting traditions and in his own Dutch heritage as well. He became intrigued by a document dating from the year 1566 that revealed the existence of an armoire owned by his distant ancestor, Jacob Jansz Poortvliet. That armoire led Rien Poortvliet to come upon something valuable indeed - a treasure trove of insights into the world of his ancestor. Characteristically evocative, the words and images in Daily Life in Holland are rich in detail and delicate in coloration, and perhaps the most beautiful of any of Poortvliet's works to date. In this fascinating saga, he recreates the lives of his forebears as they toiled and celebrated their way through daily existence. He does not conjure up a romantic vision of the past - the Dutch countryside was not all tulips and windmills! There were adversity and hard work, and we learn that 1566 was an extraordinary year in Holland, marked by famine and plague, great freezes, floods and droughts, comets and earthquakes, and an invasion by the Spanish as well. Poortvliet's colorful account unfolds before us to reveal how ordinary men, women, and children lived: what kinds of clothes they wore, what their houses were like, what they are and how they cooked. How did they celebrate Christmas? What did the people do for a living and what kind of money did they have? What did a girl's engagement ring look like? How many different kinds of swords and firearms did they have? Exploring his own roots, Poortvliet captures the beauty
The Women's Bible Commentary with Apocrypha
Carol A. Newsom - 1992
Now, this expanded edition provides similar insights on the Apocrypha, presenting a significant view of the lives and religious experiences of women as well as attitudes toward women in the Second Temple period. This expanded edition sets a new standard for women's and biblical studies.
The High Sierra: Peaks, Passes, And Trails
R.J. Secor - 1992
New edition of the only guide to detail all the known routes on 570 peaks in the Sierras.
The Oxford Companion to the English Language
Tom McArthur - 1992
It is surprising then that until now there has been no major one-volume reference devoted to the most widely dispersed and influential language of our time: the English language. A language-lover's dream, The Oxford Companion to the English Language is a thousand-page cornucopia covering virtually every aspect of the English language as well as language in general. The range of topics is remarkable, offering a goldmine of information on writing and speech (including entries on grammar, literary terms, linguistics, rhetoric, and style) as well as on such wider issues as sexist language, bilingual education, child language acquisition, and the history of English. There are biographies of Shakespeare, Noah Webster, Noam Chomsky, James Joyce, and many others whohave influenced the shape or study of the language; extended articles on everything from psycholinguistics to sign language to tragedy; coverage of every nation in which a significant part of the population speaks English as well as virtually every regional dialect and pidgin (from Gullah and Scouseto Cockney and Tok Pisin). In addition, the Companion provides bibliographies for the larger entries, generous cross-referencing, etymologies for headwords, a chronology of English from Roman times to 1990, and an index of people who appear in entries or bibliographies. And like all Oxford Companions, this volume is packed with delightful surprises. We learn, for instance, that the first Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard later became President (John Quincy Adams); that "slogan" originally meant "war cry"; that the keyboard arrangement QWERTY became popular not because it was efficientbut the opposite (it slows down the fingers and keeps them from jamming the keys); that "mbenzi" is Swahili for "rich person" (i.e., one who owns a Mercedes Benz); and that in Scotland, "to dree yir ain weird" means "to follow your own star." From Scrabble to Websters to TESOL to Gibraltar, the thirty-five hundred entries here offer more information on a wider variety of topics than any other reference on the English language. Featuring the work of nearly a hundred scholars from around the world, this unique volume is the ideal shelf-mate to The Oxford Companion to English Literature. It will captivate everyone who loves language.
Finding the Lost: Cultural Keys to Luke 15 (Concordia Scholarship Today)
Kenneth E. Bailey - 1992
It reflects the author's immersion in the language, religion, and culture of the Middle East, demonstrating how meaningful the biblical text becomes when a broad background of study and analysis is permitted to illuminate the text. Western readers will gain an array of new insights from this volume and will be fascinated by the author's nuances of interpretation. The author's analysis shows how the cultural background of the Middle East affects the interpretation of these parables.
Molecular Cell Biology
Harvey F. Lodish - 1992
Molecular Cell Biology stands out from its peers in this course in that it provides a clear introduction to the techniques and experiments of scientists past and present, not just an "encyclopedia" of information. This experimental emphasis, together with a solid pedagogical framework in the chapters, provides the clearest, most cutting-edge text available.
The Very Efficient Carpenter: Basic Framing for Residential Construction (For Pros, By Pros Series)
Larry Haun - 1992
A complete course in basic framing, including information on tools, plans, codes, permits, lumber and materials.
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants
Dana Ullman - 1992
They are safe, have no side effects or allergic reactions, are inexpensive and, above all, effective. In this guide, Dana Ullman explains what homeopathy is, how it works and how you can use it correctly to enhance your child's health. He recommends remedies for more than 75 physical and emotional conditions, including: allergies, grief, anxiety, headaches, asthma, measles, bedwetting, nappy rash, bites and stings, shock, burns, sunburn, colic, teething, coughs and colds and travel sicknessWithout doubt, this is the most comprehensive book on homeopathic pediatrics. Included is a complete guide to the correct use of homeopathy, recommended remedies for the treatment of more than seventy-five common physical, emotional, and behavioral conditions, and valuable information on the essential medicines that all parents should have in their home medicine kits
Foamy Sky: The Major Poems of MiklĂłs RadnĂłti
MiklĂłs RadnĂłti - 1992
This English-only edition presents many of the poems that appear in his Foamy Sky volume and a selection of others dating back to 1929. A good portion of the poems were written during World War II, when Radnoti, of Jewish descent, was forced into a slave-labour squad and sent to work building roads in the Balkans. On the final march through Hungary toward Austria near the end of the war, the guards murdered the disabled prisoners who had not already died en route and buried the bodies in a mass grave. Radnoti's last written poems were found in the pocket of his coat when his body was exhumed.
Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament
Spiros Zodhiates - 1992
Numbered to Strong's numbering system, each word has a basic definition and further commentary is provided by Dr. Spiros Zodhiates, noted Greek scholar. A companion Scripture Reference Index is provided for further
Succeeding Against the Odds: The Autobiography of a Great Businessman
John H. Johnson - 1992
Johnson rose from the welfare rolls of the Depression to become the most successful Black businessman in American history; the founder of Ebony, Jet, and EM magazines; and a member of the Forbes 400. Like the man himself, this autobiography is brash, inspirational, and truly unforgettable.
Colossians and Philemon: New Testament Commentary
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1992
Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Scripture without being unnecessarily technical. This commentary will help to give a better, fuller, richer understanding of God's Word, while challenging the reader to a vibrant personal spiritual walk.A great resource for pastors, teachers, leaders, students, or anyone desiring to dig deeper into Scripture
Ancestry's Red Book: American State, County and Town Sources
Alice Eichholz - 1992
In it, you will find both general and specific information essential to researchers of American records. This revised 3rd edition provides updated county and town listings within the same overall state-by-state organization. Whether you are looking for your ancestors in the northeastern states, the South, the West, or somewhere in the middle, "Ancestry's Red Book has information on records and holdings for every county in the United States, as well as excellent maps from renowned mapmaker William Dollarhide. In short, the "Red Book is simply the book that no genealogist can afford not to have. The availability of census records such as federal, state, and territorial census reports is covered in detail. Unlike the federal census, state and territorial census were taken at different times and different questions were asked. Vital records are also discussed, including when and where they were kept and how"
The One Year Bible Companion/Questions and Answers to Help You Make the Most of Your Daily Bible Reading
Anonymous - 1992
A handbook of key questions and answers to daily readings in the One Year Bible.
The New Oxford Book of Carols
Hugh Keyte - 1992
Containing music and text of 201 carols, many in more than one setting, the book is organized in two sections: composed carols, ranging from medieval Gregorian chants to modern compositions, and folk carols, including not only traditional Anglo-American songs but Irish, Welsh, German, Czech, Polish, French, Basque, Catalan, Sicilian, and West Indian songs as well. Each carol is set in four-part harmony, with lyrics in both the original language and English. Accompanying each song are detailed scholarly notes on the history of the carol and on performance of the setting presented. The introduction to the volume offers a general history of carols and caroling, and appendices provide scholarly essays on such topics as fifteenth-century pronunciation, English country and United States primitive traditions, and the revival of the English folk carol. The Oxford Book of Carols, published in 1928, is still one of Oxford's best-loved books among scholars, church choristers, and the vast number of people who enjoy singing carols. This volume is not intended to replace this classic but to supplement it. Reflecting significant developments in musicology over the past sixty years, it embodies a radical reappraisal of the repertory and a fresh approach to it. The wealth of information it contains will make it essential for musicologists and other scholars, while the beauty of the carols themselves will enchant general readers and amateur songsters alike.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
Merriam-Webster - 1992
More than 35,000 entries. Pronunciations provided for all entries. Covers brand names and generic equivalents of common drugs.
501 Italian Verbs
John Colaneri - 1992
The 501 most commonly used Italian verbs are listed in table form, one verb per page, and conjugated in all tenses, identified by English infinitive forms. Verbs are both regular and irregular, and are presented alphabetically for easy reference. Added material related to verbs and verb usage is also presented, including lists of hundreds more regular verbs, idiomatic verb usage, and more.
Cards of Your Destiny: What Your Birthday Reveals about You & Your Past, Present & Future
Robert Lee Camp - 1992
Covering finances, career, travel, health and relationships, this book will amaze you with detailed descriptions of the events of your life and help you change your life for the better. The predictions about your future are startlingly accurate and insightful, including answers to such questions as: -When will you have the Millionaire's Spread?-When will you meet someone new or get married?-When will you reach the pinnacle of success in your occupation-In which years should you expand your business, and in which should you stay in a holding pattern?-When will you have changes in your career or move to a new home?-Which people will be the most beneficial to you in the coming year? Turn to page 351 for a one-minute reading right now! Using an in-depth, yet surprisingly simple fortune telling system, Cards of Your Destiny combines an ordinary deck of playing cards with a science used by ancient Egyptians. This book is your key to unlocking the mysteries of your past, present and future.
The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars
Ariel Spilsbury - 1992
The Mayan symbols are a "language of light" that represents a bridge between physical and spiritual realities, intended to transform our human experience into an experience of the infinite.
The Anchor Bible Dictionary Prepack
David Noel Freedman - 1992
Complete 6 vol. set in near-fine condition. volumes 3 & 4 still shrink-wrapped.
Watercolor: For the Artistically Undiscovered
Thacher Hurd - 1992
Comes with a palette of six artist-quality watercolors and a brush. Most importantly, this book also comes with the artwork, technique tips and encouragement of renowned illustrator Thacher Hurd.Comes With: A set of watercolors, a brush Have fun
Tunes for Ten Fingers
Pauline Hall - 1992
It is useful for very young children and it aims to encourage security at every step.
Paula Rego
John McEwen - 1992
Her first retrospective exhibition in London in 1988, which brought together a range of her dramatically simplified paintings of the ambiguous relatioships between men, women and children, sent shock waves through the art scene on both sides of the Atlantic. Rego's view of the world as expressed in her work is a particularly female one. Germaine Greer has written of her: 'It is not often given to women to recognize themselves in painting, still less to see their private world, their dreams, the insides of their heads, projected on such a scale and so immediately, with such depth and colour.' In Rego's words, it was the turn of the dog to tell its story and her powerful images explore the obsessions and fears of childhood which have helped form her adult vision.Born in Portugal in 1935, Rego has worked in Britain since 1976 and in recent years has established herself as an artist of international standing. This highly acclaimed book was first published in 1992, but since then Rego has produced an impressive range of new work. Bringing together a wealth of paintings, drawings and prints, alongside revealing documentary illustrations, this book has now been updated to include three new chapters and a revised chronology, bibliography and list of exhibitions.
The Penguin Rhyming Dictionary (Penguin Reference)
Rosalind Fergusson - 1992
Clearly arranged and easy to use, it offers an astonishing wide range of suggestions for rhyming words, from the common and everyday to the more difficult and obscure.
The Art of Wyland
Wyland - 1992
Introduction by Robert Bateman. First in a series of Wyland's hardcover coffee-table books. The Art of Wyland shares the artist's earliest beginnings, where he got his break and a glimpse into the life of this extraordinary man. 180 pages, Hardcover 169 photos.
Marc (Taschen Basic Art)
Susanna Partsch - 1992
What was it that led him to concentrate on painting animals? Marc himself explained his choice of subject matter in these words: From an early date I felt humankind to be 'ugly'; animals seemed to me possessed of a greater beauty and purity... Seeing Marc merely as a painter of animals proves, however, premature. Marc, co-founder of the 'Blauer Reiter' group of Expressionist artists, was deeply dissatisfied with the impurity of the world, and was questing for a universal art which would resolve the contrarieties of life in the harmony of creation. Using pure colours highly charged with symbolic values, adopting crystalline shapes, and absorbing the influence of Cubism, he moved steadily towards an abstract order of image, coming closer to his own understanding of a better world. In 1916, Franz Marc died in the Battle of Verdun.
S. Peter Dance - 1992
Featuring more than 500 full-color illustrations and photographs, along with detailed annotations, Smithsonian Handbooks make identification easy and accurate.
Doctor Who: The Sixties
David J. Howe - 1992
Doctor Who ran for almost 30 years and commanded a following no other TV programme matched. But in its day it had to face fierce opposition from within the BBC, and it only narrowly missed being axed after its first season when questions about the Darleks and their terrifying effects on children were asked in the House. This book is the definitive record of these early years, providing an insight into a production process very different from the sophisticated studio methods of today, and tells something of the internal political wranglings at the BBC. Actors, writers, directors and crew recall their contributions in a decade which saw the development of colour broadcasting and the move from primitive one-take studio sets to more elaborate location filming. The technical and creative processes involved are examined, revealing that many of the effects that were to become hallmarks of the series came about only by accident, and showing how episodes would often be patched together as budgets dictated the way the stories would develop.
Play Winning Chess
Yasser Seirawan - 1992
An introduction to the moves, strategies, and philosophy of chess, with clear explanations of the games fundamentals, instructive examples, question-and-answer sections, sample games, and psychological hints.