Best of
Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You
Jay Rubin - 1992
Previously known as Gone Fishin', this book has brought Jay Rubin more feedback than any of his literary translations or scholarly tomes, "even if," he says, "you discount the hate mail from spin-casters and the stray gill-netter."To convey his conviction that "the Japanese language is not vague," Rubin has dared to explain how some of the most challenging Japanese grammatical forms work in terms of everyday English. Reached recently at a recuperative center in the hills north of Kyoto, Rubin declared, "I'm still pretty sure that Japanese is not vague. Or at least, it's not as vague as it used to be. Probably."The notorious "subjectless sentence" of Japanese comes under close scrutiny in Part One. A sentence can't be a sentence without a subject, so even in cases where the subject seems to be lost or hiding, the author provides the tools to help you find it. Some attention is paid as well to the rest of the sentence, known technically to grammarians as "the rest of the sentence."Part Two tackles a number of expressions that have baffled students of Japanese over the decades, and concludes with Rubin's patented technique of analyzing upside-down Japanese sentences right-side up, which, he claims, is "far more restful" than the traditional way, inside-out."The scholar," according to the great Japanese novelist Soseki Natsume, is "one who specializes in making the comprehensible incomprehensible." Despite his best scholarly efforts, Rubin seems to have done just the opposite.Previously published in the Power Japanese series under the same title and originally as Gone Fishin' in the same series.
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus (21st Century Reference)
Barbara Ann Kipfer - 1992
This process of linking words together mirrors the way we actually think. With its innovative Concept Index, this thesaurus enhances the traditional function of thesauri; the simple replacement of one word with another. The Concept Index enriches users' understanding of meaning and usage by grouping together main entry words that share a similar idea or property - achieving broad connections of language between such categories as: ACTIONS, CAUSES, LIFE FORMS, QUALITIES, SENSES, etc. The essential reference for the 21st century, this is the most up-to-the-minute thesaurus of American English today. students, professionals and general users will love its easy-to-use dictionary format and will find its reliable, accurate word choices indispensable.
Abuse of Language—Abuse of Power
Josef Pieper - 1992
Reality becomes intelligible through words. Man speaks so that through naming things, what is real may become intelligible. This mediating character of language, however, is being increasingly corrupted. Tyranny, propaganda, mass-media destroy and distort words. They offer us apparent realities whose fictive character threatens to become opaque. Josef Pieper shows with energetic zeal, but also with ascetical restraint, the path out of this dangerous situation. We are constrained to see things again as they are and from the truth thus grasped, to live and to work.
Old English and Its Closest Relatives: A Survey of the Earliest Germanic Languages
Orrin W. Robinson - 1992
There are enormous differences between the two in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, and a monolingual speaker of one cannot understand the other at all. Yet modern English and German have many points in common, and if we go back to the earliest texts available in the two languages, the similarities are even more notable.How do we account for these similarities? The generally accepted explanation is that English and German are divergent continuations of a common ancestor, a Germanic language now lost. This book surveys the linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the earliest kown Germanic languages, members of what has traditionally been known as the English family tree: Gothic, Old Norse, Old Saxon, Old English, Old Frisian, Old Low Franconian, and Old High German.For each language, the author provides a brief history of the people who spoke it, an overview of the important texts in the language, sample passages with full glossary and word-by-word translations, a section on orthography and grammar, and discussion of linguistic or philological topics relevant to all the early Germanic languaes but best exemplified by the particular language under consideration. These topics inclued the pronunciation of older languages; the runic inscriptions; Germanic alliterative pietry; historical syntax, borrowing, analogy, and drift; textual transmission; and dialect variation.
Understanding and Using English Grammar: Workbook
Betty Schrampfer Azar - 1992
Some of the new features are:
Innovative warm-up exercises that precede the grammar charts and introduce points to be taught
Structure-based listening exercises ranging from casual speech to academic content
Academic readings that highlight the targeted grammar structures
Greatly expanded speaking practice with extensive pair, group and class work
Corpus-informed syllabus that reflects the discourse patterns of spoken and written English
Audio CDs and listening script in the back of the Student Book
The program components include the Student Book (Full Edition and Volume A and Volume B), Workbook (Full Edition and Volume A and Volume B), Chartbook, Teacher's Guide, and Test Bank. Click on "Course-Specific Resources" on the left for more details.For an online workbook, see Understanding and Using English Grammar Interactive.
The Oxford Companion to the English Language
Tom McArthur - 1992
It is surprising then that until now there has been no major one-volume reference devoted to the most widely dispersed and influential language of our time: the English language. A language-lover's dream, The Oxford Companion to the English Language is a thousand-page cornucopia covering virtually every aspect of the English language as well as language in general. The range of topics is remarkable, offering a goldmine of information on writing and speech (including entries on grammar, literary terms, linguistics, rhetoric, and style) as well as on such wider issues as sexist language, bilingual education, child language acquisition, and the history of English. There are biographies of Shakespeare, Noah Webster, Noam Chomsky, James Joyce, and many others whohave influenced the shape or study of the language; extended articles on everything from psycholinguistics to sign language to tragedy; coverage of every nation in which a significant part of the population speaks English as well as virtually every regional dialect and pidgin (from Gullah and Scouseto Cockney and Tok Pisin). In addition, the Companion provides bibliographies for the larger entries, generous cross-referencing, etymologies for headwords, a chronology of English from Roman times to 1990, and an index of people who appear in entries or bibliographies. And like all Oxford Companions, this volume is packed with delightful surprises. We learn, for instance, that the first Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard later became President (John Quincy Adams); that "slogan" originally meant "war cry"; that the keyboard arrangement QWERTY became popular not because it was efficientbut the opposite (it slows down the fingers and keeps them from jamming the keys); that "mbenzi" is Swahili for "rich person" (i.e., one who owns a Mercedes Benz); and that in Scotland, "to dree yir ain weird" means "to follow your own star." From Scrabble to Websters to TESOL to Gibraltar, the thirty-five hundred entries here offer more information on a wider variety of topics than any other reference on the English language. Featuring the work of nearly a hundred scholars from around the world, this unique volume is the ideal shelf-mate to The Oxford Companion to English Literature. It will captivate everyone who loves language.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
Merriam-Webster - 1992
More than 35,000 entries. Pronunciations provided for all entries. Covers brand names and generic equivalents of common drugs.
501 Italian Verbs
John Colaneri - 1992
The 501 most commonly used Italian verbs are listed in table form, one verb per page, and conjugated in all tenses, identified by English infinitive forms. Verbs are both regular and irregular, and are presented alphabetically for easy reference. Added material related to verbs and verb usage is also presented, including lists of hundreds more regular verbs, idiomatic verb usage, and more.
The Penguin Rhyming Dictionary (Penguin Reference)
Rosalind Fergusson - 1992
Clearly arranged and easy to use, it offers an astonishing wide range of suggestions for rhyming words, from the common and everyday to the more difficult and obscure.
Random House Word Menu: New and Essential Companion to the Dictionary
Stephen Glazier - 1992
A writer's right hand and a browser's delight, this reference contains thousands of entries in over 800 categories.
501 Russian Verbs
Thomas R. Beyer Jr. - 1992
The 501 most commonly used Russian verbs are listed in table form, one verb per page, and conjugated in all tenses, identified by English infinitive forms. Verbs are both regular and irregular, and are presented alphabetically for easy reference in the Cyrillic alphabet. Added material related to verbs and verb usage is also presented, including lists of hundreds more regular verbs, idiomatic verb usage, and more.
A Mouthful of Air: Languages and Language, Especially English
Anthony Burgess - 1992
Anthony Burgess covers everything from Shakespeare's pronunciation, to the politics of speech, to the place of English in the world, and more.
A Comprehensive Russian Grammar (Blackwell Reference Grammars)
Terence Wade - 1992
It provides a definitive and complete guide to current Russian usage, taking many of its examples from the press and contemporary literary sources. Designed to be clear and easy to use, it contains graphically-presented declension and conjugation tables as well as detailed indexes and a table of contents for speed of reference. It features substantial chapters on all parts of speech and helpful sections on stress accents well as extensive coverage of all problem areas, including: - problems of gender and agreement - aspectival formation and usage - clear rules of word order - thorough analysis of all categories of prepositional usage - differentiation of long and short adjectival usage - use of numerals, including the collectives - verbs of motion - use of particles - use of partitive genitive and genitive after negated verbs.
Learning American Sign Language: Levels I & II--Beginning & Intermediate
Tom Humphries - 1992
Written by two leading authorities in the field, the 24 lessons in this book cover Beginning and Intermediate or Level I and II courses of study. Lessons are structured around language needed for common life situations, and examples are presented in the form of dialogues coupled with grammar and vocabulary instruction. Information is also included about the culture of Deaf people in the United States. The book is supported by a videotape and an instructor's manual.Learners will discover that the text: Contains lessons designed around the conversational language needed for common life situations. Illustrates hundreds of sentences and vocabulary with over 2,000 high quality colorized drawings that aid in study and memory. Contains over 100 grammar and cultural notes, 72 exercises, and charts of the American Manual Alphabet (Finger spelling) and ASL number system. Teaches the rules of ASL in a natural order that is predictable and compatible with everyday language of native users of American Sign Language. Incorporates information about the cultural lives of Deaf people in the United States. Is supported by a video demonstrating all the conversations and important structures in the text. Order the NEW Video!Video to Accompany American Sign Language, 2/eOrder No. 0-205-27554-0American Sign Language students will find themselves captivated and entertained by this state-of-the-art Video that presents all 72 dialogues and each key structure from the text in a clear and natural way. Four internationally known Deaf actors animate the dialogues bringing life to the illustrations in the text allowing students to preview and review instructional materials at home to enhance their classroom learning.
About the authors:
Tom Humphries is Associate Director of the Teacher Education Program and also teaches in the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego. He is currently coordinating a program to train teachers of deaf children using a bilingual approach. Prior to this he taught at Gallaudet University in the Department of English for several years and later served as an Associate Dean for the San Diego Community College District where he coordinated the development of an ASL program and an interpreter-training program. He holds a Ph.D. in Cross Cultural Communication and Language Learning. Dr. Humphries is co-author with Carol Padden of Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture and several other books and articles related to ASL and the culture of Deaf people.Carol Padden is a Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego where she teachers courses on language, culture and media. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and received a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of California, San Diego. Her recent research includes studies of reading development in young deaf children and she has written extensively about the cultural lives of Deaf people in the United States. She received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, in addition to numerous other awards and grants for her work. In addition to the books she has co-authored with Tom Humphries, she has published several other books and articles on American Sign Language structure. Humphries & Padden (Learning American Sign Language, 2e). SMP 2004 Page 1 of 1
Breaking the Maya Code
Michael D. Coe - 1992
Among the more exciting advances to be described are: the discovery of the specific Maya language and sophisticated grammar used by the ancient scribes on stone monuments and painted vases; archaeological explorations of tombs and buildings of the ancient founders of the great city of Copan, whose very existence had been predicted by epigraphers through glyphic decipherment; the realization that many small city-states were dominated by two rival giants, Tikal and Calakmul, through a potent combination of military conquest, diplomacy, and royal marriages.
Idioms of the Greek New Testament
Stanley E. Porter - 1992
The major topics of Greek grammar are treated in a useful pedagodical sequence. Among the innovative treatments are those on tense and aspect, Mood and Attitude, conditional clauses, word order and clause structure, and discourse analysis. The grammar takes account both of the traditional categories of Greek grammar and of recent discussions on structural linguistics.
Discourse and Social Change
Norman Fairclough - 1992
The author shows how concern with the analysis of discourse can be combined, in a systematic and fruitful way, with an interest in broader problems of social analysis and social change. Fairclough provides a concise and critical review of the methods and results of discourse analysis, discussing the descriptive work of linguists and conversation analysts as well as the more historically and theoretically oriented work of Michel Foucault. He develops an original framework for discourse analysis which firmly situates discourse in a broader context of social relations bringing together text analysis, the analysis of processes of text production and interpretation, and the social analysis of discourse events.
Mira calligraphiae monumenta: A Sixteenth-century Calligraphic Manuscript inscribed by Georg Bocskay and Illuminated by Joris Hoefnagel
Lee Hendrix - 1992
He assembled a vast selection of contemporary and historical scripts, which nearly thirty years later were further embellished by Joris Hoefnagel, Europe's last great manuscript illuminator. This book, now in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, is reproduced here in complete facsimile form, accompanied by a commentary that includes a full description; a discussion of its patron, Rudolf II, and his cultural and historical milieu; the biographies of Hoefnagel and Bocskay; and an analysis of the manuscript's role in their careers. The introduction discusses the broader issues raised by the manuscript. Topics include Hoefnagel's nature imagery, which encompasses plants, fruits, and small animals, and its relation to the spread of interest in botany and zoology at the end of the sixteenth century. Another topic is calligraphy and its place in the art and culture of the sixteenth century. The manuscript's remarkable calligraphy will be of particular interest not only to scholars but to collectors, graphic designers, and typographers as well.
Learning Language and Loving It: A Guide to Promoting Children's Social, Language and Literacy Development
Elaine Weitzman - 1992
"A Guide to promoting children's social, language and literacy development in early childhood settings."
Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology: A Resource Manual [With CDROM]
Kenneth G. Shipley - 1992
Clinicians have come to depend on this accessible, easy to navigate resource manual for a wide range of procedures and materials for obtaining, interpreting, and reporting assessment data. In this new edition, you'll find a new chapter on literacy, including much-needed information on reading and writing assessment. There is also updated and expanded coverage of autism, auditory processing disorders, and pediatric dysphagia. The reproducible, customizable forms have been updated as needed, both in the text and in the accompanying CD-ROM, giving you unlimited access to these clinical resources. Now in beautiful full color, all illustrations have been completely updated for greater clarity and diversity. Additionally, chapters are color coded for easy navigation. Clinicians, instructors, and students all agree that this is one of the most valuable assessment resources available to speech-language pathologists.
Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Jack C. Richards - 1992
An updated edition of this practical study dictionary, which is aimed at students of applied linguistics and teacher trainees for whom English is a second or foreign language.
Translating Buddhism From Tibetan: An Introduction To The Tibetan Literary Language And The Translation Of Buddhist Texts From Tibetan
Joe Wilson - 1992
It begins with rules for reading writing and pronouncing Tibetan, gradually carrying the reader through the patterns seen in the formation of words and into the repeating patterns of Tibetan phrases, clauses, and sentences. Students with prior experience will find the seven appendices—which review the rules of pronunciation grammar and syntax—provide an indispensable reference. It balances traditional Tibetan grammatical and syntactic analysis with a use of terminology that reflects English preconceptions about sentence structure. Based on the system developed by Jeffrey Hopkins at the Unversity of Virginia, this book presents in lessons with drills and reading exercises a practical introduction to Tibetan grammar syntax and technical vocabulary used in Buddhist works on philosophy and meditation. An extremely well designed learning system, it serves as an introduction to reading and translating and to Buddhist philosophy and meditation. Through easily memorizable paradigms the student comes to recognize and understand the recurrent patterns of the Tibetan language. Each chapter contains a vocabulary full of helpful Buddhist terms.
Freeing Shakespeare's Voice: The Actor's Guide to Talking the Text
Kristin Linklater - 1992
Detailing exercises and analyzing characters' speech and rhythms, Linklater provides the tools to increase understanding and make Shakespeare's words one's own.
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: The Final Conflict: Yet More of the Best (?) from the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
Scott Rice - 1992
Based on the entries in this fourth installment of It Was a Dark & Stormy Night, the depths are still to be plumbed.
Descriptionary: A Thematic Dictionary
Marc McCutcheon - 1992
Alphabetized definitions of related words are broken down into subjects and sub-headings, making it easy for readers to find the words they need.
The Raga Guide: A Survey Of 74 Hindustani Ragas
Savarnalata Rao - 1992
Translation, Rewriting, And The Manipulation Of Literary Fame
André Lefevere - 1992
Lefevere explores how the process of rewriting works of literature manipulates them to ideological and artistic ends, so that the rewritten text can be given a new, sometimes subversive, historical or literary status.
Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture
Addison Wesley Longman - 1992
It contains over 80,000 words and phrases, help with usage, and 15,000 special cultural entries. All definitions are written in the 2000-word Longman Defining Vocabulary.
Webster's New World Italian Dictionary, Concise Edition
Merriam-Webster - 1992
Comprehensive and authoritative (yet clear and concise), the dictionaries offer a full array of features, as well as wide-ranging coverage of expressions. Long-standing favorites in hardcover, the dictionaries will continue to be standard references for years to come.More than 100,000 words, giving wide-ranging coverage of terms and expressionsDetailed definitions so the user can understand and translate idiomaticallyExtensive examples of usage, showing how translations of words can vary according to contextVerb tables, including irregular verbsCross-references from every verb to the appropriate verb table
Pause and Effect: Punctuation in the West
M.B. Parkes - 1992
Believing that the best way to understand usage is to study it historically, Parkes focuses on how marks have actually been used. He cites examples from a wide range of literary texts from different periods and languages; the examples and plates also provide the reader with an opportunity to test Parkes's observations.This long-awaited book will no doubt stimulate debate among writers, editors, literary critics, philosophers, linguists, rhetoricians, and historians. It is destined to become a standard reference work for anyone interested in the history and use of language.
German-English Genealogical Dictionary
Ernest Thode - 1992
The dictionary covers thousands of German terms and defines them in single words or brief phrases. All words, symbols, and abbreviations in the dictionary were chosen on the basis of their association with genealogy, having been noted in church records, civil registration records, family correspondence, genealogical journals, ships' passenger lists, and emigration records. Among the many categories of entries included in the dictionary are family relationships, days of the week, map terms, legal terms, cardinal and ordinary numbers, roman numerals, signs of the zodiac, coins, liquid and dry measures, measures of length, place names, historical territories, geographical terms, occupations, titles, military ranks, types of taxes, illnesses, calendar days, male and female given names, heraldry, abbreviations, books of the Bible, and common genealogical words from Danish, Dutch, French, Latin, and Polish. In conjunction with a standard German-English dictionary, the user of this work should be able to make a word-by-word translation of any German document and understand it.
Dictionary of the Ojibway Language
Frederic Baraga - 1992
The multilingual Baraga quickly learned the Ojibway language and over many years worked within the community to produce a dictionary, a grammar and religious literature. In 1853 the first edition of A Dictionary of Otchipwe Language Explained in English was published. A revised edition of this Ojibway-English/English-Ojibway dictionary followed in 1878 and is the version now reprinted. More than a hundred years later, this dictionary remains a classic and the most useful for a wide range of dialects. It is an important cultural and linguistic source for historians, anthropologists, linguists, ethnologists, and all students interested in the Ojibway language.
Other Destinies: Understanding the American Indian Novel
Louis Owens - 1992
In his introduction, Louis Owens places the novels in context by considering their relationships to traditional American Indian oral literature as well as their differences from mainstream Euroamerican literature. In the following chapters he looks at the novels of John Rollin Ridge, Mourning Dove, John Joseph Mathews, D’Arcy McNickle, N. Scott Momaday, James Welch, Leslie Marmon Silko, Louise Erdrich, Michael Dorris, and Gerald Vizenor.
Ka Lei Ha'aheo: Beginning Hawaiian
Alberta Pualani Hopkins - 1992
The book's dialogs are drawn from contemporary Hawaiian family life. Extensive classroom testing was used in developing Ka Lei Haʻaheo. Although it was designed for college use, it is also a handy resource for high schools and individuals, particularly because its companion volume, Ka Lei Haʻaheo: Teacher Guide and Answer Key provides English translations and answers to the exercises. The text's lively appeal is further enhanced with line drawings.
The Oxford Thesaurus: American Edition
Laurence Urdang - 1992
An important member inour family of language reference is The Oxford Thesaurus of American English, compiled by one of America's pre-eminent lexicographers, Laurence Urdang. Urdang and Oxford have rethought from the ground up the way a thesaurus is organized and used, to create the most authoritative, precise, up to date, and helpful synonym finder available. There are at present two types of thesauruses, based on access systems: the Roget's style, which groupswords according to concepts (a viable but awkward system which usually requires considerable flipping back and forth from index to main text), and the Dictionary style, which groups words alphabetically (which allows fast access if the word you have in mind is a headword; but if not, you'restumped). The Oxford Thesaurus of American English combines the best of both styles with a unique double-access system: we've organized the headwords alphabetically--so that more often than not, you can turn right to the main text to find synonyms--but we include an extensive synonym index, whichlists over 100,000 words in the main text that are not headwords. Thus writers enjoy both the comprehensiveness of a Roget's and the ease of use of a Dictionary style, in one authoritative volume. The double-access system allows the most precise word selection with the least effort. And to enhance precision even more, Urdang has added several other features to help writers pick the best word for each context. If a headword has more than one sense, he breaks synonyms down into groups, and within each group, he orders words according to how closely they match the meaning of the headword. Moreover, he illustrates each group with a sample sentence, so you can be sure you are making your selection from the right list of alternatives. Urdang provides complete coverage of currentEnglish, and for those desiring a richer vocabulary, he supplements the standard synonyms with unusual words and phrases, including regional and idiomatic expressions, slang, colloquialisms, and so forth. And finally, he includes a cross-referencing system within the main text which links relatedgroups of synonyms. Fast and easy to use, up to date, and authoritative, The Oxford Thesaurus of American English is an essential tool for anyone who wants to write with more variety, color, and precision. It is a must for all writers, whether novice or expert, student or teacher, business executive orjournalist
Semantics, Culture, and Cognition: Universal Human Concepts in Culture-Specific Configurations
Anna Wierzbicka - 1992
The lexicons of different languages seem to suggest different conceptual universes. Investigating cultures from a universal, language-independent perspective, this book rejects analytical tools derived from the Englishlanguage and Anglo culture and proposes instead a natural semantic metalanguage formulated in English words but based on lexical universals. The outcome of two and a half decades of research, the metalanguage is made up of universal semantic primitives in terms of which all meanings--including themost culture-specific ones--can be described and compared in a precise and illuminating way. Integrating insights from linguistics, cultural anthropology, and cognitive psychology, and written in simple, non-technical language, Semantics, Culture, and Cognition is accessible not only to scholars andstudents, but also to the general reader interested in semantics and the relationship between language and culture.
Foclóir Póca : Irish-English, English-Irish Dictionary
Lelia Ruckenstein - 1992
Foreign Bodies: Performance, Art, and Symbolic Anthropology
A. David Napier - 1992
David Napier explores the ways in which the foreign becomes literally and metaphorically embodied as a part of cultural identity rather than being seen as something outside it. Pre-classical Greece, Baroque Italy, and Western postmodernism are among the artistic domains Napier considers, while the symbolic terrain ranges from Balinese cosmography to body symbolism in biomedicine.
The Norton Guide to Writing
Thomas Cooley - 1992
Dickson's Word Treasury: A Connoisseur's Collection of Old and New, Weird and Wonderful, Useful and Outlandish Words
Paul Dickson - 1992
Includes 58 collections of words, from Acronyms to Written Words. There is a wealth of new material, including brand new sections on animalisms'' (e.g., bullpen, '' catnap, '' as the crow flies, '' and more); words stemming from family folklore; a glossary for decoding journalese; colorful and intriguing slogans; a behind-the-scenes look at how dictionaries are researched and prepared. Includes the Guiness Book of World Records collection of over 2,000 synonyms for the word drunk.''
Webster's New World Spanish Dictionary: Spanish/English English/Spanish (Concise Version)
Mike Gonzalez - 1992
Comprehensive and authoritative, yet clear and concise, the dictionaries offer a full array of features, as well as wide-ranging coverage of current expressions. Long-standing favorites in hardcover, the dictionaries will continue to be standard references for years to come -- especially now that they are available in unabridged paperback editions. * More than 100,000 words, giving wide-ranging coverage of current terms and expressions * Detailed definitions so the user can understand and translate idiomatically * Extensive examples of usage, showing how translations of words can vary according to context * Verb tables, including irregular verbs * Cross-references from every verb to the appropriate verb table
Technical Editing: The Practical Guide For Editors And Writers
Judith A. Tarutz - 1992
Unlike other guides which review grammar and spelling—but don't address the special challenges of technical editing—this lively, practical book deals with the real-world problems, issues, and decisions that face technical editors and writers.In this book you'll get tips for preparing a style guide technical writers will want to use. You'll find checklists of what to look for during different types of editorial reviews, learn how to make the transition from traditional to desktop publishing, and see how you can build true usability into printed and online documentation. Enhanced by real examples, case studies, and practical techniques, these flexible and pragmatic solutions go far beyond the mechanics of marking up manuscripts. You get guidance that will help you decide how heavily to edit, how to manage and track large projects, and even how to position yourself for the future when software will handle the copy editing.Whether you edit technical documentation for a living, write technical material, or review the work of others, this book helps you improve your skills and your understanding of the technical editing function.
From Archetype to Zeitgeist: Powerful Ideas for Powerful Thinking
Herbert R. Kohl - 1992
Organized by topic, each word is explained in a comprehensive yet concise definition, with a pronunciation guide and derivation added for easy reference. The book includes definitions of more than 150 words, from baroque to expressionism, iconography to pointillism, and archetype to zeitgeist.
Spectrum: A Communicative Course in English 1, Level 1
Diane Warshawsky - 1992
Handing the reader scores of beginner-level techniques covering conversation, ways to say words, comprehension of dialogue, solitary reading, and grammar. It provides stimulating, informative material for ESL professionals instructing beginning students.
Science as Practice and Culture
Andrew Pickering - 1992
Andrew Pickering has invited leading historians, philosophers, sociologists, and anthropologists of science to prepare original essays for this volume. The essays range over the physical and biological sciences and mathematics, and are divided into two parts. In part I, the contributors map out a coherent set of perspectives on scientific practice and culture, and relate their analyses to central topics in the philosophy of science such as realism, relativism, and incommensurability. The essays in part II seek to delineate the study of science as practice in arguments across its borders with the sociology of scientific knowledge, social epistemology, and reflexive ethnography.
A Garden of Words
Martha Barnette - 1992
Barnette takes us through languages and across millennia in a charming style that, starting with words describing things we eat, turns out to offer endless food for thought." --The New Yorker"Sheer etymological garden fun...Barnette begins with the flower's name and immediately jumps off the neat garden path into the wild underbrush of mythology, history, folk tales and scientific investigation." --Linda Yang, The New York Times Book Review"Martha Barnette's anthology (literally, 'a gathering of flowers') is more than just a garden-variety book of word origins. With loving cultivation, the author shows how flower names yield up the fragrance and light stored from the past and tell us whence we came and who we are." --Richard Lederer"A Garden of Words is one to stroll through, sniffing the blossoms, admiring random artful paths and intriguing byways." --Calvin Ahlgren, San Francisco Chronicle
Bob's Your Uncle: A Dictionary of Slang for British Mystery Fans
Jann Turner-Lord - 1992
But how many of us Yanks are fluent in the intricacies of Limey lingo? Most know bobbies are policemen and pubs are bars; but what's a flash Harry; what's a donkey jacket; what's the difference between a knicker and a pair of knickers?With over 500 terms from aggro to zed, plus a special section on Cockney rhyming slang, Bob's Your Uncle is a right jumble sale of lexicography. It's not only a novel reference work, it's a whacking good read as well!
Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida
Rainer Schulte - 1992
The essays provide an overview of the historical evolution in thinking about translation and offer strong individual opinions by prominent contemporary theorists. Most of the twenty-one pieces appear in translation, some here in English for the first time and many difficult to find elsewhere. Selections include writings by Scheiermacher, Nietzsche, Ortega, Benjamin, Pound, Jakobson, Paz, Riffaterre, Derrida, and others. A fine companion to The Craft of Translation, this volume will be a valuable resource for all those who translate, those who teach translation theory and practice, and those interested in questions of language philosophy and literary theory.
Nepali Phrasebook
Mary-Jo O'Rourke - 1992
Get the low-down on the highlands from your porter as you trek through the mountains. Don't just stand there, say something - take control of your Nepal experience. In This Guide: New pronunciation guide for every word & phrase.Take a hike - detailed trekking & mountaineering chapter.Key festivals, traditional dance and music explored.String your own sentences together with the easy-to-use grammar section.Etiquette and body language pointers.
Collaborative Language Learning and Teaching
David Nunan - 1992
This wide-ranging collection of papers focuses on issues such as: �The central characteristics of a collaborative approach to classroom research - Appropriate theoretical models of language and learning for informing collaborative research � Appropriate research methods, tools and techniques for collaborative investigations - Classroom tasks and patterns of organisation which facilitate cooperative learning - Organisational patterns which underlie successful collaborative teaching. The classroom-oriented studies on which the collection is based provide models for readers who wish to experiment with these ideas in their own context.
College Korean
Michael C. Rogers - 1992
Rogers, You, and Richards have used their many years of teaching to devise and test an approach that balances reading and writing with the spoken language. The result is a well-rounded textbook suited to a yearlong course in which students learn to conduct conversations about their own lives and interests, read texts written in hangul, and write simple compositions.The book systematically introduces basic Korean grammar, a contextualized vocabulary, and styles of speech that are sociolinguistically appropriate for college students. Each of its 26 lessons contains a dialogue or a reading, practice patterns, relevant grammar notes, and exercises. Approximately 150 Sino-Korean characters are also introduced, and complete glossaries and grammar indexes are provided.
Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time
Johanna Nichols - 1992
This book will interest linguists, archaeologists, and population specialists."An awe-inspiring book, unequalled in scope, originality, and the range of language data considered."—Anna Siewierska, Linguistics"Fascinating. . . . A brilliant pioneering study."—Journal of Indo-European Studies"A superbly reasoned book."—John A. C. Greppin, Times Literary Supplement
A Student's Latin Grammar : Cambridge Latin Course, North American Edition
Ed Phinney Robin Griffin - 1992
A Student's Latin Grammar presents the language for the student who is learning to read Latin, as well as for the student learning to compose. It concentrates on basic and commonly met points rather than minor or unusual technicalities. Reflecting the tradition of the Cambridge Latin Course, A Student's Latin Grammar is usable by all students of Latin whatever their syllabus. It contains a comprehensive index to help students in referring to explanations of Latin inflections and constructions and provides exercises and practice examples of grammatical points to help students with their revision. A modern school/college grammar for today's Latin students.
What Makes Sound Patterns Expressive?: The Poetic Mode of Speech Perception
Reuven Tsur - 1992
Such intuitions are Reuven Tsur’s point of departure in this investigation into the expressive effect of sound patterns, addressing questions of great concern for literary theorists and critics as well as for linguists and psychologists.Research in recent decades has established two distinct types of aural perception: a nonspeech mode, in which the acoustic signals are received in the manner of musical sounds or natural noises; and a speech mode, in which acoustic signals are excluded from awareness and only an abstract phonetic category is perceived. Here, Tsur proposes a third type of speech perception, a poetic mode in which some part of the acoustic signal becomes accessible, however faintly, to consciousness.Using Roman Jakobson’s model of childhood acquisition of the phonological system, Tsur shows how the nonreferential babbling sounds made by infants form a basis for aesthetic valuation of language. He tests the intersubjective and intercultural validity of various spatial and tactile metaphors for certain sounds. Illustrating his insights with reference to particular literary texts, Tsur considers the relative merits of cognitive and psychoanalytic approaches to the emotional symbolism of speech sounds.
Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1: Grammatical Notes in English
AOTS (Association For Overseas Technical Scholarship) - 1992
Sentence patterns and important grammatical points are explained without using grammarian's terminology.Three prefaces discuss general features of Japanese, Japanese script, and pronunciation.
Carlo Michelstaedter and the Failure of Language
Daniela Bini - 1992
Bini has made a relatively unknown but no less significant figure of early twentieth-century Mitteleuropean culture live again in a rigorous, impassioned, and, in its own way, courageous piece of work."--Rebecca West, University of ChicagoAt the turn of the century, Carlo Michelstaedter (1887-1910) flashed through the night sky of Mitteleuropa. In this first book-length study in English of the Italian cultural figure, Daniela Bini compares her subject to a meteor, a shooting star who dazzled the world briefly with his philosophy, poetry, and painting, then shot himself at the age of twenty-three. Michelstaedter was born to a cultured Jewish family in the city of Gorizia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire where Italian was spoken. After completing high school he moved to Florence to study art and there met and tutored the Russian divorcée Nadia Baraden. Her suicide in 1907 marked the onset of the severe depression that plagued him the last three years of his life. During that time, however, he produced a body of work that anticipates existentialism in philosophy and expressionism in art; his analysis and criticism of language establish him as a forerunner of Blanchot, Bataille, and Derrida. In the frenetic intellectual and artistic activity of those years, Michelstaedter repudiated the compartmentalization of all knowledge from philosophy to science. He completed his dissertation, a powerful piece of rhetoric arguing against rhetoric, on the day he committed suicide. Bini traces the trail of Michelstaedter's star, claiming that he sheds light on the twentieth century precisely because he found philosophical discourse inadequate. Based on close readings of his papers, poetry, and letters, and on a detailed analysis of his pencil and chalk drawings, she portrays him as the emblematic figure of the turn of the century, tragically frustrated in his attempts to grasp the essence of life and a mode to express it.Daniela Bini is assistant professor of Italian at the University of Texas in Austin. She is the coauthor of Italiano in diretta: An Introductory Course and Vivere all'italiana: An Italian Reader, and the author of Fragrance from the Desert: Poetry and Philosophy in Giacomo Leopardi.
The Old Saxon Language: Grammar, Epic Narrative, Linguistic Interference
Irmengard Rauch - 1992
It introduces the reader, regardless of degree of linguistic training, to the basic structure of a Germanic dialect. As a diachronic synchrony (variation and change within the Old Saxon time frame), "The Old Saxon Language" is largely dictated by cognitive strategies needed to unravel semantically a sentence or larger piece of discourse. A semantic focus pervades the entire grammar, which proceeds in the best Berkeley tradition of prompting the student to mingle intellectually with researching faculty. Thus, many of the most sophisticated research problems surrounding the study of Old Saxon are addressed.
Basque-English, English-Basque Dictionary
Gorka Aulestia - 1992
This compact softcover volume is the condensed version of the two larger dictionaries, Basque-English Dictionary and English-Basque Dictionary. These two comprehensive reference works were highly praised by critics and well received by the public. Prepared by two scholars of the Basque language, this streamlined volume is an indispensable aid for students, travelers, and those who need to translate quickly between Basque and English. The unified Batua dialect is emphasized.
Grammar for Smart People
Barry Tarshis - 1992
Yet many of us are plagued by the same nagging question: If I'm so smart why does grammar make me feel so dumb? Grammar For Smart People can help. Here at last, is a lively, user-friendly guide that zeroes in on the areas that give everyone the most trouble, and it does it with an advantage most grammar books lack - a light touch. You won't feel as though you're back in the fifth grade, diagramming sentences and struggling with a grammar textbook filled with dull, unbreakable rules.
Kana Can be Easy
Kunihiko Ogawa - 1992
But learning all the syllabaries one by one is a painstaking and time-consuming process. This handy book introduces a wonderful new method that helps make the process much easier. It aids students to memorize and recognize the shapes of the various kana symbols through a clever series of pictorial mnemonics. Now you can learn them with great ease, anytime and anywhere - at home, in the train, in the classroom - with this simple method.
Languages of the Mind: Essays on Mental Representation
Ray S. Jackendoff - 1992
Chief among his contributions is a formal theory that elaborates the nature of language and its relationship to a broad set of other domains.Languages of the Mind provides convenient access to Jackendoff's work over the past five years on the nature of mental representations in a variety of cognitive domains, in the context of a detailed theory of the level of conceptual structure developed in his earlier books Semantics and Cognition and Consciousness and the Computational Mind. The first two chapters summarize the theory of levels of mental representation (languages of the mind) and their relationships to each other and show how conceptual structure can be approached along lines familiar from syntactic and phonological theory. From this background, subsequent chapters develop issues in word learning (and its pertinence to the Piaget-Chomsky debate) and the relation of conceptual structure to the understanding of physical space.Further chapters apply the theory to domains outside of traditional cognitive science. They include an approach to social and cultural cognition modeled on first principles of linguistic theory, the beginnings of a formal description of psychodynamic phenomena, and a discussion of musical parsing and its relation to musical affect that bears on current disputes in linguistic parsing. The final chapter takes up a long-standing conflict between philosophical and psychological approaches to the study of mind, arguing that mental representations should be regarded purely in terms of the combinatorial organization of brain states, and that the philosophical insistence on the intentionality of mental states should be abandoned.
Berlitz Essentials: German
Berlitz Publishing Company - 1992
Traditional in approach, each guide includes a wide range of exercises and activities that utilize interesting dialogues and entertaining illustrations to provide a thorough introduction to the language within its cultural context.
Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon
Alessandro Duranti - 1992
Rather than functioning solely as a constraint on linguistic performance, context is now analyzed as a product of language use. Language and context are seen as interactively defined phenomena. The essays in this collection, written by many of the leading figures in the social sciences, critically reexamine the concept of context from a variety of different angles and propose new ways of thinking about it with reference to specific human activities such as face-to-face interaction, radio talk, medical diagnosis, political encounters and socialization practices. The editors have provided introductions to each essay as well as a general overview of the issues under debate.
Let's Learn Japanese Picture Dictionary
Marlene Goodman - 1992
Each Let's Learn Language Picture Dictionary in the series boasts 30 delightful two-page spreads that vividly illustrate the meanings of words. Fun-filled panoramas focus on scenes familiar to children aged three through eight, such as home life, the classroom, city life, sports, the zoo, and even outer space! Learners will love to revisit these detailed depictions of people, places, actions, and objects, each time improving their recall. Featured words are set off with individual illustrations and definitions to help learners at various levels build vocabulary. Includes an index and glossary of all the individually illustrated words. An ideal selection of first word books for parents and teachers who want to encourage second language acquisition.
Selected from Carrie (Writers' Voices Series)
Stephen King - 1992
She has no friends, and her mother is a cruel and insane woman. Selected from Carrie tells the story of Carrie's last days in high school. When her classmates pull their worst trick ever, Carrie strikes back with the full force of her deadly powers.--back cover
The Classical Tibetan Language
Stephan Beyer - 1992
Beyer presents the language as a medium of literary expression with great range, power, subtlety, and humor, not as an abstract object. He also deals comprehensively with a wide variety of linguistic phenomena as they are actually encountered in the classical texts, with numerous examples of idioms, common locutions, translation devices, neologisms, and dialectal variations.
A History of Old English Meter
Robert D. Fulk - 1992
D. Fulk offers a wide-ranging reference on Anglo-Saxon meter. Fulk examines the evidence for chronological and regional variation in the meter of Old English verse, studying such linguistic variables as the treatment of West Germanic parasite vowels, contracted vowels, and short syllables under secondary and tertiary stress, as well as a variety of supposed dialect features. Fulk's study of such variables points the way to a revised understanding of the role of syllable length in the construction of early Germanic meters and furnishes criteria for distinguishing dialectal from poetic features in the language of the major Old English poetic codices. On this basis, it is possible to draw conclusions about the probable dialect origins of much verse, to delineate the characteristics of at least four discrete periods in the development of Old English meter, and with some probability to assign to them many of the longer poems, such as Genesis A, Beowulf, and the works of Cynewulf.A History of Old English Meter will be of interest to scholars of Anglo-Saxon, historians of the English language, Germanic philologists, and historical linguists.
The Oxford Modern English Dictionary
Julia Swannell - 1992
Featuring over 90,000 entries, it draws on the powerful database of the famous Oxford English Dictionary to provide authoritative, in-depth coverage of the words in common use. The Oxford ModernEnglish Dictionary offers clear and thorough definitions, with completely updated usage notes that offer precise guidance to the most accurate meanings. It also indicates word origins and offers illustrative phrases and sentences. In addition, this new dictionary is completely up-to-date, including such new words as bungee-jumping, crop circle, karaoke, and zouk. There is no more thorough and timely resource on the broad range of everyday English than The Oxford Modern English Dictionary
Before Writing, Vol. II: A Catalog of Near Eastern Tokens
Denise Schmandt-Besserat - 1992
It points out that when writing began in Mesopotamia it was not, as previously thought, a sudden and spontaneous invention. Instead, it was the outgrowth of many thousands of years' worth of experience at manipulating symbols. In Volume I: From Counting to Cuneiform, Denise Schmandt-Besserat describes how in about 8000 B.C., coinciding with the rise of agriculture, a system of counters, or tokens, appeared in the Near East. These tokens—small, geometrically shaped objects made of clay—represented various units of goods and were used to count and account for them. The token system was a breakthrough in data processing and communication that ultimately led to the invention of writing about 3100 B.C. Through a study of archaeological and epigraphic evidence, Schmandt-Besserat traces how the Sumerian cuneiform script, the first writing system, emerged from a counting device. In Volume II: A Catalog of Near Eastern Tokens, Schmandt-Besserat presents the primary data on which she bases her theories. These data consist of several thousand tokens, catalogued by country, archaeological site, and token types and subtypes. The information also includes the chronology, stratigraphy, museum ownership, accession or field number, references to previous publications, material, and size of the artifacts. Line drawings and photographs illustrate the various token types.
A Dictionary of English Place-Names
A.D. Mills - 1992
From Abbas Combe to Zennor, it gives the meaning and origin of over 12,000 place-names, tracing their development from earliest times to the present day. This second edition adds 300 new entries, expands existing ones, and holds a glossary and extensive bibliography.
Ahyoka and the Talking Leaves
Peter Roop - 1992
The story of Ahyoka, the daughter of the famous Cherokee leader, Sequoyah, who helped her father to create the Cherokee syllabary--the only written language ever invented all at once by a single person.
Webster's New World German Dictionary, Concise Edition
Merriam-Webster - 1992
Comprehensive and authoritative (yet clear and concise), the dictionaries offer a full array of features. Long-standing favorites in hardcover, the dictionaries will continue to be standard references for years to come.More than 100,000 words, giving wide-ranging coverage of terms and expressionsDetailed definitions so the user can understand and translate idiomaticallyExtensive examples of usage, showing how translations of words can vary according to contextVerb tables, including irregular verbsCross-references from every verb to the appropriate verb table