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Holy Bible: American Standard Version - New & Old Testaments: E-Reader Formatted ASV w/ Easy Navigation
Anonymous - 1992
Released in 1901, this version has been meticulously converted to the Kindle format and includes the following features:SEARCH EVERY VERSE NAVIGATIONNo matter where you are in the Bible, quickly jump to a verse by typing the book's three-letter abbreviation and chapter and verse. For instance to jump to John 3:16, simply type "joh3.16". Easy as that!ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU ARE IN THE BIBLEBecause every verse is labeled, you always know at a glance where you are. No more paging endlessly to find a chapter heading to get your bearings.CHAPTER JUMP WITH 5-WAY CONTROLLERJump quickly to the previous or next chapter by pressing the left or right button on the 5-way controller.FULLY FEATURED TABLE OF CONTENTSThe full TOC appears at the beginning of the book and can be accessed through the MENU button. The beginning of every book also contains links to every chapter of that book.BEAUTIFUL FORMATTINGProper verse spacing, chapter headings, and margins are all set to be easy on the eyes.
Jesus and the Essenes
Dolores Cannon - 1992
With the emergence of the Dead Sea Scrolls, carefully kept quiet, has opened Pandora's Box and has shown how much dogma and censorship there is in the Church. Dolores Cannon's work in hypnosis has taken the study beyond abduction. This accumulation of 12 years of cases includes: * Cases of missing time * Spacecraft from other dimensions and planes of existence * Condensed or distorted time * The differences and functions of various alien races * And much more Dolores traces the phenomenon from the simple to the complex. Exploring areas untouched by other investigators, she makes the unbelievable become acceptable and understandable.
The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana
Jack Herer - 1992
Herer thoroughly documents the petrochemical industry's plot to outlaw this renewable source of paper, energy, food, textiles, and medicine. Photos, illustrations & charts. 10 tables. Size D. 330 pp.
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World
Kevin Kelly - 1992
Out of Control chronicles the dawn of a new era in which the machines and systems that drive our economy are so complex and autonomous as to be indistinguishable from living things.
From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society
Fei Xiaotong - 1992
Written in Chinese from a Chinese point of view for a Chinese audience, From the Soil describes the contrasting organizational principles of Chinese and Western societies, thereby conveying the essential features of both. Fei shows how these unique features reflect and are reflected in the moral and ethical characters of people in these societies. This profound, challenging book is both succinct and accessible. In its first complete English-language edition, it is likely to have a wide impact on Western social theorists.Gary G. Hamilton and Wang Zheng's translation captures Fei's jargonless, straightforward style of writing. Their introduction describes Fei's education and career as a sociologist, the fate of his writings on and off the Mainland, and the sociological significance of his analysis. The translators' epilogue highlights the social reforms for China that Fei drew from his analysis and advocated in a companion text written in the same period.
Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crimes
John E. Douglas - 1992
It classifies the critical characteristics of the perpetrators and victims of major crimes—murder, arson, sexual assault, and nonlethal acts—based on the motivation of the offender. The second edition contains new classifications on computer crimes, religion-extremist murder, and elder female sexual homicide.This edition also contains new information on stalking and child abduction, the use of biological agents as weapons, cybercrimes, Internet child sex offenders, burglary and rape, and homicidal poisoning. In addition, many of the case studies and crime statistics have been updated.
Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil
Nancy Scheper-Hughes - 1992
Bringing her readers to the impoverished slopes above the modern plantation town of Bom Jesus de Mata, where she has worked on and off for 25 years, Nancy Scheper-Hughes follows three generations of shantytown women as they struggle to survive through hard work, cunning and triage. It is a story of class relations told at the most basic level of bodies, emotions, desires and needs. Most disturbing – and controversial – is her finding that mother love, as conventionally understood, is something of a bourgeois myth, a luxury for those who can reasonably expect, as these women cannot, that their infants will live.
Drink Cultura: Chicanismo
José Antonio Burciaga - 1992
Burciaga is deeply rooted in the indigenous realities."--Carlos Santana
Norman Vincent Peale: Three Complete Books: The Power of Positive Thinking; The Positive Principle Today; Enthusiasm Makes the Difference
Norman Vincent Peale - 1992
The author's highly popular, inspirational landmark, The Power of Positive Thinking, joins his other successful guides to a successful business and personal life, The Positive Principle Today and Enthusiasm Makes the Difference, in one low-priced edition.
Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations
Alexander Carmichael - 1992
During his travels, Alexander Carmichael spent hours with peasants in their huts in front of peat fires listening as they "intoned in a low, recitative manner" these poems and prayers. This unique collection of living spirituality drawn from the depths of Celtic Christianity, represents a hidden oral tradition of great power and beauty, handed down through countless generations of Hebridean peasants.Previously available only as a bilingual text in six volumes, this edition in English contributes to a broader awareness of Celtic literature in general. John MacInnes' introduction puts the poems in the context of the life and folklore of the Gaelic community.
Out Of The Depths: The Experiences Of Mi'kmaw Children At The Indian Residential School At Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia
Isabelle Knockwood - 1992
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - 1992
With explanations of strange phenomena from both folklore and modern scientific research, it examines famous hauntings, historical figures and events, and myths and legends surrounding ghosts and spirits in different cultures. This edition covers recent breakthroughs and incidences, new information about important myths, and current research into ghosts and other paranormal occurrences.
Daughters of the Dust: The Making of an African American Woman's Film
Julie Dash - 1992
The film tells the story of an African American sea-island family preparing to come to the mainland at the turn of the century. In her richly textured, highly visual, lyrical portrayal of the day of the departure, Julie Dash evokes the details of a persisting African culture and the tensions between tradition and assimilation. Daughters of the Dust: The Making of an African American Woman’s Film, which includes Dash’s complete screenplay, describes the story of her extraordinary sixteen-year struggle to complete the project.
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
John W. DeCamp - 1992
$40 million was missing. The credit union's manager: Republican Party activist Lawrence E. "Larry" King, Jr., behind whose rise to fame and riches stood powerful figures in Nebraska politics and business, and in the nation's capital.In the face of opposition from local and state law enforcement, from the FBI, and from the powerful Omaha World-Herald newspaper, a special Franklin committee of the Nebraska Legislature launched its own probe. What looked like a financial swindle, soon exploded into a hideous tale of drugs, Iran-Contra money-laundering, a nationwide child abuse ring, and ritual murder.Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died—suddenly, and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.Author John DeCamp knows the Franklin scandal from the inside. In 1990, his "DeCamp memo" first publicly named the alleged high-ranking abusers. Today, he is attorney for two of the abuse victims.Using documentation never before made public, DeCamp lays bare not only the crimes, but the cover-up—a textbook case of how dangerous the corruption of institutions of government, and the press, can be. In its sweep and in what it portends for the nation, the Franklin cover-up followed the ugly precedent of the Warren Commission.
Beyond Backpacking: Ray Jardine's Guide to Lightweight Hiking
Ray Jardine - 1992
Jardine's initial presentation of his lightweight-hiking theories
Ranger Handbook
U.S. Department of the Army - 1992
In this handbook you will find tactics and techniques used by Army Rangers. This handbook offers the techniques and tactics that make U.S. Army Rangers the best soldiers in the world. These highly trained, easily deployable, and widely skilled infantrymen specialize in airborne assault, raids, recovery of personnel and equipment, and airfield seizure, among other difficult and dangerous missions. Now, in this recently revised edition of the U.S. Army Ranger Handbook, you can get the latest info on everything from understanding the basics of Army operations and tactics to discovering what makes a soldier with good leadership qualities and character. Although primarily written for Rangers and other light infantry units, it serves as a handy reference for all military units, covering how infantry squad- and platoon-sized elements conduct combat operations in varied terrains. this guide provides modern soldiers with best training possible and effectively combines the lessons of the past with important insights for the future to help make army leaders the absolute best they can be. This handbook provides squad and platoon leaders with the roles, tactics, knowledge, and operational requirements to employ combat multipliers in a combat environment. SH 21-76.
Healing for Damaged Emotions Workbook
David A. Seamands - 1992
Have you ever seen a cross section of the rings of a giant sequoia tree? Each ring of the tree reveals its developmental history. For example, one ring might represent a year of terrible drought while another ring shows signs of being struck by lightning. Some rings will probably show normal years of growth, but you may discover that a forest fire almost destroyed the tree. That's the way our lives are. Just below the protective bark--the concealing, protective mask--are the recorded rings of our lives. In the rings of our thoughts and emotions, memories are recorded that deeply affect our concepts, our rings of our thoughts and emotions, memories are recorded that deeply affect our concepts, our feelings, our relationships. They affect the way we look at life and God, at others and ourselves. Healing for Damaged Emotions Workbook provides you with the tools to examine the rings of your life and find healing for the painful scars that cripple your emotions. In this Workbook you'll find: � Entire text of Healing for Damaged Emotions � Scripture meditation and memorization � Prayer exercises � Journaling exercises � Small Group Guide � Recovery resources Healing for Damaged Emotions, first published in 1981 and since translated into 15 languages, has helped hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide deal honestly and successfully with their inner hurts. Through David Seamands' realistic, scriptural approach, you too can find healing and then become an agent of healing for fellow strugglers. David A. Seamands was writing about Christians in recovery long before recovery terminology was even popular. Former missionary and pastor, he is now Professor of Pastoral Ministries at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. His other books include Putting Away Childish Things, Healing of Memories, Freedom from the Performance Trap, and Living with Your Dreams (all Victor). Beth Funk was been involved with recovery groups and small group ministry for four years. She is now Director of Recovery Groups and Singles Ministry at Ocean Hills Community Church in San Juan Capistrano, California.
An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology
Pierre Bourdieu - 1992
Yet, despite the influence of his work, no single introduction to his wide-ranging oeuvre is available. This book, intended for an English-speaking audience, offers a systematic and accessible overview, providing interpretive keys to the internal logic of Bourdieu's work by explicating thematic and methodological principles underlying his work. The structure of Bourdieu's theory of knowledge, practice, and society is first dissected by Loic Wacquant; he then collaborates with Bourdieu in a dialogue in which they discuss central concepts of Bourdieu's work, confront the main objections and criticisms his work has met, and outline Bourdieu's views of the relation of sociology to philosophy, economics, history, and politics. The final section captures Bourdieu in action in the seminar room as he addresses the topic of how to practice the craft of reflexive sociology. Throughout, they stress Bourdieu's emphasis on reflexivity—his inclusion of a theory of intellectual practice as an integral component of a theory of society—and on method—particularly his manner of posing problems that permits a transfer of knowledge from one area of inquiry into another. Amplified by notes and an extensive bibliography, this synthetic view is essential reading for both students and advanced scholars.
Race-Ing Justice, En-Gendering Power: Essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, and the Construction of Social Reality
Toni Morrison - 1992
Yet even as the televised proceedings shocked and galvanized viewers not only in this country but the world over, they cast a long shadow on essential issues that define America.In Race-ing Justice, En-gendering Power, Toni Morrison contributes an introduction and brings together eighteen provocative essays, all but one written especially for this book, by prominent and distinguished academicians—black and white, male and female. These writings powerfully elucidate not only the racial and sexual but also the historical, political, cultural, legal, psychological, and linguistic aspects of a signal and revelatory moment in American history.With contributions by:Homi K. Bhabha, Margaret A. Burnham, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Paula Giddings, A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., Claudia Brodsky Lacour, Wahneema Lubiano, Manning Marable, Nellie Y. McKay, Toni Morrison, Nell Irvin Painter, Gayle Pemberton, Andrew Ross, Christine Stansell, Carol M. Swain, Michael Thelwell, Kendall Thomas, Cornel West, Patricia J. Williams
The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image
Anne Baring - 1992
They explain what happened to the goddess, when, and how she was excluded from western culture, and the implications of this loss.
The Color Complex: The Politics of Skin Color Among African Americans
Kathy Russell - 1992
A courageous, humane, and provocative examination of how differences in color and features among African Americans have played and continue to play a role in their professional lives, friendships, romances, and families.
The Costume Technician's Handbook: A Complete Guide for Amateur and Professional Costume Technicians
Rosemary Ingham - 1992
Features include: health and safety practices in the costume shop; chapters on pattern drafting and sewing operations; and an expanded section on alterations.
Learning by Heart: Teachings To Free The Creative Spirit
Corita Kent - 1992
Kent's work appeared in ads for IBM, on a U.S. stamp, on embassy walls, and in national museums worldwide, but it was as a master teacher that her work had the most influence. Now her teachings are gathered in this remarkable volume. Photos and drawings throughout.
Swift Justice: Murder & Vengeance In A California Town
Harry Farrell - 1992
In the days that followed, the Harts, local and state police, and J. Edgar Hoover's FBI scrambled to outwit the kidnappers, whose demands kept them at bay until they--and Brook Hart's murder--were at last discovered.Then the unthinkable: A band of vigilantes stormed the San Jose jail and hanged the two criminals in the town square as ten thousand watched. The next day the governor hailed the lynching as "a fine lesson". The San Jose lynching, which divided the nation and haunts the city still, is a chilling tale of fear, fury, and the collapse of justice--of a small American paradise turned inferno.
MiddlePassages: Poetry
Edward Kamau Brathwaite - 1992
With his other 'shorter' collections Black + Blues and Third World Poems, Middle Passages creates a kind of chisel which may well lead us into a projected third trilogy. Here is a political angle to Brathwaite's Caribbean & New World quest, with new notes of protest and lament. It marks a Sisyphean stage of Third World history in which things fall apart and everyone's achievements come tumbling back down upon their heads and into their hearts, like the great stone which King Sisyphus was condemned to keep heaving back up the same hill in hell - a postmodernist implosion already signalled by Baldwin, Patterson, Soyinka and Achebe and more negatively by V.S. Naipaul; but given a new dimension here by Brathwaite's rhythmical and 'video' affirmations. And so Middle Passages includes poems for those modern heroes who are the pegs by which the mountain must be climbed again: Maroon resistance, the poets Nicolas Guillen, the Cuban revolutionary, and Mikey Smith, stoned to death on Stony Hill; the great musicians (Ellington, Bessie Smith); and Third World leaders Kwame Nkrumah, Walter Rodney and Nelson Mandela.
All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948
Walid Khalidi - 1992
The body of the text is devoted to the villages themselves: each village entry comprises statistical data and several narrative sections. Field research by former residents and guides is used to pinpoint the precise location of village sites. A wide variety of Arab and Western sources is used to summarize village history before 1948 and to synthesize information about its topography, architecture, institutions and economic activity. Israeli and Arab accounts focus on the military operations that led to the conquest of the village. Entries also contain a description of the current status of the site, including post-1948 Israeli settlements established on confiscated village lands. Several hundred photographs, a number of informative maps and five appendices enhance the text prepared by more than thirty participants over a period of nearly six years.
Everyday Fashions of the Forties As Pictured in Sears Catalogs
JoAnne Olian - 1992
This book is a compilation of 122 fully illustrated and captioned pages selected and reproduced from rare copies of Sears catalogs of the World War II era.Over 120 large-format pages have been carefully reprinted on high-quality glossy stock. They reveal in sharp detail the broad range of clothing fashions available during a period when wartime gasoline rationing made mail-order shopping reach new heights of popularity.Hundreds of accurately detailed drawings depict articles of clothing and personal accessories, including hats, overcoats, shoes, dresses, sportswear, undergarments, neckties, and more. Styles for children range from play clothes to "Sunday best." Men's clothing reflects the conservativism in male fashions during the period. Women's wear ranges from slacks, newly popular with women in the workforce, to dresses with plenty of "Oomph."Here is a richly revealing document that historians of costume and readers interested in fashion, social history, and Americana will find endlessly fascinating. JoAnne Olian, curator of the Costume Collection at the Museum of the City of New York, has written an introduction that appraises the fashions of the 1940s and the many ways in which they reflected the times.
Ancestry's Red Book: American State, County and Town Sources
Alice Eichholz - 1992
In it, you will find both general and specific information essential to researchers of American records. This revised 3rd edition provides updated county and town listings within the same overall state-by-state organization. Whether you are looking for your ancestors in the northeastern states, the South, the West, or somewhere in the middle, "Ancestry's Red Book has information on records and holdings for every county in the United States, as well as excellent maps from renowned mapmaker William Dollarhide. In short, the "Red Book is simply the book that no genealogist can afford not to have. The availability of census records such as federal, state, and territorial census reports is covered in detail. Unlike the federal census, state and territorial census were taken at different times and different questions were asked. Vital records are also discussed, including when and where they were kept and how"
History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees
James Mooney - 1992
Bureau of Ethnology, James Mooney's History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees has enduring significance for both Native Americans and non-Indian people. The book contains the full texts of James Mooney's Myths of the Cherokee (1900) and The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees (1891), with an exclusive biographical introduction by George Ellison, James Mooney and the Eastern Cherokees. Mooney's exhaustive research preserved essential Cherokee history, lore, and rituals in a time when such knowledge was dying because younger Cherokees were accepting Western education, commerce, and medicine. The first section of this text covers Cherokee history from the time of DeSoto's search for gold in the 1600s to the late 1800s when the tribal consciousness nearly came to an end. The second section reveals the rich Cherokee mythology, detailing how the earth was made, how all "people" (both two-and four-footed) came about, and how they could all converse with each other. The third section of the book provides 28 sacred formulas from a mass of over 600 prayers, formulas, and songs. These formulas are centered on such things as medicine, hunting, love, finding lost articles, and frightening away storms. Exclusive to this edition, George Ellison's biographical portrait of James Mooney emphasizes the ethnologist's timeliness and his empathy for the Cherokees and their rich heritage. Completing this book are photographs of many of the chiefs and shamans, a glossary of terms, an index, and an immense section on notes and parallels to the Cherokee myths.
Planets in Solar Returns: Yearly Cycles of Transformation and Growth
Mary Fortier Shea - 1992
This work also provides an interpretation of each planet in every house of a Solar Return.
Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend
Miranda Aldhouse-Green - 1992
They possessed a complicated array of concepts and rituals, a powerful priesthood - the Druids - and a pantheon which included the goddess-queen Medb and the Morrigan, a sinister war-goddess.
Random House Word Menu: New and Essential Companion to the Dictionary
Stephen Glazier - 1992
A writer's right hand and a browser's delight, this reference contains thousands of entries in over 800 categories.
An Intellectual History of Modern Europe
Marvin Perry - 1992
The nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries are examined in relation to the Enlightenment.
The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives
Stanislav Grof - 1992
Exploring the Amazon Basin in search of mythical shamanic hallucinogens, they encounter a host of unusual characters—including a mushroom, a flying saucer, pirate Mantids from outer space, an appearance by James and Nora Joyce in the guise of poultry, and translinguistic matter—and discover the missing link in the development of human consciousness and language.
Lyric Philosophy
Jan Zwicky - 1992
Her aim is not to dismiss the role of analysis in philosophy; rather she strives to augment its resources and thereby give to philosophy a voice with greater range and integrity.Two parallel texts, on facing pages, run through the book. The primary one is Zwicky's, which begins with a critique of existing criteria for defining a work as philosphy, and then develops the notion of lyric in its relation to two other key terms: technology and domesticity. She finishes with an exploration of meaning, form, and content in lyric contexts.The parallel text consists of quotations from other authors. It serves as commentary on, illustration of, and reaction to, the main text; as a way of acknowledging intellectual debts; and as a way of providing an historical context for some of the main text's claims.Highly original in its thought and presentation, Zwicky's discussion makes an exciting contribution to contemporary philosophy, forging new connections and expanding old boundaries.
Kingdom of God
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1992
Yet, perhaps none of His teachings has been more misunderstood than this one.Some have thought of our Lord as simply a great moral leader whose aim was to help us all become better people. When we're good enough, according to this view, the kingdom of God will be established in our midst once and for all. Others see Jesus as a revolutionary with a fiery message of political upheaval. For them, the kingdom of God will come when unjust social and political structures are overthrown.In truth, the kingdom Jesus Christ proclaimed and initiated was more profound and more radical than anything any man has ever envisioned. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows conclusively from the Scriptures, God the Son came to earth to redeem rebellious humanity, save them from their sins, and make them the people of God.Indeed, the kingdom of God comes to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ Himself--His substitutionary death on the cross and His triumph over death and sin. Here and here alone is true hope for a lost and confused world.
Femicide: The Politics of Woman Killing
Jill Radford - 1992
The volumes in this series examine the impact of feminist advocacy, theory, and methodology on the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.
Who Is This King of Glory?
Alvin Boyd Kuhn - 1992
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the World
Michael Jordan - 1992
They have attempted to explain the mysteries and allay the fears in the same way - through the worship of gods. Deities have been identified with the human psyche for at least 60,000 years. Encyclopedia of Gods offers concise information on more than 2,500 of these deities, from the most ancient gods of polytheistic societies - Hittite, Sumerian, Mesopotamian - to the most contemporary gods of the major monotheistic religions - Allah, God, Yahweh. Among the cultures included are African peoples, Albanian, Pre-Islamic Arabian, Aztec, Babylonian, Buddhist, Canaanite, Celtic, Egyptian, Native American, Etruscan, Germanic, Greek, Roman, Hindu, Persian, Polynesian, and Shinto. The Encyclopedia includes not only the most significant gods of each culture but minor deities as well. Here you will find information not only on Zeus, Thor and Astarte but also on Tozi, the Aztec goddess of healing, Annamurti, the Hindu patron deity of the kitchen, and Nyakaya, the Shilluk crocodile goddess. Each entry provides details on what culture worshiped the god, the role of the god, and the characteristics and symbols used in identification. In the case of the more important personalities, references in art and literature and known dates of worship are also provided. Indexes by civilization and role of the god enable the researcher to compare gods across cultures or to find information on specific topics of interest. Encyclopedia of Gods will be indispensable to students and researchers in religions, anthropology, history and archaeology. It will also provide endless information for thereader interested in mythology and legend.
Imperial Eyes: Studies in Travel Writing and Transculturation
Mary Louise Pratt - 1992
The study of travel writing has, however, tended to remain either naively celebratory, or dismissive, treating texts as symptoms of imperial ideologies.Imperial Eyes explores European travel and exploration writing, in conjunction with European economic and political expansion since 1700. It is both a study in the genre and a critique of an ideology. Pratt examines how travel books by Europeans create the domestic subject of European imperialism, and how they engage metropolitan reading publics with expansionist enterprises whose material benefits accrued mainly to the very few. These questions are addressed through readings of travel accounts connected with particular sentimental historical travel writing. It examines the links with abolitionist rhetoric; discursive reinventions of South America during the period of its independence (1800-1840); and 18th-century European writings on Southern Africa in the context of inland expansion.
The Lincoln County War: A Documentary History
Frederick Nolan - 1992
Fueled by greed, propelled by religious and racial prejudice, inflamed by liquor and firearms, the war was a struggle to the death for the economic domination of a region where both sides saw enormous opportunity for acquiring wealth. In the end, neither side won and both suffered tremendous losses, human and financial. In this documentary history, for the first time, the participants and eyewitnesses tell the story of those bloody events in their own words. Frederick Nolan has drawn from many and diverse sources, some never before published, to present a detailed and comprehensive account of the whirlwind of violence that swept over Lincoln County, New Mexico, more than a century ago. John Tunstall, the McSweens, Jimmy Dolan, Billy the Kid, the Hispanic townspeople of Lincoln, the outsiders who tried to understand what was happening and restore law and order to the strife-torn territory--all speak out in The Lincoln County War. Nolan weaves their stories and opinions together with his own insightful commentary to produce a seamless, immensely readable account. As the adherents and sympathizers of the Murphy-Dolan and Tunstall-McSween factions tell their versions of events, the story develops a gripping power. Enlivened with eighty-three photographs of both people and places and three maps, the book also includes a detailed chronology of events and biographies of many of the participants.
Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, Ethics
Herman E. Daly - 1992
They vividly demonstrate that, contrary to current macroeconomic preoccupations, continued growth on a planet of finite resources cannot be physically or economically sustained and is morally undesirable.Among the issues addressed are population growth, resource use, pollution, theology (east and west), energy, and economic growth. Their common theme is the notion, popular with classical economists from Malthus to Mill, that an economic stationary state is more healthful to life on earth than unlimited growth. A number of essays in the first edition have become classics and have been retained for this edition, which adds six new essays.ContributorsKenneth E. Boulding, John Cobb, Herman E. Daly, Anne H. Ehrlich, Paul R. Ehrlich, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Garrett Hardin, John P. Holdren, M. King Hubbert, C. S. Lewis, E. F. Schumacher, Gerald Alonzo Smith, T. H. Tietenberg, Kenneth N. Townsend
From Pusan to Panmunjom: Wartime Memoirs of the Republic of Korea's First Four-Star General
Paik Sun Yup - 1992
The cover and title page show the spelling of the author's name as Paik Sun Yup; Library of Congress shows Son-yop Paek. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Lost Ballparks: A Celebration of Baseball's Legendary Fields
Lawrence S. Ritter - 1992
Now the author of The Glory of Their Times has brought 22 of these grand old open-air, wood-and-concrete stadiums back to life in a beautiful, big-hearted book filled with over 250 vintage photos of parks, players, games, and fans.
Evolution's End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence
Joseph Chilton Pearce - 1992
Drawing upon the latest in brain research, Pearce traces the development of intelligence from infancy to adulthood, cites five negative common practices that threaten our future, and explores possibilities for the unfolding of human intelligence.
A Zone of Engagement
Perry Anderson - 1992
They include Roberto Unger, advocate of plasticity; the historians of antiquity and of revolution, Geoffrey de Ste. Croix and Isaac Deutscher; the philosophers of liberalism, Norberto Bobbio and Isaiah Berlin; the sociologists of power, Michael Mann and W.G. Runciman; the exponents of national identity, Andreas Hillgruber and Fernand Braudel; the ironists of science, Max Weber and Ernest Gellner; Carlo Ginzburg, explorer of cultural continuity, and Marshall Berman, herald of modernity. A concluding chapter looks at the idea of the end of history, recently advanced by Francis Fukuyama, in its successive versions from the nineteenth century to the present, and considers the situation of socialism today in the light of it.
America: What Went Wrong?
Donald L. Barlett - 1992
Barlett and Steele deftly expose the shifting tax burdens, deregulation, foreign investment, bankruptcy laws, and other changes that have reeked havoc on the middle class.
Art As Medicine: Creating a Therapy of the Imagination
Shaun McNiff - 1992
Art As Medicine demonstrates how the imagination heals and renews itself through this natural process. The author describes his pioneering methods of art therapy—including interpretation through performance and storytelling, creative collaboration, and dialoguing with images—and the ways in which they can revitalize both psychotherapy and art itself.
The Campaign of the Century: Upton Sinclair's Race for Governor of California and the Birth of Media Politics
Greg Mitchell - 1992
Amazingly, Sinclair swept the Democratic primary, leading a mass movement called EPIC (End Poverty in California). More than a thousand EPIC chapters formed, much like Occupy Wall Street sites popped up in 2011.Alarmed, Sinclair’s opponents launched an unprecedented public relations blitzkrieg to discredit him. The result was nothing less than a revolution in American politics, and with it, the era of the “spin doctor” was born. The iconic Hollywood producer Irving Thalberg created the first "attack ads" for the screen, the precursor of today's TV travesties. Hollywood took its first all-out plunge into politics and money started to play the tune in our political process.In a riveting, blow-by-blow narrative featuring the likes of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Louis B. Mayer, H. L. Mencken, William Randolph Hearst, Will Rogers, Katharine Hepburn, and a Who's Who of political, literary and entertainment stars, Greg Mitchell brings to life the outrageous campaign that forever transformed the electoral process.A finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award, it served as the basis for one episode in the award-winning PBS documentary "The Great Depression"
Yemoja/Olokun: Ifa & the Spirit of the Ocean
Awo Falokun Fatunmbi - 1992
Those Spiritual Forces that form the foundation of Yemoja and Olokun's role in the Spirit Realm relate to the relationship between water and birth.
Discourse and Social Change
Norman Fairclough - 1992
The author shows how concern with the analysis of discourse can be combined, in a systematic and fruitful way, with an interest in broader problems of social analysis and social change. Fairclough provides a concise and critical review of the methods and results of discourse analysis, discussing the descriptive work of linguists and conversation analysts as well as the more historically and theoretically oriented work of Michel Foucault. He develops an original framework for discourse analysis which firmly situates discourse in a broader context of social relations bringing together text analysis, the analysis of processes of text production and interpretation, and the social analysis of discourse events.
Judy Garland: World's Greatest Entertainer
John Fricke - 1992
National ad/promo.
The Sacred Paw: The Bear In Nature, Myth, And Literature
Paul Shepard - 1992
Treasures of Disney Animation Art
Robert E. Abrams - 1992
Locked away for decades in the cavernous archives of Walt disney productions, most of these works were never intended to be seen by the public - they were simply necessary steps in the process of creating entertainment value in a radically different medium. Yet the character and story sketches, layouts, animation drawings, backgrounds, effects animation and cel setups reproduced in this volume represent some of the most extraordinary artwork produced this century. Arranged chronologically, these facsimile-quality illustrations are accompanied by historical information on each work and a complete annotated bibliography on animation.
Light Moving in Time: Studies in the Visual Aesthetics of Avant-Garde Film
William C. Wees - 1992
By manipulating the cinematic apparatus in unorthodox ways, avant-garde filmmakers challenge the standardized versions of seeing perpetuated by the dominant film industry and generate ways of seeing that are truer to actual human vision.Beginning with the proposition that the images of cinema and vision derive from the same basic elements—light, movement, and time—Wees argues that cinematic apparatus and human visual apparatus have significant properties in common. For that reason they can be brought into a dynamic, creative relationship which the author calls the dialectic of eye and camera. The consequences of this relationship are what Wees explores.Although previous studies have recognized the visual bias of avant-garde film, this is the first to place the visual aesthetics of avant-garde film in a long-standing, multidisciplinary discourse on vision, visuality, and art.
Framer Framed: Film Scripts and Interviews
Trinh T. Minh-ha - 1992
Framer Framed brings together for the first time the scripts and detailed visuals of three of Trinh Minh-ha's provocative films: Reassemblage, Naked Spaces--Living isRound, and Surname Viet Given Name Nam.
Conversations with Nostradamus
Dolores Cannon - 1992
Through a million to one chance contact through hypnosis, Nostradamus has broken through to our time period to reveal the events he foresaw rushing toward mankind.
Native Land and Foreign Desires: Pehea Lā E Pono Ai? How Shall We Live in Harmony?
Lilikalā K. Kame'eleihiwa - 1992
In the end, everything and everyone goes back to the aina (land). Have a good read. It's the truth about what happened in Hawaii over a hundred years ago and why Hawaiians still struggle in the aftermath of greed.
Black Popular Culture
Michele Wallace - 1992
30 essays explore and debate current directions in film, television, music, writing, and other cultural forms as created by or with the participation of black artists. 30 illustrations.
Corpus (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
Jean-Luc Nancy - 1992
How have we thought "the body"? How can we think it anew? The body of mortal creatures, the body politic, the body of letters and of laws, the "mystical body of Christ"-all these (and others) are incorporated in the word Corpus, the title and topic of Jean-Luc Nancy's masterwork.
Women Pilots Of World War II
Jean Hascall Cole - 1992
Women Pilots of World War II presents a rare look at the personal experiences of the Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASPs) by recording the adventures of one of eighteen classes of women to graduate from the Army Air Forces flight training school during World War II. This unique oral history verifies and shines a long-overdue spotlight on the flying accomplishments of these remarkable women.
The Kentucky Encyclopedia
John E. Kleber - 1992
Their subjects reflect all areas of the commonwealth and span the time from prehistoric settlement to today's headlines, recording Kentuckians' achievements in art, architecture, business, education, politics, religion, science, and sports. Biographical sketches portray all of Kentucky's governors and U.S. senators, as well as note congressmen and state and local politicians. Kentucky's impact on the national scene is registered in the lives of such figures as Carry Nation, Henry Clay, Louis Brandeis, and Alben Barkley. The commonwealth's high range from writers Harriette Arnow and Jesse Stuart, reformers Laura Clay and Mary Breckinridge, and civil rights leaders Whitney Young, Jr., and Georgia Powers, to sports figures Muhammad Ali and Adolph Rupp and entertainers Loretta Lynn, Merle Travis, and the Everly Brothers. Entries describe each county and county seat and each community with a population above 2,500. Broad overview articles examine such topics as agriculture, segregation, transportation, literature, and folklife. Frequently misunderstood aspects of Kentucky's history and culture are clarified and popular misconceptions corrected. The facts on such subjects as mint juleps, Fort Knox, Boone's coonskin cap, the Kentucky hot brown, and Morgan's Raiders will settle many an argument. For both the researcher and the more casual reader, this collection of facts and fancies about Kentucky and Kentuckians will be an invaluable resource.
Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World
John G. Gager - 1992
These curses or binding spells, commonly called defixiones were intended to bring other people under the power and control of those who commissioned them. More than a thousand such texts, written between the 5th Century B.C.E. and the 5th Century C.E., have been discovered from North Africa to England, and from Syria to Spain. Extending into every aspect of ancient life--athletic and theatrical competitions, judicial proceedings, love affairs, business rivalries, and the recovery of stolen property--they shed light on a new dimension of classical study previously inaccessible. Here, for the first time, these texts have been translated into English with a substantial translator's introduction revealing the cultural, social, and historical context for the texts. This book will interest historians, classicists, scholars of religion, and those concerned with ancient magic.
Managing Change: A Strategic Approach To Organisational Dynamics
Bernard Burnes - 1992
It discusses the techniques and methods that can be used to aid such change.
Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic
Elisabeth Bronfen - 1992
The conjuction of death, art and femininity forms a rich and disturbing strata of Western culture, explored here in fascinating detail by Elisabeth Bronfen. Her examples range from Carmen to Little Nell, from Wuthering Heights to Vertigo, from Snow White to Frankenstein. The text is richly illustrated throughout with thirty-seven paintings and photographs. The argument that this book presents is that narrative and visual representations of death can be read as symptoms of our culture and because the feminine body is culturally constructed as the superlative site of "other" and "not me," culture uses art to dream the deaths of beautiful women.
Edgar Cayce Handbook for Creating Your Future
Mark A. Thurston - 1992
They operate like formulas that teach us about the mysteries of living and are evident to anyone who is willing and able to look closely at life. As you will see, these principles can be applied to every situation, and you can begin to use them instantly in your everyday life: Everything Happens for a Reason: You Have a Purpose in Life; Love Means Honoring the Other Person's Free Will; Every Crisis Is an Opportunity for a Breatkthrough, and many more.Filled with inspiring counsel, this is a truly accessible guide to the universal principles that govern the grand game of life. It can enable you to become a more creative, productive, and joyful person--a true co-creator with your higher power.
Ogun; Ifa and the Spirit of Iron
Awo Falokun Fatunmbi - 1992
The essence of �g�n is considered one of many Spiritual Forces in Nature which are called Orisha. There are a large number of Orisha and each Orisha has its own Awo. The unique function of �g�n within the realm of Orisha Awo (Mysteries of Nature) is to remove all obstacles that stand in the way of Spiritual evolution, which includes the evolution of all that is. In order to do this �g�n must sacrifice all that stands in the way of spiritual evolution. Because of these sacred responsibility �g�n is considered the Guardian of Truth. �g�n does not protect the truth of what we would like to be, he guards the truth of what is. It is the process of making this distinction that lies at the core of �g�n's mystery.
Scenes from Deep Time: Early Pictorial Representations of the Prehistoric World
Martin J.S. Rudwick - 1992
Their interpretations, informed by recent fossil discoveries, were the first efforts to represent the prehistoric world based on sources other than the Bible. Martin J. S. Rudwick presents more than a hundred rare illustrations from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to explore the implications of reconstructing a past no one has ever seen.
Celtic Design: Animal Patterns
Aidan Meehan - 1992
Tracing the development of zoomorphic decoration, Aidan Meehan shows how we can re-learn this traditional art language, whose motifs range from griffins to greyhounds. Dynamic and ingenious animal patterns from all over Northern Europe are illustrated, their construction explained in detail, and suggestions made for exciting variations, as we are invited to share in this rediscovery and adaptation of long-forgotten designs.With over 400 illustrationsOn the cover: Hound-and-Heron Panel detail by Aidan Meehan
On the Home Front: The Cold War Legacy of the Hanford Nuclear Site
Michele Stenehjem Gerber - 1992
Located in southeastern Washington State, the Hanford Site produced the plutonium used in the atomic bombs that ended World War II. This book was made possible by the declassification in the 1980s of tens of thousands of government documents relating to the construction, operation, and maintenance of the site. The third edition contains a new introduction by John M. Findlay and a new epilogue by the author.
The Flayed God: The Mesoamerican Mythological Tradition
Roberta H. Markman - 1992
This stunning collection of original tales, legends, and historical accounts explores the rich tapestry of Mesoamerican narrative myths that have survived the Conquest. Some of the narratives in this selection are presented here for the first time in English translations of their original texts, while other antiquated translations have been updated. "We are fortunate to be able to present what remains of one of the world's great mythological traditions," write the Markmans, "and even in these 'fragments shored against the ruins' we can still sense the magnificence of that tradition." From the ancient goddess of Zohalpico, perhaps the earliest known image of the village cultures, The Flayed God chronologically traces the development of the myths of creation, fertility, rulership, hero journeys, and migration within the urban mythic traditions of the Olmec, Toltec, Maya, Mixtec, and Aztec cultures. Richly illustrated throughout with the strange and compelling imagery of the original codices, stelae, friezes, murals, figurines, masks, and statues, The Flayed God is among the most coherent and eminently readable volumes to date on the Mesoamerican experience. The flayed god of the title is Xipe Totec, "the metaphoric embodiment of the cyclical pattern of all life, a pattern promising the rebirth of man and man's sustenance, the corn, but requiring sacrificial death for the accomplishment of that rebirth." He is depicted with his face covered by a mask made from the taut skin of a sacrificial victim, a mask through which we can see the wearer's own living eyes and mouth, and he also wears the skin of the flayed one as a garment. In the ritual
Empowering Education: Critical Teaching for Social Change
Ira Shor - 1992
His work creatively adapts the ideas of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire for North American classrooms. In Empowering Education Shor offers a comprehensive theory and practice for critical pedagogy. For Shor, empowering education is a student-centered, critical and democratic pedagogy for studying any subject matter and for self and social change. It takes shape as a dialogue in which teachers and students mutually investigate everyday themes, social issues, and academic knowledge. Through dialogue and problem-posing, students become active agents of their learning. This book shows how students can develop as critical thinkers, inspired learners, skilled workers, and involved citizens. Shor carefully analyzes obstacles to and resources for empowering education, suggesting ways for teachers to transform traditional approaches into critical and democratic ones. He offers many examples and applications for the elementary grades through college and adult education.
The State of Native America: Genocide, Colonization, and Resistance
M. Annette Jaimes - 1992
Includes, among other topics, treaty rights and international status, self-governance, U.S. repression, spiritual hucksterism, resource development and uranium contamination on reservations, religious freedom, and the implications of the Columbus Quincentenary celebration.
Advances in Sport Psychology
Thelma S. Horn - 1992
The text is written by 34 of the field's most prolific researchers and scholars, including Maureen Weiss, Shane Murphy, and Albert Carron. These contributors extend the boundaries that have defined the field and provide a clear direction for future research.This third edition has been completely revised to reflect the advances that have occurred in the field within the past several years. The text provides readers with a complete picture of current research and emerging topics in sport psychology while challenging researchers to examine the factors that keep this discipline growing. Advances in Sport Psychology, Third Edition, provides a fresh look at sport psychology with these features:-Four new chapters on qualitative research methods, achievement goal theories, self-confidence, and family and peer influences-Significant revisions of the second-edition chapters, along with more concise overviews of individual topics-An analysis and synthesis of the state of knowledge for each topic and a discussion of future research directionsThe text focuses on the most important and active areas of current research, which recognize the merging of individual and socioenvironmental factors in making sense of sport performance and behavior. Each chapter includes a definition of terms, an explanation of the chapter's scope, and an outline of the sections. The author then provides a review of the available research and theory on the chapter's main topic, analyzes the state of knowledge in the area, and devotes significant space to future research directions.The book is divided into four parts. Part I offers a comprehensive introduction to the field, including definitions, history, and research paradigms and methodologies. Part II explores individual characteristics that affect sport participants' behavior, including self-perceptions, attributional patterns and perceptions of control, motivational orientations, and achievement goal perspectives. Part III explores socioenvironmental factors that affect sport participants' behaviors. Part IV delves into the research and theory concerning intervention techniques used for enhancing performance and modifying athletes' behaviors, including imagery and mental rehearsal, attentional processes, goal setting, and flow and peak performance.Advances in Sport Psychology, Third Edition, offers a new and thorough understanding of where sport psychology has been, where it is now, and where it is headed. This text will help students prepare and conduct their own research, and it will be a great reference for professionals who want to stay on the cutting-edge of the field.
Dictionary of Native American Mythology
Sam D. Gill - 1992
Schoolchildren make crude replicas of totem poles when they study northwestern tribal peoples. But in Dictionary of Native American Mythology we learn that Coyote is a cultural hero and trickster figure with vast numbers of stories from many tribes. Totem poles, while artistically beautiful, represent the animal lineage from which a human family has descended. And sand paintings are created as a part of an eight-day Navajo healing ceremony. These are just some of the more familiar of the more than 1,300 richly worded and illustrated entries. The importance of ritual and myth in creating meaning is nowhere more evident than in Native American traditions. Dictionary of Native American Mythology is a careful selection of the distinctive stories, characters, themes, symbols, and motifs that interweave the traditions of over 100 different Native American cultures. The alphabetically arranged entries are rigorously cross-referenced, allowing the reader to pursue in depth a particular path of inquiry. Each entry cites tribal origin and the corresponding geographic region. These regions in turn are keyed to ten tribal territory maps that pinpoint exact tribe locations. The massive bibliography and tribal index complete this work so that it is not only an indispensable resource for students and scholars, but also a delight to the casual browser. Dictionary of Native American Mythology is a monumental contribution to the study of Native American myth and ritual, both past and present.
Tim Joyner - 1992
In this stirring account of an epic voyage beset by shipwreck, desertions, scurvy, and hunger, (Magellan) emerges as an all-too-human hero who tested the limits of the possible.--Publishers Weekly.
Translation, Rewriting, And The Manipulation Of Literary Fame
André Lefevere - 1992
Lefevere explores how the process of rewriting works of literature manipulates them to ideological and artistic ends, so that the rewritten text can be given a new, sometimes subversive, historical or literary status.
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution
Steve Jones - 1992
Over seventy scholars worldwide have collaborated on the Encyclopedia, which is divided into ten main sections. Following a keynote introduction asking simply What makes us human?, the coverage ranges widely: from genetics, primatology and fossil origins to human biology and ecology, brain function and behavior, and demography and disease. Emphasis is placed throughout on the biological diversity of modern people and the increasing convergence of the fossil and genetic evidence for human evolution that has emerged in recent years. Because of the need to look at humankind in the context of our closest relatives, the Encyclopedia also pays particular attention to the evolution and ecology of the living primates--lemurs, lorises, monkeys and apes. It deals with the evolution and ecology of human society, as reconstructed from archaeological remains, and from studies of indigenous peoples and living primates today. It considers the biology of uniquely human abilities such as language and upright walking, and it reviews the biological future of humankind in the face of challenges greater than those ever before experienced. Boxes highlighting key issues and techniques are provided throughout the text, and there are numerous maps, photographs, diagrams, and ready-reference tables--all the reader needs in a single volume to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of how humankind has developed and how scientists set about investigating the origin of our species.
Forbidden Fruit: Women Write The Erotic
Tina CuyuganLuna Sicat Cleto - 1992
Fatima Lim, Jessica Hagedorn, Marra Lanot, Ruth Elynia Mabanglo, and Benilda Santos.In these stories and poems—tender, sad, passionate, wry, distrubing and joyful—women give new voice to their perceptions of the erotic and reveal their delights and desires. An outstanding collection that will provoke and give pleasure to the reader.
Gujranwala: The Glory That Was
Salman Rashid - 1992
This is also an attempt, in Salman Rashid's words, to immortalize "whatever little has been spared the ruthless destructiveness of "progress", which in our country unfortunately means the pulling down of historical buildings and replacing them with ugly monstrosities.
Corn is Our Blood: Culture & Ethnic Identity in a Contemporary Aztec Indian Village
Alan R. Sandstrom - 1992
-- Choice.
Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction
Lesley E. Smart - 1992
The third edition of Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction has been comprehensively revised and updated. Building a foundation with a thorough description of crystalline structures, the book presents a wide range of the synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids. Other fundamental discussions include: bonding, superconductivity, and electrochemical, magnetic, optical, and conductive properties. The authors have added sections on fuel cells and electrochromic materials; conducting organic polymers, organic superconductors, and fullerenes; mesoporous solids and ALPOs; photonics; giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and colossal magnetoresistance (CMR); and p-wave (triplet) superconductors. The book also includes a completely new chapter, which examines the solid state chemical aspects of nanoscience. Each chapter contains a set of review questions and an accompanying solutions manual is available.Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction, Third Edition is written in a clear, approachable style that enhances the material by integrating its concepts in the context of current applications and areas of promising research.
Conversations with Nikki Giovanni
Virginia C. Fowler - 1992
Her first two volumes of poetry, Black Feeling, Black Talks and Black Judgement, gave expression to the thoughts and feelings of a generation of young African Americans and established Giovanni, in the minds of many, as a "revolutionary," even militant, poet. The image was not altogether accurate, yet it became the gauge by which her later work was judged.In these conversations the reader can follow the evolution of Giovanni's distinctive voice and the sensibility of the poet's mind. She chooses her words carefully, while giving an impression of spontaneity and even of glibness.
Creative Whack Pack
Roger Von Oech - 1992
The Whack Pack deck consists of 64 cards, each featuring a different approach or creative strategy. Some cards highlight ways to discover new information. Others provide techniques to generate new ideas and approaches. Some offer decision-making advice. And many give you the kick you need to get your ideas into action. The deck is divided into four different suits representing roles or creative types: Explorer, Artist, Judge, and Warrior. Creative Whack Pack has helped millions of people apply these innovative solutions and classic wisdom to the challenges of modern life.
Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time: Michel Serres with Bruno Latour
Michel Serres - 1992
In these five lively interviews with sociologist Bruno Latour, this increasingly important cultural figure sheds light on the ideas that inspire his highly original, challenging, and transdisciplinary essays. Serres begins by discussing the intellectual context and historical events-- including the impact of World War II and Hiroshima, which for him marked the beginning of science's ascendancy over the humanities--that shaped his own philosophical outlook and led him to his lifelong mission of bringing together the texts of the humanities and the conceptual revolutions of modern science. He then confronts the major difficulties encountered by his readers: his methodology, his mathematician's fondness for "shortcuts" in argument, and his criteria for juxtaposing disparate elements from different epochs and cultures in extraordinary combinations. Finally, he discusses his ethic for the modern age--a time when scientific advances have replaced the natural necessities of disease and disaster with humankind's frightening new responsibility for vital things formerly beyond its control. In the course of these conversations Serres revisits and illuminates many of his themes: the chaotic nature of knowledge, the need for connections between science and the humanities, the futility of traditional criticism, and what he calls his "philosophy of prepositions"--an argument for considering prepositions, rather than the conventionally emphasized verbs and substantives, as the linguistic keys to understanding human interactions. For readers familiar with Serres's works as well as for the uninitiated, Conversations on a Life in Philosophy provides fascinating insights into the mind of this appealing, innovative and ardent thinker. Michel Serres has taught at Clermont-Ferrand, at the University of Paris VIII (Vincennes) and at the Sorbonne. He has served as visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University and has been on the faculty of Stanford University since 1984. Bruno Latour, a philosopher and anthropologist, is Professor of Sociology, L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines in Paris. He has written several books and numerous articles on the ties between the sciences and the rest of culture and society. Roxanne Lapidus is Managing Editor of SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism. Conversations on a Life in Philosophy was originally published in France as Eclaircissements.
The Kurds: A Concise History and Fact Book
Mehrdad R. Izady - 1992
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Planet Earth: Cosmology, Geology, and the Evolution of Life and Environment
Cesare Emiliani - 1992
Fortunately, the great advances made in all fields of science since World War II make it possible to reconstruct the entire life history of the world we live in, from the Big Bang to the present, and thus to understand how the system works. This book presents a global picture of our world - how it originated, how it evolved, how it works - and provides the background necessary to assess ways to stabilize it. Although the science is rigorous and quantitative, the book is written in an informal style and is readily accessible to anyone with a knowledge of high-school algebra.
Chronicles of Dissent: Interviews with David Barsamian
Noam Chomsky - 1992
Chomsky feels the abuses, cruelty and hypocrisies of power more intensely than anyone I know. It's a state of continual alertness. Often, after I've glanced at a story in the paper and skipped rapidly over the familiar rubble of falsification, a week or two later will drop into my mailbox a photocopy of that same story marked up by Chomsky, with sentences underlined and a phrase or two in the margin etched deep into the paper by an angry pen. What Chomsky offers is a coherent "big picture," buttressed by the data of a thousand smaller pictures and discrete theaters of conflict, struggle and oppression.... For hundreds of thousands of people--over the years, he must have spoken to more American students than any person alive--Chomsky has offered the assurance, the intellectual and moral authority, that there is another way of looking at things. In this vital function he stands in the same relationship to his audience as did a philosopher he admires greatly, Bertrand Russell. -Alexander Cockburn, from his introduction "Excavating the Truth"
The Challenge to Care in Schools: An Alternative Approach to Education
Nel Noddings - 1992
Noddings argues that such emphasis shortchanges not only the noncollege-bound whose interests are almost ignored, but even those who are preparing for college. The latter receive schooling for the head but little for the heart and soul. Noddings counteracts this condition, insisting that our aim should be to encourage the growth of competent, caring, loving and lovable persons, a moral priority that our educational system ignores. She argues that liberal education dictates what areas of pedagogy are socially acceptable - ignoring a student's wider range of abilities - and undervalues skills, attitudes and capacities traditionally associated with women. Contrarily, it is precisely the competence for caring, Nodding posits, that will prepare our students for the environment of the school, the world of work, the realm of ideas, and ultimately, for each other.
The Culture of Contentment
John Kenneth Galbraith - 1992
Galbraith focuses on the results of this stasis, including short-term thinking and investment, government as a burden, and corporate sclerosis. The author also explores international issues, such as the parallels between the denial of trouble in Eastern Europe and problems unrecognized in America. This book is a groundbreaking assessment of the future of America.
Reverse Symbolism Dictionary: Symbols Listed by Subject
Steven Olderr - 1992
The earlier dictionary was arranged by symbol and told what the meanings were. The present work goes the other way (but it is not simply a refiguring of the data). It presents ideas, situations or objects (ancient to modern), and gives the appropriate symbols (allusions, associations, attributes, or emblems). Some examples: one of the symbols for hell is descending stairs; an attribute of Saint Benedict is a raven; joy after sorrow is symbolized by the gemstone, amber. Literary, artistic, religious, heraldic, numerological, folkloric, occult, psychological, and biblical usages are included.
Pornography and Representation in Greece and Rome
Amy Richlin - 1992
Covering such topics as vase painting, tragic and comic drama from fifth-century Athens, Hellenistic philosophy and sex manuals, Roman history, poetry, wall-painting, representations of gladiatorial combat, and romance novels, the contributors approach sexuality from both sides of the feminist pornography debate, including the use of film theory. A path-breaking application of feminist theory to the study of Greek and Roman cultures, this text offers new insight into the notion of sexuality in the ancient world.
Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods
J.S.M. Ward - 1992
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
The Bronx: It Was Only Yesterday (Life in the Bronx Series)
Lloyd Ultan - 1992
In 1979, the first book, The Beautiful Bronx: 1920-1950 was published, and this was followed in 1985 by The Bronx In The Innocent Years: 1890-1925, and then in 1992 by The Bronx It Was Only Yesterday: 1935 - 1965. In 2000, The Birth of The Bronx 1609-1900 becomes the fourth in the series. Splendid works of social history, "The Life in The Bronx" series provides an engaging portrait of the mainland section of New York City at various turning points in the development of America's growing urban society. This volume takes a close look at a period of great technological change that brought the outside world closer to The Bronx. These were the decades when entertainment shifted from enjoying movies and radio, to spending hours watching newly purchased black and white television sets; when the preferred mode of transportation changed from trolleys, buses, and subways to automobiles; when popular taste in music shifted from big bands to rock 'n' roll; when heretofore tranquil neighborhoods were disturbed by the clatter of construction of new highways and high-rise housing complexes. These absorbing narratives of the colorful activities of these times is complemented with rare photographs from the research archives of The Bronx County Historical Society. They offer a vivid glimpse into the wide range of changes that occurred in these years and of the elements of continuity that preserved The Bronx as a desirable residence for the countless numbers of people that chose to make it their home.
Total Quality Management in Education
Edward Sallis - 1992
With the pressure for change and quality in education never more acute, this book provides an opportunity for readers in education to acquaint themselves with TQM.;Revised and updated, this edition introduces the key concepts of TQM in the education context. It discusses organizational, leadership and teamwork issues and the tools and techniques of TQM. This text should help educators develop a framework for quality management in their school, college, department or university.
The Springs Of Contemplation: A Retreat At The Abbey Of Gethsemani
Thomas Merton - 1992
This book contains the transcripts of those conversations. Merton's thoughts are presented on the practice of contemplative prayer, monastic renewal, and "Zen, a Way of Living Life Directly."
Environmentalism and Political Theory: Toward an Ecocentric Approach
Robyn Eckersley - 1992
It sets out to disentangle the various strands of Green political thought and explain their relationship to the major Western political traditions. Environmentalism and Political Theory represents the consolidation of a new field of political inquiry that is destined to become an increasingly important component of political studies and political reporting worldwide. An interdisciplinary study that builds bridges between environmental philosophy, ecological thought, and political inquiry, this book employs a range of new insights from environmental philosophy to outline a particular Green political perspective.