Best of
Jesus and the Essenes
Dolores Cannon - 1992
With the emergence of the Dead Sea Scrolls, carefully kept quiet, has opened Pandora's Box and has shown how much dogma and censorship there is in the Church. Dolores Cannon's work in hypnosis has taken the study beyond abduction. This accumulation of 12 years of cases includes: * Cases of missing time * Spacecraft from other dimensions and planes of existence * Condensed or distorted time * The differences and functions of various alien races * And much more Dolores traces the phenomenon from the simple to the complex. Exploring areas untouched by other investigators, she makes the unbelievable become acceptable and understandable.
Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
Barbara Marciniak - 1992
Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our "gods" are. Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become "bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth.
Through Time Into Healing
Brian L. Weiss - 1992
Now, based on his extensive clinical experience, he builds on time-tested techniques of psychotherapy, revealing how regression to past lifetimes provides the necessary breakthrough to healing mind, body, and soul. Using vivid past life case studies, Dr. Weiss shows how regression therapy can heal grief, create more loving relationships, uncover hidden talents, and ultimately shows how near death and out of body experiences help confirm the existence of past lives. Dr. Weiss includes his own professional hypnosis, dream recall, meditation and journaling techniques for safe past life recall at home.
Norman Vincent Peale: Three Complete Books: The Power of Positive Thinking; The Positive Principle Today; Enthusiasm Makes the Difference
Norman Vincent Peale - 1992
The author's highly popular, inspirational landmark, The Power of Positive Thinking, joins his other successful guides to a successful business and personal life, The Positive Principle Today and Enthusiasm Makes the Difference, in one low-priced edition.
The Archaic Revival
Terence McKenna - 1992
Weekly as "the culture's foremost spokesman for the psychedelic experience," Terrence McKenna is an underground legend as a brilliant raconteur, adventurer & expert on the experiential use of mind-altering plants. In these essays, interviews & narrative adventures, McKenna takes us on a mesmerizing journey deep into the Amazon as well as into the hidden recesses of the human psyche & the outer limits of our culture, giving us startling visions of the past & future.
A Search for God, Books I & II
Edgar Evans Cayce - 1992
Here is a unique compilation of information dealing with spiritual laws of daily living. Why is it unique? The manuscript resulted from the study and work of the original Study Group #1 of the Association for Research and Enlightment, Incorporated, Virginia Beach, Virginia. It was written not by one person but by many individuals. The affirmations and basic discourses under each chapter heading came from general readings given by Edgar Cayce. Questions were asked and experiences during meditation explained in subsequent readings for twelve people. To these individuals it brought hope, peace, a better understanding of their fellow human beings and an inner joy in a greater awareness of attunement with the Creator. There is nothing new here. The search for God is as old as humanity. This book is passed on in the hope that through it, during trying times ahead, many may glimpse a ray of light; that in other hearts it may awaken a new hope and vision of a better world through application of His laws in daily life.
Can We Talk to God
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes - 1992
The excessive materialism of the late 20th century has proven an inadequate substitute for God. As we have acquired more things, we have developed an ever-growing emptiness. Even the popular media today are telling us there is a great hunger for the inner peace that comes from prayerful communion with a higher power. "Can We Talk to God?" offers readers a framework for prayer that is compatible with traditional religion, yet moves beyond it in the recognition of a divine presence within each person. This book sets forth the teaching of Ernest Holmes, called Science of Mind, which is a synthesis of the greatest ideas of religion, science and philosophy. Originally published in 1934 as The Ebell Lectures on Spiritual Science, it is as fresh and profound today as it was then, offering readers answers to such important questions as: What is the nature of God? What is our relationship to God? How do we communicate with God? What is the secret of spiritual power? Where is humanity headed? How can a prayer be used to help ourselves and others?Many readers wonder, Can I talk to God? This beautiful book answers with a resounding YES!, and shows readers the way. The method of prayer it teaches will open the door to healthier, happier living.
No Ordinary Moments: A Peaceful Warrior's Guide to Daily Life
Dan Millman - 1992
While there is a wealth of information and advice available on all of these subjects, we still have trouble turning knowing into doing. Here, Dan Millman presents a peaceful warrior's way to turn our intentions into action, our challenges into strength, and our life experiences into wisdom.Based on the premise that by changing ourselves we can change the world, No Ordinary Moments presents simple yet powerful ways to balance our body, liberate our mind, accept our emotions, and open our heart.
Commentary on Plato's Parmenides
Proclus - 1992
Glenn Morrow's death occurred while he was less than halfway through the translation, which was completed by John Dillon. A major work of the great Neoplatonist philosopher, the commentary is an intellectual tour de force that greatly influenced later medieval and Renaissance thought. As the notes and introductory summaries explain, it comprises a full account of Proclus' own metaphysical system, disguised, as is so much Neoplatonic philosophy, in the form of a commentary.
The Divine Guide in Early Shi'ism: The Sources of Esotericism in Islam
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi - 1992
The power of Shi'ism comes from the actions of the Imam. This title is reserved exclusively for the sucessors of the prophets in their mission. The author shows that from the beginning of Shi'ite Islam until the tenth century, the Imam was primarily a master of knowledge with supernatural powers, not a jurist theologian. The Imam is the threshold through which God and the creatures communicate. He is thus a cosmic necessity, the key and the center of the universal economy of the sacred.The author presents Shi'ism as a religion founded on double dimensions where the role of the leader remains constantly central: perpetual initiation into divine secrets and continued confrontation with anti-initiation forces. Without esotericism, exotericism loses its meaning. Early Imamism is an esoteric doctrine. Historically, then, at the beginning of esotericism in Islam, we find an initiatory, mystical, and occultist doctrine. This is the first book to systematically explore the immense literature attributed to the Imams themselves in order to recover the authentic original vision. It restores an essential source of esotericism in the world of Islam.
The Great Angel: A Study of Israel's Second God
Margaret Barker - 1992
She claims that pre-Christian Judaism was not monotheistic and that the roots of Christian Trinitarian theology lie in a pre-Christian Palestinian belief about angels--a belief derived from the ancient religion of Israel, in which there was a High God and several Sons of God. Yahweh was a son of God, manifested on earth in human form as an angel or in the Davidic King. Jesus was a manifestation of Yahweh, and was acknowledged as Son of God, Messiah, and Lord. Barker relies on canonical and deutero-canonical works and literature from Qumran and rabbinic sources to present her thoughtful investigation.
Conversations with Nostradamus
Dolores Cannon - 1992
Through a million to one chance contact through hypnosis, Nostradamus has broken through to our time period to reveal the events he foresaw rushing toward mankind.
The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature
Michael Murphy - 1992
In modern times, those records have been supplemented by scientific studies of exceptional functioning. Are the limits of human growth fixed? Are extraordinary abilities latent within everyone? Is there evidence that humanity has unrealized capacities for self-transcendence? Are there specific practices through which ordinary people can develop these abilities?
Michael Murphy has studied these questions for over thirty years. In The Future of the Body, he presents evidence for metanormal perception, cognition, movement, vitality, and spiritual development from more than 3,000 sources. Surveying ancient and modern records in medical science, sports, anthropology, the arts, psychical research, comparative religious studies, and dozens of other disciplines, Murphy has created an encyclopedia of exceptional functioning of body, mind, and spirit. He paints a broad and convincing picture of the possibilities of further evolutionary development of human attributes.By studying metanormal abilities under a wide range of conditions, Murphy suggests that we can identify those activities that typically evoke these capacities and assemble them into a coherent program of transformative practice.A few of Murphy's central observations and proposal include:The observation that cultural conditioning powerfully shapes (or extinguishes) metanormal capacities.The proposition that we cannot comprehend our potentials for extraordinary life without an empirical approach that involves many fields of inquiry and different kinds of knowing.The notion that a widespread realization of extraordinary capacities would constitute an evolutionary transcendence analogous to the rise of humankind from its primal ancestry.The proposal that all or most instances of significant human development are produced by a limited number of identifiable activities such as disciplined self-observation, visualization of desired capacities, and caring for others.The idea that a balanced development of our various capacities is possible through integrated practices.
In The Future Of The Body, Murphy states that such practices can carry forward Earth's evolutionary adventure and lead humanity to the next step in its development.
Riding the Horse Backwards: Process Work in Theory and Practice
Arnold Mindell - 1992
The interactions between Drs. Mindell and the seminar participants show that in order to get to the process, it may be necessary to employ trickster-like ways, based on the fabled, wise trickster of a Native American tribe, who did everything differently. His horse went forwards, for instance, but he rode it facing backwards, thereby taking a new approach.
Matrix III, Volume 1: The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness
Valdamar Valerian - 1992
The two-volume 1,900-page work called Matrix III is perhaps the only work on the planet to this day that completely investigates the motives, methods, aims and origins of the technocratic society we live in today. More information that you could accumulate in a lifetime of research trying to figure it out. Volume One begins the journey detailing how the consciousness of human beings is being modified by psychological and social institutions, specific chemicals added to the food, water and environment, and how the tactical aspects of chemical, biological and electromagnetic warfare are being implemented in order to support the aims of the planetary power structure known as the New World Order.The book begins with a section familiarizing the reader with basic scientific terminology related to the subjects discussed in the two-volume series, beginning with discussions of the concepts of resonance, oscillation, vibration and frequency, and moves rapidly into discussions about human auric band structures and their frequencies, as well as those involved in telepathic interaction. Matrix III Volume One begins the discussion on electromagnetics with a review of the natural electromagnetic fields of the planet, the holographic aspects of the universe and consciousness, the morphological fields set forth by Dr. Rupert Shedrake, and continues on with hard-to-find data on the human brain and neurophysiology, as well as brain structures and their relationship to levels of consciousness and behavior. The psychosocial aspects of human society are discussed in detail, with emphasis on the nature of belief systems, perception, and the socially sanctioned programming involving the ego functions of security, sensation and power. The book discusses four ascending levels of social manipulation, including detailed data on consciousness, genetics, and manipulation of human consciousness from outside the physical realm and beyond.Matrix III Volume One begins the initial discussion of the various elements of population control through the deliberate misuse of biological organisms, all the way from the very concept of disease to the covert production of biological weapons under the guise of various government programs. Incredible data. There are sections discussing biological warfare, a beginning treatise on the nature of the immune system (carried to further detail in the second volume), a short review of the paradigm of vaccination (also brought into deeper focus in the second volume), a discussion of the spread of neural fungi, zoonotic diseases and veterinary biology, viruses (both human and non-human), and revealing data on who runs the major drug and chemical companies and just how interconnected it all is.The section on electromagnetic mind control in Matrix III Volume One has no equal anywhere in the world. The groundwork is covered in relation to the use of the electromagnetic spectrum, the deliberate historical suppression of the hyperspacial nature of electromagnetics (the so-called Hertzian Conspiracy), and a host of data on advanced mind control applications that goes far beyond anything you have ever seen before. It is this material which brought this book into planetary popularity.The book discusses the new electronic networks, the secret behind the use of the cellular telephone systems, mind control projects (two pages of projects are listed), and the manipulation of the earth grid. There is more data on the Montauk projects than any single book in existence, including the individual books released years later. Interspaced with all of this data, there is a host of supplementary material, interviews and revealing information. The apparent plans for total planetary domination, economic and otherwise, are discussed, including plans for a one-world religious control system, the objectives of electronic mind control and the GWEN system, schools of thought contributing to the mind control paradigm, and research.
Venus: The Evolution Of The Goddess And Her Planet
Ronnie Gale Dreyer - 1992
This image works not only to dictate a certain aesthetic ideal, but also distorts the original goddesses of love and fertility from whom Venus and Aphrodite are descended.