Book picks similar to
Haunts (A Sourcebook for Wraith : The Oblivion) by Bill Bridges
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Ronni Radner - 1997
It seems so easy. Just a sip, a taste, and you're better than all the rest. You can suck up a bullet wound to the gut. You can knock your enemies through walls with a shove. You can have all the night has to offer without sacrificing your body and soul to it. This deal is too good to be true. Yeah. That's what Faust said. And now the Damned want their due. ...You Know You Want It! Ghouls: Fatal Addiction is a Vampire: The Masquerade sourcebook detailing the half-human servants of the Kindred. Whether you need a few new whipping boys or just want to taste the lash yourself, this book has everything you need to create ghouls as player or Storyteller characters. Watch out, though. This book just might make Renfield wake up and smell his fix...and the master who lives by blood might die by it, too. Ghouls: Fatal Addiction includes:* Rules for creating vassal, independent and revenant characters.* New Merits, Flaws, Derangements and other Traits to help you roleplay a codependent blood-slave.* Secret societies, ghoul "games," and clan-specific information on how vampires treat their servitors.
Time of Thin Blood
Sarah Roark - 1999
Elders' blood, passed from one childe to the next for generations, no longer holds the potency it once had. Too many childer have been Embraced in the Final Nights - and reckoning must come for these illegitimate vampires. If it does not, the world may end.Gehenna will soon be upon youThe Time of Thin Blood allows players to portray the hunted childer of high-generation vampires. In addition, the Final Nights are upon us, and this book offers Storytellers a glimpse at one of the first events in the unfolding Gehenna. Rich in story and character content, The Time of Thin Blood is he first step toward the world's ultimate demise ... or salvation.The Time of This Blood includes:* Rules for creating 14th- and 15th-generation vampires - and their children* A wealth ofsetting material that allows Storytellers to bring the Final Nights into play
Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised
Lucien Soulban - 2001
The modern nights have caught up with these monsters, however, who have fallen from their place as masters of hoary estates to degenerates bound by the callous whims of the Sabbat.The Flesh-Twisted FiendsAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Tzimisce takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.
World of Darkness: Armory
Chuck Wendig - 2006
Nothing. I mean it. It's the golden rule, my man, the golden rule. "Thou shalt SHOOT the CRAZIES in the HEART BEFORE they come bite the heart out of YOU." It's hard times, man. Hard times. Better be prepared. Hafta be Now gimme that duct tape and those tinsnips." Larry Crenshaw, monster-hunter This book includes: • A broad and detailed listing of every weapon, vehicle or piece of equipment a character might need in the World of Darkness • Optional rules and new Merits that reflect combat styles suitable for the weapons contained within • A hardware companion to Vampire, Werewolf and Mage chronicles 216 page hardcover. For use with the World of Darkness Rulebook.
Rifts Conversion Book 2: Pantheons of the Megaverse
C.J. Carella - 1994
You may think you know all about Zeus, Odin, and Gilgamesh and the other gods of myth and legend, but you'd be wrong! Mythological gods done Rifts style! Dimension spanning beings of inhuman nature and power, impostors, cyborgs, bio-wizards, the Atlas robot, the Gilgamesh clones, The Olympian Club, alien intelligences, interdimensional mercenaries, vampires, devouring monsters, gods of light, gods of darkness, demigods and supernatural fiends - all with a distinctly Rifts flavor.
Clanbook: Nosferatu Revised
Brian Campbell - 2000
But the clan is far more than a motley assembly of twisted freaks. From their first nights to their modern incarnation as informants and spies, the Sewer Rats have as many secrets of their own as they have gathered from other Kindred. Up from the storm drains and tunnels they scuttle, but whether as ally or foe remains to be seen.And the Creatures They FearAs the first entry in the ambitious revised lineup of clanbooks, Nosferatu complements the clans appearance in the revised edition of Vampire: The Masquerade. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.
The Book of Shadows
Phil Brucato - 1994
We move the Wheel of Creation on its forward course and counter those who would freeze the wheel in its tracks."Now if we could only cooperate, we'd be in business!"- Porthos, Drui'shi Master of the Order of HermesMagickal Lore of the AgesA Book of Shadows is a journal of the Path, a tome of revelations for the followers of magick. In this Book of Shadows, mage players and Storytellers will uncover lost secrets of the Traditions and their rivals. This is a valuable tome for mages everywhere!The Mage Players Guide includes:* New rotes, Talsimans, Abilities, Merits, Flaws, and details about the elusive Ahl-i-Batin;* in-depth truths about the factions of magick and the Path of Ascension;* Expanded rules for magick, foci, familiars and more!
Kevin Siembieda - 1993
A decadent, violent and deadly world ruled by demonic creatures and evil clergy who control powerful kingdoms of monsters and enslave humans. Inhuman destroyers who command the crawling towers and life force cauldrons to do their bidding. One of countless alien worlds linked to Rifts Earth by the many dimensional gateways of the ley lines.
The Vampire Player's Guide
Andrew Greenberg - 1991
A large portion of the book's text is reprinted, updated, and revised from the previous version of the Players Guide to fit the Second Edition's rules and formatting style. Notable among the new content in this edition of the Players Guide is the introduction of two new bloodlines, the Daughters of Cacophony and the Samedi, along with their respective signature Disciplines.
Clanbook: Ventrue Revised
Richard Dakan - 2000
Forever in the line of fire, they have sacrificed their own comfort for the good of all Kindred. Or is this all an empty ruse that excuses their excess and greed? the proud history and black secrets of the clan reveal the truth.Clanbook: Ventrue includes:* The history and practice of the Kindred's most august clan* Hints and tips for making each Ventrue a unique and influential member of vampiric society* New Discipline powers, scandals and luminaries of the Clan of Leadership
Vampire: The Requiem
Ari Marmell - 2004
Their world is a xenophobic nightmare, populated by tyrannical despots, wildeyed heretics, bloodthirsty rogues and scheming manipulators, all unified by the mysterious curse of vampirism. And you would join them? You would live forever? To play the lusts of mortals like a violinist plays the strings? Then beware, the price is steep to enter the neofeudal hell that the Damned have wrought.Welcome to Undeath Join the revival of the Storytelling tradition. Vampire: The Requiem invites you to tell your own stories set within the world of the Kindred. This book includes rules for using vampires in World of Darkness chronicles, covering everything from the five clans to covenants to Disciplines, bloodlines, storytelling advice and a complete spread of game systems governing the undead. Hardcover. Requires the World of Darkness rulebook for play.
Werewolf: The Forsaken
Carl Bowen - 2005
To one side stretches the forest, to the other the city. Your claws are stained with blood. Your senses whisper of prey that runs before you, and of predators who stalk even the likes of you. You hear the howls of your brothers and sisters. Luna rises. Your blood boils. It is time to hunt. Wolves at the Door Werewolf: The Forsaken -- the game of bestial violence and supernatural terror -- is the second core setting sourcebook intended for use with White Wolf's new Storytelling System(tm). Werewolves are creatures of original sin, tainted by ancestral crimes and driven to hunt by the shame of being abandoned. This book details what it is to be Forsaken, one of the Tribes of the Moon. Create your own werewolf pack and seek redemption or give in to your savage nature. Hardcover. For use with the World of Darkness Rulebook.
Kult: Death is Only the Beginning...
Gunilla Jonsson - 1991
Reality is not what we think. Around us the world is dark and dangerous and nothing is what it seems to be. Our reality is an illusion, created to keep us captive. We are imprisoned since ages past by a dictatorial creator. The true world, invisible to us, is ruled by creatures who dominate behind the false facades, our prison wardens and torturers. The characters in 'Kult' are dark heroes, governed by Destiny. When the illusions shatter, they face the true reality. Kult is a complete role-playing game and includes 1) The Lie - rules for creating player characters with abilities, dark secrets, advantages and disadvantages and skills. 16 ready-made archetypes (each infull color) will enable you to create an interesting character speedily and commence playing. 2) The Madness: Rules for encountering terror; advanced, realistic combat rules; and a comprehensive, logical magic system 3) The Truth: A consistent background to help you to recreate different horror atmospheres. Our illusion and dark realilty are described in detail, together with the creatures and cults who lurk behind the veil.
Mage: The Ascension
Stewart Wieck - 1993
The truth is magic'ae the universe can be crafted with a simple working of your will. Mages have taught this truth throughout the ages, but the proponents of technology have crushed the mystic masters. Join the last stand in the war for reality.Mage: The Ascension places you in the midst of supernatural intrigues and inner struggles. The more secrets you learn, the more important your wisdom and power become. Mage drags spirituality and metaphysics screaming through the streets of a postmodern nightmare.The heroes of Mage: The Ascension, revised in the tradition of Vampire: The Masquerade, have lost their war for reality -- but the struggle continues in this quintessential volume. All of the Traditions are updated and elaborated upon, along with the history of mages in the World of Darkness. Explore the revised rules for the Spheres, Resonance and Paradox. See the devastating changes that signal the end for the Ascension War.
Clanbook: Malkavian Revised
Ethan Skemp - 2000
From emotionless sociopaths to raving lunatics and everything in between, the Malkavians nonetheless command startling insight. Does what they know drive them to madness or does their insanity allow them too peer into a world the rest of us fear to see?The Method of MadnessAs part of the revised lineup of clanbooks, Malkavian takes one of the classic sourcebooks for the game and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.