Best of
The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
Charles Ryan - 2001
Explains how to play the Wheel of Time roleplaying game, discussing abilities, backgrounds, classes, skills, feats, heroic characteristics, equipment, combat, encounters, the One Power, and geographic terrain.
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Forgotten Realms)
Ed Greenwood - 2001
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms Setting)This book contains nearly everything you need to run a bare-bones version of Forgotten Realms: it details various regions, cities, people, world, cosmology, monsters, deities and other items of interest, such as NPCs people have learned to love and hate.It also has new rules, prestige classes and feats that are Faerûn-specific, but which can be ported to other game worlds as well.
FINAL FANTASY X Official Strategy Guide
Dan Birlew - 2001
Every side quest and mini-game uncovered to help you become the ultimate blitzer! All-inclusive bestiary lets you discover the strengths and weaknesses of every fiend in the game and the spoils rewarded for defeating them. Game secrets include secret world map locations and airship passwords. Plus, area maps, detailed item, weapon, and armor inventories are also included! This Signature Series guide combines quality design and innovative content, serving as the ultimate FINAL FANTASY X resource. Some of the features in this guide include a special cover treatment, exclusive interviews, and an exclusive two-sided poster, with sphere grid & Rikku's overdrive, and mix.
The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokemon - The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World
Steven L. Kent - 2001
The Ultimate History of Video Games reveals everything you ever wanted to know and more about the unforgettable games that changed the world, the visionaries who made them, and the fanatics who played them. From the arcade to television and from the PC to the handheld device, video games have entraced kids at heart for nearly 30 years. And author and gaming historian Steven L. Kent has been there to record the craze from the very beginning.This engrossing book tells the incredible tale of how this backroom novelty transformed into a cultural phenomenon. Through meticulous research and personal interviews with hundreds of industry luminaries, you'll read firsthand accounts of how yesterday's games like Space Invaders, Centipede, and Pac-Man helped create an arcade culture that defined a generation, and how today's empires like Sony, Nintendo, and Electronic Arts have galvanized a multibillion-dollar industry and a new generation of games. Inside, you'll discover:·The video game that saved Nintendo from bankruptcy ·The serendipitous story of Pac-Man's design ·The misstep that helped topple Atari's $2 billion-a-year empire·The coin shortage caused by Space Invaders ·The fascinating reasons behind the rise, fall, and rebirth of Sega ·And much more! Entertaining, addictive, and as mesmerizing as the games it chronicles, this book is a must-have for anyone who's ever touched a joystick.
Dungeons and Dragons Core Rulebook 1 Players Handbook
Jonathan Tweet - 2001
Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age, 1971-1984
Van Burnham - 2001
From Pong to Pac-Man, Asteroids to Zaxxon - more than 50 million people around the world have come of age within the electronic flux of videogames, their subconscious forever etched with images projected from arcade and home videogame systems.
Grand Theft Auto 3 Official Strategy Guide
Tim Bogenn - 2001
Comprehensive walkthrough including in-depth coverage of weapons, character moves, vehicles, and bosses. Secrets and cheats revealed to uncover mysteries and multi-layered missions interspersed in the game story.
Adventure! Tales of the Aeon Society
Warren EllisTim Avers - 2001
An era of excitement and imagination. An era when men are forthright and women are courageous. An era of globe-hopping exploration and mad science. An era in which excitement awaits in the lofty skyscraper-penthouses of New York city and the squalid slums of Hong Kong, in the frigid wastes of Antarctica and the sweltering jungles of the congo. It is the era of Adventure!Adventure is a game of pulp action in which you are an inspired hero battling dastardly villains and bizarre monsters! It has rich source material on early 20th-century society around the world and complete rules for playing a daredevil in this exciting age, including special powers and details on building amazing inventions. Softcover.The prequel game to both Aberrant and Trinity!
HackMaster GameMaster's Guide
Jolly R. Blackburn - 2001
Furthermore, if you've ever played a fantasy role-playing game before based on a d20 combat roll and armor class, you already know how to play this game! And while this is the 4th edition of the HackMaster game, in another time, another edition or an alternative universe, this could easily have been called "3E." It's the 1st/2nd edition with new crunchy-bits and a whole lot of fresh attitude. Playing this game will make you feel like you did when you first started role-playing. Excited. Filled with wonder. And just a bit nervous.Here's a sampling of what you'll find in this massive tome:* Over 435,000 supremely important words of wisdom* The HackMaster GameMaster's Oath and Code of Conduct* Detailed laws, crimes and punishments (formerly in HackLaw)* Details on over 30 diseases for infecting PCs* GM essential secrets on quirks and flaws* Revised Smartass Smackdown Table* Revamped HackMaster character classes, including HackFighter, HacKleric, HackMage and HackSassin* Detailed tavern information including intoxication and gambling rules* Ingenious graphical alignment tracking system for both individuals and groups* Complete listing of magic-user spells by school* Detailed honor awards chart* Over 700 new magic items (many cursed)* Details on role-playin character clans* Complete critical hit and fumble charts (7000+ entries) to use on your players* Spell mishap table with over 400 entries* Details on over 25 poison and acid types* Massive d10,000 random encounter tables* Over 500 useful tables and much, much more.
Everquest: Atlas: The Maps of Myrist
Amanda Flock - 2001
Final Fantasy Chronicles Official Strategy Guide: Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 4
Dan Birlew - 2001
Comprehensive weapon, armor, and accessory lists for both games. The "Chrono Trigger" section covers tech and magic lists along with secrets and tips to access every ending. The "FINAL FANTASY IV" section covers character classes, bestiaries, and locations of key items.
Mario Kart Super Circuit - Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Bryan Stratton - 2001
A mix of the best features from the SNES and N64 versions, MARIO KART SUPER CIRCUIT races to the head of the class. With track tips, character bios, and information on each and every new feature, you'll need MARIO KART SUPER CIRCUIT: PRIMA'S OFFICIAL STRATEGY GUIDE to keep you from being left in the dust. The Mario Kart series began in the early 1990s with the Super NES system. Since then, the original kart-racing game has caused a craze that has spawned one N64 sequel and dozens of third-party, other-system knockoffs. The newest title, MARIO KART SUPER CIRCUIT for the Game Boy Advance, has set itself up to be the ultimate kart-racing game, borrowing only the coolest features from both the SNES and N64 versions. With all-new tracks, four-player link play, and all your favorite racers, you're sure to have hours of racing fun at your fingertips. Detailed information on all new tracks to help you zoom through at lightning speeds Character bios for all your favorite racers, including Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser, Toad, Wario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong Control tips to help your game stay on track Locations of all the best weapons for your sabotaging pleasure Multiplayer racing tactics will have you beating your buddies every time Secrets to unlock hidden tracks Mario fans, Game Boy Advance owners, Kart racing fans, multiplayer fans SUPER MARIO KART 64: PRIMA'S UNAUTHORIZED STRATEGY GUIDE (ISBN 0-7615-1078-9) has sold more than 40,000 copies DIDDY KONG RACING: PRIMA’S UNAUTHORIZED STRATEGY GUIDE (ISBN 0-7615-1346-9) has sold more than 30,000 copies
Scrye Collectible Card Game Checklist and Price Guide
John Jackson Miller - 2001
With listings and prices for over 60,000 cards, this text catalogues every collectible card game ever released, including Magic and Pokemon.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Dimension Publishing - 2001
With complete walkthroughs, puzzle solutions, and powercell locations revealed, this is a must-have guide for 3D platform gamers everywhere.
Devil May Cry Official Strategy Guide
Dan Birlew - 2001
It contains: a detailed walk-through and area maps to guide players through the castle; a listing of weapons and items; strategies on how to defeat the enemy; solutions for puzzles; and game secrets.
Little Fears
Jason L. Blair - 2001
Remember when you were young and you were afraid of all those things that went bump in the night?Ever wonder where they went?Little Fears - The roleplaying game of childhood terror.You're not scared, are you?
Super Smash Bros. Melee - Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Bryan Stratton - 2001
Melee: Prima's Official Strategy Guide features all the essential strategy you need in this furious, frenzied, frantic fighting game for Nintendo’s new GameCube system! We’ll help you choose from 14 of your favorite Nintendo characters based on their brawling strengths, and give you the low-down on their signature moves and weapons. This guide gives you everything you want to know about each spectacular arena, multiplayer fighting tactics, hidden game modes, unlockable fighters, offensive and defensive items, and the ultimate melee battle against 100 enemies!
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Debra McBride - 2001
Tips for Controlling Chaos using the Rod of SeasonsTime Travel tactics using the Harp of AgesHow to use the Innovative Link SystemStatistics on all of Link's Friends and EnemiesComprehensive maps outlining every searchable area
HackMaster Player's Handbook
Jolly R. Blackburn - 2001
Furthermore, if you've ever played a fantasy role-playing game before based on a d20 combat roll and armor class, you already know how to play this game! And while this is the 4th edition of the HackMaster game, in another time, another edition or an alternate universe, this could easily have been called "3e." It's the 1st/2nd edition with new crunchy-bits and a whole lot of fresh attitude. Playing this game will make you feel like you did when you first started role-playing. Excited. Filled with wonder. And just a bit nervous.Here's just a sample of what you're gonna find in this tome:* Over 750 Spells (97 new MU spells alone, including Sidewinders, Skipping Betties and 17 other Fireball spells!)* 17 character classes (including a revamped non-wuss Bard, Monk, Berserker, BattleMage, Dark Knight, Assassin and Knight Errant)* Building Point rules with more than 250 Skills, Talents and Proficiencies (including Mapless Travel, Armor Maintenance, Attitude Adjustment, Wuss Slap, Mocking Jig, Advanced Looting, Underground Survival and Major Taunting)* 13 revised races (including Grunge Elves/Grel, Drow, Pixie Fairies, Gnome Titans and Gnomelings)* 132 Official map symbols* Exclusive, highly detailed Honor system* Countless tips on improving your play to a more respectable level* Insight into the dice-rolling techniques of the creator Himself* All-new quirks and flaws (including trick knee, HackFrenzy, multiple personality disorder, and more)* Improved combat system with Penetration Damage, Hit Points for armor and shields and revamped Turning rules* Mulligans, Bad Karm, Dibs Protocol* Advice on sympathy monsters, grudge monsters, character baiting and other classic GM tricks for the unwary* Over 150 different charts and tables (Including Birth Legitimacy, Quality of Upbringing, Livestock, and Saving Throws* In excess of 350,000 words of wisdom
Steve Jackson - 2001
Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.Admit it. You love it.Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . .And it's illustrated by John Kovalic!Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracles of Ages: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
Scott Pelland - 2001
The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons and The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages Complete strategies for both games
The Witchfire Trilogy Book 1: The Longest Night (Privateer Press d20)
Matt Staroscik - 2001
In "The Longest Night," the players will visit the mysterious city of Corvis and become embroiled in an ancient witchcraft scandal. Before the adventure's end there will be plenty of investigation and old-fashioned dungeon crawling to be done. "The Longest Night" is lavishly illustrated by fan favorites Brian Snoddy and Matt Wilson. All Privateer Press RPG books are compatible with the D20 System, and require the use of the Dungeons & Dragons (r) 3rd Edition "Player's Handbook" and "Dungeon Master's Guide," published by Wizards of the Coast. "The Longest Night" is intended for PCs of levels 1-3.
The eagerly-awaited Knuckleduster cowtown creator: Create an authentic cowtown setting for any Western RPG : featuring information every writer needs to ... of men like Wild Bill Hickok and Wyatt Earp
Forrest Harris - 2001
It features over 200 pages of maps, floor plans, period photos, character profiles, and scenario ides taken directly from the annals of the Old West and presented in Knuckleduster's signature truth-is-stranger-than-fiction style.
Darrell Hardy - 2001
A hunt and a chase from the heartland of Americal into the doom that awaits in the East. A horrific journey to the brink of insanity that lingers at the end of the world. Nocturnum is an epic, modern-day campaign for d20 Call of Cthulhu. This horror epic introduces a terrifying new evil and an ancient conspiracy against humanity. Nocturnum is a mind-shattering journey through more than a dozen adventures complete with exstensive backgrounds, NPC, new monsters, and exotic locales. Can you survive...Nocturnum? Night Falls.
Book of the Wyrm
Jackie Cassada - 2001
There are no tables or dice involved in Mind's Eye Theatre games. Instead, you become a part of the story. You assume the role of your character as soon as you step through the door, enacting every action, movement and gesture. For the purposes of the game, you are your character.Rules for creating and playing the enemies of the Garou as the Apocalypse looms.
The Witchfire Trilogy, Book 3: The Legion of Lost Souls (Privateer Press d20) (Witchfire Trilogy)
Matt Staroscik - 2001
Raelthorne the Elder's invading army will clash with the Kingdom of Cygnar, and the PCs will be caught in the middle. They'll forge strange alliances, search for new weapons and play a pivotal role in the fate of the realm. Part 3 of the Witchfire Trilogy is designed for characters of levels 5-7, and is set in the exciting new Iron Kingdoms game world though it will fit into any fantasy D20 campaign.
Maze of Zayene: Dimensions of Flight
Robert J. Kuntz - 2001
Sword & sorcery is the largest independent publisher of D20 material, with authors such as the father of fantasy himself Gary Gygax, and Monte cook, the co-creator of 3rd Edition and author of the 3rd Edition DMG.Realms of Ice, Fire and Stone await those seeking to escape the Maze of Zayene!
Chad Underkoffler - 2001
There's no such thing as a safe decision. When the chips are down and you have to make a choice, somebody's gonna get hurt somehow, and you're the one they'll blame. All you can do is clutch your rationalizations to your chest and sprint for glory. Here's six spins on the wheel of destiny: * "Swap Meet" by Rick Neal: The Avatars of the Merchant are ready to deal, if you're ready to pay. * "Garden Full of Weeds" by James Palmer: In the heart of the city, even nightmares live in fear. * "Stoon Lake" and "Drink to That" by Greg Stolze: Can you find the courage to do the wrong thing? * "A Few Of My Favorite Things" by John Tynes: The gun, the bible, and the flag built this nation, but they're tearing it apart. * "The Green Glass Grail" by Chad Underkoffler: This town's got six kinds of trouble, and there's a bullet for every one of 'em.
Silent Hill 2 Official Strategy Guide
Dan Birlew - 2001
Comprehensive maps along with in-depth coverage of the cast of characters, eerie environments, and weapons are provided. Strategies and tactics for defeating enemies, plus game secrets and bonuses are revealed!
Prisoners of the Maze
Robert J. Kuntz - 2001
Sword & sorcery is the largest independent publisher of D20 material, with authors such as the father of fantasy himself Gary Gygax, and Monte cook, the co-creator of 3rd Edition and author of the 3rd Edition DMG.Trapped in the Maze constructed by the evil wizard Zayene, can your players find their way out?
World Tree: A Role Playing Game of Species and Civilization
Bard Bloom - 2001
Dungeon Siege: Sybex Official Strategies & Secrets
Doug Radcliffe - 2001
Written with the full support of Gas Powered Games and Microsoft, this guide is packed with in-depth, hardcore information to help you enjoy the epic masterpiece that is Dungeon Siege.Inside you'll find:* Step-by-step walkthroughs to help you master every Chapter* Intensely thorough maps so you don't miss any of the game's single- or multiplayer action* Ultra-detailed stats for everything in the game--monsters, weapons, spells, and items* In-depth strategies for character development* Indispensable solutions for every quest* Opponent-annihilating tactics for destroying the toughest monsters, including bosses* NPC Profiles so you know who to hire when
The Encyclopedia of Tarot, Volume I
Stuart R. Kaplan - 2001
Provides information on every important theory and intepretation and every recognized deck, illustrating and commenting on the symbolism of the early Tarocchi decks and the major later decks.
In the Belly of the Beast (Penumbra (D20))
Mike Mearls - 2001
Forced to turn to outsiders for aid, a young scion of the Mezzia clan needs heroes to stand with him against encroaching darkness - heroes who are willing to follow him through the dark heart of the underworld. A fantasy adventure in the top-selling Penumbra line for the D20 System!
Midnight's Terror (Dungeons & Dragons: Kingdoms of Kalamar Adventure)
Steve Johansson - 2001
Players begin in the ancient City of Dreams, Thygasha. Before they know it, they will become embroiled in a bitter dispute between warring religious sects. But even more worrisome will be their trek into the Kydobahn desert to find the ancient ruins of a lost civilization and the answers to all their questions. This exciting adventure supplement contains two complete and distinct dungeon adventures in addition to the extras you expect from Kenzer & Company: the ImageQuest adventure illustrator, player aids and handouts, NPC portraits and backgrounds, encounter tables, a full glossary, a city and 10 maps.
Nuwisha: Changing Breed Book 2 (Werewolf - the Apocalypse)
James Moore - 2001
Paperback: 72 pages Publisher: White Wolf Publishing (September 17, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10: 1565043367 ISBN-13: 978-1565043367
Jack Vance's The Excellent Prismatic Spray (Volume1:Issue 2)
Jim Webster - 2001
Robin D. Laws presents "Phasms", an adventure for powerful arch-magicians; Gary Gygax details the influence of Jack Vance on the Dungeons and Dragons game. Phil Masters, Steven Long, and many other stellar names present material of comparable interest. Whether you are a roleplayer or fan of master fantasy author Jack Vance, this volume will prove an indispensable adjunct. You grandchildren will thank you for it.
Go for Kids
Milton N. Bradley - 2001
But it can also be used quite satisfactorily by even much younger children with some assistance from older siblings and parents. The attractiveness and clarity of presentation of Go for Kids derives from its unique use of 427 panels of question-and-answer cartoon strip dialogues between instructor and students which augment its 340 coventional diagrams and their accompanying explanatory text. These "comic strip" dialogue panels provide a much needed context for the material being presented (almost entirely missing in other Go primers), so that deep rather than superficial comprehension and learning can take place. They also provide a familiar and pleasurable child-friendly format, as well as "built in" breaks from the more formal tutorial material, and this makes Go for Kids far easier and more pleasureable for children to read than the conventional text-and-diagram-only approach used by all prior Go books. I am aware than no presentation can possible completely satisfy the perceived needs of all potential users, but it is my honest belief that Go for Kids goes far further in this regard than anything extant, and most of those who have seen it pre-publication agree. But ultimately the only judgment that counts is yours, and the only way that you can make that judgment correctly is to read Go for Kids yourself. 8 by 6 with 250 pages.
Armies of the 19th Century: Asia. China
Ian Heath - 2001
Coverage includes the Taipeng and Boxer rebellions, Formosa, the Mongols and Gordon's Ever Victorious Army. Ian Heath's accompanying text is one of the most coherent accounts available of Chinese history during this turbulent period. Includes extensive bibliography. All the volumes in this series have a high quality traditional gold-embossed cloth cover and no dust jacket.
Armies of the 19th Century: Asia. India's Northeast Frontier
Ian Heath - 2001
This relatively small area was made up of hills and almost impenetrable jungle and contained a remarkable number of warring tribes. Ian Heath has assembled 125 drawings, 52 other illustrations and 9 maps to chronicle this colorful but little-known part of the colonial world. This quality European hardcover has a gold-embossed cloth cover rather than an American style dust jacket.
Hunter-Book Hermit (Hunter Book)
Tim Dedopulos - 2001
The creatures of the night have held court since before the dawn of history. Nothing lasts forever.From the throng of humanity, individuals emerge who know the truth. They know monsters exist. Enough is enough The forces of darkness must pay their due. The time of retribution is at hand.Hunter Books provide vital character information for players and Storytellers.
The Divine and the Defeated
Chris Campbell - 2001
Sword & sorcery is the largest independent publisher of D20 material, with authors such as the father of fantasy himself Gary Gygax, and Monte cook, the co-creator of 3rd Edition and author of the 3rd Edition DMG.Hardcover sourcebook of gods, their minions and their religions.