Best of


The HarperCollins Study Bible: Fully Revised & Updated

    Completely revised and updated, this edition incorporates the latest scholarship and findings as well as incorporating new diagrams, charts, and maps—25% revised or new material.

Euthyphro, Apologia Socratis, Crito, Phaedo, Cratylus, Sophista, Politicus, Theaetetus

    The result of many years of painstaking scholarship, the new volume will replace the now nearly one hundred-year-old original edition, and is destined to become just as long lasting a classic.

Land of the Firebird: The Beauty of Old Russia

Suzanne Massie
    With colorful prose Suzanne Massie details the variety of Russian existence--tsars and serfs and merchant-princes and babushkas--no stone is left uncovered as she cross-references nearly a thousands years, writing with equal consideration of art, poetry, country-life, court-life, politics and its myriad games, myths and legends, influence "outside the sphere."


Robert Alter
    In between come many of the primal stories in Western culture: Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden of Eden, Cain's murder of Abel, Noah and the Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham's binding of Isaac, the covenant of God and Abraham, Isaac's blessing of Jacob in place of Esau, the saga of Joseph and his brothers.In Robert Alter's brilliant translation, these stories cohere in a powerful narrative of the tortuous relations between fathers and sons, husbands and wives, eldest and younger brothers, God and his chosen people, the people of Israel and their neighbors. Alter's translation honors the meanings and literary strategies of the ancient Hebrew and conveys them in fluent English prose. It recovers a Genesis with the continuity of theme and motif of a wholly conceived and fully realized book. His insightful, fully informed commentary illuminates the book in all its dimensions.

Athanasius: The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus (Classics of Western Spirituality)

Athanasius of Alexandria
    295-373) Bishop of Alexandria, spiritual master and theologian, was a major figure of 4th-century Christendom.Contents:Foreword -- Preface -- Introduction --The life and affairs of our holy father Antony --A letter of Athanasius, our holy father, Archbishop of Alexandria, to Marcellinus on the interpretation of the Psalms.

Network Science

Albert-László Barabási

The Art of Memetics (Pirate Edition)

Wes Unruh

The Orient BlackSwan School Atlas

Orient BlackSwan
    The authoritative physical and political maps, as well as the maps covering climatic variations, geology, structure, soil types, vegetation and areas of human endeavour, such as agriculture, industry, communication and tourism, helps students understand the relationship between geographical features and human activities. Key features:

Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation

Sunil Chopra

The Stubborn Fat Solution

Lyle McDonald

Euthyphro, Apology, Crito

    Is he impious for attempting to indict his own father, yet would he be guilty of impiety if he does not seek justice for the laborer's murder? Together Euthyphro and Socrates examine the question.

Computer Science With C++ Concepts File Handling Data Structures - Vol. I and II

Sumita Arora
    Physical Condition: Torn Pages.

Rizal: Life, Works And Ideals

Francisco M. Zulueta

The Funeral Oration of Pericles


God's Emissaries- Adam to Jesus

Shaykh Rizwan Arastu
    It portrays God's prophets as the heroes they were, possessed of the most stellar of human traits, exemplary in every aspect of their being. "God's Emissaries" weaves together every Quranic verse and every plausible tradition that has come down to us from Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and His family into an epic story of God's tireless efforts to guide humankind.

The City of Silence

Ma Boyong
    "The year was 2046; the place, the Capital of the State." From a Chinese author, set in a authoritarian state, where web-communication is restricted to some healthy sites and a “List of Healthy Words”.Part one : two :


Frédéric Bastiat

No Humans Involved

Sylvia Wynter
    The series is edited by Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts and was begun in the year of Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Cameron Tillman, VonDerrit Myers, Jr., Laquan McDonald, Carey Smith-Viramontes, Jeffrey Holden, Qusean Whitten, Miguel Benton, Dillon McGee, Levi Weaver, Karen Cifuentes, Sergio Ramos, Roshad McIntosh, Diana Showman, and Akai Gurley. Sylvia Wynter was born in Cuba in 1928 to Jamaican parents who soon repatriated to their home country. A novelist, playwright, and cultural theorist, Wynter's work has focused on redefining what it means to be human in the face of Western thought. She is professor emerita at Stanford University.

History of the Peloponnesian War: Bk. 5-6

    He saw the rise of Athens to greatness under the inspired leadership of Pericles. In 430, the second year of the Peloponnesian War, he caught and survived the horrible plague which he described so graphically. Later, as general in 423 he failed to save Amphipolis from the enemy and was disgraced. He tells about this, not in volumes of self-justification, but in one sentence of his history of the war that it befell him to be an exile for twenty years. He then lived probably on his property in Thrace, but was able to observe both sides in certain campaigns of the war, and returned to Athens after her defeat in 404. He had been composing his famous history, with its hopes and horrors, triumphs and disasters, in full detail from first-hand knowledge of his own and others.The war was really three conflicts with one uncertain peace after the first; and Thucydides had not unified them into one account when death came sometime before 396. His history of the first conflict, 431 421, was nearly complete; Thucydides was still at work on this when the war spread to Sicily and into a conflict (415 413) likewise complete in his awful and brilliant record, though not fitted into the whole. His story of the final conflict of 413 404 breaks off (in the middle of a sentence) when dealing with the year 411. So his work was left unfinished and as a whole unrevised. Yet in brilliance of description and depth of insight this history has no superior.The Loeb Classical Library edition of Thucydides is in four volumes.

Henri Nouwen on Suffering and Joy

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Living Chicana Theory

Carla Trujillo
    They address the secrets, inequities, and issues they all confront in their daily negotiations with a system that often seeks to subvert their very existence. They have to struggle daily not only with the racism that pervades our lives, but also with the overwhelming male domination of the "macho" Chicano and Mexican culture.

Wicked Secrets

Renee Harless
    It was dark. It was ugly. It was my dirty secret.No one knew the weight of the burdens that nearly consumed me. I lived with a singular focus—seeking revenge on my father.Then the new girl, Jolee Ward, moved into the apartment above me and shattered my carefully constructed world. We were like oil and water. . . until we weren’t.Then we detonated like gasoline and fire, but the inferno threatened to destroy us both. One night with her couldn’t erase years spent plotting.Wellington University wasn’t big enough for the both of us.(Previously published as Of Boys and Men)

The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 1: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Gorgias, Menexenus

     “Allen’s work is very impressive. The translations are readable, lucid, and highly accurate. The general introduction is succinct and extremely clear. The discussion of the dating of the dialogues is enormously useful; there has previously been no brief account of these issues to which one could refer the student. Finally, the particular introductions are first rate: fine jobs of clear philosophical and historical explanation—succinct and yet sophisticated, both close to the text and philosophically incisive.”—Martha Nussbaum, Brown University“This is an important work that deserves our respect and attention.”—Ethics “This and the promised succeeding volumes will probably become the standard English version of the complete dialogues…. The commentaries take advantage of the best scholarship, judge judiciously between divergent views, and often introduce new and brilliant interpretations. This is true both in the area of philosophy and in that of literary criticism.”—Anthony C. Daly, S.J., Modern Schoolman “Allen is a superb translator, whose elegantly simple yet precise language gives access to Plato both as a philosopher and as a literary artist.”—Library Journal “An important event in the world of scholarship.”—London Review of Books R.E. Allen is professor of classics and philosophy at Northwestern University.

The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti: A Mahayana Scripture

    For two millennia this S tra, called the jewel of the Mah y na S tras, has enjoyed immense popularity among Mah y na Buddhists in India, central and southeast Asia, Japan, and especially China, where its incidents were the basis for a style in art and literature prevalent during several centuries.Robert Thurman s translation makes available in relatively nontechnical English the Tibetan version of this key Buddhist scripture, previously known to the English-speaking world only through translations from Chinese texts. The Tibetan version is generally conceded to be more faithful to the original Sanskrit than are the Chinese texts. The Tibetan version also is clearer, richer, and more precise in its philosophical and psychological expression. The twelve books of the S tra are accompanied by an introduction and an epilogue by Dr. Thurman and by three glossaries: Sanskrit terms, numerical categories, and technical terms."

Stranger Than Fiction: The Art of Literary Journalism (Modern Scholar)

William McKeen
    At the end of that first class, the professor smiled smugly and said, “Well, of course, it can’t be defined.” I, for one, was steamed. I thought, “Then why in the hell did you waste ninety minutes of my precious time on this Earth trying to define something that can’t be defined?”And so I majored in history. But after working for newspapers and magazines, I became a journalism professor and I usually toss out that little anecdote at the beginning of every class. It’s my way of saying that we’re not here to waste time, but that a lot of what we do cannot be nailed down. We can’t say we have the definitive answer, because one may not exist.This course is my take on literary journalism. It’s about this kind of storytelling, but it’s clearly told through my eyes. Take this elephant over to someone else and he or she might have a different idea. But this is the way I see it, and I hope this is helpful as you develop your own way of seeing.

Europe since the French Revolution (1740-1950)

L. Mukherjee

The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

K.S. Narayan Reddy
    S narayan reddy, has been professor of forensic medicine since 1965. He was awarded the degree of doctor of philosophy in medicine, by the international university of contemporary studies, washington d.c u.s.a. The aim is to provide reasonable coverage of the subject as a whole. The opinions expressed in the book are entirely mine. It is intended primarily to meet the needs of the undergraduate medical students, already overburdened with a heavy curriculum, to have a clear grasp of the subject and for examination purpose. Table of contents section i: forensic medicine 1. Introduction 2. Legal procedure 3. Medical law and ethics 4. Identification 5. Medicolegal autopsy 6. Death and its cause 7. Postmortem changes 8. Mechanical injuries 9. Regional injuries 10. Medicolegal aspects of wounds 11. Thermal deaths 12. Starvation 13. Mechanical asphyxia 14. Anaesthetic and operative deaths 15. Impotence and sterility 16. Virginity, pregnancy and delivery 17. Abortion 18. Sexual offences 19. Infant deaths 20. Blood stains 21. Artefacts 22. Forensic science laboratory 23. Forensic psychiatry section ii: toxicology 24. General considerations 25. Agricultural poisons 26. Corrosive poisons 27. Metallic poisons 28. Inorganic irritant poisons 29. Organic irritant poisons 30. Cns depressants 31. Psychotropic drugs 32. Deliriant poisons 33. Drug dependence and abuse 34. Spinal poisons 35. Cardiac poisons 36. Asphyxiants 37. Miscellaneous poisons 38. Food poisoning appendices index

Indian Constitution at work

    Indian Constitution At Work Textbook in Political Science for Class - 11 - 11102

Visual Differential Geometry and Forms: A Mathematical Drama in Five Acts

Tristan Needham

The Peloponnesian War, Bk. 2

    His exceptionally complex structure and techniques make Thucydides one of the most difficult as well as one of the most profound of ancient historians. Professor Rusten aims to assist students at all levels in learning to read Thucydides. The text, in Greek, is supported by a valuable introduction and commentary in English. In his commentary, Rusten scrutinizes the historical, literary, and philosophical aspects. The introduction surveys biographical interpretations of the text, suggests a new approach to fictive elements in the speeches, and sketches the main features of Thucydidean style.

The Convert

Danai Gurira

Dare to Lead / Gifts of Imperfection / Daring Greatly

Brené Brown
    A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas, and has the courage to develop that potential.When we dare to lead, we don’t pretend to have the right answers; we stay curious and ask the right questions. We don’t see power as finite and hoard it; we know that power becomes infinite when we share it with others. The Gifts of Imperfection: Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling us who, what, and how we should be. We are led to believe that if we could only look perfect and lead perfect lives, we'd no longer feel inadequate. Daring Greatly: Every day we experience the uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure that define what it means to be vulnerable or to dare greatly. Based on twelve years of pioneering research, Brené Brown PhD, LMSW, dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and argues that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage.

The Traffic in Women: Notes on the “Political Economy” of Sex

Gayle S. Rubin
    She asserts that these writers fail to adequately explain women's subjugation; therefore, Rubin offers a reinterpretation of their ideas. Rubin addresses Marxist thought by identifying women's role within a capitalist society. She argues that the reproduction of labor power depends upon women's housework to transform commodities into sustenance for the worker. A capitalistic system cannot generate surplus without women, yet society does not grant women access to the resulting capital.

A Stake in the Nation: Selected Speeches

B.R. Ambedkar
    Ambedkar as the most original among the architects of modern India as he asks and answers such difficult questions. Whether he was dealing with the British or the Congress, his commitment to equality and justice for minorities remained steadfast.These twenty speeches tell us a story jettisoned by narratives that valorise a Hinduised ‘idea of India’. Ambedkar addresses various publics: Dalit workers in Nashik, British lawmakers in London, the Non-Brahmin Movement in Madras, parliamentarians in Delhi and college students in Jalandhar. He speaks of democracy, labour, minority rights, communalism, brahminism, constitution-making and foreign policy. The prose spans different registers of reason and affect—lyrical and polemical, combative and poignant.B.R. Ambedkar is one of the foremost thinkers of the twentieth century and the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Several of his works have been reissued at Navayana with annotations.Bhagwan Das (1927–2010) was an Ambedkarite and a historian of the Dalit movement. A meeting with Ambedkar in Shimla, in 1943, defined the trajectory of his life leading to his single-minded pursuit of Babasaheb’s ideals.

Politics in India since Independence Textbook in Political Science for Class - 12 - 12119

    This principle marks a departure from the legacy of bookish learning which continues to shape our system and causes a gap between the school, home and community. The syllabi and textbooks developed on the basis of NCF signify an attempt to implement this basic idea. They also attempt to discourage rote learning and the maintenance of sharp boundaries between different subject areas. We hope these measures will take us significantly further in the direction of a child-centred system of education outlined in the National Policy on Education (1986).

Good and Bad Reasoning

Scott Alexander
    It also contains several short interludes containing fictional tales and real-life stories. The essays contained have been widely read within the rationality and effective altruism communities, and have a strong bias towards actually reading the scientific papers being discussed, analysing the arguments closely, and taking the conclusions seriously.

English Pronouncing Dictionary

Daniel Jones
    Thousands of pronunciations not shown in general dictionaries are included, from people and places, to words from science, technology and literature, such as Beckham, Eminem, Google, Prozac. Key Features * Full coverage of British and North American pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. * Colour headwords. * New 200 information panels explain phonetics terminology and the relationship between spelling and pronunciation. And now available with a CD-ROM * Spoken pronunciations for every word. * Facility to record your own pronunciation and compare it with the voice on the CD-ROM. * Search by alphabet or phonetic symbols. * Interactive pronunciation exercises.

Mathematics for Class XII(CBSE)

R.D. Sharma

Solutions Manual For Microeconomic Theory: Mas Colell, Whinston, And Green

Chiaki Hara

Procedural Content Generation in Games

Mark J. Nelson

Our Pasts 3 Part - 2 Textbook In History for Class - 8


Philippine Architecture in the 20th Century

Geronimo V. Manahan

"September 1, 1939"

W.H. Auden
    H. Auden written on the occasion of the outbreak of World War II. It was first published in The New Republic issue of 18 October 1939, and was first published in book form in Auden's collection Another Time (1940).

India: Physical Environment

    National Parks Of India

The Diploma Disease: Education, Qualification And Development

Ronald Dore

We Must Learn to Sit Together and Talk About a Little Culture: Decolonizing Essays 1967-1984

Sylvia Wynter
    The imperative of decolonizing the order of discourse that had legitimated the then imperial order (that is, to the colonizer as well to the colonized), gave rise to a theoretically sustained argument manifest here in a set of seminal critical and historical essays. At the time of their writing, Wynter was a practicing novelist, an innovative playwright, a scholar of Spanish Caribbean history, and an incisive literary critic with a gift for the liveliest kind of polemics. This intellectual virtuosity is evident in these wide-ranging essays that include an exploration of C.L.R. James’s writings on cricket, Bob Marley and the counter-cosmogony of the Rastafari, and the Spanish epoch of Jamaican history (including a pioneering examination of Bernado de Balbuena, epic poet and Abbot of Jamaica 1562-1627).Across this varied range of topics, a coherent and consistent thread of argument emerges from Wynter’s oeuvre. In the vein of C. L. R. James, she placed the history of Spanish Jamaica (and therefore the Caribbean) in the context of the founding of the post-1492 European settler colonies in the New World, which remained an indispensable element in the first stage of the institutionalization of the Western world system. Therefore, a central imperative of her initial work has always been to reconceptualize the history of the region, and therefore of the modern world, but doing so, from a world-systemic perspective; that is, no longer from the normative perspective of the settler archipelago, but rather more inclusively, from those of the neo-serf (i.e. Indian) and that of ex-slave (i.e. Negro) archipelagos; this latter, as what she defines, adapting Enrique Dussel’s terms, as the "gaze from below" perspective of "the ultimate underside of modernity."Strongly influenced by Marx together with Black thinkers such as Aimé Césaire, Jean Price-Mars (seen in the Jonkunnu essay), W. E. B. Du Bois and Frantz Fanon, and with an appreciation of the insights brought by the New Studies of the Sixties (including that of Black redemptive co-humanist thought, feminism), Wynter’s work has sought, from its origin, to find a comprehensive explanatory system able to integrate these knowledges, ones born of struggle.This volume makes an important contribution to restoring to view an essential strand in the 500-year emergent thought generated from the slave/ex-slave archipelago of the Caribbean and the Americas—thought important to what our increasingly integrated world-system, the first such in human history.

Mass Communication: Principles and Concepts

Seema Hasan
    The book is unique in presenting mass communication journalism advertising public relations photography broadcast media media laws and media research and new media technologies in one volume. It is a challenging book and an essential reading for all students teachers trainers researchers practitioners professionals and educators of mass communication. The mass communicator needs to know the basic role of communication principles and concepts be it the print or electronic medium or performing arts. The book serves the purpose of all students of mass media and journalism and learners in the field as it is designed specially keeping in focus the academic syllabi of leading universities and colleges.The book includes all aspects of media literacy as it is an essential survival skill for everyone in the society. This book presents an overview of the social and communication roles of various channels of mass media covering various operational areas and is designed to serve as a textbook for all students of mass communication journalism advertising public relations.

Pattern Recognition: A Statistical Approach

Pierre A. Devijver

Statistics Course Pack Set 1 Op: Statistics in Plain English, Fourth Edition (Volume 1) by Timothy C. Urdan, Routledge

Timothy C. Urdan
    Each chapter describes a different statistical technique, ranging from basic concepts like central tendency and ...Download Link :            1138838349 Statistics Course Pack Set 1 Op: Statistics in Plain English, Fourth Edition (Volume 1) PDF by Timothy C. UrdanRead Statistics Course Pack Set 1 Op: Statistics in Plain English, Fourth Edition (Volume 1) PDF from Routledge,Timothy C. UrdanDownload Timothy C. Urdan's PDF E-book Statistics Course Pack Set 1 Op: Statistics in Plain English, Fourth Edition (Volume 1)

Supervising PhD Students: A practical guide and toolkit

Hugh Kearns

Hacker's Delight by Henry S. Warren, Addison-Wesley Professional

Henry S. Warren
    Warren’s hacks ar ... Available's Delight PDF by Henry S. WarrenRead Hacker's Delight PDF from Addison-Wesley Professional,Henry S. WarrenDownload Henry S. Warren’s PDF E-book Hacker's Delight

Baptist Distinctives and New Testament Church Order

Keven Bauder

The Western Fathers Being the Lives of Martin of Tours, Ambrose, Augustine of Hippo, Honoratus of Arles and Germanus of Auxerre

Sulpicius Severus

The Invention Of Ethiopia

Bonnie K. Holcomb
    The authors argue that Ethiopia was not a naturally occuring political, cultural or economic entity but one invented as a result of an alliance struck between imperial powers of European and Abyssinia.

The Myth of Black Capitalism

Earl Ofari
    Ofari argues that the blacks' legacy of African communalism was subverted by their American experience, so that even before emancipation free blacks were attempting to make it in the capitalist system, deluding themselves that black business success would erase racism and neglecting or even exploiting the poor black masses. He singles out the Free African Society of 1787, Booker T. Washington's National Negro Business League and Colored Merchant's Association, Marcus Garvey's Negro Factories Corporation and Black Star Steamship Line, and black businessmen's 1930 Buy Black drives and Double-Duty Dollar Plan as examples of the ""patterned misleadership of a black elite that persisted in wasting the valuable time, energy, and meager resources of the black masses trying to compete with white America's burgeoning monopoly capitalism."" Whatever one's sympathies with Ofari's historical thesis, the supporting material is so sketchy and selective, the assertions so bald, that it is by no means a satisfying demonstration. Ofari is on firmer ground when he derides current exponents of black capitalism like CORE, ""the newest black organization to combine black capitalist pursuits with a black nationalist verbal orientation."" One chapter deals with the role of black churches in promoting black business and criticizes the Black Muslims for advocating a self-sustaining American black national economy. Ofari discusses and rejects such recent economic concepts as rebate plans, economic cooperatives, and reparations, reviews the experience of African nations that have tied their economic development to Western capitalist interests, and concludes with a plea for a revolutionary class struggle, a black liberation movement based on humanist-socialist internationalism. Much stronger on denunciation than affirmation, this is a provocative polemic.

Field Guide To The Mushrooms & Toadstools Of Britain And Europe

David N. Pegler

The Politics of Reproduction

Mary O'Brien

The First 100 ( A Selection of Editorials From THE HINDU 1878 - 1978 )

The Hindu
    A compilation of one hundred editorials of The Hindu chosen from the period 1878 to 1978 from its founding till its centenary presents a fascinating window to key events that have shaped the course of India's history

Dictionary Of Occult, Hermetic, And Alchemical Sigils

Fred Gettings
    Contains several thousand sigils from the hermetic, astrological and alchemical tradition. These are classified alphabetically. Gettings also included a useful graphic index which links their graphic form with a related verbal meaning and this would make it much easier to use these sigils meaningfully in ceremonies, etc.

Theory Of Self Reproducing Automata

John von Neumann

The Collected Clinical Works of Alfred Adler, Vol 11 Education for Prevention: Individual Psychology in the Schools & the Education of Children

Alfred Adler
    Part One contains the first English translation of Adler's book Individual Psychology in the Schools, initially published in 1929 in German, then in 1933 into Dutch, and later in 1936 into Spanish and Hebrew. Part Two contains The Education of Children, originally published in English in 1930, and newly edited for improved readability.

California Indian Country: The Land & The People

Dolan H. Eargle Jr.

Social Criticism: The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice and Other Essays

Stephen Leacock
    In fact, Leacock was a professor of political economy, and more than half of his writings addressed the pressing issues of his day. This volume represents the neglected aspect of Leacock's career, gathering together his writings on a range of subjects, including imperialism, education and culture, religion and morality, feminism, prohibition, and social justice. The collection begins with 'Greater Canada: an appeal,' which dates from 1907, when Leacock was a popular lecturer advancing the cause of imperialism. Bowker points out that, for Leacock, imperialism was more a spiritual mission than a political agenda, representing the opportunity to unite Canadians, to inspire allegiance to a lofty tradition, and thereby to combat the threat of materialism, urbanism, fragmentation, and continentalism. These themes resurface in subsequent essays, culminating in The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice, which was published in 1920. Carefully selected, and prefaced with an updated introduction to Leacock's life and work, these essays contribute to our understanding of Leacock and illuminate his role as a major figure in Canadian intellectual history.

Encyclopedia Of Bilingualism And Bilingual Education

Colin Baker
    It includes many pictures, graphs, maps and diagrams. The book concludes with a comprehensive bibliography on bilingualism.

Orozco's Frescoes in Guadalajara

Frances Toor

The Business Side of Ministry

Michael Nolan

Photography - A Feminist History: How Women Shaped the Art

Emma Lewis
    For some, gender is front and center of their work, for others it's beside the point. All are affected by the power structures beyond their lenses. Far too many are overlooked.Photography - A Feminist History explores how women's rights and societal attitudes to gender across the world have shaped those who have become photographers, the kinds of work they have made, and how their stories have been written - and rewritten - over time. Mapping photography's history against gender-based rights, social justice movements, and shifting cultural norms, it shines a light on the factors that have motivated, supported and inhibited women and non-binary photographers from the 1800s to the present day.How did the abolitionist movement impact women's entry into the field? What does photography have to do with laws around menstrual rights? Is there even such a thing as a "feminist image"?International in scope, Photography - A Feminist History includes the work of over 200 photographers, both established and lesser known, with thematic essays and extended texts on 75 practitioners, many compiled from interviews with the author.Includes work by Dora Maar, Homai Vyarawalla, Lee Miller, Zofia Rydet, Poulomi Basu, Laia Abril, Lebohang Kganye and Mari Katayama, plus many more.

A Feminist Theory of Violence: A Decolonial Perspective

Françoise Vergès
    Davis ***Winner of an English PEN Award 2022*** The mainstream conversation surrounding gender equality is a repertoire of violence: harassment, rape, abuse, femicide. These words suggest a cruel reality. But they also hide another reality: that of gendered violence committed with the complicity of the State. In this book, Françoise Vergès denounces the carceral turn in the fight against sexism. By focusing on 'violent men', we fail to question the sources of their violence. There is no doubt as to the underlying causes: racial capitalism, ultra-conservative populism, the crushing of the Global South by wars and imperialist looting, the exile of millions and the proliferation of prisons - these all put masculinity in the service of a policy of death. Against the spirit of the times, Françoise Vergès refuses the punitive obsession of the State in favour of restorative justice.

The Art Of Giving And Receiving Feedback (Ami How To Series)

Shirley Poertner
    This applicable guide provides knowledge on how to assert goal-oriented, detailed feedback for improved reception, how to handle difficult feedback situations, and how to receive and accept good and bad feedback.How-to training points include: Recognizing effective and ineffective types of feedback Preparing for receiving feedback Understanding the different communication styles of others Identifying difficult feedback situations

World Civilizations : Modern - Vol. C

Edward MacNall Burns
    - A new chapter in the French Revolution. - New material on the history of women, education and literacy. - Revised coverage of East Asian History. - Recasts discussions of imperialism and the origins of the first World War. - Thoroughly revised and updated treatments of the twentieth-century world. - Over 1,000 illustrations & Photographs, 65 Maps. - Thoroughly revised annotated bibliographies, chronological charts, a list of rulers, and an index with pronunciation guides.

A Thoreau Handbook

Walter Roy Harding

The October Game

Ray Bradbury
    A famous short story

Queer Korea

Todd A. HenryMerose Hwang
    Throughout these turbulent times, “queer” Koreans were ignored, minimized, and erased in narratives of their modern nation, East Asia, and the wider world. This interdisciplinary volume challenges such marginalization through critical analyses of non-normative sexuality and gender variance. Considering both personal and collective forces, contributors extend individualized notions of queer neoliberalism beyond those typically set in Western queer theory. Along the way, they recount a range of illuminating topics, from shamanic rituals during the colonial era and B-grade comedy films under Cold War dictatorship to toxic masculinity in today’s South Korean military and transgender confrontations with the resident registration system. More broadly, Queer Korea offers readers new ways of understanding the limits and possibilities of human liberation under exclusionary conditions of modernity in Asia and beyond.

The Fact of Blackness

Frantz Fanon
    Born in Martinique, Fanon studied medicine in Paris and became a psychiatrist in Algeria during its wars of liberation from France. 'The Fact of Blackness' is Fanon's celebrated essay describing the consciousness of the 'black' subject in a world of 'white' power.

NCERT Geography class XII India People and Economy

    This principle marks a departure from the legacy of bookish learning which continues to shape our system and causes a gap between the school, home and community. The syllabi and textbooks developed on the basis of NCF signify an attempt to implement this basic idea. They also attempt to discourage rote learning and the maintenance of sharp boundaries between different subject areas. We hope these measures will take us significantly further in the direction of a child-centred system of education outlined in the National Policy on Education (1986)

Good Eats: The Final Years

Alton Brown
    With more than 175 new and improved recipes for everything from chicken parm to bibimbap and cold brew to corn dogs, accompanied by mouthwatering original photography, The Final Years is the most sumptuous and satisfying of the Good Eats books yet. Brown’s surefire recipes are temptation enough: the headnotes, tips, and sidebars that support them make each recipe a journey into culinary technique, flavor exploration, and edible history. Striking photography showcases finished dishes and highlights key ingredients, and handwritten notes on the pages capture Brown’s unique mix of madcap and methodical. The distinctive high-energy and information-intensive dynamic of Good Eats comes to life on every page, making this a must-have cookbook for die-hard fans and newcomers alike.

An Anthropologist at Work: Writings of Ruth Benedict

Margaret Mead
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Imperfect Victims: Criminalized Survivors and the Promise of Abolition Feminism

Leigh Goodmark

Celts, Saxons, And The Early Antiquaries

Stuart Piggott

Durov and His Performing Animals

Emmanuel Dvinsky
    A man of the widest gifts, a talented musician, painter and sculptor, the author of delightful children's books, Vladimir Durov appeared in the ring right up to the last years of his life.

Sanskrit English Dictionary: Etymologically And Philologically Arranged With Special Reference To Cognate Indo European Languages

Ernst Leumann
    This new edition is greatly enlarged and improved.

A Theory Of Data

Clyde H. Coombs

Gendered Citizenship

Anupama Roy
    However, the promise of equality masks the exclusionary framework of caste hierarchies, gender differences, and religious divides, which determine actual experiences of citizenship. Historically, citizenship was constituted through a series of exclusions whereby large sections of people, (colonised societies, slaves, women and workers) were considered inadequate for it. Citizenship is therefore made up of multiple margins, but it also releases powerful new imaginaries and practices of citizenship. This revised edition of Gendered Citizenship (first published in 2005) examines the gendering of citizenship. In the context of resistance against the colonial rule, the language of citizenship that emerged in late colonial India was based on a gendered notion of the community-both national and political. Pulling in arguments on how the Indian Constitution transformed the idea of citizenship, it teases out the plural sites of citizenship which existed at this moment, and traces the forms in which idioms of citizenship endure in contemporary times. It explores in particular the landscapes of new citizenship which have emerged in the form of flexible citizenship with graded entitlements, as distinguished from spaces of stable citizenship. It proposes that a concerted effort towards an interactive public space can congeal into shared bonds of citizenship. This book will be valuable for advanced students, researchers and scholars of political science, history, sociology and gender studies. It would also be helpful to those studying social exclusion and the general reader interested in debates over gender and citizenship. Features There are very few books which look at citizenship in India to examine its gendered nature. The authors other book Mapping Cit

The Anatomy Of Power: European Constructions Of The African Body

Alexander Butchart
    The book marshals an impressive array of documentary records--from the texts of Renaissance mythology and natural science in the Classificatory age to Bantu anatomy and "the African personality." As such it not only provides a critical edge to debates around colonialism and African identity, it is also an invaluable new reservoir of source materials for scholars with a passion for knowing the body politic and its anatomy of power.

The Verb Particle Combination In English

Bruce Fraser

Konos Character Curriculum - Volume 1 with Lesson Plans (Volume 1)

Carole Thaxton
    All elementary subjects, excluding phonics, math, and upper level language arts, are included. Bible, science, social studies, art, music, literature, and health and safety are covered in each volume. Each volume can be used for two consecutive years, or can be used for one year and used again at a later date. Most families prefer to use Volume 1 for two years, Volume II for two years, and then Volume III for two years. However, families with multi-levels might prefer to cover a volume in one year, and return to it at a later time to "fill in" for younger children." Subjects addressed in Volume 1 of the Konos Character Curriculum include: Attentiveness, Obedience, Honor, Trust, Stewardship, and Patience. Lessons in each subject address these high points. The appendix includes suggestions for additional resources.

Muslim Voices – Community and the Self in South Asia

Usha Sanyal
    The essays in this volume recognize that identities are constantly being negotiated in changing historical circumstances, a negotiation which involves addressing tensions and conflicts around issues of authority, gender, social justice, and public versus private space. They further our understanding of the worldviews of specific Muslim “voices” and by placing them in their context, they also illustrate processes of change, contestation, and ultimately of political engagement.Drawing inspiration from the work of the eminent Islamist Barbara Metcalf, and using a variety of sources ranging from the literacy to the visual, the essays in this volume have been contributed by both senior historians as well as young voices in the field. The book will be of particular interest to students and scholars of history, anthropology, political studies, cultural studies and the informed lay reader interested in the worldviews represented by the Muslim “voices” featured in it.

Lugar: Essays On Philippine Heritage And Architecture

Augusto F. Villalon
    This book of essays celebrates the uniqueness of Filipino culture as expressed through its built environment, the vanishing record of the country's priceless cultural and natural heritage.

The Letters Of Olive Schreiner, 1876 1920

Olive Schreiner

Learning Computer Programming (With Cd Rom; Cyber Rookies Series) (Cyberrookies Series)

Mary E. Farrell
    Written by a high school programming teacher, Learning Computer Programming emphasizes the most relevant topics for beginners and pinpoints the essentials of programming success. There are so many programming languages in use today that it's difficult to decide which one to learn, especially for beginning programmers. With this in mind, Learning Computer Programming: It's Not About Languages focuses on "programming" skills instead of specific languages. Languages will always change so to become an effective programmer, it's important to understand the fundamentals before tackling a specific language. The book is language independent and uses examples from a variety of languages including the most popular C++, JAVA, and HTML, which each have a chapter devoted to them. Using helpful hints, activities, and watchouts, the book gently guides the student through the maze of programming techniques, concepts, and pitfalls.

The Critical Criminology Companion

Thalia Anthony
    It presents new research on crime, policy and the internationalisation of the criminal justice system. It sheds light on traditional debates in critical criminology through a confronting analysis of contemporary developments in criminal justice and criminology. It includes new approaches to critical criminology theory, methodology, case studies and contemporary issues. It traverses a range of debates including the criminalisation of Indigenous people, ethnic communities, the working class, rural communities and young people from critical perspectives, as well as introduces new concepts of state crime. It provides coverage of the developments in the penal system that have responded to globalisation and neo-liberalism, particularly in law and order and anti-terror campaigns. This coverage is counterpoised by portrayals of resistance within the penal system and considerations of restorative justice.The companion is relevant to a broad range of courses and levels of study. It covers the major components of a criminology course through a critical lens. It is a wonderful introduction to the concepts and critiques in criminology, as well as a provocative analysis of the assumptions underpinning the criminal justice system. Students, teachers and scholars in criminology, law and sociology will find this reader an invaluable companion.

Beowulf And The Demise Of Germanic Legend In England

Craig R. Davis
    Demonstrates how the core legend of the bear-hero was shaped to serve successive ideological and political interests, and why Germanic legend vanish

The Duchess Of Devonshire's Ball

Sophia Murphy

The Semantics Of Definite And Indefinite Noun Phrases

Irene Heim

Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms.


Thirty Years Of Buddhist Studies

Edward Conze
    There are essays on Buddhist studies, Mahayana, death, concepts of wisdom, parallels to other traditions and iconography.

Cybele and Attis

Maarten J. Vermaseren