Best of
Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers
Richard Evans Schultes
• Numerous new and rare color photographs complement the completely revised and updated text. • Explores the uses of hallucinogenic plants in shamanic rituals throughout the world. • Cross-referenced by plant, illness, preparation, season of collection, and chemical constituents. Three scientific titans join forces to completely revise the classic text on the ritual uses of psychoactive plants. They provide a fascinating testimony of these "plants of the gods," tracing their uses throughout the world and their significance in shaping culture and history. In the traditions of every culture, plants have been highly valued for their nourishing, healing, and transformative properties. The most powerful of those plants, which are known to transport the human mind into other dimensions of consciousness, have always been regarded as sacred. The authors detail the uses of hallucinogens in sacred shamanic rites while providing lucid explanations of the biochemistry of these plants and the cultural prayers, songs, and dances associated with them. The text is lavishly illustrated with 400 rare photographs of plants, people, ceremonies, and art related to the ritual use of the world's sacred psychoactive flora.
The Clan of the Cave Bear, Part 1 of 2
Jean M. Auel
The earth is peopled by Neanderthals -- squat, bow-legged, nonverbal, they live in clans, exist by foraging, and are ruled by taboos. The Cro-Magnons, the people who will replace them, are just emerging. When an earthquake destroys a Cro-Magnon dwelling, they tame the prairie, to the sudden fortune of a lucky few. "A ripping yarn...a gorgeous piece of work." (Saturday Review of Literature)
The Certainty of Faith
Herman Bavinck
"The Certainty of Faith" is one of the small but powerful classics written by one of the greatest theologians Holland has ever produced. Bavinck examines the difference between the certainty of science and that of religion historically, biblically, and theologically.
The Never Ending Quest: Dr. Clare W. Graves Explores Human Nature: A Treatise On An Emergent Cyclical Conception Of Adult Behavioral Systems And Their Development
Clare W. Graves
Graves's unfinished manuscript on the development and details of his double-helix theory of personality and culture. He also reports verification studies and comparisons with other researchers and then addresses the broader meanings of the concept to psychology and social development These conversations, which run throughout the entire text, range from education to business to large-scale systems change. The book also helps to understand Spiral Dynamics® or its derivatives. It clarifies Dr. Graves's conception of how conditions outside the person(s) and neurological systems inside interact to produce the emergent, cyclical, levels of existence; explains the 'levels' in more accurate detail than ever before; and discusses the realities of the theory."
Daisaku Ikeda
A Collection Of Discussions Between SGI President Daisaku Ikeda And Soka Gakkai High School Division Chiefs, On The Troubles And Hopes Of Youth.
Mountain Medicine: The Herbal Remedies Of Tommie Bass
Darryl Patton
Tommie practiced what he preached, living a life true to his beliefs, creating an archetype whose influence transcended the Appalachian area of north Alabama where he lived. The time-tested techniques and pharmacopoeia of Appalachian fold medicine form a component of traditional Western fold medicine that embodies American self-reliance and creativity, which is still evolving today. This book presents, often in his own words, the living legacy that Tommie left us of plants and their healing powers.
Only Cry For The Living
Hollie S. McKay
MCKAY FROM JOCKO PUBLISHING AND DI ANGELO PUBLICATIONS!Only once in a lifetime does a war so brutal erupt. A war that becomes an official genocide, causes millions to run from their homes, compels the slaughtering of thousands in the most horrific of ways, and inspires terrorist attacks to transpire across the world. That is the chilling legacy of the ISIS onslaught, and Only Cry for the Living takes a profoundly personal, unprecedented dive into one of the most brutal terrorist organizations in the world. Journalist Hollie S. McKay offers a raw, on-the-ground journey chronicling the rise of ISIS in Iraq exposing the group's vast impact and how and why it sought to wage terror on civilians in a desperate attempt to create an antiquated caliphate. The book, constructed chronologically through memos, captures the historical impact of ISIS across Iraq and Syria, as seen through the eyes of sex slave survivors, internally displaced people, persecuted minorities, humanitarian workers, religious leaders, military commanders, and even the terrorists themselves. It is not only a book that casts a haunting light on some of the darkest corners of the globe, but it is also a narrative brimming with silver-linings that illuminate the resiliency of the human spirit. It is a tragedy underscored by the heroic efforts of ordinary human beings to pick up the pieces, to fight back, and to believe that their voices matter. To truly understand the nature of terrorism and extremism to stop another ISIS from spilling needless blood we must listen to the lessons of those who lived it, fought it, joined it and rejected it.
Lakota Star Knowledge : Studies in Lakota Stellar Theology
Ronald Goodman
It shows that they felt a vivid relationship between the macrocosm, the star world, and their microcosmic world on the plains. There was a constant mirroring of what is above by what is below. The very shape of the earth was perceived as resembling the constellations. The Lakota had a time-factored lifeway. The star knowledge helps us to understand this temporal spacial dimension more fully. We can see now that many Lakota activities were timed to mirror celestial movements. The stars were called, "The holy breath of the Great Spirit," the woniya of Wakarj tanka. Thus, when the Lakota observed the movement of the sun through their constellations, they were receiving spiritual instruction. Their observations when interpreted by Lakota Oral Tradition and their star and earth maps, told them what to do, where to do it and when. The Lakota correlated several of the constellations to specific sites in the Black Hills. For example, Harney Peak was associated with the Pleiades group which is called "The 7 little girls," wicirjcala sakowiq. Each spring when the sun moved into that constellation, the People understood this as sacred speech directing them to go to Harney Peak. Oral Tradition told them what ceremonies to do there. Traditional Lakota believed that ceremonies done by them on earth were also being performed simultaneously in the spirit world. When what is happening in the stellar world is also being done on earth in the same way at the corresponding place at the same time, a hierophany can occur; sacred power can be drawn down; attunement to the will of Wakan Tanka can be achieved.Our study of Lakota constellations and related matters has helped us to appreciate that the need which the Lakota felt to move freely on the plains was primarily religious. This is implicit in Red Cloud's last speech to the People...
We Belong Together The Meaning Of Fellowship
Bruce Milne
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 5
Harlan Tarbell
LessonsUnique Magic, More Unique Mysteries, Four Ace Effects, Modern Mental Mysteries, Hat and Coat Productions, Oriental Magic, Original Oriental Secrets, Tarbell Hindu Rope Mysteries, Modern Rope Magic, Magic of the Bambergs, Magic with Bowls and Liquids, Illusions, Publicity and Promotion.
The Traffic in Women: Notes on the “Political Economy” of Sex
Gayle S. Rubin
She asserts that these writers fail to adequately explain women's subjugation; therefore, Rubin offers a reinterpretation of their ideas. Rubin addresses Marxist thought by identifying women's role within a capitalist society. She argues that the reproduction of labor power depends upon women's housework to transform commodities into sustenance for the worker. A capitalistic system cannot generate surplus without women, yet society does not grant women access to the resulting capital.
300 Tang Poems: Bilingual Edition, English and Chinese 唐詩三百首
Tang Period Poets
The poems are numbered, organized and hyper-linked for easy reading and access.Tang poetry 唐詩 refers to poetry written in or around the time of or in the characteristic style of China's Tang dynasty, 618 - 907, and follows a certain style, often considered as the Golden Age of Chinese poetry. During the Tang Dynasty, poetry continued to be an important part of social life at all levels of society. Scholars were required to master poetry for the civil service exams, but the art was theoretically available to everyone. This led to a large record of poetry and poets, a partial record of which survives today. Two of the most famous poets of the period were Du Fu and Li Bai.This classic collection of 300 Tang Poems features the English translation of Witter Bynner, reprinted with the generous permission from The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry. For more information, please visit唐詩泛指創作於唐代(618年—907年)的詩,也可以引申指以唐朝風格創作的詩。唐代被視為中國歷來詩歌水平最高的黃金時期,因此有唐詩之說,與宋詞並舉。唐代以後,唐詩的選本不斷湧現,現今流傳最廣的是蘅塘退士編選的《唐詩三百首》。清朝康熙年間的《全唐詩》整理收錄了二千二百多名詩人超過五萬首唐詩。
The Politics of Morality: The Church, the State, and Reproductive Rights in Postsocialist Poland
Joanna Mishtal
After this initial wave of enthusiasm, however, political forces that had lain concealed during the state socialist era began to emerge and establish a new religious-nationalist orthodoxy. While Solidarity garnered most of the credit for democratization in Poland, it had worked quietly with the Catholic Church, to which a large majority of Poles at least nominally adhered. As the church emerged as a political force in the Polish Sejm and Senate, it precipitated a rapid erosion of women’s reproductive rights, especially the right to abortion, which had been relatively well established under the former regime.The Politics of Morality is an anthropological study of this expansion of power by the religious right and its effects on individual rights and social mores. It explores the contradictions of postsocialist democratization in Poland: an emerging democracy on one hand, and a declining tolerance for reproductive rights, women’s rights, and political and religious pluralism on the other. Yet, as this thoroughly researched study shows, women resist these strictures by pursuing abortion illegally, defying religious prohibitions on contraception, and organizing into advocacy groups. As struggles around reproductive rights continue in Poland, these resistances and unofficial practices reveal the sharp limits of religious form of governance.
The Roots Of Civilisation: Plants That Changed The World
John Newton
This beautifully produced book looks at the plants that most of us take for granted, but which have changed the world, for better and for worse. The story of these plants is also the story of human survival and ingenuity (the invention of agriculture); the greed of men and their rulers, and the founding of trade routes and empires (think of opium and spices); advances in science and medicine; of new frontiers such as genetic modification and plants grown by NASA in outer space. The roots of civilisation looks not only at the the better known world-changers like opium, tobacco, cotton and the orchid, but also at the humbler flora that have quietly but profoundly shaped human civilisation. Chapters are divided into areas ranging from fibre plants; foods, herbs and spices; flowers; medicinal; poisonous; psychotropic; and, shelter."--Provided by publisher.
True To The Earth: Pagan Political Theology
Into the abyss of forgetting goes also an entire way of seeing humans, animals, gods, and the rest of nature, as well as the relationships these things constantly forge with each other.These were also the worldviews of ancient Pagan cultures before the dominance of writing and monotheism supplanted them. Organic pluralism, an embrace of multiple, conflicting truths, and a deep understanding of the interconnection between humans and the natural world: all were core values of oral and animist cultures.As global climate change and the collapse of Empire throw the earth and our modern societies into crisis, these core values are what humanity and the nature it destroys desperately need again.In True To The Earth: Pagan Political Theology, author and professor of philosophy Kadmus weaves a narrative from the lore of Celtic, Greek, Norse, and indigenous traditions to show us how we once saw the world and how we can see it again. He unveils the modern assumptions which blind us from seeing the past and what we've lost, challenges the core foundations of literal, universalist thinking, and shakes us free from the unseen bonds monotheism has placed upon our understanding of ourselves and the world.Well-researched and erudite, yet written in an engaging and accessible manner, True To The Earth offers back to us what we have lost, and gives us fertile soil from which a new earth-centered political understanding can arise.
Edward Tufte (Beautiful Evidence / Visual Explanations / Envisioning Information / The Visual Display of Quantitative Information)
Edward R. Tufte
Includes:- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information [Hardcover] - Envisioning Information [Hardcover] - Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative [Hardcover] - Beautiful Evidence [Hardcover]
Alice Sparkly Kat
THIS BOOK IS ABOUT:• saturn and the moon. what the histories of these two symbols have meant through traditional and modern astrology.• how both saturn and the moon accumulated meaning through white supremacy• ways to work with saturn and the moon in community accountable ways• the violent and unjust history of capital as a magical, not scientific, system of valuesYou should read this book if:• you desire to work with an astrology that is in resistance to cultures of neoliberalism and supremacy• you want to understand saturn and the moon in the real, white supremacist context they have developed within• you strive to re-mix symbols of power so that they benefit community and not capital
From Shtetl To Suburbia: The Family In Jewish Literary Imagination
Sol Gittleman
Tracing the origins of the Yiddish language and the growth and flowering of Yiddish literature, Gittleman shows how works written in Yiddish serve different functions in Germany, the shtetls of Eastern Europe, and America.
Essentials of Biological Anthropology
Clark Spencer Larsen
New Anthropology Matters videos encourage students to connect anthropological concepts to the world around them. A highly visual learning ...Download Link : 039366743XEssentials of Biological Anthropology (Fourth Edition) PDF by Clark Spencer LarsenRead Essentials of Biological Anthropology (Fourth Edition) PDF from W. W. Norton & Company,Clark Spencer LarsenDownload Clark Spencer Larsen's PDF E-book Essentials of Biological Anthropology (Fourth Edition)
Cristina Mittermeier
Trained as a marine biologist and a photographer, the Mexico City-born Mittermeier combines her work behind the lens with her passion for environmentalism, taking pictures around the world to explore our relationship to the earth and ocean and to draw attention to the beauty and the plight of our planet.In Amaze, Mittermeier elicits our wonder and awe at the natural world and the labyrinth or "maze" of navigating a sustainable existence. The book combines two series: "Enoughness" and "The Water's Edge." The first draws out Mittermeier's philosophy for a mindful and sustainable way of being in the world. Bringing together photographs from some of the most isolated corners of the earth, the book shows wild animals, remote landscapes, and indigenous peoples--challenging the cult of material wealth and proposing alternatives for a meaningful and sustainable connection to our environment, each other, and ourselves.In "The Water's Edge," Mittermeier presents photographs from around the globe that capture the frontier between land and ocean and the special meaning it has for human life. Whether it is fishermen bringing in their daily haul, women washing laundry in the shallows, or surfers frolicking in the spray, the water's edge is revealed as an integral and universal space in which ephemeral moments reveal not only our common dependency on the planet, but also our common humanity.As much an inspiration for sustainable living as a staggering collection of nature photography, Amaze i s a must-have book for all those who care about our planet and those we share it with.
166 Palms - A Literary Anthology
James Burnham
Featuring the creative voices of: Shanda Bahles, Diane Byington, Roy Dufrain, Victoria Grant, Michael Hardesty, Deborah Kevin, John Maly, Kristine Mietzner, Meg Serino, Suanne Schafer, Maryam Soltani, and Kenton Yee. Guest Editor - Linda Moore Managing Editor - James Burnham
Metropolitan World Atlas
Arjen Van Susteren
This atlas offers a unique survey of global trade networks and their impact on metropolitan space. It documents a total of 101 metropolises, analysing them in easy-to-read ground plans. It also includes index numbers and tables regarding such aspects as population, density, pollution, travel time, data traffic, air and water travel and the size of Central Business Districts. Its unexpected combination of ground plans and statistics makes this atlas a unique work of reference where for the first time metropolitan areas like Beijing, Lagos, London, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo can be compared with one another and in terms of their position in the global urban network.
The Enduring Ma Aram Tradition: An Ethnography Of A Kinaray A Village In Antique
Alicia P. Magos
Stones, Bones And Skin: Ritual And Shamanic Art
Anne Trueblood Brodzky
Africa Counts: Number And Pattern In African Culture
Claudia Zaslavsky
A unique illustrated book about how African peoples' numerical systems, geometrical designs, and subtle mathematical games have developed and are being used today.
Visions of Vanaheim
Visions of Vanaheim by Svartesól discusses the Vanic side of the Northern Tradition – honoring a race of Gods connected with the fertility of the Earth, from life to death and back again.This book explores the history of the North and the differences between Aesir and Vanir; the Deities known or suspected to be Vanir and those related by marriage or adoption; rites, magic, and devotion in a Vanic practice, and thoughts on the Vanic way from those who live it.The Vanir have much to offer the 21st century, and by exploring the mysteries of the Vanir, we can find the sacred in our world.
Angels In The Mirror: Voodoo Music Of Haiti (Musical Expeditions)
Elizabeth McAlister
Largely recorded in the field, both urban and rural Vodou ceremonial music are captured with state-of-the-art fidelity. The CD is accompanied by photographs, essays, interviews with Vodou practioners, poems, proverbs, folk tales, and more.
The Meeting of the Waters: The Hindmarsh Island Affair
Margaret Simons
Earth Rites: Fertility Practises in Pre-Industrial Britain
Janet Bord
The Origin Of Race And Civilization
Charles A. Weisman
Mexico The Beautiful Cookbook
Weldon Owen
cookbook hardcover well illustrated
Anthropology Of Ancient Hindu Kingdoms: A Study In Civilizational Prespective
Makhan Jha
Gravestones Of Early New England, And The Men Who Made Them, 1653 1800
Harriette Merrifield Forbes
With No Direction Home : Homeless Youth on the Road and in the Streets
Marni Finkelstein
Analysis of a social situation in modern Zululand (The Rhodes-Livingstone papers)
Max Gluckman
The New World: The First Pictures of America
Stefan Lorant
The first abortive French and English settlements onf the eastern shores of America shown through contemporary narratives and pictures.
The Tall Candle: The Personal Chronicle Of Yaqui Indian
Rosalio Moises
The Only Land They Knew: The Tragic Story Of The American Indians In The Old South
James V. Wright
Leitch Wright Jr. describes Native lives, customs, and encounters with Europeans and Africans from late prehistory through the nineteenth century.
Rupa Viswanath
For most speakers of English today, only the dimmest memory of what it once meant survives. But for its victims the cruelty is not forgotten, because it is not just a memory. This is a book about the joint efforts of native elites and British colonizers to avoid facing the fact that they were the beneficiaries of that cruelty. Drawing on newly discovered sources, Viswanath traces the emergence of what was called the "Pariah Problem". She shows how landlords, state officials, and well- intentioned missionaries conceptualized Dalit oppression in a way that foreclosed any real solutions: after all, the entire agrarian political-economic system depended on the unfree labor of those classed as untouchable. Welfare efforts directed at Dalits-by the colonial state, Hindus and Christian missionaries-focused on religious and social reform, but not political empowerment or structural transformation. This laid the groundwork for the present day, where the postcolonial state and elite reformers continue to sideline issues of landlessness, violence, and political subordination. About the AuthorRupa Viswanath is professor of Indian Religions at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies at the University of Göttingen.
Beasts: What Animals Can Teach Us About Human Nature
Jefferey Moussaieff Masson
Alongside humans, they have the most complex brains to be found in nature. But while one of these two species has killed 200 million members of its own kind in the twentieth century alone, the other has killed none. This is where Jeffrey Massons fascinating new book begins: there is something different about humans. Masson has shown us that animals can teach us much about our own emotions - about love (dogs), contentment (cats) and grief (elephants). But they have much to teach us about the negative emotions such as anger and aggression as well, and in unexpected ways. In Beasts he demonstrates that the violence we perceive in the wild is mostly a matter of projection. We link the basest human behaviour to animals, to beasts, and claim the high ground for our species. We are least human, we think, when we succumb to our primitive, animal instincts. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Animal predators kill to survive, but there is nothing in the annals of animal aggression remotely equivalent to the violence mankind has inflicted upon itself. Humans, and humans in our modern industrialised world in particular, are the most violent species in existence. We lack what all other animals have: a check on aggression that serves the species rather than destroys it. And it is here that animals have something vitally important to teach us about ourselves. About the Author: Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson is a former psychoanalyst who was, briefly, director of the Freud Archives. He has taught the history of psychoanalysis and journalistic ethics at the University of Toronto and the University of Michigan. At present he is an hon
Vegetalismo: Shamanism Among The Mestizo Population Of The Peruvian Amazon
Luis Eduardo Luna
The Sun Beneath The Sea
Jacques Piccard
This is the official account of the research led by the author in the submarine Ben Franklin as they drifted in the Gulf Stream off Mexico.
Studies On Shamanism (Ethnologica Uralica) (Vol 2)
Anna-Leena Siikala
Maximizing Study Abroad
R. Michael Paige
The guide begins with three inventories designed to help students be more aware of how they currently learn language and culture. The following sections provide students with tools and creative activities they can use to enhance their favored learning strategies and try out unfamiliar ones. Students can use this guide as they prepare for study abroad, during their experience, and once they return to maximize their experience.
The Cannibal's Cookbook: Recipes And Remedies For Human Sacrifice
Pamela J. Peck
It is a light and humorous--albeit critical and insightful--account of how culture shapes our perceptions of reality and gets us to do what we don't intend to do.
Generosity And Jealousy: The Swat Pukhtun Of Northern Pakistan
Charles Lindholm
Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Asian Studies, Anthropology
Transgressions: Critical Australian Indigenous Histories (Aboriginal History Monograph, 16)
Ingereth Macfarlane
Nation and Revolution: Volume 2 of Social Dialectics
Anouar Abdel-Malek
... This evolution, this deep transformation of the machinery of science and technology, ...
Fragments From Forests And Libraries: A Collection Of Essays
Valerio Valeri
Along with nine essays previously published in English, the book contains a number of studies translated for the first time and one unpublished work.
A Candle In The Dark
Hugh Steven
The book also deepens our understanding about the changing role of modern Bible translators in countries where national peoples are assuming greater responsibility for the translation of the Scriptures into their own ethnic languages. Writing in his characteristic style, Hugh Steven weaves the romance of history, the compelling beauty of the islands, and the importance of working in a partnership with national translators, into a literary tapestry. This tapestry is fringed with the drama of cyclones, a foundering ship, sharks, and the surrender of a young womans rebellious spirit to the overwhelming love of God. Hugh Steven is author-at-large for Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. He, with his wife Norma, has served with Wycliffe since 1956. The Stevens make their home in Santa Ana, California."
Freemasonry`s Royal Secret - The Francken Manuscript
Arturo de Hoyos
By Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, G.C., Grand Archivist and Grand Historian; Introduction co-authored with Alain Bernheim, 33°. What was high degree Masonry like before the Scottish Rite? For the first time ever, the actual rituals of the `parent` of the Scottish Rite are available for study from a rare manuscript! Created by Stephen Morin in the 1760`s, this 25-degree system used many of the most popular and important degrees of the time. By 1764 the high degrees were established in New Orleans, and in 1767 Henry Andrew Francken brought the system to Albany, New York. It was finally absorbed into the Scottish Rite in 1801. This extremely interesting work includes the full and complete rituals of the system, from 4° Secret Master, to 25° Prince of the Royal Secret. Also included are the `detached degrees` of Select Master of 27, Knight of the Royal Arch, and Grand Master Ecose, which appeared at the back of the manuscript. Includes several facsimiles from the original manuscript. Hardbound (6 3/4" x 10") with decorative covers; illustrated; includes index. 317 pages.
Sacred Values and Evil Adversaries: A Moral Foundations Approach
Jesse Graham