Best of
Alice Sparkly Kat
It goes over intersections of biology and culture, how to map trauma using astrology, and asks you to work with yourself creatively. Read an excerpt here.If you'd like to start a writing group or storytelling circle using this book with three or more people, I can offer you $5 off each copy. Just email me."I recommend this book to anyone who wants a 21st century, progressive, and honest portrayal of western astrology that can be used to create a beautiful work of literature while still facilitating deep education...This is not your traditional, descriptive, uniform astrology book. It is progressive, blunt, intersectional, and even critical of astrology at times. The clear goal of this book is to help you use astrology practically in your life, not worship it as ultimate truth that dismantles free will." ―earthandfiretarot$20
Graha Sutras
Ernst Wilhelm
Graha Sutras is the first Volume of a series of texts dealing with the predictive methods and principles found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. 384 pages of Grahas, Grahas and more Grahas make Graha Sutras the most thorough text available on the Grahas. Contains Sanskrit Sutras with precise translations and lengthy and profound commentaries that will bring the planets to life in a profound manner. Many important Sutras have been translated correctly for the first time in this work. Original artwork portrays the images of the planets in accordance with the precise descriptions found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. There is even a chapter devoted to Graha Shanti - pacifying the planets.
Alice Sparkly Kat
THIS BOOK IS ABOUT:• saturn and the moon. what the histories of these two symbols have meant through traditional and modern astrology.• how both saturn and the moon accumulated meaning through white supremacy• ways to work with saturn and the moon in community accountable ways• the violent and unjust history of capital as a magical, not scientific, system of valuesYou should read this book if:• you desire to work with an astrology that is in resistance to cultures of neoliberalism and supremacy• you want to understand saturn and the moon in the real, white supremacist context they have developed within• you strive to re-mix symbols of power so that they benefit community and not capital
The Johari Window: A Graphic Model of Awareness in Group Relations
Joseph Luft
Startypes: Life Path Partners: Compatibility Astrology
Michael Erlewine
He founded MATRIX Software long ago, and from crucial algorithms to interpretation zenith, Erlewine has been the formative and leading light of astrologys modern growth. After inventing the technological applications, Erlewine humanized it all, adding perception and incisive practical analyses to modern, computerized astrology. Now, for a second generation of astrologers and their public, Erlewines genius continues with StarTypes and its simply amazingStarTypes is life-path astrology, interpreting large-scale planetary patterns in the sky above and charting the dharma or life path of an individual and their primary relationship role down here on earth. And you dont have to be an astrologer to understand this book. The astrology used here is graphic, an open window into who we are, why we are here, and what on earth we might be good for our life purpose.Some might say that this course is about finding your tribe, the particular group of individuals in this world that you belong to (and have always been) a part of. You have been looking for them and they have been looking to find you.And this is even truer when it comes to finding your life partner, the one person you are meant to be closest to in this life. Finding just the right chemistry with another person is perhapsthe main focus in StarTypes astrology. StarTypes is about finding who you are and where on earth you might fit in and belong. It is not about learning a lot of astrology jargon. In fact, much of this book is pure graphics, making it easy to learn and remember.Michael Erlewine is an internationally-known astrologer with over 40 years of experience as an author, teacher, and counselor. Aside from founding Matrix Software (the first astrological software company), Erlewine is also an Internet content pioneer, founding sites like,,,, and many others. He has authored more than 13 books on astrology and over a dozen books on music and film. You can Google Michael Erlewine or go to http: // for more details.
Gemini Man Secrets
Anna Kovach
According to women, who have checked the action of the recommendations of astrology, they managed to improve the quality of their relationships. Gemini men became more open and tender. The guide seems to work as the author claims. All readers admit that the book is great and they love it because it provides answers to all their questions that arise from time to time when having relationships with a Gemini man.When reading the book, you can find out which mistakes not to make in your relationships. The author explains that she had spent years conducting research and consulting a lot of women dating or being married to Gemini men. This helped her to create the complete guide on how to live with a Gemini man happily. According to the readers, the guide is easy to understand and follow.What Will You Learn From Gemini Man Secrets?These are some of the things you will learn from Gemini Man Secrets: How to make him go desire you and be an amazing sex partner for a Gemini man. How to text him in an intriguing way which will keep him interested in you and only you How to surprise him: A Gemini man lives out of intrigue. So, with these tips, you will learn how to make him intrigued by you and, therefore, crave you. How to use your inner power to seduce him How to make a Gemini man commit to you The Complete “Gemini Man Secrets” Program Includes: Gemini Man Secrets eBook Bonus Book #1: “Gemini Man Sextrology” Bonus Book #2: “How to get a Gemini man back” Bonus Book #3: “How to text a Gemini Man” Bonus Book #4: “25 Surprises to delight your Gemini man”
Many Moons 2017: Volume 2. July-December
Modern Woman
(New, Waxing, Full, Waning, & Dark)This book begins in July and focuses on the last half of the year: July- December.This book contains recipes, spell working suggestions and advice, manifestation musings, Tarot Talk, and self-help and development prompts to aid you in your evolution, healing, and to get your momentum and desires moving and flowing. In this workbook, questions are asked and exercises are suggested to help you with your own self-empowerment. These workbooks imagine a world where witches, women, femmes, and weirdos make their dreams come true, help others and the greater collective in service of their higher self and of spirit.
Astro Birthdays: What Your Birthdate Reveals About Your Life Destiny
Stella Andromeda
Begin a journey to self-discovery through astrology, numerology and Tarot, guided by the bestselling Seeing Stars author, Stella Andromeda.Each of the 366 profiles incorporates astrological insights, numerology and a Tarot card reading specifically selected for that date.Learn to understand how you respond to life and its challenges, what predisposition you may already be aware of or what will be revealed as you mature and the way you approach your closest relationships.Astro Birthdays provides intriguing birthdate information not just about you, but also about partners, family, friends and work colleagues.
Classical Muhurta, Vedic Electional Astrology
Ernst Wilhelm
is perhaps one of the most demanding tasks placed upon an astrologer. It is here that the astrologer assumes the most responsibility in the client’s life. Through this book, Classical Muhurta, you will gain a thorough understanding of Muhurta principles and confidently learn how to select the most favorable moment available in which to perform any event. In fact, Classical Muhurta, is the only Muhurta text that tells you exactly what each and every Muhurta component does, so you will finally learn what the Nakshatra, Tithi, Karana, Yoga, Vara, Nadika, Hora and all the rest actually do. Each Muhurta factor is covered thoroughly and has a chapter devoted to it . The relative importance of the many different Muhurta factors is explained in detail. Specific Muhurta guidelines for over 140 different events- for any event you could ever hope to perform. Pages of example Muhurtas help you to see the real-life effects of the different Muhurta factors.
Horary Astrology (KP - Sixth Reader)
K.S. Krishnamurti
It is evident and clear, especially in twin births, since the rule may come out correct in the case of one but fails miserably in that of the other as the result is diametrically opposite. There is no coherence, no clarity, whereas confusion and contradiction do exit. Prof. Krishnamurti evolved certain methods which are most convincing, very clear and pinpointing to the time of event and explaining the nature of event to the entire satisfaction of the querist and the astrologer. It guides properly. So this method known as Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) is the best and is very useful to the querists, as the predictions come out correctly. Also, it brings name and fame to the astrology. True to say, this is the most authoritative of Prof. K S Krishnamurti's works on an entirely special department of instant prediction even without a birth char which most people do not have. In writing this most popular and very useful book, Prof. Krishnamurti has dealt elaborately with the Indian and Western classical methods and expounded his own clear technique of prediction based on Nadi stellar system known to ancient saints and sages.
Astro Diagnosis, A Guide To Healing: A Treatise On Medical Astrology And Diagnosis From The Horoscope And Hand (Forgotten Books)
Augusta Foss Heindel, Max Heindel
Diagnosis From Horoscopes; A Lesson In Directing; The Ears; The Eyes; The Throat; The Lungs; The Heart; The Stomach; The Kidneys; Sex And Throat; The Spine; The Liver And Gall Bladder; The Circulation; Leprosy; Paralysis; The Nerves; The Bones; Spirit Control; The Ductless Glands; Special Conditions; Insanity; Asthma; Cancer; Rosicrucian HealingAbout the Publisher: Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, Esoteric and Mythology. www.forgottenbooks.orgForgotten Books is about sharing information, not about making money. All books are priced at wholesale prices. We are also the only publisher we know of to print in large sans-serif font, which is proven to make the text easier to read and put less strain on your eyes.
Astrology; Your Place Among the Stars
Evangeline Adams
Get a glimpse into one of the most gifted astrologers ever! 2026-2030 should be next US war using one of her techniques
Interpreting Solar And Lunar Returns: A Psychological Approach
Babs Kirby
For the beginner and advanced astrologer alike.
Chart Your Own Horoscope: For Beginner And Professional
Ursula Lewis
The Twilight of Pluto: Astrology and the Rise and Fall of Planetary Influences
John Michael Greer
As John Michael Greer reveals, the opposite is also true: the demotion of a planet correlates with the decline of a set of influences into the background.Exploring the waxing and waning of planetary influences in astrology, Greer explains in detail how the demotion or proved nonexistence of a planet marks the beginning of a roughly 30-year period in which that planet’s influence fades out. He examines several examples of planet demotion, including Ceres, whose influence began to take shape some 30 years before its discovery in 1801 and gradually faded over the three decades following its demotion in the 1850s. Examining Pluto’s astrological influence in depth, from the beginning of the search for “Planet X” in 1900 to the end of its influence in 2036, the author shows how during the Plutonian era the concept of cosmos--from the ancient Greek meaning “that which is beautifully ordered”--was in eclipse. Pluto’s influence led to the rejection of unity, beauty, and order, exemplified through the splitting of the atom by physicists, the splitting of the individual into conscious and subconscious halves by psychoanalysts, and the splitting of the world into warring camps by politicians. Offering an essential guide not only to the astrology of the future but also to the twilight of the Plutonian era, Greer shows how as Pluto’s influence fades out in the years ahead, a great many disruptive phenomena of the recent past will fade with it.
Houses of the Horoscope
William Herbst
Introductory essay on house division. lge fmt, 1988