Best of
This Won't Take But a Minute, Honey
Steve Almond
This innovative, self-published book comprises 30 short short stories, and 30 brief essays on the psychology and practice of writing.
The Healthy Writer: Reduce your pain, improve your health, and build a writing career for the long term
Joanna Penn
Writing is not a physically healthy job, but if you want a long-term writing career, then you need to look after your body.I've been through my own pain journey over the last six years. I used to get crippling migraines that sent me to a dark room, and back pain so bad that I couldn't sleep, as well as stress levels so high that I wasn't able to breathe normally.Now, my back pain, migraines and RSI have almost gone completely, and I manage my writing life in a far healthier way than ever before. I share my personal journey and insights with you in this book.My co-author is Dr Euan Lawson, who shares his insights into how we can reduce pain, improve health and build a writing career for the long term.The book covers:Introduction and survey results from 1200 writersWhy writing is great for your health>>> Part 1: The Unhealthy Writer Stress, anxiety, burnoutBack, neck and shoulder painWriter's cramp and Repetitive Strain InjuryA personal journey to a pain-free backWriting with chronic painSedentary life and inactivitySleep problems/ insomniaEye strain, headaches, and migraineA personal story of headaches and migraineLoneliness and isolationWeight gain or weight lossJoanna's Letter to SugarDigestive issues and IBSA personal journey through IBS with FODMAPMood and mental healthWriting with depressionAlcohol, coffee, drugs and other substances>>> Part 2: The Healthy Writer Build resilienceImprove your workspaceFind a communityStart movingSort out your dietSort out your sleepDevelop healthy habitsHow to use dictation for healthier writing lifeLessons learned about writing from walking a double ultra-marathonBreathing, mindfulness, and meditationYoga and writingLongevity: writing for the long-termIt's time to be a healthy writer!
The Map (One Year Adventure Novel)
Daniel Schwabauer
As you discover more about the world of your novel, you'll learn principles of storytelling that could take years to uncover through traditional writing programs.
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (Shambhala Library) by Natalie Goldberg, Shambhala
Natalie Goldberg
She offers suggestions, encouragement, and solid advice on many aspects of the writer’s craft: on writing from “first thoughts” (keep your hand ...Download a copy here : 1590307941 Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (Shambhala Library) PDF by Natalie GoldbergRead Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (Shambhala Library) PDF from Shambhala,Natalie GoldbergDownload Natalie Goldberg's PDF E-book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (Shambhala Library)
The Novelist
Jordan Castro
In Jordan Castro’s inventive, funny, and surprisingly tender first novel, we follow a young man over the course of a single morning as he fails to write an autobiographical novel based on his own heroin addiction and recovery, finding himself drawn into the infinite spaces of Twitter, quotidian rituals, and his own mind. An ode to the narrator’s favorite coffee mug also explores materialism and subjectivity; a misguided visit to an old classmate’s Facebook page prompts a meditation on class privilege; an Instagram post about the ethics of having children leads to a condemnation of nihilism; the act of doing the dishes is at once quotidian and profound: one of the many small commitments that make up a life of stability. The Novelist: A Novel is influenced by and references Nicholson Baker’s The Mezzanine and Thomas Bernhard’s Woodcutters, and in the end is a wholly original novel about language and consciousness, the internet and social media, and addiction and recovery.
The Brilliance Breakthrough: How To Talk And Write So That People Will Never Forget You
Eugene M. Schwartz
Reforming Journalism
Marvin Olasky
Throughout the book, he points to the example of Christian journalists in China, who courageously continue a nearly three-thousand year history of news reporting in the face of government pressures. You will learn how to be a more discerning reader of news as well as a competent citizen-reporter in your own community.
Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook
Abby Lawson
35 chapters of immediately actionable strategies and techniques to help you grow your following, work with brands, and make money from your blog.
Deep and Wide
Susan May Warren
The follow-up worktext to the foundational writing worktext, From the Inside-Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you, Deep and Wide, Advanced Fiction Techniques utilizes award-winning, best selling novelist and My Book Therapy founder, Susan May Warren’s easy to apply explanations, exercises and intuitive methods to teach you advanced fiction writing techniques that will turn any novel from boring to breathtaking.
Alice Sparkly Kat
It goes over intersections of biology and culture, how to map trauma using astrology, and asks you to work with yourself creatively. Read an excerpt here.If you'd like to start a writing group or storytelling circle using this book with three or more people, I can offer you $5 off each copy. Just email me."I recommend this book to anyone who wants a 21st century, progressive, and honest portrayal of western astrology that can be used to create a beautiful work of literature while still facilitating deep education...This is not your traditional, descriptive, uniform astrology book. It is progressive, blunt, intersectional, and even critical of astrology at times. The clear goal of this book is to help you use astrology practically in your life, not worship it as ultimate truth that dismantles free will." ―earthandfiretarot$20
Writing Picture Books Revised and Expanded Edition: A Hands-On Guide From Story Creation to Publication by Ann Whitford Paul, Writer's Digest Books
Ann Whitford Paul
You'll learn the unique set of skills it ... Available Picture Books Revised and Expanded Edition: A Hands-On Guide From Story Creation to Publication PDF by Ann Whitford PaulRead Writing Picture Books Revised and Expanded Edition: A Hands-On Guide From Story Creation to Publication PDF from Writer's Digest Books,Ann Whitford PaulDownload Ann Whitford Paul’s PDF E-book Writing Picture Books Revised and Expanded Edition: A Hands-On Guide From Story Creation to Publication
For the Perfectionist
Amie McNee
For the Perfectionist is here to gently pry you away from your commitment to perfection and lead you to a path of creative abundance, and success.The moment is now, the power to change is in this book. Are your standards so unreachable — is your perfectionism so ingrained — that every time you create you are reminded of how not enough you are? If you go on this journey with me, you will have the tools to mindfully strip back the narratives that cripple your creativity and walk a revolutionary road of creative abundance, and acceptance of self. You are imperfect, creative - and we want you that way.You can find this book on my website.
Who Should We Then Read ?
Jan Bloom
A great guide to take to the library with you, and a treasure to have on your bookshelf!
Write for Your Life
Anna Quindlen
What really matters in life? What truly lasts in our hearts and minds? Where can we find community, history, humanity? In this lyrical new book, the answer is clear: through writing. This is a book for what Quindlen calls "civilians," those who want to use the written word to become more human, more themselves.Write for Your Life argues that there has never been a more important time to stop and record what we are thinking and feeling. Using examples from past, present, and future--from Anne Frank to Toni Morrison, from love letters written after World War II to journal reflections from nurses and doctors today--Write for Your Life vividly illuminates the ways in which writing connects us to ourselves and to those we cherish. Drawing on her personal experiences not just as a writer but as a mother and daughter, Quindlen makes the case that recording our daily lives in writing is essential.When we write we not only look, we see; we not only react but reflect. Writing gives you something to hold onto in a changing world. "To write the present," Quindlen says, "is to believe in the future."
Plots and Plotting how to create stories that work
Diana Kimpton
Jargon-free and packed with examples, it tackles the many issues that make up a good story including subplots, character development and conflict.
It's a Story, Rory!
Frances Watts
From the award-winning creators of Parsley Rabbit's Book about Books comes a story about stories! 'Hey, Milly, why are we on this blank page?' 'It won't be blank for long. We're going to be in a story, Rory!' Rory and Milly have never been in a story before, but now that they are, all kinds of amazing things are happening! There'll be a plot, a setting and some characters too - not to mention a strange voice in the sky (that'd be the narrator, Rory!). Get ready to discover the amazing world of storytelling, with the award-winning creators of Parsley Rabbit's Book about Books. Ages 3+
eBooks the Smart Way: A Complete Guide to Publishing, Marketing and Automating a Killer eBook
Pat Flynn
Publishing and selling an eBook literally changed his life. It's packed full of internet marketing, business and blogging tips that you can’t find anywhere on his blog.
Take Their Money - How to Write Words That REALLY Make You Rich
Kyle Milligan
Take Their Money - How to Write Words That REALLY Make You RichCopywriting book from one of Agora's (ex) in-house copywriters
How to be an Artist: Learn to envision your personal and artistic life goals, increase your creative confidence and identify the steps needed to move yourself into a future of your own making.
Terri Balogh
More than that, you'll receive sound advice on how to handle the times that you wrestle with the very idea of being an artist. Uncertainty is a common theme among creative souls and "How to be an Artist" speaks to the ways creative people hold themselves back from living the life they truly desire. What people who have read “How to be an Artist” are saying:“Your Art, Your Life, Your Plan”“Highly recommend to anyone searching for their artistic self.”“Full of encouragement grounded in practical advice…”“Based in the real world….This book offers real advice and ideas for people living in the real world, people with jobs, and families to juggle.”The artistic path is not always easy, but the rewards of becoming the artist you know you are is worth all of the challenges along the way. With this book, your life as an artist is within reach...why wait?
Selected Writings by Susan Sontag
Susan Sontag
She also edited selected writings of such European writers as Roland Barthes and Antonin Artaud (1976). Homo Poeticus (1995) is a selection of Danilo Kis' essays and interviews, in which Sontag wrote an introduction. Among Sontag's several awards are American Academy Ingram Merrill Foundation Award (1976), National Book Critics Circle Award (1977), Academy of Sciences and Literature Award (Germany, 1979). She was appointed in 1979 Member of American Academy. In 1990 Sontag received a five-year fellowship from the MacArthur Foundation. Her private life Sontag kept carefully guarded. However, in an interview in The New York Times she told that she had loved both men and women. With Joseph Brodsky, whom she dated for a period, she ate often at the Silver Palace, a New York Chinese reataurant. Sontag died of complications of leukemia in Manhattan on December 28, 2004. She had been ill with cancer intermittently from the 1970s. The famous white streak in her hair was the only part that was its true color: chemotherapy thinned her thick, black hair and mostly white or grey grew back. Sontag's last essays included 'Regarding the Torture of Others,' about the abuse of prisoners in Iraq (May 23, 2004, The New York Times Magazine).
The Logic of English: A Systematic Approach to Reading, Spelling, and Writing - Teacher's Manual
Denise Eide
The Logic of English Essentials curriculum interweaves these five strands with spelling, grammar, and writing in order to provide authentic practice with the words, phonograms, and rules being learned.Multi-sensory games and optional activities are included in each lesson for students who need additional practice and to ensure mastery. The integration of core teaching with a wealth of optional exercises allows this curriculum to be used flexibly with students of a wide range of ages and abilities.
Writing Matters - Developing Sentence Skills in Students of All Ages - TEACHER's MANUAL
William Van Cleave
This Manual Includes...- unique, research-based lesson design- alignment with the Common Core- sequence of skills for instruction- techniques for one-to-one and classroom instruction- model dialogues- 326 pages: spiral boundEach Unit Includes...- an overview of general information for the teacher- clarification of points teachers sometimes confuse- steps for initial instruction and subsequent lessons- sample activities and assignments
Isaiah Dunn Saves the Day
Kelly J. Baptist
Friendship, community, and a love of words blend in this coming-of-age tale.
Things are looking up for super kid Isaiah Dunn. He and his little sister, Charlie, are getting used to staying with Miz Rita, and Mama's feeling better. Isaiah's poetry business with Angel is taking off, and his best friend, Sneaky, always has a new hustle. Plus, Isaiah has his dad's journals for a story or if he needs advice....Like maybe now, because starting middle school is hard. Especially when his mentee Kobe won't stop making trouble. Isaiah knows something is up, but to get to the bottom of Kobe's secret, he'll have to rely on every hero he knows--including himself!Discover the heartfelt and humorous sequel to the award-winning novel Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero.
The Art of Writing Memior: Finding the Past in the Present
Natalie Goldberg
English Literary Criticism and Theory: An introductory history
M.S. Nagarajan
It follows the survey approach, discussing English literary critics in a historical-chronological order. It is primarily designed to serve as a text/reference book for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Indian universities and colleges. The book deals with the critical texts that are prescribed for study in many M.A (English) courses in India. One section of the book surveys the contribution made by the ancient critics since knowledge of classical criticism is essential for an understanding of later developments. Another section (sixteenth to twentieth century) takes for close examination, individually, such of those critics as are prescribed in the curricula of M.A. courses in Indian universities and colleges. The last section on Contemporary Criticism, examines all the movements, with special emphasis on theorists who have initiated these movements. The section, A Glossary of Critical Terms, gives short explanatory notes on critical terms with which a student is expected to be familiar. The Select Bibliography lists important works on criticism which can be consulted for further reading and research.
Animal Life In Nature, Myth And Dreams
Elizabeth Caspari
She gives the reader an opportunity to make this connection on his or her own personal journey of discovery. This book is a study of animals--their natural history, mythology, folklore, and religious significance around the world as well as their role in our lives, dreams, and everyday language. It examines the symbolic impact animals have on our collective culture, particularly on our own personal and interior lives. From Albatross to Zebra, each animal is pictured in color and factual context is given about its behavior in the natural world. Information is included about habitat, distribution, weight, size, longevity, and classification. By drawing on a process of amplification developed by C. G. Jung, in which an image is related to a previous historical, mythological, religious, or ethnological context, Elizabeth Caspari discusses the meaning of the animal in a dream, amplifying the reader's understanding of that animal. Intended for anyone interested in the actual behavior and nature of animals and the world we live in, Animal Life presents a good deal of ethological and mythological material. By contemplating the significance of our fellow creatures, and how everything in our universe is connected, Animal Life offers a more whole, and more healing, view of the world.
[PRESENT not perfect]{PRESENT not perfect}
Aimee Chase
Most women today are frantic, lost in an endless cycle of busyness caused by constant pressure to perform up to unrealistic expectations of perfection, many of which are self-imposed. This journal cuts to the heart of the problem by showing women how to reconnect with their inner selves through solitude, introspection, and contemplation of what's truly important to them as individuals and family members. Give yourself permission to be Present, Not Perfect.
Pretty Boy
K.C. Kassidy
Possessing a pretty face has its perks, especially one I’ve relied on since I began modeling at seventeen. It’s paid for my college education and sent me around the world – all without taking a single dime from dad.But it never got me what I truly wanted: his approval.That’s the reason I’m in Stoney Brook, Maine. To make a difference and prove to my dad I’ve changed.What I don’t expect in this lobster fishing town is to catch feelings for a certain lobsterman. But Mason Proctor reeled me in, hook, line, and sinker.MasonI’m a homebody whose twenties are passing me by.Something I hadn’t realized until I met Finn Caldwell, the pretty boy who breezed into town and hooked me with his smile. I want to be more like him; daring and fun.The problem is my dad’s lobster business keeps me anchored down in a job, a town, and a future I don’t want.I’ve played the role of good and loyal son long enough. I need to break free and live life on my own terms. But I don't have it in me to cut ties and tell my parents the truth.Finn and I may be different, but we both have something to prove. He needs to prove his worthiness to his father. I only need to prove my bravery to one man. Myself.
Approach To Literature: An Introduction To Critical Study Of Content And Method In Writing
Graham Little
Finding Your Writer's Voice: Make Your Writing Unique & Unforgettable
Bria Quinlan
That IT Factor. The Holy Grail. Every writer has one. Every writer knows what it is, but not everyone can put their finger on how to develop it. Join Jeannie Lin and Bria Quinlan, two award-winning, best-selling authors, as they chase down this elusive element. This book discusses the hierarchy of developing a professional voice as well as concrete tips and techniques for discovering and enhancing your writing voice so it emerges as a unique and compelling force that has readers turning the pages for more.
Cultivating Words: The Guide To Writing About The Plants And Gardens You Love
Paula Panich
This practical book will help passionate gardeners and plant lovers and/or plant professionals shape their ideas into how-to articles, feature stories, travel articles and essays.
In Shadow and Strength
Beth Louise
A strength that can help and guide you through even the most difficult times. “In Shadow and Strength” is about the strength found in the shadows of a little girl's destructive childhood. A strength powerful enough to sustain the child and help heal the adult she becomes.Written in a compelling, compassionate voice, this unusual book tells its story by pulling together the fractured pieces of an abusive childhood. Each chapter opens a new door into a little girl's painful, chaotic life. You walk with her through various moments in time as she struggles to understand and exist in a destructive environment. A world where she is hurt and neglected instead of loved and nurtured by those who are supposed to guide and protect her.You see, feel, taste, and smell this little girl’s fear and confusion. You also discover her strength, resilience and instinct for survival. You witness how a child’s inner resources keep her whole and moving forward. And how that reservoir of strength helps her heal some deep and lasting emotional wounds later in life. Both heartbreaking and uplifting, this story is honest and full of hope.The book also shares the unique writing process that allowed the author to look back at her tragic beginnings in a way that helped her move beyond some of the pain and debris left in her path. By observing the past, not reliving it.Helpful information and resources for adults survivors of child abuse and neglect are available at Audio sample chapter from "In Shadow and Strength"is posted on YouTube at
A Pocket Guide to Flash Fiction
Randall Brown
Written by Matter Press's founder and managing editor Randall Brown, A Pocket Guide to Flash Fiction provides NOT the way to write flash fiction, but SOME ways to make your writing flash! Contents include the following:What is FlashFlash CraftFlash in a Single SceneFlash in a Series of ScenesMonomythic FlashEpisodic FlashCounterpointed FlashDefamiliarized FlashRevisionProse Poemy FlashThe Pocket Guide also includes articles and flashes from various writers including Pamela Painter, Quinn Dalton, Dan Holt, Pen Campbell, Brady Udall, Sean Lovelace, Myfanwy Collins, Kathy Fish, Carol Guess, and Jeff Landon.
AWAI's Accelerated Program For Six Figure Copywriting
Michael Mastersons
Lifework: How To Find Work You Love
Part book, part journal, it is a hands-on, action-oriented guide to navigate your career journey.
Goethe: Conversations and Encounters
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The 22 Laws of Digital writing
Dickie Bush
Learn the fundamentals of digital writing, building an audience, and scaling yourself online from Ship 30 for 30 Captains Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole.
Monty Python's Flying Circus. Selected Sketches. (Lernmaterialien)
Reinhard Gratzke
Compassionate Journey: Honoring Our Mothers' Stories
Cheryl Gillespie
Five women writers enter their mothers’ worlds to tell their stories and unearth complex histories filled with love, laughter, trauma, courage, resilience, and determination. Their explorations lead the writers to a more compassionate acceptance of their mothers and themselves. Written with heart and honesty, this anthology includes discussion questions and writing prompts for others wishing to make a similar journey.
Cohesive Story Building
Karen Wiesner
Layers mean stronger characters, settings, plots, suspense, intrigue, emotions and motivation. Layering also produces cohesion of all elements. Characters must blend naturally with the setting the writer has placed them, just as plot becomes an organic part of character and setting. If a story doesn't work, it could very well be because the elements aren't cohesive. Cohesive Story Building shows how each element hinges on the other two and how to mix them until they fuse irrevocably.Additionally, Cohesive Story Building carefully explores each of stage of story development from brainstorming and outlining to drafting and revision. From a thorough look at the fundamentals of writing to comprehensive story building techniques, as well as submission guidelines and etiquette, this must-have guide will see writers through the entire novel writing process from start to finish. Set within the framework of comparing the process of building a house to the process of building a story, Cohesive Story Building gives a solid plan of action from start to finish through in-depth examples and exercises, and leave-no-stone-unturned checklists that will help writers take the plan into their own writing. Features detailed examples from published novels to illustrate story-building principles. Many who have read Karen Wiesner's reference First Draft in 30 Days, which focuses on in-depth outlining and goal-setting, will find Cohesive Story Building a perfect companion to that book.
Emily Post's Etiquette: Manners for Today (Emily's Post's Etiquette)
Lizzie Post
...Download Link : 0062439251 Emily Post's Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today (Emily's Post's Etiquette) PDF by Lizzie PostRead Emily Post's Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today (Emily's Post's Etiquette) PDF from William Morrow,Lizzie PostDownload Lizzie Post's PDF E-book Emily Post's Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today (Emily's Post's Etiquette)
Lifting The Fog Of Legalese: Essays On Plain Language
Joseph Kimble
No other American book combines the strong evidence and myth-busting arguments for plain legal language with so much practical advice and so many useful examples. And no other book is more likely to open lawyers' eyes to the emptiness of legalesethe style that has afflicted legal writing for centuries. Joseph Kimble, a leading expert on plain language, has collected in this one book many of his published essays. They will interest and inform judges, lawyers, law students, legal scholars, and anyone else who engages in legal writing. If writing is the lawyer's most valuable skill, then no lawyer can afford to be without Lifting the Fog of Legalese. It will change the attitude of those who resist plain language and inspire those who have embraced it.
Bubonic Plagiarism: Stewart Home On Art, Politics & Appropriation
Stewart Home
Colonial American English: A Glossary
Richard Lederer
More than 3000 of which either dropped out of use or changed their meanings drastically in the ensuring years.
The Book Buddy
Susan May Warren
With step-by-step instruction, it helps you craft the perfect black moment and pushes you all the way to the climatic ending. The perfect companion for your writing journey. You'll never write a book alone again. "The Book Buddy is my new best friend! It takes all of the helpful tools, charts and tips from Inside-Out and Deep and Wide and puts them in one place. It's like having Susan May Warren in the room helping you craft your story. I can't recommend it highly enough.Melissa Tagg, Bethany House author
Jackie Tales: The Magic Of Creating Stories And The Art Of Telling Them
Jackie Torrence
While these are new books, some have scuffed jackets. You will love the 16 superb stories -- from Jack and Br'er tales to family fables and scary stories -- and the 176 beautiful black and white photographs, many of them full-page, of Jackie's ultra-expressive face and hands. (Keep in mind, though, that your copy will not be returnable for minor physical defects.)
Roget's International Thesaurus, 4th, Fourth Edition
Robert L. Chapman
Bar Flies: True Stories from the Early Years
Amy Silverman
The stories tackle love, adventure, goodbyes -- and just about everything in between. New York Times bestselling author Laurie Notaro shares a moment in the Kiss Cam spotlight, while Phoenix New Times columnist (and dish collector) Robrt Pela takes on Marie Kondo. Political consultant Stacy Pearson holds her own feet to the fire in a story about the #metoo movement. State legislator Jennifer Longdon tells a story about long distance sweet potatoes -- and loneliness. Artist Jacob Meders gets personal with a story about his father, a boxer, and podcast producer Sarah Ventre journeys to New York City to bid farewell to a nightclub.
The Self-Publisher's Quick Easy Guide to Article Marketing
Joel Friedlander
But where will the readers come from?Or if you’re getting ready to launch a book, who will know about it?Building up an online presence, establishing authority in your field, and attracting the kind of people who are already interested in what you have to say—that’s the aim for lots of authors.And there are lots of ways to build your author platform. One great way is through article marketing.If you want to market your books, services, or other products, one of the best ways—absolutely free—is with an article marketing strategy that will pay off for months and years.
The Norton Introduction to Poetry
J. Paul Hunter
Drawing deeply from the traditional canon, The Norton Introduction to Poetry also features the best work of emerging and well-known contemporary poets. Now accompanied by an unparalleled Web site, the Eighth Edition is more accessible, enjoyable, and teachable than ever before.
Dear Freedom Writer: Stories of Hardship and Hope from the Next Generation
The Freedom Writers
Instead of treating them as scores on a test, she understood that each of them had a unique story to tell. Inspired by books like Anne Frank's diary, her students began writing their own diaries, eventually dubbing themselves the Freedom Writers. Together, they co-authored The Freedom Writers Diary, which launched a movement that remains incredibly relevant and impactful today. Their stories speak to young people who feel as if those around them do not care about their lives, their feelings, and their struggles. They want to be heard; they want to be seen.In Dear Freedom Writer, the next generation of Freedom Writers shares its struggles with abuse, racism, discrimination, poverty, mental health, imposed borders, LGBTQIA+ identity, and police violence. Each story is answered with a letter of advice from an original Freedom Writer. With empathy and honesty, they address these young people not with the platitudes of a politician or a celebrity, but with the pragmatic advice of people who have dealt with these same issues and come out on the other side.Through its eye-opening and inspiring stories, Dear Freedom Writer paints an unflinchingly honest portrait of today's youth and offers a powerful message of perseverance, understanding, and hope.
The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives by Lajos Egri, Touchstone
Lajos Egri
Lajos Egri's classic, The Art of Dramatic Writing, does just that, with instruction ... Available Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives PDF by Lajos EgriRead The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives PDF from Touchstone,Lajos EgriDownload Lajos Egri’s PDF E-book The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives
Way of the Cheetah
Lynn Viehl
Lynn's expertise comes from her own experience working as a professional novelist who has written and published on average four novels per year for the last ten years.
The Art of the Tale: Engage Your Audience, Elevate Your Organization, and Share Your Message Through Storytelling
Steven James
But what is a story? How can you tell it in a way that delights and informs your listeners? Take a journey into the keys to great storytelling with two of the country’s top experts on story presentation and speech writing.In The Art of the Tale, expert storytellers Steven James and Tom Morrisey team up and tap into their lifetimes of experience to show you how to prepare stellar presentations, tell stories in your own unique way, adapt your material to different groups of listeners, and gain confidence in your ability as a speaker. In this book, you’ll learn why: practice doesn’t make should never tell the same story twice.there is no right way to tell a’s best to avoid memorizing your stories. You’ll also find helpful hints on: gaining confidence in your ability as a storyteller.connecting with your audience.matching your expectations with those of your listeners.understanding what makes a good story.drawing truth out of stories you wish to tell.crafting and remembering stories.shaping your memories into inspiring stories.Learn how to tell stories more effectively, lead and teach more creatively, and prepare your message in less time by using this unique resource provided by two of the nation’s premier communicators, who tap into their experience to share a lifetime’s worth of insights and expertise.