Best of
Play the Game
He's smart, kind, and could be funny when he wanted to... but the problem was, he never saw her as more than his sister's friend. And she's determined to change that. She followed him to law school. She made sure that he's aware of her presence... and thankfully, her efforts paid off. Finally, Jax was looking her way. But life is never simple. Life is a game. It's either you win or you lose. It's either you get it all or you lose it all. Kapag akala mong nandyan na, biglang mawawala pala. Kapag akala mong iyon na, may iba pa pala. But how will she play if all the cards are stacked against her?
The 1987 Philippine Constitution: A Reviewer Primer
Joaquin G. Bernas
Complete Dialogues of Plato
List of Plato's Dialogues by PeriodEARLY DIALOGUES:ApologyCritoCharmidesLaches, or; CourageLesser HippiasLysis, or; FriendshipEuthyphroMenexenusIonTRANSITIONAL DIALOGUES:GorgiasProtagorasMenoMIDDLE DIALOGUES:EuthydemusCratylusPhaedoPhaedrusSymposiumThe RepublicTheaetetusParmenidesLATE DIALOGUES:SophistStatesmanPhilebusTimaeusCritiasLaws
A Conquering Faith: Doctrinal Foundations for Christian Reformation
William O. Einwechter
The Biblical teaching concerning God's sovereignty, Christ's lordship in the gospel, the authority of God's law, the self-authenticating truths of God's existence and the inspiratin and authority of Scripture, the dominion mandate, and the triumph of Christ and His church in history are necessary antidotes to the man-centered theology plaguing the Church at the beginning of the 21st century.
The Art of War and other Laws of Power
Sun Tzu
In this newest translation of The Art of War readers will benefit from the interpretations from other translators and strategist, as well as the 50 strategic rules, including: -- How to look for strategic turns to meet the competition-- How to attain strategic superiority and crush the competition-- How to plan surprise and stay ahead of the game-- And more timeless wisdom that will allow you to compete and win in the dynamic business environment!Business managers around the world have tapped into this ancient wisdom; it is time to master The Art of War for Manager for the existence and growth of your business!
The Fundamentals of Law School: Survival Strategies for Law Students
Jim V. Lopez
The Indian Penal Code
Changes made by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Act 13 of 2013), The Information Technology Act,2008 (Act 10 of 2009) have been critically examined at appropriate places in the book. The book is a standard reference for Judges, Lawyers, Police Officers, Administrators, Law Teachers and Academicians, Students, Research Scholars.
The Theodosian Code And Novels And The Sirmondian Constitutions
Clyde Pharr
The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions: A Translation with Commentary, Glossary, and Bibliography by Clyde Pharr, in Collaboration with Theresa Sherrer Davidson and Mary Brown Pharr. With an Introduction by C. Dickerman Williams. [Princeton]: Princeton University Press, 1952. xxvi, 643 pp. Reprinted 2001 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. LCCN 2001023441. ISBN-13: 978-1-58477-146-3. ISBN-10: 1-58477-146-1. Cloth. $195. * Definitive scholarly English translation of the Theodosian Code, which was the Code of laws that regulated Roman life at its apex before the era of Justinian. The structure and scope of this text illustrate the complexity of the legal system of this fascinating era and the ultimate fall of the Roman empire. Marital law, adultery and inheritance; libel; the military; pardons; government administration; tax and tax appeals; fiscal law, debtors, and petitions; notification of suit; the secret service; land matters; gladiators, conscripted labor and compulsory public service, slavery and manumission, including the restriction of Jews against ownership of Christian slaves; the relationship of church and state and much more are covered. With thorough introduction, commentary, glossary, bibliography. Well-indexed.
Jhabvala Law Series - Indian Penal Code [IPC] for BSL & LL.B by Noshirvan H. Jhabvala, C.Jamnadas & Co, 37th Edn. 2017
Noshirvan H. Jhabvala
Jhabvala Law Series : Indian Penal Code for Law Students
Facts and Law on Article 370 & 35A
Monika Arora
Who is to blame? Political compulsions of Nehru? Or the dynastic parties of the valley? Is it the local people who are unwilling to stay? Or is it the much infamous Article 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution? This book will take you on a roller coaster ride about Kashmir; Kashmiris and Kashmiriyat. From the history of the State; to the current political scenario; from the constituent assembly debates; to the current division of ideologies; this book revolves around the political and legal problem of the State of J&K. We also provide solutions to each of the problems. We aim to clear your concepts about the state and break many myths and beliefs that have been a part of discussion since ages.In the service of the country.Jai Hind!
The Supreme Court Of The United States (The Oxford Guide To)
Kermit L. Hall
This second edition contains more than 1200 articles in all aspects of the Court's history, personnel and operations, including important cases, issues, minutiae and inner workings.
International Law South Asia edition 7th Edition
Malcom Shaw
Comprehensively updated content includes new chapters on international criminal law and the International Court of Justice, reflecting current trends in course coverage. The stimulating writing style motivates students to explore the subject, and encourages development of analytical thinking.
The United States Constitution
Founding Fathers
The original text with the amendments included by the Congress throughout history. This is an official edition and therefore it doesn't contain external footnotes, comments from some author nobody cares about, or opinions about the constitutional text. The United States Constitution as it was written.
Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution
Edwin Vieira
Constitution. The book also describes the legal history of the Supreme Court cases that brought the system to this point.
Lectures on Criminal Procedure [Cr. P.C]
K.N. Chandrasekharan Pillai
Lectures on Criminal Procedure including Probation and Juvenile Justice
Truth Project DVD Set (Truth Project Series)
Truth Project Focus On The Family
This DVD set provides the presentation element of the curriculum in 12 video lessons, recommended to be viewed and discussed by a trained small group leader over 13 consecutive weeks. Each "tour" is taught by Dr. Del Tackett, creator of The Truth Project. The DVDs are intended for use by a registered group facilitator in conjunction with the included Study Guide and supplemental materials.
Did the Prophet Say It or Not? The Literal, Historical, and Effective Truth of Hadîths in Early Sunnism
Jonathan A.C. Brown
Jhabvala Law Series: Law of Torts for B.S.L & LL.B by Noshirvan H. Jhabvala, C.Jamnadas & Co., 2017 edition
Noshirvan H. Jhabvala
Law of Torts Notes by Jhabvala
Lectures on The Code of Civil Procedure and The Limitation Act
Rega Surya Rao
Ropes & Gray: 1865 to 1990
Carl M. Brauer
It is given to incoming summer associates.
Law School for Everyone: Contracts
A.T.H. Smith
Smith LL.D., Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; Professor of Law, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand “Essential reading for anyone embarking on the study of law or on a course that includes an element of law.” NEW LAW JOURNAL “…Learning the Law opens a secret garden of knowledge…” THE DAILY TELEGRAPH First published in 1945, Glanville Williams: Learning the Law has been introducing students to the foundation skills needed to study law effectively for over 70 years. Now in its 16th edition, it is still the must-have book for every student embarking upon a law degree. Introduces students to the basic legal materials such as statutes and case law, and explains how these are to be read and interpreted in the light of common law doctrines of precedent Explains how legal problems are to be solved and discussed in the examination room Offers advice on study methods, exam preparation, time and stress management Discusses the methods of legal research, and explains where to look for the law, both on paper and electronically Covers participation in moots, mock trials and other competitions Discusses employment prospects and gives advice on seeking and obtaining work Provides recommendations for further reading within and outside the law
Outline of International Humanitarian Law (How Does Law Protect in War?, #1)
Marco Sassòli
The important and non-controversial elements of each topic are outlined in Introductory Texts. In addition, readers are given the possibility and indeed encouraged to expand their knowledge on a given subject through references to the pertinent parts of Cases and Documents reproduced in Part II. For each topic, references to articles from the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols and to the Rules of the ICRC Study on Customary IHL are also provided. Finally, a selected bibliography facilitates further study and deeper understanding of each topic.
Stolen Isles: Shetland's True Status
Stuart Alan Hill
Does the UK or Scotland have any real authority in Shetland?
The Great Drug War
Arnold S. Trebach
Invasions of basic freedoms in the name of drug control. Marijuana and heroin in medicine.Imprisonment of youth in destructive treatment programs to save them from drugs. More rational methods of drug control.
Orations, Vol 3: Orations 21-26/Against Meidias/Against Androtion/Against Aristocrates/Against Timocrates/Against Aristogeiton 1-2
We possess by him political speeches and law-court speeches composed for parties in private cases and political cases. His early reputation as the best of Greek orators rests on his steadfastness of purpose, his sincerity, his clear and pungent argument, and his severe control of language. In his law cases he is the advocate, in his political speeches a castigator not of his opponents but of their politics. Demosthenes gives us vivid pictures of public and private life of his time.The Loeb Classical Library edition of Demosthenes is in seven volumes.
Lifting The Fog Of Legalese: Essays On Plain Language
Joseph Kimble
No other American book combines the strong evidence and myth-busting arguments for plain legal language with so much practical advice and so many useful examples. And no other book is more likely to open lawyers' eyes to the emptiness of legalesethe style that has afflicted legal writing for centuries. Joseph Kimble, a leading expert on plain language, has collected in this one book many of his published essays. They will interest and inform judges, lawyers, law students, legal scholars, and anyone else who engages in legal writing. If writing is the lawyer's most valuable skill, then no lawyer can afford to be without Lifting the Fog of Legalese. It will change the attitude of those who resist plain language and inspire those who have embraced it.
The Supreme Court and Puerto Rico: The Doctrine of Separate and Unequal
Juan R. Torruella
Bodies on the Line: At the Front Lines of the Fight to Protect Abortion in America
Lauren Rankin
Clinic escorts— everyday volunteers—are prepared to stand up and protect abortion access, as they have for decades, even in the face of terrorism and violence. They have lived, and sometimes died, to ensure that abortion remains not only accessible but also a basic human right. Clinic escorts have fought the “abortion wars” on the front lines, and it is clinic escorts who will win it, by replacing hostility with humanity. Collecting the stories of these brave volunteers from around the country—including the author’s own—interviews with clinic staff and patients, and research and input from abortion rights experts, Bodies on the Line makes a clear case for the right to an abortion as a fundamental part of human dignity, and the stakes facing us all if it ends. Bodies on the Line is a celebration of the crucial, often unsung heroes of abortion access and an inspiring call to defend this basic health care before it’s too late.
A Living Constitution: The Ramos Presidency
Joaquin G. Bernas
Ramos and the issues that beset his administration.
Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Introduction to Law of Partnership (including Limited Liability partnership)
Avtar Singh
Including Limited Liability Partnership
Anatomy of a Merger: Strategies and Techniques for Negotiating Corporate Acquisitions : A Turbulent Decade for Deals : Anatomy of a Merger Revisited
James C. Freund
Quietude and Diffidence
Kitzo Hekotormos
Written entirely in Esperanto, it has only now been independently translated into English.
Home Education And Constitutional Liberties: The Historical And Constitutional Arguments In Support Of Home Instruction
John W. Whitehead
The 2012 Green Bag Almanac & Reader
Ross E. Davies
The Green Bag's 2012 Almanac of useful and entertaining tidbits for lawyers for the year to come and Reader of exemplary legal writing from the year just passed.
Corpus Iuris Civilis
It was intended to be a complete codification of all law, to be used as the only source of law in all the courts of the empire. The work was divided into three parts: the Codex Justinianus contained all of the extant imperial enactments from the time of Hadrian; the Digesta compiled the writings of great Roman jurists; and the Institutiones was intended as a textbook for law schools. However, Justinian later found himself obliged to create more laws, and these were published as the Novellae. This three-volume Latin edition of 1872 95, prepared by the great classical historian Theodor Mommsen (1817 1903) and his colleagues, is the culmination of centuries of palaeographical and legal studies. Volume 1 contains the Institutiones and Digesta."
Common Good Constitutionalism
Adrian Vermeule
Is it time to look for an alternative?Adrian Vermeule argues that the alternative has been there, buried in the American legal tradition, all along. He shows that US law was, from the founding, subsumed within the broad framework of the classical legal tradition, which conceives law as 'reasoned ordering to the common good'. In this view, law's purpose is to promote the goods a flourishing political community requires: justice, peace, prosperity and morality. He shows how this legacy has been lost, despite still being implicit within swatches of American public law, and convincingly argues for its recovery in form of 'Common Good Constitutionalism'.This erudite and brilliantly original book is a vital intervention in America's most significant contemporary legal debate while also being an enduring account of the true nature of law that will resonate for decades with scholars and students.
Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning For
A.P. Bhardwaj
Entrance Examinations,4e presents revised sections on legal awareness including key topics such as legal terms, maxims and constitutional law. The book also introduces a brief summary on Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights, etc., along with lists of heads of important institutions, offices, commissions and committees. Twenty new mock test papers on the latest pattern, trend and level of difficulty have been incorporated which will help students to improve their level of understanding. Contents Part A: Legal Awareness Chapter 1: Legal Terms and Maxims Multiple-Choice Questions Chapter 2: Constitutional Law Multiple-Choice Questions Advanced Level Multiple-Choice Questions Chapter 3: Legal Awareness: A Brief Summary Part B: Legal Reasoning Chapter 1: Law of Torts Multiple-Choice Questions Chapter 2: Civil Law Multiple-Choice Questions Chapter 3: Criminal Law Multiple-Choice Questions Part C: Mock Tests Practice Paper 1 Practice Paper 2 Practice Paper 3 Practice Paper 4 Practice Paper 5 Practice Paper 6 Practice Paper 7 Practice Paper 8 Practice Paper 9 Practice Paper 10 Practice Paper 11 Practice Paper 12 Practice Paper 13 Practice Paper 14 Practice Paper 15 Practice Paper 16 Practice Paper 17 Practice Paper 18 Practice Paper 19 Practice Paper 20
Justinian's Institutes
Justinian I
He is considered a saint amongst Eastern Orthodox Christians, and is also commemorated by some Lutheran Churches; at the other end of the scale, his contemporary, Procopius, viewed Justinian as a cruel, venal, and incompetent ruler. One of the most important figures of Late Antiquity, Justinian's rule constitutes a distinct epoch in the history of the Eastern Roman Empire. The impact of his administration extended far beyond the boundaries of his time and empire. Justinian's reign is marked by the ambitious but ultimately failed renovatio imperii, or "restoration of the empire". This ambition was expressed in the partial recovery of the territories of the Western Roman Empire, including the city of Rome itself. A still more resonant aspect of his legacy was the uniform rewriting of Roman law, the Corpus Juris Civilis, which is still the basis of civil law in many modern states.
Guantánamo Diary (Blinkist Summaries)
In all these years, the United States has never charged him with a crime. A federal judge ordered his release in March 2010, but the U.S. government fought that decision, and there is no sign that the United States plans to let him go.Three years into his captivity Slahi began a diary, recounting his life before he disappeared into U.S. custody, "his endless world tour" of imprisonment and interrogation, and his daily life as a Guantanamo prisoner. His diary is not merely a vivid record of a miscarriage of justice, but a deeply personal memoir---terrifying, darkly humorous, and surprisingly gracious. Published now for the first time, Guantanamo Diary is a document of immense historical importance and a riveting and profoundly revealing read.
37 Words: Title IX and Fifty Years of Fighting Sex Discrimination
Sherry Boschert
Filled with rich characters--from Bernice Resnick Sandler, an early organizer for the law, to her trans grandchild--the story of Title IX is a legislative and legal drama with conflicts over regulations and challenges to the law. It's also a human story about women denied opportunities, students struggling for an education free from sexual harassment, and activists defying sexist discrimination. These intersecting narratives of women seeking an education, playing sports, and wanting protection from sexual harassment and assault map gains and setbacks for feminism in the last fifty years and show how some women benefit more than others. Award-winning journalist Sherry Boschert beautifully explores the gripping history of Title IX through the gutsy people behind it.In the tradition of the acclaimed documentary She's Beautiful When She's Angry, 37 Words offers a crucial playbook for anyone who wants to understand how we got here and who is horrified by current attacks on women's rights.
The Ghosts That Haunt Me: Memories of a Homicide Detective
Steve Ryan
For him, the stories of Toronto’s most infamous crimes were more than just a headline read over morning coffee — they were his everyday life. After investigating over one hundred homicides, the tragedies Steve saw will never leave him and he’ll never forget the victims whose deaths he investigated. Some things were so terrible they were impossible to forget, even after his retirement from the police force.In The Ghosts That Haunt Me, Steve reflects on just a few of the many cases that have greatly impacted him. In these pages, he remembers seven cases, seven people whose lives were senselessly taken, that he still thinks about nearly every day. While hard to tell, these stories were harder to live through. But somewhere in between the crime and the heartache, there is a glimmer of hope that good eventually does prevail and that healing can come after grief.
Justice Through Restitution: Making Criminals Pay
Roger F. Campbell
Book by Campbell, Roger F
I Cried to Dream Again: Trafficking, Murder, and Deliverance -- A Memoir
Sara Kruzan
I realized later that he had to have been aware of the chaos that was my life because he played me perfectly. I was walking home after school ... I heard a red Mustang purring like a huge lion behind me as I turned onto my block. When it caught up with me, a man leaned out of the window and motioned for me to come closer. 'Hey, excuse me, ' he said. I approached the window and politely and cheerfully replied, 'Yes?' He said, 'I've been noticing you a lot, and I just want to talk to you. I'm gonna go get some ice cream and go to the park. I would love for you to come and join me. We won't be gone long. Is that okay with you?' Ice cream! I found his offer irresistible. GG leaned over and opened the passenger door, 'What's your name? People call me GG.' 'Sara, ' I said shyly.'--from I Cried to Dream Again
Middle Temple Lawyers And The American Revolution
Eric Stockdale
It first describes the participation of Middle Temple-educated lawyers in crucial events leading up to and through the American Revolution. Next, drawing on personal and often humorous transatlantic correspondence, the authors dissect the formative experiences of the American colonists who studied at the Middle Temple in London during the 18th Century. Finally, the authors set forth the stories of distinguished and notable colonial families that benefited from a Middle Temple education.
Ordinary Equality: The Fearless Women and Queer People Who Shaped the U.S. Constitution and the Equal Rights Amendment
Kate Kelly
Constitution.Ordinary Equality digs into the fascinating and little-known history of the ERA and the lives of the incredible—and often overlooked—women and queer people who have helped shape the U.S. Constitution for more than 200 years. Based on author Kate Kelly’s acclaimed podcast of the same name, Ordinary Equality recounts a story centuries in the making. From before the Constitution was even drafted to the modern day, she examines how and why constitutional equality for women and Americans of all marginalized genders has been systematically undermined for the past 100-plus years, and then calls us all to join the current movement to put it back on the table and get it across the finish line.Kate Kelly provides a much-needed fresh perspective on the ERA for feminists of all ages, and this engaging, illustrated look at history, law, and activism is sure to inspire many to continue the fight.Individual chapters tell the stories of Molly Brant (Koñwatsi-tsiaiéñni / Degonwadonti), Abigail Adams, Phillis Wheatley, Matilda Joslyn Gage, Alice Paul, Mary Church Terrell, Pauli Murray, Martha Wright Griffiths, Patsy Takemoto Mink, Barbara Jordan, and Pat Spearman, and features other key players and concepts, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Title IX, Danica Roem, and many more.
The Supreme Court in the American System of Government
Robert H. Jackson
Collected Works of James Wilson: Volume I
James Wilson
A Liberal Theory of International Law
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Legal Reasoning: Collected Essays
Duncan Kennedy
They present a comprehensive and original account of legal reasoning as done by judges, lawyers, and legal academics. This author has been the first to put together in a systematic way the insights of American legal realism with Continental phenomenology and semiotics. His version of legal reasoning presents it as “work in a medium” deploying a set of “argument-bites” analogous to the words of a language. The result is simultaneous freedom and constraint. Kennedy then turns his approach to the critique of current European legal theory, with an essay on Hart and Kelsen and another on the approach of the European jurists pre-occupied with “coherence” and with the “European social model” in the current process of harmonization of European law. This book is likely to become a definitive introduction to critical legal theory, permitting the reader to compare and contrast it with other extant approaches.
You Can't Teach Vision The Twenty-First Century Law Firm
John Morgan
His second book, You Can't Teach Vision, builds on that groundwork, expanding upon such issues as maintaining perspective, dealing with competition, learning to take necessary risks, finding and encouraging the right employees, diversifying interests, maintaining forward business momentum, avoiding excessive greed, setting goals and following through, and eventually, bowing out and managing the politics of succession. Drawing heavily upon his own experiences as a serial entrepreneur, Morgan shows you how to do what it takes to get ahead, and stay ahead, in the fast-paced world of business.
Photographer's Legal Guide
Carolyn E. Wright
Wright, Esq., the Photographer's Legal Guide covers the essentials of law and business needed by photographers to protect their work.ISBN 978-0-9790353-0-2 / 0-9790353-0-9128 PagesPerfect Bound Paperback C1S Cover 6″ x 9″What’s being said about the Photographer’s Legal Guide:“Carolyn Wright’s book is an essential tool for any professional (or aspiring professional) who needs to navigate the tricky legal issues in the business of photography. In clear, concise prose, she explains and simplifies the issues of rights and releases, and deciphers the “legal-ese” of contracts and other important legal issues into plain and simple language. Her background in law and her exceptional photographic work make her a unique resource in this business: a great legal mind with a wonderful photographer’s eye.” Bob Krist, columnist, Outdoor Photographer Magazine“Carolyn Wright shares the legal aspects of photography in an accessible volume of inside tips. Whether you are an experienced photographer already in business, starting a new photography business, or just a weekend shutterbug, you’ll find essential information here.” M. Diane Vogt, Esq., multi-published writer, including Keeping Good Lawyers: Best Practices for Career Satisfaction“Carolyn Wright’s book is designed to acquaint you with all the basic formalities of running a photography business. This is a book that every photographer who is even considering selling their images should have!” Ellen Anon, freelance photographer and co-author of Aperture Exposed, The Mac Photographers Guide to Taming the Workflow, and Photoshop for Nature Photographers“Carolyn’s writing style is easy to read and not full of ‘Law-talk.’ There is plenty to learn for a photographer in the business for 10 years (such as myself), and invaluable for someone completely new.” David Beckstead, International Wedding Photographer"[T]his book is incredibly thorough, yet concise; it is exactly the excellent resource I thought it would be." -- Heather Forcier, Editor in Chief,
Federalist Papers By James Madison: Federalist No. 10, Federalist No. 45, Federalist No. 51, Federalist No. 44, Federalist No. 47
James Madison
Chapters: Federalist No. 10, Federalist No. 45, Federalist No. 51, Federalist No. 44, Federalist No. 47, Federalist No. 46, Federalist No. 48, Federalist No. 39, Federalist No. 52, Federalist No. 42, Federalist No. 37, Federalist No. 63, Federalist No. 57, Federalist No. 14, Federalist No. 43, Federalist No. 53, Federalist No. 55, Federalist No. 41, Federalist No. 56, Federalist No. 19, Federalist No. 54, Federalist No. 49, Federalist No. 62, Federalist No. 18, Federalist No. 20, Federalist No. 38, Federalist No. 40, Federalist No. 58, Federalist No. 50. Excerpt: James Madison, author of Federalist No. 10 Federalist No. 10 ( Federalist Number 10 ) is an essay by James Madison and the tenth of the Federalist Papers, a series arguing for the ratification of the United States Constitution . It was published on November 22, 1787, under the pseudonym Publius, the name under which all the Federalist Papers were published. The essay is the most famous of the Federalist Papers, along with Federalist No. 51, also by James Madison, and is among the most highly regarded of all American political writings. No. 10 addresses the question of how to guard against "factions," or groups of citizens, with interests contrary to the rights of others or the interests of the whole community. In today's discourse the term advocacy group or special interest group often carries the same connotation. Madison argued that a strong, large republic would be a better guard against those dangers than smaller republics for instance, the individual states. It is believed that James Madison took ideas from Thomas Hobbes in regard to ideas of a strong controlling government. Opponents of the Constitution offered counterarguments to his position, which were substantially derived from the commentary of Montesquieu on this...