Best of
Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 1: Head, neck, upper limb
Johannes Sobotta
Volume One covers the head, neck, and upper extremities. Volume 2 covers the trunk and lower extremities. Many of the black-and-white illustrations have been converted to color in this edition, and chapter figures include orientational diagrams to give students much needed structural references.
Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Hans J. Weber
The authors have ensured that the first chapter covers all the vital concepts needed by the readers to understand the latter chapters. This seventh edition consists of mathematical relations and proofs that are of great importance in the field of Physics.
Java: How to Program
Harvey Deitel
Written by the authors of the world's best-selling introductory C and C++ texts, this state-of-the-art guide examines one of today's hottest computer languages-Java; the first general-purpose, object-oriented language that is truly platform-independent. The latest Java 2 features are incorporated throughout this edition.
Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation
Sunil Chopra
Personal Trainer Manual
American Council on Exercise
Rooted in the latest science, it marries the most recent peer-reviewed research with input from thousands of top personal trainers and health experts, and the natural evolution of our ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model proven to help professionals deliver custom, individualized programs that work. In addition to new technical standards for cardiorespiratory, functional and resistance training, the manual also features new information about managing a personal training business, engaging graphics that identify key concepts and terms, and essential exercise science information.
R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
Yihui Xie
With R Markdown, you can easily create reproducible data analysis reports, presentations, dashboards, interactive applications, books, dissertations, websites, and journal articles, while enjoying the simplicity of Markdown and the great power of R and other languages.In this book, you will learnBasics: Syntax of Markdown and R code chunks, how to generate figures and tables, and how to use other computing languagesBuilt-in output formats of R Markdown: PDF/HTML/Word/RTF/Markdown documents and ioslides/Slidy/Beamer/PowerPoint presentationsExtensions and applications: Dashboards, Tufte handouts, xaringan/reveal.js presentations, websites, books, journal articles, and interactive tutorialsAdvanced topics: Parameterized reports, HTML widgets, document templates, custom output formats, and Shiny documents. Yihui Xie is a software engineer at RStudio. He has authored and co-authored several R packages, including knitr, rmarkdown, bookdown, blogdown, shiny, xaringan, and animation. He has published three other books, Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown, and blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown.J.J. Allaire is the founder of RStudio and the creator of the RStudio IDE. He is an author of several packages in the R Markdown ecosystem including rmarkdown, flexdashboard, learnr, and radix.Garrett Grolemund is the co-author of R for Data Science and author of Hands-On Programming with R. He wrote the lubridate R package and works for RStudio as an advocate who trains engineers to do data science with R and the Tidyverse.
Mental Health First Aid USA: Adult Participant Manual
National Council for Behavioral Health
The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Volumes I & II
J. Larry Jameson
Chapters on acute and chronic hepatitis, management of diabetes, immune-based therapies in cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, HIV, and many more, deliver the very latest information on disease mechanisms, diagnostic options, and the specific treatment guidance you need to provide optimal patient care. State-of-the-art coverage of disease mechanisms: Harrison's focuses on pathophysiology with rigor, and with the goal of linking disease mechanisms to treatments. Improved understanding of how diseases develop and progress not only promotes better decision-making and higher value care, but also makes for fascinating reading and improved retention. Harrison's summarizes important new basic science developments, such as the role of mitochondria in programmed and necrotic cell death, the immune system's role in cancer development and treatment, the impact of telomere shortening in the aging and disease processes, and the role of the microbiome in health and disease. Understanding the role of inflammation in cardiovascular disease, the precise mechanisms of immune deficiency in HIV/AIDS, prions and misfolded proteins in neurodegenerative diseases, and obesity as a predisposition to diabetes are just a few examples of how this edition provides essential pathophysiology information for health professionals. All-new sections covering a wide range of new and emerging areas of vital interest to all healthcare professionals. New sections include: Sex and Gender-based Issues in Medicine;
[Signing Naturally: Student Workbook, Units 1-6 (Book & DVDs) (1581212100) (9781581212105)
Cheri Smith
Signing Naturally Units 7-12 Student Workbook also features Deaf culture articles and profiles of legendary Deaf leaders. Theres also a topic index to help you find signs and information easily.The Signing Naturally Units 1-6 Student Workbook also includes over seven hours of ASL video material on two DVDs signed by 13 skilled native signers.
Visual Differential Geometry and Forms: A Mathematical Drama in Five Acts
Tristan Needham
Foundations In Personal Finance
Dave Ramsey
Exploring america part 1: Columbus through reconstruction
Ray Notgrass
Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions
Lisa Wade
Drawing on memorable examples mined from history, pop culture, and ...Download a copy here : 0393667960Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions (Second Edition) PDF by Lisa WadeRead Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions (Second Edition) PDF from W. W. Norton & Company,Lisa WadeDownload Lisa Wade's PDF E-book Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions (Second Edition)
The Peloponnesian War, Bk. 2
His exceptionally complex structure and techniques make Thucydides one of the most difficult as well as one of the most profound of ancient historians. Professor Rusten aims to assist students at all levels in learning to read Thucydides. The text, in Greek, is supported by a valuable introduction and commentary in English. In his commentary, Rusten scrutinizes the historical, literary, and philosophical aspects. The introduction surveys biographical interpretations of the text, suggests a new approach to fictive elements in the speeches, and sketches the main features of Thucydidean style.
Biology Exemplar Biology Class 12 NCERT (secondedition 2013)
Naresh Yadav
This book will help students of Class XII become familiar with the diversity of biological material and make them understand the concepts. Biology Textbook for Class XII contains five units, the first of which covers reproduction in organisms, humans and flowering plants. Genetics and Evolution is the second unit and here students can learn about the principles and molecular basis of inheritance. This section also covers the structures and functions of genetic material. In Biology in Human Welfare, the authors speak about the strategies that have been developed for the enhancement of food production. This is sure to make readers become aware of the profound contributions of Biology to human welfare. The next portion focuses on the principles, processes and applications of Biotechnology. The last unit is titled Ecology and students can learn about ecosystems, biodiversity and environmental issues within this section. Biology Textbook for Class XII shows how genes are related to evolution but ecological interactions, behaviour of ecosystems and population also play an important role. This textbook will go a long way in developing a sense of appreciation within students for Darwinian evolutionary processes. The book has been written in an easy dialogue style way, which is sure to keep the students engaged. At the end of each chapter, the authors have added a series of questions. The textbook, published by NCERT in 2006, is available in paperback.
The way of the Master (seek & save the lost the way Jesus did) Study Guide
Kirk Cameron
Discover how to witness to a family member or to someone who is gay, recognize subtle satanic doctrines, refute the theory of evolution, and prove the existence of God.
Sogang Korean 2A Workbook and CD
Korean Language Education Center, Sogang University
Solutions Manual For Microeconomic Theory: Mas Colell, Whinston, And Green
Chiaki Hara
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Dan W. Patterson
It illustrates the knowledge-system approach and emphasises the relevant use of such knowledge in specific systems. A considerable portion of the text is devoted to the subject of knowledge representation, including methods of dealing with uncertain, incomplete and vague knowledge (e.g. methods related to nonmonotonic logics and commonsense reasoning).The book is divided into five parts related to a detailed analysis of knowledge: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Organisation and Manipulation, Perception, Communi-cation and Expert Systems and Knowledge Acquisition. Table of Contents Preface. PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE_Overview of Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge: General Concepts. LISP and Other AI Programming Languages. PART 2: KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION_Formalized Symbolic Logics. Dealing with Inconsistencies and Uncertainties. Probabilistic Reasoning. Structured Knowledge: Graphs, Frames, and Related Structures. Object-Oriented Representations. PART 3: KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION AND MANIPULATION_Search and Control Strategies. Matching Techniques. Knowledge Organization and Management. PART 4: PERCEPTION, COMMUNICATION, AND EXPERT SYSTEMS_Natural Language Processing. Pattern Recognition. Visual Image Understanding. Expert Systems Architectures. PART 5: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION_General Concepts in Knowledge Acquisition. Early Work in Machine Learning. Learning by Induction. Examples of Other Inductive Learners. Analogical and Explanation-Based Learning. References. Index.
Herbs and Natural Supplements An Evidence Based Guide
Lesley Braun
Lev Tarasov
The character of the physics of microparticles and the problems of the physics of microphenomena (interference of amplitudes, the principle of superposition, the specific nature of measuring processes, causality in quantum mechanics) are considered on the basis of concepts about probability amplitudes. Besides, the quantum-mechanical systems – microparticles – with two basic states are analyzed in detail. The apparatus of quantum mechanics is considered as a synthesis of concepts about physics and the theory of linear operators. A number of specially worked out problems and examples have been included in order to demonstrate the working of the apparatus.This book is meant for use by students of engineering and teachers-training institutes. It may also be used by engineers of different profiles.
Introduction to Quantitative Genetics
Douglas S. Falconer and Trudy F.C. Mackay
This classic text continues to provide the basis for understanding genetic principles behind quantitative differences, and extends these concepts to the segregation of genes that cause genetic variation in quantitative traits.
Kiln Book
Frederick Olsen
Olsen's practical guide to the construction, maintenance and repair of kilns is now bigger and more comprehensive than ever.Olsen's bible for kiln builders now includes chapters on multi-directional and specialty kilns, and offers a few suggestions on what kilns may look like in the future."The Kiln Book" covers the principles of efficient design, building methods, refractory, materials, bricklaying procedures and instructions, fuels and firing systems, arches, flues, electric elements and general safety.Olsen includes plans for firebox systems; coal, oil-drip and forced-oil burners; butane, propane and natural gas burners; and installation of pressure regulators and safety shutoff controls.Complete plans and instructions are provided for building kilns of any size, shape or any purpose.
Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View
Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
Current draft at
Truth Project DVD Set (Truth Project Series)
Truth Project Focus On The Family
This DVD set provides the presentation element of the curriculum in 12 video lessons, recommended to be viewed and discussed by a trained small group leader over 13 consecutive weeks. Each "tour" is taught by Dr. Del Tackett, creator of The Truth Project. The DVDs are intended for use by a registered group facilitator in conjunction with the included Study Guide and supplemental materials.
Arborists' Certification Study Guide
(©2010, softcover, 352 pp., 325 full-color illustrations, glossary, index) Each chapter contains:• learning objectives• key terms • text with illustrations and photos • workbook section • challenge questions • sample test questions • bibliography of related resourcesFeatures: • A complete, educational text and study resource designed to help you prepare for the ISA Certified Arborist® exam • Expanded chapters with latest information • New chapter - Urban Forestry - which discusses the management of larger populations of trees in the urban area • 325 full-color images • Comprehensive glossary of arboricultural terms and a valuable list of additional resources
Foundation Science Biology for Class - 9
N.K. Mishra
Foundation Science Biology For Class - 9
Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook 2015
American Heart Association
The Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook is for use by a single user as a student reference tool before, during, and after the course.
Swedish Fika
Milo Kalen
It serves everything from classic buns and biscuits à la grandmother's coffee party for carrot cake and fresh cafe lunches. In addition, good homemade bread and the occasional cake. In short, everything for a successful product? The book also calls for some disobedience. Do not follow recipes slavishly - dare to differ and try again! It gives you the opportunity to find new favorites and to create your own. A snack is what you make of it. And now it's finally time refreshments! Milo Kalén made sure the dream of an own cafe was true three years ago, she runs the cafe cake on cake in Limhamn outside Malmö. This is her first cookbook.
Hymns Made Easy
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A chord chart is at the end of the book for easy reference as well as an index grouping the songs according to ease of performance. Contents: Abide with Me!;As I have loved you;As I Search the Holy Scriptures;As I watch the rising sun;Away in a Manger;Be Thou Humble;Because I Have Been Given Much;Called to Serve;Christ the Lord Is Risen Today;Come Come Ye Saints;Come, O Thou King of Kings;Come Unto Jesus;Come, Ye Children of the Lord;Count Your Blessings;Did You Think to Pray;Do Wat Is Right;Ere you left your room this morning; Families Can Be Together;For the Beauty of the Earth;God Be With You Till We Meet Again;God Our Father Hear Us Pray;God's Daily Care;Hark, All Ye Nations!;He Is Risen!;Help Me Teach with Inspiration;High on the Mountain Top;How Firm a Foundation;How Great Thou Art;I am a Child of God;I Believe in Christ;I have a family here on earth;I Know that My Father Lives;I Know that My Redeemer Lives;I Need Thee Every Hour;I Stand All Amazed;In Humility, Our Savior;Jesus, Once of Humble Birth;Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee;Joseph Smith's First Prayer;Joy to the World;Keep the Commandments;Let the Holy Spirit Guide;Let Us All Press On;Lord I Would Follow Thee;Love at Home;Love One Another;Now Let Us Rejoice;Oh, Come All Ye Faithful;O God, the Eternal Father;Oh, how lovely was the morning;O, Lord my God;O, My Father;Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow;Redeemer of Israel;Savior, may I learn to love thee;Silent Night;Sweet Is the Work;Teach Me to Walk in the Light;Testimony;The Spirit of God;The witness of the Holy Ghost;There is a Green Hill Far Away;There is Beauty all around;There is Sunshine in My Soul Today;We Thank Thee O God for a ProphetWhen upon life's billows;Where Can I Turn for Peace?; and, While of These Emblems We Partake.
Preserving Minds, Saving lives
Alcor StaffRalph C. Merkle
The visions and technological breakthroughs that you will read about in this book continue to shape Alcor’s mission to preserve life through science.” — Max More, Ph.D., President and CEO of Alcor“Society’s failure to take cryonics seriously is a tragedy that is probably costing countless lives. Alcor, notably via its magazine, is leading the fight to change that.” — Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D., Biomedical Gerontologist and Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation“Alcor appears to be the leading organization in the application of cryonics in medicine. I’m proud to be a part of this effort.” — Michael D. West, Ph.D., Stem Cell Scientist and Chief Executive Officer of BioTime, Inc.Cryonics is an experimental medical procedure that uses ultra-low temperatures to put critically ill people into a state of metabolic arrest to give them access to medical advances of the future. Since its inception in the early 1960s, the practice of cryonics has moved from a theoretical concept to an evidence-based practice that uses emergency medical procedures and modern vitrification technologies to eliminate ice formation.Preserving Minds, Saving Lives offers an ambitious collection of articles about cryonics and the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. From its humble beginnings in 1972, and its first human cryonics patient in 1976, Alcor has grown to a professional organization with more than 1,000 members, more than 140 human patients, and more than 50 pets, all awaiting a chance to be restored to good health and continue their lives.This 570-page book presents some of the best cryonics writings from Cryonics magazine from 1972 to 2012. There are clear expositions of the rationale behind cryonics, its scientific validation, and the evolution of Alcor procedures. Also covered are repair and resuscitation scenarios, philosophical issues associated with cryonics, and debates within the cryonics community itself.
Introduction to Psychology (10th Edition, Instructor Edition)
Rod Plotnik
Barely used condition.
Effective Techniques For Dealing With Highly Resistant Clients
Clifton W. Mitchell
German Verbs and Essentials of Grammar
Charles James
All the major verbal and grammatical concepts of the language are presented in 33 units, each devoted to a particular concept. A wealth of examples illustrate the use of language in context. It is an indispensable guide to anyone who needs a comprehensive yet accessible reference to German verbs and grammar.
The Tarbell Course in Magic Vol. 1
Harlan Tarbell
for professional amateur and beginner
Crossing The Bridge: Integrating Solution Focused Therapy Into Clinical Practice
Susan Lee Tohn
Soul Searchers The Hidden Mysteries Of Kundalini 547 Chakras, 180 Nadis, 16 Granthis
Maitreya Rudrabhayananda
"The Hidden Mysteries of Kundalini".
Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers
Cameron Davidson-Pilon
An intro to Bayesian methods and probabilistic programming from a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view.
Principles of Economics
Timothy Taylor
The text includes many current examples, which are handled in a politically equitable way. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of economics concepts. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to increase clarity, update data and current event impacts, and incorporate the feedback from many reviewers and adopters.
The Leader Who Is Hardly Known: Self Less Teaching From The Chinese Tradition
Steven Simpson
The Leader Who is Hardly Known compiles a series of essays that begin with a brief story focusing on the experiences and lessons of a teacher called the Leader Who is Hardly Known. Following the story, the essay shares Taoist quotes and the author s thought that relate back to the story. Written in an order that emphasizes personality traits that affect leadership, commonalities to experiential education programs, then the necessity of connection to the natural world; the essays contained are intentionally short and can stand alone for reference and guidance. The conclusion summarizes how the principles contained form a foundational philosophy for experiential education.
Philosophy And Principles Of Auditing: An Introduction
David Flint
Modal Jazz Composition and Harmony Volume 1
Ron Miller
Shows the student the means to develop latent creative abilities by offering the unfettered environment of the chromatic-modal harmonic system and free-asymmetric form.
Essentials of Firefighting Student Workbook
References to page numbers are included in the workbook so students can use the product as a self-study tool by referring to the manual for correct answers.
The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
K.S. Narayan Reddy
Shin Kanzen Master N3 Vocabulary Goi Jlpt Japan Language Proficiency Test
3A Corporation
Two-part composition of "ability training" and "simulation test". In the skill development training, learning vocabulary from two perspectives. Part 1 classifies vocabulary as topics and scenes, Part 2 classifies as part of speech and word characteristics. There are two kinds of exercises, "Let's practice" is a basic problem to check meaning and usage, "Let's try it" is a practical problem of the same form as the actual exam. By solving problems of various forms, it is considered to be able to understand and fix the meaning and usage of the vocabulary from various angles.
Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours
Jonathan Tang
They show you the syntax of the language, a few language constructs, and then have you construct a few simple functions at the interactive prompt. The "hard stuff" of how to write a functioning, useful program is left to the end, or sometimes omitted entirely.This tutorial takes a different tack. You'll start off with command-line arguments and parsing, and progress to writing a fully-functional Scheme interpreter that implements a good-sized subset of R5RS Scheme. Along the way, you'll learn Haskell's I/O, mutable state, dynamic typing, error handling, and parsing features. By the time you finish, you should be fairly fluent in both Haskell and Scheme.This is the Wikibooks version of a tutorial originally written by Jonathan Tang.
Take Your Hat Off When the Flag Goes by
Janeen Brady
The Human Project: Readings On The Individual, Society And Culture
Clive Cockerton
Introduction To Contemporary Statistical Methods
Lambert Herman Koopmans
Programming Models for Distributed Computing
Heather Miller
Introductory Readings On Language
Wallace Ludwig Anderson
The Lost Tools of Writing (Student Workbook Level 1)
The Circe Institute
Front cover top corner has been dog eared.
How to Program: Computer Science Concepts and Python Exercises
John Keyser
But there’s one language family that provides benefits like no other: the languages of computer programming. Writing computer code has truly gone mainstream in the last few years. Simple, commonly used computer languages that can be mastered easily by anyone provide fundamental building blocks that take the mystery and complexity out of more complicated scripts. There is no better guide than How to Program: Computer Science Concepts and Python Exercises. These 24 engaging and information-rich half-hour lessons use one of the world’s most popular computer language, Python, as a gateway to the universe of programming. This course is taught by Professor John Keyser of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, one of the top-ranked computer science programs in the country. Assuming no prior background in computer science, Professor Keyser’s lessons are so clear, carefully paced, and comprehensive that they will appeal to both novice and experienced programmers. Even those who use Python often will learn new and useful tips that fill gaps in their understanding, clarify concepts that were previously obscure, and broaden one-task tricks into versatile tools. The most important benefit you will gain beyond a toolkit to help you program Python is a set of mental tools that will serve you in every sphere of life.
Mastering Microbiology For All PG Entrance Exams and Academics, Multi-Colour Edition
Dr. Shivika J Sethi
Here’s why “Mastering Microbiology” is the prerequisite for every Medical Student, Complete subject dealt in Separate sections and has extensive coverage of Bacteriology, Immunology, Virology, Parasitology and Mycology. Author is the Microbiology faculty on the Marrow app and other reputed institutes of India. Concise yet comprehensive discussion of all relevant topics in each chapter. Each chapter is supplemented with authentic and relevant illustrations for better understanding and to make learning microbiology more interesting. Each discussion is provided with tables, flowcharts and important lists for better retention. Life cycles of all parasites and transmission cycles of viruses are provided in simple coloured diagrams. A section of multiple choice questions with explanation follows the discussion in each chapter. There are 1400+ MCQs. To help students assess their understanding of the topic, each chapter ends with a section of self-assessment MCQs (with key).There are 1500+ Self-Assessment MCQs. All MCQs of recent PG entrance exams (AIIMS (2019) NEET- PG (2019), PGIMER, and JIPMER) have been included. Image based MCQs have also been included in all chapters (keeping in mind the trend in recent entrance exams).
Chinese Link: Zhongwen Tiandi Traditional Character Version
Sue-mei Wu
Its communicative focus helps students develop their competencies in the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing the Chinese language and allows for practice through an abundance of in-text activities. In addition a strong cultural component is provided in the end of chapter Chinese Link section, giving the learner exposure to Chinese culture and opportunities to explore further through different activity types. In addition, each version of the text presents vocabulary in both the traditional and simplified versions giving the learner exposure to both character types.
Interactions Access: A Listening/Speaking Skills Book
Emily Austin Thrush
While some activities encourage specific grammar structures, in general the activities are intended to promote fluency and improve communication skills. Designed for pre-beginning to beginning ESOL students.
The Revolutionary Guide To Qbasic
Victor Munerman
Also included is a full guide to the QBasic language and all the information you need to make your QBasic programs run faster.
An Introduction To Differential Equations And Linear Algebra
Stephen W. Goode
Expertly integrating the two topics, it explains concepts clearly and logically -without sacrificing level or rigor and supports material with a vast array of problems of varying levels for readers to choose from.
New Kanzen Master Kanji Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 (Shin Kanzen Masuta Kanji: Nihongo Noryoku Shiken N3)
Reiko Ishii
In 25 practice sections, the learner studies how to read 354 N3 kanji and 88 new readings of kanji at the N5 and N4 levels. Rather than studying individual kanji one at a time, they are studied within sentences, and in this way, the learner becomes aware in a practical manner of how they are used in particular expressions. To ensure the study points are clearly understood, each practice section has the kanji arranged according to their distinctive features, e.g., Japanese readings, Chinese readings, situational use, different readings of the same kanji presented in the same lesson, etc. Structured so that study is easy even for those learners from?countries that do not use Chinese characters: ① On'yomi (Chinese) and kun'yomi (Japanese) readings are shown for every kanji studied in such a way that the difference can easily be understood. ② The font helps with comprehending how the kanji is written. ③ The font size used is slightly larger than normal. ④ Kanji not under study in the lesson are shown with kana readings. The N5/N4 kanji list in the accompanying separate booklet can be used for confirming the kanji at these levels. The commentary and part of the vocabulary are translated into English and Chinese.
Solutions Manual For Introduction To Quantum Mechanics
David J. Griffiths
Oracle Applications Dba Covers 11i And R12
Joyjeet Banerjee
It covers upgrading, cloning, patching, maintenance and troubleshooting of the application system. Embellished with over 350 screenshots and illustrations, it helps in administrating complex Oracle Database in an easy-to-navigate format. To help readers manage Oracle Applications without much difficulty, a comprehensive discussion on upgrading Oracle Applications in Unix environment has been provided. Further the book includes a balanced coverage of Oracle 11i and R12 – making it a must-have for experienced Oracle Applications DBAs. Professionals who are keen to migrate from DBA to Apps DBA profile would also find the book useful.
Nybörjarsvenska lärobok
Ulla Göransson
The grammatical content is presented gradually through instructive tables and examples. A separate pictorial vocabulary consisting of about 1000 words from key areas of everyday life is included at the end of the Textbook. The Exercise Book contains a detailed pronunciation guide. Handy pocket-sized vocabularies are available in 14 languages. The Key to the Exercise Book is a useful aid to self study.
Narcotics Anonymous Collection: Basic Text, Sixth Edition; It Works - How and Why; and Just For Today, Revised
Narcotics Anonymous
"Our Program" contains ten chapters explaining the NA Fellowship and our program of recovery. "Our Members Share" includespersonal stories from NA members worldwide, organized as:- Beginnings excerpted from earlier editions,- Coming Home journeys from addiction to recovery,- Regardless of... staying clean in spite of age, race, religion, sexual identity, etc.,and- Life on Life's Terms challenges and successes in recovery.The Sixth Edition also includes abstracts of each personal story and brief member experiences called "Reflections."
It Works - How and Why
The twenty-four essays in this book examine the spiritual principles and practical import of NA's program of personal recovery and group unity. Ten years in the making, this book was first published in August 1993.
Just For Today, Revised
First published in August 1992, this book helps NA members focus on a new recovery principle every day. Each of the 366 daily entries opens with an NA quote, examines the day's topic, and closes with a focusing thought or affirmation. Includes subject index.
Clinical Chemistry In Diagnosis And Treatment
Joan F. Zilva
Introductory pathophysiology and diagnostic laboratory medicine for medical students and junior house officers. Previous editions by Joan Zilva.
Introductory Business Statistics
Barbara Illowsk
Core statistical concepts and skills have been augmented with practical business examples, scenarios, and exercises. The result is a meaningful understanding of the discipline, which will serve students in their business careers and real-world experiences.
Business Ethics
This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.
The Labrador Shooting Dog
Mike Gould
Hunters are led from the beginning--selecting a puppy for athleticism, "birdyness," conformation, intelligence, and personality--to understanding factors such as habitat, terrain, scenting conditions, and bird behavior. The end result is a happy, powerful, poised, and enthusiastic gun dog that can handle any challenge, including quail, grouse, doves, geese, ducks, and even wild turkeys.
Biometrical Methods in quantitative Genetics Analysis
R.K. Singh and B.D. Chaudhary
Harry Lorayne
Student Manual For The Art Of Electronics
Thomas C. Hayes
The manual is a product of many years teaching at harvard university, where the authors have tested and refined both lab exercises and explanations. The result is a set of course materials tailored to students needs, moving quickly where appropriate and slowly on those concepts that students have found most difficult.
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, boxed set: The New Millennium Edition by Richard P. Feynman, Basic Books
Richard P. Feynman
The experiment turned out to be hugely successful, spawning a book that has remained a definitiv ... Available Feynman Lectures on Physics, boxed set: The New Millennium Edition PDF by Richard P. FeynmanRead The Feynman Lectures on Physics, boxed set: The New Millennium Edition PDF from Basic Books,Richard P. FeynmanDownload Richard P. Feynman’s PDF E-book The Feynman Lectures on Physics, boxed set: The New Millennium Edition
Human Anatomy & Physiology Plus Modified Mastering A&P with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package 11th edition
Elaine N. Marieb
Several versions of the MyLaband Modified Mastering platforms exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use MyLab or Modified Mastering, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide. For the two-semester A&P course. This package includes Modified Mastering A&P. Equipping learners with 21st-century skills to succeed in A&P and beyond Human Anatomy & Physiology by best-selling authors Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn motivates and supports learners at every level, from novice to expert, equipping them with 21st century skills to succeed in A&P and beyond. Each carefully paced chapter guides students in advancing from mastering A&P terminology to applying knowledge in clinical scenarios, to practicing the critical thinking and problem-solving skills required for entry to nursing, allied health, and exercise science programs. From the very first edition, Human Anatomy & Physiology has been recognized for its engaging, conversational writing style, easy-to-follow figures, and its unique clinical insights. The 11th Edition continues the authors’ tradition of innovation, building upon what makes this the text used by more schools than any other A&P title and addressing the most effective ways students learn. The package contents are: Human Anatomy & Physiology 11th 9780134580999 Modified Mastering A&P with Pearson eText 9780134763439
Functional Analysis: Introduction to Further Topics in Analysis (Princeton Lectures in Analysis) (Bk. 4)
Elias M. Stein
This book is completely in English with exactly the same contents as the original edition.
Physics Mcq (Multiple-Choice-Question Bank)
Deb Mukherji
Table of ContentsPart 1 : MechanicsKinematics ForcesCircular, Rotational and Simple Harmonic MotionsProperties of Matter, FluidsPart 2 : Heat and ThermodynamicsHeat and ThermodynamicsPart 3 : SoundSoundPart 4 : OpticsOpticsPart 5 : ElectricityElectrostaticsElectric Current in ConductorsElectromagnetismMotion of Charged ParticlesPart 6 : Modern PhysicsModern PhysicsPart 7 : Experimental PhysicsExperimental PhysicsPart 8 : Miscellaneous QuestionsMiscellaneous Questions-1Miscellaneous Questions-2Miscellaneous Questions-3Miscellaneous Questions-4Part 9 : Practice Test PapersPractice Worksheet-1Practice Worksheet-2Practice Worksheet-3IIT Questions-1IIT Questions-2IIT Questions-3IIT Questions-4IIT Questions-5
Machine Learning Under a Modern Optimization Lens
Dimitris Bertsimas
Structure of the book: Part I covers robust, sparse, nonlinear, holistic regression and extensions. Part II contains optimal classification and regression trees. Part III outlines prescriptive ML methods. Part IV shows the power of optimization over randomization in design of experiments, exceptional responders, stable regression and the bootstrap. Part V describes unsupervised methods in ML: optimal missing data imputation and interpretable clustering. Part VI develops matrix ML methods: sparse PCA, sparse inverse covariance estimation, factor analysis, matrix and tensor completion . Part VII demonstrates how ML leads to interpretable optimization. Philosophical principles of the book: Interpretability is materially important in the real world. Practical tractability not polynomial solvability leads to real world impact. NP-hardness is an opportunity not an obstacle. ML is inherently linked to optimization not probability theory. Data represent an objective reality; models only exist in our imagination. Optimization has a significant edge over randomization . The ultimate objective in the real world is prescription, not prediction.
Teach To's 100 Behavior Lesson Plans and Essential Advice
Rick Dahlgren
Over the past decade, In collaboration with master teachers from around America, the Center has put together more than 100 pages of classroom - and school-wide (communal) "teach to's" that highly effective teachers are using in diverse classroom settings across America, Canada, and abroad. These "teach-to" lesson plans have been developed and field tested by highly successful classroom teachers.