Best of
Dave Ramsey Starter Set Includes The Total Money Makeover Revised 3rd Edition (Hardcover), The Total Money Makeover Workbook, Financial Peace Personal Finance Software, Dumping Debt Dvd, And Cash Flow Planning Dvd
Dave Ramsey
The Candlestick Trading Bible - Invented by Munehisa Homma
Munehisa Homma
ππππππππππππππππππ Click Link Below to Download Candlestick Trading Bibleβ’!!! ππ ππππππππππππππππππThrough Candlestick Trading Bible, you will develop a winning trading mindset, and your brain will get used to identifying only high-probability setups that lead to big profits.It was invented by Homma Munehisa.The father of candlestick chart patterns.This trader is considered to be the most successful trader in history, he was known as the God of markets in his days, his discovery made him more than $10 billion in todayβs dollar.I have spent 10 years compiling, testing, organizing, and consistently updating this method to create my own new version, which is considered to be the easiest and most profitable trading system.The Candlestick trading bible is the trading method that is going to finally take your trading to where it should be, consistent, profitable, easy and requiring very little time and effort.This trading system is based on Japanese candlestick patterns in combination with technical analysis.All what you have to do is to spend as much time as you can to master the method that iβam going to share with you and use it to trade any financial market.Learning Japanese candlestick is like learning a new language. Imagine you got a book which is written in a foreign language, you look at the pages but you get nothing from what is written.The same thing when it comes to financial markets. If you donβt know how to read Japanese candlesticks, you will never be able to trade the market.Japanese candlesticks are the language of financial markets, if you get the skill of reading charts, you will understand what the market is telling you, and you will be able to make the right decision in the right time.ππππππππππππππππππ Click Link Below to Download Candlestick Trading Bibleβ’!!! ππ ππππππππππππππππππ
Total Money Makeover Boxed Starter Set (Revised 3rd Ed., Workbook, Audio CD, Financial Peace Personal Finance Software)
Dave Ramsey
This edition now includes an Audio Book read by Dave! By laying out his proven Baby Step method, Dave provides a step-by-step process for saving money, getting out of debt, creating a personal budget, and investing for long-term wealth. The Kit includes a hardcover copy of the book, a workbook with useful worksheets and forms, an abridged audio version of the book read by the author, and an easy-to-use finance software CD-ROM with sample worksheets, financial calculators, and a lot of information to help you take control of your finances today!
The Rise of America: Remaking the World Order
Marin Katusa
It has become widely accepted within the investment, political, and media sectors that America is on the decline and that China will drive the global agenda in the 21st century.To which I say, not so fast. This book carefully examines the trends and actual hard data from the economic, geopolitical, financial, and demographic spheres and comes to an inescapable conclusion: Americaβs future has never been brighter.Forged in the 20th century, Americaβs leadership role will expand in the 21st century, resulting in a substantial rise in the standard of living, not just for Americans but also across the world.
Credit Appraisal, Risk Analysis & Decision Making
D.D. Mukherjee
An Integrated Approach to on and off Balance Sheet Lending Features: *Analysis of financial statements-a pragmatic approach *Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet items- explained from Banking Accounting Legal & Taxation angles *Window Dressing techniques unveiled *Forecasting & Cash Budget applications illustrated *Decision Making in Credit- Step by step approach with real life illustrations *Assessment of Credit Operational Market & country Risks explained in detail *A Full module on Trade Finance (including Documentary Credit) *Dedicated Chapters on Retail credit priority sector lending & Project Finance *Relevant Provisions of the Indian Companies Act, 213 Incorporated
The Total Money Makeover Set : The Total Money Makeover [hardcover] & The Total Money Makeover Workbook [paperback]
Dave Ramsey
Build up your money muscles with Americaβs favorite finance coach. Okay, folks, do you want to turn those fat and flabby expenses into a well-toned budget? Do you want to transform your sad and skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine? Then get with the program, people. Thereβs one sure way to whip your finances into shape, and thatβs with The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition. By now, youβve heard all the nutty get-rich-quick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. Hey, if youβre tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at thisβitβs the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And itβs based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, youβll be able to: Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debtβmeaning cars, houses, everything Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you) Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement! Includes new, expanded βDave Rantsβ sidebars tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and more. All-new forms and back-of-the-book resources to make Total Money Makeover a reality. Dive deeper into Daveβs game plan with The Total Money Makeover Book and Workbook Set: Classic Edition.
Financial Peace University Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey
Learn how to lead a class. This coordinator guide is going to be your best friend. In these pages, we're going to walk you step by step through every detail of your FPU class. This book serves as both your Coordinator Guide and your Member Workbook, so this is the only book you'll need to bring to class each week. Includes weekly lesson guides, page numbers with coordinating colors to show you if it relates to the Coordinator Guide or the Member Workbook. Answers. Whenever the Member Workbook asks a question with a definite answer, as opposed to a general discussion question, we're provided the answer in green. We've also filled in the blanks in your Member Workbook pages for you. Important notes are included to help tell you something important.
The Millionaire Next Door
Lazlo Zalezac
This is a story about Dan Parker, a young man who starts his life as an adult with the odds stacked against him. Follow his journey of self discovery as he tries to achieve happiness. His story might make you wonder if you live next door to a millionaire.
Special Situation Investing Class Notes at Columbia University Business School
Joel Greenblatt
They can be found online (not an official document of Columbia Business School).I really enjoyed going through these notes - it took me a very long time! I feel as though I really took Joel's class though - his class happens to be a bit more stimulating than undergraduate business classes on how to network and what to put on my resume (context, action, result!)These notes really pound in what's going on in Joel's head, and what makes him different than everyone else.What I take away1 - It's not enough to just look where nobody else is looking. You want to set yourself up where the playing field isn't level already (spinoffs as a whole outperform, so looking through those and adding alpha can do you some real good)2 - Cheap and good, cheap and good, cheap and good3 - Wait and concentrate4 - Think simple5 - Use screeners to look for spinoffs, merger securities, terms like "maximize shareholder value" and "over-subscription privileges"6 - Your job is NOT to find earnings for the next 12 months, but to estimate normalized earnings 2-3 years out (I find this a particularly enlightening suggestion. Makes my analysis seem more reasonable).A lot of these notes are repetitive (I think taken over three years, a compilation of notes really). But I really enjoyed reading them
Pera Palaguin Workbook (Practicing What You Learned)
Francisco J. Colayco
It helps you create your own financial plan to better manage your money. It may surprise you to learn that a few basic finance principles are all you need to help you make wiser money decisions. This workbook, again in both English and Tagalog, gives easy-to-understand explanations of the principles and formulas, and allows you to test your understanding by giving examples and exercises with solutions.. With this book, you will also learn how to prepare your Statement of Assets and Liabilities (SAL) and Personal Income and Expense Statement (PIES). These statements are necessary as a start for you to understand where you are right now financially, where you want to be in the future and how you should get there.
Financial Peace University DVD Home Study Kit
Dave Ramsey
This is a life-changing program that teaches you how to make the right decisions with your money and empowers you with the practical skills and confidence needed to achieve your financial goals and experience true financial peace! More than one million families have already benefited from this life-changing program that: Teaches financial responsibility with easy Baby Steps Helps eliminate debt using the Debt Snowball Offers accountability and continued support with lifetime membership Trains participants to spend every dollar on paper with the zero-based budget planner Empowers people struggling with financial hardships by establishing a plan to take control of their money
Making Money Made Simple Revised and Updated
Noel Whittaker
The revised and updated edition of Australiaβs best selling personal finance book
STOCKS SMARTS: Stress-Free Investing
Marvin Germo
This book will equip you with techniques on proper stock allocation and management which will help you invest without stress
Stocks To Riches
Parag Parikh
Analysts, brokers and retail investors realise to their dismay that investments do well, but investors don't do well. What could be the reasons behind this? What?s goes on in an investor's mind? What makes a stock market bubble? How does it burst? How does one find the right strategy of investing? Intrigued by these pertinent questions, Parag Parikh, a seasoned broker and expert, took up this daunting task of understanding and demystifying investing in the stock market. Stocks to Riches is a distillate of his experience. It simplifies investing in stocks and provides key perspectives for a lay investor venturing into the market. And at the end of the day, Stocks to Riches helps the retail investor make money by following the time-tested and proven guidelines provided in the book. A must read for brokers, analysts and retail investors.
A.L. Williams
The theory of "Buy Term and Invest the Difference."
Acca F2 Management Accounting: Study Text
BPP Learning Media
Udyog Tumcha...Paisa Dusryacha
Suresh Haware
Suresh Haware has discussed many beliefs and miss beliefs attached to the concept of business. He has challenged the basic belief that - you need a big amount of money to start & develop any kind of business. But on the other hand, he says that what you need is strong willpower, confidence and professional attitude! He has also discussed important topics related to business. e.g. planning and execution of a project, branding, relation, budget, planning & growth etc. This book is a very useful guide for the budding businessmen.
Warren Buffett Has Spoken: The Question Is Who Is Listening?
J. Pardoe
Buffett has a proven framework for investing and behaving in the stock market. Buffett's greatest legacy will be his words and his example. His quotations should be recited by every stock market investor before making an investment and by every CEO starting his stewardship.
The Nick Murray Reader
Nick Murray
This book is intended as a companion and supplement to Nick Murray's The New Financial Advisor
Invest in Debt: The "How To" Book on "Buying Paper" for Cash Flow
Jimmy Napier
Newly updated version of the classic book from Jimmy Napier.
Getting Rich - How to avoid being ripped off by the insurance industry
Denis Cauvier
How To Make Maximum Money In Minimum Time! 16 of the Fastest Cash-Producing Secrets Known To Man! A Confidential Report
Gary C. Halbert
A treasure-house of high-power marketing techniques.
Indian Economic Development Textbook for Class 11
In Original Packing
Money Can Buy Happiness
Tara Smith
She argues that money's critics often mis-understand the source and value of money, criticize it on the basis of faulty philosophical assumptions, or focus only on pathologies involving money but stemming from other problems. Smith explains the source of money, its great value as a tool of economic exchange, and, when earned and used well, its considerable physical and psychological rewards. This edition is a reprint of an essay first published in Reason Papers 26 (Summer 2003), pp. 7-20.
Two Centuries Of Panic: A History Of Corporate Collapses In Australia
Trevor Sykes
How We Got Out of Bad Debt!
Kim Kiyosaki
Bad debt is a major epidemic in our world that cripples families and destroys peopleβs futures. Are you weighed down by what seems to be insurmountable bad debt? Do you lie awake at night sick with worry because of your bills? Do you think there is no way out for you? Guess again. Successful entrepreneurs, investors, and authors, Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, have been through a lot together. From building companies, to losing them, from being rich to being flat broke. They have also been in debt before - a lot of debt. And now they are sharing their secrets on how to get out of bad debt with you in their audio CD program, How We Got Out of Bad Debt. How We Got Out Of Bad Debt is a CD and workbook package that tells the story of how Robert and Kim got themselves out of over million in bad debt without resorting to bankruptcy - and how you can too. So donβt let bad debt keep you down any longer. Learn how to put debt in its place with Robert and Kim Kiyosakiβs How We Got Out of Bad Debt.
The Value Added Wholesaler In The Twenty First Century
Nick Murray
You Can't Take It With You: Common-Sense Estate Planning For Canadians
Sandra Foster
"Estate Planning is not something reserved for people of a certain age or the top 1%"," Foster explains. "It is as much about life as it is about death." Estate planning is not just for the top 1% or people of a certain age. The modern estate plan is so much more than just a will. If you designate a beneficiary on an insurance policy, TFSA, or RRSP, you have already started a plan. The completely revised and updated 6th edition of this national bestseller: β’ Prepares you for reviewing your will and appointing a representative to manage your finances in case you are ever unable to make your own decisions β’ Covers wills, powers of attorney for finances, personal care, advance care directives, probate, living trusts and alter ego trusts, minimizing income tax on death, life insurance, business succession planning, farms, organ and tissue donations, mental incapacity, funerals and more β’ Focuses on your goals and privacy, as well as ways to minimize your income tax β’ Contains strategies to maximize the value of your charitable donations β’ Deals with your digital assets, digital will, and helps you get organized β’ Prepares you for discussions with your advisers and family members-and may save you hundreds of dollars in taxes and fees β’ Features practical examples, checklists, tips, myths and frequently asked questions β’ Includes testamentary trust changes, graduated rate estate and qualified disability trust Anyone who owns a dwelling, has some jewellery or family heirlooms stashed away, or a savings account should plan their estate. If you do not plan, your province or territory will make these important decisions for you and your family.
Rewire Your Success
John Qreshi
Itβs about the breaking it down into actionable stepsβ¦ and then doing it. So, heβs combined all of those actionable steps, one by one, into one book, and has called it Rewiring Your Success.This book is a business treasure for entrepreneurs, CEOs, educators, trainers, coaches and anyone looking to gain massive confidence and have financial freedom.Whether you are lost and not knowing how to do or what to do, or you are trying to get that Upgrade in your career, figure out how to quit your job and become a freelancer, launch your entrepreneurial idea into a business, scale your existing business to the next level, or turn your current success into something very significant, Rewiring Your Success will prove an amazing tool. Unlike most business books that expound on theory and paint motivational pictures, John provides fast-beating knowledge with clear direction on exactly how to make money, keep money, and raise massive wealth with confidence. The book is very clear and straight forward, without any gimmicks and to the point on how one can recover from zero, to have an expert skillset and dominate the niche by solving a problem in the marketplace.John is on a very clear mission to create more successful entrepreneurs and allow them to see their full potential, which will then compound to create the greatest lift of overall global fortune.John describes how anyone can Rewire their Mind for success or to create financial independence, regardless of the economy. Based on real, tested principles and results applied to thousands of Qreshiβs own clients, this book will:1. Help you to discover how you can rewire your mind to help you become highly successful at anything you choose, as fast as humanly possible.2. Show you how to Mark the Most Excellent Way to Scale Your Business Idea.3. Guide you to discover your voice and gain financial confidence for the first time, to ensure security for you, or perhaps for your family and loved ones.When you apply these strategies, you are going to see massive results in your career, your business, and your life.Do you want to grow your wealth? Find financial abundance doing what you love?Then you must start with your subconscious self, and the stories you're playing out there.Rewiring Your Success will take you through the steps necessary to find financial confidence amidst the noise of the marketplace. This book will show you how to rewire your mindset to work for your success. And it will outline the exact habits and steps successful people take to live the life of their dreams, so you can take them yourself.Don't live in limitation! Live alive. Live limitlessly. Live rewired.
The Wisdom of Success: The Philosophy of Achievement by Andrew Carnegie & Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
Hill used this interview as the basis of his world famous book Think & Grow Rich.
The Trades of March 2020: A Shield against Uncertainty
Alex Gurevich
Through Gurevichβs personal narrative and the teamβs actual Slack messages, The Trades of March 2020 follows their frenetic efforts to survive the crisis.From the first terrifying days of loss, both personal and professional, to the teamβs redoubled attempts to identify emerging opportunities, this account of crucial, in-the-moment decisions is a faithful record of the trading moves made in the unprecedented month of March 2020.Discover the thinking and investment philosophy that led HonTe to survive and ultimately thrive during one of the most extraordinary challenges of our time.
The Making Of A Stockbroker
Edwin Lefèvre
This fictionalized version of the other side of Wall Street covers the story of a brokerage firm from its founding through 1924 and shows how the stockbroker works from the inside and what he did to make millions without whitewashing and propaganda. This is a good teacher in a personal form where you learn a lot more about human nature and business after the age of the buccaneer but still before the great depression and security regulations which followed. 340 pages.
Profits Unlimited: A Wall Street Insider Reveals the Secret to Life-Changing Wealth
Paul Mampilly
Paul shares his journey into investing, what he has learned over the years (the good and the bad), and the strategies that can help Main Street Americans pay off their debts, retire comfortably, travel the world and much more β all with simple investment tactics. He spent over 25 years working on Wall Street, managing multimillion-dollar accounts. His rise in the financial world was best highlighted when he was recruited to manage a hedge fund, where soon after he joined, the firmβs assets under management soared to $25 billion. Everyone took notice β from Barronβs, who named them one of the βworldβs bestβ funds, to a prestigious foundation that invited Paul to take part in an investment competition it was hosting. The foundation wanted to see what he could do with $50 million. He ended up with a 76% return β during the 2008 and 2009 economic crisis β and won the competition. Paul realized, however, that Wall Street was not where he wanted to spend the rest of his career. He was too committed to researching and identifying the best megatrends that could provide the best investment opportunitiesβ¦ for everyday, Main Street investors. Whether you are a first-time investor with a low-risk tolerance and a smaller budget, or an experienced investor looking for high gains and a portfolio worth tens of thousands of dollars: You will find the insights Paul shares in this book invaluable.
The Implied Order Book: Measuring S&P 500 liquidity with SPX options
The "implied order book" provides a tidy new framework with which to understand index liquidity, its drivers, and what that means for the stability of the broad market.
Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity by David P. Stowell, Academic Press
David P. Stowell
StowellRead Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity PDF from Academic Press,David P. StowellDownload David P. Stowell's PDF E-book Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity
Daring to Succeed: How Alain Bouchard Built the Couche-Tard & Circle K Convenience Store Empire
Guy Gendron
The Screwing Of The Average Man How The Rich Get Richer And You Get Poorer
David Hapgood
Property 101: A guide to investing in New Zealand with a focus on auckland
Matthew Gilligan
The Zen of Thrift Conversions: How To Turn Hidden Bank Stocks Into Big Gains
James Royal
Kaplan Series 65 Uniform Investment Adviser Law Exam Securities License Exam Manual, 8th Edition, 2013
Kaplan Test Prep
Short, focused paragraphs with numerous graphics and exercises help students learn faster and retain critical information.
Beyond The Bubble: Imagining A New Canadian Economy: The New World Economy, And Canada's Place In It
James Laxer
What role will Canada play in this vastly altered world? James Laxer examines the anatomy of the crash: the forces that have controlled the global system and the forces that have the capacity to usher in a new global system as the U.S.-centred age of globalization comes to an end. He explores what needs to be done to combat the crash in Canada, and poses the questions we all want to have answered. What comes next for the global economy, and what does this mean for Canada? Where will we fit in? Is an egalitarian economic future possible? What could an economics for humanity look like? A reflective and useful treatise on where we go from here, "Beyond the Bubble" is a must-read by one of Canada's best-known political commentators.
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
Robert D. Edwards
Edwards and John Magee, 9780367023768
Investment Strategies for the 21st Century
Frank Armstrong III
Investment Strategies for the 21st Century will introduce the reader to the changes in financial theory and investing.The premise of the book is to show Investors of even very modest means how they can construct portfolios which rival the sophistication of multi billion dollar institutions. Learn how using no-load mutual funds, virtually anyone can invest economically and effectively and have confidence that they will be able to meet their financial goals.
Special Situation Investing: Hedging, Arbitrage, And Liquidation
Brian J. Stark
The Best Years Of Your Life
Bottom Line Books
and wrong -- The mind/body connection -- Take charge of your medical needs -- Medical problems and solutions -- Surviving major medical threats --All about hospitals, surgery, medical procedures and tests -- Medications and vaccines -- Very, very personal -- Self-defense -- Keeping up in a high-tech world -- Travel tips and traps -- Doing your own thing.
Your money or your life,life leverage,mindset with muscle,how to be f*cking awesome, fitness mindset and mindset carol dweck set 6 books collection set
Vicki Robin
with updated resources, an easy-to-use index, and anecdotes and examples particularly relevant today-it tells life leverage:life leverage means taking control of your life, easily balancing your work and free time, making the most money with the minimum time input & wastage, and living a happier and more successful life,mindset with muscle:if you've been looking for a kick up the backside to finally launch that business, start a new project you've been putting off or just become all round awesome, this book is for you,fitness mindset:how would it feel to have the body you've always wanted, a huge boost in energy, and the mindset to keep it forever? have you ever felt frustrated about not getting the results you want,mindset:world-renowned stanford university psychologist carol dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea-the power of our mindset,do you want to get to the stage - soon - where you are truly financially independent, able to use your money in the way you'd like, and be completely confident in your ability to take care of yourself and your family
Follow The Smart Money - Unusual Option Activity - #1 Way We Choose Our Trades
Jon & Pete Najarian
The 5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me About Life and Wealth ('Wo Yao You Qian', in Traditional Chinese)
Liu Yi Nu
Global Investing: A Guide for New Zealanders
John Ryder
He takes lessons learnt from the GFC and intersperses them with analysis on how equity markets work, when to invest, and an analysis of the psychological makeup of many investors (and why this makes them instinctively invest the wrong way). He also outlines techniques to invest and profit from share markets, currencies, commodities, real estate and private equity worldwide, and looks at the practices of some of the worldβs best-ever inspirational traders, investors and entrepreneurs and how they made their fortunes. Using his many years of experience, John Ryder has also created 23 of his most valuable trading strategies and tools to help you to invest in the global marketplace.
Schweser Study Notes 2008 Level 1 Book 5: Fixed Income, Derivative, And Alternative Investments
Kaplan Schweser
Schweser Study Notes 2008 Level 1 Book 4: Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management, Markets, And Equities
Kaplan Schweser
Market Timing For The Nineties: The Five Key Signals For When To Buy, Hold, And Sell
Stephen Leeb
Rated the #1 market timer by the Hurlbut Financial Digest for the past four years, expert investor Stephen Leeb shows readers how they can learn to evaluate economic indicators and profit from the stock market.
SchweserNotes 2019 Level I CFA: Book 4: Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management, and Equity Investments
Kaplan Schweser
Financial Planning For The Newly Married
TV 18 Broadcast Ltd
You and your spouse happily make a number of changes in your lifestyle; you begin to make decision together and plan for your future. The secret to making this exercise sustainable and stress - free is to undertake a robust financial planning exercise together too. Ideally, you have saved and invested during your 'fancy free' years and made some good money management decisions. However, now the tone and tempo of money management has to change quite drastically. Be it budgeting, saving, investing, spending or planning for future goals, your approach will have to undergo a sea - change. This book helps you to understand your current cash flow and investments profile, teaches you how to to create a new budget based on the change in your family structure, advises you on how to invest and manage existing debt, if any, guides you on various insurance products you will now need, assists you in tax planning exercise so that you minimize you outgo and lots more. It even introduces you to the importance and techniques of retirement planning. Irrespective of what you may have learnt from your role - models, parents and grandparents, colleagues and counselor and the numerous books that you may have read on the subject, this book convinces you that the true secret to a happy marriage is mastering the art of money management and financial planning.
Getting Things Done, So Good They Cant Ignore You, Deep Work 3 Books Collection Set
David Allen
Description:- Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity Since it was first published almost fifteen years ago, David Allen's Getting Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. 'GTD' is now shorthand for an entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks, and has spawned an entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots. So Good They Can't Ignore You Cal Newport's clearly-written manifesto flies in the face of conventional wisdom by suggesting that it should be a person's talent and skill - and not necessarily their passion - that determines their career path.Newport, who graduated from Dartmouth College (Phi Beta Kappa) and earned a PhD. from MIT, contends that trying to find what drives us, instead of focusing on areas in which we naturally excel, is ultimately harmful and frustrating to job seekers.The title is a direct quote from comedian Steve Martin who, when once asked why he was successful in his career, immediately replied: "Be so good they can't ignore you" and that's the main basis for Newport's book. Skill and ability trump passion. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World When Cal Newport coined the term 'deep work' on his popular blog, Study Hacks, in 2012, he found the concept quickly hit a nerve. Most of us, after all, are excruciatingly familiar with shallow work instead - distractedly skimming the surface of our workload and never getting to the important part. Newport began exploring the methods and mindset that foster a practice of distraction-free productivity at work, and now, in DEEP WORK, he shows how anyone can achieve this elusive state.
SchweserNotes 2019 Level I CFA: Book 3: Financial Reporting and Analysis
Kaplan Schweser
SchweserNotes 2019 Level I CFA: Book 1: Ethical and Professional Standards and Quantitative Methods
Kaplan Schweser
Straight to Hell: True Tales of Deviance and Excess in the World of Investment Banking
J.T. Stone
Developing A Winning Investing/Trading System That Fits You
Van K. Tharp
How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance
Jean Chatzky
You need to know how to manage money to know how to manage life β but most of us donβt! This illustrated guidebook from New York Times bestselling author and financial expert Jean Chatzky, Kathryn Tuggle, and their team at HerMoney breaks down the basics of moneyβhow to earn it, manage it, and use itβgiving you all the tools you need to take charge and be fearless with personal finance.How to Money will teach you the ins and outs of:-creating a budget (and sticking to it)-scoring that first job (and what that paycheck means)-navigating student loans (and avoiding student debt)-getting that first credit card (and what βcreditβ is)-investing like a pro (and why itβs important!)All so you can earn more, save smart, invest wisely, borrow only when you have to, and enjoy everything you've got!
The Master Bankers: Controlling The World's Finances
Paul Ferris