Best of
Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Hans J. Weber
The authors have ensured that the first chapter covers all the vital concepts needed by the readers to understand the latter chapters. This seventh edition consists of mathematical relations and proofs that are of great importance in the field of Physics.
Principles Of Physics
Jearl Walker
A number of the key figures in the new edition are revised to provide a more inviting and informative treatment. The figures are broken into component parts with supporting commentary so that they can more readily see the key ideas. Material from The Flying Circus is incorporated into the chapter opener puzzlers, sample problems, examples and end-of-chapter problems to make the subject more engaging. Checkpoints enable them to check their understanding of a question with some reasoning based on the narrative or sample problem they just read. Sample Problems also demonstrate how engineers can solve problems with reasoned solutions.
MTG Interactive Physics - Vol. 3
R. Ravi
MTG Interactive physics-Vol-3 Mechanics.
Errorless Physics for NEET, JEE Main, JEE Advanced (Set of 2 Volume)
Universal Book
This book Contains no Error Related To the Answers.
Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips for NEET-AIIMS - Physics
MTG Editorial Board
This book is designed as per the fact that most of the questions asked in PMTs/PETs are from Physics NCERT books of Class XI and XII. It gives a snapshots to revise the important concepts quickly and accommodates chapter wise student friendly synopses for quick and easy revision, topic wise MCQs to practice and check your progress, NCERT exemplar MCQs, Assertion and reasoning for an edge in your AIIMS/JEE preparation and 5 practice papers for self-assessment. It possess 60 Questions in average to guarantee the complete revision of NCERT Physics. This book also gives an advantage to gauze your progress with Preparation Meter.
Electricity & Magnetism for JEE
Anurag Mishra
Product Condition: Pen / Pencil Marks.
Higher Math For Beginners: Mostly Physicists And Engineers
Yakov Zeldovich
Jack P. Holman
It includes an entire chapter devoted to heat transfer. There are over 1000 problems in the text- half in SI and half in English units.
Trillion Years Universe Theory (2)
Ed Lukowich
Trillion Years Universe Theory is the 2nd book in the cosmology theory series of Canadian theorist Ed Lukowich. Ed says, “This TYUT book takes the new theories seen in Trillion Theory (TT) and places their founder Ed Lukowich under the scrutiny of a questioner. Answers supplied by Ed widen and clarify the scope of the new and fascinating concepts purported and professed within Trillion Theory (TT).”Are you open to reading a new universe theory which TRUMPS the fraudulent Big Bang? Most definitely, Trillion Theory (TT) reverberates a new robust voice to cosmology theory. Trillion Theory, in search of the true origin of our cosmos, demolishes the explosion notions associated with any type of Big Bang origin, thereby negating the Big Bang as a theory. Trillion Theory states, "Stars in our sky are merely the current rendition - just today’s story in an amazing trillion-year cosmic history of recycled stars and solar systems. Ever wondered why our cosmos is so gigantic, or why there are billions of stars, solar systems, and galaxies? Well, Trillion Theory (TT) takes the wrapper off of those ageless mysteries. Discover the hidden power behind magical black holes which TT claims to be responsible for all of exponential cosmic growth over the past trillion years.”Trillion Theory (TT) is a new theory which depicts our universe as far older that the supposed 13.7 billion years of the preposterous wrongly accepted Big Bang. TT shows how our cosmos has steadily marched forward and grown in size each 15 billion years or so over the past Trillion years of cosmic history. Follow Trillion Theory as it correctly depicts the exciting origin and growth of our cosmos. Justifiably, the ways in which Trillion Theory advocates this cosmic origin and growth surprises even the top echelon of astronomers and astrophysicists of today. Trillion Theory can be found both as a paperback on Amazon and as an ebook through Kindle. See the Ed Lukowich website for all of his recent books and e-books related to our universe.
Biology - Errorless 100% Solved Objective Practice Book (Set Of 2 Volumes)
Universal Book Depot 1960 (UBD1960)
1,250 Chemistry JEE (Main), JEE (Advanced), NEET, published by Universal Book Depot, is a comprehensive book for those who aspire to excel in the JEE, NEET, AIEEE and also IIT entrance exams. This is a set of two volumes, a highly recommended combo for Chemistry subject, which has errorless 100% solved objective practice questions. The totally revised and updated new edition has exhaustive theory with sub-chapter wise division and level wise grading of questions. Volume I covers topics like Chemical Arithmetic, Structure of Atom, Chemical Bonding, Solid State, Nuclear Chemistry, Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Redox Reactions, Electrochemistry and Surface Chemistry among other concepts. Volume II covers topics like Chemical Property, Chemical Analysis, Hydrocarbons, Halogen Containing Compounds, Alcohol, Phenol and Ether, Aldehydes and Ketones, Polymers, Biomolecules, Chemistry in Action and Environmental Chemistry among other concepts. These topics are explained in simple and lucid language for better comprehension. About Universal Book Depot Universal Book Depot is one of the most reliable and renowned publishing houses. It develops and publishes quality books for various entrance examinations and other academic books. Some of the books published under their banner are Biology (IIT-JEE, AIEEE, NEET) (Set of 2 Volumes), Physics (IIT-JEE, AIEEE, NEET) (Set of 2 Volumes) and Father: A Life of Pope John Paul II.
GCE O Level Pure Physics (Topical) 2002 to 2015
Redspot Publishing
The questions, are arranged in topical form so that the students can revise and practice methodically. Questions from past examinations have always proved to be the best practice for students. Students are able to apply what they have learnt. This book is also a very useful study guide for students as they can practice the questions, and then check their answers . This book is highly recommended for the students who are preparing for the GCE O Level Physics examination.
Stephen Hawking A Mind Without Limits
Daniel Bennett
Solutions Manual For Introduction To Quantum Mechanics
David J. Griffiths
Perfectly Reasonable Deviations From the Beaten Track the Letters of Richard P Feynman
Michelle Feynman
The Elegant Universe (SparkNotes Literature Guide Series)
Literature GuidesCreated by Harvard students for students everywhere, SparkNotes is a new breed of study guide: smarter, better, faster.Geared to what today's students need to know, SparkNotes provides:chapter-by-chapter analysisexplanations of key themes, motifs, and symbolsa review quiz and essay topicsLively and accessible, these guides are perfect for late-night studying and writing papers.
Physics in 40 Days for PMTs (OLD EDITION)
S.B. Tripathi
This revision cum crash course has been designed for the students aspiring to get through various medical entrances with flying colors. The revised edition of Encounter with Physics in Just 40 Days is an impeccable tool from Arihant designed to achieve perfection in the concepts asked in various medical entrances. The book has been divided into 40 sections as per strategic division of the syllabus in 40 days. The preparation starts with Physical World andamp; Measurement on Day 1, then Kinematics, Scalar andamp; Vector Quantities andamp; Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Circular Motion, Work, Energy andamp; Power, Motion of a System of Particles, Rigid Bodies, Gravitation, followed by Unit Test 1 on Day 10, then Properties of Bulk Matter, Transfer of Heat, Thermodynamics, Behaviour of Perfect Gas 7 Kinetic Theory, followed by Unit Test 2 on Day 15, then Oscillations andamp; Wave Motion on Day 16 andamp; 17 respectively, followed by Unit Test 3 on day 18, then Electrostatics andamp; Current Electricity on Day 19 andamp; 20 respectively, followed by Unit Test 4 on Day 21, then Magnetic Effects of Current, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, followed by Unit Test 5 on Day 27, then Ray Optics andamp; Wave Optics on Day 28 andamp; 29 respectively, followed by Unit Test 6 on Day 30, then Matter Waves, Photoelectric Effect, Atoms andamp; Nuclei, Radioactivity, followed by Unit Test 7 on Day 35, then Electronic Devices, followed by Unit Test 8 on Day 37 and one Mock Test each on Day 38, 39 and Day 40. All the concepts have been discussed clearly and comprehensively to keep the students focused. Topics to Focus, a set of topics for each day determined fir
An Introduction to Astrophysics
Basu Baidyanath
The book conveys a deep and coherent understanding of the stellar phenomena, and basic astrophysics of stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and other heavenly bodies of interest. Since the first appearance of the book in 1997, significant progress has been made in different branches of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The second edition takes into account the developments of the subject which have taken place in the last decade. It discusses the latest introduction of L and T dwarfs in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (or H-R diagram). Other developments discussed pertain to standard solar model, solar neutrino puzzle, cosmic microwave background radiation, Drake equation, dwarf galaxies, ultra compact dwarf galaxies, compact groups and cluster of galaxies. Problems at the end of each chapter motivate the students to go deeper into the topics. Suggested readings at the end of each chapter have been complemented. Table Of Contents: Foreword ??? Preface ??? Preface to the First Edition 1.ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS 2.BASIC PHYSICS 3.MAGNITUDES, MOTIONS AND DISTANCES OF STARS 4.SPECTRAL CLASSIFICATION OF STARS 5.THE SUN 6.ATMOSPHERE OF STARS 7.BINARY AND MULTIPLE STARS 8.VARIABLE STARS 9.ERUPTING AND EXPLODING STARS 10.MORE STARS OF INTEREST 11.CLUSTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS OF STARS 12.GALACTIC NEBULAE 13.INTERSTELLAR MATTER 14.STRUCTURE AND EVOLUTION OF STARS 15.NEUTRON STARS AND BLACK HOLES 16.OUR GALAXY 17.EXTERNAL GALAXIES 18.CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES 19.RADIO GALAXIES 20.QUASARS 21.COSMOLOGY 22.BIOASTRONOMY Index
Motion Mountain - Vol. 4 - The Adventure of Physics: The Quantum of Change
Christoph Schiller
The volume shows that colours, atoms and living beings only exist because nature features a quantum of action, also called Planck's constant. The quantum of action leads to wave functions, probabilities, tunnelling and colours. This fourth volume (268 pages, of December 2013) of the Motion Mountain physics text provides a simple, modern and surprising introduction to quantum effects in matter and light, with many figures and photographs. The text, printed in black and white, is written in an easy style, uses little mathematics, and is accessible to undergraduates, teachers and anybody who is interested in the precise description of nature. Enjoy the reading!
Motion Mountain - Vol. 5 - The Adventure of Physics: Motion Inside Matter - Pleasure, Technology and the Stars
Christoph Schiller
It explains how chemistry, biology, material properties, stars, nuclear reactors and particle physics follow from the quantum of action. The volume leads from molecular motors in muscles to the colour of gems, from the working of nerves to the processes that make volcanoes erupt, and from the structure of DNA to the reasons that stars shine. This is the fifth volume (418 pages, of December 2013) of the Motion Mountain Physics Textbook, written to be surprising and challenging on every page. It provides a simple, modern and vivid introduction to the motion inside people, animals, nuclei, and stars, including the physics of perception and the senses, of crystals and of elementary particles. The text is written in an easy style, uses little mathematics, and is accessible to undergraduates, teachers and anybody who is interested in the precise description of nature. Enjoy the reading!
Fundamentals Of Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors
Peter R. Saulson
Thermodynamics Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics
F.W. Sears
Table of Contents: Fundamental Concepts / Equations of State / The First Law of Thermodynamics / Some Consequences of the First Law / Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics / Combined / First and Second Laws / Thermodynamic Potentials / Applications of Thermodynamics to Simple Systems / Kinetic Theory / Intermolecular Forces. Transport Phenomena / Statistical Thermodynamics / Applications of Statistics to Gases / Applications of Quantum Statistics to Other Systems / Appendix / Answers to Problems / Index. Audience: Postgraduate students
G. F. Knoll's Radiation Detection 3rd (Third) edition(Radiation Detection and Measurement [Hardcover])(2000)
G.F. Knoll
Phenomenal Physics: A totally non-scary guide to physics and why it matters
Isaac McPhee
A totally non scary guide to physics and why it matters
Nomad Power System - Building Emergency Power Source
Peter Wilkes
Nomad Power System gives you step-by-step directions for constructing the power system device as well as materials needed.