Best of
The New Testament (King James Version)
Despite a plethora of new translations in the second half of the twentieth century, the King James Version retains its power and appeal because "it has the intrinsic value of a classic and is an enduring masterpiece."Drury outlines the fascinating history of this magisterial translation, marveling at the "patient generosity" with which the translators sifted through and distilled a century of previous scholarship. He points out that their work has endured not only because of the astonishing care they took to reflect faithfully the syntax of the original Hebrew and Greek–which enabled them to dispense with the densely entangled prose style that characterized English writing at the time–but also because of their concern to writers from Milton to Coleridge to George Eliot. From the doctrinal richness of the letters of St. Paul to those four masterpieces of storytelling, the Gospels, The New Testament has served as a source of inspiration for centuries.To quote George Steiner on the centrality of the Bible: "What you have in hand is not a book. It is the book. That, of course, is what 'Bible' means. It is the book which, not only in Western humanity, defines the concept of a text. All our other books, however different in matter or method, relate, be it indirectly, to this book of books…All other books are inhabited by the murmur of that distant source."
The Essential Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius
His meditations on what constitutes a good life have withstood the centuries and reach us today with a force that has not diminished. In this remarkable new translation, philosopher Jacob Needleman and classics scholar John P. Piazza reveal Marcus Aurelius not only in light of his philosophical ideas, but as a great practitioner who struggled to live according to those ideas. The voice that emerges from their translation is a universal one that stands within the stream of the wisdom traditions of every historic faith. While rooted in the Stoic philosophy of Greece and Rome, it is recognizable to students of early Christianity and Buddhism, of the Vedas and the Talmud, and to all who seriously search for meaning in contemporary life. The translators' selection process has also been guided by the intention of making Marcus's thought vividly accessible to the general reader. They frame the translation with concise, relevant introductions that tell who Marcus was and provide a fresh, while historically grounded, way of entering this deeply powerful work. Also included are a glossary of terms; spare yet helpful notes that do not cloud the text; and recommendations for further reading.
To Die for the People: The Writings of Huey P. Newton
Huey P. Newton
Long an iconic figure for radicals, Huey Newton is now being discovered by those interested in the history of America's social movements. This new release of a classic collection of his writings and speeches traces the development of Newton's personal and political thinking, as well as the radical changes that took place in the formative years of the Black Panther Party.With a rare and persuasive honesty, To Die for the People records the Party's internal struggles, rivalries and contradictions, and the result is a fascinating look back at a young revolutionary group determined to find ways to deal with the injustice it saw in American society. And, as a new foreword by Elaine Brown makes eminently clear, Newton's prescience and foresight make these documents strikingly pertinent today.
Saptarshi - The Seven Supreme Sages (Amar Chitra Katha)
Anant Pai
In each manavantara Brahma creates seven exceptional sages from his mind, who represent supreme knowledge and righteousness. It is their duty to see that law and order is maintained in the Universe. We live in the Vaivasvata Manavantara. Amar Chitra Katha has captured stories from the inspiring and remarkable lives of the seven sages chosen to represent the current manavantara. Atri was known for his honesty and for his devotion. He was married to Anasuya who was a very pious woman and capable of great deeds. Atri's life spanned many yugas. He played a role in the events of the Ramayana as well as the Mahabharata. Vasishtha was the voice of wisdom and honesty. He was the kulguru to the Solar Dynasty and tutored Rama and his brothers. Kashyapa is considered the father of all living beings. Brahma gave him the task of creating life for swargaloka, bhooloka and patal-loka.The origin of all creatures can be traced back to Kashyapa and his wives. The proud King Kaushika had a troubled relationship with Sage Vasishtha. He wanted to become a Brahmarshi just like him. The story tells of his transformation into the accomplished sage, Vishwamitra. Gautama and his wife, Ahalya, overcame the mistrust and insults of the people of Brahmagiri and brought Ganga to the parched land. Jamadagni, who was a proficient student of the Vedas, was chosen by Vishnu to be his father during his avatar as Parashurama. Bharadwaja's thirst for knowledge was so great that he prayed to Indra for a long life so he had enough time to learn. With Indra's blessing he spread the knowledge he had learnt, around the world. The seven sages are said to reside in the heavens as stars of the Saptarshi Mandal.
Self-Knowledge: Sankara's "Atmabodha"
Adi Shankaracharya
From the author of The Complete Commentary by Sankara on the Yoga Sutras, this book deals with the karma-yoga meditation practice and the realization of the supreme self as described in the Bhagava Gita yoga.
Adurthi Subba Rao
Amrapali craved peace; Upagupta’s bearing exuded contentment. Amrapali depended on the adulation of her audience; Upagupta spurned the attentions of the rich and famous. Their stories were different, but the Buddha’s wise teachings linked their lives – and the lessons to be learned from them.
The Books of Enoch
Joseph B. Lumpkin
Now, the major books making up the body of Enochian literature are presented to the public in a single volume. Joseph Lumpkin is the author of the best-selling work, "The Lost Book of Enoch." His work on both 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch have met with wide acceptance and plaudits. Now Lumpkin has completed his work on The Third Book of Enoch. 3 Enoch has not been available to the general public for over eighty years. His previous releases of 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch are placed along side The Hebrew Book of Enoch (3 Enoch,) which has been translated using Hebrew source materials and contains "in-text" commentary. This expansive volume contains copious notes and commentaries in all three books, designed to guide the reader through the difficulties of language, theology, and mystical references. It is a necessary resource for those curious about Angels, Demons, Watchers, Nephilim, Melchizedek, the angel Metatron, or the Merkabah (chariot of God). This volume is an indispensable resource for those engaged in the study of religion, religious history, angelology, demonology, mysticism or the Kabbalah.
The Meghadūta of Kālidāsa
The work is divided into two parts, Purva-megha and Uttara-megha. It recounts how a yakṣa, a subject of King Kubera (the god of wealth), after being exiled for a year to Central India for neglecting his duties, convinces a passing cloud to take a message to his wife at Alaka on Mount Kailāsa in the Himālaya mountains. The yakṣa accomplishes this by describing the many beautiful sights the cloud will see on its northward course to the city of Alakā, where his wife awaits his return.
Sanjivani Kher
Sambhaji had a tough childhood. His father was too busy to look after him and his mother died when he was only two. The young Sambhaji's main support came from his grandmother. When she died, he was bereft of love and care. To make matters worse, his step-mother was campaigning to make her own son the next ruler, trying to poison Shivaji's mind against Sambhaji. This Amar Chitra Katha traces the events that led up to the coronation of this wise and just Maratha ruler.
Cold Steel: Lakshmi Mittal and the Multi-Billion-Dollar Battle for a Global Empire
Tim Bouquet
Billions of dollars were at stake.At the heart of the battle were two men: Guy Dollé, Chairman and CEO of Luxembourg-based Arcelor, the world's largest steel producer by turnover and Lakshmi Mittal, a self-made Indian industrialist and the richest man in Great Britain. Only one could prevail . . .
Purushottam Dev and Padmavati
Manoj Das
During a ride in a forest he meets and falls in love with Princess Padmavati of Kanchi. According to tradition, Purushottam Dev sweeps the chariot of Jagannath during the Car Festival. Padmavati's father is furious when he hears of this and refuses to marry his daughter to one who wields a broom. He humiliates Purushottam Dev who vows to take revenge despite his love for the princess. Padmavati despairs and is ready to end her life. But things suddenly take a turn for the better after Lord Jagannath himself assures Purushottam of his support.This Amar Chitra Katha is based on a legend from Orissa.
The New Manhood
Steve Biddulph
Love, sex, marriage, raising children, friendship, spirituality and finding your true work are amongst many subjects dealt with in an honest and uplifting way. Powerful, real-life stories describe men making changes and freeing their lives. Readers find themselves moved to tears one minute and to laughter the next. This is a handbook for men of all ages, and for the women who love them.
The History of Rome
Titus Livius (59 BC - 17 AD) was an historian, philosopher and orator whose HISTORY OF ROME is his only surviving work. It covers the period from the mythical founding of Rome (753 BC) through the reign of Augustus in Livy's time.This ebook is DRM free and includes an active table of contents.This unexpurgated edition contains the complete text with errors and omissions corrected.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Arunachala Sadhu
Venkataramaiah) during the years 1935 to 1939. All the notes made to produce this book were shown to the Sage for approval, and every effort was made to record correctly both the question and answer as they occurred. Open up this book anywhere, begin reading and you will find yourself transported to the Old Hall, sitting before the Maharshi and drinking in his life-giving words. We highly recommend this book to all serious seekers.
Nagarjuna's Letter To A Friend: With Commentary By Kangyur Rinpoche
This work will appeal to readers with a general interest in Mahayana Buddhism, to those who wish to familiarize themselves with one of the great classics of Indian Buddhist literature, and to students who come across passages quoted in other Buddhist works and who wish to explore further. The great Indian Buddhist master Nagarjuna (first–second century A.D.) wrote his celebrated poem "Letter to a Friend" as a gift of advice to a South Indian king, and it has since become a monument in the Indian shastra tradition. Despite its short length (only 123 verses), it covers the whole Mahayana path, combining a practical approach to daily conduct with a theoretical exposition of the different stages leading to enlightenment. It has thus been an ideal source for many of Tibet 's great scholars seeking a scriptural authority to enhance their own descriptions of the Buddhist path. Any difficulties in understanding the poem are overcome by Kangyur Rinpoche's commentary, which turns Nagarjuna's sometimes cryptic poem into straightforward prose, expanding on each topic and ordering the different subjects in such a way that on returning to the original poem, the reader can easily make sense of the advice it contains. It includes headings to explain Nagarjuna's frequent changes in subject and full explanations of the ideas introduced in each verse. In addition to the commentary, this book presents the original poem in the Tibetan and in a new English translation that attempts to emulate Nagarjuna's lines of metric verse. Also included are Kangyur Rinpoche's structural outline (sa bchad), a Tibetan line index to enable students to locate quotations used in other Tibetan works, full notes, and a glossary.
Corpus Hermeticum: The Divine Pymander
Hermes Trismegistus
This Renaissance era craft is nonetheless based upon philosophical materials from far older times, namely the third or fourth century AD, from which the primordial material came. Credited to Hermes Trismegistus, the Divine Pymander (sometimes spelled "Poemander") touches upon astronomy, science, nature, and a great deal of theological material. It is presented in the form of discourse; a format which will be familiar to anyone also familiar with Plato's "Republic" and some similar philosophical works of antiquity. Through his discourse with several individuals, Trismegistus attempts to draw upon the overarching philosophy "as above, so below." Thus then, this work describes the very process and ideation behind all of existence, the purpose of life, and the nature of good and evil, all through its treatises upon various topics.
Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit: Growing in Christlikeness
Christopher J.H. Wright
On the other hand, there are those who reject the whole idea of rules or traditions in the church and see the point of the Christian faith as setting us free from the institutionalized religious burden. But Paul addresses these two competing views by showing us a far better way--a truly Christian way to live our lives. It is the way of the Spirit of God given to us through Christ: Walk by the Spirit . . . led by the Spirit . . . live by the Spirit . . . keep in step with the Spirit. That is the heart and soul of Christian living. It is the center and secret of what it means to be a person who belongs to Christ. Pastor and scholar Christopher Wright invites us to live a life in step with the Spirit by cultivating the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These nine chapters, each addressing a different fruit, each conclude with questions for contemplation or discussion. Feed on the Word of God, grow in Christlikeness, and live a fruitful life.
The Divided
Amy A. Bartol
I’m not. Engaged to gorgeous, wealthy Matteyo “Mattie” Dillinger, ours was a love so powerful, so real, I physically ache now that he’s gone. I hate the judgement I see when I tell people about Mattie. Disbelief. Pity. Fear. Skepticism. I need no reminder he was murdered. I was there. I watched him struggle to take a breath—felt the last rise and fall of his chest. And it changes nothing. Everything I’m saying is real.It has to be real.Doesn’t it?I’d know if I was losing my sanity.Wouldn’t I?Mattie’s death has torn my world apart. He left me everything, but nothing is what it seems. The more I learn, the more I believe he’s been lying to me all along. I’m tortured by visions of him whenever I close my eyes. He’s in the twilight—some mysterious place between sleep and wake. He needs me to find him, because if I don’t, we’ll be divided forever.
Stories of Creation Credit
Shalini Srinivasan
From the water emerged a golden egg, breaking open to reveal Brahma, who had created himself within it. Emerging from the egg, Brahma started to make the universe, the earth, heaven and human beings to populate and live in his creation. These stories from the Brahma Purana talk of the earth as it was, just after it was created and of Brahma's role in the cycle of creation.
Maximum Entertainment: Director's Notes For Magicians And Mentalists
Ken Weber
Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights
Jonathan Francis Goodridge
Delphi Complete Works of Seneca the Younger (Illustrated) (Delphi Ancient Classics)
The Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin texts. For the first time in publishing history, readers can enjoy the complete works of Seneca the Younger in a single volume, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Seneca's life and works * Features the complete extant works of Seneca, in both English translation and the original Latin * Concise introductions to the essays and other works * Includes translations previously appearing in Loeb Classical Library editions of Seneca’s works * Excellent formatting of the texts * Includes section numbers — ideal for students * Easily locate the sections, epistles or works you want to read with individual contents tables * Includes Seneca's rare body of essays NATURAL QUESTIONS, first time in digital print * Features a bonus biography - discover Seneca's ancient world * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Tragedies THE MADNESS OF HERCULES THE TROJAN WOMEN THE PHOENICIAN WOMEN PHAEDRA THYESTES HERCULES ON OETA AGAMEMNON OEDIPUS MEDEA OCTAVIA The Epistles TO MARCIA, ON CONSOLATION TO MY MOTHER HELVIA, ON CONSOLATION TO POLYBIUS, ON CONSOLATION THE MORAL EPISTLES The Essays ON ANGER ON THE SHORTNESS OF LIFE THE PUMPKINIFICATION OF THE DIVINE CLAUDIUS ON THE FIRMNESS OF THE WISE PERSON ON CLEMENCY ON THE HAPPY LIFE ON LEISURE NATURAL QUESTIONS ON BENEFITS ON TRANQUILLITY OF MIND ON PROVIDENCE The Latin Texts LIST OF LATIN TEXTS The Biography INTRODUCTION TO SENECA by John W. Basore Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
Swami Chinmayananda
Margie Sastry
'Chinmaya' means true knowledge, and it is what Swami Chinmayananda taught the world.
Jagjit Uppal
An ambition that made him Emperor of Delhi. Hemu's rise to power is a fascinating story. He relied entirely on his own intelligence and intuition. He had to contend with political scheming and treachery in the courts of Sher Shah Suri, Islam Shah and finally Adil Shah. With Humayun and then Akbar making a bid to regain the throne of Delhi, it was up to Hemu to defend it.
Search for the Guru (Adventures of a Western Mystic)
Peter Mt. Shasta
It is the story of the quest for self-knowing and ultimate knowledge of the self, presented in a candid and often humorous way. It has been called a western "Autobiography of a Yogi."
Calendar Girl Series Vol (1 -4) 4 Books Collection Set By Audrey Carlan
Audrey Carlan
Description:- Calendar Girl: Volume One: 1 Mia Saunders needs money. A lot of money. She has one year to pay off the loan shark who has threatened her father's life and is coming after his unpaid gambling debts. One million dollars to be exact. Her mission is simple-serve as a high-priced escort for her aunt's Los Angeles-based company and pay monthly against the debt. Calendar Girl: Volume Two Unwilling escort Mia Saunders's journey continues in the second anthology of the Calendar Girl series! In the next three months, Mia heads to Boston, Oahu, and Washington DC. In April, she poses as girlfriend to philandering Mason Murphy, a professional baseball player who needs a better image, only to find he's not at all what she expected. May finds Mia turning up the heat with Samoan model and fire-dancer Tai Niko as she participates in a swimsuit campaign designed to prove that beauty really does comes in all sizes. Calendar Girl: Volume Three: 3 Mia Saunders journey continues in the third wicked hot anthology of the Calendar Girl Series! In the next three months, Mia heads to Miami, Texas, and her hometown, Las Vegas. In July, she serves as the seductress in a music video to platinum selling hip hop artist Anton Santiago. Still dealing with the trauma from June, our girl opens her heart and finds that taking risks in life and love could give her all that she ever needed and more. Calendar Girl: Volume Four Calendar Girl Mia Saunders has come a long way. She rounds out the end of her year-long journey in Hollywood, New York City, and Aspen. In October, Mia starts her new life working on a celebrity daytime television show where she runs a regular segment about living beautiful. Her guy deals with the aftermath of captivity, and together they find a way to fight through the storms.
Christina Henry Chronicles of Alice 4 Books Collection Set - Lost Boy, Red Queen, The Mermaid, Alice
Christina Henry
Titles in this set contains Lost Boy, Red Queen, The Mermaid and Alice.
Bringing The Gospel To Covenant Children: In Dependency On The Spirit
Joel R. Beeke
The book first explains how parents fail to understand the role of the covenant in their children's lives and then details how to use prayer, family worship, teaching, everyday conversation and mentoring to evangelize children. Dr. Beeke provides a needed guide for a parent's most important and difficult task.
Daughter of the Lilies: A Girl with No Face (DOTL, Book 1)
Meg Syverud
She’s chased out of every town with torches and pitchforks when the locals see her face, and is eagerly sought after by a great and terrible figure who defines most of her dark thoughts towards herself. Out of a desperate need to make a quick buck so she can move on to a new quiet place to live, she joins up with a small band of Mercenaries, but quickly finds herself unwittingly swept up in and caught off guard by their bonds of loyalty. Will these unruly, uncultured, rough-around-the-edge fighters be the ones to help Thistle realize her sense of self-worth in time to stop the shadows of her past from overwhelming and consuming the world?
The Spiritual Teachings of Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius
Written as a personal diary for spiritual development, Marcus Aurelius's "meditations" were not meant for publication nor posterity, yet the Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher has provided inspiration and guidance for more than eighteen centuries. Now, after nearly two thousand years, Mark Forster has adapted the ideas and principles relevant to the Roman world of the second century and has made them accessible to the twenty-first-century reader.
Messages From Heaven
Collette Sinclaire
These are real accounts of everyday people just like you and me, as well as those who had led lives which seem unimaginable and unbearable.The accounts of the lives they lived may shock or surprise you. They may make you laugh or cry. Each of these 25 souls has something to offer you to help you in your own life, or to understand the lives of those around you.Each chapter is the story of one soul’s life and death and each account brings to light an understanding of our world and why exactly we are here. They are all told in the spirit’s own voices and each brings with it something unique to share with us here in the world of the living. No matter how they had lived and died, you will learn from their lessons of living and loving, both successes and failures. There are heartwarming tales of redemption as well as heartbreaking tales of grief and lessons learned the hard way.Collette has spoken people who have died in many circumstances, from those who passed on peacefully to those who were afraid to go into the light or felt that they had unfinished business on earth who then became ghosts and haunted the living. She has interviewed souls from all walks of life, every class, the powerful and the powerless, from countries all over the world. I have interviewed priests and murderers, lovers and lonely hearts, captains of industry and thieves, and so many in between. Chances are she has interviewed someone much like yourself or someone you care deeply about.The lessons each of these souls brings forth are all very valuable. It is my hope that these interviews will inspire you, comfort you, and bring you understanding of your own life and the difficult paths we all walk along. Under the skin, we are all the same here on earth and we walk these paths together.I hope these interviews will also help bring you peace in times of turmoil and solace in times of great pain. May they bring you closer to the light of love and goodness, and with it, bring to you closer to all the happiness and beauty that follows understanding.We must all learn earthly lessons to grow our souls into more full, more beautiful beings so that we may reach back to the source of all creation in order to return to the God Source itself and bask in all it’s beauty and glory.
John Cassian: The Institutes
John Cassian
The first written work of John Cassian in which he shares the wisdom of Egyptian monasticism, especially rules of monastic life and lessons on battling the eight principal vices.
Living Chicana Theory
Carla Trujillo
They address the secrets, inequities, and issues they all confront in their daily negotiations with a system that often seeks to subvert their very existence. They have to struggle daily not only with the racism that pervades our lives, but also with the overwhelming male domination of the "macho" Chicano and Mexican culture.
Hell on Heels
Anne Jolin
Not in a malicious way, but in the way an addict abuses their substance of choice. People are my vice—men specifically. I crave the emotional high they give me with a unique and reckless disregard for my own well-being—eagerly floating into an unsustainable euphoria, knowing full well that after every high comes an equal, if not more powerful, plummet into a devastating abyss. But like every junkie, I crawl willingly back into the arms of my demons.Oh, the price we pay to feel loved. We’d all sell our souls to the devil himself for that. Perhaps I have already. They say that acknowledging that you have a problem is one of the first steps to recovery. Well, in that case, my name is Charleston Smith and I have a fucking problem.
The Poems of Exile: Tristia and the Black Sea Letters
8, Emperor Augustus sentenced the elegant, brilliant, and sophisticated Roman poet Ovid to exile—permanently, as it turned out—at Tomis, modern Constantza, on the Romanian coast of the Black Sea. The real reason for the emperor's action has never come to light, and all of Ovid's subsequent efforts to secure either a reprieve or, at the very least, a transfer to a less dangerous place of exile failed. Two millennia later, the agonized, witty, vivid, nostalgic, and often slyly malicious poems he wrote at Tomis remain as fresh as the day they were written, a testament for exiles everywhere, in all ages.The two books of the Poems of Exile, the Lamentations (Tristia) and the Black Sea Letters (Epistulae ex Ponto), chronicle Ovid's impressions of Tomis—its appalling winters, bleak terrain, and sporadic raids by barbarous nomads—as well as his aching memories and ongoing appeals to his friends and his patient wife to intercede on his behalf. While pretending to have lost his old literary skills and even to be forgetting his Latin, in the Poems of Exile Ovid in fact displays all his virtuoso poetic talent, now concentrated on one objective: ending the exile. But his rhetorical message falls on obdurately deaf ears, and his appeals slowly lose hope. A superb literary artist to the end, Ovid offers an authentic, unforgettable panorama of the death-in-life he endured at Tomis.
Guru Nanak (Amar Chitra Katha)
G.S. Mansukhani
On the one hand, the people were divided into castes, sects and factions; on the other, the Muslim rulers perpetrated atrocities on the Hindus and the weaker sections of society. The masses in their hardships and miseries cried for a saviour. Nanak came as God's messenger in the common man's hour of need. It was a period of transition from medievalism to modernism. Men of action and men of thought explored the world of matter and spirit. Guru Nanak revealed the secret of man's spiritual potential. At the same time, he accepted the struggles and hardships of life and pioneered a movement of reform in social and religious conduct. The means by which he reformed the dregs of society were argument, conviction and personal example. His followers, called 'Sikhs', formed a group of God-fearing men and women devoted to the service of the people. He laid down simple rules of conduct through which man could lead a humane and meaningful life and find his own fulfilment. He was revered alike by Hindus and Muslims. His life is an inspiring example of the practice of truth, love and humility.
Playing with Myself
Randy Rainbow
I can’t wait to set the record straight and finally give people a peek behind the green screen.” And set the record straight he does. Playing with Myself is a first-hand account of the journey that led Randy Rainbow from his childhood as the over-imaginative, often misunderstood little boy who carried a purse in the second grade to his first job on Broadway as the host at Hooters and on to the creation of his trademark comedy character. In chapters titled “Pajama Bottoms” (a look back at the days when he wore pajama bottoms on his head to pretend he was Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz), “Yes, It’s My Real Name, Shut Up!” (no explanation necessary...) and “Pink Glasses” (a rose-colored homage to his favorite accessory), Playing with Myself is a memoir that answers the question “Can an introverted musical theatre nerd with a MacBook and a dream save the world, one show tune at a time?”
Love's Own Truths: Bonding And Balancing In Close Relationships
Bert Hellinger
Love's Own Truths represents another important milestone in the search. For readers, the book is a compass left at the side of the road. We can leave it there -- afraid that we may have to change course -- or we can pick it up to see where it directs us. Hellinger describes Love's Own Truths as a fundamental statement of his approach. And for those who know him, clearly this was no small task. The approach -- practical, improbable, complex, and simple -- cannot be easily described. It must be "seen." First, the verbatim transcripts of three powerful workshops allow access to the various ways in which fragments of the life force puzzle can break apart or come together over generations. Time and again, feelings of distress can be traced to disconnects in the family system and the deeply subconscious attempts of other parts of the system -- whether one or many family members -- to put things back in balance. Readers will discover many opportunities to unlock new perspectives in their own healing process as they stand alongside the workshop participants. Second, explanations of the therapeutic linchpins that hold this approach together, even when all hell is breaking loose, help readers grasp what is happening, especially in the family constellations, when the healing movements are subtle or seemingly obscure. Pivotal are the discussions of the resumption and completion of previously interrupted movements by a young child toward the mother or father. Third, Bert Hellinger describes in detail the "inner posture" that both gives meaning to and draws meaning from what he calls phenomenological psychotherapy. Given the chance, the congruence between the posture and the process gives power to the resolutions that are revealed so that they may be dependable and enduring. The inclusion of several of Hellinger's teaching stories adds yet another dimension to the reading. We quickly realize that some points are made stronger when they are lifted out of the immediate context, which may be emotionally charged and distracting. A master storyteller, Hellinger's gentleness and humor come through very clearly. The closing interview -- or conversation between friends -- offers another opportunity to understand the work on a different level and to see the man behind it through a new lens. Here, after being the subject of so much debate, Hellinger has the chance to express his views in an open and intellectually generous forum. At one point, in speaking about death, Hellinger says, " I respect and trust reality more than I trust our human illusions about it, and this may seem hard to some people. To me, it is humility and a very deep, basic trust in what actually is." Love's Own Truths: A compass to help guide us to "what actually is" across many dimensions -- because it's there that healing can begin.
Green Lantern Sinestro Corps Special #1
Geoff Johns
Kyle Rayner has suffered great personal loss and reluctantly gained great power. Guy Gardner's trust in the Guardians is wavering. John Stewart's unbreakable loyalty soon will be tested. Together, these four men are the Green Lanterns of Earth...but why are so many Earthmen recruited into the Corps? What is their ultimate rolel in the future of the universe? And how will the secret of the rings' power threaten the Guardians and affect Hal Jordan's future?Sinestro was called the "greatest" of the Green Lanterns; now the renegade has vowed to bring terror to the universe he once protected. The worst murderers, thieves and deviants in the universe have gathered into Sinestro's Corps for one purpose: to instill great fear. Armed with the truth behind Parallax, Sinestro's intergalactic insurgents strike hard and fast at the very heart of the Green Lantern Corps. The Sinestro Corps is about to change everything you know about the Green Lanterns. Fear them. Everyone else will.Plus, a 6-page backup story by Johns and Dave Gibbons (GREEN LANTERN CORPS, WATCHMEN) - "The Origin of Sinestro"!
Modern King James Version of the Holy Bible
The 1963 edition has been out of print for over 34 years, being replaced by this more readable and improved edition of the same Bible.The Modern King James Version of the Bible is an update of the Authorised King James Version in today's English. Besides the language update, it has these differences:1) Many older editions of the KJV have a center column in which they suggest a better translation, many of these suggestions have now been put into the text.2) The names of animals of the Bible have been corrected according to scientific studies today;3) The titles to the Psalms and names of places have been translated to their actual meaning rather than their original name, such as Hor-hagidgad=The Hole in the Cleft.4) Those places which are incorrect have been changed (e.g. 'Passover' instead of 'Easter'; 'Joshua' instead of 'Jesus' in Hebrews 4; 'expanse' is replaced by 'firmament'; 'eunoch' for 'officer'; 'Let it not Be ' for 'God forbid'; 'came into being' for 'made' in John 1:3);5) places where the King James Version paraphrases have been replaced by a direct translation from the original;6) the Greek names for Old Testament characters are given the same name as in the King James Version;7) money, titles, weights, etc. are translated as they are in the original King James Version (e.g. denarius instead of penny).The reviser has no thrust in words, nor left out words, in order to establish some personal belief as to what the Bible ought to say. The Modern King James Version can be easily understood in the pew when t speaker is using the King James Version.
Battle of the Bulge: Then and Now
Jean-Paul Pallud
This is the first time that an attempt has been made to cover the entire salient in order to present the battle in our familiar 'then and now' format. Hundreds of miles have been traveled by the author throughout every corner of the battlefield to search out the scenes of past events -- every known photograph belonging to combatants, civilians, and in public collections and private sources has been sought or considered. all the cine film has been examined frame by frame and certain sequences illustrated and analyzed. In this way a number of classic pictures almost always used -- or misused -- in depicting the Ardennes battle are not only placed in their context in the German advance but are also shown to be not always quite what they seem!
Robert Polidori
On the surface his subjects are buildings, but at the core his lens is focused on the remnants and traces of lives he finds scattered in hallways, left in back rooms and worn on façades. Havana is a particularly rich setting for Polidori's inquiries. The curves and columns that line the streets refer to past eras and speak of the political, social and economic forces that have driven the city to its present condition. Through his rigorous and sensitive examination -- facilitated by a sense of color and composition that makes his photographs feel like vivid memories -- Polidori delicately peels away the patina of daily living and reveals the juxtapositions that create a city's identity. In this city the peddler lives where the countess once resided; children dance and tumble where merchants conducted their business. Each photograph is a discovery and a fragment of the city's biography.
Tuhfat Al-Nafis
Raja Ali Haji
Complete Works of Pliny the Younger
Pliny the Younger
The famous account of the eruption of Vesuvius and Emperor Trajan’s advice concerning the treatment of Christians are among the letters’ fascinating treasures. The Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin texts. This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works of Pliny the Younger, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Pliny's life and works * Features the complete extant works of Pliny, in both English translation and the original Latin * Concise introductions to the letters and other works * Excellent formatting of the texts * Easily locate the letters or works you want to read with individual contents tables * Includes Pliny's rare oration PANEGYRICUS TRAIANI, first time in digital print * Provides a special dual English and Latin text, allowing readers to compare the epistles – ideal for students * Features a bonus biography - discover Pliny's ancient world * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Translations THE LETTERS DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE LETTERS PANEGYRICUS TRAIANI The Latin Texts LIST OF LATIN TEXTS The Dual Texts DUAL LATIN AND ENGLISH TEXT The Biography INTRODUCTION TO PLINY THE YOUNGER by J. B. Firth Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
Green Arrow (2001-2007) #1
Kevin Smith
Can he adjust to a DCU he doesn’t recognize?
Oblique strategies: Over one hundred worthwhile dilemmas
Brian Eno
1978 edition of Oblique Strategies
Letters of St. Augustine
Augustine of Hippo
Augustine's monastic retirement, and reflect his multifaceted obligations and concerns as bishop, counselor, preacher, and judge. Of timeless interest, his ideas have had a lasting impact on theology, philosophy, and Western religion.
Boys, Beasts & Men
Sam J. Miller
Miller’s devastating debut short-fiction collection, featuring an introduction by Amal El-Mohtar, queer infatuation, inevitable heartbreak, and brutal revenge seamlessly intertwine. Whether innocent, guilty, or not even human, the boys, beasts, and men roaming through Miller’s gorgeously crafted worlds can destroy readers, yet leave them wanting more.“Miller’s sheer talent shines through in abundance . . . Boys, Beasts & Men is an outrageous journey which skillfully blends genres and will haunt you with its original, poetic voices as much as its victims, villains, and treasure trove of leading actors.”—Grimdark MagazineDespite his ability to control the ambient digital cloud, a foster teen falls for a clever con-man. Luring bullies to a quarry, a boy takes clearly enumerated revenge through unnatural powers of suggestion. In the aftermath of a shapeshifting alien invasion, a survivor fears that he brought something out of the Arctic to infect the rest of the world. A rebellious group of queer artists create a new identity that transcends even the anonymity of death.Sam J. Miller (Blackfish City, The Art of Starving) shows his savage wit, unrelenting candor, and lush imagery in this essential career retrospective collection, taking his place alongside legends of the short-fiction form such as Carmen Maria Machado, Carson McCullers, and Jeff VanderMeer.
Jacks Blowjob Lessons
The book has been written based on the experience of Elizabeth one of the users of the program who finally mastered the blowjobs skills that ultimately led to her pleasing her man for the first time.The course unravels the mystery of blowjobs and proves that every woman has the ability to be a sexual powerhouse. Jacks Blowjob Lessons will help you unleash your true potential. Jack Huston is the author of the program, and for your delight it will be great to point out that Jack isn’t a scientist or sex expert, no! He I just a guy who wrote a guide based on his personal experiences, which is why this guide is so precious as gold.Jacks Blowjob Lessons Is Divided Into Five Segments: The first part talks about the required attitude for the best blowjob experience. Here you learn how to build an attitude that will keep your man hooked. The second part is simply the general overview of a mans penis. The third part talks about the good, the bad and the best blowjob positions that every women should perform on a man. The fourth part focuses on foreplay, this part is very essential as it sets the mood and makes your man anxious for the main dessert. The fifth section talks about the best blowjob techniques that will make your man get off, for example twisting and regular. The Positives Of Jacks Blowjob Lessons Learn how to effectively seduce a man, no matter the time of the day. Drastically improve your sex life. The program is very easy and quick to download. Saves you a lot of money, as it averts the need of a sex counselor. The directions are very straight forward and organised. Helps in reigniting the spark in relationships, you will be closer to your significant other both intimately and emotionally. Negatives of Jacks Blowjob LessonsIt is digital based, and cannot be accessed without the connection to an internet.
Tempting Her Teacher
Noël Cades
But while Mr Spencer wrestles with his faith as he tries to resist his growing attraction to Juliet, she’s starting to realise that it’s become more than just a game for her.
Blackwater Archives | The Art of The Order: 1886
Kirk Ellis
Bluecanvas and Ready At Dawn Studios are proud to present "Blackwater Archives | The Art of The Order: 1886". Spanning over 260 pages, this leather-bound art book will touch upon how Ready At Dawn Studios created the stunning visuals of The Order: 1886 from early concept to final render. Specific chapter breakdowns focus on the visually striking characters, the vicious Half-breeds, Tesla's anachronistic weapons & devices, and the jaw-dropping environmental work, all taken direct from the development team inside Ready At Dawn Studios. Includes forewords from Kirk Ellis, Screenwriter, and Ru Weerasuriya, Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios.
The Maiden Voyage: A Complete And Documented Account Of The 'Titanic' Disaster
Geoffrey Jules Marcus
Along with this once great ship, lies the true story of what happened on the night of April 10, 1912. Almost 65 years have passed since that fateful night, but its memory is still alive and many questions still remain unanswered.
The OM Mala: Meanings of the Mystic Sound
Nityananda Misra
OM is one of the shortest Sanskrit words, and yet is considered the most powerful word and a mystic mantra in Hinduism. The OM Mala gives eighty-four names of OM as per classical, epic, and medieval Sanskrit texts and explains their various meanings in 109 sections or beads, corresponding to 109 beads in a mala (108 chanting beads and one ‘sumeru bead’). Each bead of this book presents simple meaning of one name (or more than one related names) of OM and offers an explanation along with listing the relevant traditions, explaining the etymology, and quotations. The book includes rare names of OM like ‘shrutipada’ and ‘rasa’ as well as its common names like ‘om’, ‘udgitha’, and ‘pranava’. Both popular meanings of OM (like the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) and its rare meanings (like inhalation, holding the breath, and exhalation) are included.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness By Michelle Alexander Study Guide
Colleen Birchett
Intended for both group and individual study, this easy-to- use text provides spaces for written responses and reflections. The recently updated appendices include additional resources and information that are specific to state and national trends, public policy issues and corporate investments that influence mass incarceration. "The people who are victims of the New Jim Crow system and those who benefit from it must confront the moral imperatives of looking in the mirror and asking, 'where do we go from here?' The choice is in our hands; all of us are prisoners and bound by chains in some form or another. The SDPC stands in unity with all who are engaged in this work. This updated guide is released to further our shared education, advocacy and activism to bring about a human rights movement for racial, class and gender justice in the United States." Iva E. Carruthers
Chinese Acupuncture And Moxibustion (Library Of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Chinese/English Edition)
Zuo Yanfu
Innovating for People: Human-Centered Design Planning Cards
LUMA Institute
These cards equip people in various lines of work to become more innovative. They enable practical planning in order to bring new and lasting value into the world. The key ingredient to successful innovation is the everyday practice of Human-Centered Design: the discipline of developing solutions in the service of people. Every story of a good innovation--whether it's a new product, a new service, a new business model or a new form of governance-- begins and ends with people. It starts with careful discernment of human needs, and concludes with solutions that meet or exceed personal expectations. This deck of cards is an essential resource for innovation. It's a set of planning cards describing thirty-six methods of Human-Centered Design, organized by way of three key design skills: - Looking: Methods for observing human experience - Understanding: Methods for analyzing challenges and opportunities - Making: Methods for envisioning future possibilities Each featured method includes a brief description, a pictorial example and a quick guide with helpful hints for initial application. The full collection of methods is small enough to digest quickly, yet large enough to address myriad challenges. This deck does not prescribe a formulaic innovation process. Rather, it introduces a versatile set of methods for practicing Human-Centered Design as a daily discipline in order to be more innovative and drive sustainable growth. Learn more at:
Solo (2004-) #5
Darwyn Cooke
guides you through some of the craziest tales he's ever heard. Thrill to the adventures of King Faraday in Cuba, dig the Question's Middle Eastern math lesson, and attempt to understand a geek's growing passion for his vacuum cleaner. And Slam's stories end with a bang, as he spins a revenge yarn-featuring Batman!
The Malaysian Currency Crisis: How And Why It Happened
Mahathir Mohamad
Facts and Law on Article 370 & 35A
Monika Arora
Who is to blame? Political compulsions of Nehru? Or the dynastic parties of the valley? Is it the local people who are unwilling to stay? Or is it the much infamous Article 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution? This book will take you on a roller coaster ride about Kashmir; Kashmiris and Kashmiriyat. From the history of the State; to the current political scenario; from the constituent assembly debates; to the current division of ideologies; this book revolves around the political and legal problem of the State of J&K. We also provide solutions to each of the problems. We aim to clear your concepts about the state and break many myths and beliefs that have been a part of discussion since ages.In the service of the country.Jai Hind!
Disorder: Hard Times in the 21st Century
Helen ThompsonHelen Thompson
Their fallout has led central banks to create over $25 trillion of new money, brought about a new age of geopolitical competition, destabilised the Middle East, ruptured the European Union, and exposed oldpolitical fault lines in the United States.Disorder: Hard Times in the 21st Century is a long history of this present political moment. It recounts three histories - one about geopolitics, one about the world economy, and one about western democracies - and explains how in the years of political disorder prior to the pandemic the disruptionin each became one big story. It shows how much of this turbulence originated in problems generated by fossil-fuel energies, and it explains why as the green transition takes place the long-standing predicaments energy invariably shapes will remain in place.
The Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale: Restoring an Island Ecosystem
Nancy Castaldo
On Isle Royale, a unique national park more than fifty miles from the Michigan shore and about fifteen miles from Minnesota, a thrilling drama is unfolding between wolves and moose, the island’s ultimate predator and prey. For over sixty years, in what has been known as the longest study of predator and prey in the world, scientists have studied the wolves and moose of Isle Royale and the island’s ecology to observe and investigate wildlife populations. But due to illness and underlying factors, the population of wolves on the island has dropped while the number of moose has increased, putting the Isle Royale ecosystem in jeopardy. Now, for the first time ever, scientists are intervening. Join celebrated author Nancy Castaldo in this exciting journey to Isle Royale to document the genetic rescue experiment scientists there are embarking on. If they can successfully relocate twenty to thirty wolves from the mainland to Isle Royale, scientists can potentially restore the balance among wolves, moose, and trees of the island's ecosystem. Now the living laboratory experiment begins.
Daylighting Handbook I
Christoph Reinhart
The book is organized into two parts, "Fundamentals" and "Designing with the Sun". Fundamentals serves as a general introduction to daylighting (chapter 2), its implementation and its daily and seasonal availability (chapter 3). It also explains how light helps us to perceive the world around us and to maintain our circadian rhythm (chapter 4). A practical approach to building massing via rules of thumb is provided in chapter 5. Designing with the Sun introduces methods to determine where the sun is located in the sky throughout the year (chapter 6). Chapter 7 shows how this information can be used to design static shading devices. Heliodon studies using physical models are discussed in chapter 8.
Cantus Circaeus: The Incantations Of Circe Together With The Judiciary Being The Art Of Memory
Giordano Bruno
Black cloth with gilt title and printed dust jacket. Illustrated with woodcuts and diagrams for the Art of Memory. 138 pages.
Justice League #1
Keith Giffen
General Assembly hostage, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi) calls on the newly formed Justice League for help--a Justice League led by the redheaded, hot-tempered Green Lantern Guy Gardner?!
Science And Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality, And Consciousness
William A. Tiller
The real power sustaining its architecture is the energy contained in the ninety percent of the unseen.Dr. Tiller, one of the world's leading scientists on the structure of matter, takes a giant leap torward a unified theory of the universe. A Stanford professor for over thirty years in the Department of Material Science, Dr. Tiller draws conclusions from his life's work that will likely change the trend of scientific thinking throughout the world.This book takes you beyond the 4th Dimension to the big step that Einstein was reluctant to take:
Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: How Gender Violence on the Left Enables State Violence in Radical Movements
Courtney Desiree Morris
Demons: An Eyewitness Account
Howard O. Pittman
That day I suffered what appeared to be a physical death as the result of a sudden rupture of an internal artery. While physicians worked frantically on me in an emergency room, my spirit was separated from my body and taken into the spirit world where I was allowed to see many startling things.The details of this experience were reported in some depth in my book entitled Placebo. One area I did not cover as fully as I would have liked is the portion that deals with demons. For this purpose, I am writing this book. It is necessary for me to cover in detail all that experienced and all that was revealed to me regarding the demons and their entire operations in this physical world.It is not my intent to re-examine that portion of my experience which I related in depth in my first book, but rather to cover in greater detail the activities of the demons in this present, physical world. This must be done so that Christians might be forewarned and forearmed. I was allowed to experience this event so that you might know.
Portraits Of The Insane: The Case Of Dr Diamond
Adrienne Burrows
Sri Lalita (Sahasranamam With Meaning)
Dr. Sudha Sheshaiyyan
It is laden with layers of spiritual meaning which can be understood only with the support of scriptures. This book contains elaborate explanation for each of the thousand names of Lalita along with parallels and references in other sciptures. Beautifully illustrated by Sri. Veda, this book is a must have for those who seek to unravel the mysteries of divine Mother's glory.
Forever Starts Today
Len Webster
Forever Starts Today: The Epilogues.Contains epilogues for:Alex and Keira.Noel and Clara.Stevie and Julian.Rob and Ally.Max.
Basic Theory Of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Newly Compiled Practical English Chinese Library Of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Wu Guochang
Detailed and Essential Information on Conceptions, Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Principles including the theories of yin and yang, five elements, zangxiang (viscera and their manifestations), qi and blood, body fluid, meridians and collaterals, etiology, pathogenesis, prevention of disease and therapeutic principles.
Justice League America #70 : Grieving (Funeral For a Friend - DC Comics)
Dan Jurgens
Justice League America #70
Battle of The Hearts and Minds (Audio)
Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki
It was part of a Conference held by PureIslam Da'wah and Publications themed: Holding on to Hot Coals - Surviving as a Muslim in the West. An important topic that is going unnoticed by the majority of people around the world. With the advancement of communications in the world, the enemies are not only plotting away with their weapons but also with their lies portrayed in the media spreading all sorts of lies to justify the slaughter of innocent human beings.
On the Holy Trinity
Gregory of Nyssa
Gregory of Nyssa written to Eustathius. Enjoy this classic work!
Freedom To Build: Dweller Control Of The Housing Process
John F.C. Turner
Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity (P.S.) by Sharon Moalem, William Morrow
Sharon Moalem
You're already living it.Was diabetes evolution's response to the last Ice Age? Did a deadly genetic disease help our ancestors survive the bubonic plagues of Europe? Will a visit to the tanning salon help lower your cholesterol? Why do we age? Why are some people immune to HIV? Can your ge ... Available of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity (P.S.) PDF by Sharon MoalemRead Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity (P.S.) PDF from William Morrow,Sharon MoalemDownload Sharon Moalem’s PDF E-book Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity (P.S.)
Girl In The Belgian Resistance: A Wakeful Eye In The Underground
Fernande Davis
After the shock of finding her formerly occupied village annexed as part of Germany, Davis was drafted to work in a German munitions factory. Determined not to aid the enemy, she jumped from the train and went underground. Pre-dating her official Resistance work, Davis fulfilled, through her spirit and reactions to the occupant, the words of Lucie Aubrac, the fearless French resistant and memoirist who maintained that any act against oppression, no matter how small or private, is a brave act of resistance. A call to conscience for us all.
Our Future Is Free: The Problems With Money And Possibilities Without It
Matt Greer
It has become out-dated though. Today money is a shackle, enslaving us into a hypnotic state of social paralysis. It’s proliferating a civilisation that is unintentionally harmful to itself. We know that very different social systems produce very different versions of human nature. The underlying system we use today is money. Money determines how we allocate power and authority, how we make decisions, how we utilise technology, how we interact with one another, and how we interact with the Earth and its resources. It influences almost everything we care about – friendships, government, education, work, housing, war, and health to name just a few.A future without money seems radical, no doubt, but just because it’s far removed from prevailing opinions does not make it a bad idea. Almost every problem we face can be solved by removing money. Unfortunately, we're mostly focused on the symptoms of money. Whether its terrorism, climate change, inequality, poverty, disease, or corruption, these are all fragmentary by-products of our organisational mother-ship – money.Global studies repeatedly show almost 90% of us don’t enjoy our jobs. Despite this, we spend the majority of our adult lives doing them. Is all this work necessary to create a world we want to live in though? The short answer is no. The majority of today’s jobs contribute nothing toward producing the resources we need to survive and prosper. The majority of today’s jobs are fictitious manifestations of a society based on some pieces of imaginary paper (money).While the book raises awareness of money’s inappropriateness at a fundamental level, it also demonstrates we can do much better. It details our ability today to produce an abundance of resources for all people in a largely automated manner by changing to a moneyless social system. In making such a change we’d gain the time and freedom to express our individuality and creativity, leading to a happier, more civilised, and more sustainable future. Past failures will be examined, a new approach will be explored, a path to get there will be suggested, and projections will be made about the future implications of such a system. This book is a holistic all-encompassing story about us – where we came from, who we are today, who we could be tomorrow, and how we might get there.The book is grounded in current accepted scientific understanding with over 500 references to papers, data, or literature. While the book is grounded in science, no single study can prove that money is the root of almost all our problems and the barrier to a better future. Money is too intricately weaved into our society and consciousness for one simple experiment to provide such proof. However, with introspection and philosophical arguments underpinned by evidence across a broad range of scientific disciplines, the goal is to persuade the reader of this reality. The goal is to persuade the reader that money is indeed the basis of almost all our problems, and without it, we stand on the threshold of a future almost beyond imagination.The book doesn’t reveal any new primary research but it does reveal a big picture story that will surprise and excite many. We are moving toward a post-scarcity world. With every year that passes, the winds of social change gust a little stronger across the increasingly barren plains of capitalist idealism. A transition away from money is no longer a pipe-dream, rather, it’s a necessity. An increasingly urgent one too.
The Tarbell Course in Magic Vol. 1
Harlan Tarbell
for professional amateur and beginner
North America's Great Ape: The Sasquatch - A Wildlife Biologist Looks at the Continent's Most Misunderstood Large Mammal
John A. Bindernagel
John Bindernagel, with a Ph.D in wildlife biology and extensive field experience in more than one part of the world, has now supplied that need. North America's Great Ape: The Sasquatch could prove to be the most important book yet written on this fascinating subject." -John Green, author, The Sasquatch File, On the Track of the Sasquatch, Year of the Sasquatch, and Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us Finally, here is a book that goes beyond the debate about whether or not the sasquatch exists, and discusses the anatomy, ecology, food habits, and behavior of this elusive mammal. Dr. John Bindernagel, a Canadian wildlife biologist, has been studying the sasquatch in British Columbia since 1975. For this book he has selected over 150 sasquatch reports which help us understand this controversial animal. In his low-keyed style, he also addresses many of the problems of belief which have kept us from seriously evaluating the reports of the gorillalike mammals which walk upright and look more like hair-covered humans than the bears with which we are more familiar Dr. Bindernagel's references to the literature on the great apes of Africa and Asia (the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan) help us understand that the sasquatch is not nearly so unusual as we may think. It is simply a North American great ape, behaving like other great apes, but most often out of sight in the wilderness-and occasionally the back yards-of North America. This is a serious and refreshingly candid look at a long-misunderstood North American animal. It will answer many of our questions about this mysterious wildlife species-and raise many more.
Odysseus Returns Home
But he cannot reveal his identity to his faithful wife Penelope. A gang of would-be lovers are pestering her to marry one of them - and are prepared to kill anyone who claims to be her husband.Now Odysseus must use all his cunning and ingenuity to get rid of them, if he is to reclaim his wife and his rightful place as King of Ithaca once and for all.
Apology, De Spectaculis - Octavius
Septimus Florens Tertullianus (ca. 150-222 CE), the great Christian writer, was born a soldier's son at Carthage, educated in Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and medicine, studied law and became a pleader, remaining a clever and often tortuous arguer. At Rome he became a learned and militant Christian. After a visit to churches in Greece (and Asia Minor?) he returned to Carthage and in his writings there founded a Christian Latin language and literature, toiling to fuse enthusiasm with reason; to unite the demands of the Bible with the practice of the Church; and to continue to vindicate the Church's possession of the true doctrine in the face of unbelievers, Jews, Gnostics, and others. In some of his many works he defended Christianity, in others he attacked heretical people and beliefs; in others he dealt with morals. In this volume we present "Apologeticus" and "De Spectaculis."Of Minucius, an early Christian writer of unknown date, we have only "Octavius," a vigorous and readable debate between an unbeliever and a Christian friend of Minucius, Octavius Ianuarius, a lawyer sitting on the seashore at Ostia. Minucius himself acts as presiding judge. Octavius wins the argument. The whole work presents a picture of social and religious conditions in Rome, apparently about the end of the second century.
The English Icon: Elizabethan & Jacobean Portraiture
Roy Strong
Normalized Systems. Recreating Information Technology Based on Laws for Software Evolvability.
Mannaert Herwig
Impressionism And Post Impressionism, 1874 1904; Sources And Documents. (Sources & Documents In History Of Art)
Linda Nochlin
What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization
Jamie Murphy