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Shah Jo Risalo

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
    Many scholars and linguists have published Shah Jo Risalo with their own compilations, hence its many editions are available. No single edition is believed to be the authentic, but the oldest manuscript of Shah Jo Risalo is believed to contain all the authentic verses of Bhitai.It is believed that Shah's verses were compiled in his life, but he did not like that and threw the only manuscript of his verses into a pond. Later, his devotees demanded him to write some verses, hence he told them many verses which were noted in writing. But most of his work was never written, only memorized by people, and became popular in the folk culture of Sindh.The traditional compilations of Shah Jo Risalo include 30 Surs (chapters) which were compiled by the renowned researchers. The oldest publications of Shah Jo Risalo contained some 36 Surs, but later most of the linguists discarded 6 Surs, as their language and content did not match with the Shah's style. Recently, Dr. Nabi Bakhsh Baloch, the most renowned linguist of Sindhi language has compiled and printed a new edition after 32 years of research in folk culture, language and history of Sindhi language.

House Number 12 Block Number 3

Sana BalagamwalaSana Balagamwala
    She has been waking up in the middle of the night in fits of anxiety, avoiding her friends and family, and skipping her university classes. With the recent death of her father, Haji Rahmat, Nadia’s condition has further spiraled. There is no acceptable diagnosis for her behavior, and speculations abound: she may have a rare disease, she may be possessed by a jinn, or perhaps she is inclined to madness. Whatever the cause of this mysterious affliction, Zainab, Nadia’s mother, is at pains to keep it hidden from the community at large; she is worried Nadia will be labeled as mad, and she knows all too well the taboos that mental illness brings with it.While the country tethers on political unrest, and Nadia seems to get worse by the day, the family searches desperately for the cause of, and the cure for their daughter’s mysterious malady.House Number 12 Block Number 3, the home that has sheltered the Rahmat family for decades, narrates and recollects past events, trying to absolve itself of the burden it feels of being privy to the real reason for Nadia’s turmoil, but not being able to do anything about it.

Melody of a Tear

Haroon Khalid Akhtar
    Zara, the suicide-prone protagonist of ambiguous gender, is raised as a son by her father. She has never been able to cry and so when she meets Zaid, a former college-mate, she is immediately curious because of the tear she sees streaming down his face. Thus begins a quest to understand this wondrous facility of easy tears. Her search for answers leads her to a crumbling mansion where she encounters Waris, an ailing repository of ideals and wisdom who moonlights as a children’s mystery writer, and Sheila and her brood who live behind the mansion, treating poverty as their religion. Here with Waris as her guide and mentor she unravels the spool of Zaid’s humanity to resolve the befuddling mystery of his tears, and in the process reaches deep into the heart of her own dilemma as well. The plot, with elements of magic realism, is never what it seems and springs stunning surprises at key moments of the tale. Who is the victor in this story? Who is the real narrator? Do some people die or merely change forms? Whose figment of imagination eventually makes love to Zara? The answers are as intriguing as the surreal questions themselves.

Calculus with Analytic Geometry [with Graphing Calculator Supplement]

Howard Anton

The Punjab Chiefs

Lepel H. Griffin

Speeches, Statements & Messages of the Quaid-E-Azam

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Lost Heritage: The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan

Amardeep Singh
    Provides insight by investigating the relinquished heritage spanning between 15th and 21st centuries. The 60 chapter narrative is interspersed with 507 photographs of historic monuments, forts, battlegrounds, commercial and residential establishments and places of worship. This illustrative exploration of arts, architecture, culture and history, discerns the erstwhile secularity of the region.

Lahore By Metro

Faizan Ahmad
    A visual narrative of the diverse ordinary people using the mass transit system in Lahore: their stories, hopes and aspirations told through short descriptions and anecdotes and over 164 photographic images

My Vision of Religion

G.M. Syed

Politics in Pakistan: The Nature and Direction of Change

Khalid B. Sayeed

The Tigers of Balochistan

Sylvia Matheson

A Talib’s Tale: The Life and Times of a Pashtoon Englishman

John Butt

Five Thousand Years of Pakistan: An Archaeological Outline

Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler


Ahmad Hasan Dani
    The purpose of this book is to retell that story, with a particular emphasis on the historical monuments and the people of Peshawer.

The Return of Faraz Ali

Aamina Ahmad
    But he still remembers the day he was abducted from the home he shared with his mother and sister there, at the direction of his powerful father, who wanted to give him a chance at a respectable life. Now Wajid, once more dictating his fate from afar, has sent Faraz back to Lahore, installing him as head of the Mohalla police station and charging him with a mission: to cover up the violent death of a young girl.It should be a simple assignment to carry out in a marginalized community, but for the first time in his career, Faraz finds himself unable to follow orders. As the city assails him with a jumble of memories, he cannot stop asking questions or winding through the walled city's labyrinthine alleyways chasing the secrets--his family's and his own--that risk shattering his precariously constructed existence.Profoundly intimate and propulsive, The Return of Faraz Ali is a spellbindingly assured first novel that poses a timeless question: Whom do we choose to protect, and at what price?

The Pursuit of Urdu Literature: A Select History

Ralph Russell

The Trial Of Benazir Bhutto: An Insight Into The Status Of Women In Islam

Rafiq Zakaria

The Division Of India: How Pakistan Came Into Being, And The Lingering Dispute Over Kashmir: A Commentary On Historical Events And Political Assessments

Mohammed Naeem Sheikh