Leading and Loving It: Encouragement for Pastors' Wives and Women in Leadership

Lori Wilhite - 2013
    While serving as mentors, counselors, advisors, and even cheerleaders, women carry numerous responsibilities. Lori Wilhite and Brandi Wilson know about this first-hand as the wives of two well-known pastors in America. Everyone has an image in their mind of what they think a pastor's wife should be. The trouble with this picture is that it has never been and never will be accurate. Ministry wives and female ministry leaders face the same real-life struggles as their church members, but have the added stress of sharing in everyone's burdens as well. They are held to impossible standards by those they serve, and the more this ideal of women in leadership is expected, the more we turn up the intensity in the pressure cooker that is life in ministry. In Leading and Loving It, Lori Wilhite and Brandi Wilson offer a support system to help women make connections to get the encouragement that sustains them and become equipped for the ministry God has called them to pursue. They give readers tools for understanding that external pressures and expectations are only important if they fall in line with what God intends for your life and ministry and they give answers for how to deal with criticism, isolation, finding your personal calling, and what happens when you reach a place of burn-out, and more.

The Leader's Compass: A Personal Leadership Philosophy Is Your Key to Success

Ed Ruggero - 2003
    Most leaders recognize that developing these clearly articulated statements is time well spent; they help keep the organization on track and pointed toward clear goals. A written leadership philosophy, which we call "The Leader's Compass", achieves the same thing on a personal level; it lets people know what you expect, what you value, how you'll act, and how you'll measure performance, with the additional benefits of making the workplace less stressful and more productive. And, like a compass, it helps to keep you, the leader, on course".

Not Everyone Gets A Trophy: How to Manage the Millennials

Bruce Tulgan - 2015

The Leadership Sutra: An Indian Approach to Power

Devdutt Pattanaik - 2016
    Her name is derived from the word ‘fortress’ (durg). She is the goddess of kings. She rides a lion, the king of the jungle and a symbol of royalty everywhere from China to England. We tend to tiptoe around the role of power in management, and fail to openly acknowledge how the animal desire to dominate often destroys the best of organizations. Critics tend to see power as a negative thing. But power is a critical tool that affects the implementation of any idea. Any attempt to restrain it with rules results in domestication and resentment, and fails to energize the organization. Leaders often equate themselves with lions, and indulge their desire to dominate when, in fact, the point of leadership is to be secure enough to outgrow the lion within us, and enable and empower those around us. But this is not easy, as anxiety overpowers the best of leaders.Derived from Devdutt Pattanaik’s influential bestseller Business Sutra, this book offers startling and original insights into the exercise of power and leadership. It explores the human quest for significance, the power of rules to rob people of self-esteem, and the need for stability even at the cost of freedom.

The Art of Leadership

Dag Heward-Mills - 2006
    This Bible study answers the question everyone is asking "What would Jesus do" It is God's revelation on how Christians should think in a world whose values and priorities are contrary and often hostile to God and His people. This study will teach you how to escape much of the unbiblical thinking that dominates our world.Lesson titles include"The Surrendered Mind""The Servant Mind""The Settled Mind""The Sanctified Mind"

I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church!

Paul Nixon - 2007
    For this very reason, Paul Nixon refused to lead a dying church. Paul invites you to join his commitment in refusing, ever again, to lead a dying church. This commitment entails six choices: choosing life over death; choosing community over isolation; choosing fun over drudgery; choosing bold over mild; choosing frontier over fortress; and choosing now rather than later.

The First 100 Days: A Pastor's Guide

T. Scott Daniels - 2011
    Not only do these pastors have to transition into a new congregation and community, but they also have to think about building strong relationships with other influential people in the area. Almost every day, pastors of new churches face unexpected hardships and challenges. Some of the issues are financial mismanagement from their predecessor, moral or ethical misbehavior, or unresolved conflict that has just been suppressed long enough to find a new pastor. The fact is, pastors of new churches need guidance. The First 100 Days is for these pastors who need some guidance and insight to help them lead with godly wisdom and purpose during the first few months.

Power of the Tongue

Kenneth Copeland - 1991
    Kenneth Copeland reveals the Bible secret of using words to create, rather than destroy.

Becoming a Leader

Myles Munroe - 1999
    This book uncovers the secrets of dynamic leadership that will turn your leadership potential into a potent reality. To become a front-runner you must successfully overcome the striving, strains and struggles that can become barriers to your effectiveness as a leader. You will be encouraged, provoked and stimulated as "leadership-power" is literally activated within you through the pages of this book.Becoming a Leader will help you to uncover principles that will enable you to lead others wisely; develop the tactfulness that generates the response and respect of those you are leading, and enhance the natural leadership qualities lying dormant within you.

The Right Choice: Resolving 10 Career Dilemmas for Extraordinary Success

Shiv Shivakumar - 2021
    The author shares his wisdom and experiences from his illustrious career as one of India Inc’s longest-serving CEOs. In his trademark straightforward and lucid style, he shares lessons and learnings on each of the ten dilemmas. The book also contains insights and perspectives from twenty-four highly experienced professionals.A successful career is not a straight line; it has many twists and turns where you are faced with difficult choices. Practical and inspiring, The Right Choice will help you navigate these difficult situations-and win in your career.

Don't Manage Your Time-Manage Your Life: Lesson 13 from Leadership Gold

John C. Maxwell - 2012
    Smarter ones learn from others mistakes and successes.John C. Maxwell wants to help you become the smartest leader you can be by sharing Chapter 13, "Don't Manage Your Time-Manage Your Life, "of"Leadership Gold"with you. After nearly forty years of leading, Maxwell has mined the gold so you don t have to. Each chapter contains detailed application exercises and a Mentoring Moment for leaders who desire to mentor others using the book.Gaining leadership insight is a lot like mining for gold. You don t set out to look for the dirt. You look for the nuggets. You ll find them here.

100 Years from Now: Sustaining a Movement for Generations

Steve Murrell - 2013
    Advances in technology, shifts in demographics, and developments in global politics will all play a part in dramatically transforming our future. But this book is not about predicting the future-it's about understanding the principles that will shape it. Scores of youth-oriented church-planting movements have come and gone quickly over the last century, many of them with the potential to literally change the world for Christ. Unfortunately, most didn't survive because they were unable to maintain what made them so effective in their first twenty years.The same mission, values, and culture that inspire movements must also sustain them. Simple to say. Not so easy to do. 100 Years From Now explores the importance of understanding mission, values, and culture in order to grow and sustain a movement for generations."100 Years from Now invites a truly global conversation on what the Spirit is saying to the churches about God's mission for every nation." -Dr. Timoteo Gener, President and Professor of Theology, Asian Theological Seminary

The Leader's Companion: Insights on Leadership Through the Ages

J. Thomas Wren - 1995
    Writings by Plato, Aristotle, Lao-tzu and others demonstrate that the challenges of leadership are as old as civilization. Machiavelli, Tolstoy, Ghandi, and W.E.B. Du Bois provide a wide range of insights into the eternal practice and problems of leadership. Modern masters of leadership such as James MacGregor Burns, John Kotter, and Warren Bennis join such leading practitioners as Max De Pree and Roger B. Smith in discussing contemporary issues in leadership theory and practice.

Be the Better Broker, Volume 1: Become A Top Producer: A Study of Mortgage Agents, Originators and Loan Officers

Dustan Woodhouse - 2015
    This volume (1) focuses on the traits, habits, and skills to start forming before you enter the business. This is the top producer starter kit. This book is about putting you on a path to success prior even to being licensed. Loaded with specific actions to take today, actions that will improve your value to clients and employers alike. Are you ready to Be the Better Broker?

The Culture Solution: A Practical Guide to Building a Dynamic Culture

Matthew Kelly - 2019
    . .Culture is not about bringing your dog to work, free lunches, unlimited vacation, or even casual Fridays. Culture is not a collection of personal preferences.Our thinking about culture has been kidnapped and polluted by the spectacular, attention-grabbing fads that 99 percent of organizations cannot implement. It is time to get beyond these "here today, gone tomorrow" illusions that foster entitlement, complacency, and mediocrity, so we can start implementing the timeless principles that are: The Culture Solution.The six foundational principles of a Dynamic Culture are universal and unchanging. In The Culture Solution, business consultant and New York Times bestselling author of The Dream Manager and Off Balance presents the six enduring principles of a Dynamic Culture in a way that is both intensely practical and inspiring. If you want to . . . grow your business; attract, grow, and retain top talent; learn the key to hiring in the 21st century; teach every person in your organization that they have a role to play in making the culture better today than it was yesterday . . . this book is for you and every person on your team.The thing is and it's quite simple, really everybody wants to belong to a Dynamic Culture. That's why today, more than ever before, organizations are searching for a Culture Solution. Too many books are written just for the leaders of an organization. Finally, we have a definitive and authoritative book about culture that everyone in your organization can and should read.Perhaps you don't believe it is possible to create a Dynamic Culture in your particular type of business. Prepare yourself to be convinced that the culture of any organization can be transformed using the six principles outlined in these pages.As an author, speaker, and consultant, Matthew Kelly has become a once-in-a-generation voice. He has an astounding ability to cut through the noise and deliver a message that is both timely and timeless and he does it in a way that will give you goosebumps, stop you dead in your tracks to reflect on ideas so profound that you simply cannot read on, and make you think he wrote this book just for you. This is what makes Kelly one of the most refreshing and authentic voices of our time. Once every twenty-five years or so a book comes along that completely redefines the way we think about work and the life of an organization. This is that book. Culture will be the most significant issue in business in the coming decades are you ready to create a Dynamic Culture?