Best of
Your Happily Ever After
Dieter F. Uchtdorf - 2011
The author, a member of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, shares insight and advice with the young women of the Church.
Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2011
Through historical accounts, personal experiences, scriptures, and words of latter-day prophets and Relief Society leaders, it teaches about the responsibilities and opportunities Latter-day Saint women are given in Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.
Increase In Learning: Spiritual Patterns For Obtaining Your Own Answers (Spiritual Patterns, #1)
David A. Bednar - 2011
Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. But how can we best learn the things we need to know and do?Elder Bednar emphasizes concepts, patterns, and processes that invite each of us to act and learn fundamental truths for ourselves. Declaring that answers to our questions always are found in the doctrines and principles of the restored gospel, he provides a framework in this book for learning those doctrines and understanding with our hearts.
The Pastor: A Memoir
Eugene H. Peterson - 2011
Steering away from abstractions, Peterson challenges conventional wisdom regarding church marketing, mega pastors, and the church’s too-cozy relationship to American glitz and consumerism to present a simple, faith-based description of what being a minister means today. In the end, Peterson discovers that being a pastor boils down to “paying attention and calling attention to ‘what is going on now’ between men and women, with each other and with God.”
Created for Greater Things
Jeffrey R. Holland - 2011
Holland. But such accomplishments are not achieved by fierce competitiveness, calculated one-up-manship, or cold indifference to others. True greatness will always be predicated upon love, respect, compassion, dignity, prayer, hard work, God. In this collection of memorable quotations, selected from Elder Holland s talks and devotionals given over the past twenty-eight years, his remarkable insights and words of encouragement particularly to women are paired with inspiring visual images in a beautiful gift book designed to lift and strengthen readers in all walks of life.
Healing Promises
Joseph Prince - 2011
See from God’s Word how it’s not about what you must do to be healed—it’s all about resting in the grace of our Lord, who has done everything for you to be healed. Be encouraged and start walking in a greater measure of health today!
Life's Lessons Learned: Personal Reflections
Dallin H. Oaks - 2011
Oaks in the introduction to this unique book. "This is an autobiography of learning and application rather than a compendium of doctrine." Masterfully blending personal experiences with the doctrines of the gospel, Elder Oaks invites us to join him on a journey through some of the turning points in his life and the lessons he has learned through a lifetime of devotion to the Savior. The short but potent chapters offer perceptive observations into such diverse topics as the purpose of adversity, the importance of respecting those with whom we disagree personally or politically, the merits and limitations of law, the blessings of tithing, the seeming conflict between science and religion, the Lord's use of imperfect people to further His work, and the power of the Atonement to recover those who have fallen behind. Elder Oaks also relates the very personal lessons he learned from the death of his wife, June, and from his subsequent marriage to Kristen McMain. Woven throughout the book is Elder Oak's powerful testimony of the Savior and His mission. Life's Lessons Learned is a rare glimpse into the experiences of the heart that have shaped the life of an Apostle of God."
My Daily Catholic Bible: 20 Minute Daily Readings
Paul Thigpen - 2011
Here's the Bible that shows you how.My Daily Catholic Bible, Revised NAB Edition offers a reading plan that divides all of Sacred Scripture into 365 segments, one for each day of the year; features two small, manageable readings for each day, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament; offers an insightful quote from a saint for every day.There's never been an easier way to read the Bible. You don't have to start on January 1. Begin reading on any calendar date and twelve months later you'll have made your way through all seventy-three books of the biblical canon. And a place for a check mark next to each entry makes it simple to keep track of your progress. Plus, you'll know exactly where to start in again if you miss a day or two!
Teachings of Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson - 2011
Monson is the must-have companion to the bestselling, acclaimed biography of President Monson, To the Rescue. This book will be invaluable to readers because it -provides President Monson's teachings in topical format, and includes statements on more than 130 topics, from a discussion on the Aaronic priesthood through comments directed to the youth. -gives quick, easy access to statements on vital gospel topics covering more than a half century of President Monson's teaching. -is the ideal, reliable source for modern prophetic guidance on a host of subjects. -outlines what we should know and how we should live in our time. -includes a scripture index so readers can find what President Monson has taught about specific scriptural passages. -includes a page at the front of the book for readers to record their testimony about the impact of the prophet's teachings in their own lives. This book will be the authoritative collection of our beloved prophet's teachings and an invaluable resource for all who are involved in teaching the gospel.
Sacred Symbols: Finding Meaning in Rites, Rituals, & Ordinances
Alonzo L. Gaskill - 2011
If we do not understand the symbols, we cannot fully understand our covenants. In this new book, author Alonzo L. Gaskill presents divers ancient and modern rituals which are illustrative of symbols and practices Latter-day Saints may recognize. The ordinances of the Gospel are both the vehicle by which we make covenants and also a means by which God seeks to teach us. This truly unique book will guide you to a richer understanding of, and appreciation for, what you hold sacred.
Surrender! The Life Changing Power of Doing God's Will
Larry Richards - 2011
But Scripture and Father Larry Richards can be equally as compelling as he challenges you to go against the grain and do what few are willing to do.A gifted and captivating speaker, preacher, and retreat master... inner city pastor Father Richard's infectious enthusiasm, in-your-face realism and solid teaching will help you see how surrendering to the will of God paves the way to obtaining the peace which surpasses all understanding, that will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (see Phil 4:7).Following in the footsteps of his best-selling "Be a Man" book, Surrender outlines concrete steps you can take to dwell in peace. Simply put, God wants every one of us to be a saint which is a lot of work! It requires developing a plan for your life, in accordance with the Lord's will.
Love Life and See Good Days
Emily Belle Freeman - 2011
Look at things in a different light. Laugh. Uncover the good that may be concealed. Let your perspective allow you to focus on the Lord. Through Him, understanding will come.-Emily Freeman
WikiChurch: Making Discipleship Engaging, Empowering, and Viral
Steve Murrell - 2011
It’s that simple. We make disciples, and He builds the church. But today we often get this exactly backward. We work hard to build our churches with programs and promotions while continuing to neglect the essential practice of discipleship. And we wonder why we struggle. In WikiChurch, Steve Murrell shows you how anyone can make disciples through the simple process of… · Engaging culture and community · Establishing spiritual foundations · Equipping believers to minister · Empowering disciples to make disciples Imagine if every believer, not just leaders, was actively engaged in your ministry. That’s the Book of Acts. That’s a WikiChurch.
Live Loved: Experiencing God's Presence in Everyday Life
Max Lucado - 2011
Each of the 150 devotions include a prayer and Scripture verses that nurture your spiritual life by helping you to live in God’s presence. Live Loved is a wonderful self-purchase for men and women wanting to deepen their relationship with God with a daily devotional. This beautiful 150-day devotional makes a great gift for loved ones needing inspiration or encouragement, birthdays, and holiday gift giving. Each day includes:A ScriptureA timely devotional excerpted from the collection of Max’s worksA thoughtful prayer to bring you closer to HimMax Lucado is a trusted voice and provides his readers easy-to-understand insight on how you can live the way God intended. You can live loved.
Are We Not All Mothers?
Sheri Dew - 2011
In this inspiring booklet, Sheri Dew lovingly explains that it is a woman's calling to help lead the rising generation through the streets of mortality and that women are the Lord's secret weapon whether they have children or not.Sheri says, �As daughters of our Heavenly Father, and as daughters of Eve, we are all mothers and we have always been mothers. . . . Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us.�
The Marks of a Spiritual Leader
John Piper - 2011
Saturated in Scripture, and loaded with practical illustrations, this booklet will be instructive and challenging for anyone in a position of Christian leadership, as well as for anyone aspiring to lead spiritually.
The Fasting Edge: Recover Your Passion. Recapture Your Dream. Restore Your Joy
Jentezen Franklin - 2011
So many circumstances in life deplete our energy, dull our spiritual sharpness, and cause us to lose our edge. In Fasting to Regain Your Edge, Jentezen Franklin shows you how to recharge your spiritual energy through fasting. Full of all new principles gleaned from his twenty years of fasting experience, Franklin shows you how to: - Experience fasting in a whole new way - Regain your spiritual power in six steps - Move from past hurts to joy, mercy, and grace - See God move you into victory
A Return to Virtue
Elaine S. Dalton - 2011
So she decided to run a marathon.Now, years later, she has taken her experiences and insights related to running and woven them into an analogy for an attribute and value she feels passionate about: virtue."I have embarked on a journey to reinstate the word virtue into our vocabulary and our lives," Sister Dalton writes. "We call for a social reform, but what is really needed is a moral reform—a call for a return to virtue." As we run life's race, it is virtue, meaning purity and power, that will sustain us through the long miles.A Return to Virtue is an invitation and a guide to running well the marathon that we call mortality. "Give it 100 percent," says Sister Dalton, "and one day we will be hugging each other and celebrating—victorious—at the finish line!"
God So Loved the World: The Final Days of the Savior's Life
Eric D. Huntsman - 2011
The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection."Gordon B. Hinckley The period from Palm Sunday to Easter morning presents a wonderful opportunity for Latter-day Saints to reflect upon the last days of our Lord's earthly ministry. In God So Loved the World, each chapter examines the scriptural account of the Savior's last days and hours, providing historical context, cultural background, and biblical insights. The book also discusses the significance and personal application of that day's events and suggests additional readings to increase our understanding of the Atonement and draw us closer to the Savior. • A way to refocus our attention from the traditional holiday celebrations and experience a more meaningful observation of Easter. • Can be used as a personal or family study guide/devotional. • Includes a chronology of events leading up to the Resurrection, full-color artwork, photographs of sites, maps, and sidebar articles.
The Michael Wilcox Collection
S. Michael Wilcox - 2011
Michael Wilcox. Now, for the first time, six of his classic talks have been gathered together in one convenient CD collection. Help deepen your appreciation for the gospel and learn from the memorable stories in these favorite messages: The Fourth Watch Walking on Water: When the Lord Asks the Impossible Your Faith Becometh Unshaken: Building Your Testimony Pyramid When All Eternity Shook Seeing As God Sees The Jesus We Need to Know The collection also includes a never- before- published bonus DVD featuring a Michael Wilcox presentation at Time Out for Women.
Replenish: Leading from a Healthy Soul
Lance Witt - 2011
An experienced pastor sounds the alarm about dangers that threaten the soul of a leader, offering hope for a sustainable and enjoyable life.
Final Words: From the Cross
Adam Hamilton - 2011
Despite the serious effort and increased pain required for Jesus to speak as he hung on the cross, Jesus spoke seven"final words"statements that have much to teach us about Jesus, his Father, and ourselves:•Father Forgive Them •Behold Your Son…Behold Your Mother •My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? •Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise •I Thirst •It Is Finished •Into Your Hands I Commit My SpiritIn 24 Hours That Changed the World, Adam Hamilton took us on a Lenten journey through the last day of Jesus' life. Now in this inspiring follow-up book, Hamilton explores these final words as seen and heard through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross. Each chapter begins with the biblical account followed by a first-person story as might have been told from the viewpoint of one of the characters at the cross. Then the chapter explores the meaning of Jesus' dying words for our lives today. Following the last statement, a postscript recounts the words Jesus spoke following his resurrection, including what truly were the final words Jesus spoke while walking this earth.
I Hope You Know How Much I Love You: And Other Advice for a Happier Life
John Bytheway - 2011
With humor and insight, John takes us through invaluable lessons he has learned in order to have a happier life. His advice to be content with ourselves and our accomplishments, reduce stress by striving to have the Spirit with us, choose to be delightful, show more appreciation to those we love, and rely on the Savior, among other great ideas, offers hope to us all. As John states, “Hopefully this book will be a battery charge for our lives.”
Feasting on the Word, Complete 12-Volume Set
David L. Bartlett - 2011
The twelve volumes cover all of the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with moveable occasions. The page layout is truly unique. For each lectionary text, preachers will find brief essays--one each on the exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical challenges of the text. Each volume also contains an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers may make use of it.
Everyday Church: Gospel Communities on Mission
Tim Chester - 2011
We recognize the need to adapt, but are unsure of the way forward. This book offers practical ideas for engaging with secularized society and does so in a way that is enfranchising, helping churches rely on their members instead of one leader with a dynamic personality or specialist skills. Chester and Timmis contend that the solution is an "everyday church" doing everyday mission with no signage except our lives. They organize the book around a missional reading of 1 Peter, since Peter's first-century readers faced a similar situation as aliens and strangers. Gifted communicators and experienced pastors, these authors have proven their ability to be winsome and enlightening, especially in view of their success with Total Church and You Can Change.
Sacrilege: Finding Life in the Unorthodox Ways of Jesus
Hugh Halter - 2011
Jesus's ability to woo people to him and win their hearts was directly related to how he challenged their assumptions about religion. He not only gave them a unique, personal way to follow him but also showed them how to participate with him in his mission.Sacrilege helps readers rethink what it really means to become like Jesus. It exposes the patterns of thinking that have held the church hostage for years and inspires readers to rethink the way they understand Scripture, family, spiritual formation, conversion, church, sin, and more.
The Blessings Of Abraham: Becoming A Zion People
E. Douglas Clark - 2011
Douglas Clark Why study the life of Abraham? What does a man who died nearly four thousand years ago have to do with Latter-day Saints today? In a word, everything. Abraham is our forefather whose covenant we have inherited. Therefore, we are heirs to the abundant blessings of protection and exaltation given him. Abraham's mission is our mission. His life is truly a powerful pattern and invitation for us to come unto Christ. Abraham's life is a story of high drama, set in a dark and decadent world much like our own. It's a tale of grave danger and divine deliverance, deep anguish and overwhelming joy. It's also one of the world's greatest love stories. To tell Abraham's story, it is essential to include Sarah. Together Abraham and Sarah built Zion, and together they should be remembered by their righteous posterity who aspire to build Zion. Drawing on rich sources, including restored scripture, the words of modern prophets, ancient and modern scholars, rabbinic texts, the Qu'ran, early Christian writings, and more, this important volume tells the story of Abraham in a way that will be both meaningful and inspiring to Latter-day Saints. Here is his storyand ours. 6" X 9", 332 pages ISBN 978-1-59811-867-4
Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent and Christmas Reflections for Families
Sarah A. Reinhard - 2011
With new toys and electronics available, why should we focus on this time of anticipation? Most everyone cannot wait for Christmas morning to arrive, but is it for the right reason? Sarah A. Reinhard designed Welcome Baby Jesus for you and your family to capture some of what's intended by the liturgical season of Advent. Each day has a Scripture quote from the Sunday gospel readings, a brief reflection, and an action to complete. With each passing Sunday, your Advent Wreath will grow brighter, your family's faith will grow stronger, and the true meaning of this season will be discovered.View sample pages.Booklet
Reverberation: How God's Word Brings Light, Freedom, and Action to His People
Jonathan Leeman - 2011
the Word of God. In this book, Jonathan Leeman wants you to realize that the Word, working through God's Spirit, is responsible for the growth of God's church and we need to trust it! Leeman not only informs and equips the leadership of local churches for greatest effectiveness in their preaching ministry but explains how to translate that into the life of the church throughout the week. The book also deals with two errors – not trusting the Word (resulting in a pragmatic ministry philosophy) and not living in light of the Word (resulting in a ministry philosophy of ‘preaching is enough’).Reverberation explains the pulpit ministry and traces the theme of how the Word continues through the life of the church. Both theological and practical, Reverberation focuses on how the church hears, responds, discusses, implements and is transformed by the Word. No high-octane production, superstar personalities, or postmodern entreaties, just stuff that is really old, really good, and really powerful!
Soul Work: Confessions of a Part-Time Monk
Randy Harris - 2011
The days of easy answers and sound-bite Christianity are fading.Where do you go to find such faith being lived out? Randy Harris--popular college teacher and well-known preacher--turned to monasteries and hermits in his search for answers."When I decided I wanted to learn how to pray," he explains, "I sought those who had spent their lives praying. When I wanted to learn to 'be still and know that he is God, ' I sought those for whom silence is a way of life. As I sought stability and balance, I found a way of life that has endured for 1500 years. I didn't exactly want to become a monk or hermit, but I did want to learn what they know--and it has become a life-changing journey."Most of us don't have time to visit a monastery or a hermit's retreat for a week or a month. So Randy Harris shows how the monastery can come to us. With wisdom, gentle humor, and captivating insight, Harris guides us on an unforgettable spiritual journey into a hidden world that very few will ever experience. You will learn prayer, humility, surrender, and quietness along this well-traveled path. And you may find yourself becoming a radical Jesus follower.
Momentum: What God Starts, Never Ends
Bill Johnson - 2011
Momentum confronts some of the issues that have hindered personal and corporate Revivals from continuing. The authors share their own perspectives and experiences that they have seen in their own lives on this topic. Every believer has access to live in a momentum that was initiated from the beginning of time. So let’s embrace our inheritance and step into the momentum of the Kingdom!
Through the Advent Door: Entering a Contemplative Christmas
Jan L. Richardson - 2011
Like an Advent calendar, each day opens a new door, offering rich treasures that beckon us deep into this sacred season. Author and artist Jan Richardson accompanies us with images and reflections that are imbued with ancient stories, practices, and traditions. A gift to savor every day. 26 illustrations in color.
Sunset: On the Passing of Those We Love
S. Michael Wilcox - 2011
Although at the time he was not intending that it would ever be published, he gradually came to recognize our “sacred covenant to share our burdens, our mourning, our comforts, and our witnesses.” The lessons he offers in this thoughtful and sensitive book are more than a chronicle of his own journey; they are important reminders to all of us to cherish every day we have with the people we love, to treasure the gift of our mortality, and to turn to the Lord in all our trials.
Grieving with Hope: Finding Comfort as You Journey through Loss
Samuel J. Hodges IV - 2011
Drawing on the successful national recovery program GriefShare, grief experts offer practical direction and hope in the face of loss.
The Circle Maker Participant's Guide: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears
Mark Batterson - 2011
It's time to enter a whole new level of extreme's time to become a circle maker!Through the story of Honi the Circle Maker—a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from it until God answered his prayer for his people—bestselling author and pastor Mark Batterson will help you see that who you become is determined by how you pray. Throughout this guide, Batterson:Clearly and practically lays out what prayer looks like and how it shapes and changes us.Shows you the powerful results and modern-day miracles that come from a courageous prayer life.Helps you, your group, and your entire church begin to identify dreams and future miracles to draw prayer circles around.This Participant Guide provides individual and group activities, between session personal studies, and additional background material that will enhance the experience of the video on The Circle Maker DVD (sold separately).Sessions include:1. Becoming a Circle Maker 2. Little People, Big Risks, and Huge Circles 3. Praying Hard and Praying Through 4. Praying is Like PlantingDesigned for use with The Circle Maker Video Study (sold separately).
Love You, Hate the Porn: Healing a Relationship Damaged by Virtual Infidelity
Mark D. Chamberlain - 2011
“There's nothing virtual about the damage pornography does to a relationship.”The good news is that the marriage itself can be a couple's most powerful tool in healing in a pornography habit. This helpful, informative, and insightful book will help couples learn how to harness that strength to make their marriages more fulfilling than they ever imagined possible.Love You, Hate the Porn helps couples draw together when pornography is threatening to tear them apart.Shows couples how to identify and address vulnerabilities in their relationship.Offers healing advice for spouses.Provides help for the struggling partner to avoid relapse.Focuses on how to make the marriage relationship strong than it was before.
The Essential Works Of Thomas Watson
Thomas Watson - 2011
The Essential Works of Thomas Watson includes 15 classic writings from the beloved Puritan.Contents:-A Body Of Divinity-The Doctrine Of Repentance-A Divine Cordial (All Things For Good)-Religion Our True Interest (The Great Gain Of Godliness)-The Godly Man's Picture (Abridged)-The Beatitudes-The Art Of Divine Contentment-The Lord's Prayer-The Ten Commandments-The Christian Soldier, or Heaven Taken By Storm-The Mischief Of Sin-The Christian's Charter-The Duty Of Self-Denial-A Christian On The Mount: A Treatise Concerning Meditation-Sermon On The Eve Of The Great Ejection
In Search of Holiness
David K. Bernard - 2011
These truths will come alive in your studies and excite you with fundamental principles of holiness as taught in the Scriptures.
Illustrated Book of Mormon Stories
Karmel H. Newell - 2011
Written in accessible language and accompanied by color photographs, background information, explanations, and definitions to help your family understand the significance of each scripture story, this book also includes a section on the golden plates and how they came to be translated and published as the Book of Mormon. Perfect for bedtime stories, individual reading, family scripture study, or family home evening, this timeless volume is sure to become a treasured addition to any LDS home library.
Archibald G. Brown: Spurgeon's Successor
Iain H. Murray - 2011
Brown (1844-1922), instead of following his father to wealth in commerce and banking, built a church to hold 3,000 in the East End of London while still in his twenties. Five thousand eight hundred were to join in 30 years. Almost simultaneously he led mission work among the poor, being described by The Daily Telegraph newspaper as possessing 'a larger practical acquaintance with the homes, and the social horrors of the foulest corners of the East of London than anyone who could well be cited.'
Adam as Israel: Genesis 1-3 as the Introduction to the Torah and Tanakh
Seth D. Postell - 2011
Thus Genesis 1-3, the Torah, and the Hebrew Bible as a whole have an eschatological trajectory. Postell highlights numerous intentional links between the story of Adam and the story of Israel and, in the process, explains numerous otherwise perplexing features of the Eden story. Endorsements: "Dr. Postell has written a brilliant treatise arguing that Genesis 1-3 serves as the literary introduction to the Pentateuch, and, indeed, the entire Tanakh. He is clearly conversant with all the relevant literature and he makes a persuasive case. This is a work that needs to be read carefully and taken seriously." --David M. Howard Jr. Professor of Old Testament Bethel University "In a stimulating study of the first three chapters of Genesis, Dr. Postell has argued convincingly that they were written as fitting prelude to and portent of the ensuing narrative. Instead of looking to presumed parallel or contrasting ancient creation accounts for its meaning, this study confirms that the opening narratives of the Pentateuch exhibit language and themes coherent with the entire narrative that follows. The persuasive argument expressed here points to the necessity of further studies of similar approach to the Hebrew Bible." --Robert Cole Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary "To anyone who suspects that there is a divine order behind the compilation of the Hebrew Scriptures, this excellent work by Seth Postell will confirm that suspicion. Not only has he carefully described the methodology used in evangelical canonical research of the text, he has built upon the existing evidence to further substantiate the approach. Fresh new insights are always pleasing to the theological senses! Research professors and students alike will be strengthened in their devotion to the sacred text and spurred on to answer the research questions that naturally arise from this work." --Gregory Hagg Professor of Bible Exposition/Director The Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies Talbot School of Theology Author Biography: Seth D. Postell, formerly Assistant Professor of Old Testament at the Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies (in partnership with Talbot School of Theology), is currently Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Israel College of the Bible in Netanya, Israel.
Passages: How Reading the Bible in a Year Will Change Everything for You
Brian Hardin - 2011
Though they want to love reading Scripture, they rarely have time for more than a few verses on the run. But the Bible is not meant to be a burden. It is the story of God’s passionate love for His children. It is also not a book of mystical incantations. It is a best friend offering counsel and companionship. And it is not a distant relic, but something very near. Near enough, in fact, to be every reader’s story. So how do Christians delight in this story rather than see it as a source of failure? The founder of the immensely popular Daily Audio Bible, Brian Hardin shows readers how reading through the Bible in a year will change their life and the lives of others. Passages shows readers how to read the Bible and offers practical ideas for immersing themselves in God’s life-giving words. Here readers will discover that reading the Bible can be a breathtaking adventure.
The Cycle of Victorious Living: Commit, Trust, Delight, and Rest in Jesus Christ
T. Scott Daniels - 2011
Earl Lee addressed these peace-stealers many years ago in his classic Cycle of Victorious Living, which has sold more than 100,000 copies. The cycle he identified continues to motivate, reassure, and inspire today.Scott Daniels, now pastor of the same church Dr. Lee led long ago, uncovers once again these truths from Psalm 37 and shares them in a new voice for today's reader.Dr. Lee's original book is printed in its entirety in the back, and study and reflection questions suitable for small groups or personal use are included in the new revision of the original.Whichever version touches and inspires you, know that you will discover the secrets to living above the turmoil and challenges we face today. The abundant life you hear so much about is actually closer than you might think.
And she was a Christian: Why Do Believers Commit Suicide?
Peter Preus - 2011
The author argues from Scripture against the common assumption that a Christian who commits suicide dies as an unbeliever.
Let My People Go: A Call to End the Oppression of Women in the Church
Bob Edwards - 2011
Fortunately, it is fading from our global community. Unfortunately, it persists in the religious traditions of some corners of the institutional church. This book examines how patriarchy became enshrined in church tradition, both Catholic and Protestant. It also explores why male domination continues to oppress women in the church today. It concludes by offering women and men an egalitarian alternative to patriarchy, best exemplified by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Between the Lines: Unlocking Scripture with Timeless Principles
Joseph Fielding McConkie - 2011
Chapters include such titles as:Methods Are Not the Answer, The Best Bible Commentary, What Scripture Says about Scripture, The Doctrine of Common Sense, The Language of Symbols, and Unlocking the Mysteries.To read scripture is one thing; to read it with understanding is quite another, McConkie says. The purpose of this work is to identify the timeless principles that facilitate sound scriptural understanding. In it we will seek to see what scripture says about understanding scripture. We want to drink at the fountainhead, not below the horses.McConkie adds, Gospel understanding is a journey, not a destination. Each day of the journey starts with its own sense of excitement and leads to its own lessons. In each reading of the scriptures, you can find things that were not there the last time you read them.Focusing on one of key purposes of scripture, he says, We do not want to have hearing problems when the Lord speaks. What we want is to be familiar with the sound of his voice. Scripture is our textbook in so doing. Stated simply, revelation begets revelation. Those who study scripture are much more inclined to see and hear where spiritual things are concerned than those who do not.
I Believe I'll Testify: The Art of African American Preaching
Cleophus J. LaRue - 2011
In past volumes, he has brought together great collections of African American preaching to showcase the best preaching from across the country. Here he offers his own insights into what makes for great preaching. Filled with telling anecdotes, LaRue's book recognizes that while great preaching comes from somewhere, it also must go somewhere, so preachers need to use the most artful language to send the Word on its journey.
Five Minute Bible Devotions New Testament
Pamela Kennedy - 2011
Author Pamela Kennedy teams up with her daughter, Anne, to create a delightful Bible devotional that is perfect for morning, bedtime, or anytime. Each two-page devotion features a brief retelling of a New Testament story and its meaning, which is then related to the everyday lives of today's children. Questions follow to help reinforce the message, and a brief prayer and Bible verse complete the text, which is accompanied by whimsical illustrations from Amy Wummer. Ages 4-8.
Lutheran Education: From Wittenberg to the Future
Thomas Korcok - 2011
Korcok examines how the Evangelical understanding of Baptism, vocation, and catechesis has shaped Lutheran education throughout its history. He describes the historical Lutheran model of education and how that model might be used today. This book will be of interest to classical educators and those studying C. F. W. Walther, who features prominently in the research (2011 is the 200th anniversary of Walther's birth).
Praying For Sunday: You, Your Pastor, And The Next Sermon
Michael Fabarez - 2011
The American Covenant: One Nation Under God, Vol. 2: The Constitution, the Civil War, and Our Fight to Preserve the Covenant Today
Timothy Ballard - 2011
Vol 2 spends a great deal of time reviewing the role of Abraham Lincoln and how God raised him up to preserve the Union at a time when it was on the brink of collapse.If you enjoyed Volume 1 you will LOVE Volume 2 of this continuing work!SYNOPSIS:Yes, you know this is a "choice land" given by God, but have you ever considered that perhaps there is a deeper connection-even deeper than you ever imagined-between Heaven and America?Why did the early settlers insist they were the "New Israel"? Why was George Washington's scripture of choice an Old Testament prophecy about the gospel destiny of America? Why did John Adams seek a "Restoration," and why did Jefferson directly prophecy that it would occur shortly after his death and that it would land upon the foundation of the Constitution? Why (and how) did Abraham Lincoln, like a prophet of old, fulfill ancient and modern prophecy? And how did God prepare him for the work he accomplished. You will learn why history has repeated itself in the founding of latter-day Israel, and why did the Founding Fathers feel such a profound connection (in life and death) to "temple" worship?These are but samples of the many puzzle pieces that, when properly assembled, reveal the true nature and purpose of America. Other evidences include symbolic images on our dollar bill, miracles in war, a prophet's warning, a president's prayer, scriptures with cryptic meaning hiding in plain sight-pieces, clues, words and symbols that actually fit perfectly together. Upon finishing this book, you will ask, How did I not see all this before?
Doing What We Came to Do: Living a Life of Love
Ardeth Greene Kapp - 2011
Love enables us to bless others as we reach past our own concerns. Love provides opportunities to heal, to hope, and to have faith - even when dreams have to wait and the challenges of life weigh us down.When we are filled with love, we can make a profound difference in our own lives, in our homes and circles of influence, and in the world in which we live. Love makes it possible for us to do what we came to do.
Getting it Right The Real Problem and God's Perfect Solution
Michael Fabarez - 2011
The Wrong Messiah
Nick Page - 2011
He ate with the wrong people, championed the wrong causes and attracted the wrong kind of supporters. He even spoke with the wrong accent. In fact everything about Jesus of Nazareth was wrong. How could this odd-job man be God's Messiah?
LDS Beliefs: A Doctrinal Reference
Robert L. Millet - 2011
This book is written to Latter-day Saints and is intended to serve as an essential reference, a doctrinal primer on our beliefs. With entries on nearly 400 topics, it has a conversational tone, a cordial and inviting spirit, and serves as a handy onevolume summary of and guide to our distinctive doctrines a book that will be an excellent gift to friends and a useful resource for libraries. If, as President Boyd K. Packer has explained, True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior, then this work, a remarkable contribution to LDS literature, will change your life.
The Eucharistic Communion and the World
John D. Zizioulas - 2011
An Essential Guide to Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Ron Phillips - 2011
The series will contain books describing the basic foundational truths for the Spirit-filled believer. An Essential Guide to Baptism in the Holy Spirit describes the author’s own experience of being baptized by the Holy Spirit. It will demonstrate how the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives today can help us to preach the good news, drive out devils, heal the sick, and see God’s kingdom on the earth grow.
Ancient Christian Wisdom and Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy: A Meeting of Minds- Foreword by H. Tristram Engelhardt
Alexis Trader - 2011
In this innovative study about mental and spiritual health, readers are not only provided with a thorough introduction to the elegant theory and practical techniques of cognitive therapy, they are also initiated into the perennial teachings of ascetics and monks in the Greek-speaking East and Latin-speaking West whose powerful writings not only anticipated many contemporary findings, but also suggest unexplored pathways and breathtaking vistas for human growth and development. This groundbreaking interdisciplinary volume in the art of pastoral counseling, patristic studies, and the interface between psychology and theology will be a coveted addition to the working libraries of pastors and psychologists alike. In addition, it is ideal as a textbook for seminary classes in pastoral theology and pastoral counseling, as well as for graduate courses in psychology dealing with the relationship between psychological models and religious worldviews.
Turning the Tide: Real Hope, Real Change
Charles F. Stanley - 2011
Dr. Charles Stanley knows that the only way the tide will turn is if we as Christian citizens take action. Insisting that we are not powerless and that we can make a difference, Dr. Stanley encourages readers to get down on their knees to pray, then get up on their feet and become involved. We must take action to turn our country away from one that:· Is headed for financial bankruptcy· Views a sinless, peace-loving, benevolent Jesus as one to be vilified· Is becoming more and more taxed, so that the government builds programs that benefit only those in leadership positions· Is negligent in the handling of Israel, as well as unaware of the danger to any nation that challenges Israel’s God-mandated right to exist · Has little regard for the innocent, especially the rights of the unborn, the elderly, and the handicappedThis call to action has never been more needed, and in this inspirational and motivating book, bestselling author Charles Stanley offers practical steps Christians can take to turn the tide. He challenges readers to pray that God will change the direction of our country from one that is blind to the negative impact of socialism to a nation that looks to God for guidance. It’s time, Stanley says, that we take responsibility for the direction of our country and become involved both at a civic level and through fervent prayer.
Bless Her Heart: Life as a Young Clergy Woman
Ashley-Anne Masters - 2011
Presenting real-life, first-person scenarios from young, female pastors in a variety of denominations, church sizes and ministries, this book is intended for young women in ministry, as well as those considering a ministerial calling. This is the first in a new series of books from our collaboration with The Young Clergy Women Project. The series will feature writing from young adult clergy women on topics that give meaning to their lives and ministries.
The Cessation of Miracles
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield - 2011
The signs which accompanied His ministry were but the trailing clouds of glory which He brought from heaven, which is His home. The number of the miracles which He wrought may easily be underrated. It has been said that in effect He banished disease and death from Palestine for the three years of His ministry. If this is exaggeration it is pardonable exaggeration. Wherever He went, He brought a blessing:One hem but of the garment that He woreCould medicine whole countries of their pain;One touch of that pale hand could life restore.
The Future of the Global Church: History, Trends, and Possibilities
Patrick Johnstone - 2011
It weaves together the history, demography, and growth of the major world religions including Christianity, giving us a visual and textual overview of the past, present, and possible future of the global Church. A fascinating glimpse into the next 40 years, FOTGC includes: Data and extrapolations that highlight likely scenarios for evangelical Christian ministry in the coming four decades Interpreted overviews of the worldwide impact of the first 20 centuries of Christianity Comparisons of the impact of Christianity and those of the other world religions Summaries of the past, present, and likely future contributions of the different Christian traditions and streams"
An Essential Guide to Speaking in Tongues
Ron Phillips - 2011
The series will contain books describing the basic foundational truths for the Spirit-filled believer. An Essential Guide to Speaking in Tongues will describe the author’s own experience with speaking in tongues. The author brings great balance to this topic and helps readers to understand that speaking in tongues is a blessing of God that gives us the ability to boldly approach God’s throne with the Holy Spirit’s power and language.
Ceb Bible Map Guide: Explore the Lands of the Old and New Testaments
Anonymous - 2011
It includes the 21 CEB maps (produced by National Geographic) in a beautiful full-color oversize format. A brief narrative that describes what is being shown and what chapters and verses of the Bible are being illustrated accompanies each map. Sidebars, photographs, and timelines bring out interesting facts about the lands of the Bible, featured in maps of Palestine, Egypt, Canaan, Babylonia, the Persian empire, the Hellenistic kingdoms in Daniel, the Roman Empire, Jerusalem, and Paul's journeys. An exhaustive index makes it easy to locate the places mentioned in the Bible.
The End of Evangelicalism? Discerning a New Faithfulness for Mission
David E. Fitch - 2011
Amidst the negative image of evangelicalism in the national media and its purported decline as a church, Fitch asks how evangelicalism's belief and practice has formed it as a political presence in North America. Why are evangelicals perceived as arrogant, exclusivist, duplicitous, and dispassionate by the wider culture? Diagnosing its political cultural presence via the ideological theory of Slavoj Zizek, Fitch argues that evangelicalism appears to have lost the core of its politic: Jesus Christ. In so doing its politic has become ""empty."" Its witness has been rendered moot. The way back to a vibrant political presence is through the corporate participation in the triune God's ongoing work in the world as founded in the incarnation. Herein lies the way towards an evangelical missional political theology. Fitch ends his study by examining the possibilities for a new faithfulness in the current day emerging and missional church movements springing forth from evangelicalism in North America. Endorsements: ""In your hands is one of the sharpest and informed evaluations of the state of evangelicalism. Read it slowly. Ponder it. Plot a better evangelicalism."" --Scot McKnight Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies North Park University ""In compelling fashion, Fitch digs deep to examine how key U.S. evangelical beliefs actually function as an ideology rather than gospel. He calls us from a Christianity that acts as 'ideology' to one that authentically incarnates Jesus' life and mission. What a book! This one will knock you back on your heels."" --Howard A. Snyder Professor of Wesley Studies Tyndale Seminary, Ontario, Canada ""This is a significant book for those wrestling with the theological and cultural integrity of the Evangelical movement in a post-Christian setting."" --John R. Franke Clemens Professor of Missional Theology Biblical Seminary, Hatfield, Pennsylvania ""David Fitch explores three key issues that symbolize the evangelical conundrum-the inerrant Bible, the decision for Christ, and the Christian nation-by reframing them through missional theology. This is a timely and crucial read for those concerned about the evangelical movement."" --Craig Van Gelder Professor of Congregational Mission Luther Seminary, St. Paul About the Contributor(s): David E. Fitch is B. R. Lindner Professor of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary, Lombard IL. He is also a pastor at Life on the Vine Christian Community in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. He is the author of The Great Giveaway (2005).
A Book of Marian Prayers: A Compilation of Marian Devotions from the Second to the Twenty-First Century
William Storey - 2011
StoreyThe Gospel of John records the well-known miracle of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. Before the miraculous event takes place, Mary tells the servants at the wedding, “Do whatever he tells you.” Here, as in nearly all the scriptural accounts involving Mary, she directs the attention to Jesus. So, too, the best of the Marian prayers direct us to Christ.In A Book of Marian Prayers by William G. Storey, readers will discover a vast collection of Christ-centered Marian prayers. These prayers are taken from the great tradition of Catholic devotional prayer, including A Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary, and Novenas to Mary. Also included in the book is a special prayer to Mary written by Pope John Paul II. The prayers span a period of nearly 19 centuries, taking us from the Marian prayers of the early Church to today’s popular Marian prayers.The most comprehensive collection of classic Marian prayers available today, A Book of Marian Prayers will appeal to all Catholics who feel a sense of devotion to Mary. At the same time, these content-rich prayers serve to remind Catholics that Mary does not point us to herself, but rather points us to her Son, Jesus.
Stretch-Structuring Your Ministry for Growth
Jim Wideman - 2011
We want God to send us more kidsand more families. We want to share the Gospel, we want more salvations, and we want more of a movement of God. But let me ask you a question: if He sent those things to you this Sunday, would you be ready? If a hundred new families walked into your church, would you know what to do with them? Would their kids have teachers? Would they even have a classroom? If fifty people who wanted to serve approached you this Sunday, could your system handle it? That's what structure is all about. If you want to know how to make sure your ministry is structured for growth... STRETCH is for you! Children's Ministry Pioneer Jim Wideman share's proven principle's to help you structure your ministry for growth.
Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Barbara J. Newman - 2011
It will enable your church toappreciate those with ASD as persons created in God's imagediscover ten strategies for including people with ASDdevelop an action plan for ongoing ministryReproducible resources include:Sample Interview Questionnaire for Children's MinistrySample Interview Questionnaire for Adult MinistrySample Observation FormSample Parent Permission FormSample Adult Permission FormSample Job Description for Coordinator of Ministry to Children and Adults with Special NeedsSample Individual Spiritual Formation Plan (ISFP)and more!
This We Believe! Meditations on the Apostles' Creed
Timothy C. Tennent - 2011
Timothy C. Tennent brings together a wealth of theological and biblical insight with years of practical experience in making disciples. Broken into 12 chapters, one for each of the great faith declarations of the creed, this resource makes for an excellent introduction or refresher course on the essentials of the Christian faith. It works well for personal or group study as well as a congregation wide journey.
The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, vol. 2: From the Transfiguration through the Triumphal Entry
Thomas A. Wayment - 2011
This collection of highly accessible essays by respected, prominent LDS scholars delves into aspects of the Savior's life and ministry from the Mount of Transfiguration to his triumphal entry at Jerusalem. More than a scriptural commentary, the essays draw from the latest research to develop the historical and social context surrounding these events, offering a more complete view of what actually transpired. Improve your understanding of why crowds became increasingly polarized in their reactions to Jesus Christ, and discover a new wealth of information about the Savior.
Social Justice In Ancient Israel And In The Ancient Near East
Moshe Weinfeld - 2011
Various aspects of this ideal concept are taken into consideration: philological, historical, sociological and theological. Moshe Weinfeld surveys social reforms in the ancient Near East from the third millennium BCE to the Hellenistic period. The first chapters discuss semantics and center in terms that denote social justice, such as social reforms embodied in the terms justice and righteousness and their equivalents in cognate languages. A separate chapter discusses the institutions of Shemitta and Jubilee in ancient Israel. A special discussion is dedicated to justice and righteousness on the individual level. Just as the ruler is commanded to do justice and righteousness - to free his subjects from oppression, so every individual is asked to help the poor and the needy in their distress, which is to do justice and righteousness with others.
Being Jesus in Nashville: Finding the Courage to Live Your Life (whoever and wherever you are)
Jim Palmer - 2011
Over the course of a year that included two near-death experiences, as Palmer set out to disentangle Jesus from the religious machinery of Christianity, he discovered a profound and unexpected answer to the question on his mind: “What would Jesus do?”Exploring what it really means to “be Jesus” in his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, Palmer learns that Jesus was special not because he was more divine than the rest of us, but because he was courageously more human than most. Unfortunately, this realization crystallized for him while he was hanging upside down in his overturned car, expecting to die. When Palmer was miraculously pulled from the wreckage alive, he emerged with a new courage to embrace his life as never before. In Being Jesus in Nashville, Palmer shares his personal stories, ideas, concepts, and an innovative approach to humanity as he learns that being Jesus means seeing people as they truly are;letting it happen, not making it happen; being at peace, whatever happens; putting no limitations on God; living without separation from God;following your own path; living as everyone’s neighbor.With spiritual insight and refreshing theological glimpses, Palmer shares how he traded in his Christianity for Jesus and how this brought him closer to God."
Essentials: Foundational Topics for Christians in Today's World
Greg Laurie - 2011
We want to know what's solid, lasting, and reliable ... and what's not. We want to gain a fresh grip on truths that will steady us, sustain us, secure us, and then release us to accomplish and experience all that God intends for our lives.In the pages of this book, pastor, author, and evangelist Greg Laurie opens up a wide panorama of biblical truth—from the Person of God to heaven and hell, from navigating these times to preparing for the last times. Standing on these life essentials will bring confidence and hope in a turbulent, fast-changing world.
The Holy Trinity
Stephen R. Holmes - 2011
Taking the late twentieth-century revival of the doctrine of the Trinity as a context, this book examines the development of that doctrine from the biblical text to the present day. The book traces and evaluates the exegetical and philosophical debates that led to the settling of the ecumenical doctrine of the Trinity in the fourth century, and then explores how this doctrine was developed, questioned and received through history.
This Is My Body: Ekklesia as God Intended
Keith Giles - 2011
This book will challenge you to consider God's specific, New Testament design for the Body of Christ and how God's blueprint for a temple can only be fulfilled in the lives of His people.
Making Jeremiah Plain: An Old Testament Study Guide for the Book of Jeremiah
Randal S. Chase - 2011
A must for every Book of Mormon, Gospel Doctrine, Seminary, or Institute teacher and student. Making Jeremiah Plain is an essential new study guide for the confusing story and words of the prophet Jeremiah. This volume is without question, the most helpful guide to Jeremiah available today. It unravels the chronological mess that was created when Jeremiah's chapters were scattered, then recovered in confusing non-chronological order by scribes in ancient Israel. Dr. Randal S. Chase, a veteran CES and Institute instructor, unravels the chronological puzzle and provides insights into the culture, language, meaning, and chronology of the writings of Jeremiah in a relaxed and understandable style. The stories, quotes, examples, maps and illustrations are unequaled in any other reference guide of its kind in print today. Readers will find themselves gaining insights and understanding from Jeremiah that have eluded them before. The cover features "Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem," painted in 1630 by Rembrandt. The contents of this book on Jeremiah are taken from Making Precious Things Plain, Volume 9, Old Testament Study Guide, Pt. 3, which contains information on all of the prophets who prophesied in or to Israel after the days of King Solomon. Dr. Chase has also released a volume called Making Isaiah Plain, and 3 volumes each on the Book of Mormon, Church History, the Old Testament, and the New Testament.
Fresh Expressions and the Kingdom of God
Graham Cray - 2011
Theological reflection and stories from front line practitioners in churches in the sacramental traditions (with their heritage of service in poor communities) combine to create a unique, timely and valuable resource which includes contributions from leading names in the study and practice of mission today.
Seek First the Kingdom: Challenging the Culture by Living Our Catholic Faith
Donald Wuerl - 2011
Wuerl lays out a solid foundation for understanding the roots of Catholic laity's participation in the public arena, providing the tools you need to become an insightful ambassador for the kingdom of God. It is ironic that American Christians are at once citizens of a democracy and of a kingdom. Yet it is precisely within the context of the divine kingdom that we have the potential to be the best citizens of our nation. Preparation for undertaking this mission requires a sharpening of our spiritual senses, so that we become living "signs" of the kingdom of God. The heart of Seek First the Kingdom is a masterful survey of the teachings of the Scriptures, theology, and Tradition on citizenship in the Kingdom of God. No mere metaphor, the Kingdom is real and substantial.
Genesis To Deuteronomy Notes On The Pentateuch
C.H. Mackintosh - 2011
Mackintosh's writings were collected into a popular single volume called the Mackintosh Treasury. Likewise, the eight volumes of his Notes on the Pentateuch were collected into a companion volume. These have been reprinted from the 1975 negatives as a handsome two volume set. Additional titles are available in Believers Bookshelf's hardbound edition of C.H. Mackintosh's Short Papers.
Finding Hope: Where to Look for God's Help (Time Out for Women Classics)
S. Michael Wilcox - 2011
Michael Wilcox offers a profound message of hope and encouragement. Using powerful stories from the scriptures, he teaches that hope can be found in looking past obstacles and moving forward with faith, in looking back at past experiences that may have strengthened us for future challenges, and in looking for times when the Savior walks with us. On those days when we may wonder if Heavenly Father has forgotten us, we have the assurance that each of His servants will receive "the light of the countenance of their Lord . . . every man in his hour and in his time and in his season." And although it may not be your hour now, He will come because He is aware of us, He knows our needs, and He will bless us.
The Spirit-Filled Church
Terry Virgo - 2011
Baptism in the Holy Spirit galvanized the young church, equipping and empowering the believers for action, particularly for proclamation. This transformative experience boosted courage, fostered fluency, and granted insights to ordinary men and women--and still does today.The Spirit gives particular gifts. Terry clarifies the distinction between pastors, apostles, and prophets. Every fellowship needs a pastor, someone who can keep the flock close to the Shepherd Himself. Beyond that there is the role of the apostle, whose calling is to act as the master builder. But we are all called to be a prophetic people, able to speak God's word into the current situation, bringing direction, comfort, solutions, and action.This warm and loving description of the work of the Spirit is a delightful articulation of the passion that has driven Terry's life and ministry.
Learning to Minister Under the Anointing - Healing Ministry in Your Church
Randy Clark - 2011
Randy shares the basics of ministering to people by using the 5-step prayer model and the 10-step model for bringing deliverance. Drawing from his years of experience praying for thousands of people, he answers questions about what it looks like when someone is under the Spirit's influence and how to protect people from harm through proper techniques for catching. Randy answers the common questions of where, when and whom may pray for the sick and the importance of the testimony to build faith in others who need healing. This is not an exhaustive study on the healing ministry, but a guide to encourage everyone to use God's gifts to minister to others with assurance. This booklet will increase your confidence to "do what the Father is doing" as you show His love to others.
Before You Go: A Few Sneaky-Good Questions Every Minister Must Answer Before Moving to a New Church (Kindle Edition)
Wade Hodges - 2011
All Minister/Pastor types who are thinking about changing churches. While written from the perspective a Lead Pastor, it will also be a helpful read for ministers filling other staff roles.2. Members of search teams looking to improve their search process.It will give search teams insights into what candidates may be thinking throughout the process, as well as some deeper questions to explore during the interview.3. Ministers who have recently moved to a new church. Much of what is in the book applies to the first year of ministry at a new church too.4. Church leaders: Elders, Deacons, Staff, Ministry Leaders, and Volunteers.Staff transitions are a critical aspect of church life. Every church leader needs to be aware of the behind-the-scenes complexities described in Before You Go.5. Anyone making a career transition. Many of the principles in this book apply to other professions and organizations.
Christianity's Dangerous Memory: A Rediscovery of the Revolutionary Jesus
Diarmuid O'Murchu - 2011
With rich language and clear metaphors, O’Murchu speaks to every Christian who is fed up with a revisionist Christian doctrine based on banal ideas and who desperately seeks affirmation that the Christian faith is a much bigger, deeper, and more challenging institution than churches have ever acknowledged or proclaimed. According to O’Murchu, Jesus was never an earthly prince, but rather the first rebel, a countercultural outsider who sought to empower the oppressed and marginalized while questioning the core beliefs of longstanding institutions—and ultimately paying a mortal price for his convictions. Using this portrait of Jesus, each chapter addresses a range of common human problems that Christ himself overcame, such as understanding others, resolving hostilities, discovering empowerment by suffering, and preserving personal identity in a globalized world. O’Murchu’s stunning conclusions serve to reintroduce the world to the revolutionary Jesus, giving His story new life and relevance for the modern age.
Making Sense of the Church: One of Seven Parts from Grudem's Systematic Theology
Wayne Grudem - 2011
Topics include but are not limited to the invisible church—the church as God sees it; the visible church—the church as Christians on earth see it; the purity of church—the degree of freedom from wrong doctrine and conduct; the primary purpose of the church—ministry to God, believers, and the world; the power of the church—its God-given authority to carry on spiritual warfare, proclaim the gospel, and exercise church discipline; and spiritual gifts—abilities empowered by the Holy Spirit and used in any ministry of the church. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Church helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.
Ashes to Fire Year B Devotional: Daily Reflections from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost
Merritt Nielson - 2011
This book is specifically designed to be used, either individually or for small groups, from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost.Ashes to Fire allows adults and youth to reflect on what God is teaching them instead of just feeding them another video clip or media outlet. It includes essays by multiple pastors and an audio CD with original music by Mark Harris, Dave Clark, Larnelle Harris, and Dan Dean. The book will create an intentional and intensive fellowship with Jesus by guiding readers through worship, personal Bible study, daily devotions, and spiritual readings.
Third Nephi: The Fifth Gospel
Andrew C. Skinner - 2011
Discover why Third Nephi may justly be called the Fifth Gospel and why it's so valuable to the world as you increase your testimony and love for the Savior with this inspiring book.
Letters To Young Preachers
Brent LewisWarren E. Berkley - 2011
Letters written by experienced preachers for younger men, along with several "how to" sections of instruction.
Notes from an Amateur: A Disciple's Life in the Academy
John S. Tanner - 2011
Feasting on the Word, Year A,
David L. Bartlett - 2011
The twelve volumes cover all of the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with moveable occasions. The page layout is truly unique. For each lectionary text, preachers will find brief essays--one each on the exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical challenges of the text. Each volume also contains an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers may make use of it.
Before You Hire a Youth Pastor: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Right Fit
Mark DeVries - 2011
Invest the time and energy in a deliberate, intentional plan for conducting the best search possible!Finding the right youth pastor for your congregation can be a daunting task. Where do you find the best applicants? How should you structure the search process? Which people from your church should interview the candidates?You'll find answers to those questions in Before You Hire a Youth Pastor, along with insights and strategies from Mark DeVries and Jeff Dunn-Rankin. These veteran youth workers and consultants know that the healthiest congregations take responsibility for their student ministries and hire youth pastors who can steward those ministries effectively.Avoid a "normal" search that produces predictable, normal results-a youth worker who isn't aligned to the church's vision, a youth pastor who doesn't stay around long, or any number of other outcomes that limit the vitality of your youth ministry. Instead, use this book as a guide for conducting an "abnormal" search that leads you to the right person for your congregation.This book is the ideal resource for senior pastors and church leaders responsible for hiring a new youth pastor. Before You Hire a Youth Pastor delivers advice and strategies on such topics as:Preparing for an exceptional search Building and structuring your search team Screening and researching candidates Conducting effective interviews Communicating proactively Setting up your new youth pastor to succeedBefore You Hire a Youth Pastor offers a field-tested, step-by-step alternative to rolling the dice. You don't have to settle.
Day by Day with Saint Francis of Assisi: 365 Meditations
Gianluigi Pasquale - 2011
It entices the reader to change profoundly. Looking at Francis who lived in poverty and was utterly in love with Jesus Christ, Christian believers, followers of other religions and even those who declare they have no faith find they have something in common with him, something that stirs their sympathy.Passages taken from Saint Francis's own writings and from the writings of others about him outline his spirit and make it possible to meet the saint as if he were standing next to you. His life, which re-founded a whole civilization, can do the same to anyone who meets him.After eight hundred years there is profound similarity between the people of Francis's time and the people we meet along our streets: they have a hunger for something 'more' -- an unease in the heart that the emptiness of pleasure cannot fill.
Disruptive Grace: Reflections on God, Scripture, and the Church
Walter Brueggemann - 2011
His landmark works in Old Testament theology have inspired and informed a generation of students, scholars, and preachers. These chapters gather his recent addresses and essays, never published before, drawn from all three parts of the Hebrew BibleTorah, prophets, and writingsand addressing the role of the Hebrew canon in the life of the church.Brueggemann turns his critical erudition to those practicesprophecy, lament, prayer, faithful imagination, and a holy economicsthat alone may usher in a humane and peaceful future for our cities and our world, in defiance of the most ruthless aspects of capitalism, the arrogance of militarism, and the disciplines of the national security state.
The Storytelling Church: Adventures in Reclaiming the Role of Story in Worship
Jeff Barker - 2011
Barker, who is professor of theatre and speech at Northwestern College in Iowa and in the doctoral program at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies has written superb, worthwhile, and transformative stories that will inspire, provoke, and encourage readers seeking to enhance their worship experience and deepen readers' capacity to faithfully serve God in their ministries.
The First 100 Days: A Pastor's Guide
T. Scott Daniels - 2011
Not only do these pastors have to transition into a new congregation and community, but they also have to think about building strong relationships with other influential people in the area. Almost every day, pastors of new churches face unexpected hardships and challenges. Some of the issues are financial mismanagement from their predecessor, moral or ethical misbehavior, or unresolved conflict that has just been suppressed long enough to find a new pastor. The fact is, pastors of new churches need guidance. The First 100 Days is for these pastors who need some guidance and insight to help them lead with godly wisdom and purpose during the first few months.