Best of
Principle-Centered Leadership
Stephen R. Covey - 1991
Covey has taught to many of the world's top executives and most influential leaders. Align your organization's resources and structures to increase long-term performance and create a high-trust culture - the ultimate competitive advantage.
The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education
W. Edwards Deming - 1991
Edwards Deming details the system of transformation that underlies the 14 Points for Management presented in Out of the Crisis.... competition, we see now, is destructive. It would be better if everyone would work together as a system, with the aim for everybody to win. What we need is cooperation and transformation to a new style of management.In this book W. Edwards Deming details the system of transformation that underlies the 14 Points for Management presented in Out of the Crisis. The system of profound knowledge, as it is called, consists of four parts: appreciation for a system, knowledge about variation, theory of knowledge, and psychology. Describing prevailing management style as a prison, Deming shows how a style based on cooperation rather than competition can help people develop joy in work and learning at the same time that it brings about long-term success in the market. Indicative of Deming's philosophy is his advice to abolish performance reviews on the job and grades in school.Previously published by MIT-CAES
The Poetry of Self Compassion
David Whyte - 1991
Innocence is the ability to look at the world with fresh eyes. On The Poetry of Self Compassion, David Whyte looks at innocence as a faculty of exploration and a source of courage, compassion and self knowledge.
Agape Leadership
Robert L. Peterson - 1991
In the life of Robert Chapman we have such an example. Chapman was a widely respected Christian leader in England during the last century as a pastor, a teacher, and an evangelist. But he was best known for his remarkable life of love.
Power of the Tongue
Kenneth Copeland - 1991
Kenneth Copeland reveals the Bible secret of using words to create, rather than destroy.
Secrets of Dynamic Communications: Prepare with Focus, Deliver with Clarity, Speak with Power
Ken Davis - 1991
It takes the reader through the process of selecting and developing a theme, giving it focus, fleshing it out, and communicating well with the audience. The first half is devoted to preparation, the second to delivery.Author Ken Davis is frequently hired by individuals and companies around the world to bring his humor and expertise to others in the speaking field, and he is now bringing those concepts to the wider community as well. No abstract theories here, only step-by-step help in preparing and delivering speeches that get results! You’ll soon develop the dynamic speaking skills associated with the very best in the field.
The Servant as Leader
Robert K. Greenleaf - 1991
Powerful, poetic and practical. The Servant as Leader describes some of the characteristics and activities of servant-leaders, providing examples which show that individual efforts, inspired by vision and a servant ethic, can make a substantial difference in the quality of society. Greenleaf discusses the skills necessary to be a servant-leader; the importance of awareness, foresight and listening; and the contrasts between coercive, manipulative, and persuasive power. A must-read.
Mastery: The Art of Mastering Life (Abingdon Classics)
E. Stanley Jones - 1991
Man has learned the art of existing, of getting by somehow with the demands of life, of escaping into half answers; but he knows little about the art of living, about being able to walk up to life, with all its demands, humbly conscious that he has within him a mastery that is able to face this business of living with adequacy. That is life's central lack. All others are marginal lacks. The modern man knows everything about life except how to live it! The thesis of this book will be: a group of ordinary people were mastered by the risen Christ moving into them in the Holy Spirit; and thus mastered, they moved out to master their circumstances and their relationships into a miniature kingdom of God. It is mastery, within and without.
The Cruise of the Raider Wolf (War and Warriors Series)
Roy Alexander - 1991
The Wolf has become a legendary figure—a name connected with strange happenings at sea; but to most people it is only a name. The actual cruise was a shadowy, mysterious affair; and for many reasons the history of the cruise has remained equally vague. Briefly, this raider slipped out of Germany in 1916, and for fifteen months roamed the seas of the world depending for fuel and food on the captures she made. Her very existence depended on these captures not becoming known. Ships encountering the Wolf therefore simply disappeared, their fate unknown. The raider roamed the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific oceans, even touched the Arctic and Antarctic seas. And she capped this unparalleled cruise by running the blockade back to Kiel. Incidentally, the Wolf was the only enemy warship to enter Australian or New Zealand waters. She mined the coasts of both these countries. After the raider’s return to Germany there was a world-wide blaze of publicity. The reception of the Wolf’s men in Berlin was one of the outstanding war events in the German capital. Then the Wolf disappeared from public notice as quickly as she became famous. One reason for this was that Captain Nerger, the raider’s commander, was not a publicity seeker and was not in particularly high favour in Germany. It was necessary to receive him with honour after he brought his ship back from such a cruise, but after that he was quietly moved to an obscure post and was heard of no more. The author was a prisoner aboard the raider for the last nine months of the cruise.
The Nature of the Firm: Origins, Evolution, and Development
Oliver E. Williamson - 1991
Coase published The Nature of the Firm, a classic paper that raised fundamental questions about the concept of the firm in economic theory. Coase proposed that the comparative costs of organizing transactions through markets rather than within firms are the primary determinants of the size and scope of firms. Coase won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economics for this work. This volume derives from a conference held in 1987 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Coase's classic article. The first chapter affords an overview of the volume. It is followed by a republication of the 1937 article, and by the three lectures Coase presented at the conference. These lectures provide a lively and informative history of the origins and development of his thought. Subsequent chapters explore a wide-range of theoretical and empirical issues that have arisen in the transaction cost economic tradition. They illustrate the power of the transaction cost approach to enhance understanding not only of business firms, but of problems of economic organization generally. In addition to Coase's work, contributors include Sherwin Rosen, Paul Joskow, Oliver Hart, Harold Demsetz, Scott Masten, Benjamin Klein, as well as the volume's editors, Oliver E. Williamson, and Sidney G. Winter. The Nature of the Firm includes Coase's acceptance speech for his Nobel Prize in Economics.
The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement
Brian Tracy - 1991
The Hidden Price of Greatness
Ray Beeson - 1991
Bubble wrapped and shipped within24 -48 hours.Read once and put on shelf.
Leadership for the Twenty-First Century
Joseph C. Rost - 1991
More similarities in past decades were found than had been thought; the thread throughout Rost's book is that leadership was conceived of as good management. He develops a new definition and paradigm for leadership in this volume that distinguishes leadership from management in fundamental ways. The ethics of leadership from a postindustrial perspective completes the paradigm. The book concludes with suggestions that can be immediately utilized in helping to transform our understanding of leadership.
A Burden Shared: Encouragement for Those Who Lead
David Roper - 1991
Encourage your leaders with the gift of Roper's biblically based devotional messages that offer guidance, comfort, and support.
Germany and the Second World War: Volume II: Germany's Initial Conquests in Europe
Klaus A. Maier - 1991
The volumes so far published have achieved international acclaim as a major contribution to historical study. Under the auspices of the Militargeschichtliches Forschungsamt (Research Institute for Military History), a team of renowned historians has combined a full synthesis of existing material with the latest research to produce what will be the definitive history of the Second World War.Germany's Initial Conquests in Europe surveys the first year of the war deliberately begun by Nazi Germany. The authors examine the train of interconnected political and military events, and set military operations against the background of Hitler's war policy and general aims, both immediate and long term. Their comprehensive analysis, based on detailed scholarly research, is underpinned by a full apparatus of maps, diagrams, and tables. The conflict took a course quite different from that which Hitler had intended, but nevertheless resulted in a series of conquests for the Third Reich. At the same time, the establishment of hegemony on the European continent confronted the aggressor with new problems.Intensively researched and documented, Germany and the Second World War is an undertaking of unparalleled scope and authority. It will prove indispensable to all historians of the twentieth century.
Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality
Leonard L. Berry - 1991
The authors develop a framework for understanding the interrelationship between quality and marketing in services.
Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness, a Philosophy for Leaders
Peter Koestenbaum - 1991
Since that time world events have caused a dramatic shift in how we think about our lives and our work. Now we grapple with the fundamental questions. How can we live a courageous life and manage anxiety? Is it possible to reach greater heights of ethics and responsibility? Peter Koestenbaum, the preeminent business philosopher, has been a trusted mentor to business leaders worldwide. In this thoroughly revised edition of his classic book he shares his wisdom about the fundamental nature of leadership and shows what it takes to become an exceptional and passionate leader in today's complex world. At the very heart of the book is his Leadership Diamond model--a paradigm that challenges managers to transform their thinking and approach everything with fresh effectiveness in order to reap richer results and become great leaders.
Zemke's Stalag: The Final Days of World War II
Hubert Zemke - 1991
The story in this book of premier ace Hub Zemke's experi-ences on the ground as a prisoner of war in charge of nearly 9,000 POWs is as extraordinary as his adven-tures in the sky, where he broke all records for German planes destroyed in the air.
Women of Influence, Women of Vision: A Cross-Generational Study of Leaders and Social Change
Helen S. Astin - 1991
. . . A wellspring of information--and inspiration--for women in all fields and at all levels." --Booklist "What is distinctive about Women of Influence, Women of Vision is the book's presentation of issues.... Astin and Leland show readers how the women in their sample share a passion for justice.... The narrative, at once unsentimental and celebratory, is remarkably affirming." --Contemporary Psychology "The interview material provides much suggestive data, the chronologies are useful, and the theoretical suggestions stimulating. A worthwhile addition to any library." --Choice "A book for students, for teachers, for scholars, and for any woman who wants to know how the struggles of individual women came to create what is collectively known in this country as the women's movement." --Ann W. Richards, former governor of Texas "Astin and Leland go beyond rhetoric and statistical compilations to actual hands-on experiences and accomplishments. . . . What the authors find bodes well for the future." --Clark Kerr, president emeritus, University of California "The single best book on women and leadership." --Warren Bennis, distinguished professor of business administration, University of Southern California, and author of Why Leaders Can't Lead and On Becoming a Leader
Fund Raising: Evaluating And Managing The Fund Development Process
James M. Greenfield - 1991
Designed for fund-raising executives of organizations both large and small. Included are numerous examples, case studies, check lists, and a unique evaluation of the audit environment of nonprofit organizations.
Boardroom Verities
Jerold Panas - 1991
Boardroom Verities looks at why men and women are willing to join boards and give their time, compassion and commitment. In 80 brief chapters, time-tested truths are presented covering virtually every aspect of what it takes to have a vital board and effective trustees.
Everyone Needs A Mentor
David Clutterbuck - 1991
Talented employees can be stretched to perform even better by exposure to high performing colleagues. Experience can be passed on more effectively one-to-one. Employees from groups that are under-represented in the organisation can be supported and developed by talking to others who have overcome similar barriers. This book shows you what mentoring is and how it differs from coaching. It shows you how to make the business case for mentoring and then how set up, run and maintain your mentoring program. It covers everything from selecting and matching mentors with mentees to how you measure the results. In short: mentoring works. This book tells you how.
Executive Leadership
Ronnie Lessem - 1991
Companies must establish a managerial organization structure that puts competent managerial leaders into suitable roles. The aim of this practical text is to provide a foundation for leadership at a down-to-earth and understandable level.
The Magnificent Mitscher
Theodore Taylor - 1991
attack across the Pacific, is a legend in military circles for developing an entirely new concept of war at sea. His skills as a carrier tactician and genius for leading men rank him with the best World War II combat commanders, yet because he shunned publicity and destroyed his private papers shortly before his death in 1947, his accomplishments are not widely known. Theodore Taylor traces the aviator's brilliant career from its beginnings in 1916, when Mitscher became one of the Navy first pilots. When first published in 1954, it was hailed as a first-class biography that set down the major role played by the admiral in developing the Navy's air program, and is also credited with providing a lively and detailed history of the progress of naval aviation. The author accomplishes all this with compassion, humor, and deep respect for his subject.
Basic Steps Toward Community Ministry
Carl S. Dudley - 1991
The Language of Leadership : Sir Winston Churchill's Five Secrets of Public Speaking and Leadership
James C. Humes - 1991
Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Round: The Pursuit of Racial Justice in the Rural South
Richard A. Couto - 1991
Couto grounds the African American struggle for justice in the lives of ordinary people making extraordinary progress on issues such as land ownership, education, voting, work, and health care in the face of violent repression. Focusing especially on federally-funded community health centers, he closely examines four rural Southern communities: Haywood County, Tennessee; Lee County, Arkansas; Lowndes County, Alabama; and Sea Islands, South Carolina. Through the voices of local leaders, organizers, and activists, the author sensitively depicts efforts to reverse the economic, social, and political deprivation of African Americans in these areas. In their fight for human dignity and equality, these residents established health care centers, registered voters, and improved educational opportunities, relying not only on federal funding but often on personal sacrifice. To place these contemporary narratives in the century-long succession of efforts to redress racial prejudice, Couto selects material from the Civil War to the present for the purpose of illuminating recent events in these areas. He also examines the effects of retracted funding by the Reagan administration. Richard A. Couto is a Professor in the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond.
Managing Your Self
Jagdish Parikh - 1991
Now available in paperback, the book shows students and managers how to contribute effectively and progressively to their organizations while enjoying more effective, dynamic and satisfying professional and personal lives.