The Prosperous Coach: Increase Income and Impact for You and Your Clients

Steve Chandler - 2013
    Say to your clients what no one else would dare to say. And you will have all the clients you ever desire. Whether you are a new coach or you already have a six-figure coaching practice, The Prosperous Coach will show you how to: • Access a set of tools you can use to begin creating your own clients immediately • Sign clients you love while maintaining your integrity • Match your unique skills and talents with the clients you serve • Develop a system that works for you for referrals and new clients, time after time • Make bold, life-changing proposals • Move beyond the deep-seated beliefs that hold most coaches back from success for themselves and their clients • Overcome—forever—the two levels of fear that coaches face • Move from people-pleasing to powerful service • Be a world-class coach with highly committed clients And so much more... Praise for The Prosperous Coach: "A must-read for every coach. Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler offer a revolutionary approach to creating a career and business that you love. No internet marketing. No email list. Just one great relationship at a time." -- Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times best-selling author of Happy for No Reason "The sad truth of the coaching industry is that many of the most caring people give up after a time because they can’t make enough money to survive and thrive. Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin are on a mission to give every coach the chance to succeed on their own terms." -- Michael Neill, founder of Supercoach Academy and author of The Inside-Out Revolution "The Prosperous Coach grabs you by the collar in Chapter 1 and doesn’t let go. My heart is still racing. This is one of the most direct, bold, and provocative books I’ve ever read. You are doing your clients a disservice if you don’t finish it and act upon it immediately." -- Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby and author of Anything You Want "Once in awhile a book comes along which gets you to focus on what really matters – human relationships! The Prosperous Coach is one of those rare gems which inspires, challenges, and allows for no excuses. Its contrarian approach may yet change your business and your life for the better. Grab a copy now!" -- Shama Kabani, best-selling author of The Zen of Social Media Marketing "Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler are business thought leaders who count. They shatter the myth that you can’t create wealth whilst making a big impact on people’s lives." -- Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels and author of Peak "In The Prosperous Coach, seasoned pros Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler reveal the secrets that have catapulted them and their clients to outrageous success." -- Mandy Evans, author of Emotional Options "Rich and Steve have written a fantastic field-guide for creating a successful coaching practice." -- Jamie Smart, author of Clarity "Litvin is a rare breed: a world-class coach who is also an expert at understanding the business of coaching." -- Dr. Sean Stephenson, author of Get Off Your BUT "This book will shake you up. It will challenge you. You will have to show up and serve boldly in order to get the results they promise.

How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority

Clay Scroggins - 2017
    Great leaders don't buy it. Great leaders lead with or without the authority and learn to unleash their influence wherever they are.With practical wisdom and humor, Clay Scroggins will help you nurture your vision and cultivate influence, even when you lack authority in your organization. And he will free you to become the great leader you want to be so you can make a difference right where you are. Even when you're not in charge.

Leaders Eat Last

Simon Sinek - 2013
    His second book is the natural extension of Start with Why, expanding his ideas at the organizational level. Determining a company’s WHY is crucial, but only the beginning. The next step is how do you get people on board with your WHY? How do you inspire deep trust and commitment to the company and one another? He cites the Marine Corps for having found a way to build a culture in which men and women are willing to risk their lives, because they know others would do the same for them. It’s not brainwashing; it’s actually based on the biology of how and when people are naturally at their best. If businesses could adopt this supportive mentality, employees would be more motivated to take bigger risks, because they’d know their colleagues and company would back them up, no matter what. Drawing on powerful and inspiring stories, Sinek shows how to sustain an organization’s WHY while continually adding people to the mix.

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder

Arianna Huffington - 2014
    Arianna Huffington's personal wake-up call came in the form of a broken cheekbone and a nasty gash over her eye -- the result of a fall brought on by exhaustion and lack of sleep. As the cofounder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group -- one of the fastest growing media companies in the world -- celebrated as one of the world's most influential women, and gracing the covers of magazines, she was, by any traditional measure, extraordinarily successful. Yet as she found herself going from brain MRI to CAT scan to echocardiogram, to find out if there was any underlying medical problem beyond exhaustion, she wondered is this really what success feels like? As more and more people are coming to realize, there is far more to living a truly successful life than just earning a bigger salary and capturing a corner office. Our relentless pursuit of the two traditional metrics of success -- money and power -- has led to an epidemic of burnout and stress-related illnesses, and an erosion in the quality of our relationships, family life, and, ironically, our careers. In being connected to the world 24/7, we're losing our connection to what truly matters. Our current definition of success is, as Thrive shows, literally killing us. We need a new way forward. In a commencement address Arianna gave at Smith College in the spring of 2013, she likened our drive for money and power to two legs of a three-legged stool. They may hold us up temporarily, but sooner or later we're going to topple over. We need a third leg -- a third metric for defining success -- to truly thrive. That third metric, she writes in Thrive, includes our well-being, our ability to draw on our intuition and inner wisdom, our sense of wonder, and our capacity for compassion and giving. As Arianna points out, our eulogies celebrate our lives very differently from the way society defines success. They don't commemorate our long hours in the office, our promotions, or our sterling PowerPoint presentations as we relentlessly raced to climb up the career ladder. They are not about our resumes -- they are about cherished memories, shared adventures, small kindnesses and acts of generosity, lifelong passions, and the things that made us laugh. In this deeply personal book, Arianna talks candidly about her own challenges with managing time and prioritizing the demands of a career and raising two daughters -- of juggling business deadlines and family crises, a harried dance that led to her collapse and to her "aha moment." Drawing on the latest groundbreaking research and scientific findings in the fields of psychology, sports, sleep, and physiology that show the profound and transformative effects of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging, and giving, Arianna shows us the way to a revolution in our culture, our thinking, our workplace, and our lives.

CinderGirl: My Journey Out of the Ashes to a Life of Hope

Christina Meredith - 2019
    With nowhere to turn after she graduated from high school, Christina lived in her car for almost a year, working three jobs to survive.As she prayed in her car every day, Christina had no idea that in just a few years, she would be crowned Ms. California. She had no idea that her suffering would one day help others find healing. But she did know that she was destined for more, and she would not give up hope no matter the circumstance.In CinderGirl, Christina tells her piercing and poignant story of leaving behind homelessness to become Ms. California and the founder of a nonprofit organization that provides advocacy for foster care children. With stunning vulnerability, Christina invites us into her childhood home and the heart of a child longing to be loved. She invites us to dig deeper into our own personal courage, even in the most grim of conditions. She asks us to journey with her across the country and deep into a growing faith. And in return, you'll embrace the inherent worth that is yours in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday Morning Coaching ... Eight Simple Truths to Boost Your Career and Your Life

David Cottrell - 2010
    Jobs, Career

The Excellence Habit - How Small Changes In Our Mindset Can Make A Big Difference In Our Lives: For All Who Feel Stuck

Vlad Zachary - 2015
    There are no magic formulas, shortcuts, or secret sauce. The 7-rules, or 3 steps, or 12 laws that promise to change your life - they won’t help, unless you do the work. You will learn from many, yet the most important steps, you need to take on your own. Over the course of your adult life it is always you, who has the most power. You will not always be in control and nobody is. But you can choose to maximize your effect on this planet, on your loved ones and on your personal fulfillment by building an Excellence Habit. The Excellence Habit also examines the distinction between success and excellence. Success is achieving high goals. Excellence is doing the right thing, even when not driving towards any goal. It is a small mindset shift, which will produce big results. Excellence can and will lead to success. Success, on the other hand, can be the biggest enemy of excellence. More often than not success is measured in social influence, recognition and wealth. For those practicing it faithfully - excellence is its own biggest reward.

The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life

Ivanka Trump - 2009
    SUCCESS.CONFIDENCE. PASSION.No one is born with these qualities, but they are the key ingredients for reaching goals, building careers, or taking a blueprint and turning it into a breathtaking skyscraper. In The Trump Card, Ivanka Trump recounts the compelling story of her upbringing as the ultimate Apprentice, the daughter of Donald and Ivana Trump, and shares the life lessons and hardwon insights that have made her a rising star in the business world.From her office in the Trump Organization, where she is a vice president of development and acquisitions and co-founder of The Trump Hotel Collection, to her career as an international model to the launch of her successful jewelry collection, Ivanka offers valuable, practical advice for young women. Whether it's landing that first job, navigating the workplace, or making a lasting impact, Ivanka shows how to:• Use uncertainty to your advantage: thrive in any environment.• Step up and get noticed at work: focus and efficiency will open doors.• Create a strong and consistent identity: your name and reputation are your best assets.• Know what you want: get the most out of any negotiation.The Trump Card also features "Bulletins" from Ivanka's BlackBerry that tap into the wisdom of today's leaders, including Arianna Huffington, Tory Burch, and Cathie Black. "We've all been dealt a winning hand," Ivanka writes, "and it is up to each of us to play it right and smart."

How an iPhone Made Me the Youngest Billionaairee

K SARAFF - 2015
    Based on a true story where the author incurs many failures in life but believes that failure comes to those who deserve something bigger. He continuously fails in many entrepreneurial ventures but his attitude towards great sayings keeps him going. Despite not having the best of qualifications, he defies the rule and the common notion that only qualified make it large. Common beliefs of the masses have been challenged at every point.The mention of the business ventures he undertakes while in college and the problems solved by his early philosophical knowledge. Despite being discouraged by the non-entrepreneurial environment, he dares to rise against the wind. He has done something worth writing and written something worth reading! "Awesome book. Very well written. I recommend this book to every teenager as it would surely transform their lives and it will help them to create opportunities for themselves. We need young entrepreneurs in India."- Verified Purchase on"Amazing book.. i have no words in praise of this book..everyone should read this.. must read for everyone..i assure you, this will change your life.." Verified Purchase on Amazon.inAbout The AuthorK Sraff is an entrepreneur. He has undertaken various profit, non-profit ventures, most of which have been mentioned in the book. He has highlighted on a philosophy that "When you help others, the universe conspires to help you...!" which also sets the core theme of the book. How an iPhone Made Me the Youngest Billionaairee has sold thousands of copies in India and abroad. Widely appreciated with over 200+ ratings in Goodreads, 100+ reviews on Amazon. The book speaks not just about dreams, change, but urges the readers to implement what they conceive!

Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences

Nancy Duarte - 2010
    So why then do so many audiences leave feeling like they've wasted their time? All too often, presentations don't resonate with the audience and move them to transformative action.Just as the author's first book helped presenters become visual communicators, Resonate helps you make a strong connection with your audience and lead them to purposeful action. The author's approach is simple: building a presentation today is a bit like writing a documentary. Using this approach, you'll convey your content with passion, persuasion, and impact.Author has a proven track record, including having created the slides in Al Gore's Oscar-winning An Inconvenient TruthFocuses on content development methodologies that are not only fundamental but will move people to action Upends the usual paradigm by making the audience the hero and the presenter the mentor Shows how to use story techniques of conflict and resolution Presentations don't have to be boring ordeals. You can make them fun, exciting, and full of meaning. Leave your audiences energized and ready to take action with Resonate.

I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time

Laura Vanderkam - 2015
    Now the acclaimed author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast shows how real working women with families are actually making the most of their time.“Having it all” has become the subject of countless books, articles, debates, and social media commentary, with emotions running high in all directions. Many now believe this to be gospel truth: Any woman who wants to advance in a challenging career has to make huge sacrifices. She’s unlikely to have a happy marriage, quality time with her kids (assuming she can have kids at all), a social life, hobbies, or even a decent night’s sleep--but what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it’s made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle?Instead of relying on scattered stories, time management expert Laura Vanderkam set out to add hard data to the debate. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year, and she found some surprising patterns in how these women spend the 168 hours that every one of us has each week. Overall, these women worked less and slept more than they assumed they did before they started tracking their time. They went jogging or to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights with their significant others, and had lunches with friends. They made time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning, fitting the pieces together like tiles in a mosaic—without adhering to overly rigid schedules that would eliminate flexibility and spontaneity. With examples from hundreds of real women, I Know How She Does It proves that women don’t have to give up the things they really want.

Return on Character: The Real Reason Leaders and Their Companies Win

Fred Kiel - 2015
    Countless business authors and analysts have assured us that great leadership demands great character. Time and again, we’ve seen that truth play out, as once-thriving organizations falter and fail under the guidance of leaders behaving badly. Why, then, do so many executives remain skeptical about the true value of leadership character? A winning strategy and a sound business model are what really matter, they argue; character is just the icing on the cake.What’s been missing from this debate is hard evidence: data that shows not only that leadership character matters for organizational success, but how it matters; and concrete evidence that it leads to better business results. Now, in this groundbreaking book, respected leadership researcher, adviser, and author Fred Kiel offers that evidence—solid data that demonstrates the connection between character, leadership excellence, and organizational results.After seven years of rigorous research based on a landmark study of more than 100 CEOs and over 8,000 of their employees’ observations, Kiel’s findings show that leaders of strong character achieved up to five times the ROA for their organizations as did leaders of weak character.Return on Character goes on to reveal:• How leadership character is formed, how it creates value, and how that value spreads throughout the organization• How low-character leaders undermine the success of even the best business plans• How leaders at any level can develop the habits of strong character and “unlearn” the habits of poor characterThe book also provides a character-building methodology—step-by-step advice and techniques for assessing your own character habits and improving your performance and that of your organization.Return on Character provides the blueprint for building your own leadership character and creating a character-driven organization that achieves superior business results.

The 24-Carrot Manager

Adrian Gostick - 2002
    Providing strategies and solutions for the managers of today, this book offers answers for improving employee commitment and profitability by strategically acknowledging employee effort. How is it done? The deceptively simply answer: with carrots.

The Power of Attitude

Mac Anderson - 2004
    In The Power of Attitude, entrepreneur Mac Anderson presents some strong suggestions that can guide readers toward success. A complement to his first book The Nature of Success, this book features the same powerful imagery but emphasizes the internal workings of the mind and heart that drive a person in productive paths. As founder of Successories, the leading manufacturer of inspirational and motivational wall decor, Anderson practices what he preaches with notable results. In his introduction, he writes of his hope to "energize and inspire you to live the life of your dreams, and then also to make a positive difference in the lives of others."

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box

The Arbinger Institute - 2000
    However well intentioned they may be, leaders who deceive themselves always end up undermining their own performance.This straightforward book explains how leaders can discover their own self-deceptions and learn how to escape destructive patterns. The authors demonstrate that breaking out of these patterns leads to improved teamwork, commitment, trust, communication, motivation, and leadership.