Book picks similar to
Introduction to Health Physics by Herman Cember
Elementary Solid State Physics: Principles and Applications
M. Ali Omar - 1975
I also hope that it will serve as a useful reference too for the many workers engaged in one type of solid state research activity or another, who may be without formal training in the subject.
Essentials of Contemporary Management
Gareth R. Jones - 2003
Jones and George are dedicated to the challenge of "Making It Real" for students. The authors present management in a way that makes its relevance obvious even to students who might lack exposure to a "real-life" management context. This is accomplished thru a diverse set of examples, and the unique, and most popular feature of the text, the "Manager as a Person" Chapter 2. This chapter discusses managers as real people with their own personalities, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and problems and this theme is carried thru the remaining chapters. This text also discusses the importance of management competencies--the specific set of skills, abilities, and experiences that gives one manager the ability to perform at a higher level than another in a specific context. The themes of diversity, ethics, globalization, and information technology are integrated throughout.
Epidemiology for Public Health Practice
Robert H. Friis - 1996
With extensive treatment of the heart of epidemiology-from study designs to descriptive epidemiology to quantitative measures-this reader-friendly text is accessible and interesting to a wide range of beginning students in all health-related disciplines. A unique focus is given to real-world applications of epidemiology and the development of skills that students can apply in subsequent course work and in the field. The text is also accompanied by a complete package of instructor and student resources available through a companion Web site.
Fundamentals of Physics, Chapters 1 - 21, Enhanced Problems Version
David Halliday - 2000
This newest edition expands on the strengths of earlier versions, helping students bridge the gap between concepts and reasoning. Students are shown, rather than told about, how physics works and are given the opportunity to apply concepts to real-world problems. Each chapter and concept has been scrutinized to ensure clarity, currency, and accuracy while checkpoints, problem solving tactics, and sample problems help students make sense of new concepts. As always, Fundamentals of Physics covers every aspect of basic physics, from force and motion to relativity and will prepare today's students to be tomorrow's scientists.
Drugs and Society
Glen R. Hanson - 1995
Written In An Objective And User-Friendly Manner, This Best-Selling Text Continues To Captivate Students By Incorporating Personal Drug Use And Abuse Experiences And Perspectives Throughout. Statistics And Chapter Content Have Been Revised To Include The Latest Information On Current Topics.
Pharmacology and the Nursing Process
Linda Lane Lilley - 1996
With an eye-catching design, full-color illustrations, and helpful, practical boxed features that highlight need-to-know information, the new edition of this bestseller continues its tradition of making pharmacology easy to learn and understand.A focus on prioritization identifies key nursing information and helps in preparation for the NCLEX(R) Examination.Presents drugs and their classes as they relate to different parts of the body, facilitating integration of the text with your other nursing courses.Features numerous full-color photos and illustrations pertaining to drug mechanisms of action and step-by-step illustrations depicting key steps in drug administration for various routes, so you can clearly see how drugs work in the body and how to administer medications safely and effectively.Drug Profiles highlight the pharmacokinetics and unique variations of individual drugs.Includes Patient Teaching Tips in each chapter to foster patient compliance and effective drug therapy.Helpful summary boxes are integrated throughout, covering Evidence-Based Practice, Preventing Medication Errors, Laboratory Values Related to Drug Therapy, Cultural Implications, Herbal Therapies, Life Span Considerations, Points to Remember, and Legal and Ethical Principles.Illustrated Study Skills Tips in each unit cover study tips, time management, and test taking strategies related specifically to nursing pharmacology.Includes a convenient tear-out IV Compatibilities Chart that alerts you to drugs that are incompatible when given intravenously.Evolve Student Resources include online access to additional chapter-specific NCLEX(R) review questions, animations, medication errors checklists, IV therapy checklists, printable handouts with need-to-know information about key drug classes, calculators, an audio glossary, answers to case studies and critical thinking activities in the text, frequently asked questions, content updates, nursing care plans covering key drug classes, and online appendices. Critical Thinking Activities and Best Action Questions focus on prioritization, challenging you to determine the best action to take.NCLEX(R) Examination Review Questions now include Alternate-Item Format questions, preparing you for these new types of questions found on the NCLEX(R) exam.New case studies have been added, and all cases now include patient photos along with accompanying questions to provoke critical thinking.Pharmacokinetic Bridges to the Nursing Process sections now cover ACE inhibitors, iron, and women's health issues applying key pharmacokinetics information to nursing practice.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1
Raymond A. Serway - 2003
However, rather than resting on that reputation, the new edition of this text marks a significant advance in the already excellent quality of the book. While preserving concise language, state of the art educational pedagogy, and top-notch worked examples, the Eighth Edition features a unified art design as well as streamlined and carefully reorganized problem sets that enhance the thoughtful instruction for which Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett, Jr. earned their reputations. Likewise, PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, will continue to accompany Enhanced WebAssign in the most integrated text-technology offering available today. In an environment where new Physics texts have appeared with challenging and novel means to teach students, this book exceeds all modern standards of education from the most solid foundation in the Physics market today.
Explorations: Introduction to Astronomy
Thomas T. Arny - 1994
This new edition continues to offer the most complete technology/new media support package available. That technology/new media package includes: Interactives, Animations, and introducing Connect - online homework and course management.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Paul Allen Tipler - 1981
Now in its fourth edition, the work has been extensively revised, with entirely new artwork, updated examples and new pedagogical features. An interactive CD-ROM with worked examples is included. Alternatively, the material on from the CD-ROM can be down-loaded from a website (see supplements section). Twentieth-century developments such as quantum mechanics are introduced early on, so that students can appreciate their importance and see how they fit into the bigger picture.
Ethics in Information Technology
George W. Reynolds - 2002
This book offers an excellent foundation in ethical decision-making for current and future business managers and IT professionals.
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease [with Student Consult Online Access]
Vinay Kumar - 2009
A who's who of pathology experts delivers the most dependable, current, and complete coverage of today's essential pathology knowledge. At the same time, masterful editing and a practical organization make mastering every concept remarkably easy. Online access via Student Consult includes self-assessment and review questions, interactive case studies, downloadable images, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets you view slides at different magnifications. The result remains the ideal source for an optimal understanding of pathology. Offers the most authoritative and comprehensive, yet readable coverage available in any pathology textbook, making it ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation as well as for course work. Includes access to the complete contents online via Student Consult, along with self-assessment and review questions, over 100 interactive clinical case studies, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets users view slides at different magnifications.Delivers a state-of-the-art understanding of the pathologic basis of disease through completely updated coverage, including the latest cellular and molecular biology.Demonstrates every concept visually with over 1,600 full-color photomicrographs and conceptual diagrams - many revised for even better quality.Facilitates learning with an outstanding full-color, highly user-friendly design.
General Chemistry
Darrell D. Ebbing - 1984
Known for its carefully developed, thoroughly integrated, step-by-step approach to problem solving, General Chemistry helps students master quantitative skills and build a lasting conceptual understanding of key chemical concepts. The Ninth Edition retains this hallmark approach and builds upon the conceptual focus through key new features and revisions.
Human Anatomy & Physiology [With Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite and Paperback Book and Access Code]
Elaine N. Marieb - 1989
Marieb and Katja Hoehn have produced the most accessible, comprehensive, up-to-date, and visually stunning anatomy & physiology textbook on the market. Marieb draws on her career as an A&P professor and her experience as a part-time nursing student, while Hoehn relies on her medical education and classroom experience to explain concepts and processes in a meaningful and memorable way. The most significant revision to date, the Eighth Edition makes it easier for you to learn key concepts in A&P. The new edition features a whole new art program that is not only more visually dynamic and vibrant than in previous editions but is also much more pedagogically effective for today's students, including new Focus figures, which guide you through the toughest concepts in A&P. The text has been edited to make it easier than ever to study from and navigate, with integrated objectives, new concept check questions, and a new design program.