Best of


Building Construction Illustrated

Francis D.K. Ching - 2000
    100+ line drawings.

Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision

Richard Hartley - 2000
    This book covers relevant geometric principles and how to represent objects algebraically so they can be computed and applied. Recent major developments in the theory and practice of scene reconstruction are described in detail in a unified framework. Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman provide comprehensive background material and explain how to apply the methods and implement the algorithms. First Edition HB (2000): 0-521-62304-9

Building Big

David Macaulay - 2000
    These questions take him back to the basic process of design from which all structures begin, from the realization of a need for the structure to the struggles of the engineers and designers to map out and create the final construction.As only he can, David Macaulay engages readers’ imaginations and gets them thinking about structures they see and use every day — bridges, tunnels, skyscrapers, domes, and dams. In Building Big he focuses on the connections between the planning and design problems and the solutions that are finally reached. Whether a structure is imposing or inspiring, he shows us that common sense and logic play just as important a part in architecture as imagination and technology do. As always, Macaulay inspires readers of all ages to look at their world in a new way.

Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

Serope Kalpakjian - 2000
    Manufacturing Engineering and Technology describes both time-tested and modern methods of manufacturing engineering materials, and sets the standard for introducing readers to the scope and variety of manufacturing processes.

Fundamentals of Physics, Chapters 1 - 21, Enhanced Problems Version

David Halliday - 2000
    This newest edition expands on the strengths of earlier versions, helping students bridge the gap between concepts and reasoning. Students are shown, rather than told about, how physics works and are given the opportunity to apply concepts to real-world problems. Each chapter and concept has been scrutinized to ensure clarity, currency, and accuracy while checkpoints, problem solving tactics, and sample problems help students make sense of new concepts. As always, Fundamentals of Physics covers every aspect of basic physics, from force and motion to relativity and will prepare today's students to be tomorrow's scientists.

Reservoir Engineering Handbook

Tarek Ahmed - 2000
    This topic encompasses the field of geology, drilling and completion, production engineering and reserves and evaluation.This book details essential information as well as insight and is a comprehensive up-to-date reference tool for the reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers and engineering students alike. Acting as a guide to predicting oil reservoir performance this edition analyses through the analysis of oil recovery mechanisms and performance calculations, and spells out the fundamentals of reservoir engineering and their application through a comprehensive field study. Several examples from a wide variety of applications demonstrate the performance of processes under forceful conditions. Key relationships among the different operating variables are also thoroughly described.

Understanding Flight

David F. Anderson - 2000
    It explains diverse aspects such as wing design, propulsion, and high-speed flight. It tells how airplanes are constructed and perform.

Water Works Engineering: Planning, Design And Operation

Syed R. Qasim - 2000
    * The in-depth, start-to-finish guide to water treatment planning, design, and operations * Easy-to-apply design criteria, procedures, and concepts * Units layout, yard pipings, hydraulic profile, instrumentation, control, and more * Equipment specification, selection, and maintenance In Water Works Engineering, a team of leading water quality professionals present the state-of-the-art in water treatment facility design-and offer thorough, end-to-end guidance for successful planning, design, and operations. The authors begin by introducing the latest advances in water treatment technology, and key future trends. They review each key constituent of water quality and its health significance, as well as today's best unit operations and water treatment processes. Next, they walk step-by-step through water treatment planning and design, including predesign reports, problem definition, and site selection. Coverage includes: * Raw water intake, screening, and aeration * Conveyance, flow measurement, and pumping * Coagulation, flocculation, precipitation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and fluoridation * Complete process trains demonstrating the interrelationships amongst key processes * Practical, real-world techniques for selecting equipment and manufacturers * Nonconventional treatment processes: removing specific constituents that conventional treatment leaves behind The authors provide detailed coverage of aesthetic issues such as color, taste, and odor control; today's best techniques for residuals management; practical guidance on instrumentation and control; a troubleshooting guide for avoiding key design errors, and more. Water Works Engineering is essential reading for all professionals in the field: consulting engineers, equipment manufacturers, and regulatory professionals alike.

Techniques Of Medieval Armour Reproduction: The 14 Th Century

Brian R. Price - 2000
    Through more than 1,000 detailed photos and clear instruction, Brian Price presents a working handbook for aspiring and active armourers who want to develop their skills in the production of medieval armour in the style of the 14th century. The book is divided into four sections: a sweeping history of armour and its production from its medieval roots to its modern revival; a practical introduction to all the tools and supplies necessary to equip a modern workshop; a thorough review of key techniques; and a series of actual courses in constructing armoured defenses for the head, body, arm, hand and leg. Taking the reader through the construction of an authentic medieval harness from conception to completion, Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction is a vital addition to the libraries of serious craftsmen, historians, collectors and researchers.

Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering PE Exam: : A Companion to the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual

Michael R. Lindeburg - 2000
    Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering PE Exam provides you with the breadth-and-depth problem-solving practice you need to successfully prepare for the exam. Build your confidence and improve your problem-solving skillsMore than 500 problems, similar in format and difficulty to the actual examCoordinated with the chapters of the Mechanical Engineering Reference ManualStep-by-step solutions explain how to reach the correct answers most efficientlyComprehensive coverage of exam topics"The Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual, along with the Practice Problems and the Sample Exam, successfully prepared me for the exam." --Adam Ross, PE, Mechanical Engineer

Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making It All Work

Philip C.D. Hobbs - 2000
    It includes essential information on how to build modern electro-optical instruments such as microscopes, cameras, optical inspection equipment, and spectrometers, and optical-related computer equipment.

Engineers' Data Book

Clifford Matthews - 2000
    Engineers' Data Book provides a concise and useful source of up-to-date essential information for the student or practising engineer. Updated, expanded editionEasy to useHandy reference guideCore technical data

Design of Analog CMOS Integrated

Behzad Razavi - 2000
    This text follows three principles: describing the application of each idea with real problems; force the reader to look at concepts from an intuitive point of view; and complement the intuition by rigorous analysis.

Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities

Susumu Kawamura - 2000
    It covers a broadspectrum of water treatment process designs in detail and offersclear guidelines on how to choose the unit, process, and equipmentthat will maximize overall efficiency and minimize maintenancecosts. This book also explores many important operational issuesthat affect today's plant operators and facility designers.This new edition introduces several new subjects, including valueengineering, watershed management, dissolved air flotation process, filtered reservoir (clearwell) design, and electrical systemdesign. It provides expanded and updated coverage of objectives forfinished water quality, instrumentation and control, disinfectionprocess, ozonation, disinfection by-product control, the GACprocess, and the membrane filtration process. Other importantfeatures of this Second Edition include: * Practical guidance on the design of every water treatment plantcomponent * New information on plant layout, cost estimation, sedimentationissues, and more * English and SI units throughout * Help in designing for compliance with water treatment-relatedgovernment regulationsSupplemented with hundreds of illustrations, charts, and tables, Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities, Second Edition is an indispensable, hands-on resource for civilengineers and managers, whether working on new facilities orredesigning and rebuilding existing facilities.

Residential Energy: Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings

John Krigger - 2000
    This book introduces readers to a home's parts, before explaining all the important possibilities for energy conservation. Readers will learn that effective energy conservation requires an integrated approach that identifies the biggest sources of energy waste. Residential Energy is the perfect reference manual for: building inspectors, energy auditors, weatherization technicians, carpenters, heating and air-conditioning specialists, insulation contractors, plumbers, electricians, libraries, and home improvement enthusiasts.

Tesla Papers

Nikola Tesla - 2000
    Tesla's rare article, 'The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with Special Reference to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy' is included. This lengthy article was originally publishing in the June 1900 issue of The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine and it was the outline for Tesla's master blueprint for the world. Tesla's fantastic vision of the future, including wireless power, anti-gravity, free energy and highly advanced solar power. Also included are some of the papers, patents and material collected on Tesla at the Colorado Spring Tesla Symposiums. Tesla was the inventor of the radio before Marconi, and when he demonstrated wireless remote control to the US Navy in the late 1890s, they replied that it was too advanced! Tesla was an eccentric visionary and probably the greatest inventor who ever lived. His basic inventions power the world of today. What was his vision of tomorrow? Find out in The Tesla Papers.

Factory Physics

Hopp - 2000
    It examines operating policies and strategic objectives. Hopp presents the concepts of manufacturing processes and controls within a "physics" or "laws of nature" analogy - a novel approach. There is enough quantitative material for an engineer's course, as well as narrative that a management major can understand and apply.

Electronic Formulas, Symbols & Circuits

Forrest M. Mims III - 2000
    Includes many frequently-used formulas, tables, circuit symbols, and device packages. Design and testing tips are provided to help you plan and troubleshoot your circuits. This is a compilation of four of Forrest Mims's best-selling notebooks: Formulas, Tables & Basic Circuits; Schematic Symbols, Device Packages, Design & Testing; Basic Semiconductor Circuits; and Digital Logic Circuits.

Locks, Safes and Security: An International Police Reference (2 volume set)

Marc Weber Tobias - 2000
    Information on locks, safes and security.

Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering

Anil K. Chopra - 2000
    The new edition from Chopra includes many topics encompassing the theory of structural dynamics and the application of this theory regarding earthquake analysis, response, and design of structures. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed and the manner of presentation is sufficiently detailed and integrated, to make the book suitable for self-study by students and professional engineers.

Electronic Sensor Circuits & Projects, Volume III (Engineer's Mini Notebook)

Forrest M. Mims III - 2000
    Learn about solar cells, photoresistors, thermistors, and magnet switches. Then build circuits that respond to heat, pressure, light, and more. This Engineer's Mini Notebook is a compilation of three of Forrest Mims's notebooks: Sensor Projects; Solar Cell Projects; and Magnet & Magnet Sensor Projects.

Fundamentals of Vibrations

Leonard Meirovitch - 2000
    It contains a chapter on the use of Finite Element Methods in vibrational analysis. It uses worked examples to show the application of MATLAB software in this course.

HVAC Equations, Data, and Rules of Thumb

Arthur A. Bell - 2000
    With 216 HVAC equations from air change rates to swimming pools, this manual also contains definitions, load factors, system data and selection criteria, useful addresses, conversion factors, ASME and ASHRAE code specs and 358 rules of thumb.

Problem Solving Made Almost Easy: A Companion to Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

Charles K. Alexander - 2000
    The workbook contains a discussion of problem solving strategies and 150 additional problems with complete solutions provided.

Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology

John O. Bird - 2000
    No previous background in engineering is assumed, making this an ideal text for vocational courses and introductory courses for undergraduates. This new edition of Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology has been brought fully in line with the new BTEC National specifications in the U.K. for the units: Electrical and Electronic Principles and Further Electrical and Electronic Principles, and the corresponding AVCE units. It is also designed to cover the requirements of Intermediate GNVQ and the new BTEC First specifications. At intervals through the text assessment papers are provided, which are ideal for tests or homeworks. These are the only problems where answers are not provided in the book, but fully worked solutions are available to lecturers only as a free download from the password-protected tutor's area of * A student-friendly text that does not assume any background in engineering* Learn through examples: over 600 problems, 400 worked examples and assessment papers* Includes assessment papers - worked solutions in free lecturer's manual

Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion: Principles, Practice and New Developments

Martin J.L. Turner - 2000
    The first successful launch vehicles were developed in the 1960s from concepts dating back to the 1930s.This practical book written from the perspective of the space scientist deals with the latest applications and propulsion concepts at a level readable by space scientists and students without a formal engineering background.There are seven main topics: Principles of rocket propulsion and base vehicle dynamics; Thermal motors and the thermodynamics of thrust; Liquid propellant motors; Solid propellant motors; Launch vehicles, station keeping and attitude control, interplanetary transfer vehicles and dynamics; New developments: advanced thermal motors; electric propulsion and dynamics of electrically propelled vehicles; Future developments, fission and fusion powered propulsion.

Design Rules, Volume 1: The Power of Modularity

Carliss Y. Baldwin - 2000
    In many industries, changes in products and technologies have brought with them new kinds of firms and forms of organization. We are discovering news ways of structuring work, of bringing buyers and sellers together, and of creating and using market information. Although our fast-moving economy often seems to be outside of our influence or control, human beings create the things that create the market forces. Devices, software programs, production processes, contracts, firms, and markets are all the fruit of purposeful action: they are designed. Using the computer industry as an example, Carliss Y. Baldwin and Kim B. Clark develop a powerful theory of design and industrial evolution. They argue that the industry has experienced previously unimaginable levels of innovation and growth because it embraced the concept of modularity, building complex products from smaller subsystems that can be designed independently yet function together as a whole. Modularity freed designers to experiment with different approaches, as long as they obeyed the established design rules. Drawing upon the literatures of industrial organization, real options, and computer architecture, the authors provide insight into the forces of change that drive today's economy.

Finite Element Method: Volume 3

O.C. Zienkiewicz - 2000
    Written by the pre-eminent professors in their fields, this new edition of the Finite Element Method maintains the comprehensive style of the earlier editions and authoritatively incorporates the latest developments of this dynamic field. Expanded to three volumes the book now covers the basis of the method and its application to advanced solid mechanics and also advanced fluid dynamics. Volume Three: Fluid Dynamics is intended for readers studying fluid mechanics at a higher level. Although it is an ideal companion volume to Volume One: The Basis, this advanced text also functions as a "stand-alone" volume, accessible to those who have been introduced to the Finite Element Method through a different route. Volume 1 of the Finite Element Method provides a complete introduction to the method and is essential reading for undergraduates, postgraduates and professional engineers. Volume 2 concentrates on non-linear solid and structural mechanics and is ideal for postgraduate and professional engineers working in this discipline.

Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components

Robert O. Parmley - 2000
    Parmley'sIllustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components istestimony to centuries of engineering genius that produced the components that make modern mechanical wonders possible. Designed to stimulate new ideas, thisunique, lavishly illustrated and conveniently indexedreference shows you many designs and unique contributions hidden from technical literature for decades. This kaleidoscopic display of thousands of applications helps you find the perfect device quickly, including: *Power transmission ďż˝ gears and gearing...chains, sprockets and ratchets...belts and belting...shafts and couplings...clutches*Connections - seals and and pipe connections...bushings and bearings...locking and clamping...wire and cable*Single components - washers...retaining rings... o-rings...grommets, spacers and inserts...balls..springs...pins...cams...threaded components*Assemblies: fastening and hints...mechansims...linkage...fabrication tips...innovative valving...pumps...creative assembliesYou'll also find design formulas, structural data, nomograms, charts and unusual tables rarely found inconventional technical sources.

Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis

Tom Denton - 2000
    Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis is the only book to treat automotive diagnostics as a science rather than a check-list procedure. Each chapter includes basic principles and examples of a vehicle system followed by the appropriate diagnostic techniques, complete with useful diagrams, flow charts, case studies and self-assessment questions. The book will help new students develop diagnostic skills and help experienced technicians improve even further.This new edition is fully updated to the latest technological developments. Two new chapters have been added - On-board diagnostics and Oscilloscope diagnostics - and the coverage has been matched to the latest curricula of motor vehicle qualifications, including: IMI and C&G Technical Certificates and NVQs; Level 4 diagnostic units; BTEC National and Higher National qualifications from Edexcel; International Motor Vehicle qualifications such as C&G 3905; and ASE certification in the USA.

Spectral Methods in MATLAB

Lloyd N. Trefethen - 2000
    Along with finite differences and finite elements, spectral methods are one of the three main technologies for solving partial differential equations on computers. Since spectral methods involve significant linear algebra and graphics they are very suitable for the high level programming of MATLAB. This hands-on introduction is built around forty short and powerful MATLAB programs, which the reader can download from the World Wide Web. This book presents the key ideas along with many figures, examples, and short, elegant MATLAB programs for readers to adapt to their own needs. It covers ODE and PDE boundary value problems, eigenvalues and pseudospectra, linear and nonlinear waves, and numerical quadrature.

Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook

R. Winston Revie - 2000
    * Offers a global, providing data on corrosion rates of steel in major river systems around the world and atmospheric corrosion rates in many different parts of the world, including polar regions. * Presents the corrosion behavior of many new materials such as weathering steels and newer stainless alloys. * Discusses major advances since the first edition, including the development of many nonmetallic materials, their corrosion behavior, and engineering approaches to their corrosion control.

Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures

Alberto LeĂłn GarcĂ­a - 2000
    The second half of the book can be used in more advanced courses. As pre-requisites the book assumes a general knowledge of computer systems and programming, and elementary calculus. The second edition expands on the success of the first edition by updating on technological changes in networks and responding to comprehensive market feedback.

Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production

Vaclav Smil - 2000
    Smil is the world's authority on nitrogenous fertilizer.The industrial synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen has been of greater fundamental importance to the modern world than the invention of the airplane, nuclear energy, space flight, or television. The expansion of the world's population from 1.6 billion people in 1900 to today's six billion would not have been possible without the synthesis of ammonia.In Enriching the Earth, Vaclav Smil begins with a discussion of nitrogen's unique status in the biosphere, its role in crop production, and traditional means of supplying the nutrient. He then looks at various attempts to expand natural nitrogen flows through mineral and synthetic fertilizers. The core of the book is a detailed narrative of the discovery of ammonia synthesis by Fritz Haber--a discovery scientists had sought for over one hundred years--and its commercialization by Carl Bosch and the chemical company BASF. Smil also examines the emergence of the large-scale nitrogen fertilizer industry and analyzes the extent of global dependence on the Haber-Bosch process and its biospheric consequences. Finally, it looks at the role of nitrogen in civilization and, in a sad coda, describes the lives of Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch after the discovery of ammonia synthesis.

Introducing Mechanics

Brian Jefferson - 2000
    Through the nature of its style and contents it is ideal for both A- and AS-Level Mechanics. Key Points: * Clear text and style * Includes worked examples so that students can work alone * Exercises and examination questions

Project Management for Engineering and Construction

Garold D. Oberlender - 2000
    This book emphasizes the importance of management skills to enable the user to develop his or her own style of project management.

The Bridges of New York

Sharon Reier - 2000
    From the Gothic stone arches and gossamer steel webbing of the Brooklyn Bridge (perhaps the greatest engineering achievement of the 19th century), to the Verrazano-Narrows — the world's longest suspension bridge when completed in 1964 — more than 75 bridges span the city's waterways. This book is a stirring text-and-picture tribute to these awe-inspiring structures.Beginning with Dutch New Amsterdam and continuing to the modern era and the achievements of legendary bridge builder Robert Moses, The Bridges of New York covers nearly 300 years of New York history and a century of accomplishments in modern engineering. At the time of construction, many of the bridges were considered breakthroughs in bridge-building technology.Grouped according to geography and economics — two prime considerations facing bridge engineers — the spans are described in a highly readable text that explains the design principles of cantilever, swing, bascule, and many other bridge types. Over 150 archival engravings and contemporary photographs document the splendor of such remarkable bridges as the Brooklyn, George Washington, Bronx-Whitestone, Manhattan, Queensboro, Triborough, and dozens of smaller spans.A section on bridge maintenance, a glossary, and charts noting each bridge's location, length, height, and other features complete this pictorial treasury — sure to delight engineering and architecture enthusiasts as well as anyone who has ever been astonished by the extraordinary scale and grandeur of New York's bridges.

An Engineers Guide to MATLAB

Edward B. Magrab - 2000
    This highly respected guide helps readers develop a strong working knowledge of MATLAB that can be used to solve a wide range of engineering problems. Since solving these problems usually involves writing relatively short, one-time-use programs, the authors demonstrate how to effectively develop programs that are compact yet readable, easy to debug, and quick to execute. Emphasis is on using MATLAB to obtain solutions to several classes of engineering problems, so technical material is presented in summary form only. This guide can be used in the following ways: - As a reference book for obtaining numerical solutions to a wide range of engineering problems. - As a source of applications of a wide variety of MATLAB solution techniques. - To learn MATLAB. - As a companion book to undergraduate and graduate level textbooks in engineering. KEY TOPICS: Introduction. The MATLAB Environment. Ways to Use MATLAB. Online Help. Some Suggestions on How to Use MATLAB. Organization of the Book and its Goals. Matrices and MATLAB. Matrices and Vectors. Creation of Vectors. Creation of Matrices. Dot Operations. Mathematical Operation with Matrices. Data Input/Output. Strings and Annotated Output. Input/Output Data Files. Cell Arrays. Input Microsoft Excel Files. Program Flow Control. Introduction-Logical Operator. Control of Program Flow. Functions. Creating Functions. User Defined Functions, Function Handles, and feval. MATLAB Functions That Operate on Arrays of Data. MATLAB Functions That Require User-Created Functions. The Symbolic Toolbox and the Creation of Functions. 2D Graphics. Basic 2D Plotting Commands. Graph Annotation and Visual Enhancement. 3D Graphics. Lines in 3D. Surfaces. Design of Machine Elements. Vectors, Forces, and the Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies. Stresses and Deflections in Beams, Columns, and Shafts. Stresses in Spur Gears. Kinematics of a Four-Bar Linkage. Cam Profiles and Synthesis. Hydrodynamic Bearings. PDE Toolbox and the Stress Concentration Factor for Notches in a Thin Plate. Dynamics and Vibrations. Orbital Motions. Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. Vibrations of Thin Beams. Control Systems. Introduction to Control System Design. Representations of Systems in MATLAB. Response of Systems. Design Tools. Design Examples. Fluid Mechanics. Hydrostatics. Internal Viscous Flow. External Flow. Joukowski Airfoils. Open Channel Flow. Heat Transfer. Heat Conduction. Sizing of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. Convection Heat Transfer. Radiation Heat Transfer. Optimization. Definition, Formulation, and Graphical Solutions. Linear Programming. Nonlinear Programming. Single-Objective Constrained Methods. Multiobjective Optimization. Engineering Statistics. Descriptive Statistical Quantities. Probability Distributions. Confidence Intervals. Hypothesis Testing. Linear Regression. Design of Experiments. MARKET: A reference for practicing engineers, this book can be used in several ways: 1) To learn Matlab. 2) As a companion to engineering texts. 3) As a reference for obtaining numerical solutions to a wide range of engineering problems. 4) As a source of applications of a wide variety of Matlab solution techniques.

Secrets from an Inventor's Notebook

Maurice Kanbar - 2000
    All author royalties from this book will be donated to charity.

Thermodynamics And Chemistry

Howard DeVoe - 2000
    This accessible, straightforward treatment of classical thermodynamics focuses on the derivation of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and other topics of interest to scientists and engineers. Although this book is designed for second courses in thermodynamics, there is nonetheless an intensive discussion of basic topics that is intended to reinforce students' understanding of the material. This text reinforces and extends the knowledge the reader has gained from an earlier exposure to thermodynamics. *Inclusion of topics relevant to chemistry, but often omitted from thermodynamics texts-Helps students to extend the applications of fundamental concepts; gives instructors the option to assign these topics. *Several important pedagogical features-Includes problems at the end of each chapter. *Terms and concepts defined in a clear, rigorous, and understandable manner. *Modern symbols and current nomenclature, such as the notation recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. *Clear indication of the conditions under which a particular e

Optical System Design

Robert E. Fischer - 2000
    Fischer, Optical System Design, Second Edition brings you the latest cutting-edge design techniques and more than 400 detailed diagrams that clearly illustrate every major procedure in optical design.This thoroughly updated resource helps you work better and faster with computer-aided optical design techniques, diffractive optics, and the latest applications, including digital imaging, telecommunications, and machine vision. No need for complex, unnecessary mathematical derivations-instead, you get hundreds of examples that break the techniques down into understandable steps. For twenty-first century optical design without the mystery, the authoritative Optical Systems Design, Second Edition features:Computer-aided design use explained through sample problemsCase studies of third-millennium applications in digital imaging, sensors, lasers, machine vision, and moreNew chapters on optomechanical design, systems analysis, and stray-light suppressionNew chapter on polarization including lots of really useful informationNew and expanded chapter on diffractive opticsTechniques for getting rid of geometrical aberrationsTesting, tolerancing, and manufacturing guidanceIntelligent use of aspheric surfaces in optical designPointers on using off-the-shelf opticsBasic optical principles and solutions for common and advanced design problems

Writing Testbenches: Functional Verification of Hdl Models

Janick Bergeron - 2000
    What is clearly needed in verification techniques and technology is the equivalent of a synthesis productivity breakthrough. In the second edition of Writing Testbenches, Bergeron raises the verification level of abstraction by introducing coverage-driven constrained-random transaction-level self-checking testbenches- all made possible through the introduction of hardware verification languages (HVLs), such as e from Verisity and OpenVera from Synopsys. The state-of-art methodologies described in Writing Test- benches will contribute greatly to the much-needed equivalent of a synthesis breakthrough in verification productivity. I not only highly recommend this book, but also I think it should be required reading by anyone involved in design and verification of today's ASIC, SoCs and systems. Harry Foster Chief Architect Verplex Systems, Inc. xviii Writing Testbenches: Functional Verification of HDL Models PREFACE If you survey hardware design groups, you will learn that between 60% and 80% of their effort is now dedicated to verification.

Water Resources Engineering

Larry W. Mays - 2000
    With remarkable range and depth of coverage, Professor Mays presents a straightforward, easy-to-understand presentation of hydraulic and hydrologic processes using the control volume approach. He then extends these processes into practical applications for water use and water excess, including water distribution systems, stormwater control, and flood control. With its strong emphasis on analysis and design, this text will be a resource you'll refer to throughout your career! Features: New! A new chapter covers sedimentation. Practical applications will prepare you for engineering practice. Coverage spans an extraordinary range of topics. Many example problems with solutions will help you hone your problem-solving skills. Practice problems at the end of each chapter offer you the opportunity to apply what you've learned. Includes a review of basic fluid concepts and the control volume approach to fluid mechanics.

Fundamentals of Electric Drives

Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi - 2000
    Most existing books on electric drives concentrate either on converters and waveform analysis (ignoring mechanical load dynamics), or on motor characteristics (giving short shrift to analysis of converters and controllers). This book provides a complete overview of the subject, at the right level for EE students. The book takes readers through the analysis and design of a complete electric drives system, including coverage of mechanical loads, motors, converters, sensing, and controllers. In addition to serving as a text, this book serves as a useful and practical reference for professional electric drives engineers.

Asphalts in Road Construction

Robert N. Hunter - 2000
    Written by an international team of leading experts, it covers all aspects of fully flexible road construction from foundation design through to surface treatment.In recent years, asphalt technology has made significant advances, and this comprehensive work on the subject will be welcome to all in his field. Asphalts in Road Construction details all the major recent innovations but does so without neglecting the fundamental elements of the subject. The book also covers new materials such as stone mastic asphalt and thin surfacings, as well as environmental issues such as spray and noise reduction.

Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines

Stefano Nolfi - 2000
    Inspired by the Darwinian principle of selective reproduction of the fittest, it views robots as autonomous artificial organisms that develop their own skills in close interaction with the environment and without human intervention. Drawing heavily on biology and ethology, it uses the tools of neural networks, genetic algorithms, dynamic systems, and biomorphic engineering. The resulting robots share with simple biological systems the characteristics of robustness, simplicity, small size, flexibility, and modularity.In evolutionary robotics, an initial population of artificial chromosomes, each encoding the control system of a robot, is randomly created and put into the environment. Each robot is then free to act (move, look around, manipulate) according to its genetically specified controller while its performance on various tasks is automatically evaluated. The fittest robots then reproduce by swapping parts of their genetic material with small random mutations. The process is repeated until the birth of a robot that satisfies the performance criteria.This book describes the basic concepts and methodologies of evolutionary robotics and the results achieved so far. An important feature is the clear presentation of a set of empirical experiments of increasing complexity. Software with a graphic interface, freely available on a Web page, will allow the reader to replicate and vary (in simulation and on real robots) most of the experiments.

Solid State Physics

Giuseppe Grosso - 2000
    This book fills that gap. The style is tutorial, simple, and completely self-contained. Solid State Physicsexplains to readers the newest advances in the area of condensed matter physics with rigorous, but lucid mathematics. Examples are an integral part of the text, and they are carefully designed to apply the fundamental principles illustrated in the text to currently active topics of research.

Modern Electroplating

Mordechay Schlesinger - 2000
    This expanded new edition addresses these developments, providing a comprehensive, one-stop reference to the latest methods and applications of electroplating of metals, alloys, semiconductors, and conductive polymers.With special emphasis on electroplating and electrochemical plating in nanotechnologies, data storage, and medical applications, the Fifth Edition boasts vast amounts of new and revised material, unmatched in breadth and depth by any other book on the subject. It includes:Easily accessible, self-contained contributions by over thirty experts Five completely new chapters and hundreds of additional pages A cutting-edge look at applications in nanoelectronics Coverage of the formation of nanoclusters and quantum dots using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) An important discussion of the physical properties of metal thin films Chapters devoted to methods, tools, control, and environmental issues And much more A must-have for anyone in electroplating, including technicians, platers, plating researchers, and metal finishers, Modern Electroplating, Fifth Edition is also an excellent reference for electrical engineers and researchers in the automotive, data storage, and medical industries.

Machinery's Handbook Guide

Franklin Day Jones - 2000
    Allows readers to become more thoroughly familiar with the vast range of contents found in the Handbook. By taking advantage of the opportunity to practice the many practical techniques explained in this Guide, users will be able to obtain the solution or information needed more quickly and easily.

Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945-1974

Asif A. Siddiqi - 2000
    Taking advantage of the Soviet archives, which were opened in the 1990s, Siddiqi has written a groundbreaking work that examines why the Soviet Union fell behind in the space race of the 1960s after changing the course of human history with the first artificial satellite launch, Sputnik, in 1957.

Motor Vehicle

T.K. Garrett - 2000
    This 13th edition has been revised to include coverage of material detailing knowledge and practice relating to safety systems, vehicle integrity, braking systems and more. The established layout of the book is retained, with topics relating to the engine, transmission and carriage unit dealt with in turn. Each chapter features diagrams, sections, schematics and photographs, all of which seek to contribute a clear and concise exposition of the material under discussion.

Science and Communication Circuits & Projects

Forrest M. Mims III - 2000
    This is a compilation of three of Mims's best-selling notebooks: Science Projects; Environmental Projects; and Communication projects.

Mechanics of Deformable Solids: Linear, Nonlinear, Analytical and Computational Aspects

Issam Doghri - 2000
    After the simplest possible, intuitive approach there follows the mathematical formulation and analysis, with computational methods occupying a good portion of the book. There are several worked-out problems in each chapter and additional exercises at the end of the book, plus mathematical expressions are bery often given in more than one notation. The book is intended primarily for students and practising engineers in mechanical and civil engineering, although students and experts from applied mathematics, materials science and other related fields will also find it useful.

After Authority: War, Peace, and Global Politics in the 21st Century

Ronnie D. Lipschutz - 2000
    It also examines the prospects for war and peace in the twenty-first century. During earlier "industrial revolutions," long-standing and apparently stable patterns of social behavior, economic exchange, and political authority came under challenge. Today, post World War Two institutions that were formed to create a peaceful, economically-prosperous world, are under severe challenge by globalization, liberalization, and social innovation. Old hierarchies of power and wealth have been undermined as people take advantage of new economic and political opportunities, and the resulting disruption of expectations leads to fear, uncertainty, instability, and violence.