Best of
Organic Chemistry
Jonathan Clayden - 2000
It treats the subject as a coherent whole, complete with numerous logical connections, consequences, and an underlying structure and language. Employing an approach based on mechanism and reaction type, the book empasizes understanding ideas rather than merely memorizing facts. It shows students how to realistically draw molecules and mechanisms to reveal the fundamental chemistry.Using a fresh, accessible writing style as well as examples from everyday life, the authors explain the basics of organic chemistry carefully and thoroughly. A special focus on mechanism, orbitals, and stereochemistry helps students gain a solid comprehension of important factors common to all reactions. The book's innovative design enhances clarity and instruction with boxes that separate summary information and other material from the main text; a variety of colors that draw attention to items such as atoms, molecules, and orbitals; and figures that are drawn in red with significant parts emphasized in black. Early chapters feature carbonyl group reactions, and later chapters systematically develop the chemistry through discussions of spectroscopy, stereochemistry, and chemical reactions.Each chapter opens with a Connections box, divided into three columns:- Building on: Details material from previous chapters that relate to the current chapter- Arriving at: Provides a guide to the content of the chapter- Looking forward to: Previews later chapters, which develop and expand the current material
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Michael A. Nielsen - 2000
A wealth of accompanying figures and exercises illustrate and develop the material in more depth. They describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than familiar "classical" computers, and the real-world implementation of quantum computers. Their book concludes with an explanation of how quantum states can be used to perform remarkable feats of communication, and of how it is possible to protect quantum states against the effects of noise.
Understanding Analysis
Stephen Abbott - 2000
The aim of a course in real analysis should be to challenge and improve mathematical intuition rather than to verify it. The philosophy of this book is to focus attention on questions which give analysis its inherent fascination.
Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (Introducing Statistical Methods)
Andy Field - 2000
What's new in the Second Edition? 1. Fully compliant with the latest version of SPSS version 12 2. More coverage of advanced statistics including completely new coverage of non-parametric statistics. The book is 50 per cent longer than the First Edition. 3. Each section of each chapter now has a notation - 1,2 or 3 - referring to the intended level of study. This helps students navigate their way through the book and makes it user-friendly for students of ALL levels. 4. Has a 'how to use this book' section at the start of the text. 5. Characters in each chapter have defined roles - summarizing key points, to pose questions etc 6. Each chapter now has several examples for students to work through. Answers provided on the enclosed CD-ROM
Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition
Dan Jurafsky - 2000
This comprehensive work covers both statistical and symbolic approaches to language processing; it shows how they can be applied to important tasks such as speech recognition, spelling and grammar correction, information extraction, search engines, machine translation, and the creation of spoken-language dialog agents. The following distinguishing features make the text both an introduction to the field and an advanced reference guide.- UNIFIED AND COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF THE FIELDCovers the fundamental algorithms of each field, whether proposed for spoken or written language, whether logical or statistical in origin.- EMPHASIS ON WEB AND OTHER PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSGives readers an understanding of how language-related algorithms can be applied to important real-world problems.- EMPHASIS ON SCIENTIFIC EVALUATIONOffers a description of how systems are evaluated with each problem domain.- EMPERICIST/STATISTICAL/MACHINE LEARNING APPROACHES TO LANGUAGE PROCESSINGCovers all the new statistical approaches, while still completely covering the earlier more structured and rule-based methods.
Teaching Reading Sourcebook
Bill Honig - 2000
Organized according to the elements of explicit instruction (what? why? when? and how?), the Sourcebook includes both research-informed knowledge base and practical sample lesson models. Like the first edition, the updated and revised second edition of the Teaching Reading Sourcebook combines the best features of an academic text and a practical hands-on teacher's guide. It is an indispensable resource for teaching reading and language arts to both beginning and older struggling readers.New to the Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 2nd Edition:All new sample lesson modelsMore reproducible activity mastersA whole new section on reading fluencyMore about letter knowledge and multisyllabic word readingMore about the comprehension strategies that good readers useUseful information about the Comprehensive Reading Model (Three-tier Model)Highly respected contributing authors who are experts in the field of reading
Robbins Basic Pathology
Vinay Kumar - 2000
Its clinicopathologic orientation highlights the impact of molecular pathology on the practice of medicine. And, it integrates clinical and anatomic pathology, and discusses laboratory diagnosis of specific disorders.
The Homiletical Plot, Expanded Edition: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form
Eugene L. Lowry - 2000
Craddock and afterword by the author, Eugene L. Lowry, The Homiletical Plot, Expanded Edition follows in the same solid tradition of its predecessor. Upon its release, The Homiletical Plot quickly became a pivotal work on the art of preaching. Instead of comments on a biblical passage, Lowry suggested that the sermon follow a narrative form that moves from beginning to end, as with the plot of a story. This expanded edition continues to be an excellent teaching resource and learning tool for all preachers from introductory students to seasoned clergy.
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
Richard Hartley - 2000
This book covers relevant geometric principles and how to represent objects algebraically so they can be computed and applied. Recent major developments in the theory and practice of scene reconstruction are described in detail in a unified framework. Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman provide comprehensive background material and explain how to apply the methods and implement the algorithms. First Edition HB (2000): 0-521-62304-9
Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 2000
Organized by body system, the book presents the latest information on over 100 critical care disorders. Key information is highlighted in numerous quick-scan tables, illustrations, and flow charts, and icons and sidebars draw attention to essential information. Features include a glossary of important critical care terms and an appendix of web resources.
Aleph Isn't Tough: An Introduction to Hebrew for Adults (Book 1)
Linda Motzkin - 2000
By carefully introducing the letters and vowels of the Hebrew alphabet, the goal is to develop the reader's ability to decode written Hebrew words as well as to ground the learning of Hebrew in the broader sense of its use in Jewish life, ritual, study, and tradition. Each chapter introduces two or three Hebrew letters; through instructional drills and exercises, the reader progressively becomes familiar with key Hebrew vocabulary and its role in Jewish tradition, text, and prayer.
Grammar in Use Intermediate with Answers: Self-study Reference and Practice for Students of English
Raymond Murphy - 2000
The new edition includes an Audio CD and nine units of new material. Two entirely new sections have also been added: Additional Exercises, which give students the opportunity to consolidate what they have learned; and the Study Guide, which helps students figure out which units they need to study. An answer key is included in the back of the book. An edition without answers is also available.
Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology
Edward C. Klatt - 2000
More than 1,000 questions cover everything from the fundamentals of gross and microscopic pathology to the latest findings in molecular biology and genetics. Based on two of the best-selling, most authoritative pathology textbooks-Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th Edition and Basic Pathology, 7th Edition-Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 2nd Edition is an ideal aid for coursework, self-assessment, and examinations in pathology.Offers more than 1,000 questions that follow the clinical vignette style, emphasizing problem solving over rote memorization. Presented in both single-best-answer and extended-matching formats, they reflect levels of difficulty that prepare students for both examinations and the practice of medicine.Provides an answer and a detailed explanation for every question at the end of each chapter.Includes page references and a parallel organization to both Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease and Basic Pathology, making additional information easy to locate.Presents correlative laboratory, radiologic, and physical diagnostic data to enhance readers' understanding of pathophysiology and to integrate pathology with other medical disciplines.Uses numerous full-color illustrations to test readers' diagnostic skills.Delivers a 73-question chapter covering all subjects that mimics a comprehensive final examination.
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription
American College of Sports Medicine - 2000
The Seventh Edition contains the most current public health and clinical information and state-of-the-art, research-based recommendations.Coverage represents the fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that must be mastered by candidates for all ACSM certifications. Written by international experts in numerous fields, the Seventh Edition covers additional topics including arthritis, osteoporosis, dyslipidemia, immunology, and metabolic syndrome.
Clinical Massage Therapy: Understanding, Assessing and Treating Over 70 Conditions
Fiona Rattray - 2000
At 1178 pages, it is extensively researched (over 650 citations in the bibliography), with an index and over 300 illustrations. Therapists and reviewers have found the information readable and easily accessible. Why buy this book? Therapists and Students While few practitioners have only one book on their bookshelf, people have described this text as the ultimate one-stop reference guide for treatment. It covers not only the pathology and anatomy, but also the assessment protocols you need, plus actual treatment plans and client self-care tips for the 70 different conditions listed.
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
Serope Kalpakjian - 2000
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology describes both time-tested and modern methods of manufacturing engineering materials, and sets the standard for introducing readers to the scope and variety of manufacturing processes.
Fundamentals of Physics, Chapters 1 - 21, Enhanced Problems Version
David Halliday - 2000
This newest edition expands on the strengths of earlier versions, helping students bridge the gap between concepts and reasoning. Students are shown, rather than told about, how physics works and are given the opportunity to apply concepts to real-world problems. Each chapter and concept has been scrutinized to ensure clarity, currency, and accuracy while checkpoints, problem solving tactics, and sample problems help students make sense of new concepts. As always, Fundamentals of Physics covers every aspect of basic physics, from force and motion to relativity and will prepare today's students to be tomorrow's scientists.
Exotic Animal Formulary
James W. Carpenter - 2000
Species covered include birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, primates, wildlife, and all kinds of small mammals and pocket pets. This edition is updated with a new chapter on invertebrates, information on the latest drugs, and a colorful new design. Written by clinical and research veterinarian James Carpenter, this book is the only drug formulary on the market created solely for the treatment of exotic animals.Nearly 200 drug tables provide clear, current recommendations on drugs, indications, and dosages used in treating exotic animals, including biological tables with details on therapies and diets, normal blood parameters of common species, venipuncture sites, differential diagnosis, and medical protocols for common conditions.All drug information is reviewed for accuracy, ensuring that this reference remains authoritative and current.Easy-to-use organization divides drug monographs into quick-reference chapters including: Invertebrates, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Sugar Gliders, Hedgehogs, Rodents, Rabbits, Ferrets, Miniature Pigs, Primates, and Wildlife.Additional drug topics include antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiparasitic agents.More than 20 expert authors contribute to this edition.References in each chapter provide resources for further research and study.Convenient appendices provide a single source for information such as classes of drugs used to treat specific exotic animal conditions; efficacy of selected agents used to treat exotic animals; location of select laboratories to perform procedures; normal lab values; conversions; and equivalents.New Invertebrates chapter has been added.New two-color design makes information easier to access at a glance, with drug and biological tables shaded differently for fast lookup.Updated information includes coverage of the latest drugs introduced into the market.Electronic access is available via Pageburst, making it easy to search topics and drugs. Sold separately.
Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns
Nicolas Slonimsky - 2000
Since its publication in 1947, great musicians and composers of all genres -- from Arnold Schoenberg and Virgil Thomson to John Coltrane and Freddie Hubbard -- have sworn by this legendary volume and its comprehensive vocabulary of melodic patterns, for composition and improvisation.
Numerical Optimization
Jorge Nocedal - 2000
One can trace its roots to the Calculus of Variations and the work of Euler and Lagrange. This natural and reasonable approach to mathematical programming covers numerical methods for finite-dimensional optimization problems. It begins with very simple ideas progressing through more complicated concepts, concentrating on methods for both unconstrained and constrained optimization.
Borror and Delong's Introduction to the Study of Insects
Norman F. Johnson - 2000
Numerous figures, bullets, easily understood diagrams, and numbered lists throughout the text help you grasp the material.
Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference
Judea Pearl - 2000
It shows how causality has grown from a nebulous concept into a mathematical theory with significant applications in the fields of statistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, cognitive science, and the health and social sciences. Pearl presents a unified account of the probabilistic, manipulative, counterfactual and structural approaches to causation, and devises simple mathematical tools for analyzing the relationships between causal connections, statistical associations, actions and observations. The book will open the way for including causal analysis in the standard curriculum of statistics, artifical intelligence, business, epidemiology, social science and economics. Students in these areas will find natural models, simple identification procedures, and precise mathematical definitions of causal concepts that traditional texts have tended to evade or make unduly complicated. This book will be of interest to professionals and students in a wide variety of fields. Anyone who wishes to elucidate meaningful relationships from data, predict effects of actions and policies, assess explanations of reported events, or form theories of causal understanding and causal speech will find this book stimulating and invaluable. Professor of Computer Science at the UCLA, Judea Pearl is the winner of the 2008 Benjamin Franklin Award in Computers and Cognitive Science.
The Art of Analog Layout
Alan Hastings - 2000
Clear guidance and advice are provided for those professionals who lay out analog circuits. KEY TOPICS: Matching of resistors and capacitors: Includes causes of mismatch, particularly the hydrogen effect and package shift. MOS Transistors: Covers a brief history of floating gate devices, EPROM and EEPROM. Applications of MOS transistors: Expands information on failure mechanisms, including BVdss/Bvdii, SILC, NBTI/PTBI and GIDL and the difference between electrical and electrothermal SOA. Consideration of failure mechanisms as crucial to layout: Integrates further information into many chapters covering various devices. Standard bipolar, polygate CMOS and analog BiCMOS: Covers all three fundamental processes. MARKET: A valuable reference for professional layout designers.
Cosmology: The Science of the Universe
Edward Harrison - 2000
The first edition of this best-selling book received worldwide acclaim for its lucid style and wide-ranging exploration of the universe. This eagerly awaited second edition updates and greatly extends the first with seven new chapters that explore early scientific cosmology, Cartesian and Newtonian world systems, cosmology after Newton and before Einstein, special relativity, observational cosmology, inflation and creation of the universe. All chapters conclude with a section entitled Reflections containing provocative topics that will foster lively debate. The new Projects section, also at the end of each chapter, raises questions and issues to challenge the reader.
The Prentice Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Garyn G. Roberts - 2000
Designed to heighten interest in a fun and exciting topic, this book will lead readers to meaningful intellectual, social, and historic investigations. Contributing authors include Mary W. Shelly, Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Dickens, Louisa May Alcott, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Bram Stoker, Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jules Verne, Jack London, Ray Bradbury, and Kurt Vonnegut. For fans of science fiction, fantasy, and the stories presented here, who appreciate that they represent the best of humanity, and include potential warnings for where humanity is headed.
Changed Into His Image (Youth Edition)
Jim Berg - 2000
Relationships require enormous amounts of time devoted to personal interaction with the other person. Changed into His Image [Youth Edition] is a thirteen-week study that leads to fellowship with God. Each study unit includes daily activities that explain how to build an intimate and satisfying relationship with God.
Promoting Diversity and Social Justice: Educating People from Privileged Groups
Diane J. Goodman - 2000
The first part of the book helps the educator understand the reasons for resistance and ways to prevent it. The second part explains how educators motivate dominant groups to support social justice. This book is an excellent resource for group facilitators, counselors, trainers in classrooms and workshops, professors, teachers, higher education personnel, community educators, and other professionals involved with educating others about diversity and equity.
Totally Surrounded
Christina Di Stefano Davis - 2000
From the streets of Amsterdam to remote Pacific islands to the jungles of Ecuador and beyond, each international adventure that emerges is a dramatic episode that could be directed only by the hand of God. Surrounded by militant rebels, which doctors, and the Philippine jungle, one woman relentlessly proclaimed the transforming power of God.
Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World
Richard J.A. Talbert - 2000
Book by
Boundary-Layer Theory
Herrmann Schlichting - 2000
This book presents a comprehensive overview of boundary-layer theory and its application to all areas of fluid mechanics, with emphasis on the flow past bodies (e.g. aircraft aerodynamics). It contains the latest knowledge of the subject based on a thorough review of the literature over the past 15 years. Yet again, it will be an indispensable source of inexhaustible information for students of fluid mechanics and engineers alike.
1100 Words You Need to Know
Murray Bromberg - 2000
In addition to its standard vocabulary lists, this edition includes a new section called Panorama of Words. In this feature, each of the 1100 words appears in a sentence selected from among well known novels, plays, poems, and even newspaper editorials and TV broadcasts. The book is a vocabulary builder aimed directly at college-bound high school students, as well as college students who need extra vocabulary help. Students will find word lists with definitions, analogy exercises, entertaining word games, and fascinating words-in-context exercises.
Exploring Creation With General Science
Jay L. Wile - 2000
This version of the course has all of the information found in the print version, PLUS multimedia add-ons such as animations, videos (which do not replace lab experiments), narrations and audio pronunciation guides. The student reads the text from the screen and follows links to multimedia enhancements. It is not a supplement. It is a FULL COURSE! It runs in Internet Explorer, which is included on the CD. The course looks just like a website, which makes it very familiar to most students. There is a navigation frame to the left which allows you to choose any module and any section of the course. The content of that portion of the course will then appear on the right-hand frame. There are animations and videos throughout the course, which make the material fun and interesting. Technical words are also pronounced for the student. There are instructions for conducting hands-on experiments throughout the CD so that the student can have a true laboratory-based science course. All of the materials needed for these experiments are common, household items.There are study guides and tests for every module in the course, and the answers are provided as well. Located on a separate CD that is included with the course, these materials can be printed out so that the student can use them and the parent/teacher can grade them.
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery
Courtney M. Townsend Jr. - 2000
The 17th Edition carries on this distinguished legacy, presenting the world's most thorough, useful, readable, and understandable coverage of the principles and techniques of surgery. Sweeping changes include comprehensive updates to reflect the latest knowledge and techniques...a new, full-color page layout for enhanced ease of reference... a new image bank CD-ROM containing over 1,300 illustrations, intraoperative photographs, tables, diagnostic images, graphs, pie charts, algorithms, and anatomical drawings all downloadable to Powerpoint presentations.Features 50% new contributors and many new chapters, providing fresh insights into every area of surgery.Covers hot new topics such as robotics - endovascular procedures - surgery in pregnant, elderly, and immunocompromised patients - surgery for obesity - minimally invasive surgery - ultrasound for surgeons - the surgeon's role in disaster management - emerging technologies - breast reconstruction - and many more.Uses a new full-color layout and many new full-color illustrations to make the material easier to access and absorb.Includes a new CD that contains all of the book's illustrations, easily importable into Powerpoint presentations.Offers a dedicated web site (sold separately, or as an e-dition package with the book) that delivers the entire contents of the text online-completely searchable-with references hyperlinked to PubMed. The web site will also feature regular updates to reflect new advances in the field, 100 self-assessment questions (with answers) from Sabiston Textbook of Surgery 17th Edition Board Review to facilitate exam study, and Mosby's Drug Consult---a comprehensive drug reference and database.With more than 150 additional contributors. Also available as a multimedia e-dition! See Companion Products for more information.
Intermediate Accounting, Volume 2
Donald E. Kieso - 2000
Intermediate Accounting integrates this new information throughout the chapters so they'll learn how to apply the new global accounting standards. Global examples are presented to clearly show how the information is utilised in the field. The use of various currencies is also explored, which is critical for accountants to know in today's global businesses environment.
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated
Behzad Razavi - 2000
This text follows three principles: describing the application of each idea with real problems; force the reader to look at concepts from an intuitive point of view; and complement the intuition by rigorous analysis.
CNC Programming Handbook
Peter Smid - 2000
Used in hundreds of educational institutions around the world as the primary text for CNC courses, and used daily by many in-field CNC programmers and machine operators, this book literally defines CNC programming. Written with careful attention to detail, there are no compromises. Many of the changes in this new Third Edition are the direct result of comments and suggestions received from many CNC professionals in the field. This extraordinarily comprehensive work continues to be packed with over one thousand illustrations, tables, formulas, tips, shortcuts, and practical examples.The enclosed CD-ROM now contains a fully functional 15-day shareware version of CNC tool path editor/simulator, NCPlotâ„¢. This powerful, easy-to-learn software includes an amazing array of features, many not found in competitive products. NCPlot offers an unmatched combination of simplicity of use and richness of features. Support for many advanced control options is standard, including a macro interpreter that simulates Fanuc and similar macro programs.The CD-ROM also offers many training exercises based on individual chapters, along with solutions and detailed explanations. Special programming and machining examples are provided as well, in form of complete machine files, useful as actual programming resources. Virtually all files use Adobe PDF format and are set to high resolution printing.FEATURES Fully functional shareware version of CNC toolpath simulator/editor, NCPlot(TM), included on the CD-ROM. This powerful software includes an amazing array of features, including those not found in competitive products. Support for many advanced features is standard, and the included macro interpreter can simulate Fanuc and compatible macro toolpath programs Detailed section on CNC lathes with live tooling, including examples Image files of many actual parts, used as examples More programming examples (both in printed text and on the CD-ROM) Optimized for the latest Fanuc and related control systems Additional formulas, calculations and handy reference material Fourth axis programming (indexing and rotary) CD-ROM based projects, including several as interactive PDF forms Improved index for better search of topics
Vector Calculus
Paul C. Matthews - 2000
It pro vides a way to describe physical quantities in three-dimensional space and the way in which these quantities vary. Many topics in the physical sciences can be analysed mathematically using the techniques of vector calculus. These top ics include fluid dynamics, solid mechanics and electromagnetism, all of which involve a description of vector and scalar quantities in three dimensions. This book assumes no previous knowledge of vectors. However, it is assumed that the reader has a knowledge of basic calculus, including differentiation, integration and partial differentiation. Some knowledge of linear algebra is also required, particularly the concepts of matrices and determinants. The book is designed to be self-contained, so that it is suitable for a pro gramme of individual study. Each of the eight chapters introduces a new topic, and to facilitate understanding of the material, frequent reference is made to physical applications. The physical nature of the subject is clarified with over sixty diagrams, which provide an important aid to the comprehension of the new concepts. Following the introduction of each new topic, worked examples are provided. It is essential that these are studied carefully, so that a full un derstanding is developed before moving ahead. Like much of mathematics, each section of the book is built on the foundations laid in the earlier sections and chapters.
Your Unix: The Ultimate Guide
Sumitabha Das - 2000
It is also useful for any introductory programming course that includes Unix, and for advanced courses such as those on Operating Systems and System Administration. It also features coverage of Linux, where Linux differs from UNIX.
Real Analysis
N.L. Carothers - 2000
Presupposing only a modest background in real analysis or advanced calculus, the book offers something of value to specialists and nonspecialists alike. The text covers three major topics: metric and normed linear spaces, function spaces, and Lebesgue measure and integration on the line. In an informal, down-to-earth style, the author gives motivation and overview of new ideas, while still supplying full details and complete proofs. He provides a great many exercises and suggestions for further study.
Photographic Atlas of Entomology and Guide to Insect Identification
James L. Castner - 2000
Photographs cover some 190 arthropod taxa (including 30 insect and 8 arachnid orders), accompanied by explanations and illustrations of external anatomy and insect development. Dichotomous keys to the family level are included for the major orders, as well as a glossary of specialized terms. Entomology professors and lab instructors will appreciate the consistency from one lab section to the next. Students will appreciate that the main characters used in identification are already listed, allowing more time to be spent in examining actual specimens. This work permits students to take an insect reference collection home with them.
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
Stephen H. Penman - 2000
Students learn to view a firm through its financial statements and to carry out the appropriate financial statement analysis to value the firm's debt and equity. The book takes an activist approach to investing, showing how the analyst challenges the current market price of a share by analyzing the fundamentals. With a careful assessment of accounting quality, accounting comes to life as it is integrated with the modern theory of finance to develop practical analysis and valuation tools for active investing.
Developmental Juvenile Osteology
Louise Scheuer - 2000
This volume collates information never before assembled in one volume. Profusely illustrated with high quality drawings, it also provides a complete description of the adult skeleton and its anomalies.
Residential Energy: Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings
John Krigger - 2000
This book introduces readers to a home's parts, before explaining all the important possibilities for energy conservation. Readers will learn that effective energy conservation requires an integrated approach that identifies the biggest sources of energy waste. Residential Energy is the perfect reference manual for: building inspectors, energy auditors, weatherization technicians, carpenters, heating and air-conditioning specialists, insulation contractors, plumbers, electricians, libraries, and home improvement enthusiasts.
The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium (with AceAstronomy(TM), Virtual Astronomy Labs Printed Access Card)
Jay M. Pasachoff - 2000
This brief, beautifully illustrated text - one of the briefest available for the course - offers concise coverage of a wide range of astronomical topics. The authors have struck a balance between the fundamental concepts and the exciting topics at the forefront of astronomy, conveying the spirit of contemporary astronomy within a big picture context. The authors emphasize the central theme of origins in this text, first by singling out specifics in the headings of each chapter and then by dealing with a variety of relevant material in the text itself. An early discussion of the scientific method stresses an importance on the verification of observations, and sets the stage for the text's consistent focus on astronomy as a science.
Social Epidemiology
Lisa F. Berkman - 2000
In the first systematic account of this field, they focus on the major social variables that influence health, including socioeconomic position, income distribution, race/ethnicity, gender, social networks/social support, social capital and community cohesion, work environment, life transitions, and affective psychological states. Individual chapters describe the conceptualization and measurement of each social variable, as well as the empirical evidence linking them to a broad range of mental, physical, and behavioral health outcomes. The volume draws on the expertise of an internationally renowned group of scholars, representing the diversity of disciplines relevant to this emerging field, from sociology and psychology to physiology and medicine. The approaches covered by the chapters span the range from formulating and testing hypotheses about the links between social conditions and health to designing and implementing interventions and social policies to improve population health. The challenge of persistent social inequalities in health across the globe makes this a timely publication. The book will be an indispensable introduction to the field for students, researchers, practitioners, and policy analysts.
Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care for Veterinary Technicians
Andrea M. Battaglia - 2000
Section I includes chapters on assessment, equipment, and therapies and techniques. Every procedure is thoroughly illustrated and described in step-by-step detail with important drug information. Section II addresses specific systemic problems such as hematologic, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal emergencies; shock; and trauma. Total team management of the critical patient is emphasized throughout.Logically organized by physiologic sign to help busy practitioners prioritize interventionsHelpful equipment lists are provided at the beginning of most chapters.Technician Tips highlight specific procedures using diagrams, photos, and detailed instructions.New chapters cover isolation of the critically ill, infectious patient; client communication including triage, both in the waiting room and on the phone; and restraint techniques, sampling techniques, and common emergencies related to birds and exotics.Expanded Pain Management, Respiratory Emergencies, and Urologic Emergencies chapters include practical information on a wide variety of presenting problems.Expanded coverage of basic lab equipment, fluid therapy, and oxygen therapy provides the most current information.
Japanese: A Comprehensive Grammar
Stefan Kaiser - 2000
It explores the complexities of the language thoroughly, filling many gaps left by previous textbooks.Clear grammar points are put in context by examples from a range of Japanese media. The emphasis is firmly on contemporary Japanese as spoken and written by native speakers.Features of the book include: * coverage of colloquial and standard Japanese* clear alphabetical organization* extensive cross-referencing* detailed index of Japanese and English termsWritten by experts in their fields, this will prove a lasting and reliable resource for all learners of Japanese.
Manual of Surgical Pathology
Susan C. Lester - 2000
Inside, readers will find step-by-step instructions on specimen processing, tissue handling, gross dissection technique, histological examination, application of special stains, development of a differential diagnosis, and more. This thoroughly revised New Edition integrates cutting-edge techniques as well as the latest staging and classification information.Features more than 150 tables that examine the interpretation of histochemical stains, immunohisto-chemical studies, electron microscopy findings, cytogenetic changes, and much more.Makes information easy to find with a user-friendly design, concise paragraphs, numbered lists, and bulleted material throughout the text.Offers detailed instructions on the dissection, description, and sampling of specimens.Provides the latest criteria for the grading and AJCC classification of all major tumors.Examines the specimens from every body organ and system as well as bullets, medical devices, and foreign materials.Explains the application of pathology reports to patient management.Includes useful guidance on operating room consultations, safety, microscope use, and error prevention.A superb source of step-by-step, bench-top guidance and an excellent board review guide.A new chapter on how to avoid frequent errors and pitfalls in pathology specimen processing.More than 40 new illustrations demonstrate the gross appearance of common pathologic lesions.With 42 additional consultants
An Introduction to the Theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution
Dina Prialnik - 2000
This undergraduate textbook provides a clear, methodical introduction to the theory of stellar structure and evolution. Starting from general principles and axioms, step-by-step coverage leads students to a global, comprehensive understanding of the subject. Throughout, the book uniquely places emphasis on the basic physical principles governing stellar structure and evolution. All processes are explained in clear and simple terms with all the necessary mathematics included. Exercises and their full solutions allow students to test their understanding. This book requires only a basic background in physics and mathematics and assumes no prior knowledge of astronomy. It provides a stimulating introduction for undergraduates in astronomy, physics, planetary science and applied mathematics taking a course on the physics of stars.
Consumer Behavior
Roger D. Blackwell - 2000
This multi-disciplinary field can tempt both students and instructors to stray from the basic business principles they should take away from the course. Blackwell keeps students focused on consumer decision making as it applies specifically to an overall understanding of business theory and practices through the CDP (Consumer Decision Process) model. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 10e focuses on why as well as how consumers make specific decisions and behave in certain ways - what motivates them, what captures their attention, and what retains their loyalty, turning "customers" into "fans" of an organization.
Fundamentals of Physics, Part 4
David Halliday - 2000
The primary goal of this text is to provide students with a solid understanding of fundamental physics concepts, and to help them apply this conceptual understanding to quantitative problem solving.
The Morrowind Prophecies: Game of the Year Edition Official Strategy Guide
Peter Olafson - 2000
Contains strategy tips for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.
Algebra to Go: A Mathematics Handbook
Andrew Kaplan - 2000
- Numeration, number theory, and estimation - Linear and non-linear equations - Geometry and data analysis - Student Almanac with problem-solving strategies, writing in mathematics, test-taking tips, and computer skills- Yellow Pages with glossaries of mathematical formulas, symbols, and terms
Applying Regression and Correlation: A Guide for Students and Researchers
Jeremy Miles - 2000
The book then shows that this least squares model is actually a special case of a regression analysis and can be extended to deal with first one, and then more than one independent variable.Extending the model from the mean to a regression analysis provides a powerful, but simple, way of thinking about what students believe
Dracula: Sense And Nonsense
Elizabeth Russell Miller - 2000
Where is this nonsense coming from? This book will tell you.
Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects: Essential & Advanced Techniques
Chris Meyer - 2000
More than a step-by-step review of the features in After Effects, you will learn how the program thinks so that you can realize your own visions more quickly and efficiently. This full-color book is jammed full of tips, gotchas, and sage advice that will help you survive whatever your next project throws at you. Creating Motion Graphics 4th Edition has been heavily revised, reuniting the previous two volumes plus adding detailed coverage of new features introduced in After Effects 7 and CS3 Professional to form one massive, essential reference. The enclosed DVD-ROM contains source footage and project files for the numerous exercises which help reinforce each concept. The DVD also includes over 180 pages of additional information, including lengthy Bonus Chapters on Expressions and Effects.Authored in CS3, also included is access to a free web chapter written for CS4. * Free CS4 web chapter included with the book* Mastering animation through the use of keyframes, motion paths, and the Graph Editor* Blending imagery using alpha channels, masks, mattes, modes, and stencils* Building groups and hierarchies through parenting and nested comps* Extended coverage of type animation, paint tools and 3D space* Advanced subjects such as keying, motion tracking, expressions, and video issues* Includes over 180 PDF pages of bonus content on the DVD* Extensive coverage of the new CS3 features including the Shape and Puppet tools, Brainstorm, per-character 3D text, color management, and more!
Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques, Volume 1: The Upper Body
Leon Chaitow - 2000
Step-by-step protocols that address each muscle of a region and a regional approach to treatment are features that make this book unique. A structural review of each region, including ligaments and functional anatomy, adds value for new students and practitioners alike.Comprehensive 'one-stop' text on care of somatic pain and dysfunctionDesigned and written to meet the needs of those working with neuromuscular dysfunction in a variety of professionsAll muscles covered from perspective of assessment & treatment of myofascial painDescribes the normal anatomy and physiology as well as the dysfunctions which may ariseGives indications for treatments and guidance on making the appropriate treatment choice for each patientCombines NMT, MET, PR and much more to give a variety of treatment options for each caseDescribes the different NMT techniques in relation to the joint anatomy involvedPractical step-by-step technique descriptionsIncludes not only manual techniques but also acupuncture, hydrotherapies and nutritional support as well as guidance for the patient in the use of self-help approachesTwo-color formatUp-to-date evidence based content
The Ecology of Adaptive Radiation
Dolph Schluter - 2000
It can cause a single ancestral species to differentiate into an impressively vast array of species inhabiting a variety of environments. Much of life's diversity has arisen during adaptive radiations. Someof the most famous recent examples include the East African cichilid fishes, the Hawaiian silverswords, and Darwin's Galapagos finches. This book evaluates the causes of adaptive radiation. It focuses on the 'ecological' theory of adaptive radiation, a body of ideas that began with Darwin and weredeveloped through the early part of the 20th century. This theory proposes that phenotypic divergence and speciation in adaptive radiation are caused ultimately by divergent natural selection arising from differences in environment and competition between species. The text re-evaluates theecological theory, along with its most significant extensions and challenges, in the light of all the recent evidence. It is the first full exploration of the causes of adaptive radiation in decades.
Speak with Distinction: The Classic Skinner Method to Speech on the Stage
Edith Skinner - 2000
It presents a comprehensive study of the sounds of Spoken English in their most important phonetic environments. This most recent revision also adds much material for comparisons of speech sounds; suggestions for accurate, efficient and conversational ways of combining the sounds into connected utterance; indications that foster a working knowledge of two dialects of speech (General American and what Mrs. Skinner called Good Speech for classic and elevated texts); and beginning material to show application of the principles of Good Speech to well-written texts. Some important additions to the book are the extensive Glossary and Index, abundant guides to pronunciations, new sections featuring such details as the complete "Ask-List" of words, a program for the elimination of glottal attacks of vowel and dipthong sounds, greatly expanded practice material of phrases and sentences, and an updated Chart showing several levels of phonetic transcription and spelling equivalents in current usage. Speak With Distinction can be used in several ways: as a primary educational textbook for both the beginning and advanced actor; as a supplementary textbook for teachers and students who have their own methods and agenda for study; and as a reference book for teachers, speech coaches and directors.
Side by Side 1
Steven J. Molinsky - 2000
Molinsky and Bill Bliss, is a dynamic, all-skills program that integrates conversation practice, reading, writing, and listening -- all in a light-hearted, fun, and easy-to-use format that has been embraced by students and teachers worldwide. This four-level program promotes native communication between students ... practicing speaking together "side by side." Features of the Third Edition Vocabulary Preview sections in every chapter introduce key words in a lively picture dictionary format."How to Say It!" lessons highlight communication strategies.Pronunciation exercises provide models for practicing authentic pronunciation, stress, and intonation.Side by Side Gazette "magazine-style" pages offer feature articles, fact files, vocabulary expansion, cross-cultural topics through photos, authentic listening activities, e-mail exchanges, and humorous cartoons for role-playing.All-new illustrations are lively, light-hearted, and richly detailed to offer students language practice that is contextualized and fun. The core components include Student Books, Teacher's Guides, Activity Workbooks, Activity & Test Prep Workbooks, Communication Games and Activity Masters, audio programs, combined split editions (Student Book and Workbook lessons combined), a testing program, and picture cards.
Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering
Anil K. Chopra - 2000
The new edition from Chopra includes many topics encompassing the theory of structural dynamics and the application of this theory regarding earthquake analysis, response, and design of structures. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed and the manner of presentation is sufficiently detailed and integrated, to make the book suitable for self-study by students and professional engineers.
Handbook of Enology, Volume 2: The Chemistry of Wine - Stabilization and Treatments
Pascal Ribéreau-Gayon - 2000
The expert authors discuss: Compounds in wine, such as organic acids, carbohydrates, and alcohol. Stabilization and treatments The chemical processes taking effect in bottled wine The information provided helps to achieve better results in winemaking, providing an authoritative and complete reference manual for both the winemaker and the student.
The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas
Graham Woan - 2000
An extensive index allows the required formulas to be located swiftly and simply, and an unique tabular format crisply identifies all the variables involved. All students and professionals in physics, applied mathematics, engineering and other physical sciences will want to have this essential reference book within easy reach.
Fundamentals of Vibrations
Leonard Meirovitch - 2000
It contains a chapter on the use of Finite Element Methods in vibrational analysis. It uses worked examples to show the application of MATLAB software in this course.
Physics in Biology and Medicine (Complementary Science)
Paul Davidovits - 2000
This concise introductory paperback surveys and relates basic physics to living systems, encompassing solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, sound, electricity, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. The new edition has been updated with a discussion of atomic force microscopy, use of lasers in medical diagnostics and the applications of nanotechnology in biology and medicine. Applied health workers, even with little formal background in physics, will learn how biological systems can be analyzed quantitatively, how physical and engineering analysis techniques have helped advance the life sciences, and also the limits of quantitative analysis as applied to living systems. End-of-chapter exercises and extensive reference sections add to the book’s value in academic and clinical settings.
Provides practical techniques for applying knowledge of physics to the study of living systems
Presents material in a straight forward manner requiring very little background in physics or biology
Includes many figures, examples and illustrative problems and appendices which provide convenient access to the most important concepts of mechanics, electricity, and optics in the body
Data, Models, and Decisions: The Fundamentals of Management Science
Dimitris Bertsimas - 2000
Rather than covering methodology, the book introduces decision support systems through real world applications, and uses spreadsheets to model and solve problems. It uses management science techniques (statistics, simulation, probabilistic modeling and optimization), but only as tools to facilitate problem solving. The book embraces George Dantzig's dictum as its premise: "The final test of any theory is its capacity to solve the problems which originated it." The book is used in the core MBA program at MIT's Sloan School of Management for the class titled: "Data, Models and Decisions". It is used in over ten universities in both core and elective classes, including Stanford University, Chicago's graduate school of Business, Babson College, among several others. The book contains many real business cases from the authors' consulting experience. Instructor resources are available for faculty who have adopted the book for their course by contacting the authors directly @, )
Kellogg on Marketing
Alice M. Tybout - 2000
This is a must-have marketing reference.
Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas
Barbara Young - 2000
The book starts with a section on general cell structure and replication. Basic tissue types are covered in the following section, and the third section presents the microstructures of each of the major body systems. The highest -quality color light micrographs and electron micrograph images are accompanied by concise text and captions which explain the appearance, function, and clinical significance of each image. The accompanying website lets you view all the images from the atlas with a virtual microscope, allowing you to view the image at a variety of pre-set magnifications.Includes access to website containing book images and additional material, extra illustrations, self tests, and more. Utilizes virtual microscope function on the website, allowing you to see images first in low-powered and then in high powered magnification. Incorporates new information on histology of bone marrow, male reproductive system, respiratory system, pancreas, blood, cartilage, muscle types, staining methods, and more. Uses Color coding at the side of each page to make it easier to access information quickly and efficiently. Includes access to - where you'll find the complete text and illustrations of the book online, fully searchable - Integration Links to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles - 300 new USMLE-style review questions, with answers and rationales - content clipping for handheld devices - an interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources - and much more!
12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation
Tomas B. Garcia - 2000
Presented In A Clear And Casual Writing Style, The Book?S Leveled Approach Takes A Complex Subject And Makes It Simple. LEARN MORE AT WWW.12LEADECG.COM.
Anatomy Recall
Lorne H. Blackbourne - 2000
As part of the popular Recall Series, it utilizes a two-column, question-and-answer format that facilitates quick learning of human anatomic facts through repetition.While not intended as a comprehensive anatomy reference, Anatomy Recall highlights the most important anatomic principles, which are complemented by a wealth of illustrations and anatomic correlations to clinical problems. It is an ideal study guide for medical students in their pre-clinical coursework, undergraduate or nursing anatomy study, clinical rotations, and board review.New to this Edition:Updated by expert authors, including anatomists, medical students, and surgeons Expanded coverage now includes embryology highlights, summarizing the key anatomic principles of human embryology Clinical Pearls emphasize important clinical correlations to anatomic principles Surgical Anatomy Pearls help third- and fourth-year medical students to prepare quickly for the most common intraoperative anatomy questions Power Review sections help focus last-minute review of the most commonly tested anatomy points Numerous effective illustrations allow correlation of factual information with key anatomical relationshipsAnatomy Recall, Second Edition has everything you need for fast learning and recall—and nothing you don't. You won't find a better, more efficient or effective way to master the basics of anatomy.
Criminal Justice (Cliffs Quick Review)
Dennis Hoffman - 2000
Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and test your newfound knowledge with review questions.Whether you need a course supplement, help preparing for an exam, or a concise reference for the subject, "CliffsQuickReview Criminal Justice" can help. This guide covers the criminal justice system in the United States, with coverage on police powers, citizens' rights, and criminal law. In no time, you'll be tackling topics such asRights consciousness and civil libertiesLegal defenses and justifications for crimesTheories of punishmentThe causes and costs of police corruptionSentencing statutes and guidelines"CliffsQuickReview Criminal Justice" acts as a supplement to your other learning materials. Use this reference in any way that fits your personal style for study and review -- you decide what works best with your needs. You can flip through the book until you find what you're looking for -- it's organized to gradually build on key concepts. You can also get a feel for the scope of the book by checking out theContents pages that give you a chapter-by-chapter list of topics.Tabs at the top of each page that tell you what topic is being covered.Keyword in boldface type.Heading and subheading structure that breaks sections into clearly identifiable bites of information."Great Debates" sections within each chapter.With titles available for all the most popular high school and college courses, CliffsQuickReview guides are comprehensive resources that can help you get the best possible grades.
Gray's Anatomy - A Fact-Filled Coloring Book
Freddy Stark - 2000
Children and adults will enjoy learning about the various systems of the body and their particular functions. Then they can get creative, coloring in the detailed illustrations of those systems.
Handbook of Enology, Volume 1: The Microbiology of Wine and Vinifications
Pascal Ribéreau-Gayon - 2000
It describes how yeasts work and how they can be influenced to achieve better results. It continues to look at the metabolism of lactic acid bacterias and of acetic acid bacterias, and again, how can they be treated to avoid disasters in the winemaking process and how to achieve optimal results. The last chapters in the book deal with the use of sulfur-dioxide, the grape and its maturation process, harvest and pre-fermentation treatment, and the basis of red, white and speciality wine making. The result is the ultimate text and reference on the science and technology of the vinification process: understanding and dealing with yeasts and bacterias involved in the transformation from grape to wine. A must for all serious students and practitioners involved in winemaking.
Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free
Elaine Weiss - 2000
Each was a victim of domestic violence, escaped from her abuser, reclaimed her dignity, reconstructed her life, and rediscovered peace. Domestic violence doesn't just happen "out there" somewhere. It happens in our town, in our neighborhood, on our street. It happens to women we see at work, the supermarket, the movie theater, the ballet and the PTA board meeting. Every woman who has left an abusive man-every woman who has yet to leave-will find encouragement and hope in the voices of these women who broke free.
Scaling in Biology
Geoffrey B. West - 2000
Because scaling relationships are among the most general empirical patterns in biology, they have stimulated research to develop mechanistic hypotheses and mathematical models. While there have been many excellent empirical and theoretical investigations, there has been little attempt to synthesize this diverse but interrelated area of biology. In an effort to fill this void, Scaling in Biology, the first general treatment of scaling in biology in over 15 years, covers a broad spectrum of the most relevant topics in a series of chapters written by experts in the field. Some of those topics discussed include allometry and fractal structure, branching of vascular systems of mammals and plants, biomechanical and life history of plants, invertebrates and vertebrates, and species-area patterns of biological diversity. Many more examples are included within this text to complete the broader picture. Scaling in Biology conveys the diversity, promise, and excitement of current research in this area, in a format accessible to a wide audience of not only specialists in the various sub-disciplines, but also students and anyone with a serious interest in biology.
Rock Climbing Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2nd
Mike Farris - 2000
Two hundred new routes and two new climbing areas have been added for a total of nearly 1,000 routes at 13 areas.
Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy
Torsten Persson - 2000
But so far there is little consensus on the answers and disagreement on the appropriate mode of analysis.Combining the best of three separate traditions--the theory of macroeconomic policy, public choice, and rational choice in political science--Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini suggest a unified approach to the field. As in modern macroeconomics, individual citizens behave rationally, their preferences over economic outcomes inducing preferences over policy. As in public choice, the delegation of policy decisions to elected representatives may give rise to agency problems between voters and politicians. And, as in rational choice, political institutions shape the procedures for setting policy and electing politicians. The authors outline a common method of analysis, establish several new results, and identify the main outstanding problems.
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices Timeless Themes, Gold Level
Kate Kinsella - 2000
It's a powerful combination of the world's best literature and superior reading and skills instruction! "Prentice Hall Literature Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes" helps students grasp the power and beauty that lies within the written word, while the program's research-based reading approach ensures that no child is left behind.Grade 9, Gold Level
Active Noise Control Primer
Scott D. Snyder - 2000
The aim of this book is to present all of the basic knowledge one needs for assessing how useful active noise control will be for a given problem and then to provide some guidance for designing, setting up, and tuning an active noise-control system. Written for students who have no prior knowledge of acoustics, signal processing, or noise control but who do have a reasonable grasp of basic physics and mathematics, the book is short and descriptive. It leaves for more advanced texts or research monographs all mathematical details and proofs concerning vibrations, signal processing and the like. The book can thus be used in independent study, in a classroom with laboratories, or in conjunction with a kit for experiment or demonstration. Topics covered include: basic acoustics; human perception and sound; sound intensity and related concepts; fundamentals of passive noise-control strategies; basics of digital systems; basics of adaptive controllers; and active noise control systems.
Skin Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment
Thomas P. Habif - 2000
The revised and updated 2nd Edition features practical, clear advice on diagnosis and therapy, and includes anterior and posterior diagrams of where diseases may be found on the body as well as classifications of primary, secondary, and special lesions. Over 700 full-color, never-before published photographs show the classic manifestations of disease and rarer variations. Throughout the book, readers will also find pediatric considerations, clinical pearls, and advice on when to refer patients to a specialist.Focuses on treatment and diagnosis of common entities, offering guidance on everyday cases. Features a disorders index on the inner cover, making expert guidance fast and easy to find.Provides helpful appendices that cover diagnosis by body region - lesion classification - quantity of cream to apply and dispense - and a dermatologic formulary.Presents a bulleted outline format for easy reference.And much more.Features over 700 full-color photographs-never-before published.Weighs the importance of diseases and explains when to treat and how quickly.Provides coverage of pediatric skin diseases throughout.Highlights when to refer patients to a specialist and when urgent action is required.Presents many new chapters, providing better coverage.Includes European drug names.
Color Studies
Edith Anderson Feisner - 2000
Teaching Reading in Middle School: A Strategic Approach to Teaching Reading That Improves Comprehension and Thinking
Laura Robb - 2000
Veteran teacher Laura Robb shares how to: teach reading strategies across the curriculum; present mini-lessons that deepen students' knowledge of how specific reading strategies work; help kids apply the strategies through guided practice; support struggling readers with a plan of action that improves their reading motivation; helps kids choose books that are at their instructional level; organize a reading-writing workshop, and much more. For use with Grades 5 and Up.
Earth's Climate: Past and Future
William F. Ruddiman - 2000
Paleoclimatology courses are growing, attracting a wide variety of students in earth and environmental sciences, geography, ecology, and related fields. Earth's Climate: Past and Future works as either a nonmajors introduction to Earth system science or climate change, or as a majors/graduate-level overview of the processes and techniques in climate science. Written from a multidisciplinary perspective by one of the field's preeminent researcher/instructors, the text summarizes the major lessons to be learned from 550 million years of climate changes, as a way of evaluating the climatological impact on and by humans in this century. The book also looks ahead to possible effects during the next several centuries of fossil fuel use.
Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics
David T. Blackstock - 2000
Mathematical results and physical explanations go hand in hand, and a unique feature of the book is the balance it strikes between time-domain and frequency-domain presentations. Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics is intended for a two-semester, first-year graduate course, but is also suitable for advanced undergraduates. Emphasis on plane waves in the first part of the book keeps the mathematics simple yet accommodates a broad range of topics: propagation, reflection and transmission, normal modes and simple waveguides for rectilinear geometries, horns, inhomogeneous media, and sound absorption and dispersion. The second part of the book is devoted to a more rigorous development of the wave equation, spherical and cylindrical waves (including the more advanced mathematics required), advanced waveguides, baffled piston radiation, diffraction (treated in the time domain), and arrays. Applications and examples are drawn from: * Atmospheric acoustics * Noise control * Underwater acoustics * Engineering acoustics * Acoustical measurements Supplemented with more than 300 graphs and figures as well as copious end-of-chapter problems, Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics is also an excellent professional reference for engineers and scientists.
A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian
Martin Maiden - 2000
Formal or archaic discourse is distinguished from informal, everyday usage, and regionalisms are also indicated where appropriate. The authors have taken care to make it an easy and illuminating reference tool: extensive cross-referencing enables readers to quickly find the information they require, and also stimulates them to discover new, related facts.
Tcp/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers
Michael J. Donahoo - 2000
The book's focused, tutorial-based approach enables the reader to master the tasks and techniques essential to virtually all client-server projects using sockets in C. This edition has been expanded to include new advancements such as support for IPv6 as well as detailed defensive programming strategies.If you program using Java, be sure to check out this book's companion, TCP/IP Sockets in Java: Practical Guide for Programmers, 2nd Edition.
Differential Equations
John Polking - 2000
Features up-to-date coverage of key topics such as first order equations, matrix algebra, systems, and phase plane portraits. Illustrates complex concepts through extensive detailed figures. Focuses on interpreting and solving problems through optional technology projects. For anyone interested in learning more about differential equations.
A Dictionary of Biology
Oxford University Press - 2000
The Dictionary offers more than 5,500 clear and concise entries, including more than 300 entries new to this edition. It provides comprehensive coverage of biology, biophysics, and biochemistry, includes biographical entries on key scientists, and features highlighted entries on important topics such as bioinformatics, genomics, molecular evolution, and protein structure. The new edition also features web links accessed via a companion website, featuring additional information that is regularly updated to ensure that it stays fresh. The volume also has many appendices, including a list of useful web sites, mass extinctions of species, and SI units, plus entirely new appendices on model organisms and their genomes and on Nobel prizewinners.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
Donald B. Redford - 2000
The Encyclopedia offers the most complete picture available of ancient Egyptian civilization, from the predynastic era to its eclipse in the seventh century CE. Here is the Egyptian world in illuminating, accessible detail: art, architecture, religion, language, literature, trade, politics, everyday social life and the culture of the court. Of special interest is the coverage of themes and issues that are particularly controversial--such as the new theories of the origins of complex society in the Nile Valley, new discoveries about Greco-Roman Egypt, and new developments in literature, religion, linguistics and other fields, including the debates about Egypt's African legacy. Extensively illustrated with photographs, line drawings, and maps, the Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt is designed for the widest possible access, serving students, teachers, and scholars in fields ranging from Near East archaeology and classics to ancient art, architecture, history, language and religion, as well as general readers fascinated by a world that remains--even today--incompletely mapped.
Teaching about Genocide: Approaches, and Resources (PB)
Samuel Totten - 2000
Includes discussion on the rationale of teaching about genocide; the history of genocide; and 10 cases studies of genocide perpetrated in the 20th century.
Methods of Information Geometry
Shun-Ichi Amari - 2000
Information geometry provides a new method applicable to various areas including information sciences and physical sciences. It has emerged from investigating the geometrical structures of the manifold of probability distributions, and has been applied successfully to statistical inference problems. However, it has been proved that information geometry opens a new paradigm useful for elucidation of information systems, intelligent systems, physical systems and mathematical systems.
Fumio Hayashi - 2000
It introduces first year Ph.D. students to standard graduate econometrics material from a modern perspective. It covers all the standard material necessary for understanding the principal techniques of econometrics from ordinary least squares through cointegration. The book is also distinctive in developing both time-series and cross-section analysis fully, giving the reader a unified framework for understanding and integrating results.Econometrics has many useful features and covers all the important topics in econometrics in a succinct manner. All the estimation techniques that could possibly be taught in a first-year graduate course, except maximum likelihood, are treated as special cases of GMM (generalized methods of moments). Maximum likelihood estimators for a variety of models (such as probit and tobit) are collected in a separate chapter. This arrangement enables students to learn various estimation techniques in an efficient manner. Eight of the ten chapters include a serious empirical application drawn from labor economics, industrial organization, domestic and international finance, and macroeconomics. These empirical exercises at the end of each chapter provide students a hands-on experience applying the techniques covered in the chapter. The exposition is rigorous yet accessible to students who have a working knowledge of very basic linear algebra and probability theory. All the results are stated as propositions, so that students can see the points of the discussion and also the conditions under which those results hold. Most propositions are proved in the text.For those who intend to write a thesis on applied topics, the empirical applications of the book are a good way to learn how to conduct empirical research. For the theoretically inclined, the no-compromise treatment of the basic techniques is a good preparation for more advanced theory courses.
Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation
John Kattwinkel - 2000
This extensively enhanced self-study resource delivers a wealth of multimedia educational tools in one value-packed package. It includes all-new lessons on resuscitating preterm babies and ethical issues; updated lessons with must-know new content; newly updated Key Points sections, case scenarios, color photos, and Megacode; and much more. The all-new DVD-ROM (for PC use only) makes the learner an active participant with hands-on multi-decision-point scenarios plus dynamic video footage of actual resuscitations and animated 3-D demonstrations. A DVD-based presentation builder lets instructors enrich courses with high-impact video clips. All program materials conform with updated AAP/AHA guidelines; new multinational evidence-based consensus on science; consistent focus on increasing instructor flexibility, accommodating diverse learning styles; and program-wide emphasis on Key Points to create a coherent multimedia learning experience.
Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards
Carlos Ayala - 2000
This essential guide eases the transition from classroom to wards and works well as a companion on rotations, covering the information you need to master your clerkships in a concise, handy pocket reference.The book includes clinical cases with board-formatted questions and answers. Numerous tables, illustrations, and "buzzwords" aid in retention of facts.Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards, Fifth Edition is perfect for medical students. Physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and related health professionals will also find Boards and Wards valuable.
The Complete Book of Maps & Geography: Grades 3-6
American Education Publishing - 2000
Children complete a variety of exercises that help them develop a number of skills in this 352 page workbook. Including a complete answer key this workbook features a user-friendly format perfect for browsing, research, and review. Over 4 million in print! The best-selling Complete Book series offers a full complement of instruction, activities, and information about a single topic or subject area. Containing over 30 titles and encompassing preschool to grade 8 this series helps children succeed in every subject area
Bob Miller's Geometry for the Clueless
Bob Miller - 2000
Bob Miller's cartoon alter ego is the guide to this course of study.