Best of
James R. Munkres - 1975
Includes many examples and figures. GENERAL TOPOLOGY. Set Theory and Logic. Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions. Connectedness and Compactness. Countability and Separation Axioms. The Tychonoff Theorem. Metrization Theorems and paracompactness. Complete Metric Spaces and Function Spaces. Baire Spaces and Dimension Theory. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY. The Fundamental Group. Separation Theorems. The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. Classification of Surfaces. Classification of Covering Spaces. Applications to Group Theory. For anyone needing a basic, thorough, introduction to general and algebraic topology and its applications.
Aha! Gotcha: Paradoxes to Puzzle & Delight (Tools for Transformation)
Martin Gardner - 1975
A pocket book of riddles, full of fun and illustrations.
Concepts of Modern Mathematics
Ian Stewart - 1975
Based on the abstract, general style of mathematical exposition favored by research mathematicians, its goal was to teach students not just to manipulate numbers and formulas, but to grasp the underlying mathematical concepts. The result, at least at first, was a great deal of confusion among teachers, students, and parents. Since then, the negative aspects of "new math" have been eliminated and its positive elements assimilated into classroom instruction.In this charming volume, a noted English mathematician uses humor and anecdote to illuminate the concepts underlying "new math": groups, sets, subsets, topology, Boolean algebra, and more. According to Professor Stewart, an understanding of these concepts offers the best route to grasping the true nature of mathematics, in particular the power, beauty, and utility of pure mathematics. No advanced mathematical background is needed (a smattering of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry is helpful) to follow the author's lucid and thought-provoking discussions of such topics as functions, symmetry, axiomatics, counting, topology, hyperspace, linear algebra, real analysis, probability, computers, applications of modern mathematics, and much more.By the time readers have finished this book, they'll have a much clearer grasp of how modern mathematicians look at figures, functions, and formulas and how a firm grasp of the ideas underlying "new math" leads toward a genuine comprehension of the nature of mathematics itself.
Introductory Real Analysis
A.N. Kolmogorov - 1975
It is self-contained, evenly paced, eminently readable, and readily accessible to those with adequate preparation in advanced calculus.The first four chapters present basic concepts and introductory principles in set theory, metric spaces, topological spaces, and linear spaces. The next two chapters consider linear functionals and linear operators, with detailed discussions of continuous linear functionals, the conjugate space, the weak topology and weak convergence, generalized functions, basic concepts of linear operators, inverse and adjoint operators, and completely continuous operators. The final four chapters cover measure, integration, differentiation, and more on integration. Special attention is here given to the Lebesque integral, Fubini's theorem, and the Stieltjes integral. Each individual section — there are 37 in all — is equipped with a problem set, making a total of some 350 problems, all carefully selected and matched.With these problems and the clear exposition, this book is useful for self-study or for the classroom — it is basic one-year course in real analysis. Dr. Silverman is a former member of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University and the Lincoln Library of M.I.T. Along with his translation, he has revised the text with numerous pedagogical and mathematical improvements and restyled the language so that it is even more readable.
Mathematical Games
Martin Gardner - 1975
In these columns Gardner introduced hundreds of thousands of readers to the delights of mathematics and of puzzles and problem solving. His column broke such stories as Rivest, Shamir and Adelman on public-key cryptography, Mandelbrot on fractals, Conway on Life, and Penrose on tilings. He enlivened classic geometry and number theory and introduced readers to new areas such as combinatorics and graph theory.Now, this material has been brought together on one, searchable CD. Martin Gardner is the author of more than 65 books and countless articles, ranging over science, mathematics, philosophy, literature, and conjuring. He has inspired and enlightened generations with the delights of mathematical recreations, the amazing phenomena of numbers, magic, puzzles, and the play of ideas. He is our premier writer on recreational mathematics, a great popularizer of science and a debunker of pseudoscience.A profile and interview with martin Gardner is included in this collection.
Mathematical Carnival
Martin Gardner - 1975
s/t: From Penny Puzzles, Card Shuffles and Tricks of Lightning Calculators to Roller Coaster Rides into the Fourth Dimension
Sobolev Spaces: Volume 140
Robert A. Adams - 1975
This theory is widely used in pure and Applied Mathematics and in the Physical Sciences.This second edition of Adam's 'classic' reference text contains many additions and much modernizing and refining of material. The basic premise of the book remains unchanged: Sobolev Spaces is intended to provide a solid foundation in these spaces for graduate students and researchers alike.
Mathematics of Choice: Or, How to Count Without Counting
Ivan Niven - 1975
Introduction to Metric and Topological Spaces
W.A. Sutherland - 1975
This new edition of Wilson Sutherland's classic text introduces metric and topological spaces by describing someof that influence. The aim is to move gradually from familiar real analysis to abstract topological spaces, using metric spaces as a bridge between the two. The language of metric and topological spaces is established with continuity as the motivating concept. Several concepts are introduced, firstin metric spaces and then repeated for topological spaces, to help convey familiarity. The discussion develops to cover connectedness, compactness and completeness, a trio widely used in the rest of mathematics.Topology also has a more geometric aspect which is familiar in popular expositions of the subject as `rubber-sheet geometry', with pictures of M�bius bands, doughnuts, Klein bottles and the like; this geometric aspect is illustrated by describing some standard surfaces, and it is shown how all thisfits into the same story as the more analytic developments.The book is primarily aimed at second- or third-year mathematics students. There are numerous exercises, many of the more challenging ones accompanied by hints, as well as a companion website, with further explanations and examples as well as material supplementary to that in the book.
A First Course in Stochastic Processes
Samuel Karlin - 1975
The authors continue with their tack of developing simultaneously theory and applications, intertwined so that they refurbish and elucidate each other.The authors have made three main kinds of changes. First, they have enlarged on the topics treated in the first edition. Second, they have added many exercises and problems at the end of each chapter. Third, and most important, they have supplied, in new chapters, broad introductory discussions of several classes of stochastic processes not dealt with in the first edition, notably martingales, renewal and fluctuation phenomena associated with random sums, stationary stochastic processes, and diffusion theory.
Queueing Systems, Volume 1: Theory
Leonard Kleinrock - 1975
Step-by-step development of results with careful explanation, and lists of important results make it useful as a handbook and a text.
Geometry and Trigonometry for Calculus
Peter H. Selby - 1975
Its major emphasis is on graphic representation of problems and upon their solution by the combined analytic methods of geometry and algebra.
Elementary Solid State Physics: Principles and Applications
M. Ali Omar - 1975
I also hope that it will serve as a useful reference too for the many workers engaged in one type of solid state research activity or another, who may be without formal training in the subject.
Principles Of Operations Research: With Applications To Managerial Decisions
Harvey M. Wagner - 1975
Regular Complex Polytopes
H.S.M. Coxeter - 1975
In this classic book Professor Coxeter explores these properties in easy stages, introducing the reader to complex polyhedra (a beautiful generalization of regular solids derived from complex numbers) and unexpected relationships with concepts from various branches of mathematics: magic squares, frieze patterns, kaleidoscopes, Cayley diagrams, Clifford surfaces, crystallographic and non-crystallographic groups, kinematics, spherical trigonometry, and algebraic geometry. In the latter half of the book, these preliminary ideas are put together to describe a natural generalization of the Five Platonic Solids. This updated second edition contains a new chapter on Almost Regular Polytopes, with beautiful 'abstract art' drawings. New exercises and discussions have been added throughout the book, including an introduction to Hopf fibration and real representations for two complex polyhedra.
Ingenuity in Mathematics
Ross Honsberger - 1975
The author is very well-known for his best-selling books of problems; in this volume he seeks to share his appreciation of the elegant and ingenious approaches used in thinking about even elementary mathematics. Standard high school courses in algebra and geometry furnish a sufficient basis for understanding each essay. Topics include number theory, geometry, combinatorics, logic and probability, and the methods used often involve an interaction between these disciplines. Some of the essays are easy to read, others more challenging; some of the exercises are routine, others lead the reader deeper into the subject.
Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol. I
Piskunov - 1975
Arrows, Structures & Functors: The Categorical Imperative
Michael A. Arbib - 1975
Elements of Vibration Analysis
Leonard Meirovitch - 1975
More elementary material has been added to the first four chapters of this second edition-making for an updated and expanded introduction to vibration analysis. The remaining eight chapters present material of increasing complexity, and problems are found at the end/of each chapter.
Algebraic Topology Homotopy and Homology
Robert M. Switzer - 1975
He assumes only a modest knowledge of algebraic topology on the part of the reader to start with, and he leads the reader systematically to the point at which he can begin to tackle problems in the current areas of research centered around generalized homology theories and their applications. ... The author has sought to make his treatment complete and he has succeeded. The book contains much material that has not previously appeared in this format. The writing is clean and clear and the exposition is well motivated. ... This book is, all in all, a very admirable work and a valuable addition to the literature...(S.Y. Husseini in Mathematical Reviews, 1976)
Maps, Tracks, and the Bridges of Konigsberg: A Book about Networks
Michael Holt - 1975
Offers a basic explanation of graph theory.
The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis
Alston S. Householder - 1975
Topics include norms, bounds and convergence; localization theorems and other inequalities; and methods of solving systems of linear equations. 1964 edition.
Splines and Variational Methods
P.M. Prenter - 1975
Its self-contained treatment explains the application of theoretic notions to the kinds of physical problems that engineers regularly encounter. The text’s first half concerns approximation theoretic notions, exploring the theory and computation of one- and two-dimensional polynomial and other spline functions. Later chapters examine variational methods in the solution of operator equations, focusing on boundary value problems in one and two dimensions. Additional topics include least squares and other Galerkin methods. Many helpful definitions, examples, and exercises appear throughout the book. A classic reference in spline theory, this volume will benefit experts as well as students of engineering and mathematics.
A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy
Otto Neugebauer - 1975
It is easy to point out its many virtues: comprehensiveness and common sense are two of the most important. Neugebauer has studied profoundly every relevant text in Akkadian, Egyptian, Greek, and Latin, no matter how fragmentary; ...] With the combination of mathematical rigor and a sober sense of the true nature of the evidence, he has penetrated the astronomical and the historical significance of his material. ...] His work has been and will remain the most admired model for those working with mathematical and astronomical texts.D. Pingree in Bibliotheca Orientalis, 1977..". a work that is a landmark, not only for the history of science, but for the history of scholarship. HAMA History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy] places the history of ancient Astronomy on a entirely new foundation. We shall not soon see its equal.N.M. Swerdlow in Historia Mathematica, 1979
The Theory of Algebraic Numbers
Harry Pollard - 1975
After establishing a firm introductory foundation, the text explores the uses of arithmetic in algebraic number fields; the fundamental theorem of ideal theory and its consequences; ideal classes and class numbers; and the Fermat conjecture (concluding with discussions of Pythagorean triples, units in cyclotomic fields, and Kummer's theorem). In addition to a helpful list of symbols and an index, a set of carefully chosen problems appears at the end of each chapter to reinforce mathematics covered. Students and teachers of undergraduate mathematics courses will find this volume a first-rate introduction to algebraic number theory.
Further Mathematical Diversions
Martin Gardner - 1975