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Ethnic America: A History
Thomas Sowell - 1975
This classic work by the distinguished economist traces the history of nine American ethnic groups -- the Irish, Germans, Jews, Italians, Chinese, African-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans.
Conceived in Liberty (4 Volume Set)
Murray N. Rothbard - 1975
They offer a complete history of the Colonial period ofAmerican history, a period lost to students today, who are led to believeAmerican history begins with the US Constitution. Rothbard's ambition was to shed new light on Colonial history and show that the struggle for human liberty was the heart and soul of this land from its discovery through the culminating event of the American Revolution. These volumes are a tour de force, enough to establish Rothbard as one of the great American historians. Although a detailed narrative history of the struggle between liberty andpower, Rothbard offers a third alternative to the conventional interpretivedevices. Against those on the right who see the American Revolution as a"conservative" event, and those on the left who want to invoke it as somesort of proto-socialist uprising, Rothbard views this period as a time ofaccelerating libertarian radicalism. Through this prism, Rothbardilluminates events as never before. The volumes were brought out in the 1970s, but the odd timing and unevendistribution prevented any kind of large audience. They were beloved only by a few specialists, and sought after by many thanks to their outstandingreputation. The Mises Institute is pleased to be the publisher of the newlyavailable set. Volume One covers the discovery of the Americas and the colonies in the 17th century (531 pages, including index). Volume Two covers the period of "salutary neglect" in the first half of the18th century (294 pages, including index). Volume Three covers the advance to revolution, from 1760-1775 (373 pages, including index). Volume Four covers the political, military, and ideological history of therevolution and after (470 pages, including index). ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) distinguished himself as an economist, writing a major treatise on theory, several important economic histories, and a highly praised history of economic thought. But he was also known as the pioneer thinker of libertarianism, the political philosophy that roots freedom in private property ownership and decries the state as inherently contrary to the ethics of a free society. Writing from this perspective, he gained a reputation as the most provocative and influential contributor to the anarchist tradition in our century.
The Modern World-System I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century
Immanuel Wallerstein - 1975
Countless authors have sung its praises. Aside from splendid surroundings, unlimited library and secretarial assistance, and a ready supply of varied scholars to consult at a moment's notice, what the center offers is to leave the scholar to his own devices, for good or ill. Would that all men had such wisdom. The final version was consummated with the aid of a grant from the Social Sciences Grants Subcommittee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research of McGill University.
John Maynard Keynes
Hyman P. Minsky - 1975
Minsky's view [of economics] is more relevant than ever."- The New York Times"Indeed, the Minsky moment has become a fashionable catch phrase on Wall Street."-The Wall Street JournalJohn Maynard Keynes offers a timely reconsideration of the work of the revered economics icon. Hyman Minsky argues that what most economists consider Keynesian economics is at odds with the major points of Keynes's The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. Keynes and Minsky refuse to ignore pervasive uncertainty. Once uncertainty is given center stage, recurring episodes of financial system crises are all but inescapable. As Robert Barbera notes in a new preface, "Benign economic circumstances...invite increasingly aggressive financial market wagers. Innovation in finance is a signature development in a capitalist economy. Once leveraged wagers are in place, small disappointments can have exaggerated consequences." Thus for Minsky economic calm on Main Street engenders financial system fragility which, in turn, ensures a perpetuation of boom and bust cycles.Minsky colleagues Dimitri B. Papadimitriou and L. Randall Wray write in a new introduction, "We offer this new edition, in the hope that it will contribute to the reformation of economic theory so that it can address the world in which we actually live-the world that was always the topic of Minsky's analysis."
Who Shall Live? Health, Economics, and Social Choice (Expanded Edition)
Victor R. Fuchs - 1975
Six complementary papers dealing with national health insurance, poverty and health, and other policy issues, including his 1996 presidential address to the American Economic Association, accompany the original 1974 text.Health professionals, policy makers, social scientists, students and concerned citizens will all benefit from this highly readable, authoritative, and nuanced discussion of the difficult choices that lie ahead.
U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment
Robert Gilpin - 1975
hegemony in world affairs, also taking a close look at the multi-national corporation and how it was "spreading the wealth" and therefore future economic and political power. The multi-national corporation is also looked at as a player in global dynamics between different nation-states.
You Can Profit From A Monetary Crisis
Harry Browne - 1975
154) calls it a retreat. In any case the notion's the same: when the going gets rough, a well-stocked place to hide and the means to hold off the less farsighted. But that's only one of his sterling suggestions for how to profit from the current economic crisis (and who can deny there is one?). His others: buy silver coin and gold bullion (he suggests several complicated procedures); sell all assets, convert to foreign currency (franc, guilder, mark or, for speculation, the Lebanese pound) and bank Switzerland before the U.S. government clamps down. It's the kind of advice for which Browne usually charges $1750 per four-hour consultation - which may explain why the price is down to $7.95.
Principles Of Operations Research: With Applications To Managerial Decisions
Harvey M. Wagner - 1975
Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications
Oliver E. Williamson - 1975
Essays on John Maynard Keynes
W. Milo Keynes - 1975
The book is, in effect, a biography by many authors.
Atiyah's Accidents, Compensation and the Law
Peter Cane - 1975
The seventh edition of this classic work explores recent momentous changes in personal injury law and practice and puts them into broad perspective. Most significantly, it examines developments affecting the financing and conduct of personal injury claiming: the abolition of legal aid for most personal injury claims; the increasing use of conditional fee agreements and after-the-event insurance; the meteoric rise and impending regulation of the claims management industry. Complaints that Britain is a 'compensation culture' suffering an 'insurance crisis' are investigated. New statistics on tort claims are discussed, providing fresh insights into the evolution of the tort system which, despite recent reforms, remains deeply flawed and ripe for radical reform.
Business, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Raymond de Roover - 1975
Generating Inequality: Mechanisms of Distribution in the US Economy
Lester Carl Thurow - 1975
Anthropopolis: City for Human Development
Constantinos Apostolou DoxiadisSpyros A. Doxiadis - 1975
C. A. Doxiadis, an architect, and one of the planners of the symposium, prepared a set of goals and a proposal for discussion. His main concern was how to make the city more human, that is, how to make citizens happy and safe and help them in their human development. Doxiadis proposal faced this problem from the point of view of a builder of houses and cities who wishes to develop them in a responsible manner. Therefore, it was decided to bring together a few scientists interested in the fate of man who would discuss whether it was possible to create a city which would ensure man s happiness and security and which would also help him to develop in a more satisfactory manner. This book contains Doxiadis report and the symposium.
Aid for the Overdeveloped West
Bob Goudzwaard - 1975
China's Modern Economy in Historical Perspective
Dwight H. Perkins - 1975
Why did it take China more than a century after its defeat in the first Opium War to begin systematically acquiring the fruits of modern technology? To what extent did the rapid economic developments after 1949 depend on features unique to China and to Chinese history as well as on the socialist reorganization of society? These are the major questions examined in this collection of papers which challenges many previously accepted generalizations about the nature and extent of advances in China's economy during the twentieth century.The papers discuss the positive and negative effects of foreign imperialism on Chinese economic development, the adequacy of China's financial resources for major economic initiatives, the state of science and technology in late traditional China, the changing structure of national product and distribution of income, the cotton textile and small machine-building industries as examples of pre-1949 economic bases, the village-market town structure of rural China, the tradition of cooperative efforts in agriculture, and the influence of the Yenan period on the economic thinking of China's leaders.