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The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays
Mikhail Bakhtin - 1975
The Dialogic Imagination presents, in superb English translation, four selections from Voprosy literatury i estetiki (Problems of literature and esthetics), published in Moscow in 1975. The volume also contains a lengthy introduction to Bakhtin and his thought and a glossary of terminology.Bakhtin uses the category "novel" in a highly idiosyncratic way, claiming for it vastly larger territory than has been traditionally accepted. For him, the novel is not so much a genre as it is a force, "novelness," which he discusses in "From the Prehistory of Novelistic Discourse." Two essays, "Epic and Novel" and "Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel," deal with literary history in Bakhtin's own unorthodox way. In the final essay, he discusses literature and language in general, which he sees as stratified, constantly changing systems of subgenres, dialects, and fragmented "languages" in battle with one another.
The Fantastic Art of Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta - 1975
of Cover: Back to the Stone Age 1973)Indomitable • (1967) • interior art (variant of Cover: Conan the Warrior)Man-Ape • (1967) • interior art (variant of Cover: Conan)Swamp Demon • (1972) • interior art (variant of Cover: Witch of the Dark Gate)Middle Earth • interior art (variant of Lord of the Rings Portfolio Plate 3)The Bear • interior art (variant of Cover: The Oakdale Affair 1974)Sun Goddess • (1972) • interior art (variant of Cover: Savage Pellucidar)Chained • (1967) • interior art (variant of Cover: Conan the Usurper)The Barbarian • (1966) • interior art (variant of Cover: Conan the Adventurer)The Barbarian (detail) • interior artSea Witch • interior artConan the Usurper cover • interior art (variant of Cover: Conan the Usurper 1967)
The Nectar of Instruction
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1975
How to choose a guru, how to practice yoga, even where to liveyou'll find it all in this invaluable work originally written in Sanskrit by Srila Rupa Goswami, the greatest spiritual genius of medieval India. Now translated and illuminated by Rupa Goswami's modern successor, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, "The Nectar of Instruction" is the key to enlightenment for all seekers on the path of spiritual perfection.
Charles Reznikoff - 1975
His source materials are the U.S. government's record of the trials of the Nazi criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunal and the transcripts of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem. Except for the twelve part titles, none of the words here are Reznikoff's own: instead he has created, through selection, arrangement, and the rhythms of the testimony set as verse on the page, a poem of witness by the perpetrators and the survivors of the Holocaust. He lets the terrible history unfold--in history's own words.
The People's Almanac
David Wallechinsky - 1975
It probes behind the facts to offer inside information as well as constant entertainment.
Assault In Norway: Sabotaging the Nazi Nuclear Program
Thomas Gallagher - 1975
Target: The seemingly impregnable factory-fortress where the Nazis manufactured and stored materials for their nuclear program. (SEE QUOTE.)
The Women and the Men
Nikki Giovanni - 1975
First appearing between 1970 and 1975, the poems in this gemlike volume reflect the drastic change that took place--in both the consciousness of the nation and in the sould of the poet. From "Ego Tripping" to "Poem for Flora" and "Africa," The Women and the Men is replete with the greatest hits of Nikki Giovanni's incredible oeuvre. With reverence to the ordinary and in search of the extraordinary, Nikki Giovanni, above all, displays here her caring for the people, things, and places she has observed and touched and captured.As a witness to three generations, Nikki Giovanni has perceptively and poetically recorded her observations of both the outside world and the gentle yet enigmatic territory of the self. When her poems first emerged from the Black Rights Movement in the late 1960's, she immediately became a celebrated and controversial poet of the era. Written in one of the most commanding voices to grace America's political and poetic lanscape at the end of the twentieth century, Nikki Giovanni's poems embody the fearless passion and spirited wit for which she is beloved and revered.
After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation
George Steiner - 1975
In the original edition, Steiner provided readers with the first systematic investigation since the eighteenth century of the phenomenologyand processes of translation both inside and between languages. Taking issue with the principal emphasis of modern linguistics, he finds the root of the Babel problem in our deep instinct for privacy and territory, noting that every people has in its language a unique body of shared secrecy. Withthis provocative thesis he analyzes every aspect of translation from fundamental conditions of interpretation to the most intricate of linguistic constructions. For the long-awaited second edition, Steiner entirely revised the text, added new and expanded notes, and wrote a new preface setting the work in the present context of hermeneutics, poetics, and translation studies. This new edition brings the bibliography up to the present with substantiallyupdated references, including much Russian and Eastern European material. Like the towering figures of Derrida, Lacan, and Foucault, Steiner's work is central to current literary thought. After Babel, Third Edition is essential reading for anyone hoping to understand the debates raging in theacademy today.
Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society
Raymond Williams - 1975
Now revised to include new words and updated essays, Keywords focuses on the sociology of language, demonstrating how the key words we use to understand our society take on new meanings and how these changes reflect the political bent and values of society.
Lost Chicago
David Garrard Lowe - 1975
Here too are the famous convention halls, parks, and racetracks of a great American city whose architectural treasures have been, and continue to be, recklessly squandered.Rare photographs and prints, many of them published here for the first time, document the transformative architectural achievements of such giants as Dankmar Adler, Louis Sullivan, John Wellburn Root, Daniel Burnham, William Holabird, and Frank Lloyd Wright. But this remarkable book is much more than a portfolio of now-vanished buildings; within its pages are evocative sketches of scores of Chicago personalities, from the world-famous (Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Dreiser, Clarence Darrow, Ben Hecht, Jane Addams, Cyrus McCormick, George Pullman, and Gustavus Swift, to name just a few) to the locally notorious.
Systematic Theology, Vol 2: Existence and the Christ
Paul Tillich - 1975
Man's predicament is described as the state of "estrangement" from himself, from his world, and from the divine ground of his self and his world. This situation drives man to the quest for a new state of things, in which reconciliation and reunion conquer estrangement. This is the quest for the Christ.
Bunker Archaeology
Paul Virilio - 1975
In 1994 we published the first English-language translation of the classic French edition of 1975, which accompanied an exhibition of Virilio's photographs at the Centre Pompidou. In Bunker Archeology, urbanist Paul Virilio turns his attentionand camerato the ominous yet strangely compelling German bunkers that lie abandoned along the coast of France. These ghostly reminders of destruction and oppression prompted Virilio to consider the nature of war and existence, in relation to both World War II and contemporary times. Virilio discusses fortresses and military space in general as well as the bunkers themselves, including an examination of the role of Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, in the rise of the Third Reich.
The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World
Guido Majno - 1975
Looking at the civilizations of the ancient world - Greece at the time of Hippocrates, Rome under the Caesars, the Egypt of the Pharohs, the India of Ashoka and China as Mencius knew it - Dr Guido Majno has returned to the orginal sources to unravel history from documents as varied as personal letters, buried artifacts and early treatises. He has reconstructed ancient experiments in a modern laboratory and has evaluated ancient remedies with today's methods.
The Fervent Years: The Group Theatre and the 30's
Harold Clurman - 1975
Producing plays that reflected topical issues of the decade and giving a creative chance to actors, directors, and playwrights who were either fed up with or shut out of commercial theater, the "Group" remains a permanent influence on American drama despite its brief ten-year life.It was here that method acting, native realism, and political language had their tryouts in front of audiences who anticipated--indeed demanded--a departure from the Broadway "show-biz" tradition. In this now classic account, Harold Clurman, founder of the Group Theatre and a dynamic force as producer-director-critic for fifty years, here re-creates history he helped make with Lee Strasberg, Elia Kazan, Irwin Shaw, Clifford Odets, Cheryl Crawford, Morris Carnovsky, and William Saroyan. Stella Adler contributed a new introduction to this edition which remembers Clurman, the thirties, and the heady atmosphere of a tumultuous decade.
Herbally Yours
Penny C. Royal - 1975
Easy to understand, this guide to herbal medications is simple enough for the herbal student yet complete enough for the herbal practitioner. Readers are familiarized with common definitions and basic directions for making decoctions, extracts, infusions, oils, and poultices. A complete listing of herbs and herbal formulas along with their primary uses is followed by an alphabetized list of health problems along with recommended herbs to alleviate each condition. Also included are sections on pregnancies, babies, and nursing; herbal sources for vitamins and minerals; information on cleansing and diet; and herbal aid for emergencies. This beloved volume is a timeless resource for maintaining health naturally.
Gunpowder and Galleys
John F. Guilmartin Jr. - 1975
It describes how the strategic considerations in galley warfare were substantially different from those in campaigns involving galleons or ships of the line, and includes detailed descriptions of all the major actions in the Mediterranean and around the Arabian peninsula. Guilmartin challenges traditional thinking in a variety of diverse but interlinked areas, ranging from bronze cannon-casting, the applicability of Mahanian ideas about sea power to the Mediterranean world, to the demise of the nomadic horse archers of Asia.
Blood of My Blood (Picas, #7)
Richard Gambino - 1975
Its data is presented with scholarly precision; yet the author's personalized style, which he peppers with autobiographical tidbits, makes it immensely readable. Unlike most books written by academics, this one compels the reader to feel as well as to know.
The Making of King Kong: The Story Behind a Film Classic
Orville Goldner - 1975
Margeurite de la Roque: A Story of Survival
Elizabeth H. Boyer - 1975
Marguerite and her elderly nurse are left to die on a island off the coast of Canada. Her guardian announces that she had disgraced him and is no longer a virgin. No one appeals her unjust sentence on trumped up charges. The young man who had hoped to marry her shares her exile. Together the three people, none of them trained in farming or house building struggle to erect shelter, and plant crops before winter comes.
Christ in Eastern Christian Thought
John Meyendorff - 1975
Society and Culture in Early Modern France: Eight Essays
Natalie Zemon Davis - 1975
Geometry and Trigonometry for Calculus
Peter H. Selby - 1975
Its major emphasis is on graphic representation of problems and upon their solution by the combined analytic methods of geometry and algebra.
Unearthing Seeds of Fire: The Idea of Highlander
Frank Adams - 1975
We work with people fighting for justice, equality and sustainability, supporting their efforts to take collective action to shape their own destiny. Through popular education, participatory research, and cultural work, we help create spaces -- at Highlander and in local communities -- where people gain knowledge, hope and courage, expanding their ideas of what is possible. We develop leadership and help create and support strong, democratic organizations that work for justice, equality and sustainability in their own communities and that join with others to build broad movements for social, economic and restorative environmental change.
Destroyer Captain
Roger Hill - 1975
Spanning 1942 to 1945, Hill commanded HMS Ledbury during the tragedy of Arctic convoy PQ17 and played an outstanding role in Operation Pedestal. The pressures of command and the strain of years of continual fighting are conveyed here.
Europe's Inner Demons: The Demonization of Christians in Medieval Christendom
Norman Cohn - 1975
In addition, Norman Cohn's discovery that some influential sources on European witch trials were forgeries has revolutionized the field of witchcraft, making this one of the most essential books ever written on the subject.
Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W.V. Quine
Donald Davidson - 1975
This is gratifying because it vindicates the editors' belief in the permanent im portance of Quine's philosophy and in the value of the papers com menting on it which were collected in our volume. Apart from a couple of small corrections, only one change has been made. The list of Professor Quine's writings has been brought up to date. The editors cannot claim any credit for this improvement, however. We have not tried to imitate the Library of Living Philosophers volumes and to include Professor Quine's autobiography in this volume, but we are fortunate to publish here his brand-new auto bibliography. 1975 THE EDITORS TABLE OF CONTENTS V PREFACE 1 EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION 1. 1. C. SMAR T / Quine's Philosophy of Science 3 GILBERT HARMAN / An Introduction to 'Translation and Meaning', Chapter Two of Word and Object 14 ERIK STENIUS / Beginning with Ordinary Things 27 NOAM CHOMSKY / Quine's Empirical Assumptions 53 1AAKKO HINTIKKA / Behavioral Criteria of Radical Translation 69 BARRY STROUD / Conventionalism and the Indeterminacy of Translation 82 P. F. STRA WSON / Singular Terms and Predication 97 118 H. P. GRICE / Vacuous Names P. T."
Principles Of Operations Research: With Applications To Managerial Decisions
Harvey M. Wagner - 1975
Speaking in Parables: A Study in Metaphor and Theology
Sallie McFague - 1975
For its themes engage effectively with main dilemmas not only of formal theology but of current piety and witness. - Amos N. Wilder, Andover Newton QuarterlyThis book is immensely valuable for its persuasive illustrations of the parabolic and metaphoric imagination. McFague attends both to the interpretive and the evaluative levels of hermeneutics. Her readings of specific parables, poems, stories, and autobiographies are insightful and relevant to her thesis that what religious language 'says' is 'conceptually imperceivable and inexpressible.' - Mary Gerhart, Journal of the American Academy of ReligionIt is at the very least a fine guide to one important direction that theological hermeneutics might take, and more than that, it testifies confidently to the presence of still unplumbed resources of the biblical word and its secular counterpart that are there for the imagination's appropriation. - Robert Detweiler, Religious Studies ReviewEveryone interested in theology will be stimulated by Sallie McFague's mediating theological position and the form of thinking and discourse she espouses. Those interested in the intercourse between theology and literature will be stimulated by the way she links the two and the perceptive way she handles her literary examples. Biblical scholars will undoubtedly note her primacy of the parables as the central corpus of the biblical records. Preachers of the church will be strengthened by the concern McFague has for the Christian community and the importance of the word through the words of the preachers. With this variety of concerns, Speaking in Parables will have a deservedly wide reading and, perhaps even more important, wide discussion. - Ronald E. Sleeth, Perkins School of Theology Journal
A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing Smoking Meat, Fish Game
Wilbur F. Eastman Jr. - 1975
The third edition of this perennial bestseller is completely revised and updated to comply with the latest USDA health and safety guidelines. Includes dozens of delicious recipes for homemade Beef Jerky, Pemmican, Venison Mincemeat, Corned Beef, Gepockelete (German-style cured pork), Bacon, Canadian Bacon, Smoked Sausage, Liverwurst, Bologna, Pepperoni, Fish Chowder, Cured Turkey, and a variety of hams. Learn tasty pickling methods for tripe, fish, beef, pork, and oysters. An excellent resource for anyone who loves meat but hates the steroids and chemicals in commercially available products.
The Hollywood Posse: The Story of a Gallant Band of Horsemen Who Made Movie History
Diana Serra Cary - 1975
A handful of discarded horsemen, however, stumbled upon an entirely new frontier-Hollywood. In a rare insider’s view, Diana Serra Cary tells the story of these cowboys, who survived for another fifty years as riders, stuntmen, and doubles for the stars. Filled with humorous anecdotes, The Hollywood Posse reveals the full story of the cowboys’ long and bitter feud with autocratic director Cecil B. De Mille; their relationships with the great Western stars-from the flamboyant Tom Mix to the durable John Wayne; and above all, their touching loyalty, code of honor, and devotion to each other.
Womenfolk and Fairy Tales
Rosemary Minard - 1975
Eighteen traditional fairy tales representing women as intelligent, brave, and versatile human beings.
Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma
Tripitaka Sutrapitaka Saddharmapundarika - 1975
Hailed by critics as an "extraordinary" and "magnificent" achievement, Hurvitz's translation is based on the best known Chinese version of the text and includes passages of the original Sanskrit that were omitted from the Chinese.Beloved for its mythology and literary artistry, the Lotus Sutra is one of the most popular and influential texts of Mahayana Buddhism, asserting that there is only one path to enlightenment, the bodhisattva path, and that all followers without exception can achieve supreme awakening. The text argues that the Buddha cannot be delimited by time and space and that a common intent underlies the diversity of Buddhist teachings. Through parables of the burning house, the wayward son, and other tales that have come to be known throughout East Asia, the sutra skillfully concretizes abstract religious concepts and clarifies bold claims about the Buddhist tradition. Urging devotees to revivify doctrine through recitation and interpretation, the sutra powered an organic process of remaking that not only kept its content alive in the poetry and art of premodern Asia but also introduced new forms of practice and scriptural study into contemporary Buddhism. Stephen F. Teiser's foreword addresses this vital quality of the sutra, discusses its background, and reflects on the enduring relevance of Hurvitz's critical work.
Practical Advice to Teachers: (Cw 294)
Rudolf Steiner - 1975
One course provided the foundational ideas behind Waldorf education (The Foundations of Human Experience); another provided a forum for questions and lively discussions on specific issues in the classroom (Discussions with Teachers). In this course, Steiner takes the middle-path by integrating theory and practice.Here, Steiner spoke of new ways to teach reading, writing, geography, geometry, language, and much more. His approach is tailored to the spiritual and physical needs of the children themselves, not to an arbitrary curriculum based solely on external results.At a time when public education is in a state of crisis, this book describes how children around the world are being guided into adulthood with a fuller sense of themselves and with a creative approach to life and the world around them.German source: Erziehungskunst. Methodisch-Didaktisches (GA 294).
An Approach to Literature
Cleanth Brooks - 1975
The Dawn of Tantra
Herbert V. Günther - 1975
Tibet has been shrouded in mystery, and "tantra" has been called upon to name every kind of esoteric fantasy. In The Dawn of Tantra the reader meets a Tibetan meditation master and a Western scholar, each of whose grasp of Buddhist tantra is real and unquestionable. This collaboration is both true to the intent of the ancient Tibetan teachings and relevant to contemporary Western life.
A World Destroyed: Hiroshima and Its Legacies
Martin J. Sherwin - 1975
atomic diplomacy toward the Soviet Union.In his Preface to this new edition, the author describes and evaluates the lengthening trail of new evidence that has come to light concerning these often emotionally debated subjects. The author also invokes his experience as a historical advisor to the controversial, aborted 1995 Enola Gay exhibit at the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. This leads him to analyze the impact on American democracy of one of the most insidious of the legacies of Hiroshima: the political control of historical interpretation.Reviews of Previous Editions"The quality of Sherwin's research and the strength of his argument are far superior to previous accounts."—New York Times Book Review"Probably the definitive account for a long time to come. . . . Sherwin has tackled some of the critical questions of the Cold War's origins—and has settled them, in my opinion."—Walter LaFeber,Cornell University"One of those rare achievements of conscientious scholarship, a book at once graceful and luminous, yet loyal to its documentation and restrained in its speculations."—Boston Globe
The Writing of History
Michel de Certeau - 1975
In The Writing of History, de Certeau examines the West's changing conceptions of the very role and nature of history itself, from the seventeenth-century attempts to formulate a "history of man" to Freud's with which de Certeau interprets historical practice as a function of mankind's feelings of loss, mourning, and absence. Exhaustively researched and stunningly innovative, is a crucial introduction to de Certeau's work and is destined to become a classic of modern thought.