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Man's Eternal Quest (Collected Talks & Essays 1)
Paramahansa Yogananda - 1975
In this first volume of the collected talks and essays of Paramahansa Yogananda, readers will journey through some little-known and seldom-explained aspects of meditation, life after death, healing, and the power of the mind.
The Greatest Miracle in the World
Og Mandino - 1975
A great inspirational writer tells his story - a narrative that will hold you spellbound as it reveals exciting new secrets for your personal happiness and success.
Tantra: The Supreme Understanding - Discourses on the Tantric Way of Tilopa's Song of Mahamudra
Osho - 1975
In these talks Osho explains many significant meditation techniques that are as helpful and powerful today as when Tilopa first sang his song.
The Mustard Seed: The Gnostic Teachings of Jesus The Mystic
Osho - 1975
Examining the ancient Gospel of Thomas--a Gnostic text supressed by the early church--Osho paints a portrait of Jesus that is radical and revolutionary, a Jesus who makes demands that run counter to the safe and gentle person of traditonal Christian teaching.
Wisdom of the Ages: A Modern Master Brings Eternal Truths into Everyday Life
Wayne W. Dyer - 1975
Dyer has crafted a powerful collection of writings, poems, and sayings by some of the greatest thinkers of the past twentyfive centuries. In succinct original essays, Dyer sets out to explain the meaning and context of each piece of wisdom, and, most important, how we can actively apply these teachings to our modern lives. A beautiful and thoughtful gift, this book shows us a window to wisdom and a door to greatness.
Meher Baba - 1975
Inspiring and practical, the Discourses provide an ever-fresh framework of spiritual perspective on the challenges of everyday life. As Meher Baba stated, "Words that proceed from the Source of Truth have real meaning." The Discourses bear eloquent testimony to that fact and will remain an incomparable companion for those seeking spiritual direction.
The Nectar of Instruction
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1975
How to choose a guru, how to practice yoga, even where to liveyou'll find it all in this invaluable work originally written in Sanskrit by Srila Rupa Goswami, the greatest spiritual genius of medieval India. Now translated and illuminated by Rupa Goswami's modern successor, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, "The Nectar of Instruction" is the key to enlightenment for all seekers on the path of spiritual perfection.
Mystical Dimensions of Islam
Annemarie Schimmel - 1975
Through her sensitivity and deep understanding of the subject, Annemarie Schimmel, an eminent scholar of Eastern religions, draws the reader into the mood, the vision, the way of the Sufi in a manner that adds an essential ingredient to her analysis of the history of Sufism. After exploring the origins of the mystical movement in the meditations of orthodox Muslims on the Koran and the prophetic tradition, the author then discusses the development of its different stages, including classical voluntarism and postclassical theosophical mystical trends. Particular emphasis is placed on spiritual education, the different ways of leading the mystic toward the existential realization of the profound mystery of the profession of faith that “there is no deity but God.” Sufi psychology and Sufi orders and fraternities are comprehensively explored. Through an examination of mystical anthropology, which culminates in the veneration of the prophet and the saints, the questions of free will and predestination, of good and evil, are implied. The main burden of the text, however, is Sufism as reflected in Islamic poetry, and Professor Schimmel examines the various aspects of mystical poetry in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Sindhi, Panjabi, and Pashto. The author skillfully demonstrates how Sufi ideals permeated the whole fabric of Muslim life, providing the average Muslim—villager or intellectual—with the virtues of perfect trust in God and the loving surrender to God’s will. Professor Schimmel’s long acquaintance with Turkey, Iran, and the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent provides a unique emphasis to the study, and the author’s personal knowledge of Sufi practice in these regions lends a contemporary relevance to her work.
The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation
Thich Nhat Hanh - 1975
From washing the dishes to answering the phone to peeling an orange, he reminds us that each moment holds within it an opportunity to work toward greater self-understanding and peacefulness.
The Book of Letters: A Mystical Hebrew Alphabet
Lawrence Kushner - 1975
Folktales about and exploration of the mystical meanings of the Hebrew Alphabet. Open the old prayerbook-like pages of The Book of Letters and you will enter a special world of sacred tradition and religious feeling. More than just symbols, all twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet overow with meanings and personalities of their own.
God Can Do It Again: The Miracle Set
Kathryn Kuhlman - 1975
This is a newly-reprinted classic by the most extraordinary anointed woman of her time. Each chapter contains another person's story. Each of these ordinary people, having nowhere left to turn, experienced the willingness of God to touch them right where they where! Read these amazing testimonies by God's extraordinary servant, Kathryn Kuhlman, and know that God can do it again¿for you!
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Wayne W. Dyer - 1975
When confronted with a problem, be it ill health, financial worries, or relationship difficulties, we often depend on intellect to solve it. In this radical book, Dyer shows us that there is an omnipotent spiritual force at our fingertips that contains the solution to our problems.The first part of the book provides the essential foundation for spiritual problem solving, drawing from the wisdom of Patanjali, a Yogi mystic; the second half is organized around the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, whose legacy is one of love, harmony, and service. Each chapter contains specific practical applications for applying the teachings of these wise men to everyday problems, including affirmations, writing exercises, and guided meditations.Profound and thought provoking, yet filled with pragmatic advice, There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem is a book about self-awareness and tapping the healing energy within all of us. As Dyer writes, "Thinking is the source of problems. Your heart holds the answer to solving them."
The Catholic Catechism
John A. Hardon - 1975
Since the close of the Second Vatican Council, there has been such an accumulation of ecclesiastical constitutions and decrees and so many changes they introduced in Catholic practice that few people have been able to keep up with all that has happened... A parallel purpose of this volume is to offer those who use it a handy guidebook of the Catholic tradition, whether formally documented in ecclesiastical sources or implicitly accepted by the faithful under the aegis of the Church's hierarchial leaders."The method followed in presenting the Church's doctrine is a combination of history and logic. Doctrines are placed into a historical framework by tracing their origins to the Old and New Testaments and placing their development within the context of persons, places, and times. The doctrine thus becomes more intelligible because it is viewed in the setting of its vital growth over the centuries."The intended reading audience of this Catholic catechism are all those priests, religious and laity, and above all parents and teachers, who are looking for a concise statement of the faith they profess, the conduct they practice, and the worship they give to the Lord."--From The Catholic Catechism by John A. Hardon, S.J.
Three Essays on Universal Law: The Laws of Karma, Will, and Love
Michael A. Singer - 1975
Yet man continues to live as though the various events happening to him throughout his life are random -- occurring only by "chance." This essay formally presents a Universal Law which not only incorporates all of the existing scientific laws, but also explains the underlying order which governs the conditions of our everyday lives. THE LAW OF WILL: Will power is a force nearer to us than any of the external forms of power which we utilize each day. Yet, from an analytical point of view, the power of will is perhaps the least understood. This essay constructs an unprecedented model of the will force which is used to answer questions such as: what will is, where it comes from, and how we manage to have control over this force. The analysis then turns to the age-old question of whether man really has "free will." THE LAW OF LOVE: Psychology and religion both stress that at the very essence of man's being is the yearning for love. But though we have all shared in love, very few people actually understand what is happening when love is felt, or what conditions determine the presence or absence of this force. In this essay a comprehensive model of the love force is constructd based upon the Eastern concept of the seven chakras. Around this model a thorough analysis is conducted which reveals the essential qualities of true love. This essay has been repeatedly praised as one of the clearest eplanations of what is actually going on inside when we "fall in love," as well as clearly explaining how we can consciously come into tune with this inner force.
Ley del karma, ley de la voluntad, ley del amor: Las tres leyes que rigen el universo
Michael A. Singer - 1975
Yet man continues to live as though the various events happening to him throughout his life are random -- occurring only by "chance." This essay formally presents a Universal Law which not only incorporates all of the existing scientific laws, but also explains the underlying order which governs the conditions of our everyday lives. THE LAW OF WILL: Will power is a force nearer to us than any of the external forms of power which we utilize each day. Yet, from an analytical point of view, the power of will is perhaps the least understood. This essay constructs an unprecedented model of the will force which is used to answer questions such as: what will is, where it comes from, and how we manage to have control over this force. The analysis then turns to the age-old question of whether man really has "free will." THE LAW OF LOVE: Psychology and religion both stress that at the very essence of man's being is the yearning for love. But though we have all shared in love, very few people actually understand what is happening when love is felt, or what conditions determine the presence or absence of this force. In this essay a comprehensive model of the love force is constructd based upon the Eastern concept of the seven chakras. Around this model a thorough analysis is conducted which reveals the essential qualities of true love. This essay has been repeatedly praised as one of the clearest eplanations of what is actually going on inside when we "fall in love," as well as clearly explaining how we can consciously come into tune with this inner force.
Poustinia: Encountering God in Silence, Solitude and Prayer (Madonna House Classics Vol.1)
Catherine de Hueck Doherty - 1975
Catherine combines her insights into the great spiritual traditions of the Russian Church with her very personal experience of life with Christ. How to create a hermitage in which you can taste the joy of Christian solitude, and meet God face to face in the midst of a godless world. Catherine emphasizes poustinia of the heart, an interiorized poustinia, a silent chamber carried always and everywhere in which to contemplate God within. Learn how our desert can be in the marketplace, in the midst of countless conferences, traffic jams, bus tripsor a hospital ward. Written by one who knows by experience, Poustinia brings consolation with its vision of a personal desert that can bloom in simple, profound prayer.
My Way: The Way of the White Clouds
Osho - 1975
Inspiring.My Way: The Way of the White CloudsSubjectResponses To QuestionsTranslated fromNotesPreviously published as "The Way of the White Cloud".Chapters 1-3 later published as "The Mystery Beyond Mind".Chapters 4-6 later published as "The Centre of the Cyclone".Chapters 7-9 later published as "Be Oceanic".Chapters 10-12 later published as "Meditation: The Ultimate Adventure".Chapters 13-15 later published as "Love & Meditation".Time Period of Osho's original Discourses/Talks/Lettersfrom May 10, 1974 to May 24, 1974Number of Discourses/Chapters15
Liturgy Of The Hours (Vol. 3): Volume III: Ordinary Time Weeks 1-17
International Commission on English in the Liturgy - 1975
The liturgical reform of Vatican II has restored the Divine Office to its original purpose, the prayer of the entire Church.
And The Flowers Showered Discourses On Zen
Osho - 1975
From the true meaning of happiness to an understanding of the process of death, it's all here. To begin reading this book is to commence a journey into the world of wonder.Buddha’s disciple Subhuti is showered with blossoms upon experiencing sublime emptiness. But isn’t emptiness usually an absence of something? Through his commentary on this seemingly strange tale, Osho illuminates the vast difference between a negative and a sublime emptiness.
The Cosmic Drama (Essence of Alan Watts 9)
Alan W. Watts - 1975
Cosmic Drama by Alan WattsSoftcover book published by Celestial Arts, copyright 1975, first printing
Scarlet Feather
Joan Grant - 1975
Trained and educated with the young braves, she develops strength and courage, and soon she will succeed the tribal chief—that is if she can at last overcome a series of ordeals which prove her worthy of the Scarlet Feather.
The Wisdom of Heschel
Abraham Joshua Heschel - 1975
The answers are questions in disguise, every new answer giving rise to new questions." This example of Rabbi Heschel's thought and manner of expression, familiar to the readers of his many books, serves as an epigraph to The Wisdom of Heschel.As Ruth Goodhill says in her foreword, "These selections from the works of the prophetic giant of the twentieth century, Abraham Joshua Heschel, represent my personal response to his writings. This book, conceived during his lifetime, is offered as an introduction to his thought and to his profound understanding of the agonies of modern society."Most of the selections are taken from God in Search of Man, The Insecurity of Freedom, Man Is Not Alone, The Sabbath, The Prophets, and Who Is Man? Among the categories in which the excerpts have been grouped are "Questions Man Asks, " "Man's Needs, " "Caring for Our Old, " "Teaching Our Young, " "Law, "" The Sabbath, " and "One World."
Beginnings And Beyond
Carol Lynn Pearson - 1975
Our divine journey -- 2. God and eternity -- 3. Prayer -- 4. Growth and self-development -- 5. Life's little lessons -- 6. Friends and relationships -- 7. Women -- 8. Men and women -- 9. Motherhood, pregnancy and birth -- 10. Adoption -- 11. Parenthood and childraising -- 12. Adversity -- 13. Service -- 14. Healing and comfort -- 15. Old age -- 16. Death and beyond -- Indexes.
St. Seraphim of Sarov
Valentine Zander - 1975
This book, constructed from personal accounts of the lives he influenced and by those who knew him, reveals St Seraphim's profound insight into the soul.
The Raft is Not the Shore: Conversations toward a Buddhist/Christian Awareness
Thich Nhat Hanh - 1975
A new dialogue between the radical Jesuit priest and the Vietnamese Zen master covers a wide range of topics relevant to the Buddhist-Christian relationship, including war, peace, death, Jesus, and the Buddha.
Time (His The essence of Alan Watts ; book 6)
Alan W. Watts - 1975
Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing
William Johnston - 1975
Johnston's theological treatment of this and other works by the same writer makes a conscious comparison with Oriental ways of contemplation.
Journey Inward, Journey Outward
Elizabeth O'Connor - 1975
This present volume continues the story of the prototype of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. and its innovative ministries. The author writes of the church's vital balance of engagement with self, God, and others ("journey inward"), and of how it proceeds from this solid base of involvement with the needs of the greater community ("the journey outward").
Sacraments of Life: Life of the Sacraments
Leonardo Boff - 1975
Drawn from the personal experience of twentieth-century Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff
Before the Living God
Ruth Burrows - 1975
It writes of the Christian's relationship with others and with God, of prayer, of the life of the Spirit.
Winged Life
Hannah Hurnard - 1975
We can find freedom to enjoy the Christian life by allowing God to transform our thoughts, specifically through an attitude of praise, selflessness, and pure thinking.
Yoga and Psychotherapy: The Evolution of Consciousness
Swami Rama - 1975
Yoga & Psychotherapy is an in-depth analysis of Western and Eastern models of the mind and their differing perspectives on such functions as ego, instinct, and consciousness. This book draws upon the rich and diverse experience of Swami Rama, Rudolph Ballentine, MD, and Swami Ajaya, PhD, to show you how the ancient findings of yoga can be used to supplement or replace less complete Western theories and techniquesYoga & Psychotherapy was written to be accessible to the layperson, yet detailed enough to be of value to the professional. This text is a perfect and succinct introduction to some of the cardinal concepts of yoga philosophy, presented in a clear and logical format. Purchase your copy of Yoga & Psychotherapy and see how the timeless holistic techniques of yoga can make an impact in your life.
Conscious Exercise and the Transcendental Sun: The Principle of Love Applied to Exercise and the Method of Common Physical Action: A Science of Whole Body Wisdom, or True Emotion, Intended Most Especially for Those Engaged in Religious or Spiritual Life
Adi Da Samraj - 1975
Meditations on a Theme
Anthony Bloom - 1975
Their content was uncomfortable and challenging but they drew huge audiences. He then started publishing books and one of his first was was Meditations on a Theme, which we are proud to reissue.Anthony Bloom takes us on a path traced by centuries of Christian pilgrims, taking as landmarks for our meditations certain passages of the Gospel. At the close of the journey we are able to to forget ourselves as we enter a vision which transcends us and at the same time leads us to contemplate trust which alone can bring us to God.
The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation
The Findhorn Community - 1975
"A beautiful book, including about 100 wondrous photographs."-- "Library Journal" "A beautiful book, including about 100 wondrous photographs." "--Library Journal"
Death (Essence of Alan Watts 4)
Alan W. Watts - 1975