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Sociobiology: The New Synthesis

Edward O. Wilson - 1975
    When this classic work was first published in 1975, it created a new discipline and started a tumultuous round in the age-old nature versus nurture debate. Although voted by officers and fellows of the international Animal Behavior Society the most important book on animal behavior of all time, Sociobiology is probably more widely known as the object of bitter attacks by social scientists and other scholars who opposed its claim that human social behavior, indeed human nature, has a biological foundation. The controversy surrounding the publication of the book reverberates to the present day.In the introduction to this Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition, Edward O. Wilson shows how research in human genetics and neuroscience has strengthened the case for a biological understanding of human nature. Human sociobiology, now often called evolutionary psychology, has in the last quarter of a century emerged as its own field of study, drawing on theory and data from both biology and the social sciences.For its still fresh and beautifully illustrated descriptions of animal societies, and its importance as a crucial step forward in the understanding of human beings, this anniversary edition of Sociobiology: The New Synthesis will be welcomed by a new generation of students and scholars in all branches of learning.

Re-Visioning Psychology

James Hillman - 1975
    This groundbreaking classic explores the necessity of connections between our life and soul and developing the main lines of the soul-making process.

Escape from Evil

Ernest Becker - 1975
    From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Denial of Death, a penetrating and insightful perspective on the source of evil in our world."A profound, nourishing book…absolutely essential to the understanding of our troubled times." —Anais Nin"An urgent essay that bears all the marks of a final philosophical raging against the dying of the light." —Newsweek

The Dream and the Underworld

James Hillman - 1975
    In a profound extension of Jung's ideas of the collective unconscious, Hillman goes back to classical theories in terms of the poetics of mythology. He relates our dreaming life to the myths of the underworld--the dark side of the soul, its images and shadows--and to the gods and figures of death. This leads to a revisioning of dream interpretation in relation to the psychology of dying. He concludes with the long section on specific dream images and themes as they appear in psychological praxis.

Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders

Aaron T. Beck - 1975
    Beck, one of the founders of cognitive therapy, provides a comprehensive guide to its theory and practice.

Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon - Survival of Bodily Death

Raymond A. Moody Jr. - 1975
    Originally published in 1975, it is the groundbreaking study of one hundred people who experienced “clinical death” and were revived, and who tell, in their own words, what lies beyond death.Life After Life introduced us to concepts—including the bright light, the tunnel, the presence of loved ones waiting on the other side—that have become cultural memes and have shaped countless readers notions about the end life and the meaning of death.

The Courage to Create

Rollo May - 1975
    May draws on his experience to show how we can break out of old patterns in our lives. His insightful book offers us a way through our fears into a fully realized self.

Psychological Commentaries on the Teachings of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky

Maurice Nicoll - 1975
    This classic five-volume set is being reissued in hardcover by popular demand with a sixth volume- the index compiled by the Gurdjieff Society of Washington, D.C.PSYCHOLOGICAL COMMENTARIES have their own special value that a more polished writing would not have retained, for they are concerned with the immediate processes of applying certain deep ideas in daily life.

Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research

Stanislav Grof - 1975
    Famous for his lifelong research into psychedelic drugs, Dr. Grof constructs a comprehensive and helpful framework out of the bewildering welter of experiences triggered by LSD in patients and research subjects. Current research into the brain and ways of expanding consciousness give this seminal book, first published in 1979, new importance for the light it throws on many fundamental, but hitherto mysterious, human potentialities. Grof's theory of the human psyche transcends the personal and opens ways to a greater understanding of our inner selves.

LSD Psychotherapy: The Healing Potential of Psychedelic Medicine

Stanislav Grof - 1975
    Much of what had been learned over thirty years of scientific medical study was so distorted or suppressed that no objective overview was available to the general reader - except for this book. LSD Psychotherapy is a complete account of a remarkable chapter in the ever-continuing inquiry into our transpersonal nature and origins. The controlled studies described in this book reveal exciting and challenging data about the nature of human consciousness, perception, and reality itself. Drawing on this work Dr. Stanislav Grof outlines a new cartography of the human mind, one which accounts for experiences such as shamanic trance, near-death experiences and altered states of consciousness. This vision is also the foundation for Dr. Grof's revolutionary new Holotropic Breathworkâ„¢ techniques. This book is also a visual feast, with numerous color drawings and paintings created by research participants (see featured artist Sherana Harriette Frances' book Drawing It Out: Befriending the Unconscious). Many of these depict archetypal images from the collective human consciousness, which form a powerful addition to the text. LSD Psychotherapy is a valuable source of information for those who are involved with LSD in any way, as parents, teachers, researchers, legislators, or students of the human psyche. The approach to healing described in this book is inspired by the eternal desire of humankind for wholeness and an enduring grasp of reality.

Your Child's Self-Esteem: Step-by-Step Guidelines for Raising Responsible, Productive, Happy Children

Dorothy Corkille Briggs - 1975
    Self-image is your child's most important characteristic. How to help create strong feelings of self-worth is the central challenge for every parent and teacher. The formula for how is spelled out in Your Child's Self-Esteem.A member of Phi Beta Kappa and other honoraries, Dorothy Corkille Briggs has worked as a teacher of both children and adults; dean of girls; school psychologist; and marriage, family and child counselor during the last twenty-five years. Since 1958 she has taught parent-education courses and training in communication and resolution of conflicts.

Love, Guilt and Reparation: And Other Works 1921-1945

Melanie Klein - 1975
    She was a leading innovator in theorizing object relations theory. Klein had a major influence on the theory and technique of psychoanalysis, particularly in Great Britain. As a divorced woman whose academic qualifications did not even include a bachelor's degree, Klein was a visible iconoclast within a profession dominated by male physicians. After the arrival of Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalyst daughter, Anna Freud, in London in 1938, Klein’s ideas came into conflict with those of Continental analysts who were migrating to Britain. Following protracted debates between the followers of Klein and the followers of Anna Freud during the 1940s (the so-called 'controversial discussions'), the British Psychoanalytical Society split into three separate training divisions: (1) Kleinian, (2) Anna Freudian, and (3) independent. This division remains to the current time. Kleinian psychoanalysis remains a large and influential school of psychoanalysis within Britain, in much of Latin America, and to an extent in continental Europe. Melanie Klein's works are collected in four volumes, of which this is volume One. A timeless book: the pioneering and fascinating work of Melanie Klein who shaped child psychoanalysis. Her work is second only to S. Freud.

Art and Artist: Creative Urge and Personality Development

Otto Rank - 1975
    Art and Artist, his major statement on the relationship of art to the individual and society, pursues in a broader cultural context Freud's ideas on art and neurosis and has had an important influence on many twentieth-century writers and thinkers, beginning with Henry Miller and Anais Nin.Art and Artist explores the human urge to create in all its complex aspects, in terms not only of individual works of art but of religion, mythology, and social institutions as well. Based firmly on Rank's knowledge of psychology and psychoanalysis, it ranges widely through anthropology and cultural history, reaching beyond psychology to a broad understanding of human nature.

Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology

Jane Roberts - 1975
    What emerges is Roberts' theory of Aspect Psychology: nothing less than a revolutionary view of the human personality. Taking up where Seth left off, "Adventures In Consciousness" encompasses and explains the full, incredibly versatile, multi-dimensional range of the normal human psyche.

The Structure of Magic I: A Book about Language and Therapy

Richard Bandler - 1975
    Volume I describes the Meta Model, a framework for comprehending the structure of language; Volume II applies NLP theory to nonverbal communication.

Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (Vol 1)

Richard Bandler - 1975
    Erickson, M.D. Volume I

The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost

Jean Liedloff - 1975
    The experience demolished her Western preconceptions of how we should live and led her to a radically different view of what human nature really is. She offers a new understanding of how we have lost much of our natural well-being and shows us practical ways to regain it for our children and for ourselves.

The Words to Say It

Marie Cardinal - 1975
    It reveals her truamatic childhood and institutionalization, followed by her escape to the quiet cul-de-sac where her psychoanalysist lived. There, for many years, she made the journey towards recovery through Freudian analysis.

When I Say No, I Feel Guilty: How to Cope - Using the Skills of Systematic Assertive Therapy

Manuel J. Smith - 1975
    The best-seller that helps you say: "I just said 'no' and I don't feel guilty!" Are you letting your kids get away with murder? Are you allowing your mother-in-law to impose her will on you? Are you embarrassed by praise or crushed by criticism? Are you having trouble coping with people? Learn the answers in "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty," the best-seller with revolutionary new techniques for getting your own way.

Whole Child, Whole Parent

Polly Berrien Berends - 1975
    This fourth edition includes new material for contemporary parents on anger, children's dreams, maintaining individual and family life, marital as well as parental life, and many new personal anecdotes. It is the perfect guide "not merely for parents who want to raise their children in the best manner possible, it is for all people, including adults who want to raise themselves." (M. Scott Peck, from the foreword).Whether exploring love and discipline or bedtime and storybook reading, Berends shows the practical relevance of spiritual insights to the most ordinary parental tasks.

The Fear of the Feminine and Other Essays on Feminine Psychology

Erich Neumann - 1975
    Neumann recommended a cultural therapy that he thought would redress a fundamental ignorance about feminine and masculine psychology, and he looked for societal healing to a matriarchal consciousness that forms the bridge between the feminine and the creative.Brought together here for the first time, the essays in the book discuss the psychological stages of woman's development, the moon and matriarchal consciousness, Mozart's Magic Flute, the meaning of the earth archetype for modern times, and the fear of the feminine. In Mozart's fantastic world, Neumann saw a true Auseinandersetzung--the conflict and coming-to-terms with each other of the matriarchal and the patriarchal worlds. Developing such a synthesis of the feminine and the masculine in the psychic reality of the individual and of the collective was, he argued, one of the fundamental, future-oriented tasks of both the society and the individual.

No Hidden Meanings: An Illustrated Eschatological Laundry List

Sheldon B. Kopp - 1975

The Structure of Magic II

John Grinder - 1975
    Volume I describes the Meta Model, a framework for comprehending the structure of language; Volume II applies NLP theory to nonverbal communication.

Yoga and Psychotherapy: The Evolution of Consciousness

Swami Rama - 1975
    Yoga & Psychotherapy is an in-depth analysis of Western and Eastern models of the mind and their differing perspectives on such functions as ego, instinct, and consciousness. This book draws upon the rich and diverse experience of Swami Rama, Rudolph Ballentine, MD, and Swami Ajaya, PhD, to show you how the ancient findings of yoga can be used to supplement or replace less complete Western theories and techniquesYoga & Psychotherapy was written to be accessible to the layperson, yet detailed enough to be of value to the professional. This text is a perfect and succinct introduction to some of the cardinal concepts of yoga philosophy, presented in a clear and logical format. Purchase your copy of Yoga & Psychotherapy and see how the timeless holistic techniques of yoga can make an impact in your life.

Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior

Edward L. Deci - 1975
    The theories of that era reflected this belief and used it in an attempt to explain an increasing number of phenomena. It was not until the 1950s that it became irrefutably clear that much of human motivation is based not in these drives, but rather in a set of innate psychological needs. Their physiological basis is less understood; and as concepts, these needs lend themselves more easily to psycho- logical than to physiological theorizing. The convergence of evidence from a variety of scholarly efforts suggests that there are three such needs: self-determination, competence, and interpersonal relatedness. This book is primarily about self-determination and competence (with particular emphasis on the former), and about the processes and structures that relate to these needs. The need for interpersonal relat- edness, while no less important, remains to be explored, and the findings from those explorations will need to be integrated with the present theory to develop a broad, organismic theory of human motivation. Thus far, we have articulated self-determination theory, which is offered as a working theory-a theory in the making. To stimulate the research that will allow it to evolve further, we have stated self-determination theory in the form of minitheories that relate to more circumscribed domains, and we have developed paradigms for testing predictions from the various minitheories.

A Primer of Drug Action

Robert M. Julien - 1975
    Now in its Tenth Edition, this definitive guide has been completely revised and updated to again make it the most current and comprehensive introduction to the pharmacology of drugs that affect the mind and behavior.

Personality Theories: Basic Assumption, Research and Applications

Larry A. Hjelle - 1975
    This edition retains a distinctive presentation of theories on the framework of their underlying basic assumptions. This edition has been thoroughly updated mixing research and personal applications in each chapter. Some new theorists have been added and a new chapter covers research methods, assessment techniques and ethical issues. Now available with the third edition, a current research application manual.

Unmasking the Face: A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Clues

Paul Ekman - 1975
    The authors of UNMASKING THE FACE explain how to identify these basic emotions correctly and how to tell when people try to mask, simulate, or neutralize them. It features several practical exercises that help actors, teachers, salesmen, counselors, nurses, law-enforcement personnel and physicians -- and everyone else who deals with people -- to become adept, perceptive readers of the facial expressions of emotions.


Alexander Lowen - 1975
    This exciting body-mind approach to personality has a liberating and positive effect on emotional, physical, and psychic distress. Dr. Alexander Lowen, founder and prime mover of this fast-growing therapy, writes that increased joy and pleasure are possible in every day life through an understanding of how your body functions energetically: how it determines what you feel, think, and do. Dr. Lowen points out that lack of energy is the result of chronic muscular tensions, a condition caused by the suppression of feelings. These tensions can be dissolved through the direct body work in bioenergetic exercise, which restores the potential for living a rich, full life. Dr. Lowen analyzes common physical ailments like headaches and lower back pain and shows how they too can be overcome by releasing the muscular tenstion that create them. Generously illustrated with line drawings of bioenergetic exercises, this book is sure to bring freedom, confidence, and pleasure to thousands of men and women.In this highly interesting and valuable attempt to restore the body to the mind, Dr. Alexander Lowen sets out in a practically useful way the principles of his new form of psychotherapy. Bioenergetics is destined to become widely influential. --Ashley Montagu

Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology: The Gnostic Method of Real Spiritual Awakening

Samael Aun Weor - 1975
    No matter who we are, we feel fulfillment, happiness, and purpose inside of ourselves. These qualities are not felt outside of ourselves, and cannot be found in external things or circumstances. Similarly, knowledge of ourselves and our purpose cannot be found in external things, but are found inside. By knowing what is in our hearts and minds, by seeing what we usually ignore, we learn not only what we are capable of, but also what prevents us from developing our full potential. By knowing ourselves, we acquire the knowledge of how to change for the better. As we improve ourselves and awaken to our true nature, we spontaneously begin to radiate the light of divinity in everything we do, increasing our own happiness, and spreading it to others. This is how we begin to live the Gnostic message, which states that the light of the Divine is within us. By knowing ourselves, we also learn about that light, and can bring it into the world to benefit everyone. "All things, all circumstances that occur outside ourselves on the stage of this world, are exclusively the reflection of what we carry within. With good reason then, we can solemnly declare that the 'exterior is the reflection of the interior.' When someone changes internally-and if that change is radical-then circumstances, life, and the external also change." - Samael Aun Weor This book reflects and illuminates the spiritual psychology of all genuine religions and mystical traditions. With the practical guidance in this book, anyone can awaken to see the light for the Divine for themselves.

The Unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-Logic

Ignacio Matte Blanco - 1975
    The logico-mathematical treatment of the subject is made easy because every concept used is simple and simply explained from first principles. Each renewed explanation of the facts brings the emergence of new knowledge from old material of truly great importance to the clinician and the theorist alike. A highly original book that ought to be read by everyone interested in psychiatry or in Freudian psychology.

Social Amnesia: A Critique Of Contemporary Psychology

Russell Jacoby - 1975
    In this book, Jacoby excavates the critical and historical concepts that have fallen prey to the dynamic of a society that strips them both of their historical and critical content. Social Amnesia is an effort to remember what is perpetually lost under the pressure of society. It is simultaneously a critique of present practices and theories in psychology. Jacoby's new self-evaluation has the same sharp edge as the book itself, offering special insights into the evolution of psychological theory during the past two decades.In his probing, self-critical new introduction, Jacoby maintains that any serious appraisal of psychology or sociology, or any discipline, must seek to separate the political from the theoretical. He discusses how in the years since Social Amnesia was first published society has oscillated from extreme subjectivism to extreme objectivism, which feed off each other and constitute two forms of social amnesia: a forgetting of the past and a pseudo-historical consciousness. Social Amnesia contains a forceful argument for "thinking against the grain - an endeavor that remains as urgent as ever." It is an important work for sociologists, psychologists, and psychoanalysts.

Sai Baba the Holy Man and the Psychiatrist

Samuel H. Sandweiss - 1975

And the Children Played

Patricia Joudry - 1975

Structure of the Human Brain: A Photographic Atlas

Stephen J. DeArmond - 1975
    It takes into account the advances in computer-assisted brain-imaging techniques that do not restrict the plane of study and the recent progress in identifying and localizing putative neurotransmittersand neuromodulators in the brain. New sections offer coronal views of the gross brain and brain stem, biochemical neuroanatomy, magnetic resonance images, and recent computerized tomographic scans. In addition, many refinements have been made in the illustrations retained from earlier editions. Asbefore, only the highest quality photomicrographs have been included.

Beginnings of Learning

Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1975
    These lively, often intimate exchanges turn on practical, everyday matters as well as wider philosophical issues, as Krishnamurti encourages his audience to appreciate that the beginning of wisdom is self-knowledge. Jiddu Krishnamurti was born in southern India in 1895 and died in 1986. The essence of his teachings is that societal change and world peace can only occur through a complete change of individual consciousness. It is only in seeing ourselves as we are, with absolute clarity, that real revolution—an inner revolution—takes place.

A Dialog on the Control of Human Behavior

Carl R. Rogers - 1975
    Whether we like it or not, the prospect is close to reality, according to Carl Rogers and B. F. Skinner. These leading authorities debated in 1962 how the control of human behavior can and should come about. The debate has been reproduced on 6 CDs accompanied by a booklet containing background information, a summary of each topic, and a bibliography. Released on CD in 2006. Product No. S29244D.

On Not Knowing How to Live

Allen Wheelis - 1975

The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens & the I Ching

Dennis J. McKenna - 1975
    A thoroughly revised edition of the much-sought-after early work by Terence and Dennis McKenna that looks at shamanism, altered states of consciousness, and the organic unity of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching.

The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud 12

Sigmund Freud - 1975
    Case History of Schreber, Papers on Technique and Other Works 1911-13This collection of twenty-four volumes is the first full paperback publication of the standard edition of The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud in EnglishIncludes:Psycho-Analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (1911)Papers on Technique (1911-1915)Dreams in Folklore (1911)On Psycho-Analysis (1911)Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning (1911)Types of Onset Neurosis (1912)Contributions to a Discussion on Masturbation (1912)A Note on the Unconscious in Psycho-Analysis (1912)An Evidential Dream (1913)The Occurrence in Dreams of Material from Fairy Tales (1913)The Theme of the Three Caskets (1913)Two Lies Told by Children (1913)The Disposition to Obsessional Neurosis (1913)Introuduction to Pfister's The Psycho-Analytic Method (1913)Preface to Bourke's Scatalogical Rites of All Nations (1913)Shorter Writings (1911-1913)

Your Body Speaks Its Mind

Stanley Keleman - 1975
    He says, We do not have bodies, we are our bodies. Emotional reality and biological ground are the same and cannot, in any way, be separated or distinguished. Life incarnate is a process of individual human experience manifesting in the body.

Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 1975
    Through real-life examples, discover how enjoyable activities provide a common experience-a satisfying, often exhilarating, feeling of creative accomplishment and heightened functioning-and under what conditions 'serious' work can also provide this intrinsic enjoyment.

A Guide to Effective Study

Edwin A. Locke - 1975

One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest (Screenplay)

Lawrence Hauben - 1975
    Screenplay written by Lawrence Hauben & Bo GoldmanBased on the novel One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest by Ken KeseyThe Play One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest by Dale Wasserman1975 Shooting Script140 pages | 160 Kb | Digital PDF FormatReleased on November 19, 19751976 Academy Award for Best Adapted ScreenplayDramaUpon arrival at a mental institution, a brash rebel rallies the patients together to take on the oppressive Nurse Ratched, a woman more a dictator than a nurse.

Sensation of Being Somebody

Maurice E. Wagner - 1975
    Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.Softcover book published by Pyranee Books/Zondervan Publishing, copyright 1975, 18th printing, 1988

Simulations of God: The Science of Belief

John C. Lilly - 1975
    Lilly, M.D.This book examines the sacred realms of self, religion, sex, science, philosophy, drugs, politics, money, crime, war, family & spiritual paths "with no holds barred, with courage & a sense of excitement." It provides readers with unique views of their own inner realities to help unfold new areas for growth & self-realization.

The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist: Toward a General Theory of the Paranormal

Lawrence LeShan - 1975
    When renowned psychologist Lawrence LeShan first explored clairvoyance and precognition it shook his belief in everyday reality. As a result, it led him to postulate other states of consciousness, which he calls “Clairvoyant Reality” and “Transpsychic Reality.” Although LeShan was trained in the traditional scientific method, he discovered that these altered realities—including the knowledge of future events, the ability to heal from great distances, and other paranormal phenomena—operated according to their own laws. Filled with mesmerizing case examples, quotations, and observations from LeShan’s own personal experience, The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist includes LeShan’s essay, “Human Survival on Biological Death,” where he brings a fresh perspective to the theory of the afterlife. A classic guide for the study of parapsychology, readers will be intrigued by this collection of unique ideas. • A classic in the field, often thought of as the author’s best work • Author is renowned as a psychologist and a leader in the modern study of mind-body interaction

No Laughing Matter: Rationale of the Dirty Joke - Second Series

Gershon Legman - 1975
    Legman was perhaps the foremost scholar of the dirty joke, and as legions of humor writers and comedians know, his Rationale of the Dirty Joke remains the most exhaustive and authoritative study of the subject. More than two thousand jokes and folktales are presented, covering such topics as The Female Fool, The Fortunate Fart, Mutual Mismatching, and The Sex Machine. These folk texts are authentically transcribed in their innocent and sometimes violent entirety. Legman studies each for its historical and socioanalytic significance, revealing what these jokes mean to the people who tell them and to the people who listen and laugh. Here is the definitive text for comedians and humor writers, Freudian scholars and late night television enthusiasts. Rationale of the Dirty Joke will amuse you, offend you, challenge you, and disgust you, all while demonstrating the intelligence and hilarity of the dirty joke.

Perversion: The Erotic Form of Hatred

Robert J. Stoller - 1975
    It combines with sexual desire to produce the various forms that perversion can take on. Stoller shows that the perverse scene aims not only at denying castration, but also at securing a more solid basis for a jeopardized sexual identity. Risk, vengeance and trauma are some of the ideas that the author discusses while building up his argument

The Person Reborn

Paul Tournier - 1975

Psychodrama: Foundations of Psychotherapy

Jacob Levy Moreno - 1975

Gestalt Is: A Collection of Articles About Gestalt Therapy and Living

Frederick Salomon Perls - 1975

The OK Boss

Muriel James - 1975

Critique of Psychoanalysis

C.G. Jung - 1975
    Subsequently, however, Jung began to differ with Freud, and his public criticism of psychoanalysis led to a formal rupture between them. The papers in this volume contain the essentials of that criticism, especially The Theory of Psychoanalysis, a lecture series given at Fordham University in 1912. Two later papers--Freud and Jung: Contrasts and the introduction to a book by W. M. Kranefeldt--together form a basis for further study of Jung's reassessment of psychoanalysis.Originally published in 1976.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Cathexis Reader: Transactional Anaysis Treatment of Psychosis: Royalty:Cathexis Reader

Jacqui Lee Schiff - 1975

Human Being

William V. Pietsch - 1975
    Graphic illustrations are used to explain what happens within each person in a relationship, and realistic dialogues provide specific examples of how to create changes and solve problems.

Failure: The Back Door to Success

Erwin W. Lutzer - 1975
    A guide for the Christian beset by the chuckholes of life.

The T.A.T., The C.A.T., and The S.A.T. in Clinical Use

Leopold Bellak - 1975
    Attention is given to a standard method of administration, a standard sequence of 10 cards, and a standard method of scoring. The authors demonstrate how to elicit elaborate stories for the TAT, CAT and SAT tests, to facilitate a more in-depth diagnostic assessment. Additionally, they provide clinical examples and scoring protocols which proceed through a step-by-step process of using thematic tests to evaluate the main components of an individual's personality. This edition has a chapter which shows clinicians how to balance the importance of age, gender and cultural norms when using thematic tests.

The Origins of Crowd Psychology: Gustave LeBon and the Crisis of Mass Democracy in the Third Republic

Robert A. Nye - 1975

Religion and the Unconscious

Ann Belford Ulanov - 1975
    An insightful contribution to the entire area of pastoral counseling, this book demonstrates how to combine religion and depth psychology in order to provide more effective counseling.

How to Live with a Neurotic: at Home and at Work

Albert Ellis - 1975
    Learn how to deal effectively with the difficult people in your life.

Mind in Buddhist Psychology: the Necklace of Clear Understanding

Herbert V. Günther - 1975
    Adopted for courses at 26 univerisities.

Revelation and Divination in Ndembu Ritual

Victor Turner - 1975
    Written by an internationally-known social scientist, the book demonstrates how the study of small-scale events may reveal as much about what it means to be a human being in society as do grand macrosocial and macrocultural surveys.Drawing on two and a half years of fieldwork, Victor Turner offers two thorough ethnographic studies of Ndembu revelatory ritual and divinatory techniques, with running commentaries on symbolism by a variety of Ndembu informants. Striking a personal note in the introductory chapter, Turner acknowledges his indebtedness to Ndembu ritualists for alerting him to the theoretical relevance of symbolic action in understanding human societies. He believes that ritual symbols, like botanists' stains, enable us to detect and trace the movement of social processes and relationships that often lie below the level of direct observation.

Philosophy of Religion

Elton Trueblood - 1975

Psychoanalyzing: On the Order of the Unconscious and the Practice of the Letter

Serge Leclaire - 1975
    In Psychoanalyzing, Serge Leclaire offers a thorough and lucid exposition of the psychoanalysis that has emerged from the French "return to Freud," unfolding and elaborating the often enigmatic pronouncements of Jacques Lacan and patiently working through the central tenets of the "Ecole freudienne." As a concise but nuanced introduction to the subject, Psychoanalyzing will prove indispensable to anyone interested in psychoanalysis, especially those curious about its Lacanian reconceptualization and the linguistic theory of the unconscious and its effects.Leclaire's study is particularly valuable for the way its author links theoretical issues to psychoanalytic practice. The opening chapter—on listening—highlights the necessity, and the impossibility, of the "floating attention" required from the analyst, while preparing the reader for the following chapters, which deal with such topics as unconscious desire, how to speak of the body, and the intrication of the object and the "letter" (i.e. the signifier, the "material support that concrete discourse borrows from language"). The final chapter—on transference—shows how the analytical dialogue differs from other dialogues.Despite the intricacy of its subject matter, the book takes very little for granted. It does not simplify the issues it presents, but does not assume a reader familiar with the concepts of psychoanalysis, let alone a reader acquainted with its French inflection. Each basic concept and term is carefully explained, so that the reader knows the meaning of "transference" or "primal scene" before proceeding to more advanced elements of psychoanalysis. Leclaire's text is not intended merely to be "user friendly"; its purpose is to clarify and advance, rather than to impress or convert.

Freedom, emotion and self-subsistence: the structure of a central part of Spinoza's Ethics

Arne Næss - 1975

100 quotes by Carl Jung

C.G. Jung - 1975

Our Daily Bread (New Canadian Library)

Frederick Philip Grove - 1975
    Charged with an awareness of the forces shaping the Canadian character, Our Daily Bread has been praised by critic Desmond Pacey as "Grove's finest novel." Within the pages of this book the author works out the tragic story of John Elliot, a turn-of-the-century prairie patriarch, struggling with the elements of fate and nature.

Being-In-The-World: Selected Papers of Ludwig Binswanger

Ludwig Binswanger - 1975

The Inward Wits: Psychological Theory in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

E.Ruth Harvey - 1975