Accounting Information Systems

Marshall B. Romney - 1991
    The market-leading book that delivers the most comprehensive and flexible coverage of the four major approaches to teaching AIS. Instructors can easily reorder chapters, and focus on what you want: (a) transaction cycles and controls; (b) systems life cycle; (c) databases and data modeling; or (d) computer-based controls, fraud, and auditing.

Principles of Economics

N. Gregory Mankiw - 1997
    The author's conversational writing style presents the politics and science of economic theories to tomorrow's decision-makers.

Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making

Paul D. Kimmel - 1998
    Starting with a "macro" view of accounting information, the authors present real financial statements. They establish how a financial statement communicates the financing, investing, and operating activities of a business to users of accounting information. Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso motivate students by grounding the discussion in the real world, showing them the relevance of the topics covered to their future.

Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases

Arthur A. Thompson Jr. - 2004
    The newest member of the author team, Margie Peteraf, led a thorough re-examination of every paragraph on every page of the 17th edition chapters. The overriding objectives were to inject new perspectives and the best academic thinking, strengthen linkages to the latest research findings, modify the coverage and exposition as needed to ensure squarely on-target content, and give every chapter a major facelift. While this 18th edition retains the same 12-chapter structure of the prior edition, every chapter has been totally refreshed. And the chapter content continues to be solidly mainstream and balanced, mirroring both the best academic thinking and the pragmatism of real-world strategic management. Known for its cases and teaching notes, this edition provides an "unparalleled case line up" of 28 cases. (1) 25 of the 28 cases are brand new or extensively updated for this edition, (2) The selection of cases is diverse, timely, and thoughtfully-crafted and complements the text presentation pushing students to apply the concepts and analytical tools they have read about. (3) Many cases involve high-profile companies. (4) And there's a comprehensive package of support materials that are a breeze to use, highly effective, and flexible enough to fit most any course design. Thompson 18e, your best case scenario!

Business Communication Today

Courtland L. Bovée - 1989
    The field's leading text for more than two decades, Business Communication Today continues to provide cutting-edge coverage students can count on to prepare them for real business practice. Thoroughly revised, updated, and streamlined, the succinct new ninth edition encompasses every medium that students will be expected to use on the job-from conventional printed documents and formal reports to e-mail and instant messages to blogs, podcasts, and wikis.

Labor Economics

George J. Borjas - 1995
    This book integrates theory with facts and covers the research.

Principles of Marketing

Philip Kotler - 1980
    The 11th edition of this text continues to build on four major marketing themes: building and managing profitable customer relationships, building and managing strong brands to create brand equity, harnessing new marketing technologies in the digital age, and marketing in a socially responsible way around the globe.

Public Finance and Public Policy

Jonathan Gruber - 2004
    The new edition, fully updated with the most recent data and research possible, includes new coverage of the Medicare drug benefit, changes in the tax code, Hurricane Katrina, and the ongoing debate over privatization.

Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies

Campbell R. McConnell - 1989
    The 17th Edition builds upon the tradition of leadership by sticking to 3 main goals: help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and the policy alternatives; help the student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters; and promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy.

Organisasi dan Manajemen: Perilaku, Struktur, Proses

James L. Gibson - 1900
    Given this theme, Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, and Konopaske, present and interpret organizational behavior theory and research so that students can comprehend the three characteristics common to all organizations-behavior, structure, and processes-as affected by actions of managers. The text is organized and presented in a sequence based on behavior, structure, and process. Each part has been presented as a self-contained unit and can therefore be presented in whatever sequence the instructor prefers. The text is easily adaptable to these individual preferences. This edition emphasizes that the most successful managers in the global economy will be those who can anticipate, adapt, and manage change.

Marketing: An Introduction

Gary M. Armstrong - 1984
    Its coverage balances upon three essential pillars: (1) theory and concepts; (2) practices and applications; and (3) effective learning tools. A four-part organization details topics under the headings of: understanding marketing and the marketing management process, assessing opportunities in a dynamic marketing environment, developing marketing strategy and the marketing mix, and extending marketing. For individuals interested in taking an intriguing, discovery-filled journey to the business of marketing--in sales forces, retailing, advertising, research, or any other areas.

Financial Statements: A Step-by-step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports

Thomas R. Ittelson - 1998
    Explains how to read the three basic types of financial statements--the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow--and uses this foundation to explain the flow of cash and product.

Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization

Michael A. Hitt - 2000
    Written by highly respected experts and prestigious scholars, Hitt/Ireland/Hoskisson's STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALIZATION, CONCEPTS AND CASES, 10E provides an intellectually rich, yet thoroughly practical analysis of strategic management today. This unique text is the only one to integrate the classic industrial organization model with a resource-based view of the firm to give readers a complete understanding of how today's businesses use strategic management to establish a sustained competitive advantage. The authors present cutting-edge research and strategic management trends within a strong global focus, using memorable examples from more than 600 companies. A wealth of learning features and selection of 30 all-new compelling cases prepare your students to face the broad range of critical issues confronting contemporary managers. Engaging video cases, CengageNOW online teaching tools, and a complete electronic business library keeps study current and relevant.

Financial Accounting

Walter B. Meigs - 1983
    Throughout the writing process of this edition, the authors worked closely with a developmental editor to help ensure the text is student-friendly and even more responsive to the variety of learning styles. The text is enriched with real-world examples and illustrations from a variety of business environments. Futhermore, the text's new, four-color design allows instructors a high degree of flexibility and emphasis.

Principles of Risk Management and Insurance

George E. Rejda - 1994
    This edition provides updated coverage of events such as the September 11th terrorist attacks and their effect on insurance, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the President's Commission on Social Security.