Best of
Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco
Bryan Burrough - 1989
An enduring masterpiece of investigative journalism by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar, it includes a new afterword by the authors that brings this remarkable story of greed and double-dealings up to date twenty years after the famed deal. The Los Angeles Times calls Barbarians at the Gate, “Superlative.” The Chicago Tribune raves, “It’s hard to imagine a better story...and it’s hard to imagine a better account.” And in an era of spectacular business crashes and federal bailouts, it still stands as a valuable cautionary tale that must be heeded.
Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Brian Tracy - 1989
Author Brian Tracy explains the seven key elements of goal setting and the 12 steps necessary to set and accomplish goals of any size. Using simple language and real-life examples, Tracy shows how to do the crucial work of determining one's strengths, values, and true goals. He explains how to build the self-esteem and confidence necessary for achievement; how to overpower every problem or obstacle; how to overcome difficulties; how to respond to challenges; and how to continue moving forward no matter what happens. The book's "Mental Fitness" program of character development shows readers how to become the kind of person on the inside who can achieve any goal on the outside.
Liar's Poker
Michael Lewis - 1989
The place was Wall Street. The game was called Liar’s Poker. Michael Lewis was fresh out of Princeton and the London School of Economics when he landed a job at Salomon Brothers, one of Wall Street’s premier investment firms. During the next three years, Lewis rose from callow trainee to bond salesman, raking in millions for the firm and cashing in on a modern-day gold rush. Liar’s Poker is the culmination of those heady, frenzied years—a behind-the-scenes look at a unique and turbulent time in American business. From the frat-boy camaraderie of the forty-first-floor trading room to the killer instinct that made ambitious young men gamble everything on a high-stakes game of bluffing and deception, here is Michael Lewis’s knowing and hilarious insider’s account of an unprecedented era of greed, gluttony, and outrageous fortune. .
Re-Imagine!: Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age
Tom Peters - 1989
More than just a how-to book for the 21st century, this passionate wake-up call for the business world outlines how the new world of business works and embraces an aggressive strategy that empowers hard-driven organizations where everyone has a voice.
Business By The Book: Complete Guide of Biblical Principles for the Workplace
Larry Burkett - 1989
What would happen if you made your business decisions by the book? By the Bible that is.This updated version of the best-selling Business by the Book offers radical principles of business management that go beyond the Ten Commandments and other biblical maxims.Business by the Book is a step-by-step presentation of how businesses should be run according to the Creator of all management rules: God.Larry Burkett, founder and president of Christian Financial Concepts, provides business principles from his own experience as well as what God’s Word says on topics such as:Hiring and Firing DecisionsPay Increases and PromotionsManagement SelectionEmployee Pay DecisionsBorrowing and/or Lending DecisionsForming Corporations and PartnershipsBusiness TithingRetirementWhether you are the owner of a business, a corporate executive, or a manager, this best-selling classic is for you.
Major Account Sales Strategy
Neil Rackham - 1989
Now, for the first time, here's a book of practical, proven-effective strategies and tactics for the entire major account sales cycle.Based on Neil Rackham's exhaustive research, the strategies you'll find here will enable you to . . .Tailor your selling strategy to match each step in the client's decision-making process.Ensure that you won't lose your customers because you'll know the psychology of the buyer and how to respond to their doubts.Gain entry to accounts through many different windows of opportunity.Deal with competitive situations, take on bigger competitors, and win using strategies that the author's meticulous research shows are employed by the most successful salespeople.Handle negotiations, concessions on price, and term agreements skillfully and effectively.Offer the ongoing technical and maintenance support that keeps your major accounts yours.From a world-renowned sales innovator, this first-of-a-kind A-to-Z presentation of major account strategy puts sales success in your hands. Make it yours today. Read Major Account Sales Strategy.
The Robert Collier Letter Book
Robert Collier - 1989
It shows successful ways of selling all manner of products through proper advertising.
The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey
Kenneth H. Blanchard - 1989
With a vivid, humorous, and too familiar scenario they show a manager loaded down by all the monkeys that have jumped from their rightful owners onto his back. Then step by step they show how managers can free themselves from doing everyone else's job and ensure that every problem is handled by the proper staff person. By using Oncken's Four Rules of Monkey Management managers will learn to become effective supervisors of time, energy, and talent -- especially their own.If you have ever wondered why you are in the office on the weekends and your staff is on the golf course, The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey is for you. It's priceless!
Barbarians to Bureaucrats: Corporate Life Cycle Strategies
Lawrence M. Miller - 1989
On deck will be a jut-jawed Barbarian....He will hardly blink as his target is ripped asunder, sending Aristocrats, Bureaucrats and their unfortunate shipmates to their corporate death....So goes Mr. Miller's tale, from which we can all profit." The Wall Street JournalBarbarians to Bureaucrats presents a brilliant new solution to a stubborn old business problem: how to halt a company's descent into wasteful, stifling bureaucracy. Lawrence M. Miller, a management consultant for such corporate giants as Xerox and 3M, argues that corporations, like civilizations, have a natural life cycle, and that by identifying the stage your company is in, and the leaders associated with it, you can avert decline and continue to thrive.Every company begins with the compelling new vision of a Prophet and the aggressive leadership of an iron-willed Barbarian, who implements the Prophet's ideas. New techniques and expansions are pushed through by the Builder and the Explorer, but the growth spawned by these managers can easily stagnate when the Administrator sacrifices innovation to order, and the Bureaucrat imposes tight control. And just as in civilizations, the rule of the Aristocrat, out of touch with those who do the real work, invites rebellion -- from employees, customers, and stockholders. It will take the Synergist, a business leader who balances creativity with order, to restore vitality and insure future growth.Executives from major corporations have already put the powerful insights of Barbarians to Bureaucrats into practice to regenerate their own companies. Now you can use this brilliant, lucid, and dazzlingly original book to put your company -- and your career -- back on track.
Selling to Win
Richard Denny - 1989
It gives practical advice on how to:- Get a sale when your service is not the cheapest- Turn your customer into an ambassador- Build a positive attitude- Beat the competition- Close a saleThis is a valuable book, recognized as an effective and powerful sales-improvement guide.
Trammell Crow, Master Builder: The Story of America's Largest Real Estate Empire
Robert Sobel - 1989
Follows Crow from his origins as a small-time real estate dealer to his transformation into a corporate symbol. Discusses the bold methods that Crow used to build the most influential real estate company in America. Includes an examination of how Crow's risky strategy of making all principals partners in his firm and offering equity interest to deal managers paid off with spectacular profits. A lively account of Crow's mission to break all the rules and become the greatest builder of our age.
It's Easier to Succeed Than to Fail
S. Truett Cathy - 1989
Truett Cathy
Requisite Organization: A Total System for Effective Managerial Organization and Managerial Leadership for the 21st Century
Elliott Jaques - 1989
Built upon a rigorous theoretical base, Stratified Systems Theory, Requisite Organization relates all aspects of leadership, work and human resources in a unified total system.
Business Accounting
Frank Wood - 1989
It also provides full coverage of the preparatory work for A-Level students.
Teamworks: Building Support Groups That Guarantess Success
Barbara Sher - 1989
In their bestselling Wishcraft, Sher and Gottlieb provided the blueprints that can transform wishes into reality; now, in this companion volume, they present a step-by-step program to help readers form the success teams that assist in realizing their dreams.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People + The 8th Habit
Stephen R. Covey - 1989
Be a People Person
John C. Maxwell - 1989
Being a leader means working with people, and that's not always easy! Interpersonal relationships can make or break a leader-whether in the office, the church, or elsewhere.
5 Steps To Successful Selling
Zig Ziglar - 1989
In 5 Steps to Successful Selling, Zig Ziglar shows you that those success stories result from study and observation rather than inborn talent. They are the result of mastering the art of selling. Now you can master those techniques and perfect your own selling skills -- skills that will take you from being a good salesperson to being the best. A super slalesman himself, Zig Ziglar draws on his many years of experience to define and explain the keys to seccessful selling:Prospecting: identifying who can and will buyPresenting: knowing the product and showing it effecitvelyClosing: winning the saleFollow-up: maintaining customer contactPositive self-image: the foundation of sucsess in selling After leraning the 5 Steps to Successful Selling -- whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran -- you can't help but come away a better salesperson.
Moving Mountains, Or, the Art and Craft of Letting Others See Things Your Way: The Art of Letting Others See Things Your Way
Henry M. Boettinger - 1989
In his classic text on how to organize one's thoughts into a logical and enjoyable presentation, Boettinger outlines ways in which presenters will not only have their ideas heard but also understood and accepted.
Hotel Management and Operations
Denney G. Rutherford - 1989
This comprehensive volume encourages critical thinking by providing different points of view through contributions from sixty leading industry professionals and academics. Within a coherent theoretical structure, this updated edition enables readers to formulate their own ideas and solutions.
Mintzberg on Management: Inside Our Strange World of Organizations
Henry Mintzberg - 1989
He answers questions such as how do organizations function and structure themselves?, how do their power relationships develop and their goals form? and by what processes do managers make important strategic decisions?. He shows how the elements for successful business strategy is rarely born in solitary contemplation suggesting that they often come together in the heat of battle.
Bowling 200+
Mike Aulby - 1989
A handbook for intermediate bowlers with strong basic skills reveals how to analyze and correct common mistakes that may prevent them from improving their game.
Strategic Selling: Secrets of the Complex Sale
Robert B. Miller - 1989
The Papers of Thomas A. Edison: The Making of an Inventor, February 1847-June 1874
Thomas A. Edison - 1989
In the depths of the 1870s depression, he moved his independent research and development laboratory from industrial Newark to pastoral Menlo Park, some fifteen miles to the south on the main line of the railroad from New York to Philadelphia. There, equipped with resources for experimental development that were extraordinary for their time, Edison and a few close associates began twenty months of research that expanded their well-established accomplishments in telegraphy into pioneering work on the telephone. Edison's ideas and techniques from telegraph message recording and the telephone next led to his invention of the phonograph, the first patent for which was filed in December 1877. This invention ultimately gave Edison a world-wide reputation--and the nickname "the wizard of Menlo Park."Praise for previous volumes of The Papers of Thomas A. Edison:"Those interested in America's technological culture can eagerly look forward to the appearance of each volume of the Edison Papers." -- Technology and Culture"The essence of the volume is Edison's technical notebooks, a window onto the inventor's workshop. His lucidity comes through everywhere... His writing and drawing come together as a single, vigorous thought process."--Russell McCormmach, New York Times."A mine of material... Scrupulously edited... No one could ask for more... A choplicking feast for Edison biographers--well into the next century, and perhaps beyond."--Fred Howard, Washington Post."A triumph of the bookmaker's art, withsplendidly arranged illustrations, essential background information, and cautionary reminders of the common sources on which Edison's imagination drew."--David Joravsky, New York Review of Books."In the pages of this volume Edison the man, his work, and his times come alive... A delight to browse through or to read carefully."--Thomas J. Misa, Science.
Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies
James Watson - 1989
It provides an aid to the study of interpersonal communication, the theory of communication, media history, and technological development, balancing the specifics of, for example, legislation affecting media performance with the major themes central to most programs of study-audience, cultural interaction through media, globalization and issues surrounding the impact of technology on society, and the nature of ownership and control. The Dictionary of Media & Communication Studies is also accessible to the general reader interested in keeping up with media events and curious to explore some of the subject's fascinating terrain.
What's Wrong with Your Life Insurance
Norman F. Dacey - 1989
A completely revised and expanded edition of the controversial bestseller that for more than 25 years has alerted hundreds of thousands of Americans to the abuses of the life insurance industry.
Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary Approach
Donald F. Kuratko - 1989
Its practical step-by-step approach helps develop entrepreneurial skills. The revision of this successful text features the Internet and a chapter on Quality and the Human Factor, as well as current management themes that will keep the text at the forefront of the market.
Creative Selling for the 1990's
Ben Feldman - 1989
He offers power phrases, tips, and comments that will energize all salespeople, whatever their product or service.
Sing Soft, Sing Loud
Patricia McConnel - 1989
This book, first published by Atheneum in hard cover in 1989, has become a classic of prison literature. It explores the lives of women felons--who they are, and how they survive the soul-killing realities of jails and prison. Patricia McConnel's writing is unflinching. She uses fiction to illuminate the stark realities of women who live The Life . Sing Soft, Sing Loud allows us to know these women through their own eyes and with meticulously rendered voices, the screws who run their lives, their fellow inmates, and their men, with an intimacy that no sociological or journalistic account can ever reveal.
Advanced Business Communication
John M. Penrose - 1989
Featured are well-balanced discussions of theory and applications, discussions on ethics concepts and cross cultural communication, job search strategies, technological influences in communication, and illustrative examples. The text includes unique, practical chapters on visual support of written and oral presentations, how to write and deliver a case analysis, meeting management, and how to conduct an interview with the media.
Juran on Leadership For Quality
Joseph M. Juran - 1989
In this companion volume to his acclaimed Juran on Planning for Quality, J.M. Juran provides top-level managers with the specific, field-tested methods they need to successfully lead their companies on the quest for superior quality. Managers have long recognized that the most sound response to a competitive challenge is to become more competitive. Today, informed managers also realize that quality improvement is the best source of competitive advantage. They know that return on investment in quality improvement projects is among the highest available. Yet, the means by which management can supply the leadership necessary to attain quality goals remains elusive. J.M. Juran has drawn on the experiences of thousands of chief executives in companies around the world to create a clear plan of action applicable to any industry, whether service or manufacturing. The famous "Juran Trilogy," clearly presented step-by-step, shows how to apply the familiar business concepts of planning, control, and improvement to quality leadership. For each concept, Dr. Juran provides a succinct and proven series of actions. He gives criteria for selecting project-by-project improvements and mobilizing a team to carry them out. He also describes a realistic timetable of implementation and directs the formation of an ongoing quality council whose job is to launch, coordinate, and "institutionalize" annual quality improvement. The membership of this council, as Dr. Juran insists, must come from the ranks of senior managers; the stakes are too high for upper managers not to personally become the leaders and members of this vital council. Using real-world case examples of highly profitable quality improvements in such companies as Bethlehem Steel and Florida Power & Light, Dr. Juran illustrates how to guide a company into a continuing steep rate of improvement. The key, as Dr. Juran emphasizes, is that quality must be implemented from the top down. This essential handbook makes executive leadership the key to a company's quality revolution -- and to producing the real cost benefits over both the short and long run that superior quality brings.
Managing Across Borders: The Transnational Solution
Christopher A. Bartlett - 1989
Bartlett and Ghoshal describe the emergence of a revolutionary corporate form - the transnational - and reveal how the nature of the global competitive game has fundamentally changed."Highly readable! Valuable lessons for companies in a wide range of industries and sizes-indeed, almost any organization operating several different businesses across borders." - "The Financial Times". "A fascinating book! The conclusions certainly break away from the perceived wisdom about the factors needed for success in global markets." - "Management Today". ""Managing Across Borders" makes clear that success in global strategy is as much a function of the ability to organize and manage as it is the ability to create a sound strategy. Bartlett and Ghoshal make an important and highly practical contribution in a book that represents the leading edge of thinking on this important subject." - Michael E.Porter, Bishop William Lawrence University Professor, Harvard Business School, and author of "Competitive Strategy".
International Marketing and Export Management
Gerald S. Albaum - 1989
Geared to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on International Marketing or Export Marketing/International Trade, this book can also be used as a supplementary text on International Business courses and as a useful source of reference to even the most experienced of practitioners New to this edition! I n response to recent global developments, the authors have increased emphasis on the following: *the impact of the Internet, World Wide Web, and e-commerce*the increasing use of specialized software to assist in managing marketing functions, increasing efficiency in logistics, and coordinating and controlling enterprises*the impact of technological advances on international marketing*the changes resulting from China's rapid, export-led growth and from its entry into the World Trade Organization*the growing conc
The Service Edge: 101 Companies That Profit from Customer Care
Ron Zemke - 1989
Presents 101 detailed and revealing examples from all aspects of business, industry, and even government.
Orchestrating Success: Improve Control of the Business with Sales & Operations Planning
Richard C. Ling - 1989
Demonstrates how to create a connection between a company's business plan and each department's operations, accurately anticipate changes in customer's needs and significantly improve a firm's competitive position with an enhanced level of customer satisfaction.
Other People's Money: The Inside Story of the Sandl Mess
Paul Zane Pilzer - 1989
National tour.
The Do's and Taboos of International Trade: A Small Business Primer
Roger E. Axtell - 1989
Shows how to make initial contacts, cope with language barriers, use interpreters, find your way through foreign laws and customs, help your foreign clients or buyers with American business customs, how to develop and maintain successful business relationships with foreigners, and where to go for more specialized information.
Managing Projects and Programs
Harvard Business School Press - 1989
The articles are written by a cross-section of people from industry, the financial community, and the academic world. They apply extensive experience and lucid judgment to the practical task of launching, organizing, and completing projects and programs in a variety of business settings.
Winning Group Sales Presentations: A Guide to Closing the Deal
Linda Richardson - 1989
This book identifies the often unexpected things that can happen when selling to a group. Based on years of training and testing strategies and techniques in group sales situations, it is packed with practical, how-to skills. Specifically, this book explains: How to package presentation materials--and the salesperson--to suit the client's needs; how to use the valuable minutes before you present to begin creating rapport; how to deal with resistance, objections--and hostility; how to determine the powerful client decision maker and who influences him/her; how to address each client's individual concerns while keeping the entire group's attention.
Financial Aspects of Marketing
Keith Ward - 1989
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Global Marketing Management
Warren J. Keegan - 1989
Specific chapter topics examine the global economic environment; the social and cultural environment; the political, legal, and regulatory environments; global customers; global marketing information systems and research; global targeting, segmenting and positioning; entry and expansion strategies: marketing and sourcing; cooperation and global strategic partnerships; competitive analysis and strategy; product decisions; pricing decisions; channels and physical distribution; global advertising; promotion: personal selling, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, trade shows, sponsorship; global e-marketing; planning, leading, organizing, and monitoring the global marketing effort; and the future of global marketing. For individuals interested in a career in marketing.
International Business
Michael R. Czinkota - 1989
The authors' experience as both practitioners and academics brings a balanced and seasoned voice to the text. The text is built upon a strong foundation of theory and includes current examples, cases, and insights showing how global businesses apply these concepts. The text examines the role and impact of culture and also includes numerous current world maps, helping readers develop and refine a global perspective.
Breakthrough Strategy
Robert H. Schaffer - 1989
Schaffer applies "the simple and direct approach of the successful entrepreneur" (D. A. Noble) to corporate America.
Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong
Carl Larson - 1989
The authors explore the eight properties of successful teams and examine priorities in building a high-performance team.
Let's Talk Quality: 96 Questions You Always Wanted to Ask Phil Crosby
Philip B. Crosby - 1989
Based on the questions raised by executives and managers attending sessions at Crosby's Quality College, Let's Talk Quality tells how to form a total corporate commitment to quality.