Best of
Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Brian Tracy - 1989
Author Brian Tracy explains the seven key elements of goal setting and the 12 steps necessary to set and accomplish goals of any size. Using simple language and real-life examples, Tracy shows how to do the crucial work of determining one's strengths, values, and true goals. He explains how to build the self-esteem and confidence necessary for achievement; how to overpower every problem or obstacle; how to overcome difficulties; how to respond to challenges; and how to continue moving forward no matter what happens. The book's "Mental Fitness" program of character development shows readers how to become the kind of person on the inside who can achieve any goal on the outside.
Discover the Power Within You
Eric Butterworth - 1989
Exploring this "depth potential," Butterworth outlines ways in which we can release the power locked within us and let our "light shine.""There is only one way under the sun by which a man can achieve his 'Mt. Olympus' -- that is to say, achieve the realization and unfoldment of his own innate divinity -- and that is by bringing about a radical and permanent change for the better in his own consciousness," writes Butterworth.Butterworth demonstrates that the existence of this divine dimension in each individual is the greatest discovery of all time. He explains the universality of such vital subjects as: how to succeed; how to pray; how to find confidence; how to overcome personal problems; and how to find healing. With insight and sensitivity, Butterworth opens new doors of self-knowledge, and outlines ways in which we can release the power within.
You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation
Wayne W. Dyer - 1989
With his proven techniques and using examples from his own highly successful experiences, Dyer will convince you that you can make your most impossible dreams come true. You’ll See It When You Believe It demonstrates that through belief you can make your life anything you with it to be. Learn practical steps such as how to set real goals and achieve them; turn obstacles into opportunities; rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil; develop a strong inner-confidence; dramatically improve relationships; spend every day doing the things you love to do, and so much more.Go beyond self-help to self-realization with this accessible and uplifting manual.
Beyond Codependency: And Getting Better All the Time
Melody Beattie - 1989
And yet you find you've just started on the long journey of recovery. Let Melody Beattie, author of the classic Codependent No More, help you along your way. A guided tour past the pitfalls of recovery, Beyond Codependency is dedicated to those struggling to master the art of self-care. It is a book about what to do once the pain has stopped and you've begun to suspect that you have a life to live. It is about what happens next.In simple, straightforward terms, Beattie takes you into the territory beyond codependency, into the realm of recovery and relapse, family-of-origin work and relationships, surrender and spirituality. With personal stories, hard-won insights, and activities, her book teaches the lessons of dealing with shame, growing in self-esteem, overcoming deprivation, and getting past fatal attractions long enough to find relationships that work.
Calm My Anxious Heart
Linda Dillow - 1989
We worry about our children, our friends, our careers, our families, our spouses—and the list goes on. We want to be content and trust God with our worries, but it’s a struggle to let go and free ourselves from the burden of anxiety.If you’re tired of worrying about all the what-ifs in your life and want to experience the calm and contentment that the Bible promises, Calm My Anxious Heart is what you’ve been looking for. Filled with encouragement and practical help for overcoming anxiety, this book includes a ten-week Bible study to help you discover what the Bible says about anxiety and contentment and ways to apply it to your daily life. This classic book has been field-tested, revised, and updated for a new generation of readers. A companion journal is also available to record your thoughts as you listen to God’s teaching, embrace the present, and live with joy. With Calm My Anxious Heart, you can let go of anxiety and experience contentment that comes from trusting God.
Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind Body Medicine
Deepak Chopra - 1989
Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers when he saw patients in his own practice who completely recovered after being given only a few months to live. In the mid-1980's he returned to his native India to explore Ayurveda, humanity's most ancient healing tradition. Now he has brought together the current research of Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics with the insights of Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is controlled by a "network of intelligence" grounded in quantum reality. Not a superficial psychological state, this intelligence lies deep enough to change the basic patterns that design our physiology -- with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself. In this inspiring and pioneering work, Dr. Chopra offers us both a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing.
Love Is a Choice: The Definitive Book on Letting Go of Unhealthy Relationships
Robert Hemfelt - 1989
Humans are susceptible to codependency because of our sinful tendency to use defense mechanisms to fool ourselves. In codependent relationships, deceitful games are played, and important Christian principles are often taken out of context and abused. God wants us to have healthy relationships with a balance between being dependent and independent. The doctors describe how the most effective means of overcoming codependent relationships is to establish or deepen a relationship with Christ Himself. They describe the causes of codependency, pointing out the factors that perpetuate it, and lead readers through their ten stages of recovery.
The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient Way
Daniel Reid - 1989
Drawing on his extensive personal experience and research from original sources, author Daniel Reid covers all aspects of the healthy Taoist lifestyle, delivering concise information and instruction on diet and nutrition, fasting, breathing and exercise, sexual health, medicine, and meditation. Featuring helpful charts and illustrations, The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity makes the ancient practice easier to understand and more applicable to a modern Western audience than ever before.
Creative Mind and Success
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes - 1989
Discover how "right thinking" can help you achieve success!This spirited guide by the founder of the international Religious Science movement will show you how to:• Attain strength and control thought• Attract friends and use the imagination• Achieve independence and prosperitySimple and direct, this manual will help you understand the nature of the universe and the creative power of the mind.
Peace, Love and Healing: Bodymind Communication the Path to Self-Healing: An Exploration
Bernie S. Siegel - 1989
Now proven by numerous scientific studies, the connection between our minds and our bodies has been increasingly accepted as fact throughout the mainstream medical community. In a new introduction, Dr. Bernie Siegel highligths current research on the relationships among consciousness, psychosocial factors, attitude and immune function."Love and peace of mind do protect us," Siegel writes. "They allow us to overcome the problems that life hands us. They teach us to live have the courage to confront each day."
Facing Codependence: What It Is, Where It Comes from, How It Sabotages Our Lives
Pia Mellody - 1989
Mellody sets forth five primary adult symptoms of this crippling condition, then traces their origin to emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical and sexual abuses that occur in childhood. Central to Mellody's approach is the concept that the codependent adult's injured inner child needs healing. Recovery from codependence, therefore, involves clearing up the toxic emotions left over from these painful childhood experiences.
Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self
Sanaya Roman - 1989
A contemporary masterpiece in the tradition of the world's great spiritual writings, Spiritual Growth is such a book. It contains the essence of the contemporary spiritual path, embodying joy, growth, and increased aliveness. The teachings are profound and inspirational.Open the book to any page. Quiet your mind, read, savor the words. The effect is instantaneous. Your mind is uplifted, your heart is opened, and your body experiences the sensations of peace.The techniques are practical. Spiritual Growth teaches readers how to move to higher consciousness, when to be an active force, and when to surrender and let things happen. Spiritual Growth will teach readers how to: be their Higher Selves in their everyday life, create a vision of their higher purpose, and manifest what they want rapidly and easily.
Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love
Pia Mellody - 1989
Through twelve-step work, exercises, and journal-keeping, Facing Love Addiction compassionately and realistically outlines the recovery process for Love Addicts, and Mellody’s fresh perspective and clear methods work to comfort and motivate all those looking to establish and maintain healthy, happy relationships.
Circle of Stones: Woman's Journey to Herself
Judith Duerk - 1989
Circle of Stones draws us into a meditative experience of the lost Feminine and creates a space for us to consider our present lives from the eyes of women's ancient culture and ritual. Incorporating the most ancient symbol of spirituality-the circle of stones-Duerk weaves stories, dreams, and visions of women to lead each reader into a personal yet archetypal journey, posing the reflective question, "How might your life have been different if . . ."Complete with reading group guide.
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten; It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It
Robert Fulghum - 1989
Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School. These are the things I learned:Share everything.Play fair.Don't hit people.Put things back where you found them.Clean up your own mess.Don't take things that aren't yours.Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.Wash your hands before you eat.Flush.Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.Live a balanced life.Take a nap every afternoon.When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Cancer as a Turning Point: A Handbook for People with Cancer, Their Families, and Health Professionals
Lawrence LeShan - 1989
He has put his findings--full of meaning and purpose--into this revised edition that shows how psychological change, along with medical treatment, mobilizes a compromised immune system for healing. Included is a life-transforming workbook of hands-on exercises designed to help readers evaluate their inner selves and teach them how to get the most out of their immune systems by leading fuller, richer lives.
Receiving Prosperity: How to Attract Wealth, Success, and Love into Your Life
Louise L. Hay - 1989
Are you as wealthy and successful as you'd like to be? Whether you realize it or not, your level of wealth and success reflects exactly what you believe you deserve. In this lively discussion with her audience, Louise explains how we can use our mindpower to attract anything we want into our lives—more money, a rewarding career, fulfilling relationships, and more fun! Feeling "not good enough," fearing success, and accepting our parents' negative attitudes and beliefs about money are a few of the feelings and patterns that can prevent us from having a prosperous life. Once we stop our self-criticism and learn to move beyond our limitations, we will begin attracting more "good" into our lives.
How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies
Therese A. Rando - 1989
But whether the death is sudden or anticipated, few of us are prepared for it or for the grief it brings. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Each person's response to loss will be different. Now, in this compassionate, comprehensive guide, Therese A. Rando, Ph.D., bereavement specialist and author of Loss And Anticipatory Grief, leads you gently through the painful but necessary process of grieving. Whether the death was sudden or expected, from an accident, illness, suicide, homicide, or natural cause, Dr. Rando will help you learn to:Understand and resolve your grief.Talk to children about death.Resolve unfinished business.Take care of yourself.Accept the help and support of others.Get through holidays and other difficult times of the year.Plan funerals and personal bereavement rituals.How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies also includes a comprehensive resource listing and a chapter on finding professional help and support groups.There is no way around the pain of loss, but there is a way through it. Dr. Rando offers the solace, comfort, and guidance to help you accept your loss and move into your new life without forgetting your treasured past.
Please Don't Say You Need Me: Biblical Answers for Codependency
Jan Silvious - 1989
. . is a common plea voiced by people trapped in unhealthy, codependent relationships. Confused by their conflicting emotions, they feel trapped between wanting to love and care for someone else and yet, at the same time, needing to escape from that person’s intense and suffocating demands for self-esteem. Jan Silvious offers practical, biblical answers for those dealing with codependency—actually, people-dependency—that can exist between mates, siblings, parents and children, and friends. · Who is the codependent person? · What is a codependent relationship? · What role does guilt play in a codependent relationship? · Can Christians be codependent? Jan Silvious answers these questions and shows readers how to identify and break the cycle of a codependent relationship in a loving, scriptural manner. Here is insight, hope, and encouragement for replacing unhealthy ways of relating with a new approach that can bring balance and wholeness.
The Silva Mind Control Method for Getting Help from Your Other Side
José Silva - 1989
This book teaches people to utilize the enormous power of the brain's creative right side, and learn to strengthen their natural insight, banish negative thoughts, improve relationships, get rid of fatigue and stress, and much more.
Psychological Defenses in Everyday Life
Robert W. Firestone - 1989
Numerous case histories show people rejecting love and companionship for imagined connections and illusions. The authors point a way toward reversing the damaging process that keeps individuals from experiencing genuine satisfaction.
The Inner Smile: Increasing Chi through the Cultivation of Joy
Mantak Chia - 1989
In Taoism negative emotions--anger, sadness, depression, fear, and worry--are seen as low-grade energy that causes chronic disease and steals our major life force by creating energy blockages. Master Mantak Chia shows that the internal awareness produced by the simple yet powerful Inner Smile meditation practice flushes the organs of poisonous negative energy that may be blocking chi energy flow in order to nourish the entire body. Just as a genuine outer smile transmits positive energy and has the power to warm and heal, an inner smile produces a high grade of energy that promotes powerful internal healing, deep relaxation, happiness, and longevity. Smiling to the organs and thanking them for the work they do helps to reawaken the intelligence of the body, which, once activated, can dissipate emotional imbalances and inner disharmony before serious illness manifests.
Six Attitudes for Winners
Norman Vincent Peale - 1989
Peale offers inspirational advice for problems like apathy, doubt, and fear.
The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey
Kenneth H. Blanchard - 1989
With a vivid, humorous, and too familiar scenario they show a manager loaded down by all the monkeys that have jumped from their rightful owners onto his back. Then step by step they show how managers can free themselves from doing everyone else's job and ensure that every problem is handled by the proper staff person. By using Oncken's Four Rules of Monkey Management managers will learn to become effective supervisors of time, energy, and talent -- especially their own.If you have ever wondered why you are in the office on the weekends and your staff is on the golf course, The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey is for you. It's priceless!
The Totality of Possibilities
Louise L. Hay - 1989
Learn to release old beliefs and fears while becoming in tune with the inner self. Conversations On Living Lecture Series.
Understanding the Twelve Steps: An Interpretation and Guide for Recovering
Terence T. Gorski - 1989
Their success has come from their ability to truly understand these principles and to apply them in their daily lives. Yet for many embarking on the road to recovery, the Steps can seem vague, even confusing. This practical, no-nonsense guide takes the mystery out of the Twelve Steps, presenting a straightforward explanation of what each step means, as well as examples of how it translates to real life. Written by a certified alcoholism and drug abuse counselor with more than twenty years of experience, it offers a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and genuine support for anyone in recovery. Understanding the Twelve Steps features: —Clear, easy-to-understand interpretation of the Twelve Steps—the vital building blocks of recovery —Checklists that summarize the tasks and objectives of each step —The Twelve Promises -- the positive changes you can expect in your life if you follow the Twelve Steps —What happens at Twelve Step meetings and why it is important to have a sponsor —The experiences, strength, and hope of other recovering people
Selling to Win
Richard Denny - 1989
It gives practical advice on how to:- Get a sale when your service is not the cheapest- Turn your customer into an ambassador- Build a positive attitude- Beat the competition- Close a saleThis is a valuable book, recognized as an effective and powerful sales-improvement guide.
Thought Conditioners
Norman Vincent Peale - 1989
This is NOT A BOOK. It is a 24-page 4X6 BOOKLET/Pamphlet with 40 positive messages. Paper cover. Fits in your pocket or purse. Please be SURE this is the booklet you want before you order.
Feeling Fine Affirmations
Louise L. Hay - 1989
Hay, set to motivating music. Saying affirmations is like planting seeds. It takes time for them to germinate and take root. Be patient with yourself. Repeat the affirmations on this CD as often as possible. They will help you change long-standing negative thoughts into ones of self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem. You’ll begin to appreciate who you are as you release past programming. Soon you’ll have an abundance of health, energy, and well-being developing with-in you.
Embracing Each Other: How to Make All Your Relationships Work for You
Hal Stone - 1989
& Sidra Stone, Ph.D. A revolutionary, refreshingly no-fault, no-nonsense approach to relationship! The Stones, who introduced you to your inner family of selves using the Voice Dialogue process, show how understand, learn from, and enjoy the dance of these selves in relationship.
Opening Our Hearts to Men
Susan Jeffers - 1989
Susan Jeffers, renowned workshop leader, lecturer, and author presents simple, concrete, and workable techniques to help you transform your life and begin attracting a healthy kind of love. Discover the four biggest barriers to love; a five-step program for dealing with anger; how to create a love that works, and much more.
The Wealthy Barber: The Common Sense Guide to Successful Financial Planning
David Chilton - 1989
The narrator, Dave, a 28-year-old school teacher and expectant father, his 30-year-old sister, Cathy, who runs a small business, and his buddy, Tom, who works in a refinery, sit around a barber shop in Sarnia, Ontario, and listen as Ray Miller, the well-to-do barber, teaches them how to get rich. The friends are at the age when most people start thinking about their future stability; among the three of them, they face almost every broad situation that can influence a financial plan. Ray, the Socrates of personal finance, isn't a pin-striped Bay Street wizard. He is a simple, down-to-earth barber dispensing homespun wisdom while he lops a little off the top. Ray's barbershop isn't the place to learn strategies for trading options and commodities. Instead, his advice covers the basics of RRSPs, mutual funds, real estate, insurance, and the like. His first and most important rule is "pay yourself first." Take 10 per cent off every pay cheque as it comes in and invest it in safe interest-bearing instruments. Through the magic of compound interest, this 10 per cent will turn into a substantial nest egg over time. This book isn't about how to get rich quick. It's about how to get rich slowly and stay that way.
It's Easier to Succeed Than to Fail
S. Truett Cathy - 1989
Truett Cathy
My Parent's Keeper: Adult Children of the Emotionally Ill
Eva Marian Brown - 1989
Richly peppered with quotes from interviews with ACMIs, My Parent's Keeper covers issues ranging from being a 'parentified child' to dealing with unstable aging parents.
366 Self-Motivating Essays for Students & Adults
Sidney Newton Bremer - 1989
He points the way to success and promotion in your work. He leads you into becoming a more vital, popular and attractive personality. He tells you the secrets of a happy home life and marriage. He explains how failure can be turned into success... how worry can be eliminated... how weakness can become strength... how you can become a leader instead of a follower.
Breaking Free: A Recovery Handbook for 'Facing Codependence'
Pia Mellody - 1989
Now in this innovative new workbook, she presents a step-by-step journal-keeping method for moving toward recovery from codependence. Based on such concepts as the "precious child" and the five core symptoms of codependence, along with the Twelve-Step process of recovery used by Codependents Anonymous, Breaking Free provides strategies and insights for attacking the fundamental problem in codependence--the lack of dependence on self. In a three-part approach to recovery, Mellody first shows recovering codependents how to move beyond denial of their childhood history of abuse. She then offers techniques to identify concrete ways in which the symptoms of codependence operate in their lives. Finally, Mellody guides users through the process of identifying and recording specific instances of improvement in their lives as an aid to greater self-awareness and further recovery.
Life!: Reflections on Your Journey
Louise L. Hay - 1989
Hay deals with the most common and pressing issues that we face throughout our lives such as growing up, relationships, work, spirituality, the twilight years and death...and the many problems, fears and challenges that these passages bring. No matter what obstacles lie before you, Louise continually reminds you that the magnificent, frightening, delightful, astounding phenomenon that you experience between birth and death is what life is all about.
I Am the Open Door
Ascended Masters - 1989
It is my great hope that all who feel the radiation Of This Book - which is That which only Ones Ascended can give - will be inspired to apply the Law, and to Live the Love. In Eternal Service, and with the deepest Love and Gratitude, "I AM." --- from book's Preface
When Anger Hurts: Quieting the Storm Within
Matthew McKay - 1989
It includes new chapters on emergency anger control, the interpersonal and physiological costs of anger, road rage, and parental anger.•Discover how to create your own personal intervention strategy for controlling angry impulses•Recognize anger-triggering thoughts and learn ways to challenge them•Learn how to control anger-generating stress•Recognize the early warning signals of anger and find out how to cool down before things get really hotWhen you work through the exercises and lessons in this book, you will immediately see positive change in every aspect of your life.
The Power of Thought
Henry Thomas Hamblin - 1989
It is the greatest power that man has at his dis-posal. The world today is in its present state simply as a result of mankind's collective thinking; each nation is in its present state of either peace and prosperity, or poverty, murder and anarchy, simply as a result of its thinking as a nation; and each individual is what he is, and his life is what it is, and his circumstances are what they are, simply as results of his thoughts.
The Healing Power of Humor
Allen Klein - 1989
The author presents a series of proven techniques for overcoming the negative effects of loss, setbacks, upsets, disappointments, trials, and tribulations.
Just Before Dawn: Trauma Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Victimization
Jan Hindman - 1989
Just Before Dawn: From The Shadows Of Tradition To New Reflection, by Hindman, Jan
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga: With the Kundalini Yoga Sets and Meditations of Yogi Bhajan
Guru Rattana - 1989
The Selfless Self: Meditation and the Opening of the Heart
Laurence Freeman - 1989
Unless affluent societies escape the addiction to materialism, they will be unable to feel the depth of compassion from which works of mercy and justice spring. Laurence Freeman teaches a way to spiritual health that is both ancient and new. The desert fathers practiced silent prayer and the church in our own day has rediscovered its liberating power. To sit down before God in silence does more than empty our minds of our own concerns. It opens us to the mystery of life, to seeing thing from God's perspective rather than our own limited viewpoint, to the power of faith that heals and raises us to love God and our neighbour.
Letitia Baldrige's Complete Guide to the New Manners for the '90s: A Complete Guide to Etiquette
Letitia Baldrige - 1989
Much of the information in this book is new, because many of the situations it discusses have not existed as social norms before. Letitia Baldrige is uniquely qualified to offer this timely advice. Universally recognized as the country's leading authority on manners and social relationships, she has been hailed on the cover of Time magazine as "America's leading arbiter of manners" and is regularly celebrated for the same expertise in the media.Ms. Baldrige's book provides authoritative answers to questions about manners no one has had to ask before. Among them, the protocol involved in all the new family relationships -- stepfamilies, adult children returning home, and elderly parents moving in; child visitation problems and other complications of divorce; the new codes concerning sex and dating and women taking the initiative romantically; and men and women traveling together on business. She provides unique counsel on rearing children to say "no" to drugs, alcohol, and other destructive temptations and to have the exemplary manners that lead to success.The book is also a complete updated guide to everything you need to know to handle the traditional rites and passages of life in line with current thinking (much of which is different from that of the past). This includes detailed information on weddings, funerals, and religious ceremonies; entertaining any number of people -- from one to one thousand; today's table manners, table setting, and table service;etiquette at work; proper forms of address for these times; and everything you need to know to converse easily in person or on the telephone, to write appropriate letters and notes for every occasion, and much more.These are real manners for real people in today's complex world. Letitia Baldrige calls them "manners from the heart," and if you have such manners, the world will be with you.
The Fragile Bond: In Search of an Equal, Intimate and Enduring Marriage
Augustus Y. Napier - 1989
Focusing on the author's own marriage and on a group of case studies, this book vividly illustrates the obstacles married couples face today and offers help in overcoming them.
Teamworks: Building Support Groups That Guarantess Success
Barbara Sher - 1989
In their bestselling Wishcraft, Sher and Gottlieb provided the blueprints that can transform wishes into reality; now, in this companion volume, they present a step-by-step program to help readers form the success teams that assist in realizing their dreams.
Passages Through Recovery: An Action Plan for Preventing Relapse
Terence T. Gorski - 1989
Here's help from women and men who know exactly what it's like to white-knuckle their ways to a better way of being by avoiding relapse--even when times are hard and "out of the norm".Passages through Recovery presents an action plan for preventing relapse, one that can help us understand how recovery works and what is needed to move from active addiction to sobriety. "Abstinence from alcohol and other drugs is only the beginning of sobriety. It's the ticket to get into the theater, not the movie we are going to see."--Passages through Recovery One of the most important things we learn in recovery is that there really is a way out of all the misery--if we know which way to go. But abstinence from alcohol and other drugs is just the beginning of our journey, not our destination. And, that journey can be a rough one if we don't know what lies ahead.Based on the experiences of thousands of recovering men and women, Passages through Recovery presents an action plan for preventing relapse, one that can help us understand how recovery works and what is needed to move from active addiction to sobriety. Gorski's pioneering work describes six stages of recovery from chemical dependency and offers sound advice for working through the challenges of each stage--challenges that can create frustration and lead to relapse.Passages through Recovery clearly demonstrates that sobriety is more than just healing the damage. "It's a way of thinking, acting, and relating to others," Gorski writes, "that promotes continued physical, psychological, social, and spiritual health. The skills necessary for long-term sobriety are all directed at finding meaning and purpose in life."Use this book as a compass in your recovery to help you stay on course.
Willpower Is Not Enough: Understanding and Overcoming Addiction and Compulsion
Arnold M. Washton - 1989
Because the source of addiction isn't the drug or activity itself but a desire for a mood changer, successful recovery means ultimately changing the way we live, giving up the addictive life-style. Willpower's Not Enough will show you how to change your life-style and to recover from your addiction.
Transforming Therapy: A New Approach to Hypnotherapy
Gil Boyne - 1989
Life Choices and Life Changes Through Imagework: The Art of Developing Personal Vision
Dina Glouberman - 1989
The Inside-Outside Beauty Book
Barbara Barrington Jones - 1989
"It's Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood": Inspirations for Inner Healing
Claudia Black - 1989
Uses abstract paintings and aphorisms to help adult children of alcoholics recover from the effects of a dysfunctional family life.
Psycho-Geometrics: How to Use Geometric Psychology to Influence People
Susan Dellinger - 1989
Book describes five "SHAPE Personalities" (Box, Triangle, Rectangle, Circle or Squiggle). System is FUN and easy to use and very popular with corporate managers and team leaders.
When Helping You is Hurting Me
Carmen Renee Berry - 1989
Giver, Counselors, Protectors, Teachers, and Crusaders can learn to love themselves- and truly help the ones they love.
Hope for the Perfectionist
David Stoop - 1989
Self-Sabotage Syndrome: Adult Children in the Workplace
Janet Geringer Woititz - 1989
But if you are an Adult Child and have answered "yes" to most of the questions above, you may be suffering from workaholism, burn-out or other work-related problems. This book shows you what to look for and how to make your worklife more satisfying and effective.
A Substance Called Food: How to Understand, Control and Recover from Addictive Eating
Gloria Arenson - 1989
Examines the problem of binge eating and explains how to break the habit by changing attitude instead of trying to use will power.
Lifemates: The Love Fitness Program for a Lasting Relationship
Harold H. Bloomfield - 1989
Lifemates uses self-help tests, sample dialogues, and case histories to show readers how to increase emotional energy, speak the language of intimate feelings, defuse anger, heal hurts, and put the passion back in sex and the magic back in love.
Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of Christian Meditation
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - 1989
Healing the Heart: Opening and Healing the Heart with Crystals and Gemstones
Daya Sarai Chocron - 1989
Complete instructions for working with meditation and silence, breathing and visualization, healing gemstones and color, laying crystals and gemstones on the heart, solar plexus, and throat chakras to clear away blockages.
The Courage to Be Yourself: A Woman's Guide to Emotional Strength and Self-Esteem
Sue Patton Thoele - 1989
Geared to women who too often find themselves meeting the wants of others at the expense of their own needs, the book provides necessary tools to help readers transform their fears into the courage to express their own authentic selves. By sharing her own journey and the journey of other women, Thoele helps readers learn to set boundaries, change selfdefeating behavior patterns, communicate effectively, and become a loving and tolerant friend to themselves. This tenthanniversary edition contains 30 percent new material, including a new introduction.
I Pledge You My Troth: A Christian View of Marriage, Family, Friendship
James Othuis - 1989
Success and the Self-Image
Zig Ziglar - 1989
In Success and the Self-Image, Ziglar tells you how to discover the secrets of creating and maintaining a positive self-image, including:Identifying the characteristics of a poor self-imageIncreasing your self-esteemCreating healthy relationshipsLinking success to the self-image "You can change what you changing what goes into your mind," says Ziglar. And he proves it in a specific, point-by-point presentation that is as entertaining as it is inspiring.
What's Wrong with Your Life Insurance
Norman F. Dacey - 1989
A completely revised and expanded edition of the controversial bestseller that for more than 25 years has alerted hundreds of thousands of Americans to the abuses of the life insurance industry.
Success with the Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense
Suzette Haden Elgin - 1989
It focuses specifically on the communications skills required of executives and professionals.
I Love My Body
Tommy Hays - 1989
Old thought patterns are changed to provide a new appreciation of the body.
Recovery from Rescuing: The Cure for Co-Dependency
Jacqueline Castine - 1989
In down-to-earth terms, the author uses well-tried guidelines to show how to grow from the burn-out of over-responsibility to the freedom of letting go. (Holism)
Grief for a Season
Mildred Tengbom - 1989
A compassionate book that walks grieving loved ones toward recovery.