Best of
The Three Battlegrounds: An In-Depth View of the Three Arenas of Spiritual Warfare: The Mind, the Church and the Heavenly Places
Francis Frangipane - 1989
It provides a foundation of insight, wisdom and discernment on the nature of the battle and the keys to victory.
Fire Within: Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and the Gospel - On Prayer
Thomas Dubay - 1989
Dubay's many years of study and experience in spiritual direction and in it he synthesizes the teachings on prayer of the two great doctors of the Church on prayer--St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila--and the teaching of Sacred Scripture.But the teaching that Fr. Dubay synthesized is not collected from Teresa and John for contemplatives alone. It is meant for every Christian and is based on the Gospel imperative of personal prayer and the call to holiness. All the major elements of these great teachers are ordered, commented on and put in the context of their scriptural foundations. Here is an outstanding book on prayer and the spiritual life written by one of the best spiritual directors and retreat masters of our time, and based on the writings of the Church's two greatest mystical doctors.
Release of the Spirit: The Breaking of the Outward Man for
Watchman Nee - 1989
He will discover that his outward man (soul) is not in harmony with his inward man (spirit). Our only hope is that the Lord may blaze a way out of us, breaking our outward man- breaking it to such a degree that the inward man may come out and be seen. This is precious! This is the way to serve the Lord.
The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction
Eugene H. Peterson - 1989
Eugene Peterson, well known as "a pastor's pastor," here speaks words of wisdom and refreshment for pastors caught in the busyness of preaching, teaching, and "running the church." In The Contemplative Pastor Peterson highlights the often-overlooked essentials of ministry, first by redefining the meaning of pastor through three strengthening adjectives: unbusy, subversive, andapocalyptic. The main part of the book focuses on pastoral ministry and spiritual direction "between Sundays": these chapters begin with poetic reflections on the Beatitudes and then discuss such themes as curing souls, praying with eyes open, the language of prayer, the ministry of small talk, and sabbatical--all with engaging, illustrative anecdotes from Peterson's own experience. The book ends with several meaning-full poems that pivot on the incarnation, the doctrine closest to pastoral work. Entitled "The Word Made Fresh," this concluding section is a felicitous finale to Peterson's discerning, down-to-earth reflections on the art of pastoring.
Where There is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenges
Paramahansa Yogananda - 1989
A practical and spiritual handbook for coping with adversity, building relationships, cultivating inner peace, overcoming worry and understanding death.
Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn
Florence Scovel Shinn - 1989
In her classic best-seller The Game of Life, Florence Scovel Shinn reveals the timeless message that has helped thousands to solve their problems. You can create anything you want simply by aligning your thoughts and words with the perfect good that resides divinely within you. Combined with the powerful affirmation found in Your Word Is Your Wand and the stirring examples of real-life successes in the other two volumes, The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn provides a complete guide for learning how to turn defeat into victory, lack into prosperity, fear into faith, and resentment into love.
Discover the Power Within You
Eric Butterworth - 1989
Exploring this "depth potential," Butterworth outlines ways in which we can release the power locked within us and let our "light shine.""There is only one way under the sun by which a man can achieve his 'Mt. Olympus' -- that is to say, achieve the realization and unfoldment of his own innate divinity -- and that is by bringing about a radical and permanent change for the better in his own consciousness," writes Butterworth.Butterworth demonstrates that the existence of this divine dimension in each individual is the greatest discovery of all time. He explains the universality of such vital subjects as: how to succeed; how to pray; how to find confidence; how to overcome personal problems; and how to find healing. With insight and sensitivity, Butterworth opens new doors of self-knowledge, and outlines ways in which we can release the power within.
The Enlightened Heart
Stephen Mitchell - 1989
B. Yeats • Antonio Machado • Rainer Maria Rilke • Wallace Stevens • D.H. Lawrence • Robinson Jeffers •
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1989
For a society that measures successful leadership in terms of the effectiveness of the individual, Father Nouwen offers a counter definition that is witnessed by a "communal and mutual experience." For Nouwen, leadership cannot function apart from the community. His wisdom is grounded in the foundation that we are a people "called."This beautiful guide to Christian Leadership is the rich fruit of Henri Nouwen's own journey as one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the 20th century.
Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer
Eugene H. Peterson - 1989
Peterson speaks to Christians who realize the necessity for prayer and yearn for it but who find their prayer unconvincing and unsatisfying. Addressing the causes of this dissatisfaction, Answering God offers guidelines for using the Psalms as dynamic tools for prayer.
You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation
Wayne W. Dyer - 1989
With his proven techniques and using examples from his own highly successful experiences, Dyer will convince you that you can make your most impossible dreams come true. You’ll See It When You Believe It demonstrates that through belief you can make your life anything you with it to be. Learn practical steps such as how to set real goals and achieve them; turn obstacles into opportunities; rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil; develop a strong inner-confidence; dramatically improve relationships; spend every day doing the things you love to do, and so much more.Go beyond self-help to self-realization with this accessible and uplifting manual.
Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith
Richard J. Foster - 1989
He lifts up the enduring character of each tradition and shows how a variety of practices, from individual study and retreat to disciplines of service and community, are all essential elements of growth and maturity. Foster examines the unique contributions of each of these traditions and offers as examples the inspiring stories of faithful people whose lives defined each of these "streams."
Spirit Song: The Introduction of No-Eyes
Mary Summer Rain - 1989
But it is the unique interaction between the two that provides the emotional power behind the profound teachings of the old woman. The wonderfully lyrical descriptions of the vivid seasonal beauty of Colorado serve as a backdrop for this unfolding narrative.
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
Stephen LaBerge - 1989
Based on Dr. Stephen LaBerge's extensive laboratory work at Stanford University mapping mind/body relationships during the dream state, as well as the teachings of Tibetan dream yogis and the work of other scientists, including German psycholgist Paul Tholey, this practical workbook will show you how to use your dreams to: Solve problems; Gain greater confidence; improve creativity, and more.
Vivekananda: A Biography
Nikhilananda - 1989
Swami Vivekananda, India's first spiritual and cultural ambassador to the West, proclaimed the universal message of Vedanta: the non-duality of the Godhead, the divinity of the soul, the oneness of existence, and the harmony of religions. This 256 page book details the life of Swami Vivekananda and contains 28 photographs, as well as, an appendix containing the Swami's most important teachings.
I Am
Jean Klein - 1989
There may be a moment in life when our compensatory activities, the accumulation of money, learning and objects, leaves us feeling deeply apathetic. This can motivate us towards the search for our real nature beyond appearances. We may find ourselves asking, 'Why am I here? What is life? Who am I?' Sooner or later any intelligent person asks these questions.“What you are looking for is what you already are, not what you will become. What you already are is the answer and the source of the question. In this lies its power of transformation. It is a present actual fact. Looking to become something is completely conceptual, merely an idea. The seeker will discover that he is what he seeks and that what he seeks is the source of the inquiry.”
Lessons in Truth
H. Emilie Cady - 1989
All books in the Unity Classic Library series feature hardcover binding with gold engraving, colorful endpapers, library nameplate page, author photograph, and biography. The series makes a beautiful display on a library shelf, and each book is a respected addition to any metaphysical collection.Cady simplifies metaphysics and practical Christianity from the perspective of her personal experiences.
The Moon Under Her Feet
Clysta Kinstler - 1989
Yeshua (Christ) is born to Almah Mari (the Virgin Mary) after her union in Sacred Marriage at the Temple in Jerusalem with an unblemished man who kills himself as a sacrifice for his people. Later Mari Anath becomes Magdalene, or High Priestess of the Goddess, and assumes co-rule with Jehovah, succeeding Almah Mari. Mari Anath follows Yeshua in the years of his ministry, despite objections from some adherents who call her harlot because they oppose the double worship of the Goddess and Jehovah and the equality of sexes that relationship im plies. But days before the crucifixion, when Yeshua sacrifices himself, he and the Magdalene are united in Sacred Marriage in the Temple before the people. Mari Anath gives birth to Yeshua's daughter Anna after she and Judas (who is The Christos's twin brother and betrays him at his behest in order to fulfill the prophesy) flee to Gaul to make a new life. First novelist Kinstler, a professor of philosophy, mines the literature of myth to make this lyrically written interpretation plausible. She provides notes and a bibliography to buttress much of her tale.
Creative Mind and Success
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes - 1989
Discover how "right thinking" can help you achieve success!This spirited guide by the founder of the international Religious Science movement will show you how to:• Attain strength and control thought• Attract friends and use the imagination• Achieve independence and prosperitySimple and direct, this manual will help you understand the nature of the universe and the creative power of the mind.
The Sufi Path Of Knowledge: Ibn Al ʻarabi's Metaphysics Of Imagination
William C. Chittick - 1989
Born in Muslim Spain, he has become famous in the West as the greatest mystical thinker of Islamic civilization. He was a great philosopher, theologian, and poet.William Chittick takes a major step toward exposing the breadth and depth of Ibn al-'Arabi's vision. The book offers his view of spiritual perfection and explains his theology, ontology, epistemology, hermeneutics, and soteriology. The clear language, unencumbered by methodological jargon, makes it accessible to those familiar with other spiritual traditions, while its scholarly precision will appeal to specialists.Beginning with a survey of Ibn al-'Arabi's major teachings, the book gradually introduces the most important facets of his thought, devoting attention to definitions of his basic terminology. His teachings are illustrated with many translated passages introducing readers to fascinating byways of spiritual life that would not ordinarily be encountered in an account of a thinker's ideas. Ibn al-'Arabi is allowed to describe in detail the visionary world from which his knowledge derives and to express his teachings in his own words.More than 600 passages from his major work, al-Futuhat al-Makkivva, are translated here, practically for the first time. These alone provide twice the text of the Fusus al-hikam. The exhaustive indexes make the work an invaluable reference tool for research in Sufism and Islamic thought in general.
Shaman: The Paintings of Susan Seddon Boulet
Susan Seddon Boulet - 1989
In native cultures around the world, shamans are healers who traverse the boundaries between the everyday world and the spirit realm. Boulet's paintings delicately interweave images of woman, man, and beast with elements of myth and mysticism, evoking a visceral understanding of shamanism. This collection of over seventy-five images is accompanied by quotes from shamans from various cultures.
The Principal Upanishads
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - 1989
They hold the secrets of the divine and have inspired generations of devotees by their vision and inexhaustible spiritual powers. Now everyone, from serious scholars to spiritual seekers, can glimpse into the texts that have shaped a vital spiritual history.
Heart of the Enlightened
Anthony de Mello - 1989
Even if the cage is removed, we keep pacing in the same timid limits. We are afraid to get out. And we think that the only way out is by endless striving and thinking. But this profound healer and spiritual master shows us another way. The Heart of the Enlightened, the sequel to the highly successful Taking Flight, contains more than two hundred of de Mello's favorite stories. Whether Buddhist tales, Hindu fables, Islamic sayings, or Christian parables, the stories de Mello has chosen are sure to seep through to the heart. They touch on relationships, human nature, service, spirituality, and enlightenment. These are stories to be read slowly and savored. They are the key to liberating us from all that would pen us in.
Emmanuel's Book II: The Choice for Love
Pat Rodegast - 1989
A beautifully written sequel to the inspirational Emmanuel's Book, with an introduction by Ram Dass. The Choice For Love offers insight into difficult relationships, aging, illness and healing, learning from AIDS and much more.
The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient Way
Daniel Reid - 1989
Drawing on his extensive personal experience and research from original sources, author Daniel Reid covers all aspects of the healthy Taoist lifestyle, delivering concise information and instruction on diet and nutrition, fasting, breathing and exercise, sexual health, medicine, and meditation. Featuring helpful charts and illustrations, The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity makes the ancient practice easier to understand and more applicable to a modern Western audience than ever before.
Nine Faces of Christ: A Narrative of Nine Great Mystic Initiations of Joseph-Bar-Joseph In...
Eugene E. Whitworth - 1989
This book deals with the inspired and relentless search for the True Religion, telling the story of Joseph-bar-Joseph, a Messiah, crucified in 57 B.C., and showing the methods and techniques of developing the inner initiate Godself.
They Lived With God: Life Stories Of Some Devotees Of Sri Ramakrishna
Chetananda - 1989
It is interesting to note that these lay disciples even after Swami Ramakrishna's death continued to live the same transformed lives. They accepted him as as a Divine Incarnation, as God manifest in human form. This Books presents a more complete picture of Ramakrishna himself, including many new stories about life which have never been recorded in English.
The Art of Joyful Living
Swami Rama - 1989
This book shows us how, with a clear conception of the philosophy and meaning of life, we can truly enjoy our lives.
Breathing Underwater: Spirituality and the 12 Steps
Richard Rohr - 1989
In this powerul two-tape audiocassette program, Christians are told they must learn to breathe underwater to survive the tidal wave of compulsive behavior and addiction.
The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective
Richard Rohr - 1989
Richard Rohr and Andrea Ebert's runaway best-seller shows both the basic logic of the Enneagram and its harmony with the core truths of Christian thought from the time of the early Church forward.
Living with Contradiction: An Introduction to Benedictine Spirituality
Esther de Waal - 1989
Benedict take as their starting point our search for wholeness in a world that is fragmented and increasingly polarized. Many people today struggle to balance the demands of professional and personal lives, and find little satisfaction or peacefulness in either. Yet the ancient wisdom of St. Benedict offers a clear and helpful pathway that leads directly to healing, transformation and new life.Written in de Waal's inimitable style, this book is for old friends of the Rule of St. Benedict and novices alike. Holding up segments of the Rule, de Waal's meditations on Benedict's words illuminate the wisdom of the Rule not only for those of Benedict's time, but for all of us today as well.
The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage
Lyssa Royal - 1989
Does life have a purpose, and if so, what? Are we alone in our universe, or one species among many, bound together by a common fate? This book from Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest gives us extraterrestrial perspectives on some of life's great questions. the result is a rich cosmology of order and harmony in a universe teeming with life. Read this exciting volume and you'll come away knowing the truth: we really aren't alone.
By Love Refined: Letters to a Young Bride
Alice von Hildebrand - 1989
This remarkable book shows couples how to transform stumbling blocks in their marriage into stepping stones of love. It reveals the beauty and importance of high ideals and offers practical tips to help couples live up to those ideals daily.
An Introduction to A Course in Miracles
Miracle Distribution Center - 1989
It presents the story of how the Course was written, a summary of its teaching, selected quotations from the material, frequently asked questions and answers, and a look at the impact the Course has had. An ideal way to introduce yourself or others to A Course in Miracles.
Coming to Our Senses: Body and Spirit in the Hidden History of the West
Morris Berman - 1989
Finally back in print for a new generation of readers, Berman's treatise on the West's historic denial of physicality is relevant as ever in a society increasingly plagued by addiction, depression, and distraction. Berman deftly weaves threads of history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis into an elegant and accessible argument about the ways our physical experience of the world relates to the culture in which we exist.To make his case, Berman draws on studies of infant behavior with mirrors; analyzes symbolic expressions of human-animal relationships ranging from cave-wall etchings to Disney cartoons; investigates esoteric breathing techniques and occult rituals; and examines the nature of creativity. Berman also illuminates Christianity's origins in early Jewish meditation techniques, explains how the notion of romantic love evolved out of medieval Christian heresy, how modern science grew out of Renaissance mysticism, and how Nazism was the most recent episode in a recurring cycle of orthodoxy and heresy. A demanding and radical work of history, social criticism, and philosophy, Coming to our Senses is a beautifully-written and vastly important book.Readers interested in related titles from Morris Berman will also want to see: Are We There Yet (ISBN: 9781635610567), Spinning Straw Into Gold (ISBN: 9781635610536).
Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes Crisis
Stanislav GrofJack Kornfield - 1989
Individuals experiencing such episodes may feel that their sense of identity is breaking down, that their old values no longer hold true, and that the very ground beneath their personal realities is radically shifting. In many cases, new realms of mystical and spiritual experience enter their lives suddenly and dramatically, resulting in fear and confusion. They may feel tremendous anxiety, have difficulty coping with their daily lives, jobs, and relationships, and may even fear for their own sanity.Unfortunately, much of modern psychiatry has failed to distinguish these episodes from mental illness. As a result, transformational crises are often suppressed by routine psychiatric care, medication, and even institutionalization.However, there is a new perspective developing among many mental health professionals and those studying spiritual development that views such crises as transformative breakthroughs that can hold tremendous potential for physical and emotional healing. When understood and treated in a supportive manner, spiritual emergencies can become gateways to higher levels of functioning and new ways of being.In this book, foremost psychologists, psychiatrists, and spiritual teachers address the following questions: What is spiritual emergency? What is the relationship between spirituality, “madness,” and healing? What forms does spiritual emergency take? What are the pitfalls — and promises — of spiritual practice? How can people in spiritual emergency be assisted by family, friends, and professionals?This groundbreaking work reveals that within the crisis of spiritual emergency lies the promise of spiritual emergence and renewal.
Mind To Mind
Betty Shine - 1989
Her extraordinary gifts - a clairvoyant ability to diagnose medically, her healing powers and her discovery of 'mind energy' - have made her one of Britain's foremost healers. Mind to Mind tells her story. Like Betty herself, it is cheerful, down-to-earth and full of humour. It reveals how she became aware of her gifts and how she has used her experiences of mind energy to help others. Illustrated with a wide variety of examples and case histories, this is a uniquely helpful and practical book by a woman whose powers have been a comfort and an inspiration to countless numbers of people.
The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith
Janet O. Hagberg - 1989
In this book, authors Janet O. Hagberg and Robert A. Guelich address the following issues:
the struggle to find meaning and wholeness
the crisis of values and identity at mid-life
the quest for self-actualization
the healing of early religious experiences
questions about the spiritual journey
Their goal is to help us understand where we are on our individual faith journeys and also appreciate where others are in theirs.The Critical Journey does not reveal exactly how or when we need to move along in our personal pilgrimages, nor does it offer formulas for spiritual growth. Rather, it describes six phases of the spiritual journey and illustrates how people act and think while in these stages.This is an excellent guide for those who are wrestling with their faith and wondering how others have resolved their "dark nights of the soul." Here is an answer for those who have wondered why everyone doesn't respond in the same manner to the message of the Gospel.
Journey of a Master: Swami Chinmayananda
Nancy Freeman Patchen - 1989
In telling the story of one master’s training and evolution in the Himalayas and his subsequent mission to his countrymen, the author enlightens you on the essence of India’s culture, philosophy and religion. His story will surely educate you, inspire you, and broaden your horizons of the meaning of life.The Swami spent five years in the Himalayas under the tutelage of two incredible Masters of live, as different as day and night. Although both were scholars of the scriptures, their manifestation was unique. One was an incredible streak of light and energy who traveled India teaching, then created a huge ashram center to serve all of humanity. The other was a quiet contemplative recluse who sang inspirational songs and taught only a few students.Swami Chinmayananda appeared on the scene at an appropriate time in Indian history. The British had just left the country with no one trained to take the helm of State. The British had taken all the top government positions. In addition, they had curtailed any industrial development; the Empire was about having consumers for British products. The Indians had lost their moorings: economically, spiritually and personally. To these countrymen, beaten down by 150 years of British rule, repression and slavery, the Swami gave a message of hope. He worked relentlessly for about 40 years to bring about a spiritual revival in India and abroad. His unique style and logical approach was appreciated by everyone from college students to bankers to priests—both Hindu and Christian.By teaching directly the wisdom of their ancient scriptures, he gave the listeners confidence and inspiration to move forward in business and in creating charitable endeavors for the uplifting of the downtrodden of the country. Through 200 centers in India, his devotees have built and operate schools, hospitals and clinics, nursing homes, retirement homes and training centers for nurses and teachers, as well as spiritual training centers.This story of the legacy of one of the most influential persons in the modern history of Hinduism is sure to surprise you, amaze you—and inspire you.
From the Finite to the Infinite
Muktananda - 1989
This compilation of questions and answers, drawn from talks and conversations between Swami Muktananda and spiritual seekers he met as he traveled in the West, covers a range of topics, from the first questioning of the nature of existence to the final attainment.
Waiting: Finding Hope When God Seems Silent
Ben Patterson - 1989
. . In a dead-end career for a breakthrough . . . In an unhappy marriage for relief or escape . . . In a chronic illness for a ray of hope . . . In solitude for the loneliness to subside . . . In turmoil for peace to come . . . Sometimes we find our lives placed on hold. Deep questions begin to surface. How long must I wait? Is there any meaning to all this waiting? Can I trust God? We can't help but wonder what is happening--and why? In Waiting, Ben Patterson uncovers two cardinal virtues required for successful waiting--humility and hope. You will learn how humility teaches us we exist for God's sake, not for our own; and you will learn how hope assures us that there is something worth waiting for.
Follow Your Bliss: Conversations With Bill Moyers
Joseph Campbell - 1989
Original Goodness: Strategies for Uncovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources
Eknath Easwaran - 1989
288 pages.
Awaken Children: Dialogues with the Holy Mother
Amritaswarupananda - 1989
Through her unconditional love, equal vision, patience, renunciation and other godly qualities, the Mother attracted thousands of seekers from all over the world. She is a source of inspiration and support for humanity ... like a vast expanse who caresses, soothes and fills with peace and love the hearts of those who approach her. Also, she has spiritually inspired a band of young men and women, unstilling thenm with faith and the burning desire to realize the Supreme Truth. Through the process of remolding the disciples' inner personality, one can see Mother's greatness as a Teacher who wants to make her spiritual children real servants of the world. This book faithfully records her enlightening conversations from 1976 with various seekers - teachings such as the Guru, God, meditation, humility, psychic powers, advice to householders, etc. Her simplicity, sense of humor and practical wisdom shine through her every word.
Duet of One - The Ashtavakra Gita Dialogue
Ramesh S. Balsekar - 1989
It provides us with an illuminating and in-depth look at the nature of duality and dualism.In this book Ramesh reveals himself as a spiritual Master for the modern age. His insightful commentary unlocks the beauty and the mystery in this ancient text. He points us to the Understanding that is the true nature of us all.
Bankei Zen: Translations from the Record of Bankei
Bankei Yotaku - 1989
At a time when Zen was becoming overly formalized in Japan, he stressed its relevance to everyday life, insisting on the importance of naturalness and spontaneity.
God is Dead: Now Zen is the Only Living Truth
Osho - 1989
It is a perfect companion to Osho's two-volume Zarathustra series.
Discovering the Character of God
George MacDonald - 1989
Profound spiritual insight into God's wondrously loving character from one of history's most important writers.
Raising Them Right: A Saint's Advice on Raising Children
Theophan the Recluse - 1989
Raising Them Right provides both practical and spiritual insight into a variety of areas of concern to parents, such as baptism, guiding the spiritual and psychological development of children through their teens, and preserving grace in a child's life. A fresh redesign of a spiritual classic. "What good fortune therefore it is to receive a good, truly Christian upbringing, to enter with it into the years of youth, then in the same spirit to enter into the years of adulthood." --Saint TheophanFind practical advice for reaching these goals for your children in RAISING THEM RIGHT.
The Gifts of God: Poems by Dr. Helen Schucman, Scribe of "A Course in Miracles"
Helen Schucman - 1989
Readers familiar with the Course will be aware of the stylistic similarities between the two, as well as their shared spiritual content. Despite these similarities, Helen felt that there was a difference between them. She considered herself the “scribe” of the Course but the “inspired author” of the poems. The poems were written over a ten-year period. They have been divided into four sections: Early Poems, Personal Poems, Later Poems and The Gifts of God. The actual dates of the poems may be found in the appendix. The poetry included in the first section dates from March to November of 1971. (There was one earlier poem, “The Gifts of Christmas,” which is included with the other Christmas poems in the third section.) These poems were written while Helen was still scribing the Course and deal with spiritual themes found in it. The personal poems in the second section were written between December, 1973 and February, 1977. They clearly express the ambivalence of Helen’s relationship with Jesus: both her love and longing for him, and her fears and wavering faith. The third section covers a wider span of time—from “The Gifts of Christmas” to Helen’s final poem, “The Second Easter,” completed in March, 1978. The last poem in this section, “Requiem,” was written for a friend whose mother was near death. The fourth section consists of a long blank verse poem in five sections which is printed here in prose form. It bears a marked similarity to the material in the Course, both in form and content. A COURSE IN MIRACLES, a beloved spiritual publication that has been translated into over 25 languages and is being studied by students all over the world, was scribed by Dr. Schucman between 1965 and 1972 through a process of inner dictation. She experienced the process as one of a distinct and clear dictation from an inner voice, which earlier had identified itself to her as Jesus. Helen Schucman's scribing of A Course in Miracles began with these words: "This is a course in miracles, please take notes."
Alchemical Mandala: A Survey of the Mandala in the Western Esoteric Traditions
Adam McLean - 1989
Though various Western traditions possess such contemplative tools, they have not often not been recognized as such, except by those deeply schooled in Western esotericism. Adam McLean remedies this situation by presenting, and analyzing in great depth, over forty beautiful engravings, reproduced as fullpage illustrations, from alchemical, kabbalistic, magical, Rosicrucian and Hermetic sources.This is the first book exclusively dedicated to the mandala tradition in the West and is an extremely valuable sourcework on account of the illustrations and commentaries. Not only is The Alchemical Mandala a comprehensive guide on how to "read" the cosmological and spiritual symbolism of alchemical engravings, it also outlines three ways for working practically with these mandalas in meditation.
A Talk Given on a Course in Miracles: An Introduction
Kenneth Wapnick - 1989
Next, the Holy Spirit's thought system of forgiveness is explained, showing specifically how it and the miracle undo the ego's chief defense against the Love of God: special relationships. Included also are chapters on the purpose of Jesus' life, and the story of how the Course came to be written.
Hell / How to Avoid Hell
F.X. Schouppe - 1989
F. X. Schouppe, SJ., author of Purgatory—Explained by the Lives and Legends of the Saints, has written here a similar-type book, though much smaller, on the subject of Hell. Whereas he does review the basic Catholic doctrine on Hell, in this book he mainly recounts numerous true stories that reinforce belief in Hell and the eternity of its horrors. These stories are frightening—how could they be otherwise—and they are obviously intended to be by the writer. For his purpose is to awaken in his readers a profound realization of the reality of Hell and to create in them a firm purpose of mind and heart not to go there. To the many who are not motivated to be good by the love of God, the fear of Hell is a legitimate and usually efficacious and salutary motive—especially so when one considers Hell as exemplified in these true stories.Because this edition of Hell is expanded, with a new preface, three new appendices, and a Part II, called How to Avoid Hell, by Thomas A. Nelson, the impact of the book is much stronger than that of the original, which was written over 100 years ago, and which, nonetheless, is here printed complete and unabridged.The ultimate purpose of this book is, not to scare people, but to help them avoid damnation by reminding them of the reality and eternity of Hell and its incomprehensible sufferings and to demonstrate most forcefully that it is the certain fate of unrepentant mortal sinners to go there. Hell and How to Avoid Hell in combination in this one volume form a profoundly moving, fast-paced, thorough and overpowering presentation of Hell and how to avoid it that is destined to quicken many in their faith, to bring others back to God, and to help people find salvation.
Heart Speaks to Heart: Three Prayers to Jesus
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1989
But instead of writing about the Sacred Heart, he began to discern in my own heart a real desire to speak to the heart of Jesus and be heard. The result is an extraordinary book that expresses the longings and expectations of the human heart responding to the heart of Jesus as revealed in the gospels.
Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind Body Medicine
Deepak Chopra - 1989
Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers when he saw patients in his own practice who completely recovered after being given only a few months to live. In the mid-1980's he returned to his native India to explore Ayurveda, humanity's most ancient healing tradition. Now he has brought together the current research of Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics with the insights of Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is controlled by a "network of intelligence" grounded in quantum reality. Not a superficial psychological state, this intelligence lies deep enough to change the basic patterns that design our physiology -- with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself. In this inspiring and pioneering work, Dr. Chopra offers us both a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing.
Seeds of Hope: A Henri Nouwen Reader
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1989
Includes a biographical portrait of Nouwen, highlighting the events that shaped his life.
Reflections of an Elder Brother: Awakening from the Dream
Bartholomew - 1989
He reveals the illusions of self-imposed limitations and reminds us constantly that we have never been separate from the source.
Dogen, The Zen Master: A Search And A Fulfillment
Osho - 1989
Not only is the moon a symbol for the mirror of our consciousness, but it is also a transforming agent. "The master is the possibility for this transformation...the universe our university." The running theme of Dogen's message of 800 years is the eternity of our consciousness, a consciousness with no limitations and that exists through all changes of form. Something inner which moves from one climate to another, which is beyond form, birth, death, beyond life, which simply is - isness.
Prayers, Verses, and Devotions
John Henry Newman - 1989
His meditations on the Litany of Loreto for the month of May, and on the Stations of the Cross are already recognized as classics of Catholic spirituality. And in his meditations on Christian doctrine Newman shows that the source of true piety is sound teaching. His verses on various occasions are profoundly inspiring as are the spiritual hymns and canticles which distill the wisdom of the incomparable Newman. In addition, also included are the devotions of Bishop Lancelot Andrewes, translated by Newman himself and used by him as the primary source of his own spiritual life. Louis Bouyer, the greatest living Newman scholar, says of these: "Newman quite believed that in these exercises of Andrewes he had discovered that form of prayer which springs directly from the word of God and leads to a life fully lived in Christ. Not only as a priest, but later on as a cardinal of the Roman church, he would keep the Preces privatae on his kneeler for his daily preparation and thanksgiving before and after Mass and for his most personal meditations."
Windhorse Woman: A Marriage of Spirit
Lynn V. Andrews - 1989
Andrews begins a new journey. This odyssey of the spirit will take her to an ending and a beginning: the completion of the circle of learning first described in her wonderful autobiography of her life as an apprentice shaman, MEDICINE WOMAN, and the start of another quest for the truth only reached through struggle on the human path.Over fifteen years ago, Lynn Andrews became an apprentice to Agnes Whistling Elk, a Native American shaman woman from Manitoba, Canada. Since then, her special mission has been to share with us the discoveries and warnings she has learned. In a time of hate and chaos, her purpose is to teach balance and caring; in an age when humankind is destroying the Earthmother that gives us life, she is to show us the healing powers of female consciousness and the power of primal woman.Initiated into the Sisterhood of the Shields, a group of 44 shaman women from all parts of the world, Lynn still has far to travel on her spiritual journey. Now, a dream guides her, along with Agnes and Ruby, another Northwest Indian shaman woman, to a remote valley high in the Himalayas. She carries with her a magical gift, a key to help the Sisterhood unlock the knowledge of women that has been hidden for the last 3,000 years. But waiting for Lynn is an even more precious kind of gift, a marriage to a man who is both spirit and flesh, herself and yet not herself. Before this, some male energies have been her mortal enemy, like Red Dog, the sorcerer who has tried again and again to destroy her. Now a new male force, Windhorse, is joined in a ceremony of love and passion to the female, Windhorse Woman. This oneness carries with its important lessons for us all: "To fall in love, one must not be afraid to die." "If you are afraid of death, you will not live your life." These thoughts and many more wise, moving and often haunting mind images of desire, death and rebirth fill the reader with their immediacy and raw power.~ from hardcover dustjacket
Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen with Basho's Haikus
Osho - 1989
And his motto: "One day without working, one day without food." No holy charity here; work and meditation go hand in hand. He also created the Chinese Tea Ceremony where something so ordinary as drinking tea becomes a meditation. But more than simply chronicles of a past master, here we see Osho "hitting" a disciple in front of the assembled thousands at the evening meditation, and we experience the depths of her response. Such was the intensity of this that Osho dedicated the book to her - a book that is truly "living Zen" and a must for everyone who is interested in the ways of a Zen master.SubjectZen and Zen MastersTranslated fromNotesPart of the seven-volume set "The Present Day Awakened One speaks on the Ancient Masters of Zen"Time Period of Osho's original Discourses/Talks/Lettersfrom Sep 26, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988Number of Discourses/Chapters9
Magic: The Principles of Higher Knowledge
Karl von Eckartshausen - 1989
Not too many books have that kind of staying power. The word "magic" in the title may be a deterrent to some, however contemporary practitioners have given the word magic another meaning. Magic is the highest knowledge that exists on our planet, because it teaches the metaphysical as well as the metapsychical laws on every plane of existence. In order to attain the necessary maturity it first requires a very particular preparatory training. This book belongs to the preparatory category of magic, giving the reader a wonderful insight into the symbols of magic, as understood by the heart, not the intellect. Numbers are one of the symbol forms bearing the truths of metaphysics; these explanations are found beginning on page 260. North American students of metaphysics often suffer from a lack of historical background, just as many contemporary students do in regards to politics and history. This is potentially damaging in spirituality as in any other arena of the world. This book contains a concept of history as well as spiritual insight. It is important to see that what you have to grapple with spiritually is not new at all to humans, and is at best only tinted by the socio-political climate. Throughout this book clear explanations are given, and a very honest critique of man is also presented. Of great interest is this critique of man, which is no less applicable two hundred years ago. Nothing changes, but things are relative. To get a sense of past thinking which falls under the present umbrella of "New Age," and to reach such material without modern-day jargon, is an eye-opening experience. It will change your impressions about the spiritual path which most people currently share. The author's clarity makes the confusing issues of our chaotic world melt away, reminding us that "Great Secrets will reveal themselves to you. . . All we have to do is ask!" Eckartshausen challenges the readers to find personal and divine meaning among the myriad of meaningless symbols cluttering their lives. This book is an excellent treatise on Western Magic, which speak refreshingly of the nature of material reality. Eckartshausen states that imagination is indeed reality, but it is reality that needs more attention to be manifested. He warns of charlatans, of evil and of misusing an elite knowledge gained through one's exploration. More importantly, he points the way to the path of a greater understanding of Nature and gives viable insights into miracles, energy, and universal laws.
Final Truth: A Guide to Ultimate Understanding
Ramesh S. Balsekar - 1989
It may well be the most comprehensive look at Advaita currently in print. It takes us on a rich and vivid journey from the arising of "I AM" to the final dissolution into identification as pure Consciousness.
Tantric Transformation: When Love Meets Meditation
Osho - 1989
We are given a detailed map of Tantra: inner man, inner woman; the meeting of man and woman; the transformation of energy through sex, love and meditation. Based on the Royal Song of Saraha, we are not just introduced to an Asian sex tradition but with Osho we enter the higher levels of transformation.Here we find Tantra as a door to freedom: freedom from all mind-constructs, mind games; freedom from all structures and freedom from the other.Love and meditation merge and provide a path to liberation.'Tantric Transformation' is a very alive, concrete book for exploration of our own energy, of our own inner space. You don't just read Osho, you undefine yourself.
Healing Energy: Prayer and Relaxation
Israel Regardie - 1989
It contains a distillation of both esoteric doctrine and scientific methodology. Additional essays by students and friends of Dr. Regardie make this an invaluable compilation of mind/body magical teachings. Dr. Regardie describes the need for this book, and the value of the techniques he offers here, in the following words:In the course of my professional life, what struck me vividly was that when people were enabled to shuffle off the unconscious armor of gross muscular tension, thus achieving a never-before-experienced delight and pleasure in the relaxation of psyche and soma, entirely new attitudes towards religion and prayer spontaneously developed. They needed no orientation, no preparation, no coaching. It was just there. And a whole new life of fervor, inspiration and prayer made its appearance. Not prayer in the conventional institutionalized form, but an intimacy with Life and Love that was intense, devout, springing from wells deep within the psyche.This is the voice of the mature Israel Regardie, distilling the knowledge of a lifetime devoted to the study and practice of Magic, Natural Healing, and Psychology. It has been enhanced with original essays on the Philosophy and Technique of Active Prayer by Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.; The Middle Pillar as a Group Working by James Wasserman; a Qabalistic analysis of The Sacred Ritual of the Pentagram by AIMA, and A Pentagram Exercise by Lon Milo DuQuette.
Embracing Each Other: How to Make All Your Relationships Work for You
Hal Stone - 1989
& Sidra Stone, Ph.D. A revolutionary, refreshingly no-fault, no-nonsense approach to relationship! The Stones, who introduced you to your inner family of selves using the Voice Dialogue process, show how understand, learn from, and enjoy the dance of these selves in relationship.
Feeling Fine Affirmations
Louise L. Hay - 1989
Hay, set to motivating music. Saying affirmations is like planting seeds. It takes time for them to germinate and take root. Be patient with yourself. Repeat the affirmations on this CD as often as possible. They will help you change long-standing negative thoughts into ones of self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem. You’ll begin to appreciate who you are as you release past programming. Soon you’ll have an abundance of health, energy, and well-being developing with-in you.
Edgar Cayce On Channeling Your Higher Self
Henry Reed - 1989
This text presents Edgar Cayce's teachings, aiming to show readers how to channel their ideal, higher selves into their daily lives and how to exeperience information passed on from one realm to another.
Opening Our Hearts to Men
Susan Jeffers - 1989
Susan Jeffers, renowned workshop leader, lecturer, and author presents simple, concrete, and workable techniques to help you transform your life and begin attracting a healthy kind of love. Discover the four biggest barriers to love; a five-step program for dealing with anger; how to create a love that works, and much more.
Practical Buddhism: The Kagyu Path
Ole Nydahl - 1989
A concise explanation of the proper "view" and practical advice on how to cultivate awareness in daily life as a step on the path to Enlightenment.
The Word Is Very Near You: A Guide to Praying with Scripture
Martin L. Smith - 1989
Smith, an Episcopal monk, is among the most useful and beautifully written books about prayer in print. Its title, taken from Deuteronomy 30:14 ("The word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it.") is a relief, a promise, and a challenge. Smith's straightforward, flowing prose sparkles with natural wit and insight as he describes how laypeople can participate in the ancient practice of lectio divina ("holy reading"), a very slow, meditative engagement with Scripture whose effects flow out into a person's whole inner and outer life. Smith explains, "Meditative prayer ... does not confine itself to the surface levels of reasoning and talking and thinking. It won't be a matter of the head, and tidy, controlled conversations with the Lord. This kind of praying will involve the inner world where the invisible springs of our actions lie, it will penetrate to levels of deep need, disturbance, feeling, levels where we are hurt and warped, and levels where we have wants not at all satisfied by conventional palliatives, and gifts waiting to come out of bud." The first half of this book explains what meditative prayer is, and how it often works in the life of a believer. The second half contains suggested themes and biblical passages for prayer. Smith, who is widely known among Episcopalians as a spiritual director, has masterful knowledge of Christian tradition and of modern psychology, and his book wears this considerable learning very lightly. As a result, he can speak an ancient message in contemporary language with greater integrity than anyone writing about Christian spirituality today. If you are looking for one book about prayer that will honor your emotions, respect your mind, give you rest, shake you up, and change your life, this is it. The Word Is Very Near You has such good news: you really can do it. --Michael Joseph Gross
Zen Practice, Zen Art: Further Explorations from the Way of Zen
Alan W. Watts - 1989
It has to be suggested by saying what it is not-- in the same way that a sculptor reveals an image to us by the act of removing pieces from a block of stone. Zen Practice, Zen Art is a refreshingly clear yet remarkably detailed explanation of this most tantalizing aspect of Asian culture.The tradition of Za-Zen study and the KoanThe integration of Zen into every aspect of lifeThe importance of interest from the West in the preservation of Zen as a living philosophyNarrated by Ralph Blum, this program also features rare recordings of the author, Alan Watts, personally elaborating on key passages from his classic bestseller, The Way of Zen.
The Book of Ruth (New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT))
Rubert L. Hubbard - 1989
This major commentary by Robert L. Hubbard Jr. shows how the author of Ruth used, with great literary artistry, the story of Ruth and Naomi to convey important theological themes. In his introduction Hubbard discusses the issues of text, canonicity, literary criticism, authorship, date, purpose, setting, genre, legal background, themes, and theology, concluding with an outline of the book and a thorough bibliography. The commentary proper is based on Hubbard's own fresh translation and accented by copious footnotes on textual, philological, and literary matters. Gleaning the best from recent research on Ruth, Hubbard gives the story's rich literary, grammatical, and theological dimensions a careful, rigorous treatment. He allows for the possibility that the anonymous author was a woman and argues that the narrative itself aims to counter opposition to the Davidic monarchy in Israel and Judah during Solomon's reign. Throughout, Hubbard's sensitivity to the literary genius of Ruth's author and his coherent explication of the outworking of the book's theological themes make this volume an invaluable tool for anyone desiring to explore the intriguing story of Ruth in depth.
Road To Joy: The Letters Of Thomas Merton To New And Old Friends
Thomas Merton - 1989
Selected, edited, and with an Introduction by Robert E. Daggy; Preface by William H. Shannon; Index.
Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament: From the Birth of Souls to the Death of Moses
Robert W. Krajenke - 1989
Follow the great drama of the Old Testament, beginning with the story of Genesis and the creation of souls, through the rebellion and separation of those souls from God as they descended into matter and forgot who they really were.
Bali: Sekala and Niskala : Essays on Religion, Ritual, and Art (Bali--Sekala & Niskala)
Fred B. Eiseman Jr. - 1989
The essays cover a wide range of topics, from magic and trance healing to cockfighting and seaweed farming. The author, who has lived on Bali for 28 years, is widely recognized as a self-taught guru of Balinese folk traditions.
Healing Visualizations: Creating Health Through Imagery
Gerald Epstein - 1989
Epstein provides a new vision of how the mind can heal the body through the use of "imaginal medicine." His techniques for tapping into the mind's latent energy enable readers to take charge of their health and lives with surprisingly fast, positive results.
The Quotable Fulton Sheen: A Topical Compilation of the Wit, Wisdom, and Satire of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen - 1989
Sheen, this scintillating collection captures the essence of one of the greatest religious leaders of our day. Devout priest, powerful orator, and prolific writer, participant in Vatican Council II and director of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, Fulton Sheen was internationally recognized through his radio and television ministry, his scores of books and syndicated columns, and his worldwide travel.Arranged alphabetically by topic and containing 1,300 entries on hundreds of subjects – from Absolution to Zoophilists – this comprehensive anthology exemplifies the tremendous faith, wisdom, humor, and goodness of the beloved prelate. This compilation features a Foreward by John Cardinal O'Connor and tributes by notables as Billy Graham and Malcolm Muggeridge, and is a must for every Christian library. Speakers, too, will find here a useful resource for that needed "right quote" or apt illustration.The Quotable Fulton Sheen is a one-volume treasure trove for readers of all ages.
I Am the Open Door
Ascended Masters - 1989
It is my great hope that all who feel the radiation Of This Book - which is That which only Ones Ascended can give - will be inspired to apply the Law, and to Live the Love. In Eternal Service, and with the deepest Love and Gratitude, "I AM." --- from book's Preface
Cosmic Music: Musical Keys to the Interpretation of Reality
Joscelyn Godwin - 1989
In this book, Joscelyn Godwin brings together three contemporary German thinkers who exemplify this tradition in its modern variants: Marius Schneider, Rudolf Haase, and Hans Erhard Lauer. The selections draw on ancient Indian sources and mythology; Kepler's Platonic vision of a musical, geometric universe; and the evolution of the tone systems of music. While every music lover senses the power and truth that reside in music, very few actually approach music as a path to cosmic knowledge. Godwin takes literally Beethoven's assertion that "Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom or philosophy." Godwin writes, ". . .to penetrate the mysteries of music is to prepare for initiation into those fathomless mysteries of man and cosmos."
Discovering God Through the Daily Practice of His Presence: Claiming God's Presence
Anthony M. Coniaris - 1989
The many practical methods of practicing God's presence described in this book are drawn from the lives of countless saints in the rich experience of the Church through the centuries. Designed to help you enrich your spiritual life. 2nd printing
The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow: Current Patterns: Progressions, Directions, Solar and Lunar Returns, Transits (The Only Way to Learn Astrology, #4)
Marion D. March - 1989
The authors cover secondary progressions, solar arc direction, transits, eclipses and cycles as well and solar and lunar returns. Each topic is explained with clarity and the use of many examples.
The Talmud, The Steinsaltz Edition, Volume 1: Bava Metzia Part 1 (Talmud the Steinsaltz Edition)
Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz - 1989
Even in translation, the unique system of logic and involved argumentation often baffle the inexperienced reader.The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition makes it possible for everyone to read the Talmud because it is more than just a translation. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz becomes your personal instructor, guiding you through the intricate paths of Talmudic logic and thought. His extensive introductions and commentaries make the text crystal clear by providing all the background information needed to follow it, while his illustrated marginal notes supply fascinating insights into daily life in Talmudic times.This volume, Tractate Bava Metzia, Part One, is one of the first sections traditionally studied by newcomers to the Talmud, since it contains so many or' the basic elements common to all Talmudic logic. It focuses on the resolution of disputes that may arise in daily life and commercial transactions, such as rival claims to the ownership of property.Many related issues involving claims inevitably come under examination, such as contracts (including marriage contracts and bills of divorce), loans, promissory notes, and other such documents. There is much discussion of how the courts should proceed, including whether or not an oath, which is considered by the Talmud to be a matter of gave consequence, was to be administered to the various claimants.The extraordinary sensitivity of the courts to ensuring absolute justice for all parties is reflected on every page. And as with all Talmudic discussions, the interplay of personalities and the subtleties of human relationships give rise to a host of possibilities that reflect human life as a whole.
Heart of the Redeemer: An Apologia for the Contemporary and Perennial Value of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Timothy T. O'Donnell - 1989
The book also includes photographs illustrating the development of the devotion. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is intimately linked to our response in love to the Eucharistic Christ. It lies at the core of Catholic spiritual life and is the key to effective renewal of individuals, the Church and the world. For those who haven't yet lived this devotionor who want to understand and live it more fullythey will discover its richness and beauty in Heart of the Redeemer. Years of careful research have produced a one volume synthesis of how the devotion to the Heart of Jesus has developed over the centuries. The result is a moving overview of how the love for Jesus Christ has grown in the hearts of the faithful from Calvary to the present day.
The Roaring of the Sacred River: The Wilderness Quest for Vision and Self-Healing
Steven Foster - 1989
Discusses the American Indian ritual of the vision quest, explains its purpose, and tells how to adapt this rite for those seeking spiritual enlightenment.
The Book of Balance and Harmony: A Taoist Handbook
Daochun Li - 1989
This classic collection, compiled by one of the master's disciples, is still very much in use by the Taoist adepts of China today. Its serves as a compendium of the teaching of the Complete Reality School, both in theory and in practice, employing a rich variety of literary forms, including essays, dialogues, poetry, and song. The writings herein condense the essences of the Chinese religious traditions of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism into an alchemical elixir teaching Vitality, Energy, and Spirit—the "three treasures" of Taoism that promise mental and physical well-being.
Rosh Hashanah and the Messianic Kingdom to Come: A Messianic Interpretation of the Feast of Trumpets
Joseph Good - 1989
His books, tapes, and speaking engagements are designed to reveal to bothe Jew and non-Jew the original intent of the scripture from their Hebraic form.
The Selfless Self: Meditation and the Opening of the Heart
Laurence Freeman - 1989
Unless affluent societies escape the addiction to materialism, they will be unable to feel the depth of compassion from which works of mercy and justice spring. Laurence Freeman teaches a way to spiritual health that is both ancient and new. The desert fathers practiced silent prayer and the church in our own day has rediscovered its liberating power. To sit down before God in silence does more than empty our minds of our own concerns. It opens us to the mystery of life, to seeing thing from God's perspective rather than our own limited viewpoint, to the power of faith that heals and raises us to love God and our neighbour.
To Thine Own Self Be True
Lewis M. Andrews - 1989
A seminal work on ethical therapy and the vital connection between responsibility, personal values, and peace of mind."One of the most valuable, enlightening books I have ever read." -- Hugh Prather
Further Dimensions of Healing Addictions
Donna Cunningham - 1989
Numerous vibrational therapies are suggested, a deeper appreciation of the subtle energy bodies and chakras is offered, and there is a study of the karma of addiction and relevant past life patterns. Specific addictions discussed include coffee, tobacco, marijuana, sugar, alcohol, cocaine, and heroin.