Best of
The Supper of the Lamb: A Culinary Reflection
Robert Farrar Capon - 1989
In The Supper of the Lamb, Capon talks about festal and ferial cooking, emerging as an inspirational voice extolling the benefits and wonders of old-fashioned home cooking in a world of fast food and prepackaged cuisine. This edition includes the original recipes and a new Introduction by Deborah Madison, the founder of Greens Restaurant in San Francisco and author of several cookbooks.
Release of the Spirit: The Breaking of the Outward Man for
Watchman Nee - 1989
He will discover that his outward man (soul) is not in harmony with his inward man (spirit). Our only hope is that the Lord may blaze a way out of us, breaking our outward man- breaking it to such a degree that the inward man may come out and be seen. This is precious! This is the way to serve the Lord.
The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction
Eugene H. Peterson - 1989
Eugene Peterson, well known as "a pastor's pastor," here speaks words of wisdom and refreshment for pastors caught in the busyness of preaching, teaching, and "running the church." In The Contemplative Pastor Peterson highlights the often-overlooked essentials of ministry, first by redefining the meaning of pastor through three strengthening adjectives: unbusy, subversive, andapocalyptic. The main part of the book focuses on pastoral ministry and spiritual direction "between Sundays": these chapters begin with poetic reflections on the Beatitudes and then discuss such themes as curing souls, praying with eyes open, the language of prayer, the ministry of small talk, and sabbatical--all with engaging, illustrative anecdotes from Peterson's own experience. The book ends with several meaning-full poems that pivot on the incarnation, the doctrine closest to pastoral work. Entitled "The Word Made Fresh," this concluding section is a felicitous finale to Peterson's discerning, down-to-earth reflections on the art of pastoring.
Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer
Eugene H. Peterson - 1989
Peterson speaks to Christians who realize the necessity for prayer and yearn for it but who find their prayer unconvincing and unsatisfying. Addressing the causes of this dissatisfaction, Answering God offers guidelines for using the Psalms as dynamic tools for prayer.
Lent and Eastertide
Francisco Fernández-Carvajal - 1989
This work is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime, as it helps you relate the particulars of the message of Christ to the ordinary circumstances of your day. Each volume is small enough for you to carry it to Adoration or some other suitable place for meditation. The whole set comes with a handsome slipcase that prevents wear-and-tear on the individual volumes.
The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament
Edmund P. Clowney - 1989
Clowney takes a fascinating walk through the Old Testament, revealing Christ in places where he is usually overlooked.
Three Philosophies of Life: Ecclesiastes—Life As Vanity, Job—Life As Suffering, Song of Songs—Life As Love
Peter Kreeft - 1989
He reflects that there are ultimately only three philosophies of life and each one is represented by one of these books of the Bible—life is vanity; life is suffering; life is love.In these three books Kreeft shows how we have Dante's great epic The Divine Comedy played out, from Hell to Purgatory to Heaven. But it is an epic played out in our hearts and lives, here and now. Just as there is movement in Dante's epic, so there is movement in these books, from Ecclesiates to Job, from Job to Song of Songs. Love is the final answer to Ecclesiastes' quest, the alternative to vanity, and the true meaning of life. Finally, Kreeft sees in these books the epitome of theological virtues of faith, hope and love and "an essential summary of the spiritual history of the world".
Classic Christianity: Life's Too Short to Miss the Real Thing
Bob George - 1989
Drawing on his own struggles and years of teaching and counseling experience, Bob cuts right to the heart of why many Christians start out as enthusiastic believers but end up merely "going through the motions" of the Christian life. With understanding and wisdom, he shows us the way back to the life Christ had in mind when He set us free. Readers will discover what it means to have Christ living in them; how to experience the joy of the Lord daily; and why Christians still struggle with sin. Life's too short to miss the real thing!
Dake Annotated Reference Bible (KJV)
Anonymous - 1989
No other Study Bible gives you as much information in a single volume. The Dake Bible includes: Complete Concordance lists every word in the Bible 35,000 Commentary Notes 500,000 Cross References 9,000 Headings dividing text 8,000 Sermon Outlines Key Hebrew and Greek Words Defined Summary at the end of each book of the Bible Ancient Customs Explained Word's of Christ in RED
Before Jerusalem Fell: Dating the Book of Revelation
Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. - 1989
This is why they won't address Ken's monumental work. Before Jerusalem Fell is a scholarly and thorough study of the dating of Revelation. This is a must-read for all serious students of prophecy regardless of their position.
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1989
For a society that measures successful leadership in terms of the effectiveness of the individual, Father Nouwen offers a counter definition that is witnessed by a "communal and mutual experience." For Nouwen, leadership cannot function apart from the community. His wisdom is grounded in the foundation that we are a people "called."This beautiful guide to Christian Leadership is the rich fruit of Henri Nouwen's own journey as one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the 20th century.
Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul
Richard B. Hays - 1989
In this book, Richard B. Hays investigates Paul’s appropriation of Scripture from a perspective based on recent literary-critical studies of intertextuality. His uncovering of scriptural echoes in Paul’s language enriches our appreciation of the complex literary texture of Paul’s letters and offers new insights into his message. "A major work on hermeneutics. . . . Hays’s study will be a work to use and to reckon with for every Pauline scholar and for every student of Paul’s use of Old Testament traditions. It is sophisticated, in both a literary and theological sense, and written with considerable wit and confidence."—Carol L. Stockenhausen, Journal of Biblical Literature"Hays has without doubt posed the right question at the right time within the horizon of a particularly important problematic. . . . A new beginning for the question concerning the reception of the Old Testament in the New."—Hans Hübner, Theologische Literaturzeitung"A powerful reading. . . . [Hays’s] careful and fresh exegesis . . . challenges not a few traditional or highly regarded readings. . . . A major contribution both to Pauline studies and to our understanding of earliest Christian theology as a living dialogue with the scriptures of Israel."—James D. G. Dunn, forthcoming in Literature and Theology"A fresh interpretation of Paul’s references to the Jewish Scriptures. . . . Written in a lively, semipopular style, this important study succeeds in showing that Paul’s scriptural quotations and allusions are often more ’polyphonic’ and rhetorically meaningful than traditional exegesis has allowed."—David M. Hay, Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology
An Anthology
Josef Pieper - 1989
He has selected the best and most representative passages and arranged them in an order that gives sense to the whole and aids in the understanding of each excerpt. Pieper's reputation rests on his remarkable ability to restate traditional wisdom in terms of contemporary problems. He is a philosopher who writes in the language of common sense, presenting involved issues in a clear, lucid and simple manner. Among his many well-known works included in this anthology are selections from Leisure: The Basis of Culture, The Four Cardinal Virtues, About Love, Belief and Faith, Happiness and Contemplation, and Scholasticism.
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary
Raymond E. Brown - 1989
It features current theories on dating, historical reconstruction, and archaeological information. Contemporary perspectives and topical articles of an introductory nature include Hermeneutics, Canonicity, Old Testament themes, and coverage of biblical theology. Additional commentary includes articles on Jesus, the early Church, Gnosticism, and the subapostolic church. Especially for seminarians and clergy who require a commentary on the Scriptures both during their formal study of theology and for preaching in their ministry. Also, for those interested in religion and theology on all levels and feel the need for an adequate background in the Bible.
The Hidden Manna: A Theology of the Eucharist
James T. O'Connor - 1989
Now in a second edition, accompanied by a new introduction by Fr. Kenneth Baker, a new preface from the author, new material from John Paul II, and the original foreword by Cardinal John O'Connor, this in-depth study lets the breadth and richness of the Church's Tradition speak for itself. Fr. O'Connor presents and comments on substantial excerpts from the major sources of the Church's Tradition extending all the way back to apostolic times. Focusing on the doctrine of the Real Presence, he follows the earliest witnesses through the challenge in the Middle Ages of Berengarius through the Protestant Reformation and modern disputes.
Money, Possessions and Eternity
Randy Alcorn - 1989
. . when God offers everlasting treasures in heaven? It's time to rethink our perspectives on money and possessions. In this thoroughly researched classic, Randy Alcorn shows us how to view these things accurately―as God's provision for our good, the good of others, and his glory.About the AuthorRandy Alcorn is an author and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries, a nonprofit ministry dedicated to teaching principles of God's Word and assisting the church in ministering to unreached, unfed, unborn, uneducated, unreconciled, and unsupported people around the world. A New York Times bestselling author of over 50 books, including Heaven, The Treasure Principle, If God Is Good, Happiness, and the award-winning novel Safely Home, his books sold exceed eleven million copies and have been translated into over seventy languages. Randy resides in Oregon with his wife, Nanci.
Living with Contradiction: An Introduction to Benedictine Spirituality
Esther de Waal - 1989
Benedict take as their starting point our search for wholeness in a world that is fragmented and increasingly polarized. Many people today struggle to balance the demands of professional and personal lives, and find little satisfaction or peacefulness in either. Yet the ancient wisdom of St. Benedict offers a clear and helpful pathway that leads directly to healing, transformation and new life.Written in de Waal's inimitable style, this book is for old friends of the Rule of St. Benedict and novices alike. Holding up segments of the Rule, de Waal's meditations on Benedict's words illuminate the wisdom of the Rule not only for those of Benedict's time, but for all of us today as well.
A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
Samuel E. Waldron - 1989
He writes in a direct and lucid style that will help ministers, students and laymen alike to a clear understanding of this Confession and to its relevance and application to our modern age. This exposition was originally published in 1989 to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of the Second London Confession, which also became known as the '1689 Baptist Confession of Faith'. Today, reformed Baptists world-wide hold this Confession in high esteem and many churches continue to regard it as their official statement of faith. After being one of the pastors of the Reformed Baptist Church of Grand Rapids for almost 24 years, Sam Waldron is now attending Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky where in May of 2005 he will complete a Ph. D. in Systematic Theology. With his wife, he is a member of Heritage Baptist Church, a Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, Kentucky where in January 2005 he became one of the pastors.
Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith
Richard J. Foster - 1989
He lifts up the enduring character of each tradition and shows how a variety of practices, from individual study and retreat to disciplines of service and community, are all essential elements of growth and maturity. Foster examines the unique contributions of each of these traditions and offers as examples the inspiring stories of faithful people whose lives defined each of these "streams."
The Divine Romance
Fulton J. Sheen - 1989
If you need more information please call or email us.
The Parables of Judgement
Robert Farrar Capon - 1989
He communicates the mysteries, nuances, and profundities of the Christian faith in his inimitable style, which is more like a conversation with the reader than a theological lecture.Having written about the so-called parables of the kingdom and the parables of grace in two earlier volumes, Capon here deals with the parables of judgment—spoken as well as acted during the last part of Jesus ministry, primarily during Holy Week. Capon points out how Jesus message of judgment differed from the notions of both his enemies and his friends, who were looking for a strong, hell-bound condemnation of all evildoers. Jesus, in contrast, presents divine judgment against the backdrop of grace. Indeed, Capon argues, the key to the parables of judgment is inclusion before exclusion, acceptance before judgment: grace ever remains the sovereign consideration. Including such parables as the Laborers in the Vineyard, the Raising of Lazarus, the Talents, the Cursing of the Fig Tree, the Wicked Tenants, and the Ten Virgins, Capon treats each parable in its immediate context and in the wider biblical context and message of grace. He shows how Jesus impending passion and death form a most significant subtext for the parables of judgment. This book should appeal to a wide readership: scholars, ministers, students, and general readers alike will enjoy and benefit from Capon s stimulating exposition of Jesus last parables.
The Experience of God:: Revelation and Knowledge of the Triune God (Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, Volume 1 : Revelation and Knowledge of the Triune God)
Dumitru Stăniloae - 1989
It is the theologian's task to make manifest the link between dogma and personal spirituality, to show how every dogma responds to a deep need and longing in the human heart, and how it has practical consequences for society. Dogmas, he is convinced, do not enslave but liberate; theology is essentially freedom.' Kallistos Ware>
Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
Marvin R. Wilson - 1989
This volume delineates the link between Judaism and Christianity, between the Old and the New Testament, and calls Christians to reexamine their Hebrew roots so as to effect a more authentically biblical lifestyle.As an introduction to the world of Hebrew thought, Our Father Abraham is biblical, historical, and cultural in nature. At the same time, the writing is personal and passionate, reflecting Marvin Wilson's own spiritual pilgrimage and his extensive dialogue with Jews. The book (1) develops a historical perspective on the Jewish origins of the church, (2) sets forth the importance and nature of Hebrew thought, (3) discusses how the church can become more attuned to the Hebraic mind-set of Scripture, and (4) offers practical suggestions for interaction between Jews and Christians. The study questions at the end of each chapter enhance the book's usefulness as a text and also make it suitable for Bible-study and discussion groups. All Christians--and Jews too--will profit from Wilson's sensible treatments of biblical texts, his thorough understanding of both the Christian and the Jewish faith, and his honest historical analysis of the general failure of the Christian church to acknowledge and understand its relation to Judaism.
Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns
Ephrem the Syrian - 1989
New Catholic World Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns translated and introduced by Kathleen E. McVey preface by John Meyendorff Blessed be the Child who today delights Bethlehem. Blessed be the Newborn Who today made the humanity young again. Blessed be the Fruit Who Bowed Himself down for our hunger. Blessed be the Gracious One Who suddenly enriched all of our poverty and filled our need. Ephrem the Syrian (c.306-373) Ephrem was born in the Mesopotamian city of Nisibis toward the end of the third century. An outpost of the Roman Empire, Nisibis and its Christian citizens were to be formed by the reign of Constantine and by the doctrines of the Council of Nicea. There, in the context of a large and sophisticated Jewish population and numerous Gnostic sects, Ephrem sought to defend orthodox Nicene Christianity. His teaching and writing made him an influential voice in the life of Syriac Christianity through the peaceful years of Constantine's patronage, the years of persecution after 361 under Emperor Julian, and the conflict between Persians and Romans which ultimately forced Ephrem to move to Edessa where he stayed until his death in 373. It was as a poet that Ephrem made his greatest impact. Writing in isosyllabic verses called madrashe, he attained a literary brilliance that won him a place of prominence not only in his own tradition, but also in the Coptic, Ethiopian, Armenian, and Arabic traditions as well. His hymns, praised in the West by Jerome, had a formative influence on the development of medieval religious drama in Europe. Blending Greek forms with his native style, he wove a highly crafted poetry of rich symbolism, attempting to fit the events of his day into a cosmic framework of God's redemptive act in Christ. Ephrem's combination of elements of Stoicism and Middle Platonism with Christian belief in a form reminiscent of the great second century apologists produced a corpus that speaks of his own literary genius and even more eloquently of the majesty and beauty of the divine source of all true poetry. Here, in a fresh and lively translation, are the Hymns on the Nativity, Hymns Against Julian, and the Hymns on Virginity and the Symbols of the Lord in which that voice may be heard closely and appreciated, wondered at, and enjoyed.
Knowing the Times
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1989
Knowing the Times is one of the most significant of Lloyd-Jones' works ever published.
Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up: A New Look at Today's Evangelical Church in the Light of Early Christianity
David W. Bercot - 1989
A challenging look at today's evangelical church in the light of the early Christians.
John Henry Newman: A Biography
Ian Ker - 1989
Ker stresses the complexity of Newman's characterand the range of his achievement as major prose writer, dominant religious leader who anticipated the Second Vatican Council and the modern ecumenical movement, and universal Christian thinker, whose significance transcends his culture and time.
The Lay Members of Christ's Faithful People
Pope John Paul II - 1989
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of John Paul II.
Christifideles Laici: Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness Pope John Paul Ii On The Vocation And Mission Of The Lay Faithful In The Church And In The World
Pope John Paul II - 1989
Posynodalna adhortacja apostolska o powołaniu i misji świeckich w Kościele i świecie.
Willmingtons Guide to the Bible, Vol. 1
H.L. Wilmington - 1989
Wilmingtons Guide to the Bible, Volume 1 Old Testement
Living the Truth
Josef Pieper - 1989
He then develops the Thomistic position that reality is also the basis for the good and therefore the norm of conscience and ethical action. As Pieper himself expresses in part of the thesis of the second treatise, "An insight into the nature of the good as rooted in objective being, of itself compels us to carry it out in a definite human attitude, and it makes certain attitudes impossible."
Hell / How to Avoid Hell
F.X. Schouppe - 1989
F. X. Schouppe, SJ., author of Purgatory—Explained by the Lives and Legends of the Saints, has written here a similar-type book, though much smaller, on the subject of Hell. Whereas he does review the basic Catholic doctrine on Hell, in this book he mainly recounts numerous true stories that reinforce belief in Hell and the eternity of its horrors. These stories are frightening—how could they be otherwise—and they are obviously intended to be by the writer. For his purpose is to awaken in his readers a profound realization of the reality of Hell and to create in them a firm purpose of mind and heart not to go there. To the many who are not motivated to be good by the love of God, the fear of Hell is a legitimate and usually efficacious and salutary motive—especially so when one considers Hell as exemplified in these true stories.Because this edition of Hell is expanded, with a new preface, three new appendices, and a Part II, called How to Avoid Hell, by Thomas A. Nelson, the impact of the book is much stronger than that of the original, which was written over 100 years ago, and which, nonetheless, is here printed complete and unabridged.The ultimate purpose of this book is, not to scare people, but to help them avoid damnation by reminding them of the reality and eternity of Hell and its incomprehensible sufferings and to demonstrate most forcefully that it is the certain fate of unrepentant mortal sinners to go there. Hell and How to Avoid Hell in combination in this one volume form a profoundly moving, fast-paced, thorough and overpowering presentation of Hell and how to avoid it that is destined to quicken many in their faith, to bring others back to God, and to help people find salvation.
God in the Dark: Through Grief and Beyond
Luci Shaw - 1989
Originally published: Grand Rapids, Mich.: Broadmoor Books, c1989.
Loci Theologici I
Martin Chemnitz - 1989
Drawing on Lutheran tradition, Chemnitz explores all the major theological categories, as well as topics such as the Trinity, creation, revenge, poverty, grace and justification, mortal and venial sin, and sacraments.
Farm Sermons
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1989
Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide.
Israelology: the Missing Link in Systematic Theology
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum - 1989
This groundbreaking study investigates four approaches to the theology of Israel Past, Present and Future, and scrutinizes beliefs that tend to confuse the identities of both Israel and the Church. The Biblical Evangelist called Israelology a "tremendous, masterful book... Amillennialism, postmillennialism and other forms of Covenant Theology go up in smoke under the withering blaze of biblical light Fruchtenbaum places on them
St Isaac of Nineveh on Ascetical Life
Isaac of Nineveh - 1989
St Isaac's monastic anthropology had a major influence on all of Byzantine spiritual literature.
New Testament Commentary Survey
D.A. Carson - 1989
Pastors, seminarians, and theology students will eagerly welcome this invaluable tool into their biblical studies libraries. In this succinct yet thorough survey, Carson examines sets, one-volume commentaries, and New Testament introductions and theologies, before offering extensive comments on the available offerings for each New Testament book, noting intended audience, levels of difficulty, and theological perspective. He records the publisher, price, and current publication status, identifies those texts he considers overpriced, and advises readers when to delay purchase for forthcoming works. The book concludes with a useful "Best Buys" section where Carson indicates the most valuable works for each individual New Testament book.
Life in the Son
Robert Shank - 1989
It is a book to be reckoned with by all serious students of the Bible."--from the Introduction by Dr. William W. Adams of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Internationally known among Bible scholars for his significant books in the field of biblical theology, Dr. Robert Shank here offers a penetrating study of all the pertinent New Testament Scriptures on the doctrine of perseverance. In doing so, he calls into question the popular doctrine of "eternal [unconditional] security."Are the proof passages used to support eternal security possibly misconstrued? Dr. Shank convincingly argues that the question confronting us is not, Is the believer secure? but rather, What does it mean to be a believer? If apostasy is an actual peril for every Christian, the Scriptural warning passages must be frankly accepted rather than interpreted into irrelevance or circumvented by theological hypothesis.
Why You Should Believe in the Trinity: An Answer to Jehovah's Witnesses
Robert M. Bowman Jr. - 1989
Assurance: How to Know You Are a Christian
J.C. Ryle - 1989
J.C. Ryle shows us that assurance is something every Christian should desire. There are steps we can take in our search for that goal; these are clearly marked out for us by Ryle. Do you know that you are part of God's family?
Explorations in Theology
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1989
Each focuses on a specific aspect of theology or spirituality and presents it with all the richness which comes from his immense erudition, but in a style that is directed and intelligible since few of these essays were intended for scholarly audiences. These volumes present a rare opportunity to experience Balthasar's synthetic and comprehensive treatment of major themes in theology without having to make one's way through much more extensive works which cover a much wider scope. These volumes will provide an excellent introduction to the thought of von Balthasar for those unfamiliar with him, and their chapters will focus on specific themes treated throughout his works for those who are familiar with him. An excellent overview of the writings and thought of one of the outstanding theologians of this century.
The Foundations of Christian Doctrine
Kevin J. Conner - 1989
Foundations of Christian Doctrine presents a simply-written explication of the great doctrines of the Christian faith for use in classroom instruction and personal study.
The Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan
John A. Hardon - 1989
Hardon has compiled an invaluable guide to books discussing what the Catholic Church is, what it believes, and what its great teachers have thought, felt and imagined. Father Hardon journeys through the centuries to find the authors he believes can be read for spiritual profit. In his appraisals of over a hundred writers, he considers pertinent biographical information, recommends favorites, and provides moving quotations from the books under discussion. This exceptional book is not just an anthology, but a planned program of self-education through systematic readings of the leading Catholic writers, from the Church Fathers to modern times. The selection will acquaint the reader with the ideas and ideals that have sustained the Catholic Church for over two thousand years.
The Messianic Passover Haggadah
Barry Rubin - 1989
Not only does this observance remind us of our rescue from Egyptian bondage, but, we remember Messiah's last supper, a Passover seder. The theme of redemption is seen throughout the evening. What's so unique about our Haggadah is the focus on Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah and his teaching, especially on his last night in the upper room. Now, we've included words and sheet music of the songs mentioned in the book and sung on Passover. Singing them will enrich your experience. Also, we've used the popular Complete Jewish Bible for translations where Scripture is quoted.
Liberation Theology: A Documentary History
Alfred T. Hennelly - 1989
We Don't Speak Great Things-- We Live Them!
Marcus Minucius Felix - 1989
These important writings give a lively insight into what the primitive Christians believed, and how they worshipped and lived. Among other things, these writings describe a typical early Christian Sunday service and an early Christian baptism.
Narrative Art in the Bible
Shimon Bar-Efrat - 1989
Many examples are provided to clarify the issues discussed as well as to shed fresh light on the narratives.
1844 Made Simple
Clifford Goldstein - 1989
In this book, Clifford Goldstein, best-selling author of The "Saving" of America, solves the maze f Daniel's prophecies. He reveals the truth about 1844 and the investigative judgment in stunning clarity and unashamed passion.1844 Made Simple is destined to be one of the most important books you, as a Christian awaiting the imminent return of Christ, will ever own. If you've wondered whether you'd ever get it all straightened out, look no further. The key to solving 1844's maze and becoming grounded in present truth is now in your hands.
The Sovereignty of God in Providence
John G. Reisinger - 1989
1. God has a definite plan and purpose for the world. 2. God is always in control of all things and is constantly at work in accomplishing his plan. 3. God controls and uses everyone, even the Devil, in working out his plan. 4. God punishes the people that he uses to accomplish his purposes when they act out of wrong motives. 5. All things are from God, but the devil is the agent of all evil. 6. Although all sickness and affliction are part of God's purpose and under his sovereign control, it does not follow that all sickness and affliction are necessarily chastisement for sin. It is essential to understand and believe these six principles in order to have a biblical understanding of either God himself or the theology of his sovereign grace. Grasping and applying these truths to your every day life is the foundation of biblical hope that leads to true joy in the Lord. It is difficult to have a reasonable, hopeful sense of security and heartfelt assurance while lving in our present-day, crazy world without a knowledge and appreciation of the sovereignty of God in providence embodied in these six biblical truths. Do you understand the message of hope and grace that is set forth in the Word of God, or do you have trouble putting it all together into one coherent system? Can you relate the truths of the Bible to your everyday life, or do the doctrines of Scripture seem unrelated to the real life situations of your personal world today? This booklet is written for the express purpose of giving you clear and specific help in these two areas. It is designed to help you understand what the Bible really says and means, and to apply that message to the real life situations you must face in your personal world.
Life of Joy: An Exposition of Philippians 1 and 2
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1989
In his own inimitable style the author deftly weaves exegetical and theological insights with practical applications.
The Holy Eucharist from the New Testament to Pope John Paul II
Aidan Nichols - 1989
Martin Luther: The Best from All His Works (Christian Classics Collection, Vol 7)
Martin Luther - 1989
Christian Meditation
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1989
In a treatment that is both fresh and profound, Balthasar describes the central elements of all Christian meditation, provides a guide for making the meditation and then points the way to the union that prayer achieves in the footsteps of Mary, within the Church and in and for the world. "Consequently, Christian meditation is entirely trinitarian and at the same time entirely human. In order to find God, no one need reject being human personally or socially, but in order to find God all must see the world and themselves in the Holy Spirit as they are in God's sight." - Hans Urs von Balthasar
A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica: 4 Volumes
John Lightfoot - 1989
This edition is reprinted from the 1859 English edition, with a more recent introduction by R. Laird Harris, Professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary.
The God of Life
Gustavo Gutiérrez - 1989
Who is God? Where is God? How are we to speak of God? Gutierrez looks at these classic questions through a review of the Bible, and his answers challenge all Christians to a deepening of faith.
An Introduction to Wesleyan Theology
William M. Greathouse - 1989
An excellent resource for those who desire to understand the Wesleyan tradition. Paper.
Heart of the Redeemer: An Apologia for the Contemporary and Perennial Value of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Timothy T. O'Donnell - 1989
The book also includes photographs illustrating the development of the devotion. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is intimately linked to our response in love to the Eucharistic Christ. It lies at the core of Catholic spiritual life and is the key to effective renewal of individuals, the Church and the world. For those who haven't yet lived this devotionor who want to understand and live it more fullythey will discover its richness and beauty in Heart of the Redeemer. Years of careful research have produced a one volume synthesis of how the devotion to the Heart of Jesus has developed over the centuries. The result is a moving overview of how the love for Jesus Christ has grown in the hearts of the faithful from Calvary to the present day.
Christian Belief in a Postmodern World
Diogenes Allen - 1989
Diogenes Allen shows how Christian belief is now being supported by scientific and philosophical principles--perhaps for the first time in 300 years.
The Works of John Wesley Volume 7: A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People Called Methodists
John Wesley - 1989
As the culmination of a lengthy process of preparing a 'general hymn-book, ' he selected the 525 hymns presented here from more than fifty hymnbooks published during the preceding forty-three years. It was very distinctly Methodist in character. The arrangement of the hymns was carefully designed to reflect the Wesleyan concept of the way of salvation and the pattern of Christian experience
Doctrinal Integrity
Samuel Miller - 1989
The Thomas Factor: The Key to Believing When You Cannot Find an Answer
Winkie Pratney - 1989
The Actuality of Atonement: A Study of Metaphor, Rationality and the Christian Tradition
Colin E. Gunton - 1989
He explains how the traditional metaphors of Atonement, drawn from the battlefield, the altar and the law courts, all express something of the meaning of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus—and examines their bearing on human life in today's world.
The Church and Cultures: New Perspectives in Missiological Anthropology
Louis J. Luzbetak - 1989
Luzbetak began to answer this question twenty-five years ago with the publication of The Church and Cultures: An Applied Anthropology for the Religious Worker. Reprinted six times and translated into five languages, it became an undisputed classic in the field. Now, by popular demand, Luzbetak has thoroughly rewritten his work, completely updating it in light of contemporary anthropological and missiological thought and in face of current world conditions. Serving as a handbook for a culturally sensitive ministry and witness, The Church and Cultures introduces the non-anthropologist to a wealth of scientific knowledge directly relevant to pastoral work, religious education social action and liturgy - in fact, to all forms of missionary activity in the church. It focuses on a burning theological issue: that of contextualization, the process by which a local church integrates its understanding of the Gospel (text) with the local culture (context).
What Should We Think of the Carnal Christian?
Ernest C. Reisinger - 1989
The nature and effects of true conversion.
Eagle Christian:
Kenneth Price - 1989
It has taken over four years of study, countless hours and thousands of miles of travel. It is to my knowledge the only book of its kind in existence today.
Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work
Thomas Merton - 1989
This posthumously published book is a collection of prefaces that Merton wrote for international editions of his books, which often give insight as he looks back with the advantage of hindsight. Merton suggests that the major message in his books is that "the contemplative life applies wherever there is life."
They Bore the Wounds of Christ: The Mystery of the Sacred Stigmata
Michael Freze - 1989
He brings together the teachings of the Magisterium, Sacred Scripture, Doctors of the Church, and writings of the saints from the beginning of Christendom to the present era. Included in this work are: a lengthy discourse on the meaning of suffering, a brief history of Mariology, numerous extraordinary mystical gifts, biographies of twenty-five stigmatists, a comprehensive glossary, dozens of rare photographs and a two-part indexing system.
Love the Animals: Meditations and Prayers
Andrew Linzey - 1989
Lewis, this new anthology of writings by Christians on the condition and rights of animals is a helpful and timely introduction that will appeal to general readers interested in animal welfare as well as activists and students of religion.
The Sower's Seeds: One Hundred Inspiring Stories for Preaching, Teaching, and Public Speaking
Brian Cavanaugh - 1989
What makes these volumes so valuable is that they are exhaustively indexed by theme, making them an instant guide for anyone who wants to illustrate a point, or enjoy them simply for their wisdom and inspiration.
From Plight to Solution
Frank Thielman - 1989
I attempt to argue, below, however, that the failure of this method in the hands of Montefiore, Schweitzer, and others was due to an underestimation of the complex nature of first-century Judaism. When the Judaisms of late antiquity are allowed a voice in the debate on Paul, Paul appears as less a renegade than a reformer. . . . ""The argument below must not be taken to conclude that there was no discontinuity between Paul and Judaism. It is only an attempt to show that in his basic attitude toward the law Paul stands in continuity with parts of the Hebrew scriptures and with many Jewish contemporaries."" --from the Preface Frank Thielman is professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School of Samford University where he has taught New Testament for nearly twenty years. He is the author, among other books, of Paul and the Law: A Contextual Approach, The Law and the New Testament: The Question of Continuity, and Theology of the New Testament: A Canonical and Synthetic Approach.
Jesus, Rabbi and Lord: The Hebrew Story of Jesus Behind Our Gospels
Robert L. Lindsey - 1989
The Secret
Bill Bright - 1989
The secret? Learning to draw upon the purpose, power and guidance provided by God's Holy Spirit.
Faith on Earth: An Inquiry into the Structure of Human Faith
H. Richard Niebuhr - 1989
Richard Niebuhr, one of the leading American theologians of this century. Edited by the author’s son, this powerful and moving book represents Niebuhr’s most accessible, systematic, and detailed statement on faith.
Free Choice In Saint Maximus The Confessor
Joseph P. Farrell - 1989
The Beast of Revelation
Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. - 1989
Gentry's scholarly skills are evidenced in this fascinating book. Who is the mysterious person behind the number 666? Who is the Beast who has perplexed and evaded prophecy students for 2,000 years? The reader will quickly learn that the Bible does interpret itself. Gentry employs this method throughout the book and exhibits its rational and illuminating effects page after page. If you are weary of the hype over the identity of the Beast and the plethora of theories that border on the nonsensical, then you are in for a most refreshing read.
When the Church Was Young
Ernest Loosley - 1989
This book reveals that the early church existed, even thrived with only the Holy Spirit guiding her. No formal programs . . . each day was different. No paid clergy . . . the brothers and sisters shared Christ.For you who desire a return to the simplicity and joy of meeting with others under the headship of Christ . . . you will want to read When the Church Was Young.
A New Concordance of the Old Testament: Thesaurus of the Language of the Bible Hebrew and Aramaic Roots, Words, Proper Names, Phrases and Synonyms
Abraham Even-Shoshan - 1989
Faith on the Edge: Religion and Marginalized Existence
Leonardo Boff - 1989
John Wesley on Religious Affections: His Views on Experience and Emotion and Their Role in the Christian Life and Theology
Gregory S. Clapper - 1989
Deity and Domination: Images of God and the State in the 19th and 20th Centuries
David Nicholls - 1989
But how are they connected? Many popular images of God - King, Lord, and Judge - are essentially political, while concepts of might, majesty, dominion, and power are used of both God and the state. This ambitious and original work explores the relations between these images and their political context through the analogy between divine and civil government, and considers what images of God may legitimately be employed by Christians in the twentieth century. David Nicholls suggests that religious conceptions have often affected political thinking - theological rhetoric, child of political experience, may also be mother of political change. Drawing upon politics, theology, history, sociology, anthropology, and literary criticism, this important new book will be essential reading for all concerned with the relation between Christianity and politics.
Wesley On Salvation: A Study In The Standard Sermons
Kenneth J. Collins - 1989
All One Body Why Don't We Agree?
Erwin W. Lutzer - 1989
Biblical Hermeneutics And Black Theology In South Africa
Itumeleng J. Mosala - 1989
The Bible and Birth Control
Charles D. Provan - 1989
People who do not like children are swine, dunces, and blockheads, not worthy to be called men and women, because they despise the blessing of God, the Creator and Author of marriage" (Christian History, Issue 39, p. 24).Luther also said that birth control was the equivalent of sodomy (probably because of the likeness between homosexual wickedness and impotent sex).John Calvin declared that birth control was the murder of future persons and the Synod of Dort issued a Bible commentary which stated that contraception was the same as abortion.If you are shocked by the strong statements from these Godly men, that really is not too surprising, because Protestant opposition to birth control has largely been forgotten in our decadent 21st century.If you want to know about Biblical principles which oppose contraception, or wish to know what the Reformers and their heirs thought about this important subject, we certainly hope that you will get this book!
A Passionate Commitment: Recapturing Your Sense of Purpose
Crawford W. Loritts Jr. - 1989
We are doing the right things. So why do we feel so empty? Although Jesus promised His followers an abundant life, many Christians struggle with a lack of purpose, fulfillment, and zeal. Underneath all of their Christian activity, they feel cold, and at times confused about the place and prominence of Jesus Christ in their inner lives. The problem, according to Crawford Loritts, is that we've lost our sense of purpose. While we may have a general sense of direction, we have assumed that somehow we can work out the details or that everything will just fall into place. While we outwardly conform to what we say we believe, we privately confess that we know God wants and deserves more from us. A Passionate Commitment will help you understand God's purpose for your life by challenging the things the world teaches you to hold dear. Crawford Loritts will help you revive your passionate commitment to the God of the universe.
The Living God: A Catechism for the Christian Faith
Olivier Clément - 1989
Originally written in French as a catechism for the family, thisEnglish edition provides a simple way to explain or understand thesources of the Church s revelation. A seeker poses questions,representing those of many believers, and a sage answers,articulating the Church s explanation to those questions. Volume I contains the period from the Creation through the Resurrectionof Christ. Volume II begins with the feast of Ascension, continuesthrough the Book of Revelation, and concludes with the Sacraments ofPrayer in the life of the Church. Both volumes are illustrated withmusical examples and color and monochrome reproductions of icons. Recommended in Seton Home Study Grade 10 Author: M. Olivier Clement (Author) and Olga Dunlap (Translator) Format: 2 volumes, paperback, 472 pages Publisher: St. Vladimir s Seminary Press ISBN: 9780881410402
Columbanus in his Own Words
Columbanus - 1989
Poet, scholar, abbot, preacher, saint, co-founder of western monasticism, associate of kings, correspondent of popes - he was at the center of controversy in his own day and has gone on generating argument ever since. His writings are more than the legacy of history, they include a wealth of spirituality that cannot fail to inspire and encourage.